Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 31, 1925, p. 3

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the delicious flavor drawn from the leaves of green tea has won it millions of users finer than any japan gunpowder or young hyson ask for salada the revolt of mrs hummingbird sunspots are gigantic cannon rs great beaste were these bank of montreal annual meeting astronomers think they bombard earth with electrons secrets of science by david diet bbservruf- f the sunspots it will be remember resulted in the difi- the dinosauria form an order of extinct land reptiles which inhabited the earth more than ten millions of years ago all that is known of them has been learned from the study of their fossil remains found in the rocks of europe india south africa and north am- erica j all had limbs and in many species the hind ones were much larger than pmmiri aid i sir vioti mrmjlib ib bis mm lam la j fiiral msnaevr rcslews shaajoa id hl review o lb situation sir frederics tart r j williamstailor sad tn part la munidx tbe buslsesa of lb rait jesr know lb food hmet wt wess was our bstarse sheet lodlcetes the serosal trend of i wf better thin it u to day ii is el asset eiebls our iiesol a otmparca irfcn two year j wtleb we tatua aa we do our matrrlal nwlmh axo sbcw a iirse uxrcase wblla our loam djruxe and tl b it 1 our dure as aril a oar il-t-r- tbe ease period ara coxucderablr reduced j adnstka to preserve our profits arc in coascqactlc socfcat edrecelj- j w nova too tbrourh anotber rear of business effected but arc kit in an unuuell stran j depresaloa and tbu la reflected 10 tn imdiaoiasa poettloa to tact asj cells allien increased acvlvlljr of bauunc proata fortunately our tint cimlnj is trade may maaa uuon cs fiolwltbstendln- tbcia power continues lbousb cbsloualy our proata would once in 26 days and that the surface of the sun is molten and not solid the exact nature of the spots how ever u still one of the mysteries of astronomy they appear to be gigantic holes in the sun some astronomers think they are great whirlpools la the surface of the sun they change in size frequently new ones appear and old ones disappear there seems to be some sort of a in the midst of our discussions mrs hummingbird grew very tame cycle so astronomers have observed there was a whir in the columbines that summc as i sat on the steps tne gveatest number appearing every and mr hummingbird appeared shj h all round me n years this was so unusual that ponyplans there rwi gf cumbing nost as we gaze at these sunspots it is ceased abruptly we sat cry still tiums nearby wo it their impossible torus toconceive of their mr hummingbird s shy besides he h im as ptecldo a true magnitude s such a beauty we must be sure more mm flowera i m of them are more b0000 to have more columbines in these beds me she whbzed now across my next year they wt him soand he lowlying petunia does loyp them buthad mrs hum- wf face nmigbird for once sent hm out to do oyer in the 8ud he work he haavso far as ny- eonvlction that there were blos- thmg as transient as a bumminrd fi the and coud havetho arduous painstaking mowingmachines and agri- expresson of one who grapples with beautiful an uraccustomed task sometimes ul ri j these swoops almost too swift even blundered a little once almost missed though in an nstant back tw i could hav told her and fallback upon it rolling out in ly this was the revolt of mrs hum- lt tu t i min bee search tasting- and sucking with all h could like a cork her htte might dashing at every pos- j j h a 1ur connectlon hab been ob slightest erackir tofoded petsserself in deep enough to reachhhe served between sunspots and certan lfoluzltl t to j to vulg- phenomena upon the earth sometimes at an inhospitable closed ampling and pushingwhich jvith bud i those needeclaws meant also tearing imagine mrs hummingbird de- and scratching but they were pale- covery that the sun rotated on its axis front indicating that the served which was 107000 miles acros6 the matter in these sunspots seems to be whirling about with a speed of more than 100 miles a second when one of these spots disappears animals wjdked on twolegs similar to the birds the bones are hollow as in birds and since in several other important features the rkeleton is similar to that of birds it is believed that the two groups are closely related and have descended from a common par- ent j many species were of immense size brontosaurus the giant reptile whose mounted stone skeleton is in the museum of natural history in new york was over sixty feet long j diplodocu8 whose fossil remains may bo seen in the carnegie museum of pittsburg was about seventy feet in length j the extinction of this entire group of huge creatures may have been brought about by lack of food or the presence of numerous parasitic or carnivorous enemies the reptiles are intermediate in structure between the amphibians and coodttlcna our dlitdrnd and bonus n txfti canard and taxes said and bate a balanca to