Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 14, 1916, p. 3

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lloyd george becomes british prime minister mr bonar law who declined to undertake formation of a new ministry will act in cooperation with lloyd george a despatch from london says david lloyd george has overthrown theasquith cabinet and will become prime minister himself the new government will be coalition like the to require crisis has arisen before such action by the king whatever passed in council is held secret but the inference that the king 172 according to freights outside tried to arrange a reconciliation ap pears a most natural one the five markets of the world breadstuff toronto dec 12 manitoba wheat xw no 1 northern 196i no 2 do i94j no 3 do 1s7j no 4 wheat 5175j track bay ports old crop trad ing 4c above new crop manitoba oats no i cw tte no 3 do c5jc extra no 1 reed 65jc no i reed 64 sc track bay ports american corn no 3 yellow new 3108 track toronto december ship ments subject to embargo ontario oats no 2 white 63 to 65o nominal no 2 do 62 to 64c nominal according to freights outside ontario wheat new no 2 winter per car lot 172 to 3174 no 3 do 170 to old one but probably without the statesmen departed separately four in same measure of harmonious support which attended the formation of the first coalition government because its birth has created additional fac tional differences there was a prospect on wednes day afternoon that the personal of- their motor cars and the working- mens spokesman afoot afterwards the king gave an au dience to mr bonar law who declin ed to undertake the formation of a new ministry and then to mr lloyd george who accepted the responsi- flces of the king might solve the sit- bility as everyone anticipated he uation the king called the party leaders to buckingham palace and conferred with them for more than an hour mr asquith and mr lloyd george of the liberals mr bonar law and mr balfour of the unionists and mr henderson of the labor party were with the sovereign it is many years since a british ruler as sembled the representatives of the dif ferent factions face to face when they had shown themselves unable to settle their differences but no such serious 2 3240 according to would if the opportunity came to him the official announcement that mr lloyd george had undertaken the task with the cooperation of mr bonar law was a notification that the new government would be coali tion any party government would be impossible because neither the unionists nor the liberals have a majority in the house of commons either one must attach the irish na tionalists or the laborites to itself to command a majority made retreat jv in good order all a the was speed up war momentous changes in policy expected in fiance knockouts busy a despatch from paris says fol lowing the example of great britain changes of moment can be foreseen also in france in fact the coming to a head of the british situation has only hastened in france developments which were before practically certain the secret session of the chamber of deputies at which the demands of the french knockout group are be ing urged has now almost reached its end it probably would have lasted several days longer and there is little reason to doubt that the result would the has army the rumanian rearguard i become practically impossible the was forced to fight strenuously to cov- 1 resolution presented by the knock er the retreat outs for the consideration of the of the rumanian armies escaped the teuton pincers despatch from london says rumanian army at last reports still falling back all along the line east of bucharest from the trans- ylvanian alps to the danube just where it will stop and face about arid with its russian allies make a stand against the teutonic allies has not yet become apparent on the moldavian west frontier and farther north along the bukowina border the russian at- tacks against the austrogerman forces have failed to make any im pression it is officially announced that the rumanians evacuated buch- have been the same but after arest in good order saving their british action further discussion peas no freights outside barley malting- 3118 to 3120 ac cording to freights outside buckwheat 3130- nominal according to freights outside rye no 2 140 to 142 according to freights outside manitoba hour first patents in jute bags 960 2nd do 910 strong bak ers 3s90 toronto ontario lour winter according to sample 760 to 760 in bags track to ronto prompt shipment xhufecd car lots delivered mont real freights bags included bran per ton 32 shorts do 27 middlings white per ton 38 to 40 good feed flour per bag 270 to 280 hay no 1 per ton 1250 to 1350 no 2 do 10 to 1150 track toronto sraw car lots per ton 9 to 950 track toronto country produce wholesale butter fresh dairy choice 41 to 43c creamery prints 45 to 