classified advertising jj articles for sale fu3 farming cut your own hair little ciat pocket earber the ftuttmtlj balrcutlr for men and bor peviy d cut and trim the hair and doe it fl send for circular s j- jackan 897 bbxv wwt toronto canadian dl- trthutnr tricks jokes puzzles and magic novelties send 25 ccnta for catalorue de ducted from first order of 1 or more 1 s3 5 asaorttrcnts crown supply company i2a queoo eist toronto ilusical xngtruilents cornets and trumpets twenty dollars clarinet boehm system thlrtyelxm dollars trombones twenty dollars violins five dollars guitars six dollars conn alto saxophone thirty dol lars terms barr w 218 yictchl toronto sksi rader iklne weighs each kernel proof tost used klines bring price new farm sales klice manufacturing co islington ontario aviation courses ik flight instruction navi- ktlon altilane and engine mechanics home study courses leavens bros air cervices limited barker airport toronto books tub world book empire edition an all british encyclopedia highly endorsed efficient salesmen required attractive in troductory price low monthly payments cenerous commissions the quarrle comp any 57 bloor west toronto business opportunities women start a dress and lingerie business of ytur own a shop or from your own home excellent profit increasing busi ness prices to meet competition and gar- meats superior in quality small lnveatmcr starts ycu off write camden dress comn- any 7a camdca strcf toronto dogs great dane puppies from champion- shlp strain twentyfive dollars and up wil liam snaiel bracehrldgc ontario feathers wanted feathers bought goose and duck highest prices paid the canadian feather and mattress co ltd 41 spruce st tor onto films and prints rolls developed printed i free enlargement 25c keprlnts 10 for 25c iliifnfi i83h king st b- toronto zero prices expert work roll with iree eniurgcmcni 2oc trevanna stud ios 03 niagara street st catharines ont- free two beautiful enlargements one colored with roll developed eight glossy farieproof prints 28c highest qual ity mnchray films winnipeg print your own negatives at home on any surface cloth or paper without skill or darkroom less than cent each miracle foto kit complete with instructions for 150 prints si j c- williams 5 richmond east toronto free enlargement with every 25c order roll film developed and 8 prints 25c reprints 3c each brlghtling studio 29 richmond st k- toronto furniture freei 2000 pieces furniture freei in lyons lj3tf catalogue of new and keconduluned furniture write now for this free illustrated catalogue to give you an idea of lyons remarkable furniture values lyons tradein dept new and reconditioned bargains mink raising samplb copy magazine 10c book catalog free fur trade journal box 31 toronto ontario hair goods wigs toupees transformations braids curls and all types of finest qual ity hair goods write for illustrated cata logue toronto human hair supply co 023 bathurst st toronto a hairdressing schools andrews academy op hairdressing government licensed we train you for board examination free prospectus ml bloor west toronto 441 tone walnut finish dresser chif fonier full size panel bed saglcss spring and brand new nilfelt mattress completely re- finished roo cft 8liccc solid oak dining room vu suite large buffet extension ta ble anil fl leather upholstered chairs like new toq fift beautiful 3- piece chesterheld suite v full size chesterllcld and 2 roomy chairs to match upholstered in a good quality french jacquard with reversible marshall spring cushions thoroughly cleaned and re conditioned oo large 3drawer dresser with mir- ty0ju nr in walnut finish steel bed in walnut linish sagless spring and brand new roll edge felt mattress completely re- finished tfji c f sixpiece enamel breakfast suite t buffet dropleaf table and four windsor chairs perfect condition d1 i cft oak kitchen cabinet top has 7 sliding door front with flour and augar containers large cupboard space in base with bread box and three drawers in fine con dition guaranteed i fr erand new 3piece chesterfield 6 pyuv bu upholstered in fine quality repp over rust shade marshall reversible pring cushions full wcbd construction dq ftn brand new chesterfield bed suite ptktuv chesterllcld bed has large ward robe 2 big chairs to match covered in hard wearing repp material rust shade a real bargain 4 6 large mirrors and 3 drawers kfi im chiffoniers in oak and walnut ou up dnishes 20 c drophead singer sewing machines 3s4s neftv ro edge well tufted in cretonne covers all sizes metal beds all sizes guaranteed good condition oc brand new allfelt mattresses with 250 up 59 ci a qc brand new chiffonier in selected pxswj blrcn wnnul nn fl drwm colonlnl destpn 4 qe odd chesterfield chairs with mar- shall reversible cushions fi7 kfl beautiful 0 piece walnut bedroom suite larcc dresser vanity chif fonier full size bed sarless sprtnc and brand new allfelt mattress completely re-condl- tlned like new nn ninepiece walnut nnlsh dining uu room suite buffet china cab inet square extension table and 6 leather up- bolstered chairs completely refinlshed suggestions for christmas gifts we have a farue assortment of chairs cof fee tables end tables lamps sewing cabin fc cedar chests radios runs bedroom and dlnracroom furniture etc at the most rea- enable prices in toronto ai our furniture si