serious accident in welland canal lock gates carried away blocks canal congests port colbcurne so af fecting whole grain situation worst ever st catharines the steamer doris upbound crashed into the head gates ot lock 13 in the wellaul canal at 1 oclock sunday morning the waters ot the upper level were released and tore out the two upper gates and one of the lower gates the steamer wasj thrown by the force of the water into i the lower lock where it is now lying in a crosswise position with the grain rush at its height and every hour counting in preventing f complete tie up at port colborne the crash is regarded as extremely seioux thirteen freighters are in the canal 1 are waiting at port dalhousie to enter the canal and as many more aro lined up at the elevators at port col borne waiting for canal ships to take away enough grain to let them unload over jisoocoo bushels of grain are aboard the waiting heat at port col borne serious business captains of tho vessels tied up in tho canal gathered sunday night for rn informal conference one stated that it would cost his company 500 jer day while his boat is stranded dm ng the peak of tho yer this was j taken as a fairly general estimate uamage to the canal itself has not yet been estimated it will run into many thousands marine officials say it is the worst tie up in history at this part of the ranal twenty years ago the freighter samuel marshall crashed in the same way into the same lock with the elevators at port colborne already crowded to overflowing and more than enough grain in the harbor to fill them again it is expected that much of the grain coming down in the next few days will be ordered to buf falo at port colborne elevator the steamers brentwood emperor van- doc midland prince midland king hagart john barium gleneagles mathewson and riverton with full cargoes estimated at 3000000 bush els of grain last momenta of ike manasoo en georgian bay godfreys plane found in north mother lsad sends high commissioner sir william clark and his daughters welcomed to ottawa duties outlined lake tragedy as it is recalled by survivors slowly but steadily turning on her side her lights out the rebuilt manasoo flattened her side on the surface of georgian bay in the darkness and went to the bottom it was all over in fifteen minutes according to rescued members of the crew hero a staff artist gives a conception of the tragedy as the survivors recall it arthur middlebro the young medtal student remembers the sjip flat as a pancake on the water before he jumped you could feel hor in the sea swing and labor like a log si guys grabbed me but 1 got away they were weeping and crying in the water but there was not much panic when i was swimming along i saw what i uiotigl was a couple ot cows i was all for grabbing a cow and hanging on but when i did catch on it was the raft how many men actually toe to ue water none definitely states the last minutes they recall as a fearful dream middlebro remembers the first mate going below with a wieeisinaii in an effort to trim hi- shi over and they drove some of the cattle to the other side to offset the lit to no avail in ihe fitful moonlight the mainx no more party safe only one slightly injured but plane is i total loss down in alberta edmonton squadron leader earl godfreys plane has been located up the peace river near carcajou it is a total loss but all members of the party are uninjured with the exception of commander gordon who is suffer ing from a bruised leg the plane was forced down last saturday morn ing about 1 1 oclock returning east after the successful fight to vancouver from ottawa squadron leader godfrey left tho town of peace river in northern al berta last sunday afternoon he was scheduled to stop at fort smith in tho northwest territories but for the past seven days he has bceu unreported ex cept in vague rumors which said his big seaplane had been forced down breaking n pontoon though the air men it was sairl escaped injury every resource of the hudsons bay company was being thrown into the search acting under instructions telegraphed by the companys edmon ton olllce a boat belonging to the ryan transportation company left fort fitzgerald friday for peace river to join in the search word had also bee sent to the fort vermillion post of tho hudsons bay company to send a small gasoline boat scouting upstream as far as it could go and to the red river post to ifeareli downstream from vermilion chutes as far as possible still another wlro was dispatched to fort mcmurray to send n gasboat down the atlmbaska river as far as chfppowyan and then up the peace river to meel the gasoline boat from red river market reports the ontario crop of alsike seed is somewhat lighter in yield and much poorer in quality than usual this sea son according to prominent seedsmen who report the first of this seed be ginning to move an early spring drought cut down the yield while quality was lowered by the continual rains through the summer and during harvest time this excessive moisture started a second growth and the pro duction of much immature seed which eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 10 to 42c fresh firsts 38 to 39c seconds 29 to 30e butter creamery solids pasteur ized no 1 39 to 40c no 2 33 to 38 c churning cream no 1 39 to 40c cheese no 1 large colored par affined and government graded 23 14c live stock heavy