h6c9 the little leaves and tips from mountain tea gardens tliat are used in salad a are much finer in flavor than any gunpowder or japan try it the bobolinks oddities isnt it odd that tha bobolinks sweep up frcm tho south in spring to take possession of a strip 500 miles wide and reaching from nova scotia to bri tish columbia they have spent tho winter as brown marsh birds in brazil aud ar gentina then in february thoy be gan the drift north stopping in tho upper part ot south america for the j malo birds to change to tholr black white and yellow wctidiug garments then thoy hopped across the carib bean to jamaica cubi and florida or came through central amorica and across the gulf thoy spornd out and set their time clocks to arrive about the beginning of may i there they take possession of the meadows but thoy sing at no other than nesting time the femalo keeps her strawcolored dre3s that she may hide in the gras3 lay strawcolored eggs and hatch them without being seen the male flaunts his joy wisely withal for he docs it in such a way aa j to direct attention away rather than toward tho nest the bobolink is primarily an eastern bird used not to extend its province so far west it likes meadows and farm ers create them as farms pushed west the bobolinks went with them thoy followed settlers into the rock ies where they had not formerly nest ed over tho rockies down to the coast they stil remember however that they are esvuern birds when late summer arrives the broods are reared and when the time for the southern migration begins they do not go straight south instead they start east and do not stop until they hump up against the atlantic then they turn down the coot in innumerable swarms follow it to the tip of florida hop off in the long flight tor i3kn5- james oliver curwcdd a love epic of the far kosth 1 synopsis- 8rrovrup baree as thev bad accepted baree ike uotfthg searching lbs baby baree of ion ago he was i frantically for kis oiislresh avxrcsr big black and wolfish now a ongl foltoiimd tke tramline she and her funged and formidable looking crea- f other used to traverse there uee ture and though he offered no violence plenty of rabtiu in the traps and ac lie was regarded by the leavers with did not go hungry but he found wa deepseated feeding ot fear and sus- trace of the girl he teas a eking td j pteion on the other hand uarree no baree lie uas more than ever like longer felt the old puppyish dssire to i uolf yet he never gave the toipisy with the baby bcuvers so their iial now and aluays he snarled oveyjj aloofness did not trouble him as in in hi- throat when he heard this cry i those other days tnc pack j all through the month of august j baree made the beaverrond his head- chapter xxiii contd quaiters at times his excursions again in the heart of u fierce mpt him away for two or three days february storm he nursued a bul a e tiese journeys were al- est and growing swiftly into a giant of lis if la eari in september he left- i kind in another six months he would j the beaverpond for gcerv i i be as large as kazan and his jaws l many days his wanderings car- jwore almost as powerful even now a no one particular diree- the winter passed and spring i nd stiil baree continued to caibou so closely ihat it plunged over wa to the north sometimes a lii ia cliff and broke its rcck he lived oas a sometimes a lilt wes well and iu size and strength he waj never again into the south an r into i rt iiiaiat last eany in september he el rinso dissolves completely makes rich soapy solution r f soaks dirt out b9 diii he followed th huntintr livine a diflerent light when their glances life came from inside but he could nn viit i tuvv i3 no one else knew the secret smell the old smel of mctaggart and patiently le- 1 then he faced the wilderness the watched some day direction in which the trapline ran iefly on rabbits nnd that simple- vt orm hded species of partridge known as f 5t 1 s fl lo tk r rue waited and wat came haunt his od trails even going now and then oyer the old traplino as farj given variety by biter things he kent 8a umae3saie back to lac bain he was trembling as the jjth fr j t his w he ruaeu an spiuui iiu4i irxor i word carried a world of meaning and grass turned green and the first flow- a f ow and then he hazarded n cautious battle with a porcupine and surely this was the time for ne- j 5 successful he feasted on the pelse to some home he watched for tenderest and most luscious of all the kw expectantly he went still more that p h3 menu twice chapter xxv the fraplino of pierreeustach ran more a r c u i xriviirkisiimi rail otorvnrl wflf freouently to their swimming pool in september he killed young deer thirty miles straight west of lac bain hdifsl meti i the forest and ho hung closely to the fhe bi bin that he occasionally it was not as long a lino as pierrots ffifffiss rral longer hed