Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Dec 1883, p. 4

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OBITUARY - Scarcely had this neighborhood ceased lamenting the sudden and unexpected death of Miss Hannah Thompson by the lightning stroke than another in the family is visited by the angel of death, and one of the inmates summoned to the world of spirits. On the 4th of October Mr. Jas. Cornfield's daughter, Fanny, was called to exchange time for eternity. A little over a year before her death, she had an attack of inflammatory rheumatism form which she never fully recovered. All that kind hearts could suggest and willing hands could do was done to remove the disease, but of no avail. Fanny possessed a quiet, genial disposition to all, and was beloved by the young people; and being brought up under the care of a godly mother, was doubtless early impressed with the reality there is in the religion of Jesus. She passed away peacefully from the toils and trials of earth to enjoy the rest of Heaven. How admonitory to the young people of the neighborhood to be also ready, "for in such an hour as they know not, the Son of Man cometh." Rev. Thos. Grandy A YOllt M itsi i:ir- TIO.XS. T H V, A T\ V A N f! V, Now is the time to renew your sub- H* sciiptious to the AIAAMK tor 1HHI, ( By doing so promptly, you will lu-!|> ; us to turn out a tatter paper, and you 1 will thru have it to .-.i\ your paper is J.RFawcett. Editor. FLBSHBRTON: THURSDAY. DEC. 20. 1888. THE IHFFEKEM L. When some poor unfortunate, who can scarcely provide his family with Jg8 fts wei , the common necessaries of life, is driven by very desperation to steal a fish, or a piece of meat, or a loaf of bread, to keep them from starving, society stands aghast, and the poor beggar is at once subjected to the most scathing denunciations. Ho is . . t > DIIIVU lllf&b TIC T. 1 I 1 !'.>< ..-'nil..- .... put down to the very lowest notch m Jouc ^ mak( , itwonliv their comiuuod the social scale, and looked upon as a , gul)1X}rt criminal. No mercy is shown him by paid for a year head, and tieud have no fear of our printer's devil. \Ye have done our best, with the iiu-ans at oar command, to jrive mir readers a first-class local aud family and from tht> number who have their subscriptions for from the opinions ex- pressed by many of our subscribers, we are convinced onr efforts are not unappreciated. We feel thankful for the many kind wishes expressed for the continued prosperity of the AD- VANCE, and our rt-aders may rest as- sured that we will leave uothiii^' un the law or by society. Bat when some bank president, or an official who has held a position of great trust and responsibility, absconds with thirty, or forty, or a hundred thousand dollars, society winks at the greater crime, and the movements of tin 1 " mihty arm" of the Law are very B' u-xi-h in U e I. Perhaps the " mighty arm " is paralyzed at the magnitude of the offence. The bank president, the cashier, or official, as the case may be, enormous sums of money, and Although giving a general summary, from w-i-k to week, of important events occurring outside the County, our aim will be to make the ADVANCE a lire, koine paper. And to this end, it is our intention to devote more space to local and district news, in the tho relJK- tl uwav pc'iieetully U-'Ulil to I'llJltJ nitmy tu the ytiuug people of the neiuhboi-luHid t" b'ulao "fully, "fur in sncli in hour an they know nut, thu .Sun nf Mini cmnoth." RKV. THOU. GKAKUI. I.eitt-r I'ro.-n Mr. TUoiu K. IHoorr. To the Kilt-* uf Th . I /.