raro forward tba la no question tut tnit tle tmvd of busf- tirs la slcuij- but turds- uparard as an nldrnra this car loadlntt ara tha larrcsl on record base brro larcer bad the industrial situation par- talttrd us to put out norc monc to tha trad and commerce of canada rather than to loan on cau in london and new york or to bur blabclass investments aith a leaser jlefcl as to the future toy special ntessase to our share- the sides rush together with a speed birdg resembles that of 20 times as great as that vhlle wholesale and retail business snows a fair holders at distant points and abroad is that for desree o increased aeurttr textile icdcstrles ara i several reasons lncludlne a bountiful hareest there well emplord and there la sucre demand in tha baa come about a better and more hopeful feellns lesther and allied trades improiemfet is also throuffhout canada in consscuence there is around shown in other lines of business although pronts for thlnxlne that ae bare passed throurh tha worst are curtailed in the vroecrj trade there is little of our bad times and that we can look fr belter uuproiemrnt in the lumber roarxet in eastern enteral conditions in which naturally our bank canada but western shipment by war of the must share especially aa we have neser been in a canada but western ahlprocests by way of the better or strvurer poalllon o undertake sew asttculture is our leadtnx industry and on its business proqtable outcome the prosperity of the country coodltlcus in the ear under review were neither larstlr drinnds while unrsvoursbl weather con- to rood nor so bad as extremists on either side ulllona restricted hanestlne to some extent tha have stated at to the outlook it is true that crop that was xarnrrrd this year is a very ursa taaimt the national railways into account we are one and at present prices wilt prove profitable to not balancing our natrooal budtct this must not the farmer the uiarketlna of the crop wul brine continue we must sometime and somehow con st least t3cu0do0oo of new money into canada trite to lire within our means and begin to pay off and will undoubtedly effect a liquidation in farm- our debts with good msnagement of our itslrt era liabilities this new money will flow into all we should be weu able to do this and we wul do channels of trsd and be reflected in improved it as soon as our people wske up to the fact that business conditions generally throughout t te public debt is a burden on the individual back country and that the bigger it gets the more money it need for pobllo economy i takes out of the individual pocket the pressing necessity of restricting so far a tremendous natural advantages may be legitimately possible all nauonal eipendl- i before the war conditions of living in thj tares is generally recognised but unless it is follow- united ststea and cenada were much alike and ed by appropriate action which results in reduction we had grown accustomed to that order of tatej we cannot regard it as other than an i but the war put us behind and put the united rising sprays of ire leap thousands of miles from the surface of the sun si i is tvt- trw i sne wuuiu come it coinu uuw wits uci i v urt this was the revolt of mrs hum- v l ao tj t j utsia skk v- there was nothing in that back yard i great waves ngbird every day before she had r a 0 i v and zizz at the convolvulus a snip as large en doing the strenuous honey- t v n j iiiii stv ii the throat of the convolculus being in sucn a storm w elating dearest i must have a job mr hummingbird retorting dar ling dont you think you have one nlready and mrs hummingbird sil encing him if a hummingbird hus band could be silenced which i doubt with but this sitting on a nest beloved is a bore i want to be out being important being visible in the fierce traffic of the flowerbeds hummingbird nests they tell us are lined with cobwebs imagine one of these little fiery creatures constrain ing itself to handle a cobweb to weave it patiently into lining either cobwebs are tougher than one thinks or else a hummingbird can be gentle when it tries the gentler pencilstripings on the edge of the fragile blossoms were per haps the most touching so fairy-deli- as the earth placed ould be tossed about when the sunspots are the most frequent we have the most magnetic storms that is periods when corn- gray poetic little scratches after all passes fall to function properly when telephone and telegraph lines are thrown out of order and the aurora borealis or northern lights are seen no wonder health gives out and she becomes weak and despondent it is literally true concerning wo man in the home that her work is never done she 6tarts with house work when she rises in the morning j electricity which physicists now be- and is kept busy up to the time she the work must be cate so notmadebyhands that the j flower looked as if fairies on their these facts have led some astrono- keen little sleds had been coasting mers believe that spots are like down its rim only a