Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 31, 1925, p. 7

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new years calendar prty by nettie rand miller welcome the new year with a calendar party plain white cards tiny calendars and bows of silver rib bon make the invitations cedar and holly wreaths borders of paper icicles and bells of white and red swinging from doorways and windows lend the new year spirit just inside the door erect an arch of evergreen called the gate of months bearing the initial fetter of each month of the year hero the host of the evening impersonating janus with a mask on the back of his bead and carrying a large key as the j symbol of his office acts as gate- 1 keeper j i bid you come good friend of mine and hope that you will not decline to watch with me until next year which as you know is almost here janus who keeps the sacred gate wants you to impersonate the month of your birth mary adams maple hill farm eight thirty oclock thursday evening december 31 1925 1926 putting the house in order vent what would at first appear to for the new year whenever christmas gifts are in the nature of household furnishings be ideal arrangements of rooms etc in fact there are so many things that have to be taken into consideration when decorating a room or when in your invitation ask each guest to impersonate the month of his birth as the months arrive janus inspects stunt representing something he would their symbols before they are admitted like during the new year into the circle of years the guests are seated in a ring and as a new ar rival is ushered in he is made to stand imtft the company identify the month of his birthday by the costume he in the game of months the leader starts the fun by asking a player what month aro you going away the player makes his answer the leader then keeps up a rapid fire of putting them away means readjust- changing the schemes of rooms that ing the decorative scheme of one orjit is not surprising it takes study to more of the rocns each addition to make a room look its best with the the furniture should be made to fit correct proportions accented the color into its surroundings and become an j scheme artistic integral part of the room this may mean changing the position of practic ally every article in a rcom or merely slight changes if the new article is a piano for instance or a large talk ing machine a davenport or a desk a cabinet for the dining room or large easy chair for the living room it is easy to see that decided transpositions ot furniture would be required if the acquisition is a footstool a read- making the money go round by clara ingram judson rearrangement happlf task if the new piece of furniture fulfills a longfelt need the homemaker has pictured its position in a rcom many times it then becomes a simple mat ter to rearrange the articles to suit it usually this means that something is disposed of in that particular room it is probably relegated to some other part of the house and then that room has to be rearranged it is a happy a happy new year to you all sometimes as we say that phrase to family and friends it rolls off the lips so glibly that we fail to catch its i full significance think a minute of all the meaning it carries it says we have a new yeara whole new set of three hundred and sixtyfive days to be sure there are years behind many of them full of joys and sorrows and there will be years ahead but this particular new jit for magazines books radio and year 1926 is now the past is church for those bring education to ing lamp a rug or a nest of tables task however this rearrangement of the readjustments would probably be j rooms a christmas for it means trifling but whether the changes are better furnishings and new things wears when the right guess is made j questions in regard to the trip the the player must bow and recite a few answers must be in one word and be- lines of verse about his month two gin with the initial letter of the chosen prizes are awarded one to the per- 1 month son guessing the largest number of j just before the old year ends servo months and the second to the one re- the new year supper to match part- citing the wittiest verse ners ask the girls to draw cards each making the calendar is tfc game to pasted with a picture representing play first have short questions to some month or event of the year the be answered with one won vritten i boys draw plain cards printed with on slips of paper and hung plain the month or name of the event pic- sight about the room all the vtters tured in the oneword answer must ocur inj the calendar scheme may be used the word calendar ono question in the table decoration six strips of might be it is very costly it is an geron crepe paper used as runners exclamation and it i3 always beloved the answer is dear dates will give a hilarious turn to the fun pass a basket of sugared across the cloth divides the table into twelve sections on each section place letters of silver paper spelling the months of the year calendars fas- dates inside of each is a slip oftened upright by fine wires make the paper asking the recipient to act a place cards large or small the important matter is to have them right study the rooms in order that the best arrangement of the room may be found the home and as for clothing let motiser and the older children write down the most necessary clothing that must ba bought as for education if some of your girls and boys are nearly grown youll want to talk about their schooling and see how much money there will bo for that thats a necessity as well 63 the other things and there should be something if you can passibly manage new things with old whatever the new piece of furni ture may be one thing is sure it will help to dress up the room if it is properly placed since it is new it ss lesson january 3 the son of god becomes man john 1 118 golden text and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth john 1 14 analysis i the original greatness op the word 15 iithe appearance of the word in was waiting to direct and bless them the tragic fact ishere stated that