Voice of the Fugitive (Sandwich and Windsor, ON1851), August 13, 1851, p. 4

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mw colonization song 1 will you will you be colonized t will you will you bo colonized 1 3 tis a land that with honey and milk doth abound wherehetssh hcnoticarnv and the scourge is not found will you c 3 if you tay in this land where the whito man has rule vou will starve by his hand in both body and soul t chorus childhood from afriea andm his youth planted lils feet in alnerlcrrlhttt hererm savannah be became a christian and that heathen brethren th moment th nob old christian ha come to and give me letter to his friends at greenville simoe liberia he in favor of a convention burtiiigtou july 18 hemit bibb now be ready- to go back to ida native kraslhc time is at hand to which land and preach christ in his old age to his v k thousands are looking with deep interest when they wdtjewvo a call for a conven- fjonwmthrwiirsbapo thecotrrfotmdarotfr the attention of all interested in t welfare of our people i feel prompted to express my yiowson the subject tntbconvention which is contemplated will do more to unite and cement togcthir tho hearts and interests pf our race than any and the capital o canada west there will doub several paramount ob- jeetbo brought- before the convention fbr consideration some of which have been sg- 4 for a nuisance you are in this land of your birth held down by bis hand chorus 6 my religion is pur arc and came from above but i cannot consent the black negro to lore chorus 6 it is true there is judgment that hangs oer the land but twill all turn aside when y follow tho plan cho says ob siruoet bless y oil and help you to do much good in his holy cause me and jnyjjfojuldhatcgoiio yearn ago btitrfor this boy wo could nofteav c hitht atirltftror i have just paid 8703 for him he is nine teen years old and should 1 die in two divff after reaching there i would go for thin boywdwivo and do good there when i am dead the poor fellow no doubt has been grossly imposed- uponaittoihe character of tho country to which he was aboiutto be exd though the attempts at such imposition arc not always succesbfulor nut always practised asinthecaso of some slaves wo heard of recently who were marched down to the tossel bound for liberia in chains cipation of our raee from slavery and a 1 jtz rti be truck oft in the next estimate other coureo that could bo pursued i fur ther believe that the time has already come when it becomes us to put in practice what has been the depire of many heart vu to sec an a for the downtrodden ami oppressed arfd where i ask can that homo be sought and found if not under the friendly and ilrwting flag of great britain there the oppressors lash falls powerless at the feet of his victim there tho land that has been besides it is tho great commercial metropolis xjf wlndt e-reapeetfuhy-iay-bloki- our reader 1 the immediate and everlasting eman- items itiaa now been ascertained thattho wa ters of the mcdtternmttnmd th4fed sca areexactly on the level tov eminent have granted 1000 to de- oestalbv our worthy correspon a few m f of public mrtructm tor rvsj ifiiutrilf lnlnnrl manifestation of gratitude to the government of great britain- which has so nobly pro tected us in the enjoyment of liberty when ever and wherever have stepped upon her soil 2 to abandon menial employments as far as it may be practicable and become ownc in and tiriersgftbc soil in the namo of humanity how long will colored men be gulled into that scheme which attempts to drive free people of color at the twintof tfaebayoitet from anwmgtheir en- q h hrn f w these faets before offered thqmjias neer been red with the blood of the oppressed there tho friendly hand has been offered to us inviting us to hharem themost healthful ndprofitable 7 youre ignorant i know in this land of your birth and religion though pure cannot move uw curse us shall we still bo led astray god forbid no brethren jet us like mosea of old re fuse to bo eallod the sons and daughters of chorus 8 but only consent though exhorted by force what a blowing yonll jnove on the african coast chorus -hihtf- theway to secure a good character 1 always to do right accccd i to it one way tn gain a hiiainfimt is to advertise the american colonization society choosing rather to suffefnlicuonwith thopeople of god than to enjoy tho pleasures of sip for a season but this is not all read the following statement from theboston commonwealth which gives striking illustration of tho vnlrnitaiy- to keep it deal justly the way to secure confidence is never jo deceirei the reputation of many men depends on the number of their friends the way to be considered great is t make many friends friends can say for ub what modesty would keepusfrom saying convention ol coloredmen a spiritedconvention of our peoplo was recently hold in albany new york where various questions were ably discussed and resolutions were adopted against colonization and tho fugitive slavo law and in favor of tho extension of tho electivo franchise a tho equal uso of tho common schools of the state bio frcofidoploofleolor in tho firmed s hav power to strike at tion society supptjejritf new republic with emigrants it is scarcely less significant hant w of hcv h breckinridge that colorcdpcoplc in virginia were a really to it wcro done with tho cartwhip wraro totd lliat upwuribrofa hundred colored people left savannah a few weeks rm growing in ireland it is stated that the army in ireland is to le reduced next ycur by two cavalry and four infantryjcrgjments and that oooonien wojiave suffered latch says tlie xrw orauo delti from the visitation of a ntw cie if blmk huuirrv ivjji mrdteelf ls mumjiutoe winch has ltu laken the place in our city of our regular nativ es tliobe graceful dainty melodionsnd gentle si gr