Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 14, 1916, p. 6

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rrrvrtt oisc23s cooking hints in baking a cake always use the greatest heat at first when breadcrumbaare added to goose stuffing room must be allowed for swelling cold swett sauce is considered a more suitable adjunct to a christmas pudding than a hot concoction mirce pies should be baked from twenty to thirty minutes and the tops brushed over with the white of an egg a short time before they are done dried green peas which are very cheap make a most excellent soup for the winter they should be soaked overnight in cold water to make eggpowder take a quar- ter of a pound of tartaric acid three thread the needle again and run it through the legs and body at the thigh bone and back at the ends of the drum sticks draw the drum stick bones close together covering the opening mada by drawing the lv 1 r tho i f owl and tie the ends have both of nutmeg and the liver of e koose chopped finely mix weh and uee that the chestnuts are well mashed skta ss last rgerandrvt to roast dredge the fowl with salt vov iuo w pepper and flour and place in a pan withgravy and a puree of nestnuis r j o r mincemeat is plain and wholesome pt water baste every when made with i pound each of cur- 15 jwftf- allojr is minutes to the rants and raisins a pound and a half p to r ten minutes before nil n i n t is done take out and wipe over tzjvf er and dredge once more in 5 t tyi imf i our replace in oven until it is a marmalade the same of chopped suet il i j ij i nmrtor of golden brown and crisp a pound of candied peel a quarter of an ounce of good spice the rind and juice ofi lemon and half a pint of raisin wine after mixing and stand ing for a day or two add more sug ar should it be required cornflour lemon jelly to make quarters of a pound of bicarbonate of j four lemons six ounces of sugar soda and one pound of arrowroot dry j threequarters of a pint of water and j and mix well and then add two ounces some cornflour are required thel of sequicarbonate of ammonia and i rind ofthe fruit may be rasped or two drachms of powdered tumeric grated on the sugar add the strain- the secret in having a good roast j ed juice of the lemons to the water turkey is to baste it often enough and and boil in an enamelled saucepan to cook it long enough a turkey of i then add the cornflour mixed with seven or cght pounds should be cold water to a paste and boil for a for homemade candy christmas christmas day would not be com- isi salt it lightly stir and place aside in a moderate oven now pour the water over the sugar and allow it to dissolve slowly over the fire when it has boiled four minutes add a cup ful of the honey stirring all the time and as soon asthemass starts to boil pour in the rest keep stirring con stantly to prevent burning or stick ing to the sides of the saucepan boil to the softball stage and pour over the popcorn mix and cool baked candies 1 pupful brown sugar 1 cupful boiling water 2 egg whites 1 teaspoonful vanilla 1 cupful pecans or english walnuts place the sugar and water together in a saucepan stir until the sugar is dis solved then cook without stirring un til a little dropped in cold water forms a soft ball have the egg whites stiffly beaten pour the boiling hot syrup over them and beat until the mass is soft and creamy add the plete without its boxful of sweets and vanilla j d thejmts and continue to there are none moretoothsome than the wholesome homemade varieties jj j which are so easily prepared they are safe for the children and gown- beat until the candy stiffens when nearly set drop by spoonfuls on wax- paper and leave until hardened baked- candies 1 cupful brown ups like them as well a box of these su e teaspoonful baking roasted at least three hours and a j minute or two before pouring into a very large turkey not less than four hours an extra hour is preferable to one minute less to make sodawater dissolve one pound of crushed sugar and two ounces of super carbonate of soda into each two gallons of water used when properly dissolved fill pint bottles with this water have the corks at hand drop half a drachm of citric acid in crystals into each pint bottle cork at once and tie down keep the bot tles in n cool place and be sure to handle them carefully goose with chestnuts roast forty or fifty chestnuts skin half of them add them to half a pound of sausage- meat a morsel of garlic sage salt and pepper tc taste a grate or two mould an ounce and a half of corn flour to a pint of liquid is sufficient at this season use a shillow mould a wholesome christmas plumpud ding can be made at small cost with a pound of smoothly mashed potatoes half a pound of boiled and mashed car rots a pound of flour or half flour and half breadcrumbs for a lighter pudding a pound each of currants and stewed raisins half a pound of suet threequarters of a pound of sugar a pinch of salt and grated nut meg a good pinch of cloves two tea- spoonfuls of treacle two ounces of candied peel a large grated apple and two eggs cost about two shillings time for one pudding about eight hours some chritmas dishes to salt almonds first blanch the almonds and spread on a nice clean j baking tin add a small piece of but ter directly it is dissolved shake the almonds about a little bake till j the almoids are a nice golden brown color then