convolvulus- utlc camioa bombarding the earth bloom unhappily folds up at night f fl with fusillade of electrons a fairv would have to do its costing electrons are the particles of negative j2 olcftticirv whlnn rtllvoinlcte nnm s on a rkitutlfa the frog but the cerebrum is larger the vascular and respiratory systems approach the condition in birds in most forms the heart has two auricles and one ventricle but in the crocodile a partition divides the ventricle into two parts i v awoicwtwork is never done jheve compose the atoms of all matter i retires at night the petunias however were shorter j next article wil the 6un ever gj done whether she is- feeling well or necked and showed no fairy slidings j out as they blossomed more and more thickly she grew tamer and tamer i inspected every item of her as she uh mother what can i do hummed before me the thornlikej how many times a day jo shine of her beak the exact spot babies ask you that question not it is no wonder that she often breaks down under the strain- she becomes breathless at slight exertion feels exhausted if she walks up stairs your headaches and dizzy spells become and frequent and life seems a burden intitxtt grsttir if our mrfnulturfs ould b w controlled that within a rciiodjib unw can adian tata tabould not ticetd thow lmpotd tn id cnlttd states it would proiltle an lmiortiiat tlmulua to luduittr and alao an rffitttt aid to imnalctauon aod colonlzauon the need for which la apimrfnt when i urie aa trotijtlr cn that thli mcaiur of prudenc and econprny should b rxmlsed 1 do not do o with any fmlltt that luck of confldenca in the country ltelf u war ranted in fart i am more conlncm than ever that the country actually and potentially powemea luch wealth and opportunity that lta future cannot t dented and x deprecate mojt rtronrly eipreasiona -of- opinion hand upon local conditions and tndl- tldual bualnew which are perierted lno pewlinlnn as 4o the countrya futuro when no real foundauon for such a sentiment eilata high up but on a strong limb as broad j of- her very practical tail and most jilayj some amusing occupatic us the nest no precarious forki impudent of all the very black-rim- 1 rainy day if youd like al architecture for these two getting med curve of her nearer eyelid one have a practical hejpful suggestion ing tonic 3 honey was precarious enough without felt as if one ought to iok away but f them read this shappyhw tea- pills the a wiggy nest to worry over 1 wish all how little she minded anne bos- t medicine is later on when leaves thinned we where she stowed each curledup ball j bow often jvre you able to suggest much of thittroubletstue to the fact saw the lutle thimblebump of a nest j of a foot the bracepoints at the end i gomo interesting game tor them to i that her blood has become thin and htion for a j watery and to regain lfer good health always to she must take a reliable blood-enrich- such as dr williams pink great value of this tonic medicine is shown by the statement of were as careful i worth greene in dipper hil i r m nolan lintlaw sask who says when i began using dr wil liams pink pills 1 was a physical wreck it was with great difilculty that i could do light housework i suf fered from headaches my heart would beat violently at the least exertion and i always felt tired and depressed i did not sleep well at night and i had no appetite my limbs would swell as in dropsy it was at this stage that a neighbor advised me to take dr wil- mow does she do it the average mother with four qv five children has been under scrutiny by an investigator in home economics he finds that in the course of a year she makes the equivalent of 1095 loaves of bread fifty cakes and 750 pies prepares meat which if assem bled would make one or two cows and about six hogs peels 5110 potatoes makes 1200 beds dusts 7500 chairs and sews fifty to one hundred gar ments exclusive of mending and darn- children like them babys own tablets are effec tive and easy to give you do not have to coax and threat en to get the little ones to take babys own tablets the ease with which they are given as compared with liquid medicines will appeal to every mother none is spilled or wasted ing and the sewing on of buttons the jou know just how big a dose has reached the little stomach as a rem- golden passage leaves through the grass are telling over again the passing of the god without a name gone down the earth unseen unheard of men with but these footprints for his fiery fame these might be stars so goldenly they burn so fixed and fair are they so still they he and it is only thus that men may learn the way of feet that latejy left the sky and i who walk abroad these autumn nights t between the stars above and the stars below am still bewildered by these glimmer ing lights incredulous how there will come t know rains that will quench these starry prlhts at last as though it had not been a god that passed david morton states a eed so comparison at present is futile this same condluon