Voice of the Fugitive (Sandwich and Windsor, ON1851), July 29, 1852, p. 1

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zo csr os f (ay 5A OEE H. BIBB AND J. T, HOLLY, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. WINDSOR. C. W., JULY 99, 1352, VOICE OF THE FUGITIVE IS PUBLISHED Evrry other Thursday at Windsor, C. W DRS ONE DOLLAR per annum, always in advance. No sub-cription will be received for a less term than six months. Adveytisements, not exceeding ten lines, inserted four oe for one dollar. Every subsequent insértion 25 cents, AGEW2S. Canava West.--Ambherstburg, D. Hotchkiss and Leyi Foster. "andwich., Isruel Campbell. Cnrarnam--Andrew Smith. Dawn Mitits.--George Cary. Toroxto.--J. T. Fisher. Micnigan --J.P. Dolbeare, Raisin. Francis King, Flint. Dr. Warnes, Owasso. Chester Gurney, Centreville. B. P. Foster, Genesee, [nurwois.--Mr. Eastman, Chicago, Rey. Mr. Miller, Aurora, Dr. L Hale, Dundee Massacnusers.--R. F, Walcut, 21, Cornhill, Boston. Mrs W..Blikemore, Boston. -- J. Morse. 5, Wuter street. Boston. Henry Richnrds, Fall River, Rev. Wilitm Hrewster, Lowell, Rnjus Eliner. Springfield, Rey A *Stockman, Worthington W. Harley, arthampton, W, Faller, Amherst. Rey Foster, Littleville. New Jensey.--eE, P. Rogers, _ New York --W uf Harned, 48, Beekman street, New York; L.C. Mttlack, 3) Spruce street; J. N. Glancester 405 West Broidway; Willi Rotter. Hudson; John Miles. Albany ; John Lyle, Syracuse ; George Weir, jun., (Buitalo; Lewis Clark, Busti New. Hawpsuree.--Edward Brackett, Dover; A. T 'Foss, Manchester; lier Brooks, Great Palls Onto --Willitin Merrott, Minimee City ; J. R. Gains Cincinnati; Uenry Dabuer, Elyria. sty a Pennsytvanta.--Dr Bies, William Still, Esther Moore, Philadelphin; M.R, Delwaey, Pittsburg. Enatanp. Rey. Josiah Henson, London; also Rey Hi. H. Garnet, br. Pennington, and Isauc Henson, Travelling Agent: J, F. Dolbeare. For the Voice the of Fugitive, '[ The following lines have been sent to us for pub lication We give them to our readers, notwith- standing what critics may consider their poetic demerits, because we respect truth more than poetry.] Parody. Behold they come--those sable faces, Beuring the lines oppression traces ; 'Though fair skies are their stay inviting, Or autumin's frosts fall chill and biting, Or winter clonds hang lowering down, And the earth puts on its rudest frown; Yet far colder, ruder is the hand That hunies them from their native lind. 'Their native land, refinement's chosen seat-- _Art's trophied dwelling learnmeg's green retreat, By valor guarded, and in triumph crowned, For all but true charity renowned. With Starward eye and steadfast heart, Froin that great land they dare to part, And burst each tender tie. Tand where their youthful days were past-- Lund yet forbidding them at last, In peaceful age to die. Their friends and Kindred all they spurn, With broken hearts but brave, _ And to a land of strangers turn, Where freedom's banners wave. When Israel's race from bondage fled, Signs from on high the Wanderers led ; But for them no elond or pillar here Their feet to guide, their sad hearts to cheer. 'No friendly voice to speed them on their way, But close pursung hear the bloodhounds bay. Ifa kind voice may fall upon their ears, lis Genie words, awakes more dreadful fears, * * * * But, across the line, blessings replace their curses, Here they meet generous hearts and open purses. Hail noblest sons of truest worth ! You're truly of a noble birth; Long may ye live, firm may ye stand, For "aid and comfort" through the land, Reflecting a radiance forth-- Beucon lights from the hoary north, In grateful adoration now, On British soil behold them bow ; Jn refuge in the trox's den, Daring the grasp of tiger men. Proud Eagle rest not here your claw, Pursue not here your human game; Blank paper here your man thief law, Too hideous for an English name. Your own dominions closely search,-- Inprove your momentary hour ; Then, on your blood stained banner perch, When the last victim you devour. Content to scream with hungry maw, And outstretched neck and eye of flame Lest crushed beneath the lion's paw, Ye publish your own guilty shame. Henny. From R. Banks, Esq. Coloma. May 1, 1852. Dear Friend--It was remarked by Grace Greenwood that a certain mill was not worth a dam. JT am now at the place wherea dam mill has opened a new era in the history of the world. have the hills, valley and river removed to New York, it will pay, and no mistake, if it can be done, I have had a great tramp through the highlands, and some portion of the mining region. I went to Ophir, Auburn, Miller Town, Green Valley, Negro Bar, Pleasant Valley, Rattlesnake Bar, Spring