48c solids 44 to 44sc kggs no 1 storage 41 to 42c stor age selects 44 to 45c new laid in car tons 58 to 60e out of cartons 55 to 57c cheese large 25c twins 251 to 255c triplets 26j to 26e live poultry chickens 15 to 16c fowl 14 to 15c ducks 13 to 15c turk eys 25 to 28c geese spring 14 to 15c dressed poultry chickens 21 to 23c fowl 17 to 19c ducks is to 20c squabs per dozen 4 to 450 turkeys 30 to 35c geese spring 17 to 19c honey white clover 2jlb tins 12 to 13jc 5lb tins 12 to 13ic 10lb 12j to 13c 60lb 12 to 12j buckwheat 60lb tins 9 to die comb honey extra fine and heavy weight per doz 3 select 250 to 275 no 2 225 to 240 mincemeat pails 28 lb 10 to 12c tubs 65 lb 9 to lie potatoes ontario per bag 215 british columbia hose per bag 2 to 215 new brunswick delawares per bag 225 to 230 prince kdward island whites per bag 175 to 190 track toronto cabbage man per ton 4s to 50 beans imported handpicked per bush 6 to 625 canadian handpick ed per bush 625 to 650 canadian primes 550 to 6 ilmas per lb 9j to 10c the rumanian capital is in german hands no attempt was made to defend bucharest the actions fought being only of a delaying nature thursdays petrograd war office chamber reads as follows statement admits the evacuation of the interests of national de- bucharest and adds that the ruman- 1 is urgent that the secret ses- ian forces to the south of the capital sion of the chamber of deputies end also have retired in wallachia the as so as possible and that in a pre- rumanians are retreating towards the memorandum the peoples repre- east under hostile pressure and hold ing the teuton forces by rearguard actions the defeated rumanians are re treating along the whole front the sentatives point out to the govern ment the demand of the country there is no doubt as to what this means and there is no doubt as to what will be the result a complete in provisions wholesale smoked meats hams medium 24 to 25c do heavy 22 to 23c cooked 32 to 35c rolls 19 to 20c breakrnst bacon 26 to 27c backs plain 26 to 27c boneless 2s to 29c licklefl or dry cured meals one cent less thaln cured curedtmeats long clear bacon is to lsjc per lb clear bellies is to lsjc lard pure lard tierces 193 to 20c tubs 20 to 20ic pails 20i to 205c com pound 153 to 16c cooking oils white- tierces 161c 100lb tins 16ic yellow jc below white x a despatch from london says bucharest the capital of rumania is in the hands of the central powers exactly one hundred days after the declaration of war by rumania against them finds the teutonic allies in control of about 50000 square miles of rumanian territory virtual ly onehalf of the kingdom running from the transylvanian alps north west of the capital to the danube south of it arid a large part of dob- rudja and probably still on the heels of the retreating russian and ruman ian armies which have been endeav oring to hold them back simultaneously with the announce ment of the fall of bucharest came the news of the capture of the im portant railroad junction of ploechti north of the capital the conquest of which places in the hands of the in vaders the last railroad in the west and gives to them the head of the line running northward to- jassy whero the capital of rumania is now situ ated i the fall of ploechti perhaps is of even greater importance than that of bucharest ploechti is the centre of the great oil districts of prahova val ley unless the rumanians have been able to destroy or disable the oil wells machinery and stores of oil the germans will get a muchneeded prize moreover in the prahova valley they are on the line of retreat of a portion of the rumanian second army no details have as yet come through concerning the climax to the drive of the armies of general von falkcnhayn and field marshal von macxensen or whether the ruman ians and russians succeeded entirely in making their cscapo behind the bucharest line but it is believed here that king ferdinands armies are practically intact itils thought that the rumanians will be compelled to retire until they can secure a shorter line betweenthe carpathians and the lower danube which will be within easier reach of russian reinforcements with the fall of bucharest the teu tonic allies are now in possession of four capitals of entente allied states the others being brussels belgrade and cettinje berlin war office announces tho policy probable shift teutonic troops have captured cam- the personnel of the high command and a few minor changes in the gov- 1 pino on the railroad between kron- stadt and ploechti in wednesdays eminent are almost certain the fighting more than 9000 rumanians min however is likely to remain as it is constituted wero captured an official communication from ber lin says bucharest was captured with out any fighting except by the ru manian infantry n6rth and west of the capital this resistance was quick ly overcome it is stated and the in vaders eritered