young folks thbbbaoohllgat when i wm a boy said old walter winwick there w no light on yon head land and mi a good boat and ship went to her doc m among thou rock i well 1 e nember the fii si time i went to sea how proud i felt my nncle owned a fiihiag bor and ho took mo for hti sea- boy to my infinite deli2hh grandfather wjth whom i lived f r l was an orphan was pleased and proud too its in the blood watty he said to me in the blood i we are all born sailors and i hope youll find tne sea as good a friend as ive done fjou keep off the rocks and see that you tail in a wellfound vessel and go by yonr chart and compass youll be all right f not pays much attention to grand tohsa words as i should hava done for i was young and my head a bit turned wit h excitement the old man stood on the shore and watched us sail ont from the cove as we got fully under weigh i waved my cap to him and he nodded to me i had often been out sailing of course before that day bun never at sea as a hand and yon may be sore i was eager to helo and prove my skul at pulling rpes reeling and steering that first night was all but my last for a storm came on very suddenly and it grew so dark we could not see ahead we tried to make our own hurbour but the villages straggle for miles alodg shore and we uould not dutinguish the lighs of east linga from thoso of west llotra some of the rooks rise in precipices of fearful height some iron out in strangling reefs across the bay when it is light any man of us can briog a boat safe to land but in the darkness it is a difficult matter and in a storm it means daring death the open sea is to be preferred on the night i speak of it was impossible to remain ont and we made for home with anxious hearts hoping to steer clear of rocks yet doubtful of our course uncle said once perhaps the old man will think of lighting his beaoon on itoga headland ab poor old father manys the wmo ive helped him drag the broken tim bers to the top of the headland to make a light for them at sea and many a good boats crew has blessed him for it i hope hell think ont to night i answered that the boys of the village wore always ready to lend grandfather a hand in gettirjg up his bonfire and by and by as wo were peering through the darkness hearing the roar of the surf upon the rookb and being confused by the many lights along the bay we saw- high up on our rtoht the merry blaze leap towards the lowering olouds and i shouted hurrah lfor grandfathers beacon so we were guided safely to our harbour grandfather died at a good old age and the last thing his eyes looked upon wab the vl new lighthouse on llnga headland and he l said lord now lettest thou thy serrant depart in peace ho was a devout man and had been a light amone his lellows all his days he had set an example to those around him and as i watohed him die i thought if every boy and man would show their light as he had done many sailing on lifes solemn main a forlorn and shipwreoked brother seeing may take heart again ive tried in my small way to follow u his footsteps and i never look at the light house yonder tint i dont hlnk of the good old man and his beacon fire and his exem plary life a3 i stand by the shore and watoh the boats go out and in with merry boya and stalwart men aboard as i think on the long voyage of life ive made and how i ve been kept off the rocks by gods spirit it has seemed to me that yon beaoon on the height ib the symbol of that whioh has baen my guiding light his word the tower his spirit the lamp and i pray that every boy who launches upon tho ocean of life amid the rooks and storms and darknebs and wild waves of a troublesome world may be led safely to their desired haven by that heavenly beacon jessie m e saxby i m mormons in canada- because more mormon settlers are reported to be tiring up some land in alberta where a small colony of them already oxiats some timorous orltics are alarmed at future possi bilities mormons who come to canadian territory will find that with our government there is ono law for all a deputation of mormons who visited ottawa last year wero given distinctly to understand that they must conform to the law in every way as other citiz ins do there is no misunder standing in tho matter and polygamy they know well is illegal in canadian soil there ib this difference between the mormons in autah and in alberta the utih settlement vwas formed wbea that part of the american continent was a wilderness and tho place was thought to be so remote from chrlsiian communities that no interference need bo apprehended but the united states settled faster than those people supposed and they had to reokon with the strong arm of authority a few of them in coming t canada understand perfeotly well that no polygamy will ever be tolerated here other wise as lawabiding and industrious oltizms tie mormon settlers have nothing to fear foregnera in iiondon