Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 20, 1938, p. 4

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stouffville ontario thursday januar 20th 1938 the tribune published every thursday at stouffrule ontario i yearly subscription rate canada a united kingdom j200 united states points j250 a v nolan jp sditor and puibllaher toronto flashes cheer up folks just think its only 339 days till christmas our friend harry flummerfelt is driving a new car these days sorry to hear that mr brown of north toronto is confined to his bed we hope he may soon be up and well again mrs brown his wife is well known in aurora and goodwood before marriage being the former ruth hill on january 18th also january 20 1911 twenty seven years ago there passed away marlon emily wife of the correspondent also his father james davey both well known to goodwood folks a double funer al was held on january 21st 1911 to mount pleasant cemetery and is no doubt remembered by many of our friends we are pleased to hear that mrs nelson wagg of goodwood is in good health she having spent christ mas at home on sunday january 9th the davey family visited their summer home at island grove lake simcoe motors pass from mainland to snake island skating and ice boating make this spot a beautiful winter scene sorry to report mrs robert armstrongs condition is not so good and at the time of writing visitors are not allowed to see our friend miss viola todd visited her sister in the kingsway district last sun day our esteemed friends mr and mrs f c butler of olive ave so well known to our whitevale locust hill and cherrywood districts mov ed away on monday last to welling ton pe county where mr butler is chief engineer of the quinte milk products ltd on tuesday jan iith at the home of mr and mrs inrig 34 alvin ave a meeting was held for the election of officers for the havergal girls bible class ot century baptist church of which our friend mrs butler has been a member for some 25 years at that time dr c h schutt was pastor j tor d mcdonald no doubt is a good after the election of officers a pre sentation took place the gift waj made of a table cloth to mrs butler century church is the place ot wor ship for many uxbridge and gooc- wood baptists of earlier days here worship the lewis family georgo morganson miss o ottowell mr and mrs james davie sister of charles and cecil lee mr and mrs graham of claremont and others mrs butler spoke to the class and with regret of losing the friend ship of the members here in toron to she assured them that sweet are her memories t headley hill nephew of the scribe whose home is in newmark et spent last week in the city on business thanks to the womens institute of goodwood for their lovely new years letter to th6 correspondent may the year 1938 be a red letter year to your society and the best of health to all its members the 1937 years summary of news in last weeks issue of the tribune certainly was read with interest by toronto readers short snappy and to the point this is the motto of the stouffville tribune thank you mr kendall for your letter and news of iroseville we certainly like to hear from this pari of the township and- ot the good work mr kendall is doing when the snow passes away and the birds are back from the south no place better does your humble servant wish to visit than this spot called roseville yes siree our friend tells the scribe of one of our old fashioned chirivaris which took place last week when 42 young men went to serenade mr and mrs warren beach mrs beach was formerly miss denolda wilson daughter of mr and mrs thomas wilson 3rd concession uxbridge to put on the finishing touches on tuesday a magnificent oyster supper was set at the home of walter beach brother of the groom now just think folks over one hundred sat down for this feast yum yum too bad we were not there on sunday january 23rd at st barnabas anglican church on dan- forth avenue there is to be held a mayors service when mayor day who is a member of this church and members of toronto city council and civic officials will attend ic a body our well known friend tax collec- fellow to remember people und dates but there is one date well- known to our friend and that is january 27tfi of each year now by crackey in a few days it will be here and to our friend the correspondent and his whole family and friends here in the city sent best wishes and many happy returns of the birthday the drowned persons in the lake simcoe tragedy were all well known to the scribe joseph carroll delivered coal to the correspondent on saturday anthracite blue coal at 1300 per ton cannell coal for fire place 375 quarter ton the maple leaf and black hawks game on saturday night drew quite a crowd of uxbridge and stouffvlllt folks news items advertisements or sample copy of the tribune may be looked after phone har 3012 even irgs menn0n1tes refuse farm bonus fear conscription from regina comes the story that true to their pacifist traditions two mennonites placed on farms under the federal farmbonus plan have refused to accept their cheques lest acceptance should involve them in any war labor department officials today said the two received 5 cbeques but promptly returned them be cause some one told them the whole thing was a scheme to get them in volved in a war by enforcing com pulsory service upon them bureau of labor officials did not wish the men to go unpaid so wrote returning the cheques and urging the men to keep them but they wers adamant west to take over the surplus hay 030 to 850 toil belnjr paid for shipments going forward from rainq river district special freight rates according to inquiries received recently by w m cockburn agri cultural representative at new- roatket there is likely to be con siderable movement of hay to saskatchewan for feed relief purpos es in the drought districts the pur chases being made by the grain and fodder branch of the saskatchewan department of agriculture a con siderable quantity of hay has already moved out of the rainy river dis trict at 850 750 and 600 pel ton for grades no 1 2 and 3 load ed on cars during the first four months of 1938 both railways are granting special free rates of 50c per cwt on hay purchased for relief purposes shipped from any ontario station