Garden, Spanish Bar, Hoboken, China Bar, Murderer's Bar, Kelley's Bar, Chila Bar, Georgia Diggings and Yankee Jim's Dig- gings.. I was gratified to find several companies of colored men hard at it, in the mines, on their own hook, and the boys made the dirt and stones fly as ifin earnest. Philadelphia had the largest delegation. All ippeared in good health, cheer- fuland happy. The impression is prevalent that colored men are the most lucky, and, a3 a general thing, rarely experience' any difficulty about their claims; if they hail from the South, the Southerners protect them, if from the North, the Northerners do the same. A great préjudice has suddenly sprung up against the Chinese, and great efforts ave now making to drive them out and stop the emigration. But, fortunately for them, interest and selfishness are on their side. The miners and politicians are clamorous for their ex- pulsion; but the merchants and shippers declare it will be ruinous to commerce, throw the trade into the hands of the English, tie the ships up to rot, and bankrupt the merchants. There is some truth in that, and it is a very delicate question, and may lea:l to a foreign maritime svar ajd em- barrass the foreign relations. The great difficulty is, they are not up to the Anglo-Saxon standard, They are a colored race, and, of course, could not be tolerated in Uncle Sam's dominions. They are really a very peculiar people, perfectly quiet, sober and industrious. It is the first time in their history they have left their country in such yast numbers and crossed the great ocran, and | think, is one of the signs of the times, proves we are in the midst of a new era, and indicates the good time coming. The more [ have seen of this magnificeut country, the m;re I am delighted withit. In my journeyings through this country J ascended-one tall hill that towered up some 5000 feet above the plain. It was a long and fatiguing journey, but it repaid the jaunt. To the left rose the majestic Siera Naveda mountains covered with perpetual snow ; in front were the plains, and the spurs or foot-hills ; the Sacramento River, like a silver thread, winding away in the distance; beyond was the coast range and the Pacific Ocean dimly visible. and I imagined I saw a large lake, with islands, steamers, and vessels under sail; but it was mirage, the illusion was complete and magical. The hills and mountains have evidently been thrown up by voleanic erup- tions, and many have the peculiar conical shape of the waves of the sea. No' wonder the poet king, when surveying the wonderful works of the Creator, should break forth in'soul-stirring effu- sions, " Lord, what is man that thou art mindful of him, and the sons of men that thou regardest them." What a beautiful world we live in, what a good father we haye, and how happy we might be, were it not for our evil pass'ois and unholy We are like unto ravenous beasts, de- desires. stroying as we go and defacing our goodly mheri tage. Wherever I went, I found the miners perfectly civil and communicative, none more so than the Southerners. 7 Yours respectfully, The Church om Slavery. We make the following extract from a letter in the Portland (Me.), Inquirer, in relation to the action of the General Con- ference of Maine, on the question of Sla- very. "The anti-slavery cause was cordially entertained by the Conferenee. Remarks upon the duty of christians in regard to the colored races, were offered by Professor Stowe. Ile enumerated some of the diffi- culties in the way of deliberate, dispas- sionate and scriptural action upon this exciting subject, such as, first, a morbid feeling in the community ; secondly, an inhuman feeling; and thirdly, mistaken views of the teachings of the Bible upon the subject. He urged the importance of ignoring these difficulties and meeting the subject on its inherent merits, He gave a noble illustration of christian duty in his own manner of treating the subject. He uttered good wholesome anti-slavery truth, in a bold, distinct, and kind manner, and, so far as appeared, no unpleasant feelings were engendered by what he said. ; « Rey. Mr. Shotwell from W. Va., follow- ed. Prof. Stowe. After giving his assent conviction of the dreadful curse and wrong of slavery. i "T think most of the ministers and bre- thren in our denomination are decidedly in favor of progress on this question. That spirit of ultra conservatism whieh has so long breasted the progress of reform and doneso much to drive good men to extreme measures in the opposite direction, is evi dently giving way. Let the friends of re- form be mild, cool, united, consistent, firm and active, and all will be weil. The following resolutions