according to the london correspondent of the new york sun tho metropolis has never before been so filled with foreign visi tors as it lr at present the hotels being more crowded even than they were during the jubilee celebration there is plenty of accommodation to be had of course but it is of the sort that cannot be found withont a search the correspondent says the wisest thing any american who is bringing ladles with him to loudon can do is to leave them at southampton or at liver pool or chester or at some nearer northern point and come alono co london first to secure apartments to whioh he can later bring his family if he docs not do this and comes on without having secured lodgings the chances are that they will all be put in to an extremely miserable day or two of hasing after shelter and then will got the worst that is to be had instead of tho best struck with liehtnin neatly describes tho position of a hard or soft corn when putnams painless corn ex tractor is applied it does its work so simvklv and withont pain that it seems mbicl in action try it recollect the name putnams painless corn extraotor sold by all druggists and dealers every where geheeil a canadian was granted a private audi ence by qaeen victoria a few days ago tb canadian thus accorded an especial bono was miss hermioe de salaberry a grand daughter of the hero of chat auguav wbc foushtfor the british cause no suoceatfull in 1813 miss de salaberry was present to the queen by the princess louise tc- chateauguay conqueror was a friend of tht- dake of kent the queen s father prof wiggins thinks that coldness in the meteorolog is a condition ical sense clue to compression caused by planetary attrac tion and that as our planet is constantly e ceding from the sun its temperature will become milder as the attraction decreases in time many millions of years it is true he says these snowy regions of canada will bloom in perpetual summer and forever bud and blossom as the rose the professor however has chosen an un fortunate time for the promulgation of bis theory just at present we have good reason to believe that in something less than a million years canada will be a solid ohnnk of ice ex new york state not only has a law pro hibiting the use of the carstove by railway companies but evidently intends to enforce it strictly one of its courts bas just given judgment ordering the new york new haven and hartford company to pay 7- 000 by way of penalties for violation of the law the statute applies to railroads not less than fifty miles in length and the com pany bought to escape from its provisions by pleading that it had only twentyfour miles of road in the state the court held how ever that it was liable even though the greater portion of its line was in a neigh bouring state it is to bo hoped that the days of the deadly carstove are numbered its contributions to the horrors of railroad accidents have been appalling ones is the dishorning ot cattle cruel t wei chief justice coleridge in a judicial decision just rendered by him eaya it is detestably orutal and mr justice hawkins who tried a test case with him prononnces the prac tice a revolting operation mr wiley a norfolk farmer was brought before a bench of magistrates by the society for the pre vention of cruelty to animals for having unlawfully tortured 32 bullocks by dishorn ing them mr wiley freely admitted the charge he placed every convenience in the way of tho magistrates acquiring evidence as to how the operation was performed the defence was that dishorning greatly in creased the value of his cattle and was ne cessary the queens birthday was celebrated in newfoundland with a unanimity and spontaneity never before witnessed here say our newfoundland exchanges eren the unsettled btate of the french shore question whioh is represented to be a pop ular grievanoe could not restrain the loyalty of the people the governors levee was attended by the officer commanding the jbvenoh warship bisson then in port he expressed his pleasure at being permitted to attend duringthe observance of her majestys birthday t v able to show the cordial feelings wb ch anlm te my country towards her majesty auu the english government as well as to the people of the colony relations which i assure you i shall do my best to oultivate public interest is renewed in captain stirling the lady salvationist who was im prisoned in switzerland for the high crime and misdemeanor ot singing hymns on the streets her sentence was imprisonment for 100 days in chlllon castle she served 53 of them and was then let out on bail of 1000 franos pending appeal to the federal council the appeal has gone against her and she has returned to complete her term in disregarding the advice of some friends who counselled her to stay in england and allow the trifling bail to bo forfeited cap tain stirling acted honestly bravely and wisely and while