the town from all sides the city is absolutelyiindamaged not a single shot having been fired by the big guns on tuesday an of- a despatch from london says ficcr of mackensensstaff was sent as rrst welshman to occupy the into bucharest demanding its surrend- distinguished post of primeminister er within 24 hours or bombardment a meeting of the british empire un- would be opened the officer re- ion to condemn false peace agitators turned with the reply that bucharest has sent the following telegram to mr lloyd george hailed by his countrymen british empire union denounces those urging peace negotia nt tions to montreal markets montreal dec 12 corn american no 2 yellow 115 to 118 oats can adian western no 2 68jc no 3 67c- extra no 1 feed 67c barley mani toba feed 102 malting 130 flour manitoba spring wheat patents firsts 9i0 seconds 929 strong bakers 0 winter patents choice 950 strafght rollers 890 to 910 do bags 426 to 435 rolled oats mils 705 do j 9 1 nra shorts hi j 3s to 40 moulllls tv t ay no 2 per ton car lots 13 cheese finest westerns 25 to 25sc finest easterns 24 to 241c but ter choicest creamery 44c seconds 43c eggs fresh 60c selected 44c no 1 slock- 40c potatoes per bag car lots 175 to 210 winnipeg grain winnipeg dec 12 wheat no 1 jsortliern 1858 no 2 northern 1833 no 3 northern 176b no 4 164s no 5 1338 feed 91c oats no 2 cw 69jc no 2 cw 57c extra no 1 feed 5ic no 1 feed 56ic no 2 feed 643c s t elected 82c feed 81c flax no 1 nwc 263i no 2 cw 2603 -de- was not a fortress but an open town and there was no intention of defend ing the place wednesday morning tho german cavalry pushed forward and took possession of the west and northernforts without resistance and the southern danube army then en tered the city without opposition rumors of aircraft to outdo the allies a despatch from ottawa says earl w farrow an ottawa boy who has been with the royal flying corps on the somme front and who has been granted leave of absence after having one leg injured arrived in the capital on thursday he said that while it is true that the allies have control of the air there aro rumors of a new german machine which will outdo us lloyd george the world has al ready recognized your value in the great strain we have gone througll with confidence we look to you to carry on the great fight for the success of british arms and we are with you on behalf of the citizens of merthyr c b stanton labor member of par liament for merthyr tydvil who pro posed the telegram made a speech denouncing those who are urging peace negotiations and declaring that the encmines of the allies can only be defeated by force from the factories to the firing line a desptach from london says the release for military service of all possible semiskilled and skilled men who are now engaged in the manu facture of munitions has been agreed upon by the admiralty the ministry of munitions and the army council german uboats at madeira sink gunboat and shell city united slates markets minneapolis dee 12 wheat cembor ls4jt may 188i to 1 cash no 1 hard ls5a to 1903 no 1 u79l iifv s n 2 stherh 51791 to 163 corn no 3 ellow s7 to 89c oats no 3 white 51 to i flou unchanged bran 2650 s dec 12 wheat no 1 hard 1875 no 1 northern 1861 no 2 irvvj h 1m1 december 51h7j bid tlnseed to arrive 29-3- december 2903 may 2963 live stock markots toronto dec 12 heavy steers c t0 9 eholco butcher 775 to 825 do good 710 to 750 do medium 0 to 625 do common 525 to 576 heifers good to choice 7 to do medium 625 to 675- cows choice 625 to 7 do to 625 butcher bulls 750 do good 650 to 5660 do medium 5 to 550- feed- fa- 900 to 1000 lbs 650 to 7 do bulls 525 to 575 stockers 700 to 800 lbs 625 to 640 do medium 650 to 2 1 5 canners 410 to 440 cutters 4c0 to 525 sheen ihrht 850 o 950 spring lambs oyo 1250 calves 8 to 12 hogs fed nnd k do weighed oft cars i2j do fob 1075 to 11 montreal dec 12 choice henvv steers at 850 to 876 por one hundred v to cllolco t 750 to 825 medium at 650 to 7 and com- n ipso to 6 while butcher cows sold at 5 to 550 and bulls at 5 26 to 676 per one hundred pounds ontario at 1125 to jneotfsheep 7 to 775 per one hundred pounds grassfed calves from 4 to ojc per pound live weight an airmans sensations most striking thing under gun fire in an aeroplane the most striking thing to me about being under gunfire in an aero plane is the unreality of it said a british aviator who has been flying in flanders since the outbreak of the war to a writer for popular mechan ics magazine the roar of the guns on the earth and even the detonations of the shells which do not burst very close at hand are rarelyheard shrap nel bullets fly in a broad cone straight ahead that is in the same direction as that in which the shell itself is moving so that practically the only shell that ever does any harm to you is the one which bursts directly be neath your machine and which therefore you do not see explode