w- 3f vivv s3- lil jf xucti6sxle household rukxiiuke many choice tcaiinut- pnjcksj- grandfathers j cjlockfaniiqljesr dishes bedding et j rcbiee mainstre3bt7agincourt sat sept 8th grandfathers clock made in ire land beautiful case brass works antique 2 walnut mantel clocks upright antique thomas fvedgtuard 16 to 19 years solid walnut librarytable with v takenffitbuiayaaxter rnnningfgan battle f j gatpeterboro sw ajis bspfe8s city andtprovincialvpolicesnar- rowly missed death m srttbillling 70mile an hour chase throughthe city streets of peterboro after 9 oclock lati tuesday nightwhlch resulted in the arrest of four men wanted for an alleged car holdup on no 7 highway west of lindsay between oakwood and manilla the four norman waters don- aid fairhe thomas marstcn andj to california via their thumbs old all of east york toronto are suspected of complicity in the bank robbery and attempted office robbery at port perry the four appeared in lindsay police court thursday afternoon at 130 ona charge of armed robbery they were remanded forone week without bail the four youths allegedly held up john kirkwood 27 of s hillj drawer z walnut chest of drawers mirror attachment antique cedar lined walnut chest 3drawer dresser with good mirror gents walnut highboy chest of drawers walnut ovalside table wal oval centre table antique- 2 threequarter size walnut finish steel beds histwife and baby at the point of chinese wool rug about 12x9good firearms during the police chase i several scatter rugs wilton- ob- which ensued some 25 shotgun long square 3 rustic indian hand- slugs were fired through their car after a mile chase through peter- boro streets the driver was fooled by a checkerboard sign police said he apparently thought it meant a dead end whereas it cautioned against excess speed- on the turn two youths jumped out and leaped in the otonabee river they began swimming for the opposite shore but gave up when constable avc- i clark of the peterboro city police work hickory chairs table 2 oak water barrels with lids lawn- mower banner sot of dishes for 8 perfect condition broken set of bridal rose dinner and tet set large quantity of odd dishes and glassware kitchen utensils pots pans tea kettles efectric iron toaster heater forks spoons kni ves etc electricconsol wal radio electric fixtures dmingroom ham mered brass electric fixtures with fired two shots atithemtwo others round amber lantern 50 fcet were discovefedhiding in a bush they came out when police warned that they would fire a fusilade of shotgun if they dnt give up big car output planned canadian companies may turn out 200000 cars next year reports the financial post regarding the balance of1945 the picture is re- sported still clouded with so many uncertainties that no one will offer any specific predictions or promises manufactuiers however are aim- j tag for pioduction of at least double 7 ji xksrphn thn nmfas set for thfm after ve 9 m box number flannel- hose walnut sofafantique uphol stering gooduphotetarmchairash showwood good 3jwal side chairs for needlepoint queen anne high backupholstered hall chair ant caived oak library chair half- round chair uphols cosy chair large hall mirror wal queen anne ottoman carved extra good walnut stool with lid and mending box walnut sewing cabinet t cab inet with draweis 3 table reading lamps with shades walnut spool floor lamp complete 2 dresser- walnut lamps upholstered bed- iitwiujtake7four3years to build cattle herdvjnfrancetotbepre5 war level consumption of beef and muttontaiparis hasdrbppedfrom rhelpwbichcanadacaff giveto alleviate the serious jmeat oreiajwstwelcome i k tbot xoxaei lountys third annual yj i oic- u ps j t l 1 marie spearman and barbara dennison california or bust is the slogan of two ontario girls of the canadian womens army corps who like the 49ers are bound for golden slate they havent got a covered wagon but they have four good thumbs with the first leg of their journey behind them they are cpl marie spearmand and pte barbara dehmson both of ottawa and they intend to travel the 6000 miles theie and back via their thumbs the arena richmond hill atqfclay sept 8 lay 40 ch6icest females 1 1 carefully selected by sale committee from 17 herds x cows bred- heifers yearlings calves i all negative fo blood test from fully accredited herds nearly all vaccinated v vi6 show type r o p backing your opportunity to secure foundation females j t for catalogues write the secretary york county jersey club wmcockbum lefrankin secretary