Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 20, 1916, p. 1

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sr isl i vol xxv iii no 22 6tuuffville ontario thursday juia 20 1916 wholk numlier 1473 tha tribimo is published every fwrxtiay afternoon at the office smiths block sto0ffvilib 0 it terms 1 in advance 125 if not paid in advance job work promptly aiielm lo c madill b a ed1t0k iuiimkoiriktok 220th at kettieby the big day of the season for kettieby was saturday when ampi theatre park was crowded j for the patriotic demonstration under the auspices of the kin association j hbbbaasgsaaa b6y scouts forni though busy at hay- present with their business cards jjiucjajl mcculiough button butistrs solicitors conveyancers x stouffv1lle money to loan jlhoinjlvl dr smith ld i m denti5t toronto and honor graduate of chicago universities officeover huntleys store resident i main st near office at ne every day except tuesday i e s barker l d s d ls hntibt stouffville ont honor graduate of royal coll- j ege of dental surgeons and ot i the university of toronto 9 to 12 a m 2 to office hours- 5 p m office in grubins block over jew- elery store residencemain street e end telephone res8202 off w01 markham every tuesday ofhce over m whites store aa ieaman- issuer ok marriage liuceiises ill w j father funeral d1r ector and embalmer stoiufj8- hajwj kesiionce main street two doors east presbyterian church phone 0801 or 0812 day and night calls promptly attended to insu range township 1 the fainurs in were ail wives and the well filled baskets of all the necessaries for a pic nic special cars from toronto and and newmarket were loaded all along the line it was tag day too and all the irls scattered all over the grounds were kept busy to see that none escaped a real musical treat was provided during the afternoon and evening by the 48th highlanders baud of toronto and the highland pip ers under the direction of lieut slater and the 220thbrass band alternated in giving selections popular patriotic nad sacred the 220th huyle band was also present the football tournament attracted five teams two from the 220th battalion and one each from newmarket kettieby and king the prize goinj to the king team after a hard contest the other sporting events were run off under the direction of mr e hutchins of the sports comm ittee the ladies nail driving con test attracting much attention patriotic addresses were deliver ed by well known men from tor onto and york county oliver helewood ksq of toronto spoke feelingly upon the duty of canadians in york county in the present crisis col brown major pink and capt davis made app eals on behalf of the 20tlicol- brown- in emphasizing the pres ent urgent need for men declared that there should be no prh ilegt- cd class the farmers of york county had sent- many sons to fight for the empire but more could still be spared he cited the case of a farmer in west york who had asked him to sup ply two men to assist in harvest ing the hay crop that same far mer had five sons of military age and none of them are yet in khaki he deplored the fact that so much time had to be taken up in recruiting which ought to be dev oted to training the men the hon w jr mekcnzie king spoke with his usual brilliancy and touched on some o the political problems emphasizing the im portance of the nickel industry in onario and the necessity for prompt action for the develop ment of this source of wealth war orders theprcientindusiriafactivity is due largely to war orders these however will cease with the close of the war a period of readjustment and retrench ment will probably follow the prudent man will guard against this now by saving a substan tial part of his present earnings or increased income iu opea a savings account with the bank of ectia ncms kr1 paidu capital 5 g600003 rksepve it 12c0j000 totalllesourcesoverl00c0c00 stouffville brakch vv r adams manager i iamebridge 2nd vice pires jmiss lulu crosby zephyr secy treas reelected miss kate jmckav r r no 1 brechin for board of agriculture mrs john thompson sahdfordj mrs i mcclennan beavenon and miss jmckav brechin j the next meeting will 1 at brechin may 23 1917 held infantile araiysis a circular lias been issued by the provincial board of health tying instructions- regarding in fantile paralysis an eindemic ii w h clark fire and plate glass accident life insurance cultivated kami property and past ure land for sale ok rent w ot ijifaiftk stouffville sj b lehman isons almira ont manufacturer of pure woohcn goods blankets flan nels socks yarn cloth quilt batts etc highest prices paid in cash or trade fo woo dealers in jttct grade manitoba flour pas try flour flour exchan ged for wheat or wool mail orders will have onr prompt attention mill phone 607 ltesi 12 north ontario wi the seventh annual meeting of the north ontario district wom ens institute was held in good wood on f line 13th the attendance was good and the reports from altona beaver- ton- brechin gamebride good- wood oconnell sandford sun derland and zephyr