the tribune stouffvijle ont thursday november 3 1949 cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creanwry cold storage lockers and fast freezing facilities stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone ls6w threelegged turkey woodstock oct 25 a turkey being fattened up on w h williamsons farm near eastwood has one extra leg attached to the knee of one normal one the fivemonthold bird is other wise normal but has difficulty walking and will not likely bring a higher price because of the extra leg eoosooaaoooosooc stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gravel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant phone 125j office phone 370 boooeoooeoooooooo ontario county junior farmers junior mayfair restaurant monday thru friday 8 am 11 pm am saturday 12 pm the ontario county farmers met at the whitby town ship hall brooklin october 25th with members from four junior farmer clubs present the ux- bridge junior farmers the brook lin junior farmers as well as the unionville junior farmers from york county and the orono junior farmers from durham county who were guests of the ontario county junior farmers for this meeting the meeting was in charge of mary boyes pickering president the guest speaker was mr ross beattie of south simcoe county the past president of the pro vincial junior farmer association ross has just returned from a rural youth conference in west virginia which was attended by delegates from the american states korea germany sweden etc he gave a talk on ideas and views which he had picked up at this conference ross also led in a singsong doris risebrough and maustyn mcknight uxbridge both gave good reports on their experiences at provincial junior farmer camp at geneva park lake couchiching they also entertained the crowd with a few ideas which they brought back from camp jack pearson uxbridge con ducted a few amusing contests the entertainment was concluded while lunch was being prepared by the girls by passing around in the darkened hall many queer objects whidh he announced as various parts of the anatomy of prominent the closing dates for christmas overseas mails this year gift parcels of food stuffs and comforts will be just as welcome as ever at christmas for those overseas who are still living under austerity conditions the canadian post office again urges the public not to delay but to mail for christmas overseas just as early as possible for the guidance of the public it announces that the following clos ing dates have been set for the overseas christmas mails november sth the continent letters and parcels november 15 the united kingdom parcels november 29th the united k ingdom let ters mailers are reminded that gift parcels if bona fide and unsolicit ed may be mailed up to 20 lbs weight to individuals in the united kingdom but must be plainly marked gift parcel parcels containing food cannot be insured to expedite the delivery in the united kingdom of gift parcels containing only food discarded wearing apparel or soap a yellow label no gl obtainable at post offices should be attached the usual customs declaration form 91b fully completed must be affixed to all parcels addressed abroad care should be taken to see that the nonadhesive customs declaration form 15b and de spatch note 1cb are completed and forwarded with the parcel where necessary customs declaration form 91 b should bear in the space provided an alternative address if possible or an indication of dis posal desired ie return at mailers expense or abandon in case of nondelivery otherwise such un- deliverable parcels containing food or used clothing will be distributed through charitable organizations in the united kingdom the total value of the contents of parcels sent to the united king dom or other countries without an export permit must not exceed 2500 mailers are urged to pack all parcels firmly and securely in strong corrugated containers wrapped tightly in several folds of thick wrapping paper and securely tied with strong twine auction sale hudson acres farm registered blood tested vaccinated and tb tested holste1xs horses hay grain new case threshing machine tuesday nov 8 the property of eric hudson houses gray lercheron mare t years old gray percheron mare s years old above team well matched 1 hudson acres marlene k a p xo s1s1u4 calved may 24 1917 due time of sale in calf to lon elm texal antony 2 glencora doris bonheur no 4 157g graded kod plus calved ottawa letter by jack smith mp the abbott budget pr last thursday evening as expected contained few surprises first presented last march it released november 2s 1939 bred sept i aout citizens from income it io hon haven ragapple adj rolls and reduced total income miral j taxation for canadians by some gleneora marie ivoriulyke xo 270 million the reductions grate- 477s3 calved nov s 1940 f received could hardly be junior remains of one of brooklins native of locust hill farmers i believe branch 459 besl canadian legion stouffville presents a of ancins many other attractions friday nov 11 at 830 pm veterans memorial hall ticket on car admits one to the dance special feature someone is going to receive a 1949 p0ntiac 4 door sedan graded good plus bred sept to lonelm texal tucker 4 puis gabrielle calamity xo 37c102 calved jan 4 1942 graded very good bred to lonelm texal antony 5 doreen paula texal poscli xo gss5b2 calved april 5 1946 graded fair due time of sale bred to iouelm ragapple llama- dan 6 hudson acres irene ragapple posch xo 710718 calved feb 22 1947 fresh 2 months not graded 7 blackwater plus phoebe xo 561977 calved oct 10 1941 graded good due time of sale bull used lknelm texal antony s hudson acres twin gale no 739026 calved march 30 1947 not graded bred march 25th bull used twin valley ra prince 9 daisy elizabeth peitze spotlight xo 7095s7 calved aug 20 1946 graded good plus bred june 2nd to lonelm texal logman 10 glencora adeline bonheur no 451ss7 calved sept 11 1939 graded good plus bred sept 3 0 to lonelm texal tucker 11 hudson acres dina ragapple posch no 730735 calved feb 21 1947 not graded fresh 2 months not bred 12 glencora amy roundyke twin no 510346 calved october is 1941 graded good plus bred may 30 to lonelm texal antony 13 hudson acres may blossom posch no 747612 calved may is 1347 not graded due time of sale hull used ixhielm texal pickwick 14 hudson acres linda jan no 783161 calved january 3 151s sire eaton hall ragapple posck dam georgetta marie ragapple texal 15 hudson acres plorahell twin no 7s5549 calved april 11 1943 sire eaton hall ragapple poscli dam glencora marie korndyke 16 hudson acres lilybell twin no 78554s calved april 11 1s4s sire eaton hall ragapple posch dam glencora marie korndyke 17 hudson acres ragapple romulus no s34925 calved february 10 1949 sire lonelm ragapple rom ulus dam glencora adeline bon heur is hudson acres phvllis texal no 834924 calved feb 15 1945 sire lonelm texal highcroft dam daisy elizabeth peitze spotlight 19 hudson acres ragapple