dredge with dried salt and turn out to cool to glaze a christmas ham first brush over the ham with beaten yolk of egg then cover this very thickly with powdered breadcrumbs pressed on firmly lastly brush over the whole with thick cream and set in a quick oven this glaze should be brown and will be like a delicious crust christmas cake take an equal weight each of blanched sweet alm onds caster sugar flour butter sul tanas and eggs pound the almonds to a paste in a marble mortar and mix ali the ingredients together in the usual way this cake should be baked rather slowly and longer than an ordinary cake maids of honor cheesecakes boil gently together for a quarter of an hour half a pint of milk two table- spoonfuls of breadcrumbs two ounces of butter some loaf suet shredded fine and chopped one pound of seeded raisins the same amount of currants carefully washed and dried half a pound of citron in fine shavings five tablespoonfuls of brown sugar rolled fine three cups of grated stale bread one cup of flour one grated nutmeg a tablespoonful each of mace and cinnamon four large tablespoonfuls of cream six eggs two gills of orange juice and the grated rind of a lemon roll the fruit in the flour moisten the bread crumbs with the cream beat up the yolks of the eggs and stir into them all the ingredients and lastly the whipped whites of the eggs pour into a pud ding bag leaving room for it to swell serve hot and whole with sprigs of holly stuck in the top candies packed in some dainty way always makes anacceptable gift and sometimes proves a solution of the whatshalligive problem which is always with us cream grapes 3 lbs confection ers sugar 1 pt water pinch cream of tartar grapes first make your fondant putting the sugar into a soda 2 cupfuls chopped hickorynuts orange and lemon flavoring pinch of salt beat the egg to a stiff froth add the sugar also the baking soda and continue to beat until the mixture is smooth and creamy flavor to taste and add the nuts finely chopped stirring so that they are well blended with the other ingredients this saucepan adding the cold water and quantity of nuts should be enough to stirring over the fire until the sugar mixture into a stiff paste is dissolved add the cream of tartar spread on greased papers and lay and allow the mixture to boil until the bakln p bake in a it forms a soft ball when tried in cold m n for twenty minutes and water then pour into a basin which wne wld cut into squares fold has been rinsed with cold water f these squares in waxpaper so when it is cool enough for you to put tha t together your finger in the middle of it cream mexican candy 2 cupfuls brown it and when thick knead with your su 1 tablespoonful butter pmch of hands until it is a solid firm creamy sait teaspoonful vanilla extract mass drop some of this fondant c cream 2 cupfuls pecan nuts into a small saucepan add a few place th su butter sa and drops of lukewarm water and melt it c ln a saucepan and cook stir- carefully stirring continuously dip rln constantly until the mixture boils each grape into the melted fondant reduce the heat and continue the cook drop on waxpaper and set on a tray or tin until it hardens ing until a little dropped incold wat er forms a soft ball when rubbed be- kumquat candies kumquats two twee the thumb and nnger cool cupfuls confectioners sugar pinch cream of tartar vx cupful water yel then beat until the candy thickens add thevanilla and the nuts and im- upon waxpaper this candy needs a good deal of care in the making as it must not be cooked until too hard nor beatenu after it has begun to set didnt originate in germany trussing and roasting the turkey the success of the entire dinner on this annual festival depends upon the perfection of the bird chosen to grace the occasion no matter how care fully the vegetables are cooked how the cranberry sauce sparkles how flaky and spicy the mince pics or how toothsome the plum pudding if tlje queen of the feast lacks flavor tend erness or juiciness the housekeeper feels that all tlse has been in vain it may be well to consider some of the details esential to success and not trust entirely to the choice of your marketman or the care and skill of low coloring chopped nutmeats cut mediately form into small heaps drop a small slice from the top of the kum- p these from the tip of a spoon quats scoop out all the insides and place the kumquats in small paper cases put the sugar into a sauce pan add the strained kumquatjuice cream of tartar and water stir till the sugar is dissolved then boil till it forms a soft ball when tried in cold water add a few drops of yellow the christmas tree isuaually sup- coloring pour onto a slab and knead posed to have originated in germany till smooth return to the pan and but this is not the case the custom stir till melted then pour into the pre- descends from ancient egypt and pared kumquats sprinkle with the dates back to a period long before the nutmeats which have been finely chop- christian era it is traceable to the ped fact that thepalmtree puts forth a honeyed popcorn popcorn salt branch every month and at the end of vi cupful water 1 cupful honey 1 the year the egyptians were accus- cupful sugar this sweetmeat will be tomed to set up in their houses a spray especially appreciated by the children of this tree with twelve shoots on it as pop the desired amount pf corn and a symbol of the