Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 14, 1924, p. 7

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offensive against disease must be strategy of medical science in future sir david bruce president of the british association for the advancement of science gives brilliant address on prevention of disease a despatch from toronto says change is widely accepted but already science plays an important though enormous advances have been effected j perhaps secret part in the life of and it depends only on the intelligence every citizen and it was in appreciaand education of the populations how tion of that fact that a large number rapid the future progress will be of toronto people turned out to con- public opinion must be educated to vocation hall to accord a fine sendoff recognize that most diseases are pre- to the inaugural meeting of the brit- ventable and say with king edward ish association for the advancement vii if preventable why not prj- of science and to hear majorgeneral vented sir david bruce president give anj it is one of the first duties of those outline of the recent advance of medi- in power to see that their people have cal science i in addition to houses with plenty of sir davids address was so exten- light and air a good water supply and sive in its scope that it is impossible a good drainage system continued to indicate its content in a few words sir david money cannot be spent but in addition to challenging modern to better advantage than in the attain- medicine to take the offensive in the ment of these three essentials to battle with disease he stressed among health other things the necessity of spending i dealing with still another subject money to provide the inhabitants of sir david spoke of the need for a modern cities with hygienic surround- better understanding of diet as a ings the responsibility of the indi- 1 means of preventing those diseases vidual citizen to accept vaccination of due to defective diet a diet was no his children the importance of the longer recognized as complete if it widespread application of the new contained proteins carbohydrates knowledge about the lifegiving vita- fats and salts it had also to contain mins to diet and the need for still certain substances which were known more energetic attacks on tuberculosis j as vitamins without vitamins the a disease which he thought would be other four substances could neither conquered ultimately given the whole- promote growth nor support life in- hearted cooperation of all health- j definitely promotion forces medicine in future must change its canadas auditorgeneral georges gontliier left recently for a well- earned vacation in europe the camera caught him just as he boarded the ss france the weeks markets strategy instead of awaiting attack it must assume the offensive said sir david it must no longer be said that the man was so sick he had to send for a doctor the medical practitioner of the future must frequently examine people while they are apparently well in order to detect any incipient depar ture from the normal and to teach and urge modes of living conformable to the laws of personal health and the public health authorities must see to it that environment is in accord ance with scientific teaching it may be a long time before the 3 french troops to evacuate the ruhr within years time psxis aug 10 premier herriot given its full approval to premier returns to ixmdon tonight carrying i herriots conduct of the negotiations the approval of the french cabinet of j in london encourages the hope of an his intention to settle the issue of the early and successful conclusion of the military evacuation of the ruhr solely allied conference what decisions tha in connection with reparations and french cabinet reached are not offi- without regard for the security issue cially divulged but it is reported hero at a meeting at the elysee which end- to have agreed to a military evacua- ed in the early hours of this morning tion of the ruhr in return for com- no date was fixed for the withdrawal mercial compensations and it is also of the troops from the german indus- stated that the french have decided trial basin but the premier promised not to insist upon retaining the 4000 to keep them there until germany had french and belgian railwaymen after given a fair assurance of her intention the experts plan has been put into to execute the dawes plan it is be- 1 execution lieved here it will be agreed to bring in the matter of security herriot out the francobelgian troops some seems to have been helped by the as- time in 1925 surance from macdonald that no final the vote of general nollet the war decision has yet been taken or would minister is taken to mean that the j be taken in the near future as to the cabinet did not agree to immediate withdrawal of the british troops from evacuation and it is reported that a cologne next january that appar- period of one year was set j ently is to be made dependent on ger- london aug 10 the news frommanys loyalty in carrying out the paris that the french cabinet has experts scheme british boys advised to settle on land no montreal oats cw no 2 62 to 65c do 3 61 to 63c extra no 1 feed millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 29 toronto manitoba wheat no 1 north the natural fruits of the earth 15354 no 2 north 144 were not deficient in these lifegiving j man oats no s cw vij no substances but much of civilized feed 54c mans food was deficient it is only all the above cif bay ports