gfbtmt volxxxvlnq44 stouffville ontario thursday december 31st 1925 1 m i that cough n should not be neglected nature cannot always throw off coughs and colds unaided and at this season the chances are against nature thats why we advise nyal greophos creophos relieves persistent coughs and bronchitis and at the same time builds health and strength creophos will help you put on needed weight and fortify the system to resist disease j m storey chemist and druggist t h and sarah ratcliff graduate chiropractors i albert 8t stouffvillk ojuince hours morumgs to 1z tuesday thursday and saturday evenings 7 v 8 p other hours by appointment phone 5804 thomas birkett general insurance broker established 1907 can be ot service to you in all branches ot insurance reason able rates fair settlement and prompt payment of losses bound and dependable com panies phone 182 offioe lawoon block geo keay auctioneer stouffville graduate national auction school canada sales made to meet owners approval write rr3 stouffville phone 9003 lawsons for christmas j groceries fruits peels nuts candy etc it will be a pleasure to show our stock and a delight for you to see it all fresh and clean wishing one and all the seasons greetings geo j lawson phone 182 the west end grocer stouffvellh greetings we welcome the opportunity which the christmas season affords of extending to all our friends the seasons greetings and to wish them increased pro sperity during the coming year on behalf of myself and the staff keen election in markham twp victoria hall was jammed to the doors on monday when nominations were called for markham township g a m davison township clerk presided and not in years has such interest been manifested reeve wes ley gohn presented a clearcut state ment showing that 9000 had been expended in bridge building 220o in the purchase of a stone crusher and 2000 in a township audit which disclosed nothing wrong while the township had 1000 tons of crushed stone on hand he chal lenged criticism exreeve george b padget who likewise got a good receptionspoke briefly opposing the abandonment of the 6th concession and charging that the township expenditures were out of all bounds there was moreor lss criticism of the council and much misunderstanding there will be an election for even office the follow ing having qualified reeve- wesley gohn geo padget 1st deputy- jr campbell robt smith 2nd deputy- rl stiver ah summerfeldt councillors j s honey fred coakwell j e jarvis john fishery the nominations resulted as hereto for reeve wesley christopher gohn proposed by john young and alex douglas george boynton padget proposed by w h tran and john allen first deputyreeve john alexander mitchell proposed by a h mckinnon and j fisher john richard campbell proposed by j w gowland and fred bunker harry lapp proposed by v htran and j allen robert smith proposed by twegg and j e harper secoriapeputyreeve reuben lorn stiver proposed by oscar r cox and john mortson jas saunders honey proposed by geo cowie and arthur petch john turner proposed by wesley yake and h n foote robt a smith proposed by allen meyers and r h brillinger abner summerfeldt proposed byr j ash and j m allen councillors james saunders honey proposed by a penny and i a rlseborough jas edward jarvis proposed by j m gowland and j h bracken john fisher proposed by f a ramer and anthony hoover john turner proposed by h n foote and wesley yake frederick coakwell proposed by b h reesor and wmhenley edgar nigh proposed by edward hastings and j w warriner small interest in civic politics personal notes the continual reminder through the press to mail christmas parcels early evidently bore good results this year at the local post office the heaviest mail in years was handled yet is was taken care of with much quicker dispatch as the bulk of it came through on wednesday and thursdaywhereas in the part perhaps the heaviest mail arrived christmas morning as a result of the thought- fulness on the part of the general public the local couriers were able to make their routes on christmas day in the same time as on ordinary days and thus spend part of christ mas at home on some ocasions they have been compelledto drive until six oclock in the evening in order to cispose of the great amount of mail in their hands ambrose stover baker card of thanks mr joel nendick takes this opportnituy to publicly thank the united church board and members ot the congregation tor the hand some rememberjlbceplaced on the christmas tree for him on dec 23 there was a lamentable lack of interest in the municipal nominations for stouffville last monday and few ratepayers took the trouble to attend the nomination at noon hour or the public meeting in the evening the council is elected by acclamation with reeve silvester as its head for a second term the councillors are jos borinsky j w cleaver h w sanders all serving last year und walter brillinger for a first term elias hoover is elected by acclama tion as a cemetery commissioner and w h shaw as a school trustee by acclamation fill the unexpired term of f c rowcotham resigned the other members of the board who are elected for a two year term are ed lloyd and edw baker there is stili one vacancy for wlih an other jomioaiion will be required not more than eight or en citi zens turned up at the clerks office at noon when the following nomina tions were fyled v councillors f w silvester reeve by fl button e w bakei w c brillinger by a v nolan jos borinsky v h w sanders by h brillinger e w baker john w cleaver by geo t lee jos grftse e j davey by f w silvester