- i..o DBAB Sin, A Him- nu>, through thu mediuui nf your valuable |ir, t" inform my friends anil old neiulibont in t!i uf tiruy, what uiv impiviwii'in aro about tlii- Vtc t, or bunch k^rua* country. Wo arrived here un thc 17th Sovem- IK.T, making thu trip from in nine days. We found tlm ttiwn (S|>okaiia Falla) u lively pluce n'mut the size of O.u-n Sound, and . i Iv fuor roan old ! The country around here, f.>r n\> 'lit bin nidus, is nothing hut Fuek and gntval with smill ml 1'iiif tun 'IT. T'i tlif N'lith and We t of thin is t li.- givat S,>.iii:i [dam, and oin- tli S.tvit!i Eu>t \\at t!u- Snake Uiver plain. On tho IK'S! of grain. and vuKetubluaof are ruiaud ; and they (tho plaiiin) are rap- idly tillnit.' up with |iros|iurtius settlor*. li"i -tes ffed on tin' Ininch ttrasn the year round, and i- ittlr, with little oare. Inlhifi market tlieru ia thu beat in I ever aaw. society dubs him with the polite title of ilf.tultcr. This illustrates very fircibly the comprehensiveness of the English language. The man who, tl rough the force of adverse circum- stances, steals a paltry fish, worth from ten to twenty cents, is called a tkief and vagabond ; while the official who steals his tens of thousands of dollars, and brings ruin and distress to hundreds of homes, and " makes over " all his property and money to his wife, is called a Jr/aulttr t What ia looked upon as a heinous crime when committed by one individual, is looked upon as a " natural circum- stance " when committed by another. Very "even-handed justice " this I This reminds us of a peculiar circumstance in connection with the publication of articles, anent certain crimes against morality, in city and country papers. Scarcely a day passes in which the columns of our city dailies and weeklies do not teem with articles headed. "Horrible (Jot- rage on a Little Girl," and all other kinds of sensational heading.*. These articles tell of fearful deeds committed in broad day-light, or under the black mantle of night; in the shuns of the city, or on some public high-way, or in some lonely place where none but tie all-seeing .eye of God could possibly at-e tht perpetration of the damnable deed. Here a yonng girl, only seventeen years) cf age, it found on the road-side, in a lonely place ; her hair matud with dirt, IcaTes of the forcut, and blood ; blood on her hands, blood on the leaves, and all the signs of a violent struggle for the possession of her woman's dearest treasure. She is found laying on her Lack, her clothes torn aad soiled, and her throat cut dead I A little girl, only 10 years of age is found in al- most a similar position, with this difference, life is not yet extinct, hue ia carried home to her heart-broken parents, but only lives a few hours. And so, day after day, we read of aiuiiliar tragedies in the daily paporn, and |aro shocked, more or IH.S, to think what a large number of wicked people there must be in the world. Dut we do not say thene papers aro not fit to come into a family because future, than we have done in the past. Ml'XlTIPAL. Municipal matters arc still very quiet in Artemesia. The Nominations will take plnce in the Town Hall, Flcsherton, on Monday, Deo, 31st i inst., and then we shall know for a gnus beef aud NEW- Fa!! and ftfiater FOR 1883-4. R a J, Sproule, FLESHEUTON, Whilst tendering sincere thanks for the large patronage received in tVe pat. begs to anuounei the ani\ul of an 1MMKN>K STOCK of Fall and \\iuter Goods. HavuiK entered the market and plueed orders wl.en prices -..