when man begis bv artificial means am corn track toronto no to polish his rice whiten his flour and 128 tin his beef and vegetables that ths trouble begins said he president good feed flour per bag 205 a close with an eloquent pa for inter- ont wheat no 2 white red or ino p fon national cooperation in the field of mixed 115 to 120 fob shipping j v science science indred knows no points according to freights boundaries of nations languages or 0nt flour ninety per cent pat creeds it is truly international inl j montreal prompt ship- c j 1 ment 650 toronto basis 050 spite of interruptions it is the duty bulk 6 of science to go on steadily forward man flour pats in w sacks illuminating the dark places in the 820 per bbl 2nd pats 770 450 hogs fed and watered 975 to 10 do fob 925 to 950 do country points 9 to 925 do select fed and watered 1070 to 11 do off cars long haul 1015 to 10t40 an- report on the oppor- science committee finds wide field for them in canada a despatch from toronto says tunities for immigrants in canada as viewed through the eyes of a special committee of the educational scienco 60 to 61 c no 2 local white 59 j section of the british association for to 60c flour man spring wheat pats i the advancement of science was pre- lsts 820 do 2nds 770 strong sented on thursday and the general bakers 750 winter pats choice trend of it is advice to immigrants to mrs evans murdered by three criminals 725 to 735 rolled oats bag of 90 lbs 310 to 320 bran 2925 sir david bougk his address ttijoui i shortl ssw middlings 37 25 car lots 1650 hope of better times hon frank carvell dies very suddenly chairman of board of ry commissioners stricken while inspecting nb farm st john nb aug 10 hon frank carvell chairman of the board of railway commissioners of canada was suddenly stricken at his home in woodstock on saturday evening and was found dead on his farm shortly after 5 oclock he had arrived from ottawa at noon and was apparently in the best of health he sec out to walk through the fields telling the members of his household that he would return at 5 oclock as he did not return they went to look for him and found him lying as he had fallen they believed him unconscious and a doctor was hastily summoned and said sr richard paget that the position of the body indicated specialist on the legal aspect of the that he had died almost instartly development of inventions of london mr carvells death apparently was and somerset who addressed the brl- due to heart failure he was a man tlsh scientists on voice production of great physique and endurance but to intimate friends within the last year or two he had intm atd that he prince of wales to suffered a little from heart trouble j call at e house when ho left ottawa on friday last however he was apparently in good health frank broadstreet carvell in his parliamentary day one of the most nggressive and fearless of members in the commons was born at bloom- field carlcton county nb on aug hay extra no 2 timothy per ton track toronto 1750 no 2 17 no 8 15 mixed 13 lower grades 10 to 12 straw carlots per ton 950 to 10 screenings standard recleaned f ob bay ports per ton 2260 cheese new large 18 to 19c twins 19 to 19c triplets 20 to 21c stiltons 21 to 22c old large 23 to 24c twins 24 to 25c triplets 25 to 26c butter finest creamery prints 37 to 38c no 1 creamery 36 to 36c no 2 34 to 35c dairy 28 to 29c eggs extras fresh 42 to 44c extra loose firsts 34 to 35c seconds 27 to 2ec live poultry- hen over 5 lbs- 26c do 4 to 5 lbs 24c do 3 to 4 lbs 15c spring chickens 2 lbs and over 45c roosters 15c ducklings 4 to 5 lbs soc dressed poultry hens over 5 lbs 28c do 3 to 4 lbs 18c spring chick ens 2 lbs and over 60c roosters 20c ducklings 4 to 6 lbs 35c beans can handpicked lb 6c primes gc maple products syrup per imp gal 260 per 5gal tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 25 to 26c honey 60lb tins 11 to 11 c per lb 10lb tins 11 to 12c 6lb tins 11 to 12c 2lb tins 12 to 13c comb honev per doz no 1 275 to 350 no 3260 to 276 smoked meats hams med cheese finest wests 17c do easts 17c butter no 1 pasteurized 349ic no 1 creamery 33 c eggs fresh extras 40c fresh firsts 33c med to fairly good veals 7 mixed iots of heavy drinkers and com veals 5 grassers 350 to 375 lambs good 12 do com 10 hogs 976 to 985 cows 550 to 625 worlds largest railway merger over 1500000000 involved and nearly 11000 miles of us line affected a despatch from new york says count upon going on the land instead of into industrial or commercial lines the report stated in part while a boy is at school the prob lem of his future career seldom troubles him he is content to wait on opportunity when school days are over few boys up to sixteen have president of mexico declares assassins were seeking loot at englishwomans ranch new york aug 11 the assassina tion of mrs rosalie evans an eng lishwoman near her ranch in puebla mexico was a murder by three crim inals seeking loot but reactionary political groups attempted to use the unfortunate incident to bring the present administration in mexico into international disrepute president al- varo obregon charged today in a statement made public here through alberto mascarenas mexican consul- general in new york the tragic end of mrs evans president obregon declared was sin cerely regretted and condemned by the administration and by a great ma- any definite ideas or desires on the jority of the mexican people the co- subject unless their parents or incidence that her name had been friends have places