of prosperity in the vrued stairs has also resulted in far too many of our people erosslnf the border true canada is not the onle country whose cltlrens are attracted by the prosperity or the united sutes bot speaking for ourselves there has been a causa for emigration that is more disturbing than the fact itself living neat door we naturally stand in closest comparison and are more esposd than any other country to a drain on our population from the fact that at lh rocraent we are earning a heavy burden of debt while our neighbors overflow trtui wealth agslnst this however we have more than they to offer to the desirable settler who wlaes to go on the land land hunger la a human instinct we have good and cheap land la plenty and eventually the tld of immigra will turn in our direction classified advertisements shaws business schools tokonro train and place peoplo in office appointment through their model offices and ercptovmvn de partment particulars free adress forty bloot west toronto akehs ovens white for cataloouaj and list of used ovens hubbard oreo com lany 182 king west toronto b graphite is found in nearly all tha provinces of canada and even in baffin island the black donald mine near calabogie ont is the largest and richest deposit of flake graphita known in america french scientists are building an ex perimental refrigerating plant fof freezing sardines m j fobioulf elves mlnards liniment for stiff muscles sentence sermons i have never seen a spendthrift with a rosy future a headstrong boy who was not having trouble a jealous person who was also happy a horn j made brighter by moon shine gross amount of dishwashing and a number of other activities is not com puted in her spare time she may do tho family wash this hardly seems to cover the ground mothers can be recalled who do all that and then some they do 1 it without any claim to knowledge of modern efficiency systems their ob jective is work performed and they go far in its attainment tho investigator is endeavoring to book through the magazine to find edy for the ills of childhood arising j k picture of a sheep cut him out i ftul wei1 as ever had been x nave from derangements of the stomach j then pasto these bits of cotton on him j hesitation in saying that these pills and bowels they are most satisfactory for wool you can paste him on card- arg a remarkable blood builder and mrs hose voyor willimantic j board to make him strong if you wish tonn says i used babys own tab- 1 v lets in tho canadian northwest and found them a wonderful medicine for childrens troubles especially indlges tion and constipation liams pink pills i had used the pills an indulgent mother who did not for some weeks before i began to feci handicap her child their benefit and thus encouraged i continued taking them for several months when i was again as strong contribute an answer to the question shall mother be paid a salary that f question however once answered in the affirmative is productive of an other just as difficult of answer can we pay her what she is worth no change in 20000 years it is believed that tho market sec- i have also tlon of tll ancient citv of bngdrd has given them to my children for simple not chaugm in appearaiee or method fever and the restlessness accompany- during helast 20000 years ling teething and they always gave re- j t1e 6ls steete are like tun- recommend babys own n6b llned with tld booths and pack ed and jammed with men veiled wc- strength renower and i shall ever be grateful for what they did for me you can get these pills from your druggist or by mail at 50 cente box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont a successful chinch run by one man a satisfactory substitute for sin cerity babys own tablets are sold by men donkeys and camels medicine dealers or by mall at 25 n tlles6 l streets there is al- cents n box from tho dr williams j ways tho clau of a dozen medicine co itrockvllle ont j different languages 0 this market place is small but prob- i ably the most congested spot in all i the world during the business hours on a second journey the woman pays my new housemaid is a treasure declared mrs johnson i had a bridge giv mo to live this life a nd i j dont let indigestion after meals biliounetu party the other evening and one wo- j would ask no better odds than heartburn or dyspepsia take the pep out of you those allowed take seigcls syrup any drug gtore the right to walk and minge with i tho crowd i canadian feldspar enjoys a well- man failed to turn up you know how it is sho gave me no iiiotlco what- ever very annoying tho housemaid howeer put on one of my gowns and lilted in feautl- fnlly that was helpful yes and i won her weeks wares to know the selfsame space of earth orited reputation as a raw material and sky j f the ceramic industries being of the selfsame friends nnd neighbors m k ald of uniform potash layiaa thison tliei dwelling nigh content analyses of sample from a j c and might p this country smiling clean nnd number