newmarket auctioneer agmctaggartj pres richmohd hill the quotas set for them after ve y dayi between now andjhe end of ufs the year this suggests a volume of hjtu1 knir some 20000 cars in- 1945 opinions concerning the postwar market vary considerably but some members of the mdustiy look for an iit annual output of close to 200000 anne style comp set imitation for the first two or three years at needlepoint for 6 chans lawn urn- sie and double hand knit wool dress large size good gents armchair walnut queen anne style ladys chair walnut queen anne style 4 side chans to match walnut queen least this would be about double immediate piewar production 0ne a week in prance i j youie- lucky if you get a thin 1 shceof meat a week in france the ration is onetenth of a pounclper weekandthat is iust about enough for a mouthful and no moreare- cent law declares that sundays and legal holidays are the only days v on which beef mutton horse or tresses- clean andgood number of brellawith table 2 camp beds sin gle pole american tent 9x12 with floor 2 air rubber mattresses 3 chests of drawers rebuilt and scraped camp stove good kitchen chairs 2 unfinished tray stands fiieplaco coal basket grate card tables b walnut upholst chairs needrepair odd chans2wicker upholst aimchairs matching table 2 threequarter size way sagless bed springs 3 threequarter mat- goat meat can be served in public- feather pillows feather cushions number wool blankets handmade blankets number cotton sheets eating places i these facts were revealed last aveekin ottawa by michel dumont director of french information 6000000 people are suffering seri- pillow cases table napkins table cloths tca towels hand towels bath towels curtains silk and pan- nilo1 eiritfl irinrle f trnnnn ously from lack of food and another neled several kinds of drapes 9000000 exist on a very slim diet anaemia affects 50 per cent of the children of france tuberculosis has increased 40percent since the beginning of the war and the infant mortality r is up 50per cent admit oisplaced europeans- most of agroupof well informed rcanadiarisqueried bythe financial post would admit european immi- grants sparingly until canadian veterans ai reestablished and world- trade relationsclarified- a few however saw an opportunity to people this country quickly- in the thousands of displaced persons now roaming europe down comforter etc etc this is a very large and fine sale and you are advised tobe on time as sale starts- at 1 pm terms cash no reserve sellers atkinson- auctioneers phone agin 201 w2 stouff 290 rental appeal privilege was fn original order some confusion arose about uhe rightpbf lahdlordsto applyto a court of rentals appeals to have notices to vacate reinstated despite theecent freezing of leases war j time prices and trade b6ard points outhat this right was written into the original order of july 25 and is not the- result of any recent action landlods if they intended applying to a court of rentals appeals had to do so before august 31 tpost liumously for a hlseff orts v gtb havehfejcrcwafter his bom- ber damaged in jacuonwasbortln l cwgary chicken eating bear is killed by farmers son- fort avilham sept 3 returning to his arthur st farm home eight miles west iof this f city early this morning aldozatti 18heardan uproar jn the chicken house where 150 6monthsold pullets were quartered irj looking in the window of the coop in the bright moonlight aldo saw that a huge black bear had the birds crowded into a corner and was striking them down with a swiftmoving paw a he ran to the house seized a so- so rifleand fired atthe bear through the door apparently the youth hit the bear with- the first shot for it came bounding out of the chicken coop door with a roar of- pain bruin loped swiftly down a neigh boring i field followed by aldoon the run with his rifle t at a high fence a quartermile distant the animal was temporarily balked allowing the lad time to catch upfrom close range another bullet blew the top off the animals head- returning to the chicken coop aldo zatti found remains of 11 chickens which the bear had eaten as well as two other dead birds the otker chickens had scattered a oyer thefarnri aldos father john zatti dragged the i bears i body to the house with a tractor and found it weighed200spoundshe to have the pelt h made into a rug this twasjuiefirstumealdohot anythlngjargervthan a rabbit and the iflrst vtime in tyearsthatsthe farm has been bothered witkbears send the tribune to absenffriends bsmiss