Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 7, 1926, p. 4

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stouffville january 7th 1926 home town store the year 1925 has come and gone during that year we had the largest turnover in our thirty four years of business we take this opportunity of thanking our many customers for their very liberal patronage during a year of stress and in the vear we are entering we take the iiberity of inviting the continuance of the same and in return we will do our utmost to render the best service give the best quality and maintain the same reasonable prices to our many customers the tribune thursday morning terms 200 a year in advance 250 to the united states a v nolan publuljer stoupfville ont editorial comment the village of canniagton have placed their hydro system under the direction of a commission and dr j w barker is one of the commis sioners he is a cousin of dr e s barker of stouffville markham elections ratcliff go deliveries phone 7112 affiliated shob stores means cheaper shoes special notice we would lile all accounts settled by january 10th 1926 as we need the money r h glehm footwear of me1rit stourrville ont phone 4301 isnt sweet clover hulled and cleaned at our seed house coal coal n we havea car of pea coal in now put your order in early as it is going fast also a furnace coke and range sizes always on hand feed feed feed a carload of government standard ground screenings at an attractive price sampson feed bran shorts and flour bought before the raise in prices oyster shell grit ok laying mash and oil cake s w hastings proprietor successor to w 3 cook telephone 16 9 residence 3 7 1 s new year greetings to you for the new year we have warm overcoats and mufflers and a big range of mens goods j l little stouffville ontario real estate 100 acres brick house tank barn fine soil spring creek near stouff ville good roads near school church and stores fine location price 10000 wanted from 2 to 20 acres with good buildings and good location list your property with us yake and co real estata office in adam yakos jewelry store 2 doors west of railway tracks phone 150 stonftvihe wanted live hens chickens and ducks geo rosser phona- 3708 stouff ville 49 births preston on dec 27th 1925 to mr and mrs alex preston pine orchard a son deaths evnhs at his residence vandorf thursday dec 31st 1925 david evansjn his 87th year interment at aurora cemetery duncan at hertate resldencegorm- ley jan 1st 1926 mary jane mcxair wife of alexander duncan interment at melville cemetery forsyth in stouffville jan l 1926 lydia barkey relict of the late vanburen forsyth in her 76th year funeral sunday from resi dence of mr clayton stouffer to stouffville cemetery at 2 pm the beaverton express issued very creditable christmas shopping number this year displaying many columns of special advertising the express has shared the lives and aspirations of beaverton for 37 years chesley enterprise some who may not understand the political game predict the king government will be voted out shortly after parliament assembles dont fool yourselves the 245 members nave just come through a strenuous aud expensive election campaign and are not anxi- cus for another contest with all its uncertainty for 50 days after par liament assembles at least so that they can be assured of their session al indemnity of 54000 who could in all fairness blame them there will be one session of parliament at least before another general elec tion the general opinion today is that we have too much government and have too many laws under our pre sent system costcutting in business is impossible thousands of dollars are spent every month tor the en forcement of unnecessary laws and for the upkeep of superfluous com missions and a system of red tape the manager of a mediumsized factory in hamilton recently said that 13 government inspectors had been to his plant the previous week these were all on the pay roll of the governments and were simply wast ing time we have too many high- salaried men who are properly idle two much unnecessary legislation and the sooner we cur out a lot of these superfluities the better perhaps the most keenly contested municipal fight ever staged in mark- ham township was fought on mon day when reeve wesley gohn was returned by the largest t majority yet given a municipal candidate in the township beating his- opponent exwarden geo padget by 888 votes to 474 scored by padget few votes were left unpolled all the old coun cil being returned excepting mr jarvls the election hinged largely on the action of council in taking bfck from i the toronto and york highway comt mission the 6th concession and sub- 1 stitutiug therefor the sth concession two and a half miles farther east from the vote recorded the action of council was overwhelmingly en dorsed another storm centre was the re latively high rate ot taxation and tor which the township is said to possess valuable assets in the way of modern bridges and stonecrushing machinery robt smith who essayed to come back for first deputy has had con siderable municipal experience as has abncr summerfelt for second de puty but the ratepayers willed othewise the results of the election are as follows reeve wesley gohn sss geo b padget 474 majority 414 first deputy j r campbell s37 r a smith 399 majoriay 43s second deputy r l stiver 665 abner summerfelt 513 majority 152 councillors js honey reelect ed 708 fred coakwell 540 john fisher 380 and james jarvis 341 first two elected classes ix agriculture commence lemonville guests at mrs jos barkeys elm farm during the holidays mr and mrs sutherland and family mr and mrs harvey mr charles harvey nd miss fletcher all of toronto mr and mrs delma barkey of aur ora mrs barkey gave a radio to her son russell for new years day his birthday a number of the neighbors listened to the service from st pauls church anglican toronto altona the regular monthly meeting ot the womens institute will be held on wednesday jan 13th at the home of mrs bt reesor the follow ing program will be given paper by mrs c barkey farm problems a3 they concern women music mrs and miss dunkeld reading mrs yake roll call saving steps de monstration on christmas cake goodwood mrs win sellers is recovering from her illness