-crt at their lowest point, 1 am now prepared to give the very best value posibly u> be got, to uiy patrons. My lar^'t' utock of T~a<li*8 Mitle and OorKOtw i* something imnuiisu, and for (Duality, Style, uud Cheapness, far surputmes any 1:1111^ rvrr shown in this part of the country. In order to be prepared for my large and steadily increasing btibineas, 1 have pluceil lai x<-' oiders, thereby getting goods at the lowest possible price* ; aud i<, In,' t.i it it i* mutually beuetk-iul to work as much us possible on * Tim ,-hu-f 1, H.l-.ut: m.lo. bouth- , c , b , , , .,, u pnrclwHor t i, e | ar xc additional pniliu thai wt from Nt-w Wostiiiiiiisu<r, and !-. , -,, ,, must M put on to cover losses. 1 will sell goods at the closest possible prict* to cash u;ul prompt paying customers. Eiwt null's South of tilt- houiiilun lino U-Uvrii Hntiah Columbia Mid \\ .Lu.iton Tt 1 1 1 tory. The cliumtu m inililcoiii|>arfd with Ontario. Ploughing usually communce* in the middle of March, and t .in be |n .- I.HI rt'.l until Ducemlier. Kgiritigand Kail Wheat can In.- cultivated here to peKuct- iun. All the host (tovutnmcnt land ii taken anil H L'IM.I it. il of tho r.tilwttv land ia claimed. Within 30 luilei t>f here, uut- ide uf that nn.v. Inith )!iivoriiinunt and railway l.uul e.m IK li.ul ; but goud claiuia can belhiut;ht chtiap ni-irh'.-ie. certainty who are to be the candidates j ThuCoidelanuiiuld m ucaaru attntctinif i'iiiiidiTllii Htti'iiti'tn In if. Thuv are ;ii"ut l.'.'i H t'> the Sutli ..f for 1884. We are still of opinion, however, that the Reeve and the Councillors for Wards 1 aud 3 will be elected by acclamation. Tin n is likely to b oppoaition iu Wards 2 and 4. The gentlemen who intend to be candidates should send in their cards, announcing the fact, to the ADVANCE, and let the public know what they will do, if elected. Uf course we are aware, candidates in the main, have rather stretchy conscience just before an election, and do nut always perform what they promise. Now, if they announce their intention through i hero fur autivu o]n!rationt there in tho Tiiiien are dull here fur lahoren, but good tntdraiin n are HI demand at 94.00 per day. Hoard i !?"> pur weuk Servant girla nr in demand i*t from $4 to |ti pur week, \\lieit l 7-> iviitu [NT Imnhel, < >at OH cents, and Iturify TO cents, lint ter U 50 cents per 16. Kipp 4O cent* |.-r dozen, Iluefataak it 10 to 15 cnU per Ib. Hnrmw are from |8O to |I25 tch ; Cnwa f:tt) tti JW) each. Hav 8^' to 'J2 pur ton; I)i it-tl Hitlca from 9- to ffi Pin-h. I am afraid I am tresjtauiug too much TH ADVANCE, you can keep a fyle of " >"" r *-Alunble pac. At ome ,.tln-r the paper containing such, and if they do not toe the mark, you can refer to your fylcs and have them, literally speaking, " in a box." Send in your cards, gentlemen. In Osprey, municipal matters are unusually quiet. \Ve have heard nothing new since our last issue, con- cerning would-be Councillor*, but think there will be the full quota of candidates. There aro five polling subdivisions in the Township, and the Reevt a anl Councillors are elected by a vote of all the ratepayers in the Township. Where Townships are divided into polling subdivisions in this way, the elections aro usually very lively. We understand that Mr, J. J. Middlctou will be a candidate for the Uceveship of Proton. There is no doubt, but that such an experienced municipal man as Middlcton will be elected. He is the best man in the Township for the position. Nothing new from other neighboring Township*, other than what is chron- icled in our " This & That" column. time I will