the tribune stouffville ont thursday march ml these classified advs your home market place personal husbands wives want pep t thousands of couples weak wornout because- body lacks iron get vim vitality taking ostrex tonic tablets introductory size only 80c all druggists attention art you lucking for an oppor tunity to earn ciy money you may do so by phoning jim thorns markham 337j1 or stouffville 13312 day or nigbt concerning an accident lire burglary or any unusual story or incident all calls must be made immediately and payment mill lie awarded according to importance if hay grain live stock seed oats for sale beaver j 24 pigs for sale 7 weeks old clinton varieties edgevale t ph 66011 stouffville farms phone stouffville i 67910 47tf mixed hay for sale good quality wire tied bales h kennedy phone uxbrldge 151r22 439 for sale quantity of clin ton seed oats treated seed clifford winger gormley 462 miscellaneous transportation available daily to toronto leaving bal lantrae 630 am victoria square 645 am arriving college spadlna 74 5 am leaving 5 pm ph stouffville 63106 have youk chimney fire place or furnace expertly cleaned we use modern va cuum equipment no fuss muss or dust harry j dza- vala ph 60313 sto 4317 seed corn funks g hy brids order now some variet- las still available clifford l winger phone stouffville 61509 162 stack of mixed hay for sale l g rowe ph stouffville 64603 46tf feed cabbage for sale also a building is x 12 ft and fence posts and fence rails ph 66907 stouffville walter vague- 462 red clover timothy seed for sale not mixed r wil liams ph 65s07 stouffville horses for sale team reg istered percheron mares john timbers ph stouff 60609 fob sale 10 good pigs s weeks old s a stouffer ph 64706 for sale shorthorn cow 6 years old springer everett hockley phoue claremont 33909 budgies excellent talkin strain beautiful colors young hens 4 males 10 mrs s h allen ph unionville s9j 43 team of horses for sale quiet dependable s and 11 years old j mann ph 67s03 stouffville for sale seed grain car- tier oats and oac no 21 barley mixed leonard bril- linger ph 60s14 radios any make or model repaired fast service pickup and deliver call mel stouff ville 60713 30tf hairdressing icita obrien coldwav1ng hair styling 2nd concession uxbrldgo at glnsgow 418 phone 00011 stoiifivillo carpenter work all kinds of carpenter work new build ings repairs or alterations eavestroughlng and cement work les ogden stouffville ph 65s27 17tf if you wish your pork or beef killed cured and pro cessed ready to cook or btored without pain to them or you just call 12tf boheltas meat market ltd stouffville pi 220 will pick up and deliver seed soy beans for sale earlv maturing flambeau var iety john reesor ph stouff ville 65211 for sale seed barley mont calm variety excellent sample also a quantity of hay string bales apply to frank gostlck claremont rr2 ph 33004 seed for sale foundation a potatoes sebago katah- dln aud chippewa registered or commercial oats erban abegweit and laraln ralph veitch uxbrldge 473 registered hereford bull for sale rlngwood beau zento 17th no 257541 also a grade hereford bull edgevale farms phone 67910 stouff ville 472 team for sale black perch eron mares exceptionally line pair also set of breeching harness at the boy timlall auction sale lot 22 rear con 9 pickering today thursday mar 26 baby chicks 4110 day old or started feb or later delivery white leghorns new hampshire or sussex x hamp cross pullets or mixed chicks bred and hatched on our own farm bloodtested for both types of pullorum wilsons poultry farm milliken agincourt 351v2 for sale sweet clover and timothy seed not mixed cleaned with govt seed clean ing machine ph markham 74wll john quinlan stouff ville rri real estate wk do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3501 49tf piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhard- helntz- man phone farrs radio electric stouffville 800 22tf all orders promptly attended to filing and repair shop i inn prepared to sharpen and repair all types of saws also lawn mowers nnd scissors the shop is located at the rear of the stouffville library isaac smith stouffville ph evenings 01810 464 electrical wiring installation service repairs leslie leonard ph 38wl stouffville 12tf albert lageer wood choice hardwood iminedlnte delivery claremont 30316 30tf mount albert 4120 for sale 2 lots 6g ft fron tage ph 40 jl stouff 462 for rent 4room semi detached house with basement ph 30406 claremont 2 lots for sale 92 ft frontage apply po box 239 stouffville cliff morgason 472 7- acres of land for sale on aurora sideroad near ballan- trae good well no buildings herb mitchell ballantrae lots available soon new park rd subdivision mort gages arranged