east of fort william to anv point in saskatchewan the minimum load being 24000 lbs shipped in the standard 36 ft car ordinarily considerable hay would have been purchased in the states of minesota and montana but adverse weather conditions there have greatly reduced the amount available according to e w wiliams manager grain and fodder branch department of agriculture regina sask from whom anyone interested might secure further information r i0e30i ioe aex if you use unworthy wallpaper in order to make room for our new stock of sunworthy wallpapers we are making a special offer of 1 13 reduction on all sunworthy wall papers in stock drop in to our store and we will show you an array of patterns that we are sure will please you they are designed and coloured to produce an air of refinement and restfulness make your selection at once as at this low price our stock will not last long are the patches bdynd otp pictmes i l j sunworthy wallpapers donotfado these sunworthy wall papers will not fade and you may move your pictures or furniture without fear of finding patches behind them we have them in 22 and 30 widths new wallpaper will brighten up the entire home and give a new lease of life to furnish ings that have done duty for years and at the special low price of 33 13 per cent reduction the cost per room will be greatly reduced spare the roadside trees continuing for another week our january preiuventory sale look over these exceptional values some of the slower selling lines we are clearing frjom stock some are former soap deals many are new specials but all are good value other specials not advertised will be featured at the store come inand get some of these bargains before they are gone nuts special all nuts remaining unsold from christ- cwifi n a a n mas peanuts excepted are reduced 3c fre g afrcan coffee per pound lbs for 35c the following editorial from the globe and mail meets with our wholehearted endorsatlon the country is becoming too barren of trees and the article herein is accordingly a timely word it reads specific instances of the removal for cleaningup purposes of trees along the highways and less tra- quented roads in this province art plentiful enough to alarm all who appreciate the value and the beauty of treelined avenues whether ur ban or rural districts the cutting down of trees in older ontario ex cept when absolutely necessary to building or the widening of traffic arteries is plain vandalism it is but continuing the foolish policy of the pioneers who in their struggle to overcome the forest made virtu ally a clean sweep of it with the ex ception of a small bush acreage agricultural lands were denuded of trees however aiong most highways there are trees left there because the land was not to be cultivated stretches of road arched by spread ing branches are a delight to the traveller for no logical reason other than a strange desire for uni formity with its accompanying monotony these groves are in cev tain sections being attacked in wholesale fashion if this be allowed to continue- there always are people ready to put the axe to a tree irreparable damage will be done to adjoining soil and the general scene will be mede drab and uninteresting the compensating feature is that in other sections of the province local highway engineers are plant ing trees and shrubs for the purpose of checking the drifting of snow on the roadway the ontario deparl- ment of highways has been active 1 royal blue occasional plate for lc when you purchase 1 pkg ivory flakes 23c chinese laundry starch 3 pkgs for 25c special lc soap sales 1 large ivory soap 10c another large lexia raisins the raisin with the flavour per lb lie all for lie lie 2 cakes kirks castile 5c when you buy 6 cakes p g soap 25c 30c 10 lbs for 100 heinz pork beans many flowers soap 3 cakes for lie d great mid- winter clearing sale winter hats we purpose clearing out our entire stock of winter hats and in order to do we are making drastic reductions in all lines take advantage of this unusual opportunity in planting trees along the highways and in saying those placed there by nature no trees bordering country roads should be felled at all without department authorization and de partment authority should keep in mind the artistic as well as the utilitarian value of all trees the glory of a welltreed autumn land scape should be an inspiration to ward forest conservation and surely a check to those too willing to wield the axe prefers increased radio license fee flannelette blankets fine quality flannelette blankets full double bed size with blue or pink borders attractive and serviceable per pair 235 separately whipped per pair 2 45 extra arge 0x90 per pair 269 all wool blankets lovely soft quality pure wool blankets double bed size with blue or pink borders all 25 per cent reduction clearing sale of dolls all odd lines of dolls to be cleared out at 25 per cent reduction all prices from 25c up new prints the new 1938 prints are now in and are fully up to standard both in quality and pattern they are all sunfast and tubfast 36 wide priced at per yard 16c 20c 25c 29c dress up and live to be well dressed gives one a very com fortable feeling and you may have it at a very moderate cost we are clearing out our entiie stock of street and afternoon frocks at a reduction of 25 per cent all new and up to date both in style and materials for a limited time only 25 per cent off the financial post protests the new canadian broadcasting corpor ation contracts which will permit penetration of canadian fields by american advertisers the reason advanced in turning to the usa 13 to obtain increased revenue for the cbc which has to balance its budget and pay three com missioners fancy salaries totalling more than 50 average men combined are paid the post submits it would be preferable to increase radio foes than accept us revenue so far as this paper goes we much prefer u s programs rotten as many of them are to the bilingual broadcasts of cro which aeems dedicated to giving canada a bilin gual tongue armours corned b 6 lb tin 75c assorted hand soap 6 cakes 25c golden area peaches 16 oz tin 15c frigate mixed fruit jam 40 oz jar 25c bulk figs per pound 10c habitant pea soup 28oz tin 10c banquet tomatoes large can 10c castile soap 