were passed at the Kenebee (Me.), yearly meeting of Baptists, which assembled at Vienna, in that State, June 23d ult. Resolied, That' we cheerfully acknow- ledge the claims whieh the gospel has upon us, to sympathize with those in oppression, and to labor to restore to them their' God- given yights; and it is with mingled feel- ings of shame and contempt that we be- hold men claiming the name of Christians. cringing, bowing, and even vying with each other in their obsequiousness to the de- mands of the slave power, Resolved, That the spirit and principles of Christianity not only absolutely condemn our approval of laws and institutions strenghthening slavery, but actually de- mand our positive action for their entire abolition. Resolved, That where the plain princi- ples of the gospel are at issue, involving as they do both civil and religious liberty, we know no compromise, and will acknow- ledge nothing as a" finality," but the final overthrow of the whole system of slavery in every part of the world. The following preamble and resolution, were adopted at the Union Yearly Meeting, in New Hampshire. Whereas God made of one blood all the nations of the earth free--therefore Resolved, That it is a' great evil for man to hold/his fellow man in bondage, and that we will use all Jawful means for the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law. The northern yearly meeting of Baptists. which assembled at Pine Creek, Ogle Co., in that state, adopted the following reso- tions. ' Resolved, That' we 'recognize the law of God as paramount to all human laws, except so far as they coieide with the divine law. Resolved, That we look upon the present Fugitive Slave Law of these U. S., asa outrage upon every principle of humanity, and adisyrace to any civilized nation giving it its sanction. . Resolved, That we consider ourselves under obligations to remember them that are in bonds as bound with them, and that we will sympathize with and aid the pant- ing fugitive from bondage in his search for liberty and safety, Runaway Necrors.--We like to be kept employed, but segret that it should be necessary to be employed in such work as that which has kept us busy for the last two 'or three days. The negroes are running off from the farms of our neigh- bors in such a manner as to give serious alarm, In three days past, we have print- ed eight bills for runaways. 'Till the emi- eration for California ceases, it would' be prudent for the owners of slaves to be on the Jook out. Emigrants from all parts pass this way, and no one knows when his property is safe--Lecington Express 20th May. Worrny or Rewanv.--Last night a run- away negro, belonging to Mr. Buferd, in tle léwer en'! of this county, was making his way westward, when three trusty fellows belonging to Mr. Stephen Catron, a few miles below this city, overhauled and ar- rested the fugitive. Karly ' this morning, Mr. Catron brought him to town, and lodged him in jail. Such acts deserve to be libe- rally rewarded by slaveholders. Would the slives of the country uniformly act in this manner,' it would put'a check upon running away, and do more to ameliorate the condition of slaves" than the preaching of all the fanatics on earth.--Z0. [We are truly sorry to leam that there are any colored men in America who are to most that had been said by the brother | that preceded him, and assuring the meet- | so recreant to the cause of suffering hu- manity, as to allow themselves to become palpable: violation of the Jaw of God, an' ing that there are no slaveholders in the | kidnappers of their own race. Such yil- church of which he is pastor, went on to | jaing-should be looked upon and treated | The man is still living and here that made this gigantic discovery that is creating such a com motion--that defeated the slavery propagandists, that has made so many hearts glad, that has} broken up and sundered so many family ties and sent so many to premature graves. It lies ina} eecluded little valley in the midst of tall hills, | with a river rushing through it. Barnum the | great Showman, ought to -ccure the old mill and ascribe the appreliension of insurrections ; describe t pprehension of insurr | by us only as murderers, who should be and bloodshed, &e. He had "nothing to| - say of the sufferings and degradation of the | S¥ePt from the face of the earth enslaved. He feared the consequences of} " Give me liberty, or give me death!" rash measures at the-north, told us of our! 5414 he the determination of every es- guilt in the matter of the slave trade, and | 3 asked for the prayers of christianson behalf} of the south. , « His remarks must have deepened the +Co caping bondman; and he should prepare} 4 precaution to sow himself accordingly, and he is morally |corn, were enabled to keep their cows | ound to make no more surrender of his'in miik the season through, and uj liberty than life itself to slavebunters, whether they be white or black. A few more such noble examples as was set: at Christiana, would put a final check on slave-catching. Agriculture, "One years' seeding, Makes seven years' weeding." Weeps.