already marked closely connected with the cummins out for them they tend to follow some incident coupled with the aggravating prescribed course of study leading up f that the murder was perpetrated to such examinations as offer certifi- a woman of advanced years was cates qualifying for entrance into the seized on as a political weapon against various professions or into commercial t present administration by antag- life thus the school curriculum very on groups which tried to build a often determines a boys career in the case however of the many boys who show no power or liking for any spe cial school subject their future occu pation depends often on some chance the largest railroad merger in hie- opening- banks and other offices are tory involving combined capitalize- j full of such young men yet many of tion of more than 1500000000 and these would from their character and physical qualities be far better suited in cartons j c to 11000 miles of line was out- 40 to 41c ii on thursday by bankers asso ciated with orris p and mantis j van sweringen of cleveland owners of the nickle plate system the consolidation outrivaling any thing done in the days of e h harrl- man and jay gould calls for the for mation of a new company and the ab sorption of four railroads by the new york chicago and st louis is to be exercised through exchange of for the more vigorous and freer life on the land overseas british squadron seaman drowned at halifax president coolidge will enter tain his royal highness in september washington aug 11 a report published by the washington post halifax ns aug 10 nora shea control 25 halifax and leonard hickman 33 electrical artificer of hms re stock and through lease of physical pulse were drowned in the northwest properties arm tonight when their canoe upset the railroads to be combined include near the shore by the pine hill col- the new york chicago and st louis lege- they had been making their the erie tho pere mnrquette the j way back to the jubilee boat club in chesapeake and ohio and the hocking company with madeleine james of valley close to 90 per cent of hock- j halifax and another officer from the 26 to ing valley stock is controlled by tho repulse in another canoe and became 27c cooked hams 40 to 41c smoked chesapeake and ohio separated in the fog miss james and rolls 18 to 20c cottage rolls 20 to wheeling and lake erie while not her escort reached the boat house fin- 22c 4 oc mystery around the unhappy event awaken suspicion and impugn the con duct of the government i us crops improve during past month a wheat harvest ofc814il7- 000 bushels for year is indicated a despatch from washington says most of the countrys crop improved substantially during july and production prospects at the be ginning of this month were consider ably better than a month ago the crop reporting board of the depart ment of agriculture issued forecasts for the principal crops basing its cal culations on the condition of the crops on aug 1 wheat corn oats barley potatoes and rye all showed increases over last month but sweet potatoes tobacco rice hay apples and peanuts registered declines a wheat crop of 814117000 bushels is indicated for this year winter wheat harvests are considerably chfbaho4lc- in the pla as sive out fu 5 deci greater than expected and 689350000 backs bonekss 33 to 38c l ater m bo takc in to with j at anoth 1 bushels are in the preliminary estl cured meatelong clear bacon 50 pittsburg and west virginia to 70 lbs 17 70 to 90 lbs 1650 these last two roads according to 90 lbs and up 1550 lightweight railroad experts are a logical part of rolls in barrels 32 heavyweight tho new nickle plato system rolls 27 lard pure tierces 17 to 18c 14 1862 his father was a bishopthat the prince of wales enroute to tu 17 to 18 e pailst 18 to 18c carvell a native and a farmer of new his alberta ranch will pay a brief pr 20 to 20c shortening brunswick and of united empire visit to washington and mako an offij tierces 15 to 16c tubs 16 to loyalist descent and his mother was cial call on president coolidge was16c pails 16 to 169ic prints margaret lindsay a native of ulster verified by the canadian press at the 17 to 18c ireland i white house today export steers choice 750 to 775 mr carvell was educated in the whitohouse ofjlcials said that ac- good 50 to 7 export fc parliament te united butcher steers choice 625 to forbid marriage to more than onopened polygamy in turkey forbidden in principle a despatch from constantinople says polygamy has been forbidden in principle in turkey a law has hickmans home was in gil- public schools of new brunswick and cording to present plans at boston university from which ho states president and mrs coolidge j do good 6 to 625 do med woman exceptln unusual cases these fingham krateniriand obtained the degree of bachelor of will entertain the prince at luncheon 5 to 6 do coir 4 to 4 50 butcher nbw regulations only place the seal of laws and after reading law with and later the cabinet members and heifers choice 6 to 650 do med uvtv m nhii i u tv n f lewis p fisher kc of woodstock their wives will be presented to himi5 to 575 do com 350 to 425 i f jj t l tnvwkt rf tl ho was called to the bar of his the exact time of the visit has nottcher cows choice 425 to 5 do fj lot pw wheat cutting started boat house when miss james reach- ma ed home she found her family mourn- j the unusually favorable weather ing her as dead it having been report- 1 resulted in exceptionally plump heavy ed that her cloak had been picked up