the jews did not accept the testimony of john they refused to believe that jesus was the true light coming into the world this was one of the most difficult of all problems why should the chosen people refuse to accept their messiah the cause lay in their unbelief and johns gospel tells of the growth of unbelief as well as of be- lief thjews thought they were gods children by birthright but john tells them that the new life could not come in that way not by the will of the flesh but only by the personal acceptance of christ gods spirit history c13 iii the incarnation 1418 introduction this is one of the masterpieces of christian literature setting forth as it does the nature of christ as a musician may begin with the outburst of full organ so john begins ks gospel with a melodious out burst of faith in the sublime and unique greatness of his saviour these eighteen verses called the prologue form an introduction to the whole gospel and present a summary of the truths unfolded in the following chap ters the general theme is the word or logos a word not found elsewhere in the new testament in this usage except 1 john 11 rev 19 13 and not used by jesus himself john is convinced that all the wealth of divine glory is gathered up in jesus and he is certain that this saviour is writer of this gospel and his friends related to the eternal forces of the have personally experienced the grace world he selects a term that was of tms divine logos all the spiritual peculiar to educated jews who rej of tne disciples have been met garded the word as one of the medi- 1 out of ns fulness in everincreasing ators between god and man the i supplies of grace and truth gracc greeks also regarded god as the final succeeding grace in endless profu- reason of the world and logos i jj jesus is the full revelation of meant reason as well as word we go t hath seen me hath wiped out and in the joyful present we have a chance to start all over with a clean slate the place to start is at the bottom and study the financial side of home- making the first week- in january is the ideal time to study the finances of the family work is not too press- all now add these things together and what do jou suppose you have a budget and its a good one too for its homemade and cut to order com pare this budget of spending with your income and see how it looks too ing and in most cases father andjlittle to bo spent or too much if mother have by now a fairly definite its too little so much the better for idea of tho amount of money they i then we can put in savings and fun should have for the expenses of the money and some more clothing coming year a budget is only a plan for spend- tho first step is to figure up how j ing it isnt a mint but a budget will much money there is likely to be for make your dollar get you the thing all the expenses of 1926 this means jyou want most and in that way it actual income not the little earnings j sometimes seems to make your dollar of individuals those will come later i worth as much as two or even three you dont know much about the nexti and a budget docs one other fine fall if you live on a farm but probl thing it shows us what our dollars ably you do know the receipts of the will not get thats very well worth 1925 harvest and can make a fair knowing guess on how much there will bo to spend during the months ahead all businesses have expenses and one day i talked with a woman who had used a budget to show- her what her income would not do this is the the farm business is no exception story she told me there are taxes insurance repairs we rented fruit land a large farm and improvements to be paid for j and wo were sure we were to be suc- figure the bare necessities first and i cessf ul but there was a killing frost then see how much of the income isjih may and that firstyear we barely left let the children help with the j got along next year there was a figuring nothing else will give them frost tho last week of may and again so good an understanding of fathers our trees and our hopes were blasted and as they opened their hearts to jesus they knew that a profound change had come over them they had become children of god iii the incarnation 1418 this is the grand climax of the pro logue he who has made and guided it j- the world all through its history now s a p task to rearrange rooms so that christmas gifts of condescends to become one with the u e and tur fit into the surroundings like old friends race i 1 v 14 the word becomes flesh this is the origin of the term incarna tion so familiar in the doctrines of christianity jesus becomes a human personality though never ceasing to be divine now men are able to see not the reflected light of god hut call gaze directly upon it in the face of christ only begotten from the father a son without an equal see 1 cor 115 v 16 we all received john the r- therefore infer that john was chal- 1 s the father lenging the consideration of jew and y 18 a brief recapitulation god greek alike in this use of n word fa- purenature is beyond the vision miliar to them he sets forth jesus j mortals no man hath seen god as the final revelation of that truth at anv time if we are to know god which their people have been vainly i to our human capacity it must be trying to discover through philosophy frora one wh dwells in god and then christ as the logos is the final word comc down to mingle with us this frstaitho father this message canl wnat j did for he originally fttisfy mankind 1 j dwelt in the bosom of the father t tr 1 thus the prologue gives choice to the i the original greatness of the deepest faith of the author this is word 15 no mero speculation no attempt to these verses set forth the relation form a newkind of philosophy it is of the word to the eternal past to the result of his spiritual experience god and to creation i tn the fellowship with christ john v lin thejieginning the reader kncw tnat ne was in fellowship with is at once reminded of genesis 115 god with the power that had mado jesus is shown to have existed long and upheld tho universe through before his earthly appearance the whom all grace and