lir c aavicks of toronto isiieieshownwiiniiay ijataiuels as tne hrsi patient to be xiaydainiiie iauonalsamwi- lum associations survey oiail personstn york cpuniyanujj- as a tree undertaking- the cost to be borne by thesaleof cnrisaiid5seaisi on sunday morning over chum radio station the reeve of stouffvillemadelr state nent in support of the campaign dr wicks may be claimed as a resident of lemon ville since ne recently purchased the huckerby minx farm theie m whitchurch township i v greek rlvlr balsam and mt zion mrnitobas vehicle highway laws in some respects new for canada and in others new for any iurisdicupnon the north american continent 3 are being brought into effect in manitoba in an attempt to make the roads safer for the public on dec 1 the province will put into ooeratidn its motor vehicle safety responsibility legislation its provisions have beenincorporated in the highway traffic act the clauses were enacted at last winters session of the legislature after having been drafted to carry out recommendations of a special committee of enquiry appointed early in 1943 the new law has been framed in the hope it may do two things first help to prevent accidents and second establish a plan whereby i victims of road accidents may be heasonably certain to be compen- sated for their injuries j with respect to accidents one of i the aims of the new law is to drive the reckless and careless driver off the highways altogether however successful it may bein its operation no law on the mani toba statutes has ever been given more searching and careful mvesti- i gation in the lait ten years nearly 1000 persons have been killed and nearly 20000 injured in traffic acci- dentsmthe province to say noth ing of the big volume of pioperty damage v the- taw is tough one of thecentral features of the new lawwhich first started con troversy ibecause it seemed in some cases too harsh on the motorist seems how to be more favorably accepted wlien a motor vehicle is involved in accidentin whicha oersonus killed or injured or property dam- agehasbeencaused exceeding 25 registration of the vehicle and license of the duverwill be sus pended and the car impounded until the motorist puts up secunty sufficient to satisfy any judgment f jht gw ir v misses myrtle adah gostick of toronto were at home for week- a marriage took place m the par end sonage of giace united chinch fnendsof mrs h shank will be toionto on saturday afternoon gladto know she is improving nov 24th when joris day daugh- mr amimis finest beelbv took of mr richardday om3alsam s w smss ingsand miss ruth westgailh 0 udora after a short i against him up to 511000 on top a numberfrom here attended the the happy couple will s he have bazaarafwhitevalc i reside in lindsay i of financial responsibility for any mr driu mis duncan and george mr and mrs edgai johnston and future accident visited in toionto on sunday and family of glen major visited with c took tea with miss lydia fuller i mr and mrs chas fiss on sunday mr and mrs walter simpson who mr and mrs lome jones called have been visiting with the wil- on relatives in brookhn on sunday hamsjanuly heie left on monday the wa will meet on dec 5th morning enroute for florida at -the- home of mrs g c jones miss barbara white spent the mrsiiarbron has requested thatall weekend in toronto we welcome mr and mrs siple to the community mrs siple is a british bride and will be glad to know theie are a few others in the village c r well over thuty attended theb ypxrfmeeting at tlietao fhall on satuiday evening at whitevale corne alien was elected president we make an advance announce ments ajdandlehght service to be held in the chuich on dec 16th mrs drafier entertained the ladies aid on wednesday afternoon to the four young men whoar- ived home lecently fiom overseas we extend a heaity welcome troo- ssr george white sappergeoige rickardand pte douglas barefoot ivho arrived last week and sapper tames rickard who ai rived a few veeks ago many thanks boys for svell job done these four men 11 married overseas so they are oubly welcome the only man rom the navy to be welcomed iome recently is duncan turner tcnvr we extendi our hearty lomecoming to him in gratitude or his sei vice on the open seas baby bank boxes be handed in sorry to hear that missluelld carsonj of toronto is home sick with a cold mr and mrs geo wilson helen andgoidon visited on sunday with mrwes rusnell of uxbridge mranamrsgcjjbres and fam ily spent sunday afternoon with -mis- j a jones of biookhn t announcement saturday december 1st will be our first official day of busi ness in the old stand of james goodall ltd come and pay us a visit xew phoxe xo 209 stbuflvillc cooperative association old vhorses w avc h ill piy you slujto for your old hoi sc at your farm phone stouffvillcj8308 chascjiberjij agincourt rr2 pleafe bring back those empties the busy hohday season is almost herej bringing with it additional demand cartons bottles v odjnji v are scarce they will be urgently needed to enable us to maintain a steady flow of supplies to the consumer u please return empties now if you bring them in phdiie or write your nearest brewers retailstore thank you r v if the motonst carries public lia bility and property damage msur ance he will have no diuiculty the insuidiice will be i accepted as sumciem security lor his hauihty because of the accident if it is maintained uwillulso be accepted as prool of financial lesponsibihty for tutuie accidents a simple method is provided for proving to the police that the le- quired insurance is- carried insur ance companies issue a small card with each policy issuedthe card mayjbe carried like registration card or affixed to the cai when produced the vehicle will riot be unbounded a