vol xxxvi no 1 stouffville ontario thursday march 5th 1925 storeys rheumatic remedy has helped scoros iieope and it will l you if given a trial a scientific preparation of ex- ceptional value in acuta and j cbronic rheumatism neuritis sciatica and catarrhal condir j tlons of the stomach and bowls 1 for painful and swollen joints it has no equal 1 dont be discouraged if you have tried many so called remedies and failed to get results j storeys rheumatic remedy has proved beneficial in all forms of j rheumatism whether muscular articular inflammatory sciatic or gouty a dollar bottle contains 64 doses j m storey chemist and druggist a c kennedy i chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am t h and sarah ratcliff graduate chiropractors albert st stouffville office hours mornings 9 to in tuesday thursday and saturday evenings 7 to 8 30 pm other hours dy appointment phone bs04 yonge and alexander sts toronto noted for high grade instruction and superiorpemployment service enter any time catalogue free w j elliott principal stouffville lodge no 384 meets every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellow hall visiting brethern welcome sam mckuen w r sanders n grand recsec archie stover financial secretary loyal orange lodge no 1020 regular meetings fruday at 8 pm on or before full moon stouffville ont boadways drug store stouffville train the children to drink more milk ours is pure clean and wholesome our facilities enable ua to de liver milk oft he highest test try it as a beverage at your next meal themapie leaf dairy h gilroy prop phone 8108 stonffville freshest of meat poultry and fish that respect the demand of a fasfidious clientite phone your wants for our de livery h leadbetter butcher phono 0701 soouffvdlle we deliver daily to your home canned goods and fish farm for sale 100 acres 3 lots south of stouff- villo on 9th con largo bank barn water from flowing well in stables and for threshing all in good repair 12 acres of fall wheat plowing all done 8 room houso with water in stalled truman holden stouffville earth quake is felt locally the earth quake which was regis tered over parts of ontario and que bec about 920 on saturday evening last was felt quite distinctly by many people in stouffville and the surrounding country from differ ent homes come reports of members of the family seeing the lamp sway pictures move on the walls or a slight quiver of the dishes in the cupboard one of the freaks of such an occurrence is that while one house or block may tremble another alongside will probably not move at all out in the country the quake was quite noticeable at a d bruces it shook the plants on the window sill almost tipping them over while several farmers report going to their chicken pen to investigate the oise and finding the birds all huddled in a corner one farmer at bethesda hurried out with gun under arm to shoot a supposed chicken thief but on arrival at the pen he could see nothing wrong until he heard of the quake he was at a loss to under stand the noisy action of the chic kens a ringwood farmer accused his wife of deliberately jarring the lounge while he tried to get some rest also a number of people report the quake having stopped the fam ily clock we are all thankful there was nothing serious happened and that we have no world disaster to report as in the case of the recent earth quake in japan a general account of the quake may be read on an inside page the improved park more about the big drive 5 ft snow fell bethesda tho young people of bethesda in tend having mls9 lagar of south america to give an address on her work there in the methodist church on tuesday evening march 10th at 8 pm freewllkoffering every body try and hear this interesting talk deaths pattendon at vandorf on wednes day february 25th 1925 john pattcnden quite a number of years have roll ed by since w j stark was a resi dent of stouffville as manager of the old sovereign bank but our former citizen is not by any means forgot ten since he became manager of the edmonton alberta exhibition w j has seen the great western fair increase each year under date of feby 23rd he sends the tribune the following letter which we take the liberty to publish i enclose cheque for my subscrip tion which will pay for my tribune up to the end of this year it is a welcome visitor each week keeping us posted as to happenings in the old home town we are having more snow in ed monton this winter than any year since i came to the west the meterological office reports a total snowfall for the winter of almost sixty inches and we have had con tinuous good sleighing all winter quite a contrast to some winters we are able to use our motor cars regu larly however in spite of the deep snow and there has only been one day all this winter when i found it necessary to leave the car in the garage on account of the weather with so much snow this winter and the moisture which will be in the ground the farmers are very optim istic for a good year in 1925 last week we set forth what the board of trade had already accomplished and what they still wished to do for our town park a motor camp and swimming pool was mentioned a motor camp costs very little to establish and pro duces big returns thousands of these camps are estab lished by towns and cities throughout the good reads sys tems and are very popular these camps are filled with motorists all summer who leave a lot of cash and also advertise the town a small section of the park will mfike a splendid camp a swimming pool would add greatly to the attrac tiveness of our park and be much appreciated by our young people it is proposed to build only a small section this season using town water and increase the size per haps next year you remember how we all enjoyed the park last sum mer the band concerts baseball sports school fair sun day evening services chautauqua church socials c be- sidesall the funthe little folk have daily on the grounds lets allget behind the committee in the drive to raise the cash then the mortgage will be paid the park made much more attractive and useful still more a place for health recreation and pleasure and from every point of view a paying investment think it over be