f a dacs f w silversides- by fl button e w baker jos borinsky by a v nolan h brillinger for trustees edw lloyd moved and seconded by w c brillinger jos borinsky l a v nolan by h brillinger e w baker a j ward by a v nolan jos borinsky fred winn by a e booth geo dowswell a e booth by f w silvester w c brillinger edward baker by wcbrlllinger h w sanders f h sangster by f l button f a dales for one year w h shav by jos borinsky f w silvester vj cemetery commissioner geo dowswell by w c brillin ger a v nolan elias hoover by wc brillinger f w silvester pickering township pickering township nominations took place on monday all nominees for the various seats receiving ac clamations reeve adam speers first deputyreeve g m forsyth second deputyreeve g l middle- ton councillors john a white and ernest l chapman acclamation in whitchurch tp business is business but courtesy pays our business friends bad yours with whom we make transactions demand thatprecision of efficient execution which is a part of- the re gular service maintained by any bank in its daily affairs to merit your confidence we must go further the standard bank maintains a po licy of personal courtesy in its deal ings jegardloes of their respective importance which should be an asset in your business as well as in ours the standard bank op canada stouffville branch a c burkholder manager subbranch at goodwood 1 contrary to expectations there will be no municipal election in whit church this january the nomina tion meeting was fairly well attend ed on monday at vandorf and all the old councillors were present ex cepting councillor edgar denny giv- ing an account of their work for the past year the general feeling in the meeting seemed to be that an election was not necessary this year and the candidates all took the tip the council for next year will thus stand the same as at present with the one exception that councillor denny will be missing and his place will be filled by exreeve wm craw ford the nominations were as fol lows for rcove morgan baker farmerelected george hleary grain merchant withdrew wm crawford farmer withdrew for deputyreeve gh leary grain merchant elected abner mbaker farmer withdrew herman kidd farmer withdrew for councillors abner m baker farmer elected herman kidd farmer elected wm crawford farmer elected j a mabley farmer withdrew j a clarke farmer withdrew w h clark returning officer harold gray home from toronto for christmas miss luella bruce is home from college during the holidays mrs loney of hamilton is visit ing her father mr j w ratcliff mrs rev young is visiting with her brother mr dack at cobden mrs jos winterstein spent a few days in toronto among old friends harold sanders is spending christ mas vacation with relatives in chi cago y mr buckler of bradfordis visiting his sister mrs delbert jennings the mies johnston and their mother spent christmas day at goodwood mrs allan mustard of toronto spent christmas with her sister mrs s s bal avm pearson of oakville spent christmas with his parents mr and mrs john pearson russel sherrick of kitchener and formerly of didsburyalta is visiting at mr noah stouffers mr albert pugh of toronto a former resident spent christmas among old friends here miss thelma wagg of toronto is holidaying with her uncle and aunt mr and mrs j d winterstein miss elsie ward of the bank of montreal staff toronto was home for christmas at the briarbush miss daisy mcconnochief tor onto spent christmas with her par ents mr and mrs d a mccon- jiochie allan sangster is home from uni versity visiting his parents mr and mrs frank h sangster during the holidays miss eldeen lewis of toronto and mr and mrs wm michell of green river were visiting mr and mrs j a lewis mr and mrs wm mckinnon of torontowere christmas visitors with his parents mr and mrs john mc kinnon j mrs e w evans and daughter gladysyof claremont are spending the week with her father william stewart mr and mrs milton clark and two children of omemee spent christmas with her parents mr and mrs t o klinck miss reba young ba of the athens high school staff is spending the holidays at the home of her uncle rev r young dr harry wilson wife andbabe from englehardt visited his mother mrs f wilson and at mrs wilsons former home in weston mr and mrs s w hastings were in hamilton on saturday attending the wedding of dr e r hastings to miss helen ferguson miss marian clark of the colling- wood collegiate staff is home for the holidays with her parents mr and mrs w h clark church st mr art sanders and son wm of sutton spent a day this week with his father mr w b sanders and other relatives mr and mrs frank nendick and air and mrs saunders of toronto held the christmas festivities at the parental home of mr and mrs joel nendick wa- and mrs russell gray and family spent christmas with his sis ter mrs stewart mill street also mrgeo stewart spent christmas at home j clinton wagg and wife also jas raby of toronto albert of detroit and miss pearl raby of hamilton were visitors with mr and mrs ira anderson over christmas mr and mrs wm hope of milli- ken with their son fred also miss edith dickson of toronto were christmas visitors with mr and fred johnston near altona the bride and groom mrand mrs bert tait have returned from their trip and are getting located in the premises at the rear of the shop vacated by dawson davis mr and mrs tom hargrave and daughter mary gwendolyn spent the holiday at p lehmans also mr and mrs geo campbell and family of markham and john hargrave of to ronto called it mr lehmans during the holidays mr and mrs f reesor