Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 7, 1926, p. 8

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stouffville january 7th j92g atch your tires 5 rubber has advanced 500 this year tiaj prices look to be going higher i still have some tires in stock that i bought at the fewest price during 1925 others i have bought as the market was advancing but all prices quoted here are considerably below todays wholesale prices advise anticipating your wants for next year by buying now and saving money license plates we have 1926 motor license in stock you are ex pected to have them on your ca by jan 1st call early tires 33 partridge non skid fabric seconds 6 95 30x3 northern traction cord seconds 1 00 30i3 trump cord guaranteed 12 00 303 major cord guaranteed 1 29440 ballon guaranteed 13 00 81x440 ballon fits 30x3 clincher guaranteed 19 00 31x4 trump cord guaranteed 18 50 313 jjpoyal oak cords guaranteed 20 00 3ri4 major cord guaranteed 22 00 32x royal oak cord guaranteed 23 00- 32x4 major cord guaranteed 33 00 32x4 major cord seconds 25 00 s3s major cord seconds 20 00 33x4 major cord guaranteed 28 00 33x4 trump cord guaranteed 25 00 34x4 major cord guaranteed 29 00 33x5 royal oak cord guaranteed 40 00 36x4 roval oak cord guaranteed 40 00 cutter for sale goqa condition amas yake stouffrilte j- horse for sauk 5yearold gelding iai sale well broksn and sound h moyer phone 60os for saie freth milch cow with calf at side brilliager bros phone lfs or 174 for sale quantity northern 15py apples batt bros phoue 6207 stouffville for sale barn 40x40 good frame on stone foundation also frame iouse all may be owed wui rceeor ixst collie dogbrjght llow with white strip about tie neck apply j a fleming phont 2104 80x3 seconds 1 50 31x440 guaranteed 3 00 30x3 seconds 1 75 31x4 guaranteed 3 00 30x3 seconds extra heavy 2 00 32x4 guaranteed 3 00 30x3 guaranteed 2 25 32x4 guaranteed 3 50 80x3 guar extra heavy 2 75 33x4 guaranteed 3 50 29x4i40 guaranteed 3 00 34x4 guaranteed 3 50 g a m davison unionville v markham township to the electors i takethis opportunity of thank ing the electors of the township of markham for their splendid support in returning me as 1st deputy reeve for1926 i appreciate the interest taken by my t supporters and the ratepayers in general assuring you that i will at all times endeavor to look after your interests during my tenure of office to the best advance ment of the township j r campbell for same fresh cows and springers also pure bred yorkshire sows and boars ready for service w e meredith phone 6920 stouftvllle lot 11 con 2 uxbridge for sale 8 small pigs 6 weeks old jacob smith phone 3612 for sale young sow second litter dut to farrow fred reynolds phone mark- ham 812 appreciation of thanks to the fire brigade i desire to express my sincere appreciation for the valiant fight put up by the brigade early tuesday a m which saved our lumber yards stouffville planing mills w schell send the tribune to absent friends povjjtwx wanted live geese ducks and hens for which i quote highest market price see me before you sen sam golden at pennocks livery card of thanks the family of the late mrs van- buren forsyth desire to convey to the public their sincere appreciation of the many acts of kindness shown them in their present bereavement gormley tbis community is grieved over the death of mrs alexander duncan who seemed to be called yonder rather suddenly she is survived by her husband and seven chidren so many of our people have re ceived the final summons lately that it behoves us to keep our lamp filled with oil claremont d- a taylor has added groceries to his bread and ice cream business miss barton of toronto com menced her duties on monday as assistant teacher in our eontinuatioi school a choral class is being organized by mr fletcher of toronto the first meeting will be nexl wednesday evening miss osborne of chicago is visit ing the rev mr osborue at the baptist parsonage she sang a solo very acceptable sunday evening the annual new yearls gathering of the cooper family was held at f m coopers on friday about thirty- five descendants of george cooper were present card of thanks we are pleased to express our thanks to the good people of gornv ley and district for the great sym pathetic help extended to us during our sad loss of a dear mother alex duncan and family card of thanks mrs moses hill and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the many kind acts and words of sympathy during the illness and death of their beloved father and husband tenders tenders wanted ror 16 cordiof 16 long body maple and beech wood to be delivered at theschool ssno 10 whitchurch bloomington ten ders received by the undersigned up to jan 15th 1926 eugene baker secretary 47 wanted barley and oats highest prices paid at bruce bros mill phone 3614 uxbridge electors i wish to thank the ratepayers of uxbridge township for their loyal support in returning me as counci lor for 1926 your interests will be my interests and your trust in me is appreciated and will not be misused thos h lewis thank electors i am deeply grateful to the elec tors of uxbridge township for their excellent support at the pollson monday returning me as reeve for another tetni the return of the polls in the south were particularly gratifying in view of the fact that i could not easily get over that part object to look after your interests to the bestof my ability thanking you again yours truly william g cassie ptn ti m s 4rcylind0r overland coach a quality coach handsome powerful one piece wind shield double beading at waistline extra wide doors full 5 passenger comfort for the first time in history a fullsized 5passcnftcr coach with sliding gear transmission is to be sold at the amaz- lngly low price of s50 remember tiiis is a fullsized five-pas- senjfcer coach roomy enoufth to hold