terrors for had been but it was like a main l l being game mens and youths nightrobe this comfortameafeisgkisittrooeto the gray loon this is the wsfarther anuarted gglss ha70fe3tures that wild appeal to ing hundvug railtin3 of years tho average man it may be made of j chapter xxiv ago and s aough it is twice as far warm flannelette or soft heavy cotton it was early in augurt when barc- jmysttck to the route sentence sermons wiiicli would insure tho greatest am- left the gray leon jountofwear the back may be gath- tiv erod to a deep wellfitting yoke if tra fullness is deshed or cut nlain p passed and summer came there set- wo lake which and beyond that it reached pierre tied upon him slowly the gloom and a h mies north of the averred back to the very pulse o the i misery of utter hopelessness tke p- r jhe first week in novem- finest blood in france the books at i flowers were all out new and evenfc fel a mctaggarts post went back only as the bakneesh vines gi j in the woods patch- rwlwretne abin 1iadtodvandthei ji no ta more than one country between reindeer lake and bluaflowar vines that covered the tnese weeks baree came into the barren lands it was in decem- touch with man but with the excepiber that baree came to it tion of the cree hunter at the upper i again he was travelling southward end of woilaston iake no man had in a slow and wandering fashion seen him three times in following seeking food in the deep snows the the geik ha lay crouched in the bush j kistisew kestin or great storm had and the birds had muted ard nested i j f i haf dozen cpmeoariief than usual this winter and still nepeese did not come and f slness rf mght he and for a week after it scarcely fa at last something broke inside of a cabins mrcr tepees in hoof or claw was moving baree un- baree his last hope perhaos his lastv- thore v i and once herike the other creatures did not bury dream- ih owe hi bade poodbve c so ncar to tne hudsons bay himself in the snow and wait for the y company post at woilaston that hoshes to clear and crust to form he could hear the barking of dogs and was big and powerful and restless the shouting of their masters and j less than two years old he weighed always he was seeking questing for a good eighty pounds his pads were the thing that had gone out of his life broad and wolfish his chest and princess mothers grave were reach i ing out toward pierrots as if the princess mother herself were the spirit i of them all these things were happening he had no objec- at the thresholds of the cabins he shoulders pictures were assembling more and more vividly in ms mind the fight in the cabin nepeese the wild rhase through the snow to the chasms edge even the memory of that ageold struggle when mctaggart had caught him in the rabbit snare in his whine there was a great yearning almost ex pectation slowly he followed the trail and a quarter of a mile f roni the cabin struck the first trap on thi line hunger- had caved in his sid3 until he was a starved wolf in the first trarjj had placed as bait a snowshoe rabbit bareereached in cautiously he had learned many things on pierrots linei he had learned what the snap of a tiap meant he had felt the cruel pain of steel jaws he knew better than the shrewdest fox what a deadfall wcud do when the trigger wasj sprung and nepeese herself had taught him that he wa5 never to tuci a poisonbait so he closed his teeth gently in the rabbit lesh and drew it forth a cleverly mctur- gart rvself emd h ye done ho visited five traps before dark and ato the five baits without springing a pan tho sixth was a deadfall he circled about this until he had beaten a path in the snow then he went on into a warm balsam swamp and found himself a bed for the night to bo continued o when annual rental was one barley com at the present day one is quite fa miliar with the expression for the sum of 1 or some similar phrase to me maj y j i hi ine inrcsnoms oi ine cabins ne snoume in view but there was still left sniffed outside of the tepees he cir- heavy i n his mind like the delicate im- close gathering the wind tho was wi ssion of light and shadow on a icanoes he watched with eyes in which wolf-br- were like a maemutes i indicate nominal consideration used in and yet muscled for speed he wider between the eyes than the breed husky and his eyes were you can have moreleisure if you tnec ma btfinhhed whtx th mor of his earlier j there was atopefutgmdm7 oncehe larger and ehtiwlyvctcaipfogtfe wut- do your work well for the first time i s k i t days things and happenings that he thought the wind brought him the tooi or bloodfilm that marks the wolf freedom if you break the chains attae collar biutpmng to the neck had almost forgotten recurred to him of your own enslaving habits l sha facing stitched fiat now as his trail led him farth influence if you will confine your statements to the facts