of oshawa motored here and spent christmas with their grandmother mrs milton raster the towns oldest lady being in her 92nd year the reesors were accompanied by their family of three children miss greta smith ba of the college of education toronto and with the churches stouffville presbyterian next sunday service at 230 pm the public invited baftist rev w w fleischer pastor 11 am a preachers dresj 7 pm the peril of 1926 in this message tne pmtnr will deal with certain subtle tmdencies that threaten the foundations of christian civilization everybody welcome baker hill and 2nd markham baptist churches markham second 11 am baker hill-rr- 7 pm 1 was glad when they said unto nr let us go into the house of the lord begin the new year right by putting that into action pastor whitcombe will preach on hearers and doers a christian chukch edsr morton pastor sunday jan 3rd have you made yohr resolution for the new year yet have you re solved by the help of the lord to live a consecreated christian lif e that is the very best any of us can do the lords supper will be adminis tered at stouffville morning service next sunday and also at ringwood in the evening let us show our consecreation by attending the lords places of worship united church of canada rev h s warren ba minister rev r young ba minister sunday jan 3rd 11 am rev h s warren themes a new years bank account the beloved disciple 7 pm rev r young a cordial invitation is extended to friends to attend the adult bible class under leadership of mr a j ward let us make a good beginning in the year 1926 by worshipping god in his own sanctuary on the first sabbath day a a a a mexxonite church a g warder pastor january 1st 1926 a happy new year to you all you can help make it so by an unconditional surrender to our lord jesus christ sunday jan 3rd 10 am sunday school begins the year with an installation service 11 am pastors subject beginn ing with god 7 pm preaching by bro i pike wednesday jan 6th prayer meeting in the church basement at 745 pm the east and went classes will come together for a union meet ing altona union 7pm a new years message by the pastor come and worship township of markham dr nei1 smuh and dr h nlcnolson are you in favor of lower taxes ot halifax who are attending the more efficient service an honest postgraduate course in rochester days pay for an honest days work hospital are speeding their holidays then vote for a full change in the at the home ofdr and mrs d c council smith adv ratepayer mr and mrs geo hisey of dnn- glasgow mr and mrs r brown wears a smile its a girl mr and mrs earl drewery spent fie holiday at kitchener a number from here attended nomination at goodwood monday dec 28th mr and mrs john davis spent christmas at mount albert miss margaret morrison is improv ing nicely since having sprained her wrist there was a family gathering at james slacks on christmas there being 26 present misses ida and eva latcham mr and mrs cane and arthur latcham visited their parents mr and mrs j s latcham over the holiday mr charles and joe armstrong visited wm drewerys on christmas mr and mrs walter proctor and family of macklin sask are visiting james slack barton were in town on friday visit ing mr and mrs alex grubln and many other relatives in and about town mr hisey is manager of col noel marshalls farm and forty years ago he and f w silversides were engaged as boys on a farm in all those years they had never met until friday when they renewed the boyhood friendship that had never been forgotten mrs c h dawson whose husband conducts a retail grocery store in toronto spent christmas withher parents mr and mrs ellas lehman also henry grove and wife from dicksons hill and mr and mrs ab lehman of town all enjoyed the christmas dinner at the old home clarence and reginald mowder and irene of toronto are spending the new year with their grandmother mrs nelson mowder clark street business cards legal mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ances c buttons block stouffville money to loan medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obnsu and main phone 196 dr herbert b freel physician and surgeon office standard bank building hours sfo 12 am except sunday 4 to 5 and 630 to s30 pm tuesday thursday and saturday phones office 16401 residence 16402 dental j n dales lds dd s- dentist claremont honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and o the university of toronto office over mr scotts store phone 1405 claremont dr d c smith dentist stouffville honor graduate of chicago and toronto university and the royal college of dental surgeons office over shaws store phone office 1011 residence 1013 no outside appointments e s barker lds dds dentist stouffville honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office over geo crosbys store i a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 a m loyal orange lodge ifo 1020 stouffville ont regular meetings fwday at 8 pm on or before full moon flowers wedding bouquets -nd- funeral design on shortest notice we also have a beautiful selection of roses floral designs for all y occasions muston sons phone 7001 stoafivisa boadways drug 8tor1 stouffville w e extend the compliments of the season to one and all x ryake optometrist watchmaker and jeweler 2 doors west of railway track phonb 159 stouffvillb buy sell exchange every line ot implements used on the farm is to be found in our yards we buy sell or exchange call and see our sleighs many sets to choose from also wagons etc highest prices for hides junk nd horsehair h herman phone 192 stouffvillb