Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 31, 1925, p. 2

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coldest weather in years descended on ontario and quebec toronto dec 28 with the tem perature taking a plunge to fourteen beow zero which was reached in the early hours of sunday morning to- tonto had one of the coldest december weekends that she has experienced mission when poles snapped os owinjj to the heavy frost ottawa de 27 after a mild christmas citizens of ottawa exper ienced below zero weather and a biting north wind over the weekend early for some years this was the temper- j this morning tho thermometer regis- ature recorded at the observatory onjtered 16 degrees below zero while bloor street but in the more exposed on saturday night the thermometer parts of the city and suburbs much registered 12 below only few fires colder temperatures were experienced caused by overheated stove pipes the cold wave was general through- were reported m- out the province and also over the big- montreal que dec 27 montreal part of the dominion white first winter bhzzard today thrust the khcof course had to come into the temperature down to 13 degrees be ow picture with 24 below but of the re- and enveloped the city in swir ng corded temperatures doucet quebec snow borne the wings of a 35-nne- carried off the honors with 26 below an p t parry sound and cochrane both had the zero weather hed throughout us an temperature as white river the day but towards evening the wind at ottaxva it was 16 below and at dropped sightlj montreal 12 below temperatures in the h wind was responsibe for manitoba and saskatchewan ranged several chimney fires and the firemen from 10 to 24 below were kept busy answering aarins o mi c t many homeless persons were forced chatham ont dec 27 the first take sheter m varous olic6 zero weather of this winter prevailed stations owi fhgid weather- here todayand yesterday early winnipeg man dec 27 speeding last evening the temperature started back to arcuc hauntsj ow father for the zero mark and during the christma3 with the popu of night went to fiye below according to fc pfi p a sampe of the the official readings thermometers in other parts of the city roistered six below at eight oclock t 1 morn ing guelph ont dec 27 wlli the thermometer skidding to 21 beow iero during the night the lowest temper- weather upon which he thrives in far away toyland it is reported that santa madehis departure through manitoba and across the icy stretches to the north for this province today records the coldest weather on the montinent at j926 january 1926 sua moo tue wed thu fr l sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 16 20 21 22 23 1 25 26 27 25 2930 1926 february 1926 scnmontuenfcfcdlthufrl sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 1926 march 1926 sunmontuevfeclthufrl sit 12 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 29 30 31 nture experienced in this district in r- pas man the mercury skidded the last ten years citizens were conj d to nearly 30 degrees below zero tent to hug the fireside yesterday and j wni in winnipeg and many other the attendance at the city churches i points the lowest reached was 25 was naturally very slim according j below to an official reading made at the 0 the northern blasts brought about a c the mercury dropped to the 21- rec dips of the season in saskat- below mark about four oclock buti moose jaw regina and sas- thero was a rise in temperature dur- katooji experiencing around 15 below ing the day telegraph service into i alberta the temperatures were guelph was affected to a considerable more moderate andwith snow fairly extent owing to the cold snap wires in general no subzero weather is re- some directions being put out of com- ported canadian cars go to faraway countries statistics show destination of motors exported from dominion ottawa dec 27 canadianmade automobiles go to outoftheway spots offer of peace accepted by druses reported armistice signed with commissioner jouvenel london dec 27 an exchange telegraph despatch from bagdad 1926 april 1926 sun mon tuawedthu fri sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 29 30 1926 son mon may tue wad thu 1926 frl sit f 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 1617 13 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 25 29 1926 july 1926 sun mon tiio wed thu frlsr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 29 30 31 1926 august 1926 sua mon tue vfei tho fri set 12 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 ii 12 13 a 15 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25- 29 30 31 between 50 and 60 different f report brought by a convoy from syria that tho chiefs of the countries purchased canadian cars mjrj november running all the way from paraguay to palestine and round the world to irak the dutch east indie3 and japan australia and new zea land headed the list of purchasers of the canadian automobile of the cheaper cars valued at 5500 or less australia purchased 944 in novem ber ahd newzealand 945 of the more expensive cars australia bought 72 and new zealand 267 in com parison the united kingdom purchas ed in november none of the cheaper canadian cars but 454 of the more expensive of the total of 5953 of the cheaper cars exported in november compared with 4463 in ocober and 3288 irf november 1924 10 went to the gold coast five to malta seven to fiji 542 j to the