drag with tho boss if you boost more for the business help in bad times if you have been dependable in good times i friends if you are willing to take time to make them i sympathy from the community if you waste no pity on yourself to the low neck the setin sleeves farther away from tho gray are long and finished with a cuff and his earlier experiences became sleeve a roomy his even week ominous htitched flat to th breast pocket is the only trimming no 1157 is cut in sizes 34 38 42 and 0 inches breast price 20 cents how to order patterns t write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want real again pictures thrown out afresh in his mind by the breaking of the last ties that held him to the home of the willow involuntarily he followed the trail of these impressions of these past happenings and slowly they helped to build up new interests for him a year in his life was a was only for a moment or two she of the big storm he travelled without came out of the tepee an indian girl food there were four days of snow with her hands full of willowwork jwith driving blizzard3 and fierce and baree slunk away unseen winds and after that throe days of it was almost december when le- intense cold in which every living rue a halfbreed from lac bain saw creature kept to its warm dugout in barees footprints in freshly fallen j the snow evenhe birds had burrow- snow and a little later caught a flashed themselves in one might have of him in the bush walked on the backs of caribou andi tion in the early days was a pepper mori dieu i tell you his feet are moose and not have guessed it baree corn but this is tho first case noted many documents conveying property a recent search in connection with titles through some of the old docu ments preserved in the records of tho ordnance admiralty and railway lands branch of tho dopartment ot the interior revealed a quaint and rather curious form of this considera tion a lease issued under the auth ority of the province of upper canada in 1836 contained the following for and during the term of thirty years at a yearly rental of one barley corn the usual item of nominal considera- icoo 0c lonk t a ieoade of ma oxger- uid3 or coin fcoin nref rrrt wr 5eriee tt wls i than year i bi as m nand a is as black sheltered himself during the worst of i carrfulko f ojh w 18 h eft kazan and gray wo f m a ravens wing with the sun on itlmhe storm but did riot allow the snow it caiefull for each number and and tlla ow windfall and yet now there jhe exclaimed in the companys store to gather over him jones had lost his fourth wlf hnt wi otr dep cama bcd to him indistinct memories i lac bain a fox non he is every trapper from hudsons bay u ztrnztl i i so pubilsll co 73 west ade- of those days of his earliest puppy- half as big as a bear a wolfoui to the country of the athabasca knew it was not long befoo it was under- gt toronto patterns sent by hood of the stream into which ha had and black as tho devil msieus that after the big storm- the famish stood that he had picked out his fifth j return mail- fallen and of his fierce battle with mctaggart was one of papayuchisew it was his later ex- periences that roused the older mem ories he came to the blind canyon up which nepeese and pierrot had chased him that seemed but yester day and now for the first time in many bit of the oldtime eagerness where barley corn was used pos sibly it was because barloy was more common than pepper in this country who was some thirty years bills junior one day a frlond met him and said well bill i suppose getting mar ried comes natural to you by this time doesnt itt well said bill after due reflec- elsie and the oyster oysters like olives are an acquired taste and a tasto that some persons never acquire there are many say3 mr e e whiting who sympathize with the oftquoted woman who said weeks tion this fifth marriage aint going ga j ion llke 0 uocause put speed into barees feet memories to seem so natural parson begps is if likou eal and l hata off on a trip and hos never failed to there are tie tho knot for me i said to mary j a in s that i didnt think it would feel like a w wi wedding without parson beggs but she said it was her turn to chooso and grownup gusts that she meant to start off with that ggart was one of those who fur animals would be seeking food heard he was putting his signature and that trapsand deadfalls properly in ink to a letter he had written to set and baited stood the biggest tho company when lerucs wordp chanco of tho year of being filled came to him his hand stopped so some of themset out over their trap- suddcnlv that a drop of ink spattered in on the sixth day some on the on the letter through him there rih and others on the eighth itj water and brush on a cake of yellow a curious shiver as he looked over at was on the seventh day that bush mc- laundry soap repeating this