of quarries showing a potash b fishing through the ice if jou want to fish through the ice on a fairly large scale cut a number of holes teu inches in diameter in the ice and in each pour a cupful of coal oil to keep tho water from freezing again attach the line for each hole to an ordinary wooden barrel hoop lay this on the ice with the string sus pended through the centre of the hole the minute the fish takes the bait the hoop will be pulled upright or part ly so and you can tell fronrn long way off that you have a bite moreover the hoop is springy so there is no dan ger of breaking your line by running the line through the centro of a sheet of newspaper and ice more light is ex- persuade a wary lish canadas sugar maples have other uses besides producing maple syrup and sugar the wood is hard even- grained and heavy and is used for flooring furniture agricultural im plements and woodwork taylor forbes guaranteed tree pruners for every purpose in the orchard culling limbs up to 1j inches handles 4 6 8 10 and 12 feet toar h srdvjire dialer kiowsjhs nuabry our deacrlplive circular sent to ony addreai on request taylorforbes company limited guelph ont oughing take half a teaspoon of mlnards icternally i n molasses e a s e s the throat stops the cough cedars in lebanon strong nnd proud j content of nbout 12 per cent for freedom born for freedom long endowed i when hoaree uta mlnarrls llnlmant with all its laughing ages passing bv i t7 ever since solomon sent 30000 men but asks a voice within mevouid wa an ferruginous clays to cut them tho cedars of lebanon j you weep suitable for the manufacture of paint have had n powerful attraction to the as you have wept to walk through n des of iron for tho tourist ami the vlmtlng scientist and i uf again purification of illuminating gas are mnny descriptions of tho famous trees would you want joys you knew you foiml mnl parts of canada are in print remarkable chiefly fori- could not keep swinging to work their apparent inaccuracy in regard to sizes diminution and number of tho trees it tn h wonder any were left at all with a fresh crew of 10000 in the woods every mouth for solomon split his 30000 into thrtrc riilftn am put them on tho job in relays those losses canada produces no tin a good ronton swoet young thing vvliy do you have knots on the- ocean instead of miles r skipper sarcasically well yru j i yumbcrand ilp- ec they couldnt have tho ocean tied j v there wero no knota i kefjp mlnarrt liniment handy and face once more with their pain tho occurrence of tinbearing j l yes once again to know those happy mineris has bccn not in a number years id bear tho burdens nnd id brave tho tears edgard a guest pacific islanders are probably the i cleanest peoplo on earth for they spend a good part of every day in tho water and may be said to be almost i as amphibious as seas the children j learn to swim almost as soon as they j learn to walk if the village happens to be sit some distance from tho shore swimming pool is formed in a near- ship us vot3- 1 poultry gameeggs butter feathers we bur all year round write ioaay for prices let tfitaratae them for a week ahead p poulin co limited ltlabittfett mtrco y3rs 3639 boruecours morket monlrcot j minerals has been noted in n number 3 ear- of localities they have never yet beenl stream nnd hon mixo ne 1 found in sufficient quantity to be of lmiuieod ln 86veral mcs every da any economic importance with tho skin constantly greased spruce is found in ail tho forest regions of canada and it is not only j the most abundant but is the princi- pal wood used in tho manufacture of sxates skis 1 joe malona tubular itocjtay skates rnrested on strong beets with aaiu strap raculav price 11100 oerrwvce feeeaeil iroar cwstteaaevs only 7g0 skis aavi qeupraeatt tbe tartest aaseet- meal as fetf p fa iatk f saw cevata nsf arises the bancroft co iwt bbury st montreal with cocoanut oil the pulp of the bit ter green orange makes a good soap nnd lathers freely dame nnture also supplies them with scrubbers tho husks of tho cocoanut nnd this they apply to their shining bodies very vigorously their towel is provided by the sun and wind mlnards liniment for chilblain on face and neck lost rest cuticura healed i had a breaking out of little ted pimples on my face and neck the pimples festered and scaled over causing disfigurement they itched and burned causing me to scratch and the scratching caused eruptions the irritation caused a lot of discomfort and i lost my rest at night i had the trouble a whole summer i was treated without success i read an advertisement for cuticura soap and ointment and purchased some and after using one box of cuticura ointment and two cakes of cuticura soap i was completely healed signed mr forest krlck r r- roclford ohio use cuticura to clear your kta fiavsele eaca tree ay atao address canadian ksk itiaaw it ktrset soap krkabvmm 3 aod me- t cuticura sbawinat slick gst isswe no 62 26 a

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