stoupfvtttk december 31st 1925 v watch your i 4 rubber has advanced 500 this year tire prices look to he going higher i still hate some tires in stock that i bought at the lowest price during 1925 others i hare bought as the market was advancing hut all prices quoted here are considerably below todays wholesale prices advise anticipating your wants for next year by buying now and saving money license plates we have 1926 motor license in stock ton are ex pected to have them on your car by jan let call early 30x3 30x3 30x3 30x3 29x440 31x440 31x4 31x4 31x4 32x4 32x4 32x4 33x4 33x4 33x4 34x4 33x5 36x4 30x3 seconds 1 50 31x440 guaranteed 3 00 30x3 seconds 1 75 31x4 guaranteed 3 00 80x3 seconds extra heavy 2 00 32x4 guaranteed 3 00 30x3 guaranteed 2 25 32x4 guaranteed 3 60 30x3 guar extra heavy 2 76 33x4 guaranteed 3 50 29x440 guaranteed 3 00 34x4 guaranteed 3 60 g a m davison unionville partridge non skid fabric seconds jj 95 northern tractioncord seconds 7 00 trump cord guaranteed jjj major cord guaranteed j 00 ballon guaranteed j 00 ballon fits 30x3 clincher guaranteed 19 00 trump cord guaranteed j 60 royal oak cords guaranteed 20 00 major cord guaranteed 22 00 royal oak cord guaranteed 23 00 major cord guaranteed 3 00 major cord seconds 25 00 major cord seconds 20 00 major cord guaranteed 28 00 trump cord guaranteed 25 00 major cord guaranteed 29 00 royal oak cord guaranteed 40 00 royal oak cord guaranteed 40 00 for same fresh young jersey cow and heifer calf eli mairs phone 405 j for sams fresh cows and springers also 1 pure bred yorkshire sows and boars ready for service w e meredith phone 6920 stouffville lot 11 con 2 tjxbridge i wanted w are paying highest prlera for wool feathers and poultry special attention paid to orders baa raxlln phone 7821 aug28p t to bent house and barn with good under stabling warm hen house and 1 acres land in stouffville plenty of fruit immediate possession apply r burton main street east 44 wanted live hens chickens and ducks- geo rosser phone 3708 stouff- vllle 49 happy new year to one and all h leadbetter butokhb phone 0701 soooflrthe fistic contest excitement ran high at the nomin ation in uxbridga township on mon day held at goodwood the speeches were eaustle and full of vim just at the close treasurer w smauey and ira stiner staged a bout which caused considerable stir smauey took exception to the remarks of stiner and might have trojmced him properly had there sot been so much interference charlie lee as deputyreeve got the only acclamation reeve cassle will contest his position against owen davies who has had more de feats to his candidatures than any man we know of in ontario for council the following are in the field the first three being mem hers in 1925 thos h lewis george todd w glaspell isaac catherwood end john collins three to be 6lected it is freely predicted that reeve cassle and the old council are likely to be returned messrs catherwood and collins being supporters of owen davies do not stand so good a chance ndith one markham miss tnrr is home for holidays miss mccowan went home for christmas holidays mrl eagleson teacher at hailey- bury is home for vacation miss holden of toronto was home for christmas mr and mrsjpostill spent christ mas with relatives in stouffville dr and mrs gowland of new market were home for christmas mr and mrs hillman of toronto were home for christmas with mr grant mr and mrs c eagleson of claremont were home for christ mas miss blain returned to toronto after spending a week with her par ents mr and mrs h boyd and family of markham spent christmas at the latters hoine mr and mrs ham visited mr and mrs ham of milliken on christmas day miss knight and brother of tor onto were home with their parents for the week end mr and mrs bracken and family of the seventh line spent christmas day with mr and mrs mcelwain wanted barley and oats highest prices paid at bruce bros mill phone 3614 x skates for sale size 8 boots automobile bs attached phone 1015 for sale jbrick house in west end with two vacant lots adjoining hen house fruit conveniences apply to a stouffer phone 5303 45 9c 4- cylinder overland coach a quality coach handsome powerful one piece wind shield double beading at waistline extra wide- doors full 5 passenger comfort for the first time in history a fullsized 5passcnger coach with sliding gear transmission is to be mld at the amaz ingly low price of 850 remember this is a fullsized fivepas senger coach roomy enough to hold five full grown adults in perfect comfort over any journey regardless ol its mile age its triplex springs give a riding ease found only in highpriced cars ail in all a light car with every neces sary big car quality feature at an unprecedented low price by actual comparison you will find the overland coach more fully and better equipped from head light to tall lamp than any othtr car selling near its price step in and see this handsome all the year round car small down payment easy terms in bloomtngton mrs robt burnett spent a day toronto mr arthur storry has had a new radio installed mrs e a storry has installed a ujw radio miss erma hill of toronto was home for christmas xiss merla fockler of toronto spent christmas at her home here mr and mrs booth and family spent christmas with relatives at markham miss nellie card