five full jirown adults in perfect comfort over any journey regardless of its mile age its triplex swings ftive a riding case found only in nighpriced cars all in all a light car with every neces sary big car finality feature at an unprecedented low price by actual comparison you will find the overland couch more fully and better equipped from head light to tail lamp than any other car selling near its price step in and see this handsome all the car round car small down payment easy terms bloomington miss alta fockler spent a week in toronto miss burnett who has been hi is slowly recovering r miss batterick of midland was a guest at o h tranmerjs oh sunday mrs paisley of markham spent a couple of days at mrs w storrys mr and mrs stoutfei- of toronto werevisiting mrs law mr and mrs dean of thornhill were visiting her sister mrs robt burnett on saturday miss irene harper graduate nurse of new york spent new years with her sister mrs booth mr and mrs austin wagg of to ronto were at her mothers mrs patterson and her sisters mrs win- terstein rtngwood too late last week j fisher was returned as school trustee miss alma brownsberger is at pre sent in toronto miss gertrude boyd is spending her holidays in toronto miss m e cook of lemonville is visiting at mrs orval drewerys the school concert brought in 40 congratulations to teacher smith and his band of hopefuls mrs wni pipher isnt so fortun ate in taking a tumble with a pail of water as the jill mentioned in the story of jack and jill went up the hill when mrs pipher fell with the pail she injured herself quite severely and was on the sick list for a few days last week y ganton barnetts son billy re ceived severe scalds one day last week on the shoulder and side when he tipped a kettle of boiling water over although badly burned he is progressing as favorably as can be expected overland buggies wagons sleighs and cutters robes blankets rugs and harness 2 chevrolet cars 1 mclaughlin car in good repair all bought for cas will sell at small margin v phone 3006 stouffville glasgow miss topper is back at her school duties again mr andirs weckardt mr and mrs l slack and families mr and mrs j slack were visitors at wm slacks altona on new years day walter davis has moved into his new house we welcome mrs march into our burg she has moved into the house where mr davis had been living mr and mrs h slack mr and mrs w proctor were city visitors on monday c tindall of haliburton w tin- dall of kirkfield have been visiting mrs march we are all invited to the lecture to be given next monday evening in the united church stouffville by an eminent speaker mr geo e moriey cf toronto mr and mrs jos wild visited her parental at altona here during the christmas holidays our former re sidents are doing well on their new place near markham joe is no thing short of a firstclass man in his line of business on tuesday of last week arthur latcham left on a trip to florida in company with a couple of toronto boys the trio will make the trip by motor car carrying their own tent and equipment so that they will see the country to the best advant age stopping when- and where they choose arthur expects to be gone about three months and by that time we hope to have the weather shaping more like spring time sale register tuesday jan 12 credit sale of registered and superior grade holstein cattle on lot 17 con 8 markham the property of robt eagleson sale at 1 pm f w silversides auctioneer wednesda yfeb 3rd extensive sale of 50 reg and high grade holsteinshorses implements from 400 acre farm belonging to sam atkinson lots 17 and is con 4 whitchurch vandorf this be ing a large sale will start sharp at 10 amr silversides farmer auctioneer stouffvhaes newtry goods store stocktaking specials mens heavy allwool sweater coatsj re 500 for 449 stanfields unshrinkable underwear mens heavy weight all sizes reg 250 for 198 ladies wool underwearlong sleeves ieg 275 for 225 ladies wool underwear half sleeve reg 245 for 198 a few womens and girls winter coats to clear at half price regular 1700 lor s5j regular 1000 t for i00 mens mitts horse hide mitts regular 95 to i25 for 89c groceries specials pastry flour 100 granulated sugar cwt i 635 seedless raisins pkg 10c p g soap 10 bars 55c grapefruit large size 3 for 25c mixed candy per lb 15c f c rowbotham dry goods and groceries phone 5601 town orders delivered stouffville planing mill stouffer and schell windows doors and frames joisting studding sheeting shingles lath and special maple birch and oaic floor ing also storm sash and doors save their price in fuel many times shingles make warm siding for poultry houses stables etc at low cost swifts qaraqe phone 195 now is the time io get your car overhauled for spring your old car isworth more to you than it is to the dealer as usecj cars are a drug on the market so get it fixed up now and save money how about your battery get it re charged and save it from freezing batteries neatly repaired and recharged masseyharris farm implements repairs now is the time to see us about buying a new bain sleigh they are guaranteed to stay on the road and draw heavy loads see us if you are thinking of purchasinga cream separator our new no 6 separator ise be3t on the market also see us about an engine windmill water job or litter carrier we also have on hand a number of secondhand machines including sleighs wagons drills and plows we are also agents and handle repairs for john deere co ontario wind engine and pump co and canadian potato mach inery co d h0lden agent phone 184 stouffville farm profits during the new year farmers may increase their pro fits by shipping cream to our plant keep more dairy cows is the new 1926 slogan try it now and be convinced stouffville creamery co agents for the delaval separators phone 18602 k

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