truth came word existed already when time be- fbut f this world the word of gan and was equal with god jesus god ia christ has the amo placo as god v 3 the word is the agent in creation this j a new year wish is stated in a positive and a negative t i v t i i way for the sake of emphasis some x wsh happnessi wish j j xl a-t- i gladness decorator has to study the room to be may 1 in decided contrast to the rest changed as if it were a problem to be of the furniture making the other soved in arithmetic or algebra the pieces look a bit worn however this room represents so much space and in may prove an incentive to polish up that space the articles of furniture the ether furniture and give it a new must be made to fit artistically accord- lex or it may result in the making ing to architectural limitations or reof an attractive slip cover for an up- quirements for instance the light- holstered chair that is a bit shabby mg fixtures of the room make certain all these things help to put the house arrangements wise the position of in order for tho new year be sure doors makes other arrangements nee- j that the additional pieces of furniture essary for passageways should not be j do not make rooms look crowded bocked the windows form decided features to be considered a fireplace responsibilities things we must have is the amount left only barely enough for living expenses if so this i3 hardly the year for making big improvements if it seems a comfort able amount then here is the time to figure out what changes should be made or buildings put up v of course i hate to think of what a hard year that was the third year the spring was fin and we were so happy and hopeful but just when the trees were loaded with bloom a northeaster not only killed the blossoms but broke down the trees as well that same day i made a budget these things may not be done for some ls down on paper the cost of allthe weeks yet but the figuring is done tcday before too definito plans are weeks yet but the figuring is done things we simply had to have our clothing was threadbare and our made either for improvements or living that point settled iind the total pantry a joke i added it up to see how much i needed and then i set an incubator full of my best eggs farm expenses subtracted from the now vou should see our business is a delightful architectural asset long wall spaces call for special con sideration radiators registers or other heating elements frequently pre- eliminate whenever possible keep only the best of what is necessary and be very sure that every article is needed either for use comfort or for positive beauty of decoration lets give a candy party why not have a candy party during tho holidays tho guests may be received at tho door by the original candy kid who wears a peaked hat made of brown tissue paper to resemble a cream chocolate for a watch chain he wears you denied the divine origin of the world laying it was made by evil spirits it wlsh y ever is however one of the noble beliefs of no lifo is cv free from breath of tho christian church that all things sadness were created by god this gives unity of course thats understood and purpose to everything the world but should some cloud arise to dim means something new to us when we i vou cheer realize that christ mado it see 1 ri l n cor 8-6- col 116 j give you courago in the coming v 4 light life and light yar will often appear in the sequel the may you have loved ones ever at your story of tho creation of light is hero aide in mind christ is the light of the j world he has been tho source of all have also bowls of blanched almonds walnut meats raisins stoned dates cocoanub candied cherries and pine apple divide the fondant in equal portions botween the partners and in struct them to go to the table choose the materials they prefer for their favorite candy and mold it in any a string of peppermints and carries jfe i t ta largo candy cave he also wears a ssl rf 1 the most buttonhole bouquet of allday suckers i and n rwults the lollipop tree is a splendid way of starting the evenings fun have prepared beforehand a tree from gross income you how have what is called the net income which is the business way of saying that this is the money the family has for running its business the last paragraph was farm business but now were going to talk about home business so thats the money we have to make a home on maybe its a lot maybe its very little anyway we know its ours and we intend to do our very- best to make it get for us all the satis faction and comfort it can next were going to put down all the things we simply have to have well write shelter food clothing and education and then well make those wordf more interesting by seeing just wiiat the money mut get us under each one for shelter we will reed fuel house hold supplies maybe taxes and inter est household repairs postage gaso line household service and all the wish every family would stop getting along blindly they should figure out what they need as we did and then set their brains to work well might she be proud for in three years she and her husband had built up a nationally known business they ship fine baby chicks getting them to destination before feeding is needed you see they took the thing they could do and did more of it they are now happyl and prosperous if they ever do have a good fruit year they will make a lot of money in the mean time they are comfortable and are educating their children and that business was started by the wife mak ing a budget to find out what she couldnt buy till she got the money so if it appears that you havent enough money to provide all the things you have to have cut down where you can but set the familys brains to kinds of expenses tha are needed to working on how to increase the in make a house a home perhaps you come till it fits the outgo chickens counted some of these items in with j butter a lunch room on a hard road your farm expenses thats all right more gardening canning sewing just so you count them somewhere j what you do will depend on your mar- on a farm home and fathers busi- j ket and your tastes but