is spending her holidays with relatives at newmar- ket and coldwater mr and mrs w h hood and daughter of unionville spent christ mas at mr o h transfers claremont a large number of our residents are having radios installed the entertainment at the baptist church was also a success they had a big crowd the misses paxton of torontoare spending the holidays with their par ents here chas and mrs elliott and miss evelyn spent christmas with hugh and mrs gregg mr and mrs overland of erin ar- visiting their son mr c a over land mr and mrs wllker of tavistock are spending the holidays with their son w j wilker dr f w underhill of erie pa paid a flying visit to friends and rela tives here on sunday miss clara neal of toronto is spending the holidays at her home at north claremont rev r a and mrs wnattam of oshawa spent christmas with the latters sister mrs e j spenceley mrs c n ruttan and harold of picton are spending the christmas holidays with the formers sister mrs e j mr and mrs eli lehman and j b hoover of the 8th line spent christmas with relatives in toronto miss margaret mclellan of gan- anoque and miss mabel of toronto and john of detroit are spending the- holidays at their home here the christmas tree entertainment went off successfully the presbyter- ian church was packed full and the receipts were about 7500 overland buggies wagons sleighs and cutters robes blankets rugs and harness s 2 chevrolet cars 1 mclaughlin car in good repair all boughtfor casu jwill sell at small margin gormley frank thompson and sister cora with their families ate their christ mas dinner under the parental roof mr and mrs jahes thompson w b henderson after spending christmas day with his- family and returning to his duties on the york radial and while crossing the cn r at gormley successfully avoided a collision with motor coach by head ing his machine for the ditch from which it required half a dozen men to extricate it mrs ma baker grandma spent her christmas at the home of d w heise in her 91st year grandma has been preserved in a very remark able way both physically and ment ally and is able to discuss matters of community history intelligently indeed considering her advanced years something that cannot be found in every community by way of con tinuous land title and residence can be found near gormley where in two cases the sixth generation la now resident on these two farms without interruption covering a period of one hundred and twenty- one years surely thou carriest them away as with a flood a life long resident of gormley dropped into the tribune office re cently and gave us the following in formation during his recollection covering a period of go years there lived on either side f the fourth concession of markham in one mile and a quarter south from gormley no less than two hundred and fif teen people of various ages all of whom have passed into the great beyond in addition to quite a num ber that at one time were resident on this thoroughfare of whom it is not known by our- informant whe ther they are still living or other wise surely when a few years are come then tshall go the way whence i shall not return in this connection our informant stated that one family personally known to him comprising five gener ations the first pioneers the second and the third ijave all pass ed away a considerable percentage of the fourth and quite a number of the fiftlr all in the recollection of our informant comparatively few people reaclf the age of ninety yars there are liowever buried in the heise hill cemetery twelve people whose com bined ages aggregate 1111 one thousand one hundred and eleven years this is an average of 92 years phone 3006 stouffville y for friendly greetings and good cheer this is the season of the year v esr hearty greetings and the best of good wishes for a happy new year i eee f c rowbotham dry goods and groceries phone 5601 town orders delivered i stouffvitle planing mill stouffer and schell we extend to you the seasons greetings and our best wishes for a prosperous new year swifts garage phone 195 1 now is the time to get your car overhauled for springi your old car is worth more to you than it is to the dealer as used cars are a drug on the market so get it fixed up now and save money how about your battery get it re charged and save it from freezing batteries neatly repaired and recharged masseyharris farm implements repairs now is the time to see us about buying a new bain sleigh they are guaranteed to stay on the road and draw heavy loads see us if you are thinking of purchasing a cream separator our new no 6 separator is the beat on the market also see us about an engine windmill water job or litter carrier we also have on hand a number of secondhand machines including sleighs wagons drills and plows i we are also agents and handle repairs for john deere co ontario wind engine and pump co and canadian potato mach inery co i d holden agent phone 184 stoufiviue sale register tuesday jan 12 credit sale of registered and superior grade holstein cattle on lot 17 con 8 markham the property of robt eagleson sale at 1 pm f w sllversides auctioneer greetings we appreciate the pleasant business relations of the past and wish fr you a right merry new stouffville creamery co agents for the delaval separators phone 18602