completed year a little thin lemonpeel vour cook sugar three wellbeaten select a young hen turkey and for eggs and stir till the mixture becomes thick then pass it through a sieve add two more beaten eggs and suffici ent flavoring to be tasty line some pattypans with puffpaste half fill with the mixture and bake a family of six or eight one of about ten pounds weight the best tur keys have black smooth legs the spurs soft and loose the breast full and the flesh plump and of a pinkish white tinge if the pin feathers are belgian christmas pudding take numerous and the long hairs few and half a poundof prunes half a pound i the breast bone cartilaginous you of currants half a pound of flourl e 6ure the bird is not too old three ounces of suet two ounces of if the cv are fulland bright mixed peel half a teaspoonful of car- j and th legs and feet limber the bonate of soda half a teaspoonful of lrd fre at all firstclass mar- spice a pinch of slt one egg and a ket th turkeys are carefully drawn little milk stone the prunes after tendons removed from the drum- scalding and drying mix all the dry sticks and the crop removed from the ingredients dissolve the soda in the i cnd ot thc neck or through a slit in warm milk beat the egg and add to the bkin on the back unless you mixture beat all till quite blended are sure this will be done right it is and pour into a wellgreased mould better to order it sent home undrawn filling it only twothirds up boil for five hours steadily mincemeat half a pound of finely chopped suet half a pound of raisins weighed after being stoned and chop ped half a pound of currants ono pound of chopped apples threequart ers of a pov of mixed candied fruit finely chopped threequarters of a pound of brown sugar spice to taste a pretty christmascake a christmas cake will be doubly attrac tive to the children if merry xmas is traced with icing about the sides or top the loaf cake should first be covered with a thick coating of icing preferably colored red and flavored with strawberry or red raspberry a white icing for the decoration and let tering can have a delicate flavor of vanilla the scrolls leaves and let tering can be formed with thc use of a cornucopia made of very stiff paper tie of extract when she can purchase at the drug store vanilla optimate for 125 a pint and in some localities for less this is the first grade of vanilla and a pint will last an ordinary family a year all spoon measurements in the fol lowing recipes mean level unless oth erwise stated the cups used are the onehalf pint measuring ones and the molasses is the dark new orleans fruit loaf remove the rind from one pound solid fat salted pork cut sewed together and the point clipped j into slices chop very fine or put to any sized opening desired one j through the mincing machine then will require a small hole for the let- pour over it one half pint absolutely tering while a lalgcr one will be bet- boiling water remove seeds from ter for the filling the icing is plac- 1 one pound raisins take one pound cur- m in the cornucopia and by gently j rants cut one pound citron into thin pressing from the side near the top narrow strips put together two as one guides the cornucopia over the tablespoonfuls pulverized cinnamon cakes the icing will ooze through the one tablespoonful each pulverized small end theinexpcricnccd hand i cloves mance nutmeg add one pint jiaji they are soulless elves whcfain would within and laugh at our christmas cksfffi ring fleetly chimes swiit rhymes they are made of the mocking misr noclt me 5f ty cease cease each christmas bell under the riblly bough mhere the happy children throng and shout wha shadow seems to flit about jvmt tjjc mother then who died t vtorhfegreens were sere last christmastide rhymes fasting at christmas when cromwell ruled england he issued an edict against all festivities at christmas the festival was al together abolished and the displaying of holly and mistletoe and other em blems of the happy time was held to bo seditious in 1644 the long parliament com manded that christmas day should be observed as a strict fast when all people should think over and deploro should first trace the letters with a molasses then the pork and water the great sin of which they and their for the legs will be much better cat- ing if minus the tough tendons and the unnecessary gash across the breast is unattractive at least warm water cut off the neck close to the body leaving thc skin to fold mix all the ingredients thoroughly to- 1 over the opening then bend the legs gether place them in a jar and then hack and carefully cut the skin on the add two wincglassfuls of brandy if joint just enough to expose thc sinews the mincemeat is to be kept long more without breaking them and draw brandy must be added them out with a fork break off the beef sausages these are best when leg by tho joint the sinews hanging made of beefsteak take away all j to it cut tho oil sack from the skin and chop the meat finely weigh rump now it is ready to stuff put and place in an earthenware pan with i the stuffing that is to be used a lit- theso ingredients to every pound of tie in the neck tho rest in the body forefathers had been guilty in mak ing merry at that season this act so provoked the people that on the fol lowing natal day the law was violently resisted in many places though these sceneswerc disgrace ful they sorvfed