beef steers coice 12 to 51225 do fair 1075 to 1125 but cher steers choice 1075 to 11 but cher heifers choice 1050 o 1075 do com 8 to 950 butcher cows will be impossible to separate from g00c to choice 8 to 875 o fair to the mature hard seed as a result k00c sg50 to 750 do com g to of this lowering of quality and also canners and cutters 4 to 550 due to the presence of much weed seed ji bulls good to choice 750 to in the alsike a large portion of thejjg a0j me 7 to 750 bolognas crop will be unfit for the local and to 7 baby beef 12 to 15 sultan of muscat arrives in london london sayyid talmur bin feisal sultan of muscat and oman has ar rived here as ihe guest of bo british government and will pass a month touring great britain bis program in cluding a luncheon with ihe lord dependent arabian monarch ruling 0000 square miles of torrid sparsely mayor at guildhall feisal is an in- inhabited territory on ihe producing qualities of date palms geographically is important as a lauding place for tho air route to india lie is 1 young en lightened moslem who has adopted european customs is an enthuslasilc cricketer and has introduced many reforms among his people interviewed on his arrival feisal with arab politeness expressed pleas- uro a being among my allies and beiwee lis aro to me a source of frlaiuldiii ihe friendly relations prfde- united states market and will have to be- exported across the atlantic to reach the european grower in time for spring seeding the exporting will have to be carried out before the first of the year there is practically no activity yet reported in alfalfa or red clover dealers are offering the farmers in ontario the following prices for clean ed seed fob shipping points no 1 97 per cent purity alsike 10 per bushel no 2 9g per cent purity 9 per bushel no 3 95 per cent pur ity 750 per bushel no 4 90 per cent purity g per bushel purity refers to freedom from weed seeds and other seeds than alsike and any foreign material such as sand and chaff no 1 indicating 97 per cent puro alsike seed grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board o trade aro making the following quotations for car lots man wheat no 3 north 110 no 4 wheat 104 no 2 tough 11316 no 3 tough 10514 no 4 tough 103 cif goderich and bay ports man oats no 1 feed 59c cif goderich and bav ports am corn no 2 vellow 11814 no 3 yellow 11714 toronto freights mhifeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 3125 shorts per ton 3325 middlings 4325 ont oats good sound heavy oats in car lots 45 to 40c fob shipping points ont good mii rg wheat fob ship ping points according to freights r110 to 112 barley malting 03 to 09c buckwheat- not quoted rveno 2 90 to 95c man hour first pats in jute 720 toronto second pats in jute ol0 ont flour tr k toronto car lots 90 per cent iats per barrel not quo ted seaboard 510 provision prices toronto wholesale dealers are quot ing the following prices to the trade smoked meats hams med 33 to 35c cooked hams 50c smoked rolls 27c breakfast bacon 35 to 43c do fancy 44 to 45c backs peamealcd 32 to 35c do smoked 39 to 42c cured meats iong clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 21 70 to 90 lbs 19 90 tc 100 lbs arid up 18 lightweight rolls in bbls 1150 heavyweight rolls 3850 per bbl iard pure tierces 1714c tubs 18c pails is14c prints 19 to 1914c shortening tierces 15c tuba 16 14c pails lntjc tins i79ic prints iotic ritoducf quotations toronto wholesale dealers are pay ing the following prices delivered feeders choice 9 to 1050 do fair 850 to 875 stockers choice 9 to 1025 do fair 8 to 850 springers choice 140 to 170 milch cows choice 90 to 100 calves choice 1550 to 1g do med 10 to 13 do grassers 750 to 8 lambs 13 to 1325 bucks 11 to 1125 sheep choice 7 to 850 do heavies 550 to g50 do culls 3 to 5 hogs selects woc 1325 to 1350 do fed 1285 to 1310 do thick smooth woc 1275 to 13 do fed 1235 to 12g0 the years as they come bring with them many things to our advantage horace spains capital scene of holocaust fire in theatre costs lives of hundreds in attempt to escape madrid sept 23 several hundred persons are believed to have perish ed in a fire which brokis out sunday night during a performance in the novedaes theatre mqfe than 200 in jured are under treatment at hospi tals and emergency stations the theatre was packed to the doors with a typical sunday audience for a performance of la mejor del puerto when during a brief inter mission at s50 pm thero was a great burst of flames on the stage the theatre holds 3000 and the ca pacity audience rushed for the exists the occupants of the stalls and boxes were able to leave before the flames spread into the auditorium but those in the galleries were less fort unate and the exists were soon chok ed with struggling masses tie novedaes is one ot the oldest and largest theatres in madrid the flames spread with terrible rapidity through the wooden fittings hundreds of persons wcro tram- ottawa sept 23 sir william clark high commissioner in canada for his mamjcstys government in i great britain arrived in the capital i shortly after midnight as sir wil- ham detrained in the early morning he was greeted by hon ernest i-a- pointe acting prime minister col onel h- w snow from government house and frederick v field senior british trade commissioner in can ada- cordial words of welcome were ex pressed by mr lapoiuto to tie first high commissioner