straits settlements 24 to ni- niagara falls ont dec 27 geria three to the british sudan four whilo the winter scenery here is beau- to the belgian congo four to the tiful there is no sign of an ice bridge french west indies two to irak 26 the bridge may be late in forming to egypt 502 to argentina 820 to and there is a possibility that there the dutch east indies 17 to siamjwill not be any elimination of tho cross current in 1926 october 1926 sim montue wzd thu fri sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 sjc 25 26 27 23 29 30 1926 november 1926 sun mon tue vfecl tho fri sat 1 23456 7 3 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 29 30 paper exportation increased in 1925 use tribesmen in syria have accept ed peace proposals offered by the french authorities an armistice was reported to have been signed several days ago between tho druse tribesmen and the new j stead french high commissioner in syria henry jouvenel this report came from cairo egypt the french foreign office admitted that negotiations looking to pulp and pulpwood also show- substantial increase ottawa- dec 27 the pulp and paper exportation from canada has work on smelter to begin in spring final agreement reached be tween noranda mines and quebec government a despatch from quebec says at year wood pulp pulp wood and manufactured paper all show increas es in the bulletin issued by the do minion bureau of statistics j of wood pulp 18000000 tons peace were going on in syria but i 47000000 were ex- that no fina signature had yet been jj itm m 12 ft d d fixed it was admitted however that nove while in the 12 months the signing of an armistice at any l 15i00 tons valued at ml nut- ft wftitli ftf ciirrvricft fhft i5vv i 40000000 were sent out the wood pulp figures indicate simi- y increased during the past the close of a lengthy conference in the course of which all the details re maining to permit the noranda mines the markets toronto man wheat no 1 north 164 no 2 north 160 no 3 north 157 k man oats no 2 cw nominal no 3 51e no 1 feed 494c no 2 feed 47e am corn track toronto no 2 yellow 89c millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 3025 to 3125 shorts per ton 3225 to 3325 middlings 3925 to 4025 good feed flour per bag 230 ont oats 42 to 45c fob shipping points ont good milling wheat 134 to s137 fob shipping points according to freights barley malting 65 to 67c buckwheat no 3 70e rye no 2 80c man flour first pat 930 to ronto do second pat 880 ont flour toronto 90 per cent pat per barrel in carlots toronto 625 seaboard in bulk 5625 v straw carlots per ton 9 to 950 screenings standard recleaned fob bay ports per ton 20 cheese new large 22 to 22vc twins 22 to 23c triplets 24c stiltons 25c old large 28c twins 29c triplets 30c butter finest creamery prints 47c no 1 creamery 46c no 2 44 to 45c dairy prints 41 to 42c eggs fresh extras in cartons 70c fresh extras loose 6sc fresh firsts 57c storage extras 46c stor age firsts 42 to 43c storage seconds 34 to 35c dressed poultry chickens spring lb 30c hens over 4 to 5 lbs 24 to 28c do 3 to 4 lbs 22c roosters 18c ducklings 5 lbs and up 30 to 32c turkeys 42 to 45c beans can handpicked lb 6c primes 5 to 5c maple produce syrup per imp gal 240 per 5gal tin 230 per gal maple sugar th 25 to 26c honey 50lb tins 1h to 12c per lb 10lb tins 11 to 12c 5lb tins 12 to 12c 2lb tins 14 to 14e smoked meats ikms med 26 to 28c cooked hams 40 to 42c smoked i lolls 22c cottage 23 to 25c breaks i last bacon 32 to 36c special brand breakfast bacon 38 tu 39c back3 boneless 30 to 37c j cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 22 70 to 90 lbs 2060 20 lbs and up 1950 lightwoight rolls in barrels 4350 heavyweight rolls 3950 per barrel i lard pure tierces 18 to 18c tubs 18 to 19c pails 19 to 19c prints 20 to 20c shortening tierces 13c tubs 14c paiis 14c blocks 15 to 15c heavy steers choice 8 to 875 do good 775 to 8 butcher bound by thugs fmwm- to ztri a tit a 7 annto nrz mri to 650 do med 475 to 550 woman alarms police do com 4 to 5 butcher heifers choice 675 to 750 do good 575 manipulates phone dial with to fo med 450 to 5 do r iiinm sq 7c frt c4 a hnfi-hft- rtwa 1926 june 1926 sun mon tiie vfed thu fri sat 12 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 29 30 1926 september 1926 sua mon tue wed thu fri sai t 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 ii 2 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 29 30 1926 december 1926 sun mon tue wed thu frl s4t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 2if25 26 27 25 29 30 31 tooth pick held in mouth minute would not surprise the for eign office no ice bridge yet at niagara and may not be any saskatoon sask dec 27 attack ed while asleep at his home 545 fourth avenue north with a wedge- shaped weapon presumably an ave some time last evening james e ltd to go ahead with its plans in johnson railway mail clerk was the quebec northwestern gold fields f unconscious bathed in blood by s4 were amicably settled hon mr per- the citv oolice summoned bv the wifc5p calves choice 1250 to 150 ault minister of mines and his col leagues hon honore merrier min ister of lands and forests as well as tho mining interests concerned ex- corn 375 to 450 butcher cows choice 5 to 525 do fair to good 4 to 450 butcher bulls good 450 to 575 bolognas 325 to 350 canners and cutters 225 to 3 springers choice 90 to 110 goo milch cows 75 to 85 medium cows 45 to 60 feeders- good 