10 cakes 25c fresh wheat germ aylmer chicken soup per tin 10c choice white corn tin 10c ideal tomato ketchup large bottle 17c broken rice 6 lbs 25c homes dessert puddings pkg 10c oranges oranges are continuing at new low prices on larger sizes extra special grapefruitjvfarsh seedless good size per dozen 35c smoked and fresh fillet dried herring ciscocs fresh oysters fresh fruits and vegetables i ratcliffco york county holstein wins highest place for milk house of refuge cow beats nil canadian jr 4 year olds in 1037 tires on tractors mean saving fuel thewh shaw store pbbk five years ago tractor tires were a novelty today an increasing number of tractors are being sold on rubber tractor sales in 1937 as re ported by a well known canadian publication were 10261 for all can ada of this number 2605 tractors or 253 per cent ot the total were sold on air tires while tires especially designed for tractor use became available in 1932 they were not widely tested under field conditions until 1933 states j m armstrong of the field husban dry division central experimental farm- ottawa in that year a set of 127528 inch tires were placed in operation on the dominion experli of mental station at swift current h sask fuel economy tests were mad ejin 1936 when these tires were 50 per cent worn with the same tractor on tires and on spade lugs the re sults showed the amount of fuel saved with rubber tires to be 55s per cent in cultivating 942 por cent when ploughing and 24 s6 per cent oneway disking statistics released by the federal department of agriculture appear to indicate that princess patricia beauty junior 4 year old holstein friesian owned and developed by york county house of refuge new market gave more milk than any other cow of her age in canada for 1937 for strictly twice per day milking and ranks second highest for the all time dominion record during the test period of 365 days princess patricia classed as a junior 4yearold gave 21541 lbs of milk the all time dominion re cord according to information re ceived is held by banostine alcartra norine owned by e l sweet bel- mon ontario with a record- of 22619 lbs milk a few years ago in order to pro vide sufficient pure milk and cream for the requirements of approxi mately 100 inmates of the house of refuge the home commissioners secured a few head of accredited and federally blood tested two year olds and yearlings as the nucleus of a small pure bred herd which have since developed very satisfactor ily the cow making this great re cord is one of the young heifers purchased at that time another animal showing splendid form is lonelm rag apple doris a two year old heifer who during her present lactation has three but ter fat tests recording 39 per- cent 45 per cent and 58 per cent these are splendid percentages having regard for the fact that fed eral authorities use an average butter fat tiase for the breed of 34 per cent abbekerk sylvia girl a jurtlor-3- yearold finished some few months ago a 305 day rop record of 618 lbs butter and stood 3rd in her class as a senior three year old she has started another lactation aver aging for the first three months to date 2100 lbs of milk per month another cow in this herd that will be heard from is marie fayne colantha a year old with thesame blood lines as princess patricia dur ing the past 68 days of this test she has averaged upwards of 80 lbs of milk per day congratulations are due to major d e sprague superintendent atid the commissioners w h pugsfey reeve of sutton and j p jefferioh reeve of king for the splendid progress being made in this small but efficient county institution for the aged goal and feeds place your order for fuel a day ahead if possible so you will not be disappointed on that truly good reading coal we are dealers for national concentrate and national minerals poultry feeds of all kinds on hand cod liver oil salt and all other animal feeds s w hastings phone stouffville 169 big reduction of ladies and mens coats i still have a number of coats left which must be sold i ahi offering them for sale at cost price in order to dispose of them if you are interested in purchasing a coat please give me a call and i will be glad to call and display them at your home harry golden phone jones feed store stouffville 263 who 9 i m he is cheerful and courteous he is wise in travel lore he welcomes the opportunity to discuss your travel problems ho is your local gray coach lines agent do not hesitate to consult him his address appears below gray coach lines the safe driver fire insurance rates in canada are too high says the federal superin tendent and will likely be cut we hope the reduction reaches stouff ville this town has proven to be one of the best risks in ontario but flrej rates are just as stiff as in places where many losses are recorded and where heal hazards exist if new rates come along no doubt the vill age of stouffville with all modern are equipment and low will receive recognition the christian science monitor favors the idea ot bonusing the care ful drivers of automobiles by a re duction in their car insurance prem iums when the buiderof a home takes every precaution to make his dwelling fireproof using brick in stead of wood using slate instead of wood shingles and in various other ways he receives a lower rate of insurance on his house so the monitor believes that the man who drives a year without an accident of any kind should receive a rebate on bis insurance already some thirtyeight largo buildings i insurance companies in the united i states have adopted this scheme ac cident free drivers receive a rebate at the end of the year amounting to 15 per cent of their premiums this plan has the same distinct merit of rewarding the careful man as the tire insurance rate idea sentiment in favor of the change is growing rapidly certainly the system of giving safe drivers cash rewards in the form of premium discounts should be an incentive to more careful driving not only is the saving involved worth trying for but there is the added dutlnc tion of being an accidentfree dri vers with a bonus cheque to provo it fifty million dollars in bonds were sold the other day by the cnr in just 70 minutes after going on public sale t

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