for great britain to be appointed to the dominion sir william heartily expressed his grati fication to be in canada and accom panied by his wife and two daughters immediately left for the residence re cently leased for bis use build permanent office at noon the british high commis sioner was the guest- of tie governor- general and viscount willingdon at luncheon at government house on monday he will take over his new duties in temporary offices leased in the heart of the city facing the parlia ment buildings the question ol ertihing a building for permanent of fices sir william stated is one ot the matters that will engage my at tention in the near furure tiie new british high commission er maintained his attitude not to dis- ejss matters of a controversial na ture sir william intimated how ever that the subject of british im migration would probably be discuss ed during the first week of october at a conference with g f plant secretary of the empire settlement board who is now in canada additional channel the function of the high commis sioner for great britain in canada as sir william put it- is to he an ad ditional channel of communication between the government of canada they ran a motor car and the british government in lon went tlbwii and was seen den two governments serving equal ly tiie same king and governing na- llqns within one and the same em pire arrival of sir william augments the growing diplomatic circle in tho capital at present there aro hon william phillips united states minis- er to canada the japanese chargo daffaires and tho consulsgeneral for china argentine republic cuba and italy as well as some consular agents before parliament again ionvenes official expectations aro that ministers from franco and jap- an will bo appointed to ottawa pled by those who pushed on from behind while others were suffocated and doubtless burned to death tho interior of the theatre was soon roaring with flames which then spread to adjacent buildings the alarm quickly spread throughout the city and premier prime de rivera and municipal authorities hastily followed the police and firemen who were already busy at the scene three queen bees ride i in state in airplane pasadena calif whether they have ever risen to such heights before is not likely to be known but the trans portation of bees by air mail has been revealed as a successful experiment three queen bees have traveled in state between tennessee and cali fornia arriving in pasadena from spring hill none the worse for the experience according to ii c melon ot this city who received th ueweomers each queen traveled in a tiny suite of apartments with an entourage of a dozen ordinary bees tho little apart ment house was made from a block of wood work is the grand cure for all tho maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind carlyle noncombatants will not have much chance in future war spectacle emphasizing strongly vv hy war ought to be outlawed a composite picture of an actual incident that occurred over denvor at 1i10 dedication of lindbergh flnld three hundred aeroplanes in the air at one time a hostile licet of such proportions flying over n city could scatter destruction throughout a widearea western provinces controlling radio manitoba saskatchewan and alberta cooperate with ottawa to control broadcasting winnipeg man in connection with the proposed appointment of a federal radio commission in the fall it is rumored that the example of manitoba which now has a virtual monopoly of radiocasting may bo followed by the provinces of saskat chewan and alberta the government control of radio casting has proven a success in man itoba although the provincial govern ment does not control the issuance of radiocasting licenses it has an agree ment with the federal department of marine and fisheries which has juris diction over canadian radio matters not to issue any licenses for manitoba without consulting tho provincial ad ministration one of the important matters which the board will have to consider is that of using radiocasting licenses for propaganda and commercial advertis ing purposes it is proposed to limit tho use of the radiocasting privilegei for this purpose or xssibly io pre vent it altogether ontario would do well to follow the lead of hor western sister provinces wheat and the st lawrence canal la presse ind for purposes of export the united states this year will have apparently about 75000000 bushels ot wheat while canada should have at the lowest figure 400000000 or even possibly 450000000 now this establishes very clearly the relatlvo positions of tho two countries with re gard to the problem of exporting wheat on the world market especially in connection with facilities for its evacuation it we consider tho fact that the exportation of american wheat is carried on today at least as much by pacific as ft is by atlantic routes we shall find that in so far as the exacuatlon of american grain is concerned the demanded canalization of the st lawrence could only affect this year a probable maximum ot 40 to 13 million bushels of wheat and if wo consider ihe fact that ihe dispatch of this wheat will necessarily be divid ed between tho different american at lantic ports it would be more accurate to fix at some 20 to 30 million bushels the quantlly of american wheat which could possibly benefit by tho proposed canal in brief a mere trifle