the new prisoner of chil- on will win honor switzerland will be deep ly discredited by the prominence given to its odious law it is proposed in montreal that each alder man wear a badge in order that he may bo distinguished from the ordinary ratepayer and that he may receive from policemen fireman and the public generally the defer ence due to municipal rank the idea is novel and not at all bad in olden times an alderman was distinguished from common mortals by his massive proportions but lately the electors have been voting in muni cipal contests regardless altogether of the size and weight of the candidates tho re sult nowa days is that one may pass an alderman on the street without knowing it if a tag be attached to eaoh city father this sort of thing will not occur again it is not proposed that there be a number on the badge the intention is to have a plain label informing the publlo that the wearer is an alderman a now york hotelkeeper is dispensing charity on a princely scale some years ago he gave a complimentary dinner to his pa trons at a ccst of 2000 it then ocourred to him that che people who ate those dinners were the fat and prosperous and he began to give christmas dinners to the poor a further development of charity came with the thought that poor people want dinners at other times than holidays and he had this announcement posted on his hotel any person man woman or ohild who is hungry and lacks money will be cheerfully served with good wholesome food free of charge in the rear of this hotel it is curious to note that although the food is given without any questioning or condition only fifty peo ple a day have beon fed since christmas and as the weather grows warmer the num ber decreases father saintons work in the hawaiian leper settlement though a very distinguish ed instance of missionary heroism is not a solitary one the missionary year book for 1ss9 published by the religious tract society shows that the 135000 lepers of india have had their ministrants chit fly from scotland and ireland for the last fifteen years the work of the missionaries extends to places which even ambition and greed fall to find among these is terra del fuego shoao inhabitants had no ar ticulate language and were described as inc ipable of being christianised or civil ised missionary after missionary was butchered before a footing was obtained and now tho missionaries have contrived to find an artioulate language for them and there are schools orphanages mothers meetings and all the machinory of an eng lish parish in terra del fuego to owe is human to pay divine thej are legion sarsaparillas and other advertised blood medicines are numerous bnt the only one possessed of such superior curative proper ties as to warrant its manufacturers in sell ing it as they are doing throuzb druggists under a potittre guarantee is dr pierces golden medical discovery if it dont bene- fit or euro you get the money back which ycu pay for it it is recommended to cure all chronic liver blood and ting disease as bilionrnen skin and scalp diseases scroful ous sores and swelling salt rheum tetter erysipelas ani even scrofula of the lungs or consumption if taken in time truth is said to be stranger than fiction no wonder it is when people are not so well acquainted with truth choo 0hoo 0hooh dnt sneeze sneeze hawk hawk spit blow and disgust everybody with your offen sive breath if you have acrid watery dis charges from the nose and eyes throat disease causing choking sensations cough ringing noises in head splitting headache and other symptoms of nsztl catarrh re member that the manufacturers of dr sages catarrh remedy offer in good faith 500 reward for a case of catarrh which they can not cure the r roedy is sold by druggists at only 50 cents the latest railway signal indicates autom atically the time that has elaysed up to twenty minutes since the last train passed it goodwile gnindle grlves and groans dav and night with sighs and moans wears her lite away g toiwife gayheart biogs and smiles time tlw trav old thief beguiles keeps as fresh as may the two women are of the same age but good wife grundle looks fully fifteen years older she is the victim of ills which might be cured by the use of dr pierces favorite prescription pain female weakness and lew spirits are her constant companions good wife gayheart thanks to the pres cription enjoys perfect health and seems to grow more young vivacious and agreeable every day there is nothing equal to this remedy for all female disorders the papers have recently reported a number of deaths from lockjaw but there are no female names in tho list thebookoflubon a man without wisdom liives in a fools paradiso a treatise especially written on diseases of man containing facts for men of all ages i should be read by old middle aged and young men proven by the sale of half a million to be the most popular because