thoroughly cleaned and recondltloned in our own factory and carefully packed for im mediate shipment on receipt of money order our big new 1938 illustrated catalogue is now ready be sure to write for one lyons bedding and upholstering co manufacturers open evenings 478 yonge st toronto tour druggist has them 50c a raymsr cmji f thl frrvilf ir1 masoftt 1 colo iimcby w atut m mumvti ratt w j mih amfm ray mar mason remedies limited h mfota ii totonto cma0 medical co00 edmonton citizens testify for r and s powder herbal remedy rheu matism arthritis oeuritls stomach troubles etc two weeks 150 one month 3 two months 5 druggists or j c mclntyre edmonton alberta miscellaneous learn shorthand accountancy typewriting by mail satisfied students throughout canada write for free prospec tus dept c canada business college hamilton ont novelties portrait in folder free with every rojll ierfectly deveu- oped and printed 25c coin star snap- rot service 160 king st west dept v toronto patent attorney roy u knox registered attorney information regarding invention patents drawings registrations sales 14 metcalfe ottawa patents an offer to every inventor list of inventions and full information sent free the ramsay company registered patent attorneys 273 bank st ottawa can personal are you ruptured relief comfort positive support with our advanced method no elastic or understrapa or steel write smith manufacturing co dept 219 pres ton ont poultry and poultry equip ment poultry equipment high quality at low cost made in canada for canadians write for our new catalogue model incuba tors ltd 106 river st toronto our chicks grow faster bigger make better pullets layers healthy hardy bloodtested free chick feeders with early orders 1938 prices now ready cornwall chick hatchery cornwall ont would you like your 1938 chicks free enter the tweddle chick contest 1500 free chicks prizes to everyone send for contest form tweddle chick hatchery limited fergus ontario quilt remnants five pounds quilt remnants 5100 free 110 patterns designs washfast cottons prints broadcloths silks collect samples 2jc refund guarantee marl- lime textiles department wils 8040 degaspe montreal salesmen wanted tailoring salesmen make big money selling our madetomeasure clothing free sample outfits morton clothes 1108 st lawrence blvd montreal stamps and coins we buy and sell old stampa toron- to stamp company 06 king street west toronto where apples get their rosy cheeks chemical substance called 3-gai- actosidylcyanidin is said to be natures rouge effect on com plexions studied according to chemical tests carried out by tho united states department of agriculture it is not rouge that puts the blush on the cheeks of apples but a chemical substance that sports the aweinspiring title of 3-gaiactosi- dylcyanidin if an apple merely has 3- galactosldylquercetin it is usually yellow in appearance but 3-galacto- sidylcyanidin is the stuff that makes one of those nico red skins you love to crunch the testa have shown that this substance is present in yellow apples of the grimes golden variety but it is not identical with or respons ible for the yellow color of tho skin in red apples the unseen coloring mat ter is acted upon chemically and changed to red idaeln which ts a sim pler name for 3galactosidytcyanidin they have not yet identified the con ditions that cause this change from yellow to red color is important color in apples is important to grow ers and to consumers for tho grow er there is tho practical advantage that wchcoiorcd apples are not nearly so subject to injury by storago ecald as are apples in which the color is imperfectly developed duyers have a decided preference for wellcolored ap ples whether they are yellow or red make your liver produce its bile your liver has a big job to do make it do what it is nuppoited to its job is to produce 18 to 30 fluid ounces tt be every day and end it through the system if it falls down on its job ycu rniffer and how the most effective stimulant for the liver known to medical science is calomel which in small dotes is of the highest use in conges tive conditions especially those due to over eating over indulgence tn alcohol lack of ex- erdje etc tanol tabets contain a certain proportion of calomel blended with cascara and other medicines they are mild and harm- lets but your livar vnderstands and takes the hint for sale at ji druggists fioc b jc trial bo tte ohl kruschen get yours now i ask your drurpbt for a 75c i i knucben giant package it con- i tain a regular bottle and a trial i nze bottle use tne trial size i i first and if not satisfied return i th regular bottle nnopjned i your money will bo cheerfully refunded and are willing to pay higher prices for them there s good reason behind the preference for the consumer good cole- is a practical and easy guide to selection of good ripe fruit the chemical changes that are es sential to the formation of good color are the changes that are also required to bring fruit to maturity and to de velop flavor aroma and palatability this research does not concern the merits of yellow apples and red ap ples it does bear out the popular idea that to be good red varieties ought to be red and yellow varieties yellow somewhere she lies across a bed her frail form shakes with sobs through weary months she searched for work but