were a splen did record of work well done all lines of patriotic and relief work are being done though our- largest contributions have been to the red cross our retiring president mrs baldwin of sunderland gave an inspiring address taking for her subject our motto for home and country in the early days of our organization all things centered in the home and its betterment was our chief aimf now in the hour of our empires need the women of the institutes through their splendid organiza tion were and are able to take a leading part and will always be found doing their bit the district receipts for the year ending may 31 1910 were 138246 and the expenditures 134923 cash on hand 3- 3323 the ollicers elected were pres mrs lunau goodwood 1st yicc pres mrs geo montgomery which has recently appeared in montreal and at least pge town in ontario infantile paralysis attacks children chiefly between the ages of two to fourteen and may affect older children or ad ults the cause is unknown tt is known howeer that the agent causing the disease is present in the secretions of the nose and mouth and the intestinal tract from being swallowed it is be lieved 10 be spread directly from these secretions but it may also be carried by flies 1 1 may be come epidemic in the country as well as in crowded city areas and persons who come in contact with the disease may harbour the contagion without contracting the disease that is they are air iers the following are some of the instructions given 1 evtry case must be quarantined for a period of six weeks 2 all c ld ren who have been in contact with a case must be quacahtined and kept under observation for a period of two weeks 3 adult members of the family may be allowed to go about their work subject to the regulations of the provincial board of health and on the discretion of the medical officer of health 3 in houses where cases appear all doors and windows should be screened the premises kept clean and no acc umulation of garbage permitted 5 as infantile paralysis is a most serious disease and in the present epidemic giving a high deathrate the public is urged to second the efforts of the author ities in every way in order to pre vent a severe outbreak in the province if the disease siiows auv tenden cy to spread special quarantine measures may be necessary card okttlyxks mrs e c stoutenburg of sut ton west desires to offer her sincere thanks to the many kind friends foi their kind expressions of sympathy and many floral tributes received during her rec ent bereavement mr and mrs jos darkey will be al jacksons point for four or fivc weeks i stouffvillc troop o 1 canad ian badcii powell boy scouts have arranged for a three weeks camp thisjsiunmer the camp will be in charge of robert rae j scoutmastjr and rev john i mutch chylain and other assis- tants together with a committee of boy scouts consisting of the leaders and seconds of the kan- igeroo beaver and wolf patrols t and the lrpasurer of the amlul- i ance corps during the first and second wecis july loth to 31st camp coiwiuighl will be found near the tflh concession west end stouifville and at mussel- mans lmjb august 1st to 8th i where the scout picnic will be held on civ4 holiday the boy scouts arejdaily in receipt of pies cakes salads etc from their mothers anfjother friends and are having great time come and visit tlje camp any evening you are velc6me boyj scout notes the fine course of lectures on first aid arid ambulance work given to tht from october to may by fr f a dales are being put fj practical use in j these summerdays ask buster through tbc kindness of mr w ii todd mejsrs mantle and wat son and mr robert rae c a the bovs ambulance corps have has received well equipped carr iage and stretcher should any of our citieiijhe under the pain ful necessity fof being ordered to the hospital the ambulance corps is ready prepared to con vey the patient to the station and if required the stretchers- can be put ofthe train and ret urned to strijlville later this mm ns the k 51 of canada head office toronto deposits received subject to cheque savings bank deposits bear interest at highest current rates branch manager uard against disease use disinfectants and germicides stouffville a c burkholder how would the boctors and den- itace the bottle on ice tists of our town like to intake second method this their combined present to nt 11 lo he pa should be placed in the willi th th i are mm- tlyiii ice health warm uvnthot inilltonsof ecrms into activity to men the boys ambulance corps the boy scouts attended annual picnics of the sunday schools of the presbyterian and itemized covered inner container of a double boiler and an easy reading thermometer suspended or placed in the milk methodist churches on july 7th j the temperature of the wa- and 10th respectively and are in- tllc oluor hoiler until the viled to assist at the thermometer in the milk regist- s s picnic on the itth inst fm ir degrees fahr let the watch for the results of the ball jmilk stay at this tunperature game school vs scouts