ready the collectors will call on you shortly our objective is 1200 of which 3600 is owing against the property and 600 for new work all contributions will be acknowledged in the pfess money invested in our park is not lost our park is a big asset and improvement to the town and in order to keep our property and business up to full value we must have a desirable uptodate town a good park helps a lot board of trade hockey final auction sale friday march 6th mortgage sale of 50 acres of land being west lot 16 in the the 7th con whitchurch 2 miles from bal- lantrae possession april 1 sale at 2 pm on the premises mc- cullough button solicitors f w silversides auctioneer saturday march 7th choice dairy herd of holstein cattle hay ensilage etc belonging to robt burnett lot 8 con 9 whitchurch sale at one terms 10 months f w silversides auctioneer wednesday march 11th cre dit sale of high grade shorthorn cattle reg horses reg cots- woid sheep implements furni ture etc belonging to wm a dunkeld lot 32 con s picker ing no reserve sale at twelve oclock f postill auctioneer thursday march 12th farm stock with good horses imple ments etc belonging to er sin clair lot 5 con 8 whitchurch no reserve sale at one f w silversides auctioneer saturday march 14 th farm stock implements furniture hay grain lumber wood etc belong ing to mrs ed cook ringwood sale at one 8 months credit f w silversides auctioneer tuesday march 17th at lot 13 con 2 uxbridge 1 miles west goodwood entire farm stock etc belonging to t w dowswell who is giving up farming eight months credit sale at one fw silversides auctioneer thursday march n selling out sale of entire farm stock im plements household goods be longing to estate of late peter steckley gormlty no reserve sale at 1230 sharp fw silver- sides auctioneer tuesday march 24 extensive sale of farm stock and implements at lot 10 con 7 whitchurch be longing to a b itamer who is giving up farming sale at 12 f w silversides auctioneer saturday march 2th at the mansion house stouffville 20 choice clydesdale and percheron horses belonging to abner baker sale at one liberal terms fw silversides auctioneer see the big game of the local tournament this friday evening stouffville vs 6th line this pro mises to be the hottest game of the season as the two teams are the only survivals of the 12 in the tournament i goodwood miss greta ashenhurst visited her aunt mrs bilby of pickering twp a few days last week walter taylor has gone to the city to take a few lessons from a professional in the interest of the lion tamers this is the time of moving even the earth moved saturday night causing several of our citizens to wonder what was the matter whether fred had fallen out of bed again howard harper has moved in with mrs flumerfelt mr farrow is moving into his house recently pur chased from willard slack calvin stafford has moved off the farm to his house in the village mr jess tindall has moved off the farm and gone to lindsay to live community nurse at the request of the local board of health miss rose hally of the provincial board of health is in town for a time giving a demonstra tion in public health this work in cludes home visiting and instruction regarding infants preschool and communicable diseases also exam ination of school children and health instruction in the schools miss hally will also conduct classes in home nursing and care of infants she will be inthe council chamber every thursday afternoon from 2 to 4 babies may be weighed and measured and advice given in mat ters relating to health for this ser vice no charge whatever is made to the municipality or to those who receive assistance the provincial government bears the entire cost which is part of the big health pro gram inaugurated at the close of the war newest patterns in mens and young mens spring suitings at frank raes call and see then moderately priced standard bank of canada makes good annal report first statement of combined bank shows total assets of 83520820 profits well maintained capital now stands at 4823400 and reserve fund has been increased to 2900000 the standard bank of canada with which the sterling bank of canada was recently amalgamated is forwarding to shareholders the first annual report containing the combined resources of the two banks the statement which is for the fiscal year ended january 31st reveals many features of strength and shows that with the more ample resources a larger volume of bigger business can readily be handled this will be a matter of satisfac tion to the shareholders and at the same time be of great advantage to the trade and commerceof the coun- try profits have been well maintained and after the payment of all charges and dividends have permitted of 150000 being transferred to re serve fund leaving an amount of 151000 to be carried forward to profit and loss strong liquid position the general statement of assets and liabilities shows that the total assets of the combined banks amount to s3520820 of this amount as much as 40000000 is in liquid or immediately available assits equal to over 53 of liabilities to the public in addition these liquid as sets include cash as represented by current coin dominion notes and deposit in central gold reserves of over 10000000 being more than ij of liquid assets the principal accounts included in liquid wets are a yoe large proportion of holdings of high grade securities dominion and provincial government securities amount to 14382293 canadian municipal and british foreign and colonial public securities 3148197 rail way and other bonds 450475 and total call and short loans 6769- 330 making the iotal in this depart ment 24750296 indicating the large amount of general business being handled are current loans and discounts entirely in ifanada of 36077030 and loans j to cities towns and municipalities 1798- 201 the confidence enjoyed by the bank among a very large number of depositors is reflected by total de positors of 63432377 these in clude deposits bearing interest of 52048439 and deposits not bear ing interest 113s393s the banks paidup capital now stands at 4- 823400 and the reserve fund to which has been added the sum of 150000 totalc 2900000 150000 added to reserve the