written in language plain forcible and instructive practical present ation of medical common sense valuable to invalids who are weak nervous and ex hausted shoeing new means by whioh they may be cured approved by editors critics and tho people sanitary social science subjects also gives a description of speci fic no 8 the great health renewei marvel of healing and kohi noor of medi cines it largely explains the mysteries of life by its teachings hoalth may be main tained the book will teaoh you how to make life worth living if every adult in the civilized world would read understand and follow our views there would be a world of physioial intellectual and moral giants this book will be found a truthful presentation of facts calculated to do good the book of lubon the talisman of health 1 brings bloom to the cheek strength to the body and joy to the heart it is a message to the wise and otherwise lubonsspeci fio no 8 the spirit of health those who obe y the laws of this book will bo orowned with a fadeless wreath vast numbers of men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of lubons specific no 8 all men who are broken down from overwor or other causes not mentioned in the above should send for and read this valuable treatise whioh will be sent to any address sealed on receipt of ten cents in stampa address all orders to m v lubon room 15 50 front street e toronto canada an indiana man has beon discovered who refuses to accept a lucrative tflioo now then mr barnum heres another novelty come all to the elysium of health and joy at st leon springs quebec june 1st tne plcn opened tor tho re ception of visiters 300 comfortable rooms baths in natures virgin lifetoning charm ing elements hot or cold rates moderate amusoments planty and enticing write for p rttculare here the suffering masses even pro nounced incurablos find rosy checked health and robust strength tho whole organism is perfected drinking from natures fount till sweeter life and heights of pleasure never bofore experienced are enjoyed so leon is safe and effects permanent cures firstly absorbing all deadly waste blood poisons c c toning tho blood stimu- ulatlng and regulating the digestive organs even diabetes and brights disease those twin terrors are allayed as water quenches fire st leon is inimitable unapproach able by art impossible say too muoh in its praise so say learned ootors profes sors analysts j send orders to st leon mineral water co ltd either at the head office st lion quebec or the branch offices at montreal or toronto lfo may be merry as well as nseful every person who owns a mouth has always a good openiug for a laugh a conneoticut man who died the other day left nearly all of his property to a widow who bad rofuaed to marry him this was a very substantial way of showing his gratitude allan line eoyai mall steamsmpi sailing doling winter from portland e verytburaday aad haiuax erery saturday to liverpool and is nm- racr from qoebeo every saturday to liverpool calling ai londonderry to land malls sod passenger for scotland ani ireland al from baltimore via hai- fax aact st johns n f to liverpool forte ghtly during summer months the rteameis ot the glas gow lines sail daring winter to and from haliffax portland boston and philadelphia and during sum mer between glasgow and montreal weekly glasov and boston weekly and glasgow and philadelphia tcrtnlxhtly for freight passage or ether lnfornation apply to a schumacher co baltimore 8 canard h ot halifax shea a co st joans nad wm thomi i son co- chicago love 4 alden new york h boorller toronto allans km ft co quebec wnj brookle phlladel pua h a allen portland borton morw mief mm rrjf sal p q of rilialukksean make money dulng vacation i by canvaaunx for one tt more of our fait selling u wks and bibles especially hirtoryof canada by w h witbrow dd latest and best edition ever pa lithed prices low terms liberal write for nitnul elicnlars and terms wm brigos pubuaer toronto ainrkeamountortrust funds to loan at a very lo w rate t interest om czzfc class security apply to beatty chad wick blackstock gut barrister rand solid tors mngtonsoor ohurcb over bank ottotssmf toronto ont beware imitations royal dandelion coffee none genuine but the koyaj jt repared by ellis keighley toronto manitoba parties wishing to tuirhase lmrrctid atanltobt farms from so aorc upwards with immmlata- poasession call or writs to s i m aviso ms- arthurs biook mala st winnipeg wxormatloa tarnished free of charge and settlers assisted making selection jmjjsf to xomm at ccksut rans or istsssst tfane roronto comet ns2 655s knitting machine send for illustrated catalogue and advertisement with voir orer for our xkw kiisbkk a d wo will a low 10 premium discount addriss creelman bros mfgs ceokgetuarv ont j l jones wood engraver engraving for all i ilcusirative purposes toronto canada automatic safety elevators pat hydraulic