until the the halfbreed just then marie came taggart started over pierre eustachv lather is free from color in mctaggart had brought her back line which was now his own for tho how to clean paint bruches it takes but a few minutes to clean a paint brush when the paint is still fresh wet it well with either turpen tine kerosene or gasoline and brush it out on an old board then dip it in that had been hazy and indistinct j f ner tril jj m cyes season it took him two days to un- mariy also who will thfough forgetfulncss were becoming j a sick look in them and some of c the tra di rh snow from t with the llttlo girl rcau a a3 wo wild beauty had gone since a year j them rebuild the fallen traphouses m k n returned to the gray loon had ne- l f h and rearrange the baits on the th rd as making her first appearance ecn tllero so n0wp wlth s a wa llctuc day he was back at lac bain at a homo dinner at which there were thing of the feeling of a wanderer going home the first course was oysters on the beaverpond saying with a snap of his fingers ho ii was 0i this day that baree came young minister that has just come to ha she moulcr oteervc1 f atin iil mirt 19 1 a 111 i i i town and that if he did woll shed ap- he returned to tho old j wmarievandstopped to the cabin at the far end of mc- black you say mctaggart said taggarts line mctaggarts trail- it was that most glorious hour of a i provlngly the placidity and exemplary carelessly without lifting his eyes was fresh in the snow about the cabin for first aid mlnaras liniment bricks in britain bricks are produced in great britain by grinding clinkers and ashes and mixing them with lime and water stick to him sho didnt explain what demeanor of her daught v t v carelessly wiuioui niting nis eyes v r xz cummers day sunset when he reach- y n wr did he not bear the instant baree sniffed of itl ed it ho stopped a hundred yards do mark j every drop of blood in his body seem- opened her timid mouth and mother liliar sound nnd after slip a peckatfe in your pocket when you bo home lo- gl tht yoonrfstcm lhl ytbriofomslmt lasting sweet for pkajarefetjiffjl his what of in mctaggart rose quickly bnreos chest a deep and sullen growl land left the store ha was gone nn for man mim after that he stood a black rock in the snow watch- the cabin then slowly he began ling about it drawing nearer and chani 7 vhl 7t spot where lie nan liru made the ac- j tnev sa i n vojiiriwwln nearer until at inst he was srcfing at she got to the last oyster on her plate quainiance cf umisk the surface of hidden in th- pftff the threshold no sound or smell of and then remembered her child whose the pond was undulating slightly f f n z gj silence and sustained good manners two or thmmad popped u kpwsulkr vte it yoarttlf sor mown or tthm ytorkdraa ilia great halt rwxhoaer rl7 no 26 25 niri i i- ia glipmse of her pae face nnd he siiis h v far nn n r fwl re a lived n the one happiness of knowing enough to replj 1 den t ant is un relaxation from the long strain of tl m understood and that into ahuarrizz lonely months during which is had hcr eycs therc came r nn in3 ojinp o dera waited for nepeese with a long thompson- good gracious didnt breath lie lay down among the alders you pack my liniment with his head just enough exposed to j mrs thompson no of courso not k him a clear view as the sun i i it was labeled not to bo takon settled lower tho pond became alive jout on the shore where he had saved j watch hairspring i umisk from the fox enmj another gen- j tho hairspring of a watch is mado cation of young bearers three of by drawing sto wire through a holo fa waddling very softly j iomn t p m wlr if thattight he lay in th alder costing only a few dollars will msko tho berverpond beranso his horn- eight ms of watch halrsprlng wlro again conditions w-rc- changed of worh more than 0000- course ard ns day grew iro wv rthc inhabitants of boivcr tooths i mlttarct llrlnent for backache ony showed no signs of ecciptinz l nurses th toronto hmiu1 ur incanbl lo rffllitun wltft cciicvm and allied iu19hi1 hvm vk city ttttn a thrm yr curt it tfiiflbt ta yoaai woaicn rtvlnf tn rtsta cducitltn a4 dtrircci of taeaala rjfrfi tmi heiltal ttxt jjetd n ibm- mtr tjtua th naili rtctln oalfm l ctt sftel a asattr aad trnahuf tttty t 3 fxat krm verlu for fsrtbt ttfiti b1 t taa swrlau to yoissr suesataaer hostae be sure to include one or two tins of keens mustard in the sup- plies you take to your summer cottage or camp only real mustard fras mixed can give you that savoury zest and tang in your food that you appreciate so much ard only real mustard freshly mixed with cold wctir furnishes real aid to digestion make a note now toremem- bcr keens mustard when you leave cord wood saw users wrlto simonds canada saw co limited 1550 dundas st west toronto ontario for prices on slmonds special circular cord wood saw imtml is digestion