profit and loss statement shows that earnings after providing for all charges and dividends per mitted of a liberal amount being added to the balance carried for ward profits for the year after de ducting expenses interest accrued on deposits and rebate on unmatured bills provincial taxes and making provisions for bad and doubtful debts was 688682 thli added to the amuunt carried forward from the previous year brought the total amount available for distribution up to 904344 which was appropriated as follows dividends 43s2h war taxes on note circulation 40060 reserve for dominion income taxes 50000 contributed to officers pension fund 25000 transferred to reserve fund 150000 leaving a balance to be carried forward of 151110 personal notes mrs a v nolan is spending this week in toronto rev geo washington is enjoying a visit from his daughter mrs southcott of highland creek mrs mcneeley of markham spent tuesday with her sister mrsjmowat it was mr6 mowafs birthday anni versary mr and mrs w h clark spent a few days last week at the home of mrs clarks mother who is ill near woodstock mrs magnus mowat and children betty and billie of lindsay spent a few days with mr and mrs mowat last week mrs g sherk of selkirk ontario is spending a couple of weeks with her parents mr and mrs r jewitt on the 5th con of markham f w jaynes of toronto accom panied by his mother were in town on saturday enroute to visit friends at the old home north of stouffville mr henry b raby who has been with his daughter mrs ira ander son for the last three months re turned to his home in fenelon falls on monday last on tuesday morning rev s goudie left for elkhardt indianato attend a meeting in connection with the mennonite publications of which he is chairman mr goudie expects to return by the end of the week e d rusnell son of d h rus- nell of stouffville left on tuosday on the return journey to western canada after a few months visit at the old home e d expects to man age a farm for a foijmer uxbridge man near nokoman north of re- gina mrand mrsfred ratcliff brother of messrs john and james ratcliff of stouffville also dr w p cavan and airs cavan of toronto left on an extended trip last week to ber muda mr ratcliff has recently been elected as a member of the canadian national exhibition board with the churches what the church needs today what we all need is a fuller con sciousness of the presence and power of the holy spirit baptist rev w w fleischer pastor sundavmarch 8th sunday evening series the three crosses subject 2 the king a criminal we extend a cordial invitation to all come and enjoy these gospel services 11 am subject an old man preaches a sermon 3 pm mission band meets topic going to school in india m m m mennonite church a g warder pastor march 7th quarterly fellowship and business meeting commencing at 130 pm every member is re quested to be present as important business is on hand arrangements for the new shed to be completed also selling of the parsonage to be considered come and discuss mat ters sunday march 8th 10 am our presiding elder m bricker will conduct the sacramental services and preach the word 7 pm bro bricker will again preach to us come together and rejoice all are welcome christian church edgar morton pastor sunday march 8th no matter who you are god loves you isnt that fine but do we love him what are we doing to prove it at stouffville next sunday morn ing there will be reception of new members the pastor has not found it necessary to preach a sermon on the subject of pride at any of the churches since coming to this field we are always glad to see strargers in our services m w methodist church geo e coulter pastor sunday march 8th 11 am text 2 cor sth ch 7th verse see that ye abound in this grace also the grace of benefi cence or giving sunday school 230 7 pm the pastor monday 8 pm the young peo ple will hold march 9th their meet ing at the home of miss elsie john son parents will you give the church an opportunity to help you your children will gladly attend the ser vices of the church if you will at tend with them come next sunday shake hands and show that you are ready to help in the greatest work on earth today the work of bringing the world to christ wednesday evening march llth the garrett mission circle will meet at the home of mrs w a silvester church street sundaymarch 15th 11 am our appeal for the general missionary fund 7 pm garrett mission circle service speaker for tho day rev j j coulter pastor of danforth avenue methodist church bu cards legal mccullough button barristers solicitors con veyances c buttons block stouffville money to loan medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and maim phone 190 dental j n dales lds dd s- dentist claremont honor graduate of royal collec of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office over mr scotts store phone 1405 claremont dr d c smith dentist stouffville honor graduate of chicago and to ronto university and the royal college of dental surgeons office over shaws store phone office 1011 residence 101 no outside appointments e s barker lds dds dentist stouffville honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8002 markham every tuesday office ovei geo crosbys store veterinary r g law vs bvse graduate university of toronti ringwood phone 6014 boadway s drug store stouffville flowers wedding bouquets and funeral designs j on shortest notice we also have a beautiful selec tion of roses- floral pesigns for all occasions muston sons phone 7001 stouffville its mlffie level bullsay 5q yourself when you our bread our bread is on the purb food level its a standard article in this town every day more folka are learning about its nutritious goodness and about the cleanly care used in its manufacture eating our bread is a health habit get the habit ambrose stover baker properties for sale large frame houso and 5 acres of land barns and running stream all adjoining stouffville will bo sold at a bargain to close out an estate three 50 acre farms from 5000 up to 5800 excellent places for per sons wanting a good home houses for sale in stouffvlllo at all prices jacob yake phone 8004 real estate agency buttons block stouffvlil read the advertisement