hand steam elevator leitch turnbull canadian elevator works peter and queen etreeta hamilton ont bicycles iso secoutihanil send for list t lane montbjsaii qur leatherbelting best valuein the dominion fedix0ng0 makers 70 kinc st e toronto send for price lists and discounts wdaley royce co dealers in u kinds of musical instruments- agents for the blsson and hiobam band in struments s8beet musio and music book manulaoturers el the imperial band instruments ieat in the world eight tears guarantee send or illustrated catalogue and testimonials 2ss yongest toronto ft o o a rp o o provident life and live stock assoen incorporated home office room darcade toronto canada id the life department this association provides indem nlty for sickness and accident and substantial assistance to the relatives of deceased members at terms available to all in the live stock department two thirds in demnity for loss of live stock of its members send for prospectus claims paid etc william joe managing director c toronto onservatory oovsmskt 0 m hon a w allan- president looo total attendance first 2 years all branches taught instrumental and vocal music elocution languages scholarships certificates diplo mas free theory violin concerts and lectures next fall organ students besides the use of several complete church organs can have lessons practice and recitals upon a grand concert organ built expressly for the conservatory in association hall summer normal term july 8 to aug 10 fall term opens sept 4 send for free calendar address edward fi8her director cor yonee st and wilton ave toronto montanas wealth awaits the farmer the mockmnn the miner the merchant the lnhorcr the itnnkcr the manufacturer hallamy standard windmills an empire opened for settlement for sppljing tons antly pure and fresh water for the following purpose viz er they are prfecly con pumplnz water for stock farm buildings mansions villa residences public intitut ons gardens green ii uses town a village waterworks h tes cohegis pumping ir railway stations fire protection irrigation tanneries breweries sewao mines draining low lnds thoe o- le- brated wird mllb are made from one invito for yhorae-psvi- ontaitto pump co torosto oxt canada mention this paper trollaheiogaes and u if rm in speed geare1 mils forohaff cutting root pulpiofir threehirig saw- logwood grind ing corn etc etc also manu facturers of feed grinders haj ing tools ircn and wood pumpp tnd a full ilneoc railway town farm and orna- mental water 3uppty mutei- ils fatalgue nd price lsw with references mailed free on application to agentswanted wo have sold ovsr s25 000 worth of the universal booking crocks in ontarl so qui ly that you hive never heard of it and tho sals still co tiouea ap 11 and may have been the best months that we nave ever hod in canada one reason f this increase i that we havo juft begun to reach tbo farming comniunllts for two years wo have been coiitwd to the titles and larger towns where we have met with deserving suc cess the universal crook superirdes all other etewlng and belling cooking utensils if you want employment or a non- burning acidproof kettle snd for our circular fully explaining its use and construction remembt r this is a mmulxanl aril not a novelty tarbox bros 611 king st w old no 163 tftrosto ovt ps wo sell the taimph salfwrlnging mops samples 853 comprising rich agricultural aod grazing land gold silver copper lsad iron and coal mines climate unsurpassed made easy ot access by the sr paul mitikbarons manitoba br which plnces la mrvlcc beginning so v loth n train equip ment uncxiclltd furnishing splndid bay coaches palace sleepers free colonht sleepers and surperb dining cars of latest deeign running tralo through s- lid from st paul and minneapolis to great falls helena and butte montana for mapa and general inf rmatlon inquire of your mm tiekttagnt or f i mhltiicy genl pass and tktatrcst paul m nn j m huchlno i pal mer home block toronto or v russell 8 masonic temple london cox boys carriage tops have all the latest improvements and are unequalled for durability style and convenience the leading carriage builders sell them ask for tflem and buy no othfr i cure fits i when i sy coke a do not mean merely ts atop them lor a time and then havo them tumagaln i mkan a radical cubk i havo made tho disease ot fits epilepsy or palling sickness a life long study i wabrant my remedy to cure tho worst cases because others haw failed is no reason for not now receiving acuta bend atoncefora treatise and a fhkb norma of my infallible bbmkdy give express and post ofllco it costs you nothln lor trial and it will euro you address h o boot mo 164 west adelaide st toronto ont nar ir sawmills saws shingle mills lath mills vemer machines choppers lines s poiicfs material and work planers matchers and moulders saw cummers and saw swages send for circnlars waterous engine works co brantford canada