also for 20 l 30 minutes cool by the results of the egg hunt dont j putting cold water in the outer you wish you were a scout join i boiler and then place on ice now and be prepared for the i either of these methods will fall work and for next siurier the uso of disinfectants cidis will reduce the dmi to a minimum we have all of the uood disinfectant germicides itodoiit destroyei- kto make war on disease now we have the iliiinunitioti and gcrmici r of disease insect icincp public health destroy the germ jttring the milk if 01 which hasbeen raging jn-the-jn- t4ilffi i r ttetnitates- for soinettmrahd f w throat vo4irpiysio5anstoy lujl v c i tneti two simple jieuhods pasteurizing milk at home first method in a small tin pail place a sau cer put the milk in a sealer cov- jcred with the glass top or in a j milk bottle stand the bottle of milk with cap or cover in place on the saucer pour enough warm water which is rtut hot enough to break the bottle into the pail to fill it within four inches of the top of the bottle now stand the pail and its contents oh the without in- earefully carr ied out pasteurized milk should be consumed within 24 hours library notes canada in flanders among the many books dealing with the war this volume stands among the few outstanding ones sir max aitken a canadian with the true canadian spirit sheds lustre on the deeds of our gallant troops he describes in detail ncuye chapellc ypres and festu- bert giving along with the gener al view of the battles personal vfarkefdrugstore 0 collard chemist sc druggist stouffville- i i el canadian pacific calling- up the scoutmaster we need a firstaid kit touse with our ambulance the cost of a good outfit would be si 250 jegi ely remove- the bottle of milk from the pail and let it stand un til it is cool enough to handle stouffville honor roll oun dead ptc bert trull died in england 1915 stretcher hearer titos perkins killed in action allan perkins killed in action missing pte ross pipher langtmarck france 48th highlanders aadheatnulthewatill k ns to iioil heirimrilcvvf ot the canadian heroes fighting gor the nation v cause sir w robertson nicoll writing in the british weekly says the book- should be in the hands of every reader in the empire the prciacews written by the rt hon bonar law and an int roduction iwntten by sir robert borden lor lull pnrticuiark tickets ami reacrva tlons iipjily to h- w- sanders looal agent phone 3001 alsoc p i and a hail iinooccah ticcta ordef your if 7 y a widdifield on freel yake will macklem frank underhill nelson ncndiek clarence for tier robert dales earl meek lloyd hill art mertens john evans harry stiver george iladden will bingham roy gohn bert coulson w e mertens ercd jennings del jennings earl storey c pearson fred pearson harold irwin andy cowie jack mcmullcn harold cain- slewart mcdonald george martin harold zellojs e g dalby lewis davis oliver harding roy baker ack anderson stanley mcdonald gordon mutch chas ncndiek wilmot kemp ernest crossin albert sutherland f d nighswander frank burgess ross davis wm macpherson f scwell a harper on active kervice active service for second time willie hutchinson sidney hutchinson herbert forsyth percy pipher arthur cochrane art latcham robt mcnabb sam stotiffer george smith robert jones j stiver pen burgess arthur vanzant ross minns w if kester floyd davis in training percy ottrdan rov mantle gordon pipher harryshill will shackel frank sievenpipcr alex harris jas mainland stephen noble walter wilkinson bert smith c cooper e miller floyd r fisher arthur davis 1 larvey mcconochie alfred mcconochie toe widdifield alf bothwright willie woods caton tottrdan murray kemp clarence burkholder rolph burkholder earl bycr stanley lawr hoss lewis j ogden presbyterian church in canada m james church slonflvillc rev john mutgit ma b i sunday inly isrd ii i in- hey v w iryui m- oi wooilvillc ivill preach at tutli niorning and evening services 9 -l- a m s s an 1 fiillje c ijt seals tree kverybody welcome todd cook ah eric an yellow fehd corn price 90 p bushel todd cook jlioiio 1401- stouffville arriage works ail iliie je v a i terw s cleaning- and pressnnr done 3s a on sliortcsl notice 01 ohkhuusl cb the leadikg nnob i wat wash days ill goods must he in by ly a m on monday wed nesday ot friday laundry ready on tuesday thursday and saturday evenings terms cash mah wat a horse understands instil ctivrly whothsr ha is haytnti his hntfs jnyporlv inlau ciro of if lio is sinhy expert wji tunursunds liis wants a liorao will ilbow grnti tudo by n nioto even ilispositlon and cfns quentu a far batter iit and cirrii wv filjoo eaali individual horse acordinu to b k nocils rlione 2112 jantlc waton furniture c and underfalgei ail- lands of tfouie kurmturc win low shades curtain polos and picture framing alio furniture rcpairinr agknt for ncncombc ilanos a rood rulialdo piano over 10000 in use today made iu toronto also singer sowing machines and maxwell motor car d w dalton stouffville phone 380 out 1 a

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