575 to 650 do fair 450 to 5 stockers and two to portuguese africar king and royal family spent quiet christmas month period the paper exports for november 1925 were valued at 9- the river near the upper arch bridgo 369103 for october 1924 7704347 caused by the flow from the niagara for the 12 months ended november power companys old tunnel which is 19 t value of the trade was 105- not in use now is the reason that tho 445814 and for tho same period in lar gains in the year ended novem ber 1421000 cords left canada valued at 14119000 and in the some period in 1924 1314000 cords were exported valued at 13500000 the total export figures for paper and paper products show a slight drop in october and november this year the construction materiaf will be but a substantial increase for the 12 distance telephone operator by man ipulating the dial with a tooth pick pressed their entire satisfaction at the neld between her teeth results attained the woman in a hysterical condi- j y murdock kc president of tion was loosened from the towels the noranda mines ltd who with and strips of linen with which she was h chadbourne managing director j bound conferred with government stated we expect work on the smelting power behind kaiser plant to be erected inrouyn township to start early next spring and part the city police summoned by the wife c c a t0 c j 1a j c t 1 j do good 10 to 1150 do grassers who bound hand and foot contrived j 4 5 d ht sh 50 to to attract the attention of the ong s7 iasies and bucks s450 to 750 heavies and bucks 450 to 550 good lambs 13 to 1350 do med 1250 to 1350 do bucks 10 to 11 do culls 11 to 12 hogs thick smooths fed and watered 1335 do fob 1275 do country points 1250 do off cars 1375 select premium 262 montreal bridge may not form this current held the ice beow tho cataracts form ing tho bridges in former years a despatch from london says king george queen mary and the duke and duchess of york left on turkey and russia dec 22nd for sandringhamto spent tho christmas season at york cottage tho princo of wales and prince henry who had been hunting with sign neutrality agreement 1924 97731195 lightning causes 1000000 fire loss at buenos aires oats no 2 cw 63c no 3 cw wmld wo- n j 50c extra no 1 feed 56c flour man in world war is dead spri wheat pats- fe 8 6e onds 840 strong bakers 8 to forwarded in the course of the win- presto hrmml winter pats choice 720 tor servant for 98 years in one family pau franco dec 27- for length of service carlotte who was bori the palm rudolph von valentini chief of exemperor williams civil cabinet died recently at hamoln prussia- aged seventyone professor von valentini was credit ed with exerting a powerful political influence over tho former kaiser dur- rolled oats bag 90 lbs 340 to 350 bran 3025 to 3125 shorts 3225 to 3325 middlings 3925 to 4025 hay no 2 per ton car lots 1450 to 15 butter no 1 pasteurized 41 to 42c no 1 creamery 40 to 41c eggs j storage extras 46c storage firsts ice eos to nava c storage seconds 36c fresh ex- lvn in movitn i for the of count von betha- tras 75c fresh firsts 65c potatoes j mannhollwec and thn sirmnlnfmonf u s wo o in t o en i i mannhollwcg and tho appointment of buenos aires dec 27 lightning during a violent storm this afternoon a despatch from constantinople set on fire three tanks of tho anglo- the whaddon chase hounds near says the exchange telegraph says meixcan petroleum company situated leighton buzzard joined tho family ishmet pasha the turkish premier on the waterfront five miles south of that evening tho festivities this year announces the signing in paris on dej buenos aires tho tanks contained were much quieter than usual owing cember 17 of a new agreement be- 2400000 litres of petroleum about to the recent death of queen mother tween turkey and russia pledging 600000 gallons aloxandra and there was another gap mutual neutrality if either country is tugs were dispatched to remove in the family circle because of the abl attacked foreign minister tchit- tank vessos moored nearby tho fire sence of prince george who is on cherin signed for the soviet govern- raged for hours and ths loss is esti- naval duty in chinese waters ment mated aj more than 1000003 1815 and died friday at the village of dr q michaelis as chancellor hscout s at the age of 110 years she was still p c m serving as a domestic in the household rmcess tiiven ivame of descendants of the family for which she originally worked she entered the service of this family in mexico in meaning bright prosperity a despatch from tokio says tho 1827 followed its members to france j imperial granddaughter born to crown and remained with them until her j princess nagako last sunday has been when i was young i used to think per bag car lots 240 to 250 cows cutter and canner quality 226 to 325 cajves mixed lets med and com 10 to 1150 grassers 5 lambs mixed lots fair quality 11 hogs selects 14 do com and med 1325 to 1350 sows 11 to 1150 peaceful end on christmas day j named shigeko terunomiya bright i prosperity all japan made holiday with par- that itwas thunder that killed men said a shrewd preacher but as i ound it was lightning of all tho stimulants for the human mind dissent is the most powerful and ados and fetes in honor of naming so i resolved to thunder less and provocative 1 day lighten more muti and jeff by bud fisher at that spivis made a close gsso

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