with low down payment ph russ for far 15sj 472 your egg supplies for ris ing markets depend on fresh young stock bray has day- old chicks in a variety breeds and crosses for prompt ship ment limited quantity start ed look forward and see youve enough prices etc agent fred wise richmond hill wanted wanted 50 acres of pasture land walter gray ph 60302 wanted to rent 1 room for light housekeeping apply box l stouffville tribune wanted loan of 5000 same to be secured by first mortgage bearing 6 interest box w co the tribune wanted pasture for 18 to 25 head of cattle r forsyth phone 30s06 claremont for sale building lot 60x 140 in new subdivision near business section water and hydro and cellar drain avail able price 500 ph 33w4 j s sanders for sale old sales arena ideal for implement shed chicken pen or pig pen 2x4 2x6 2x8 truss construction 160 ft x 30 ft roller doors on one end will sell in sections russ forfar ph 158j for sale property belonging to the estate of the late al bert mantle claremont about s acres of land springfed creek barn hen houses etc six roomed house furnace bath hardwood floors pos session april 1st price 8000 ph 23 wl mrs n sanderson claremont ont 472 electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h mlddlcmlss 16tf phono 367 stouffville ken ogdens garage ballantrae all makes of 22tf tractors cars repaired phono stouffville 00024 washing machines all makes repaired and serviced good supply of new used machines always on hand we are exclusive beatty dealers for new washing machines ironers dryers etc c h bell son phone stouffville 2slw breeder hatchery canadian approved chicks for 1051 fast feathering barred books for layer- capons production large sc white leghorns for layers fryers choke selected columbians or layers capon broilers extra quality leghorn x rock for iaver jt broiler columbian x red 3612 michells poultry farm clmnobl ont ph murk 306 6room frame bungalow ex tremely well located right in stouffville every convenience good garage low taxes full price 9500 with reasonable terms fully furnished modern cottage consisting of large living room kitchen with builtin cupboards good sized bedrooms all nicely decorated this lovely cottage is situa ted on a large heavilywood ed lot with a beautiful stream running the full length of the property for privacy comfort and lovely pageantry this summertime retreat cannot be excelled only a few minutes drive from stouffville priced right we have a very comprehensive listing of residential business and farm properties inquir ies cordially invited ts ii greenwood heal estate phone 212w marklmin or pickering miv3 highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph clare 55v3 36tf wanted to buy all kinds of live poultry best cash prices paid call mr m nash stouffville 62804 31tf 15 discount on 5500 first mortgage bearing interest at 6 repayable 180 quarter- yearly due in five years s5 discount ph 21 2w markham highest prices paid for old cars and trucks for wreck ing also scrap iron auto rads and batteries stouffville auto wreckers stouffer street ph 66wl 26tf dead stock dead and crippled farm animals re moved promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect to stouffville 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd tf chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm a household guaranteed repairs on all makes phone king 2dr3 stf 21 hour service anywhere dead stock crippled stock speedily removed telephone collect stourtville 74j2 j it a x xeit rendering toronto ly 0237 we are unable to pick np animals under 200 lb tf a permanent business part time or full to limited number of farm men no in vestment take orders for americas largest nationally sold liquid fertilizer steady 50 and up weekly in come write nachurs plant food box s4 london can ada 472 township of markham tenders for tractor sealed tenders marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 oclock noon on saturday april 4 1953 to supply one diesel tractor approximately 35 to 40 hp complete with hydraulic loader and levelling blade the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted e a buchanan 4 62 road superintendent chas hoover township clerk unionville ont sale register cardinal precision prefab homes cottages representative 47tf art steokley phono stouffville 00810 feeds were proud to recommend shurgain 20cj new formula chick starter so superbroiler mali 18cj growing mah 18rj llule pir booster special oilcake 135 swd grain picked np cleaned and returned dicksons hill mills phone 26lwl thursday mar 26 auction sale of farm stock and imple ments 30 head of holstein cattle including fresh cows springers- and heifers 50 hogs ihc tractor w4 on rubber in first class condition