the little puffballs of smoke which blossom out around you are perfectly harmless at the worst a few of their spent bullets may shower back upon you sometimes so gently that you can see and even reach a hand and catch them a shell bursting evgn immediately over you is not danger ous in itself but rather ominous as indicating the fact that the archies have you well ranged the back kick from the shell casing might stun you if it hit you on the head but the chance of thahs almost negligible ordinary heavy artillery is rarely used against air craft but occasion ally ones work takes him into an air zone in which some of the big shells are traveling this is one of the most remarkable experiences that can fall to the lot of an airman in fact the weirdest sensations of my whole fly ing experience are connected with the occasion on which i blundered into the road of a passing 42 as you doubtless know the ger mans have used their 17inch guns for the intermittent bombardmeent of dunkirk and other points 15 or 20 bombs rapidly replacing- rifles only sure method of clearing trench says canadian officer a despatch from london says canadian officers recently returned from the front remark generally on the development of bombing opera tions one even declares the rifle stands a fair chance of becoming ob solete bombing is the only sure method of clearing a trench give me a live party with full aprons and i will go anywhere one man will carry as many as 16 bombs and they can accomplish much in wonderful time early in the war we lost many men because the german was so deep in the dugout but he is up to our meth ods of bombing him out so he does not hide low down as formerly one man taken in the last little bunch of prisoners declared on the way to the cage that he simply held up his hands in taking his usual morning swedish drill believe me they are not so fat as they used to be they fairly lick our hands when we give them some of our food which continues of the best italy prepared for vigorous work has 2100 factories slaking munitions for carrying on the war a despatch from rome says tho allies do not desire to force greece into war nor do they support any anti- dynastic movement in greece assert ed premier boselli in his report on the war delivered before the chamber of deputies on wednesday premier bo selli reiterated the demand of italy to maintain the war with her allies until the restoration of belgium serbia and montenegro was accomplished ha termed this the noble and essential object of the war at the close of his speech he sent a message of greet ing to our valorous latin sister ru mania trusting for her final success as a proof that italy was prepared to push her operations vigorously the premier announced tnat there wero now 2100 factories working on war material the workers being onefifth women whose participation both in industries and agriculture was in creasing daily v foe wants back all his colonies a berlin despatch to amsterdam says that the war aims of the german radicals have been set forth by prof karl doormann leader of the radical party in the reichstag as follows we dont reject annexations if our rulers believe them necessary from a military or economic point of view we cannot permit the entente to de clare an economic war against us after the present war we must get back all our colonies germany must be as sured of her right to exist independ ently and develop as she chooses brussiloff the brusque something about the famous sian general rus- 725 butcher medium 425 choice 685 l general brussiloff the russian leader who has played so great a part on the eastern front was one of the first to appreciate the value of tech nique in this great conflict this in an engineers war was a comment of his like many other successful men he is a stern disciplinarian and rather brusque in manner but despite this miles behind the lines right down to his men adore him because they know the present time well i vnttat an that no demands he makes upon them altitude of about 0000 feet one day are quite so severe as those which he and climbing higher at an easy angle imposes on himself when one of these big fellows almost such a hard worker is at the end of its long flight plowing along in the opposite direc- family since war broke out except his tion first a dark little blur appeared wife and he only saw her because she in the air ahead and at an angle of obtained permission with several about 35 degrees a little steeper other officers wives to visit her hus- than the one at which i was climbing band above me at first it seemed to be brussiloff has never asked for leave i coming right at me and 1 swerved to 0 taken a single day off from the effort to army during the whole period of his potatoless bread for german people soon a despatch from amsterdam says the berlin lokal anzciger iotes m stegerwald one of the directors of the war