second feature of the new law with one possible exception new in any jurisdiction in north america in the form manitoba is trying it u the unsatisfied judgment fund each motorist pays 1 starting with motor vehicle regis- uations tor 194t each owner iegis teung a vehicle will have to pay jl for each registration in addition to the legular fees for his license xhis extra dollar 1 earmarked the unsatisfied judgment fund once it i caches 173010 the fee may be reduced below 1 at any rate the intention is to keep it only at whatever figure may be necessary to maintain tne fund at l7o0uo- if a person recovers judgment for any amount above 100 in an action for damages because of personal injury or death and arising out of operation of a motor vchicleand cant collect it- by the usual pro cesses from the person against whom it is given he may be indem nified from the fund his procedure is to apply to the coui t for an order directing payment of the judgment from the fund the new law starts off with both supporters and dissenters the for mer say its severe penalties do not affect the careful or lucky motorist who does not have an accident or the motorist who before he has an accident proves his financial- re sponsibility to the satisfaction of the registrar w m j njjudgments for personal injury or property damage must be paidin full or by installments which the court has power to j direct before the suspension is lilted on a license or car registration the dissenters- contend the new law is both inadeouate and ineauit- able because theprudent motorist is forced to pay insurance for mis deeds of the imprudent and that although j purports to be a safety measure it still permits irrespon sible persons to use the highways that it doesnt begin to operate until some innocent person is killed or injured and that motorists who pay for their own insurance are also asked to provide insurance for a class of bad risks the unsatisfied judgment fund will not be used to indemnify per sons f or property damage it only indemnifies for physical injury or death objections or no the government intends to give it a trial the new law is modelled in large arton the motor vehicle safetv law of new york state thuftsbaylhllsht is foto nije oil 41 5 vt uwjev out automatic i by gordon k cober before you buy any refrigerator be sure youknow i the answers to the following questions v s its pretty hard to tell modern automatic refrigerators apart thoy look very much alike xhey cost about the same they all ficcze ice cubes preserve food and they all offer various coni eniences aud features t how then can you decide which is best i 2 c the following questions and answers which you as a prospective refrigerator buyer should know before you look at any refrigerator the confidential information contained in the answers ill aid you in making a wise and intelligent choice for you know how important the right choice is buying a refrigerator is not like buyinga dress or other article that is used for only a short period on your decision will depend the health comfort aud saving of jour family 1 for many years to coine so take your time look at aiil refrigerators and while you do keep the following questions in mind j nluf bij n q what is theiuost important thhjg to consider iihen buyinganaufoniaticreffigerator aehe first and most important thing to kribwvthciiyou look at any automatic refrigerator is 4 if4principiiejop operation iother w ords how it works q why is jthe principle of qperation y ui ts i a because the operating unitof any automatic refrigerator isitsheart ion it depends the i refrigerators length of life its cost of operation and maintcnanceits ability to protect 7i food jiw i j j yoj- h s ijfeoii ww- principle aof operation requires rf qwhat principle of operation do refrigerators use a au electric refrigeratorsbutone are mechanical their j ihachineryto keepthe refi ail have moving parts q what nioving parts domost freezing systems have v parts belts s motors all move and they cause wear but only one serval electroliux has elmih- d ajlij nioving parts from its freezing system- its principle of operation is completely a all refrigerators have dmc or all i of these moving compressor pistons shaifts valves pulleys cause friction v l q is itnccessary for an automatic refrigerator to have moving parts ij a it depends entirely on the refrigerators principle of operationfthe trend of progress in the development of the automatic refrigerator has been toward the elimihationof moving parts for they cause wear but t m atcd allj nioving parts diffci eht from all others k q how can a refrigerator operate without moving iarts- a a small amount of heat takes theplace of all moving parts in the scrvai elcctrolux freezing system heat circulates the refrigerant constantly andchicicntly s j qavhat are the advantages of a freezing system with no moving parts v v jj a there arc many advantages to this type of refrigeration but the most important advantage is the fact that there arc nomoiing parts toi cause friction j and wear mostof the ills of automatic i ef rigei atoi s can be traced directly to moving vi caring parts t- q how can you be sure your refrigerator wont become noisy sooner or later v v v a if a refrigerator has moving parts you can be sure that the friction between themw ill cause them to w car a these pai ts w ear the noise increases becomes louder and more disturb ing to make certain joull have silent refrigeration get a rcfiigcrator with no moving parts in its ficeing sj stein j q what automatic refrigerator alone assures permanent silence i a servaij eijectroijux is the only- automatic refrigerator that assures permanent silence because its the only automatic refrigerator that freezeswith no