dom inion threshing machine with grain thrower full line of farm equipment hay grain at lot 22 rear con 9 picker ing on townline between ux brldge k pickerina the pro perty of roy tindall terms cash no reserve farm sold lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer friday mar 27 auction sale of farm stock and im plements ayrshire cattle horses hogs poultry farm- all a tractor and tractor equipment hay and grain at lot 13 con 3 scott twp 3 mile- south of zephyr the property of ken armstrong no reserve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm h pearson clerk a s far mer auctioneer saturday mar 2s exten sive auction sale of grade hol stein cattle fat hogs pigs threshing machine tractor farm stock implements hay grain furniture etc on lot 31 con d scarboro on law rence ave mile west of kennedy rd property of d t martin sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve as farm sold ken clarke pren tice auctioneers saturday mar 28 pub lic auction at lot 20 con 7 whitchurch twp miles west of ballantrae the proper ty of stanley hall it will be sold by auction at 200 pm frame house cement block garage and 2 acres of land would do for service station and garage owner- moving terms 10 day of sale bal ance 30 days stanley hall ballantrae saturday mar 28 special furniture implement and miscellaneous sale also the usual livestock sale at the stouffville livestock sale 2 rings operating at same time sale at 1 pm terms cash sellers atkinson auction eers monday mar 30 auction sale of farm stock implements and household furniture in eluding frigidaire and wash ing machine nearly new oil range new the property of roy taylor lot is con 3 scott twp 2 miles south of zephyr sale at 1 pm terms cash reg johnson auction eer blackwater ted howlett tuesday mar 31 auction sale of farm stock cattle im plements tractor power mow er pickup baler side rake drill oneway disc milking machine binder cutting box hammer mill spreader etc on lot 24 con 1 pickering east of dunbarton on no 2 highway property of wm w hough terms cash sale at 1 pm lloyd turner clerk sellers atkinson auction eers tuesday mar 31 auction sale of holstein cows and heifers horse tractor and im plements at lot 24 con 9 pickering on the pickering- uxbridge townline the pro perty belonging to george bottomley sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve as farm sold ralph faulkner clerk a s farmer auction eer saturday april 4 impor tant extensive auction sale of dairy cattle holstein heifers registered yorkshire swine registered suffolk sheep ford tractor farm stock imple ments hay grain etc on lot 20 con 4 markham town ship on highway 1 mile south of victoria square property of h f collard sale at 100 pm sharp terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday april 4 auction sale ayrshire herd tractor threshing machine hay grain and furniture at lot 22 con 5 vaughan twp property of forest oliver terms cash no reserve farm sold sale at 12 noon teston wa will serve lunch ed kyle clerk a s farmer auctioneer wednesday april s ex tensive auction sale of 35 head of holstein cattle farm stock tractor tractor implements threshing machine culling box pickup baler power bind er grain hay pigs furniture etc the property of john w jarvls lot 20 con 1 scar boro mile west of mark ham road no reserve as hie farm is rented terms cash sale at 1230 sellers it at kinson auctioneers thursday april ft auction sale of household furniture electric washing machine ra dio cooking utensils dishes rugs bedding in village of stouffville corner william main sts the property of rev e morton no reserve terms cash lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auction eer friday april 10 auction sale of farm stock imple ments hay grain etc the property of c a montgomery to be sold at lot 14 con 2 whitchurch twp first farm south of vandorf sideroad sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve as farm sold wsl- ter lloyd clerk f n smith auctioneer friday april 10 auction sale of farm stock and imple ment allischalmern tractor model friend dual wheel articles for sale for sale new favourite thresher size 2sx42 with a grain thrower ph markham 46jl for sale stewartwarner refrigerator large size in good condition ph 1s4j mrs d holden set of team harness for sale also a cockshutt team scuffler and mcdeering mower bruce foote ph 67s14 sto for sale oliver tractor plow 3bottwn no 102 in viood condition walter w burkholder pickering rr2 ph markham 11j13 472 for sale coleman 3burner gasoline stove with oven also a folding threequarter bed and a double bed felt matt ress ph 66614 stouffville norman neal for sale childs spring coat and tarn to match sand with brown trim 6 yrs clean and in good