beatrice no s53555 calved may 17 1949 sire twin valley ragapple prince dam glencora marie korndyke 20 hudson acres ragapple june no s53556 calved may 7 1949 sire lonelm texal ragapple king dam georgetta may ragapple 21 hudson acres texal alice calved april 20 1949 sire lonelm tex al antony dam glencora doris bonheur 22 grade blue heifer 3 years oid vaccinated 23 grade heifer bred june 1g vac cinated all cattle are vaccinated all bulls used are from maple cattle breeders association the above is a good lot of cattle good foundation cows dont miss this sale hay grain about 40 tons good alfalfa hay about 200 bus oats and whea winner will be notified if not present music by gary lewis his band harness set of double back band harness complete number of horse collars implements masseyharris corn binder case threshing machine chaff blow er and grain thrower size 28 x 48 new in 1948 this machine is in perfect condition 3furrow cockshutt tractor plow mh binder 7 ft cut in good con dition fertilizer drill mcdeering in good condition mh cultivator 17tooth mh mower oil bath good hay rake 10 ft good rubber tired wagon mh new truck wagon bain wagon box potato digger mcdeering 2 4section harrows hay rack turnip drill mh root pulper set 2000lb scales set hog scales set double discs mh in throw disc mh new set sloop sleighs new mh cutter hay fork walking plow mcdeering new gang plow mh springtooth tractor hitch cultivator 3 ii p electric motor first class con dition electric pail electric washing machine with vi hp motor in good condition dresser beds stoves oil lamp other articles too numerous to men tion oak dining room table milking equipment mh milking machine 2unit in first class condition electric separator no 9 mh near new tonus cash sale starts at one pm womens institute will serve lunch leslie harper leslie mount clerks a s farmer auctioneer expected to be increased now this budget which in large measure went into effect last march is unique in that before j discussion or adoption it has had seven months trial and more than that has had a pretty general endorsement by the voters in a general election the finance minister in his review of general economic condi tions said he expected the present high level of income to continue throughout 1919 the surplus for last year was 595 million dollars which was 20 million dollars more than estimat ed in march and the surplus for the current year is estimated at s7 million which if it is realized will be taken from the national debt during the past three years the national debt has been reduced by 1730000000 which is a notable achievement nevertheless it must be remembered that the total national debt still stands at 11 090000000 certainly a sizeable figure doug abbott as the minister of finance who made his fourth budget speech last week is familiarly known around parlia ment hill as a popular minister of the government fifty years of age he looks younger and is a very personable fellow with an easy and offhand manner and very easy of approach born at lennox- ville que he was a practicing lawyer in montreal before his election to parliament in 1940 he joined the cabinet first as minister of defence in april 1915 and be came minister of finance in december 1916 he is married has one daughter and two sons and in religion is an anglican famous visitors many famous people visit ottawa but no visitor in many years created so much interest as mon days visitor prime minister nehru of india this talented scholarly and spiritual man is today an important world figure and as successor to ghandi is revered by indias teeming millions monday he addressed the members of the senate and the house of commons and his words were listened to with interest and attention by more than 100 who crowded the parliamentary galleries i was very much impressed by his sincerity and apparent devotion to his people as were all who heard him here another word figure who made a favourable impression here recently was british foreign secretary ernest bevin he is a big man plain spoken and of few words he started life as a farm laborer and worked as a shop clerk dray driver and dock worker he worked his way up to a place of leadership in the trade unionist movement and first entered the government of win ston churchill during the war today as foreign secretary in the labor government he is a leader in world affairs phone bills the bell telephone company has made application to the board of transport commissioners for an increase of from 20 to 25 per cent in telephone rates the govern ment is interested not only be cause such an increase would affect so many canadian citizens but also as a very substantial customer tiie governments phone bill for ottawa alone in 1918 amounted to 37305290 and in addition there are telephone accounts for government offices all across canada the proposed increase would mean an additional s80000 in the ottawa phone bill aips are supplied an ofiice tele phone but are personally respon sible for all long distance calls rental control a decision on the subject of rental control is likely to be announced soon the housing situation in all parts of canada has been the subject of an inten sive government survey and it is apparent in many places an emergency still exists as far as housing accommodation is con cerned it is very unlikely parlia ment will remove controls as long as the conditions remain but there likely will be amendments to make allowance for changed con ditions and with the view to correcting existing cases of inequality and hardship committees as the session settles down routine business the regv standing committees have b organized the regular stand committees are as folloi espiitell and elections ralwe canals and telegraph lit private bills banking and c merce public accounts agrii ture standing orders marine i fisheries mines forests waters industrial relatic debates external affairs pr no- committee membership ran from 10 to 00 they meet throu out the session and discuss detail matters which may referred to them witnesses called and questioned brief f sented and in general considt tion of bills and resolutions is a much more thorough and det el manner than in the commo a great deal of the important wi of parliament is done in ck mittee brotherly love didnt save thesi two brothers in south carol last week were instantly kil when their two cars collided he on the killed were identified henry walker 25 and carl wall 24 henry was driving south a carl was driving north on i same highway but the n instant they were both before 1 pearly gates s000 yearly growth of populat is overcrowding malta a driver carefully train ed to drive in all sorts of weather and all sorts of traffic a bus equipped with the best safety devices and reg ularly inspected these are the added safety features you enjoy at fow cost when you travel by bus washington 2120 north bay 1255 montreal 1505 new orleans 4280 round trip tickets and information stouffville motors phone 170