everyone ness are so mixed up that it is hard can do something some time of year to tell whichls which but if you put i and tho children can help as well as the main farm expenses down under the grown folks maybe you have tried that heading the small ones may not this before and it didnt work so much matter so much tho better for you for then you know probably you have receipted store what not to do and thats a real ad- bills or an account which will help you i vantage dont repeat mistakes decide how much to figure for food avoid them and friends about your way that is goodandlrue in the universe m ealth andcomfort in your world he has spoken through the prophets and psalmists and in tho heart ofj abide and peace fold wings and stay which are suspended by red cords of various lengths hard candies wrapped in waxed papers blindfold each guest one at a time hand them a pair of scissors and request them to cu a sweet plum from tho tree the candy is their reward if they are successful if they fail they must pay a forfeit mixed candy is a good guessing game divide the guests into two teams each person is given a slip of paper and takes tho name ofsome kind of candy and muddles up tho letters so as to make it difficult to recognize the names as fanupe lib another yeart another year has brought its meed of blessing its meed of honor and its meed of praise its meed of love each day each hour caressing its meed of comfort for the weary days its meed of suffring haply and of sorrow that wo might learn some lesson that was meet or gather strength for somo unfore seen morrow while sitting silont at our masteis feet men and though darkness or evil has may 26 provo comradokind and truo mado many attempts to destroy the in all his dealings with your own light yet it has not succeeded the darkness did not overcome it god has been working all the time the word is the source of creation and revelation the life of the world is its light ii the appearance of the word in history 613 the word is heralded by john the baptist who is one of th chief wit nesses of the mission of jesus vs 63 evidently some wero induced to givo undue prominence to john the baptist and tills is hero corrected he was not that light vs 9ji coming into the world and you lillian gard for chocolate bars any member of tho opposing team has the opportun ity to guess what the name is the time it takes for tho opposing team to guess is recorded any member of tho opposing team who has correctly guessed tho muddled word can give a muddled word for the team to guess tho team guessing tho muddjed word in the shortest time wins one point for selecting partners have two j dishes of candy there being only two pieces exactly alike ono in each dish i pass ono dish to tho ladies and ono to i tho men partners are secured by j matching candy tho really novel featuro of iho party however is the following ar- of all the years may it bo your best titl uu desi f filled with kindness and love and joys certa t0 p b mf the a happy new year dear girb and 8 havc p ijjlj fc working several pounds of cfeamy rett for peanut brittlo lochatocc sabr its meed of opportunities abundant f sowing precious seed of golden it is new year a new new year hr- come to stay a year to work and a year to play a year to study a year to grow a year for ah the winds to blow from north and south and east and west fondant of various colors and flavors i grain for fitting out the love of god re dundant as summers sunshine and as autumns rain what of the vintage soul when comes thy master shall he find fruitage fair or naught but leaves if he should come today into thy pasture would ho find barren land or many slieaves 0 soul each year each movent brinjjs him nearer and hapby are wolf with brimming band we wait bur lord than whom none could be dearer and jn hia holy presence perfect stand ilt jennie wibonhowejl a musical stunt for your social evening there is a class of people who are continually on the alert for now ideas in the way of entertainment at social evenings club meetings etc here is a musical stunt which might suit their purpose admirably for it introduces the element of music without which no social evening is complete and also smacks of considerable originality the idea referred to it is learned has already been tried and has proven i vory successful here it is a progrnm is prepared in advanco giving the name of the performer and the nature of the selection somewhat after the following style musical recital 1 violin solo name 1 j cial evening composer mr john hopkins 2 piano duet name composer miss beta dixon and mr walter harris 3 cornet solo namo composer mr albert defoe 4 piano solo name composer miss bettygladstone 5 etc etc on the evening of tho party each guest ia given one of theso programs the one to fill all tho spaces correctly is the one to win first prize in selecting the pieces for this pro- gram the performers and tho hostess are the only ones who know what they are to be the hostess sees to it- that they are pieces likely to bo known but not so familiar that they could bo identified at once for instance to select such pieces as mendelssohns spring song or handels largo would be of little interest to the pro gram instead of having individual per formers the phonograph or player- piano it might be mentioned could bo used effectively to render tho various numbers in which case the idea would bo the same viz to guess the names of the respective compositions and their composei8 try this stunt sume- timo in connection with your own so- s he bumber it rndered blank ace yj in by thole who are rtonau enough to identify them new years resolution let mo bo a little kinder let me be a little blinder to tho faults of those around me let mo praise a little more let me bo when i am weary just a little bit more cheery let mo serven little better those that i am striving for a bijjjht new year and a sunny track along an upward way and a song of praise on looking back when tho year has passed away and golden sheaves nor smallnor few thia- is my new years wish for youj

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