--What are weeds made for? To keep the 'boys out of mischief. Is not that it boys? Everything was made for some purpose--nothing made'in vain. The earth and air contain the elements of all life, and where nothing useful grows, na- ture supplies herself with a covering of weeds, They never forget us--never forget to grow. Who cannot vouch for the truth of the old adage above. They are most unmerciful tormentors of one's ease. For when you would take a cool seat in the vine covered veranda, which faces the gar- den, to contemplate for an hour the beau- tiful plants. and flowers, bursting with life, you encounter the impudent gaze of an army of weeds, test and ease are out of the question, for no farmer who has a con- science and the least particle of Combative- ness can feel at ease until the intruders are removed out of decent company. Again after your wheat, oats &e., are secured and you feel a sort of disposition to retire upon your income and become a gentleman far- mer for life, you think you will take a stroll through your rich corn field, which you left as clean as an onion bed just before haryest, and what a sight to behold! Weeds as thick as "hair on a dogs back,' and going to seed. You conclude that there is no safety as long as there is warmth in the rays of "old Sol;" that to keep free from such neighbors they have vot to be watch. ed by day and by night, for like the semi- savage Algerines, if defeated onc day they aré ready for fight the next. They must be watched and fought and fought until old 'winter more potent freezes them to death as some farmers do their cattle. Burxine ovr Srumes--Where there are but a few stumps in a field the stump ma- chine cannot always be used advanta- geously, andthe expense of applying it would exceed the adyantages. I have found that large stumps which it is not practicable to remoye by ordinary means, may very easily be got rid of by the follow- ing simple process. After a period of dry weather, when the exposed portions of the stump are dry and tindery, cover it with a quantity of dry combustible matter, such as Shavings. small sticks of wood, rubbish of any kind and sprinkle oyer and through the mass, 9 few pounds of rosin, or a bucket full of tar. Over this place a close and compact laying of turf, grass side in, in the same manner as the coveling is applied to a coal pit, and ignite the wood through an opening at the base--a hole being left at the top to produce the requisite draft till the fire is fairly kindled. Manage just as you would were you burning a coal-kiln, and let the burning continue till the stump and its 'oots are completely consumed. The ashes will make a good top-dressing for the adjacent soil, and the obstacle will be removed effectually, and at a small cost. An hour's labor will do it--Germantown Telegraph. Cuvrxine.--The best temperature for cream when about to be churned, is said to be sixty-two degrees, which is is a little cooler than the medium het between new drawn milk and cold well water. When the butter is churhed and gathered, draw off the milk, then put ina few quarts of VOL. IL NO. 16. their customers ; while others, who depen- ded on pustures alone, failed. The thick, strong growth of the corn soon covers the ground completely, and acts as a mulch, shading the ground and preventing the eseape of moisture. ee Cuivese tn Cauirornta.-- The San Francisco correspondent of the New York Courier and Enquirer, in speaking of the crusade against the Chinese by the Ame- rican Californians, states that out of twelve thousand or more Chinamen in California, he has yet to see the first drunkard, gam- bler, or pauper. He says, there has not been a single arrest for any crime. There has not been any application at any hos- pital. They never fight or get up a distur- banee, except when entrenched upon by their disorderly Christian neighbors, while they pay their taxes and duties cheerfully, and in some instances, have even got up handsome subscriptions for the Church, tas Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe has sent two mulatto girls to Oberlin to be educated. They are th: girls who about four years ago were redeemed from Bruin Hill, through tne agency of Rey. Henry Ward Beecher. tz The fees of $1000 