their purpose and put end knitting needle across the firm coat of now beat in enough flourto make a icing i batter that can be easily dropped from icings and flavorings there is no- j the spoon sift two teaspoonfuls bi- thing tnat equals thc boiled icing and carbonate baking soda in with part by boiling the sugar and water with- of the flour dredging the fruit with out stirring until it spins tnreads when j that part of the flour which hasno first remove pin feathers andlrun off a spoon or fork then turning j soda in stirring in the floured fruit singe off the hairs then thoroughly this syrup on the whites of the eggs the very last thing to prevent its an end to n unjust order when wash and wipe with a soft cloth next which have been whipped dry then j dropping to the bottom of tho batter charles the second regained tho draw the fowl and wash inside with beaten until cold one will have a deli- j grease paper and line the tins two- 1 throne the populace once more made cious covering a half teaspoonful of j thirds full and bake in a slow oven for christmastide a time of rejoicing cream of tartar put into the sugar and i two hours or until the centers are water prevents sugaring stewed firm it is always safe to test the cranberry juice red currant raspber- 1 batter in a little pattypan so if too ry jellies or beet juice will produco i thick or too thin it can be easily rc- any shado of red or pink and should j medied the exact quantity of flour be put into the sugar and water before cannot always be given as some kinds it begins to boil five cents worth j thicken more and others less pastry meat add a quarter of a pound of beef suet a quarter of a pint of stock or water two ounces of breadcrumbs half an ounce of salt half a teaspoon ful of dried and sifted parsley the same quantity of dvied thyme and a teaspoonful of black pepper work ihese ingredients thoroughly togeth er with a wooden spoon clean some skins nicely rub them well over with lemon juice and put to soak in water take the skins out of the water one at n time dry them and fill with the sausage meat tie in lengths of about three inches if these sausagos are wcll made and cooked they will when cut give plenty of gravy plum pudding one pound of beef and sew up the opening draw thc skin smoothly down and under thc back press the wings close to the body and fold the pinions under crossing thc back and holding down the skin of the neck press the legs close to tho body and slip them under the akin as much as possible press thc trussing needle threaded with white twine through the wing by the middle joint pass it through tho skin of tho neck and back and out again at tho middle joint of tho other wing re turn thc needle through the bemj of tho leg at tho bccond joint through tho body and out at thc same point at thc other side draw the cord tight and tie ji with the end at the wing of red and green vegetable coloring purchnsed at areliablo drug store will give one enough material for a family for six months when purchasing say that it is wanted for food color ing and this will assure getting a vege table and not a mineral preparation an uncooked icing an uncooked icing that will keep moist for several days is made by using confectioners sugar which is also known in stores as four x adding enough sweet- cream until it is moist enough to spread without running add the flavoring and roll out all lumps in tho sugar before wetting for thjs ic ing thc coloring should be put in al ternating with the cream if it be comes too thin addjnorc sugnr a word about flavorings many a housekeeper pays twentyfive or thirtyfive cents for a threeounce bot- flour should always be used whenever it can be secured as it makes a more tender cake i another recipe this may appeal to those who do not care for the pork as shortening cream onehalf cup- cul butter then add onehalf cupful brown sugar and cream again add onehalf cupful each of molases and sweet milk beat one egg and add sift together one and threefourths cupful flouronehalf teaspoonful soda ono teaspoonful cinnamon onehalf teaspoonful each of cloves grated nut- mcg and mace dredge one- half pound raisins and onefourth pound currants and add the last thing as in above recipe this makes one largo coke steam three hours then quickly transfer to a wellheated oven for one hour or omit thc steaming and bake in slow oven for three hours christmas gift quotations wrap christmas gifts in white tis sue paper tie with redribbon fast en in the bow a small sprig of holy inclose with gift card with christ wish 1 sunbeams bless thy christmas day gladness dwell with thee for aye 2 we libpe your christmas will bo merry wo hope you will be happy very 3 the world is happy the world j is wide may joy be yours this christmas- tide 4 christmas comos but once a year christmas always brings good cheer 6 christmas greetings with good choer s and may you have a glad now year 0 c holly branch and mistletoe happy days whereer you go v sing a song of christmas wish you happy times four and twenty joybells ring your merry chimes 8 to every one and all of yours we wish a merry day 9 for you wo wish tho chrisp ploasures r through all the year may stay 10 in your heart bo christmas gladness far from yon bo caro and sad ness 11 sing hie sing hey sing hoi sing holly we wish your christmas will b jolly

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