ccu to location and fcume- emplovinent that man could be blessed with and it becomes ub to well consider and adopt measur ad we have in view and as it is necessary that general iptormation should ho sprcadt among our people conceive of no better way to get the thtbrrhation needed than by subscrib- ing to the voice of the fcoitive it is a publication i highly value and i hope that our people w ill feel the necessity of sustain ing hieh a paper myawn views anil feelings have pnder- jet us take counsel together come from the vast west north and south come from the gone a great change my opinion has be- como firm and decided in favor of tho pro- jmmee4 beganoeadfiefltlwjhibjtjr of a colony in canada west and for tlito at- 1 ca i any way to aid in the accomplishment of such a enirableemkr since by tho barque baltimore under the patron of the american colonization so ciety and tho day the vessel sailed some three score oft he pasaengervwhobad arrived trrtown from the up country dttvri previous were marched in pairs from tho gaol tho jainewiiero sims w confined to tho ship slavery between two firea excitement inkio cinn cotktrt great excitement exists in the rio grande country arlconsequence of the mexicans rc- fumng to deliver up n runaway slave and that the people on the anicneionirde v ere so much excited about it that they threat ened violence this is decidedly wrong it is reported thartnere are some two thou- jaand fugiuvejjavcim mwiicoj iut ifjhoro blow at tho diabolical schcino of amerieah colonization if they only knew it and would bo true to tho dictates of humanity let them call public meetings throughout the land and ox decepti underminin prejudice against our oppressed and afflicted race and their work would soon bo done now if its teadors had only tho common honesty to como out and toll us that it wus conceived in iniquity got up bywvcholdcrs and tncirabettorsrorthorpotorf fostor- ingprejudice against colored people and tho perpetuation of american slavery their passengers from the united states to libe ria would be few and far between but they como to us judaslike profossing friendship and sympathy wishing to take us to what thoy call our own country where wo can bo lawyers doctors grave senators and oven presidents but by good words and fair speeches many have been deceived wo have always entertained tho idea that free peoplo wore at liberty to go wherever their disposition might prompt them any thing short of this is not freedom let us compare this with the practical working of this scheme of christian philanthr0py7a wolf in sheeps clothing tho itev j m perse who is an active agent ef the ame rican colonization society makos the follow- iug suutmumit which h d wort canadian authorities to send back the im- meiteo number that have crossed thnt frontier within the last twentycu a little reflec tion it is to bo hoped wil induce theeople of texas to net inoro solrly and discreetly in tnematters dtk trtiaifar gerrit smith publishes in frederick doug lasss pajier an account of his receipts and wilt take part in this convention disbursements na treasurer of the chaplin kuhtlhtv lias received a28220a ami disbursed 12283 15 lue to treasurer 9501 12 yours truly j lr philadelphiajuly2l lenr s s by y last n f- the voice of the fugitive that you approve of c a great n convention to bp held in toronto canada westin september or october next i must certainly approve of holding such a meeting on the soil of great britain where the flag orliberty flies i attrglad t lirar-of-my-ganadian- friends th a pl as to c our b rcn from north and south east and west to tpcak os freemen upon one platform a w o now are thito is too much disunion among us when t read back i aee m gen 3to conider the vast interests of moral mental and physical education 4 to mculcatcthc idea of every man be coming the owner of his homestead 5 the vital importance of our peoplo be coming agricultures as a means of making themselves independent 6 to recommend the erafgralian of rrae artc tbis used wkhout jiegjlr c the tlmt jjmfla dffilllfrillotothh-ut- there have 5666 americans left boston now york and pbiladelphiafrlhe worlds fair a secret worth ksowisg boil three or four onions in a pint of water then with a gilding brush do over jour glasses and frimre an the rlies will not light on the tho settlement of canada land j 7 to take proper btep3 for sustaining such jiresscs only as will faithfully vindicate the nghts4f our people 8 to bcattestimony against the american cojonization to africa as being prejudicial against color and proslavery 9 to pledge ourselv es to the defence of that government only that protects us in the enjoj ment of liberty disenthrallcd freemon will vo not hear the ealt of liberty and repmidjojt t jcome slave too from tho riceswampmilud cotton nchs of tho bouth shall have a hcartv wel- eoiie on tho jucens free hoil let all who are interested in our behalt without regard torntot sect or party come anrhake couunh together freejy let m betouie belter ae- maintcd with each other and with our true condition and unito upon some concerted were ten thousaiid there is no rethedyp lttier whenjho called ior any there are no treaties between tho uniteel states and mexico in regardto the extradi tion of fugitive slaves andl we have conse quently no more right to inuist on their r than we liaver to eau on-tjie- noblo freeman otcolor tojidvcuture to bene offered to give every man tho same bounty of land and money i find he did not stick t6ntpromisc now if no dependence can be placed on the w hite peoplo then how can vvo believe them now therefore let us de clare ourselv o independent and como out from among them and bo tho sons of free- dom 1 hope we will never bo so bl ngam i hope that every colored man who has am interest ill tho welfare of his people yurs very truly abkam