to Mr, Cooper, and $1000 to Mr. Brent, for their services in trying the Christiana prisoners, have been directed by the Legislature ef Mary- land to be paid out of the forfeited recog- nizances.of Wm, L, Chaplain, tz A good house wife should not: be a person of ' one idea,' but should be equally fsmiliar with the flower garden and the flour barrel ; and though her Jesson should be to lessen expense, the scent of a fine rose should not be less valued than the cent in the till. She will, doubtless prefer a yard of shrubbery to a yard of satin. If her husband is a skilful sower of grain, sheis a skilful sewer of garments ; he keeps the hoes bright by use, she keeps the hose of the whole family in order. ftw A correspondent of the Tribune, at Toronto, states that a fight recently occured at St. Catherines between the whites and the blacks, at the annual militia training at that 'place. The origin of the difficulty, whether in prejudice against colored peo- ple, or in some other cause, does not ap- pear; but the throwing of a brick, by one party or the other, was a signal fora gene- ral row. A rumor was started, continues the writer, that a fireman had been killed by negroes, and immediately a descent was made on aneighboring negro village, which is said to have been nearly demolished. No lives were lost, though several persons of both races received considerable injury. . averal arrests have been made, and the whole circumstances will be thoroughly in- vestigated, + : Colored people are permitted to sit on juries in Canada, and in other respects: a social and political equality is secured to them, though, no doubt, the public senti- ment is, in some degree, vitiated by the negro-hating republicans residing in Cana- da, and the constant intercourse with the people of the States. The Tribune's cor- respondent asserts that the prejudice is no stronger than that which exists between the members of different sects, and those of different political parties, That his will is good, however, to make it stronger, he shows by seizing upon this accidental row at St. Catherines an an occasion. for advis- ing the colored people to go into exile in Aftiea--Wat. Anti-Slavery Standard. Isaac T. Hoprer.--Tue Pzopie or Cotox.--We inadvertently omitted to no- | tice in our last, a meeting held in the Bethel cold spring or ied water, and wash out all | (colored) Chureh, on Sunday evening, the the milk, while the butter is still in the | D7th ult, for the: parpose of hearing an ad- chum, id hy. these proves 30 rar awed Mot pon the Life nd : 5 Sater 4 | i-Slavery Jabors of the Jamented Isaac washed, which should only be endugh to T. Moprene We were not present, but we free the butter from the milk, that being Siti from others that the meeting was all that is required--too much working | large, and the address deeply interesting. = get gon, the fo es W2N% Anya ill peopl were prs ' "i Rial , | who had known the revere lanthropist butter as rich a yellow in the color ** | during his residence. in the-city, and who possible. 'To every pound of butter add | eagerly embraced: this opportunity' to pa threefourths of an ounce to an ounce of | a. tiititantoealtie memory. a4 Mott's the salt named above, and work it im by | i ctch, of the faithful labors of friend Hop- the same process. as, churning, or by a ee for the freedom and elevation of t' wooden ladel--never by the hand, as the | ee yf eclox-wan (arb alatmauanean heat of the hand is injurious to the butter. | the gratitude of her auditors and encourage e must | them to renewed effurts for their own ad- again call the attention of our readers to| vaneement im kngyl gig? and siKine ie the importance of sowing Corn for feeding. | was very natural that, in trash ys ul P e ire for teams | of a man whose religion consisted in love Those who have not pasty y e and milch cows, will find this the best | to God and doing good to man, she should Sowinc Corn ror Fopper.-- W. substitute they can avail themselves of. Indeed, it is better than common pastures, and every farmer ought to grow a patch near at hand to feed teams with when in a hurry, and to give the mileh cows when other supplies fail. Trowbridge & milk men here, who last year 'had a small patch to »ply | take occasion to' warn her hearers against | that hateful and deadly sectarianism which | cubstitutes zeal for forms and a tenacious ladherance to creeds for that Pr | Righteousness which Jesus 50 | enjoined as the one essential features j yeligion. Her remarks on this subject were |timely, and we hope they did nat fail to 'make a deap impression upan those who 'heard them.--DPa. Freeman.

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