condition mrs s a stouffer ph 64706 new and used surge milkers also used long tube milkers from 1000 to 3500 bob woolley surge sales and ser vice oak ridges ph king 65r25 46s hybrid gladioli bulbs for sale outstanding quality mixed colors 3 per hundred also carrots 1 per hamper quantity turnips fred hisey almira unionville rri 463 several hundred bushels of good feed turnips for sale w miller main street east of high school for sale 12 or 15 tall spruce trees 6 s 10 or 12 inches diameter ph 1s4j stouffville case tractor model c on rubber excellent tires e clubine ph g7212 stouffville quantity of feed turnips for sale ph claremont 33009 a quantity of feed turnips for sale cheap norman bur ton ph 3270s clare 472 potatoes for sale founda tion a blight resistant can- so sebago varieties as well as katahdin fa no 1 and fa no 2 small howard harper goodwood ph 65910 stouffville 474 cars for sale 1938 buick for sale john el- son ph stouffville 64wl for sale 1936 chev sedan al condition one owner since new best offer don lehman ph 65w4 for sale 4 good used tires and tubes 670x15 foord 65511 after 7 pm special sale of good used tires and batteries guaran teed tire sizes 525 and 550 x 17 priced up to 500 bat teries 500 exchange stouff ville auto wreckers phone 66wl stouffer st 474 for a safebuy see british ontario motors reconditioned guaranteed cars 52 oxford sedan 51 chevrolet sedan 51 ford sedan 50 oxford sedan 50 minor coach 4s dodge sedan 37 ford coach trucks 52 international ton panel 51 oxford ton panel 50 ford 1ton pick up 3 4 dodge 1ton stake tractors 51 waterloo tractor 45 ford tractor 4 72 46 ford ferguson tractor ensv terms cash trade british ontario motors mercury meteor lincoln cars ferguson tractors leaskdale phone uxbrldge 102ru investment opportunities we have a number of excellent opportunities for investment of first mortgage monies at 6 in amounts from 1000 to 5000 call collect for further informa tion 27tf wignall shepherd real estate brokers mnrkhnm phone 230 help wanted cards of thanks wanted operators or girls j to learn sewing apply ladies wear canada ltd iratcliff block stouffville ph 369 girl or woman wanted to help with general housework on farm to start april 1st mrs charles kerswill phone 61224 stouffville wanted 2 boys for part- time work iu making maple syrup howard ratcliff ph 64s20 stouffville man wanted duties to be salesman promotion and service and hardware assistant personal ity and abililv required ixbruxje farmers coop lliridge out 472 coming events a community easter suuriso service will ut- held in the stouffville united missionary church easter sunday morning at 7 am 472 the goodwood loba is holding another euchre on fri day evening march 27th at s oclock in the township hall refreshments and prizes ad mission 35c frigidaire cooking school thursday april 16 s pm in stouffville veterans hall spon sored by stouffville business professional womens club grand prize frigidaire refrig erator tickets now available at 50c 463 the toronto east rural pres bytery young peoples of the united church are holding a drama festival in markham uni ted church hall on saturday march 2sth markham yp and cedar grove who are last years toronto conference winners are competing for the trophy mr robinson of robinson plays will be the adjudicator time 830 pm admission 50c and 25c everyone welcome the goodwood wa will meet at the parsonage thursday after noon april 2nd hostesses will be mrs bunker and mrs hall miss arbuckle will take charge of the devotional and mrs l tindall the program the word for roll call is love everyone welcome in memoriam wallace in loving memory of kenneth wallace who passed away march 23 1952 o happy hours we once enjoyed how sweet their memory still but death has left a loneliness the world can never fill still greatly missed by vera ernie and children summerfeldt in loving memory of a dear husband and father howard summer- feldt who passed away mar 27th 1950 from our happy home and circle god has taken one we love borne away from sin and sorrow to a better home above lovingly remembered by his wife and family preston in loving memory of a darling mother mrs fred preston who went home to be with jesus on march 25 1952 you watched for me beside my bed now i will watch fcr you andwhen you reach the pearly gates ill come and lead you through ever remembered by daughter stella mrs e hoover preston in loving memory of our dear mother violet ann preston who passed away march 25 1952 beside your grave we often stand with heart both crushed and sore but in the gloom the sweet words come not lost lint gone before god knows how much we miss you he counts the tears we shed and whispers she only sleeps your loved one is not dead so well be