kerneis of high qua and an aver- with cushions and paddles from an of 16 bushels per acre for the overturned canoe it transpired that c she had loaned the coat to miss shea juy weather resulted in an increase calls for help were heard from the of 46 bushels of winter wheat scene of the tragedy but- when other ovcr the forecast made a month ag0 boats reached the spot their was no the part of the increasc being sign of life and only a few floating in kansas and nebraska parts of the canoe s furnishings and spring wheat had almost ideal the clonk to indicate what had hap- nb province in 1890 he practiced law yet been announced in woodstock for many years sons and partly in principle the last caliph has one wife and two children mod 3 to 4 butcher bulls good i y while the koran permits four n r th w i4 to 450 do fair 350 to 4 j wives most turks have long been m compimcnts in bolognas 250 to 350 canners and monogamous partly for economic ren in 1899 he entered the new bruns- diplomatic usage a strictly private cu 1 to 250 feeding steers wick legislature for carlcton county luncheon with the executive familjv- choice 6 to 625 do fair 5 to representing that riding one jearis planned for the prince of wales sc50 stockcrs choice 450 to 5 when he resigned to contest the same ipon his arrival in the united states do fair 350 to 425 milkers scat in the federal liberal interests the princes call at the white house springers choice 75 to 90 do fair ho was defeated but in 1904 he was was decided upon the post relates l to 50 calves choice 8 to successful in his election effort and after king george had vetoed a pros t fjqs l-z- remained as representative of the posal that he como to tho united ff to u 50 bicks s1060 riding until his appointment in 1919 states incognito as lord renfrew 1150 do culls 9 to 10 sheep as chairman of the board of railway tho king held that international light ewes6 to 650 do culls 2 to ada for oil commissioners i courtesy required use of the princes ir7 ci i highest title on a visit to the united many historic sltes states even though it might bo only dedicated in canada s pleasure trip and this necessitated 7 i arrangements for him to pay his res- ottawa aug 10 review of tho b formally to the president work of the historic sites and monui e ments board is given in a report is- iucd by j b harkin commissioner of honor royal mounted canadian national parks it gives a list of 21 historic sites and shrines which have been marked and ceremon ies of dedicaiton carried out the caro spring weather in minnesota and in part of north dakota but farther west it was less favorable and in washington the i crop is unusually poor from aug 1 conditions a forecast of 224767000 bushels was made for the spring in sections of alberta wheat crop that is 28000000 bush- jcls more than the forecast last month a despatch from lethbridge alta corn deteriorated much less than says spring wheat cutting started usual in july and while tho conditin on a 320acre field at coaldale on of the crop on aug 1 is the lowest on thursday the yield is estimated at record with three exceptions since sir robert kindersiey o tho mud sons bay co at the annual meeting 25 bushels an acre cutting has also statistics were begun in 1863 a fore- of the company stated that an effort i started at other points in south- cast of 2576400000 bushels is made was being made to arrive at an agree- 1 western alberta and will begin next for this year ment with a british oil company to monday except in districts close to investigate hudson bay lands in can- tho mountains where the crop is very duke and duchess of york heavy by fine stone memorial a despatch from winnipeg says on the site of the first royal north- 6f these as national monuments is re- west mounted police headquarters at commended to the government when old fort livingstone a memorial will the survey is concluded the board pro- 1 be unveiled on friday by sir freder- poses to issue a map showing canadas ick hautain chief justice of saskat- mstoric landmarks chewan during the past five years moroj the memorial which will take the than 800 sites have bden recommended form of a pyramidicil stone column to the board and 126 have been ad- with a bronze tablet suitably inscribed judged of nntior- importance and is to be erected six miles north of worthy of prcscrvvicn by the govern- j pelly station in a national park to int n icribrnce 900 acres i will visit east africa famous professors in torontc roft meeting of the british association left to night prof a s eve of mcgjii university darcy w thompson professor of natural history st andrews university sir georgo grecnhlll ony survivor of the delegation to torcnto in 1884 sir william h brirg qunln professor of physios london university a despatch from london says the duke and duchess of york will sail for british east africa in no vember their tour will include ken ya colony and uganda and will last three months the dukes engage ments will likely include much big game hunting square coins made of a mixture of copper and nickel are shortly lo be issued in spain exports of dairy products for 1923 from canada showed an increase in aggregate value of 2532374 accord ing to figures issued by the govcrn- rnent this was due to the increase in quantity and value of milk and cream and large increases in milk powder and condensed milk exports the total value of dairy products ex ported in 1923 was 38345000 com pared with 35812725 in 1922

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