write you another letter, if you wiah. THOS. II. MOORK. Nov. 24th, 1883. A C'r FOR SORE THROAT. Mm. Wm Allen, of Acton, )'i-k highly of llat;- yard'n Yellow Oil an a IUMI-I ln.M r. mrdy for cnlila, noro titT neck, rroup, etc., M well a* for bunm, ik.ild, and I'tlii-r injurie* uf cuniuiua ucturuDM) in f\ TV f .mil! V. IN GROCERIES my stock it largo and complete and of the choicest quality and will be sold at Frozen (ii^in 1'rices, which please note, 14 Mi*- S'ood Preserving tiejiricil Sugar for 1-00- i! AA.v dnml J"n-\fi i'oiitig Hi/son Ti'tt for $1 00- . I notlier lut ot tint! ja nioit* Japan 'lea. J//>*. for90c. Another lot Long Cli-ur Hom-lcsti f*imn- IJfff* per lb- Everything else correspondingly Cheap. Bo;ts and Shoes for thc .Million ! DOWN, DOWN TO ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. JUST RECEIVED: A CAR OP PRIME SALT 1 both in Bbls., and best Daisy Liverpool Salt, for Butter, in hags. .... The Highest Market Price paid at all times for all kinds of Farm Produce also Butter and Eggs. R. J. SPROULE. A call is respectfully solieitul. - - FLESHERTOtf. they expose to morality O'Donnell, the murderer of Carey, the informer, was hung on Mondny morning. He exhibited great linn ness to the last. Great efforts were put forth to obtain a reprieve for him, by many powerful friends. Victor Hugo, the celebrated French novelist and politician, wrote a letter to Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, concerning EXECUTORS' NOTICE I To THK. ruKiimms OF JAS. THOMPSON. Nntlra ! h(treb> ulven ttmt. tin rr<ht<>r- nf .In -ii. - Tli.>iii|. m. lute of the Titwnliip uf Art iii*ia, in tlif Ciiunu f <iu\ f Hrnn-r, who i(i-'t till nrtlnut thf 4th tUy tit April. V H IN it the t tin' uiii Tuwntblp uf Ai ti'intia iii. . un or be- f "i . the TKj\ 111 Dn // nf JANUARY next, to Hi- in! to etthor of the mitlnmUcnM Kziou- t"r- nt Klf-ti rt.m, tli<-iri'hrlniu and Huriiainee A4t.lrtito en.! tlenorlpt ti>ti4. tlic full partU-ulftn nf tbt'ir cUlin*. * ntnti'ini-nt nf tliflr n.-rniiiiln ant) the nature of llit-ir uprtirttlcn i tf HTH holtl by tin in After the Mid Fourth 'tin of latn.arf in -it tlii. <.i'l Kiwiltorn wilMI-triluiU) the wiiwU of tht. |tl J*mr* Thoinmtm. Kiaungitt tho |>r- tit- .mil'. -I thiTt-io. tiKTinu nwonl only to nurh rlniui* u the Mkl'l KxocuUin hll Ilifn livo no- tire of . Tbl* not tiro U firm In pnunce dl Cri*n. lie s. . .14. K S. 0. liUxl at Klnborton thi llth (Ujr of Prccmbor Mft (Signed) ISAAC HINrl.AIR. WILLIAM Hit.]. WM. "STRAI N'S -FOR- SPEIGHT WAGGONS AUUICILTIRAL - IMPLEMENTS SEWING MACHINES &c. Repairs kept constantly on band. Sewing machine oils iu stock Also Stoves, &a, for sale. WM. STRAIN, - - FLESHERTON. Cme Into th premti- of the tuNm-iber, Lot S, Con 4, Kui>br*la. mmm time In October, t vfti !tii Hotfer. Owner cn have tht* Mine by |ir.ninKpr<'|Mirty ui<l imvlnu i-li>onii A|i|i|y at TIIK Ai>v AM K Office, or Ui Andrew Wlrkeni. 0. theM terribk outrages tli* ma'tter", and tho Yankee Govern- and decency. On the|inont made strcuuonfl efforts to save esMera them ail tb contrary, we more for ii. Hut let us reverse the picture., and suppose that an individual is guilty of an immoral act in a rural community. Tho local paper, intent on " sitting down " on outrages to>dcenry, reports the case -but reports H in a very mild tone, as compared with tin- city paper. Such occurrences not being so com- mon in rural districts, the local paper has fewer caaoa to report, aud exor- cises far more caution than would a paper reporting such cases every week or day. Bat it does not