geo stewarts family are suffering from severe colds david watson of donsland sask visiting relatives here geo evans was in town from blackwater to record his vote donald davis ot toronto normal school visited friends here last week a number of our young people had an enjoyable evening at the home of mr and mrs d wagg last friday under baptist auspices r ashenhurst principal of brace- bridge business college spent new years with his uncle john ashen- misses louie bessie and helen robinson and miss myrtle and mil dred watson of goodwood also miss lillian and jean dowswell of stouff ville were the guests of mrs h m wetherill unionville last wednes day now that the old council is re elected we may have to pay an amusement tax tor that big after noons program advertised as nomination meeting the womens institute will hold their meeting at mrs win robin sons home on thursday afternoon jan 14 th mrs win yake has kindly consented to give a talk and demon stration on first aid work will members answer the roll call with a new years thought fteeve cassie who was returned foi a third term on monday at the polls also a number of the other elected candidates and one defeated john collins came to the hajl here election nigh and thanked the big crowd assembled for their sup port the boys in the gallery made agreat choir and the how do you do song was well used eh election figures on front page ot this issue although the weather was not too favorable for the opening day there were good representative classes and many students present from a dis tance at the short courses in agri culture which opened here on tues day the attendance of the boys class has been affected slightly by the snow leaving so suddenly result ing in a number of prospective stu dents staying home to finish up some urgent trips the management wish to take this opportunity of informing the ladies and young women of stouffville village that the girls course invites all who wish to attend miss gray- don who is lecturing for he next two weeks in home nursing has had varied experiences and is well worth hearing all young men in the district h uld make a special ate to liear the lectures in agriculture it id important to hear the first iec- turoi and be taught the preliminary facts in order to make most use of judging practices later the toys will soin be payrig visits for judging practice to the pure bred breeders of live stock in the district our farmers know too little of breed type this being a real opportunity to be instructed by live stock judges the dates given over to specialists are as follows jan 11th veterin ary science jan 14 fruit and vege tables feb 1st bees the lectures will be given by outstanding author ities to which all are invited births forsyth on jan 5th 1926 to mr and mrs levi forsyth 10th con of whltctfurch a daughter forj1ale brick house in west end with two vacant lots adjoining hen house fruit conveniences apply to a stouffer phone 5503 45 credit sale of thirty head of purebred and high grade holstein cattle to be sold by public auction on tuesday jan 12th- 10so on lot 17 con 8 ninth line markhnni the property of robt eagleson a good opportunity for dairy men to secure some good milk cows as there is one cow in the sale that has given 85 lbs of milk in a day test ing 36 equal to 24 lbs butter in seven days she with three o her daughters will be fresh around sale date 2 reg young cows milking 2yearold heifer will reg calf by sido 9 grade holstein cows fres h grade holstein cow full flow grade holstein cow due jan 22 grado holstein cow due feb 8th 4 grado holstein heifers ris 2 yrs 4 grado holstein heifers ris 1 yr a number of veal calves jersey cow milking 3 young bulls serviceable afee all sired by a bull whose two near est dams averaged 33 lbs of butter in seven days the dam of one of them has given seven cans of mllkn seven successive days come to the sale and get some of those good cows hogs 5 pat hogs 150 lbs each 8 pigs three months old terms veal calves pigs and all sums of 2000 and under cash over that amount nine months credit will be given parties furnishing ap proved joint notes or 5 per cent per annum off for cash sale at one pm sharp f w silversides auctioneer highest prices paid for alsike sweet clover red clover alfalfa and timothy f t hill co limited office phone 1401 house 189 l e todd managing director g midwinter at this big mm- winter sale the thrifty housewife will find that a dollar will extend into a big buying power more than it has for a long time look over the bar gains and come to the store where you will find many more not mentioned here we would like to have the people of town and country visit our store this month whether you really need any thing or not its a pleasure to show goods and you will find it a pleasure to inspect them remember our china and crockery depart ment also carries attractive bargains although space will not permit us to quote prices a few prices- look them over ladies coats velours marvella fur and self trim to clear at half price ladies wool silk and wool and cashmeie hose to clear at 100 pr ladies underwear in heavy ribbed cotton and fleeced- lined to clear at 100 each ladies heavy cotton underwear to clear at 75c each childrens underwear in heavy cotton and fleecelined to clear at 59c each specials in odds and ends in handkerchiefs and ribbons to clear at 5c each ladies silk and wool vests reg 200 to clear at 159 each kiddies allwool flannel dresses reg 4 and 5 special 295 mens big ulsterette overcoats large and roomy beauti fully lined reg 3000 and 3500 to clear at 2495 see our window display shop where your dollars get the most mens overcoats in navy and tweeds reg 2250 25 special 1850 mens overcoats in tweeds of grey and brown at a very low price special 1250 mens sweater coats reg 600 and 700 special 525 mens suits in fine material plain and stripe reg 1250 special 995 mens sweaters reg 300 and 500 mens caps reg 150 and 250 v mens khaki and black and white shirts youths overcoats sizes 22 to 28 boys suits special 525 special 298 special 139 special 139 special 375 w h shaw phone 9512 stouffville as in previous years starting the first of the year store will close every night at six oclock except saturday

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