there werent any jobs her empty arms prove life is cruel though young shes lost all dreams shes not to blame for circumstance tossed her into its schemes a thing that promised her deep joy brought horror unbelievable theyve torn her baby from her arms a crime thats inconceivable while through mere lack of money scenes like this are authorized each day throughout our land how can we think were civilized lyla myers two parsons were having lunch at a farm the farmers wife cooked a couple of chickens saying that the family could dine on the remains after the visitors had gone hut the hungry ministers ate them all later the farmer was conducting his visitors about the place when a rooster began a lusty crowing one of the ministers seems mighty proud of himself farmer growling no wonder he has two sons in the ministry correct this sentence john lets me charge everything i wish said the carefree wife so i never buy anything unless i need it professor of english correct this sentence girls is naturally better looking than boys pupil girls is artificially belter looking than boys read it or not a horse has no eyebrows a man willi a big wart on his chin dropped into a doctors oldce to have it removed when he failed to return for additional treatments the doctor phoned him to ask how the wart was getting along just fine replied the patient my face is gone but the wart is still there nell i hear that you and elmer are engaged i dont suppose he told you that he was engaged to me last year bel well dear he did say some thing about there being things in his past he was ashamed of but he didnt go into details the motherinlaw joke la over done ever notice that when there is sickness in the family tho first person sent lor is the wifes mother a golfer was driving off about a foot in front of tho teeing mark the club secretary happened to come along club secretary indignantly here you cant do that youre dis qualified golf player what for club secretary youre driving off in front of the mark golf player tersely away with you i im playing my third stroke tho mills of the gods grind slow and thats also the way the old head works when youre trying to think up a snappy retort to somebodys wise crack bunkers herbal pills for p i l e s medical authorities quite generally agree that itching bleedrno or photrudino piles are caused by an inflamed condlucn of tha lower bowel and congested liver this herbal medicine haa been made from the extract of herbsonly for over 75 years to treat tho internal cause of piles prico 5200 by mall plainly wrapped send p o or express order your money back if not re lieved bunker herbal medicines toronto 0 ont can issue no 38 a c along canadas mining highway from coast to coast the aggressive expansion goes on bringing results that indicate another new record of production for 1938 the province of quebec is the scene of great activity east malartic gold mines now developing underground shows definitely a big mine outlook adjoining on the east the rand mal artic properly reports good diamond drilling results on the lacoma pro perty in taveriler township exception al results are reported from first new work underground the east lacoma people are planning diamond drilling in tho west section of the province powell and beattie show healthy de velopment in the larder lake district of ont ario great activity is apparent at the barber larder property mining plant is being installed preparatory to under ground development of tho extensive orebodlcs indicated by diamond dril ling fernland is preparing for shaft sinking kerr addison continues de velopment on a large scale martin- bird is shaping up well with import ant new ore developments in tie west section kirkland lake gold pamour and buffalo ankerite receive much favour able comment in the older miuing dis tricts albany river and uchi are looming up importantly in the patricia district alberta reports much good news in dicating this province as a potential big source of oil supply for the british empire on the west coast of vancou ver island a new camp is causing soma excitement bralomo and ymtr yankee girl report favourable developments money spent was boon to industry 61000000 spent by lie c n r during 1937 from almost ten thousand canadian firms purchases made by the canadian national railways during 1937 amount ing to over sixtytwo million dollars from approximately ten thousand can adian firms assisted very materially in bringing various branches of cana dian industry back to normal condi tions r c vaughan vicepresident in charge of purchases stores and steamships stated in an interview at montreal last week in which he re viewed the years activities of his de partment we expended considerably more for the nrehaso of material and sup plies in 1937 than in 1936 mr vaughan said that was necessitated by the increased business handled which required the running of more passenger and freight trains to meet the needs of increased traffic con sequently more fuel was burned and a larger quantity of train and other supplies were used our shops were also operated to greater capacity during the year which was necessary to meet the equipment requirements of the rail way and therefore more matorial was required for that purpose fifty firstclass coaches our total purchases of material in canada in 1937 approximated 