matter now mildly the country Editor reporti mich canes, there is always a alas* U> hi found who will express themselves j as being terribly shocked at his plain- ntu, aud wont of delicacy, and Bay hia paper is not lit to come into a ln neck from the halter but all with- out avail. British justice is not Yankee justice, l>v any means; the old eagle may scream itself hoarse, and flap its wings to piecea, but sturdy John Bull -will continue to pursue the even tenor of his way, calmly, cooly, and uninfluenced by all the hot-heads ofYankcedom, who have ever trod tbo floors of Congress. family ! Now, constitutes the what under the in Obituary. Scarcely had thii neighborhood cMeil lamenting the ludden and unexpected death of Miaa Hannah Thompaon by the lightrung atroka than inmtliur family ia VLSI tnl by the angel of death, and one of ita ininatira auinmDed to the world of spirit*, i hi the 4th of October Mr. Jaa. Cornfield ' daughter, Fanny, wu called to exchange time for eternity. A little oref a year before hor death, ahe had an Bun attack of inflammatory rheuioatiam fimii of which sKe All never fully, recovered, this kind ; aud why are city papers that kind hearta could raggect and will- allowed to go " Scot fre" (of criti- !"8 hanii. could do wa done ta remove cism ) while the country paper ia vcri'ly censured, and accused of se- of dflicaty, when both are (fuilty of the diicaacr, bat of no avail. Fanny p<- aoawed a quiet, geniid disposition to all, and wu belovM by the yourm people ; and being brought up under the cure of a offeocoa {"!} although the gtxlly mother, wwdoiibtleu early impraa. Lout! Htrayod from the premium of the mibucriber, (nit !. < .n. 4, Oiprey, lume tttne lait nuiuuier, a white HeiftT r.muui: 2 year old. Any|>raou glv- inii information that will It-iul to iu reoovery. will Iw paid ft'r thuir trouble. Dm. 15th. 1HBB. J. \\ HnlKiStiN. Mrs..R. G. Trimble Wlnhee to thank her numarouH cunUimen for pant patreMtfn. an I hnn* In futuru to retain their rimtom In DRESS-MAKING! Wm. Clayton BOOT & SHOEMAKER ! Thankful for past favors, has always a stock of BOOTS & SHOES on hand to supply his cus- tomers with. CUSTOM WORK MADS TO ORDER, jar Repairing Promptly Executed..** Durham St., - - - Flesherton. THE MARKETS contain, a AI.SU- FLESHERTON. Flour ..................... $5 00 to 6 _ NEW STRAW * FELT HATS!\ Fall Wheat $0 76 to 1 Dyed. Cleantd or Done Over In any mhape. r*.I.t*t Btylei Baiaar PmtUirnn for naJe. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, rUISHEETON, .... OUT. Wheat 75 Barley 40 Oats 26 Peas 58 Butter 15 KKRB, fresh 20 Potatoes 85 Pork 4 6O lHay.perton 750 I Hides 6 00 Wool 18 Sheepskins 40 Geese 06 Ducks, per brace.... .. 40 Chickens, per brace... . 25 ."id Cro-Brd Mm*rrann Olrtl, llic . . hAnltcst ami nu*t prulific of Whcati;OUv- " land') Rural Ntw Vorko'" P. thc 1 5 wiiinatt* of wKich tay h would not tell ^ -, hr Mtx> f... ^u.i.. a utiMirl, Tha "Ruml" U U& Union Corn, j yr.n Mltction fmn thrc- fl 9H ^' n< **l ANwn*yof great promiit; Honford'i Market Garden Paa ; Black Champion 65.Oatt, A selection from many foreign varirti. ,; Th* "Rural" Garden Treasure, enouuh a unall girtirn of the choirtt Annuals 22 40 00 on 20! 75 00 60 30 ., Biennial* and 1'erenniaU ; Toma>toaa a mixed packet c.f all the new kimli. Te "Rf.l ciilturil J'Hitn*! ,. ttit nmt thf Lnlud Sllr>. Il I Dutt ud _ i i Th Rural New Yorker to th< id of t!8 <t Tht Weikly Mail to ike end of and The Rural S*cd ALL FOR $2.76 Adtlr*** ail ordert to TH MAIL. ' .

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