feeding board as saying in a speech at recklinghausen that from january 1st no more potatoes must be used for bread they willbe placed by a more thorough grinding of the grain namely ninetythree instead of eightyone per cent the director said that the situation of the food market was such that available sup plies would be sufficient for the needs of the country french wheat crop a despatch from paris says the national millers association after exhaustive enquiries announces that this years french wheat crop yielded 5700000 tons this amount with the existing stock gives a total of 6- 400000 tons as the annual consump tion is 9200000 tons the deficit to be brussiloff i made up by importation amounts to came that he hasnt seen one member of his j nearly 3000000 tons selected lois of hogs 1235 to 1260 off cardinal mercier 1 again imprisoned the left in an instinctive dodge the threatened blow then a sort of droning hum became audible even above the roar of my engine and this sound increased during tho two or three seconds that elapsed be- sharp claws fore the big missile came even with and swept by me it was probably several hundred yards away at its nearest but the distance seemed less a few faint stirrings of air began to rock my machine even before tho shell went by but the full force of the air wash was not felt for a frac tion of a second later then an al most solid wall of air nearly threw me on my beam ends and i was really hard put to get the reeling ma chinc back on an even keel for the next mile or two the air was like the water in the wake of a big side- command and yet the austrians and their arrogant associates in germany won der why the russian bear has such british export trade is again expanding ter i behs 4 the steamers kangaroo and dacia were also torpedoed and a number of sailors drowned m a 3espatch from london says ger man submarines visited tho island of madeira on sunday and bombarded funchal tho capital of tho island fifty shells were fired 34 persons be ing killed the remainder of the pop- ulaon fled and only returned when tb submarine departed under an in tense fire from the foi tress the sub marine shelled the shore for two hours especially the english cable station and other public buildings but only small damage was done to the city the french gunboat surprise however was sunk and 34 of the crew perished a few portuguese were also killed aboard the steamers kangaroo and dacia which were torpedoed wheeler all chopped to pieces and a despatch from amsterdam says the machine rocked like a springlcss cardinal mercier primate of belgiuni motor lorry going over cobbles the is confined to his palace by the ger- air was disturbed for some seconds man authorities according to i the i after a big roar astern told me the frontier correspondent of tiip tele- 42 had come to earth graaf who says he hears this on good authority tho reason given is the action taken by the cardinal against the deportation of belgians germans seize fish from dutch trawlers a reutor despatch from amster dam to london says that from a num ber of dutch steam trawlers towed into cuxhavcn the german author ities took 35 per cent of their fish on the ground of contraband as that proportion of the total dutch catch had been assigned to england it slays there v one day n keeper was out walking with a numbor of harmless inmates of an insane asylum and the party met a pedestrian not far fromiho rail way tracks with a nod toward the tracks the traveler asked one of the lunatics where does this railway go to november shows increase over octo ber of about 35000000 i a despatch from london snys the british board of trade figures for november show increases in imports of17300000 and increase in exports of 6849000 over the import and ex port figures of october the principal increases in imports were food 7- 000000 and raw material 11000000 the raw material included cotton from america gqoo000 and cotton j from egypt 1500000 the principal increase in exports was in manufac- tufed articles of which cotton textiles were represented by 2500000 t true to life photographer to young man- will make a better picture if you put your hand on your fathers shoulder father hm itv would make a more natural picture if he put his hand into my pocket crude that young man is out to make the lunatic surveyed him scornfully name for himself i for a moment and then replied j whats the matter aint he sat- nowhero we keep it here to run is w tne onc nis father gave train on him i s7e name that stands for quality in farm afacafieryv lister engines are british built i 8 2t3579hp on skids or truck higk toisior magieto irtnjtiorx- ijt automtic lubrication s lister silos ensilage cutters threshers sproaiers milkers electric ligkt ploivtsmelotte creixm soparatots vinlffor gtlilogae to2tfj ralister ocolhrured toronto j5

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