62- 606000 of that amount approximate ly 15140000 went for new equip ment and 11216000 for canadian fuel used on our locomotives and in our boiler houses stations coaches etc approximately 315700000 feet of forest products were bought in can ada by the canadian national rail ways in 1937 which consisted of ma terials for construction and repairs to equipment buildings etc of that quantity 225700000 feet are repre sented by track ties during the year the following new equipment was delivered to the na tional system by car builders in can ada mr vaughan announced fifty first class coaches 10 mail and ex press cars 2665 box cars 49 flat cars 16 ballast cars 30 and cars 300 gondola cars and 176 freight re frigerators in addition 125 freight re frigerators were built in c n r shops alrcondltionira to the fore during the year wo had a heavy airconditioning programme in connec tion with our passenger cars and 126 cars were airconditioned mr vaughan added in 1s37 there was a substantial in crease in tho price of some lines of material but we are hopeful that thero will be recessions in price dur ing the year the expenditure by the canadian national railways of such largo sums of money in canada has meant many million man hours of work for our canadian citizens and has done much to assist various branches of cana dian industry back to normal condi tions we all feel this way at times physician aro you ill let me see your tongue please patient its no use doctor no tongue can tell you how bad i feel hovh your stomach you lose vitai nerve force if you allow your stomach to dfs- picrcc golden medical discov ery is a depend able jonic whiclf will increase the appetite eliminate waste from the intestines stimulate the di gestion and you thereby gain strength mr nellie wwardcn 467 main st w hamilton ont said dr pierces comen medical discovery was very beneficial to me it helps the digestive system relieves eat on the stomach and acid indtfcestion when one has no appetite and feels tired and upset the discovery is very helpful buy now of your nearby drugb new size tablets 50 cents liquid 100 large size tablets or liquid 135 passenger traffic is up 15 per cent c n railways vicepresident re ports volume of freight for year 1937 also tops 1936 fig- montreal jan 11 the volume of freight and passenger traffic car ried over lines of the canadian na tional railways during the past year shows a considerable improvement over that of 1936 alistair praser vicepresident in charge of traffic stated in a review issued here last week the year 1937 was one of steady progress in the volume of freight traffic handled as well as changes and improvements effected in our ser vice to the public said mr fraser while there was a heavy falling off in grain shipments resulting from the very light crop in parts of western canada this was more than offset by the improvement in general business resulting in an increase in freight tonnage handled of approximately ten per cent over that of 1930 progress in mining development mining developments in north western ontario and quebec have shown remarkable progress during the past year the opening of that por tion of the canadian national rail ways new senneterrerouyn line from senneterre to val dor on november 29 provided muchneeded rail facili ties to the numerous mines located in that area increased 15 per cent mr fraser stated that passenger traffic on canadian national lines had shown an increase of fifteen per cent during the year increase in train travel generally resulted from the up ward trend in spending power that was noticeable during the greater part of the year he said frequent low fare excursions between canadian cit ies and towns and to points across the international border brought hun dreds of thousands of people to the railway for short coach trips good progress was made in the alr-condi- tloning of our passenger equipment we have had airconditioned standard and lourist sleeping cars dining cars compartment observation and library cars parlor cars buffet club coaches and loungebuffet cars in service for some time by the purchase of fifty airconditioned firstclass coaches of the latest design during the past year we have attained the objective of hav ing all principal mainline trains fully airconditioned village evening twilight and the tide returning back to the arms of the azure sea sunset and the first star burning deep in the depths of immensity nightfall and the last of gloaming lingering along the old lake shore evening bell and a late herd homing and a woman framed in a cottage door a coasttocoast smokeup agriculture under nazi dictatorship is a tough proposition for th farmer who owns his own farm but cant control hii products wise rollyourowners will fell you ogdens is the feature of the smolce- en programme they know that finei flavour and cooler smoother smoking are assured every ime w ogdens fine cut and vogue or chanlecler papers andthwesa bigger 15c packago of ugden s now i the knotted spiral nebulae thrown off by the sun in the formation of the solar system began drawing the outer particles or planeteslmals to them thus the earth grew after it first was formed the first 19 years are the noisiest when acid indigestion starts 1 3 carry your alkalizer with you always the fastest way to alkalize is to carry your alkalizer