brave dear mother and pray to god each day and when he calls us home to you your smile will guide the way so sadly missed by daughter marguerite soninlaw leon ard and grandchildren helen betty and brian miss joyce wesiwood and mr wm g gates wish to express their thanks and appreciation to all the neighbors and friends for thei lovely gifts and show er held at the home of mr and mrs chas fiss 1 want to express my sin- cerest thanks to everyone for all the cards letters fruit and flowers also for the visits and enquiries while in hospital and since i returned home it was all appreciated very much barbara bruce we would like to express our gratitude to the lions club which sponsored the draw on the new poutiac car and to carol insley who drew the winning ticket which resulted in our good fortune needless to say we are very happy and appreciative we wish the lions club which has rendered a great service to our community continued suc cess our thanks too to mole motor sales for their courtesy harry and grace holdeu richard day would like to say thank you very much to all his friends and customers who have been so kind to him since his accident i wish to thank all my friends and neighbors in the altona community for their donations to me after the fire 1 am indeed grateful bill van hout i wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to my relatives friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes at the time of my be reavement in the passing of my sister mrs wurts and my dear ly beloved husband especially thanking rev geo thomas for his consoling words mrs ed terry berry our many thanks to all our friends and neighbors of atha altona stouffville claremont and brougham communities for their help at the time of our fire and for generous donations since the fire also thanks to the claremont ladles for the person al sliower and the many offers of homes and help in various ways we are indeed grateful to everyone mr and mrs wm wallace and jack words alone cannot express my sincere thanks to all my friends neighbors and relatives who so kindly remembered me with fruit flowers cards and telephone calls and the neigh bors who- helped out on the farm during my illness at home and my stay in the hospital also thanking the united church the womens associa tion ladies auxiliary and the telephone operators it was all deeply appreciated roy brignall painting decorating i tun prepared to handle your painting and decorating re quirements estimates freely given h hathaway markham phone 01007 tank sprayer with filler attach ment and power takeoff large quantity of household furni ture electric refrigerator etc at lot 9 con 4 pickering grasmerc orchards farm property of f m chapman terms cash no reserve as farm sold sale at 1 pm ross murlson clerk a s farmer auctioneer tuesday april 14 auction sale of full line of farm im plements 2 tractors thresher baler hay loader cutting box 2 trucks timothy and sweet clover seed etc at lots 19 20 con 9 markham 24 miles north of no 7 hgy the property of quinlan bros terms cash no reserve farm sold sale at 1 pm lloyd turner clerk on may 6th 60 head of holmeln cat tle and young cows will be sold sellero atkinson auc tioneers preston in loving memory of a dear wife and mother violet ann who passed away march 25 1952 we walked together you and i in sorrow and in joy we shared our pains and happi ness with love without alloy and death shall never end our love for through the mist i see our glad reunion in the skies for all eternity dearly beloved and ever remembered husband fred preston in loving memory of a dear mother violet ann preston who passed away on march 25th 1952 a wonderful mother woman and aid one who was better cod never made a wonderful worker so loyal and true one in a million mother was you just in your judgment always right honest nnd liberal ever upright loved by your friend all yon knew a wonderful mother mother was you sadly mlsed by sonx alex ruwell clifford burnlee and edward j municipal clerktreasurer wanted applications will be received by the undersigned until 12 oclock noon april 4 1953 for the combined offices of clerk- treasurer of the village of stouffville applicants must state age qualifications experience and salary expected garfield d brown clerktreasurer 472 stouffville ontario tenders accepted to april 8th to build concrete cistern at ss no 11 whitchurch cement supplied by school board specifications can bo had from secretary lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ii crowhnrst seetreas rr2 stouffville coop corner if you are interested in lmpror ing your milking equipment investigate our new tradeit plan heres a bargain deep freeze homefreezer foi only 150 cash stoufivlllr phone 2fw