moiing partsit cannot become noisy with age i s q avhy is silence so important l i i y a doctors will tell you that one of the major causesot nervous disorderjs noise sfoisc cuts mental eihcicnj even causes poor health although you may not realize it at the timethatsiwhyso many citieshave-noise-abatementjaws- moreover a noisy refrigerator is inefficient for where noise theres always wear i j j ri 1 q whcniyou buy an automatic refrigerator how can you tell whether its maintenance cost will beiow i lit -r- aw a find out what its principle of operation ismaintenance cogts are high allien a refrigerator has moving parts lo wpar need repairs replacement j costly servicing main- i tcnancc costs arc low whcna jefrigeratorhas no nioving parts to wear andnecd repairing q what type of refrigeration assures lowest possilbe inairitenanceaid scr ice costs s a servaij electric is the only automatic refrigerator withtout any m6ingpiirts inits entire fieczing system and therefore husno ihovlng iiarts to wear out and require costly repairs cvircnsive replacements adjustments and otiicr budgetbrcaking service charges qdocs frccdont from costly wear give owners additional advantages a yes beside saving on reduced miiintcnmce and service costs scrvai assures owners freedom from interruption due to repairs and replacements and resultant spoilagevof food q avhy docs the 6pcratingcoslof most automatic refrigerators increase the jonger theyre in service i u m nl iii a a refrigerator with moving parts begins to le its efficiency as these nioving parts begin to wear out the greater the loss of epicicncy the greater the amount of fuel needed i to do the same amount of work in other words you may paya higher audjiighcr operating cost as the refrigerator wears out i qis theie any automaitci refrigerator that assures continued low operating costs jv yes servaii electroijux it has nomoaing parts in its freezing system to near out and lower its efficiency you can be sure of stirrers coiiilnucd low operatiiigcost as long as you have it t t q locs the amount of heat used by the servel icfrigcratori increase as the years go by a no because the small amount of heat needed to ciiculatc the refrigerant through your survcldocs not changcfromycirtoycar r q what governs thclifc span of an automatic refrigerator j a all things being equal the life span of an automatic refrigerator depends entirely on its method of operation if jthas moving parts these moving parts begin to wear from the very first moment the rcfrigerator inopcratioii and sooner- or later the f moving parts reach a point beyond repair or economical replacement then the entire refrigerator must bercplacpd ifit lias no moving ports there will be no wear and the refrigerator v will continue to opcratcjcflicicntlyycaraftcryjear n ii 153 q how can you be pertain the refrigerator yon buyjjjh give you long dependable service j make sure youbuy scrrel elcctrolux tne refrigerator with no moving parts in its entiro freezing system servel owners in fact report that theservels they bought twelve tliirteen fourteenjycar and even oldcr when servel was first sold arostill giving the same silent economical and efficient service they gave when they were new q what kind jof refrigeration gives food tho most complete protection x w aniyconstanteyentten in the hrostcffectivef woywlth servelsfreczihg system there is no stopping or- starting as with s mechanical refrigerators the amount of hcatkecps the refrigerant continuously in circulation giving your food the fullest protection every mirijite tlic day u- jv a q whafantomatic rcfrigcratoehasihohjghestradein value cihij hb-i-j- i vmr v a i a iaccording tothonationaij market report tho blue book of tradeinvalues of all automatic refrigerators of trading age servel elcctrolux has r higher average t trade-in- vvaluc ofat least 20 more ilm 1ws ic 6seih t q how can you bo sure your refrigerator wont interfere with your radio reception i a servel has no electric motor no starting or stopping- switch to cause annoying static or v jam your radio i fi f fut t j qif jyou live in or move to another area can you enjoy the advantages of the finest automatic rcf rigcration it j v i a ycsjscrvcl lelcctrolux has the greatest ilcxibillty it can be run on cither 60 cycle 25 cycle- direct current or anything that causes heat q jcanybu expectto save any money withan antomatic refrigerator j aycs if the refrigerator is a servel elcctrolux servel owners- in fact save enough to pay 5 if their refrigerator in as short a time as three years w q in what way will you save t 4j a servel is economical in two first its freezing system saves you money because there are no moving parts to require costly repairs and frequent service adjustments v to increase operating cost to shorten operating ijfoand- second its constant cold saves yonmoneyon your monthly food bill because jt keeps food fresh and wholesome for days c enabling you to take advantage of mnrketspeclalsybny in larger quantity at lower cost and utilize leftover without wastage servel is thconiy automatic refrigerator that can give youall these savings because its the only refrigerator thathas no jnoving parts in its i entire freezing system v j t v t r m iu i xationwide survey shows thatmore and more people are changing to servetj eijectroiiux -j-j- j i s s tit jfvi jsh wfgfs si r sty a t v a j fi- i fjtt rifrirjrl reasons forrepijacing v previous refrigerators 1 mechanical 2 operatingexpense rv u y reasonsforchanging f- mtikihi m3bk j r 4 vorn out jirjj1 ot v3vglj to servel eiiectrolux v r f hv- v i snjencevms 2 continued low operating xcost srirc f jrt i 3 no mbvingpartsitowear 4 moreyears of dependablb service t i rtl 3 iltj jj fi flit j jj 1 vx vjs mmcbklu vvsaagies3j2