with you that8 what thousands do now that gen uine phillips comes in tiny pepper mint flavored tablets in a flat tin for pocket or purse then you are always ready use itthis way take 2 phillips tabletc equal in alkalizing effect to 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid phillips from the bottle at once you feel gas nausea overcrowding from hyperacidity begin to ease acid headaches acid breath overacid stomach are corrected at the source this is the quick way to ease your own distress avoid offense to others jllz iikcuti k lt hzs ddp town by town village by village more ontario homes say contorf your nmtftil btu cool cfmisr today lef blue be your guide lo bclfer healing efficiency and grealcr eco nomy kemcmber your furnace is de signed to bum anlhracife and blue coal is the worlds finest anthracite order a trial ion six sizes a sizo lo suil every furnace aslc yonr nenrest bloeeooldnlerfor frco copy of first aid to better heating or writo to bluo co1 co 217 bay st toronto 171ar listen to the shadow every wed cfrb 9 to q30 pm the government men arrive as th cows aro filing into the barn thej take the stools from the farmers wif and the hired girl sit down and begin milking they strip the 40 cows and sat down figures in their notebooks to every farm in germsiiy the gov ernment men come to make sure that tho amount of milk the farmer deliv ers is precisely the amount he draws from his cows says george kent writing in the country home maga zine for the farmer must bring all his milk to a control station ho can not retain even a pint to churn butter for the family the skim milk ho needs for his pigs he must buy back the prico he gets is fixed for every thing he grows officer dominates market lets consider how hans vogel typical german former fits into the intricate economic plan of the nazi state before the dictatorship hans killed each fall four or five fat pigs and made them into a winters supply of sausage and headcheese now ho brings all his pigs to the nazi control station and receives for them the gov ernment price he has a fat steer to sell in tho market exciting places these german markets used to be the trader beat his palm as he nanteil a figure the farmer beat his palm as he named another and the chaffer ing proceeded until at last a bargain was made now in the market meta morphosed by the nazis an officer comes along glances at the beast names a figure and hans must take it national food corporation german agriculture is literally one vast corporation the national food corporation at its head is the min ister of agriculture r walther darre a man with absolute powers over all that concerns farming be controls al most every phase of the farmers life hans can own his farm but he cannot own what he produces darres supervisors stalk the far mers fields squinting estimating when the potatoes start to grow the supervisors point to empty spots and order a new planting there by edict last july the entire wheat and rye crops were requisitioned to safeguard the nations bread supply farmers may keep only what they need for their families for feeding bread crops to livestock they may be fined heavily making country selfsufficient according to g l steere american agricultural attache- at berlin these strenuous efforts have succeeded in making the country 1 per cent self- bufllcient but many farmers are evading the rigid quota system gangs of syndicates operating strings of highpowered cars sell coveted food stuffs widely and individual bootleg gers travel about on trains with food concealed in falsebottomed trunks and suitcases the penalties aro sev erefines prison and in the case of largescale operators death yet the minister of agriculture estimates that onethird of all food produced is sold surreptitiously nameless worms puzzle experts scientists at new york aquarium watch creatures that are the same at both ends two anonymous wormlike creatures that will never need to turn they look the same at both ends puzzled scientists at the new york aquarium this week by their disconcerting hab it of swimming backwards or forwards with equal ease x the rare snakeliko amphibia wrig gled unconcernedly in a tank whilo experts in tho life piscatorial went into a huddle over their identity they were captured at tho junc tion of peru columbia and brazil explained c w coates aquarist swim both ways they aro slithery and harder to catch than an eels ghost tho deal ers who sold them to us thought they were twoheaded fish the creatures about 18 inches long and dark brown in color swam plac idly back and forth looking as rare as possible coates and dr ross nigrelll path ologist after poring through several huge reference volumes concluded tho aquariums rarest acquisitions be longed to tho order apoda family cocciildae genus tlphlonectes wo can safely say they are very close relatives of tiphlonectes com- prcssicauda and may possibly be a new species admitted dr nigrelll proudly as they left one tiphlonectes look ing less anonymous was swimming backward and the other forward lead pencils are made of graph- ito and clay the name comes from tho old days when people wrote with pieces of lead taking a liking to tho veterinary surgeon who treated it in cairo egypt a young camel brcko away from its home walked 30 mlies tack to tho dispensary and refuses to leave