mckixnet pu as they a f whic ho h gathered up while going around proselv ti ring yesterday john ballows an african called on me to see when another vessel is going to liberia ho gave me the follow ing itt in the ttrnipsjnovv is the time to sow the turnips and ho is vv ise vv ho raises a quantity sufficient to feed his stock during tho winter we are aware that there is an opinion prevalent among our fanners that tho turnip contains but little nourishment and that it is unprofitable to raise or feed them out this is not the fact the cul ture and feeding of turnips in england is one of tho great sources of her agricultural prosperity portland enquirer debt of canada the public debt of canada is reported to amount to twenty miilli of dollar a it i shown hy a lat lnformaiionwhich i have since been assured is strictly true ttftcame from congo africa to ono ot tho french islands inlhe west indies when thirteen years old he finally came w ith his master and family to charleston there liis master died and his mistress came to this city in 1818 he purchased himself paving 609 a few y ago he purchased his wite jor5b and this season hehas finished pay- lr pay ing fbrhib bon370lt himself wite and son now desire to go to liboriibiiy tho first op- portunity from this port heis a fine look ing man with strong marks of sterling charac ter both moral and physical he is well ajamwljrirtirouianil mdustrotu man himself and wifo are members of the christian church all three heard mo on sabbath night and ho came to me blessing god for the happiness he felt he said that ho was a witness that all i paid respecting africa waa true he dhanked god with tears streaming from his eyes that a mftrciftil hand of providence had brought him in his retur to the house ef assembly that one million dollars of it aro deposited in the 4anks belonging to tho government in lower canada thert are 550 catholic clergymen besides six bishops and one archbishop rkpkatino firearms as several refer- encvs have been made to arms of the nbov e description it may bo interesting to know that there is now in the unite service museum a pistol supposed to bo 200 years old which with the exception of the lock is constructed upon tho wim principle a 8 the weapons exhibited 1yrntlfras vvlll call for a orth american contention i dear brethren after a multiplicity of correspondence with men of intelligence both u canada and tho states on the propriety of holding a great northamorican conven tion of colore freemen this fall to deliberate upon the sadfcondition of our people wo are led to the conclusion that the tiiho has fully come w hen tho combined wisdom ofcour best and wiest men should be concentrated on oom general plan for tho elevation of our race and their future advancement we are satisfied that there is no spot in the united states where it would be safe or ox- plattotli f uuf fu advance let canada send up athenst 200 delegates and thousands of tolqntccr members to swell the number and wo may have an interesting soul convention fjy ajlajyrsjayottjn to ou cause will please copy american kidnapping this business is still vjgorpiis and is likely ere long to be trnriterred wholly from africa to the united state tjlinottiye slave cse piii v juu 2 limnthe fugitive jury to the frames a law anions the arabs permits a man to div orcc any ot his vv iveaw not make him good jjnpl a pilgr vm says the fable met the plague gohhl nrto stnvrna what are vou gomg- forr to kill 3000 people answered the plague sometime alter- the met again but you failed 30000 said the pilgrim not answered the plague u killed but 3000 it was tear killed the rest a ok fou the ihike tf- cumbcrland wing once in company with foote was so- delighted with the wjt the player that he said mr7 footei swallow all the good things v ou lav do vou re- mountains come from the new england inlltops r nd valleysro the lrmmion the plied iviotehe y royal lrigl hiis an e digestion for you never bring anv of them up again i an dlnatured writer in the boston tran- scrijjl one of those illnttured men wlio awhssike tnraw atisurd obstachasjns coin erning- the change of fcmaleattirc e have not vet learned h the fair vvcir- ers of straw hats sack coats and trousers ers of the same habiliment- untitlsonu definite badge shall ik deviled we eanjma gtnerniicn confusion arising in the arrange ments of ladies cabins fco butweliojie tor th cause of prog thai a lit kward co t m arisrwill b t good part for tlure never vet was a great ause w ithout some martyrs the roman observer of the 28 lilt an- iioiiiuex the inversion to the- catholiujaitk tfanfeiglth hidw m e who- be jhjreeiyed by the following inscription extracuxl from the valuable catalogue of the pedient to attempt to hold such a lonven- tion under the existing stato of things it w ould greatly endanger tho liberty of thou sands of selfemancipated persons who would gladly uuot w ith ns on sueh an occasion oiuho either hand canada is emphatically the only land of safety on tho american con tinent for hunted refugees she bids defiance to all fugitive slavo laws and protects tho colored man in the enjoyment of that liberty with which he is endowed by the great author of his existence vvo hae thorcforeeeidod on tho citvof toronto canada west as being the most suitable plaee for the holding of such a eon chambers wim roucnnoies me- ac- tion of lifting the cock causes the cv under th mtercta of our pcoplssn to revolve and a fresh chamber is brought america into connection with tho barrel six of the a more central pcefor holding a gnat seven chambers are always opposed to view convention aflording facilities for reaching and the charges are put iu without the neediitoy steam e from all parts of canada of r ramrod tandjhc unted state- e an not be selected slave hawkins was taken to baltimore yes terday afterpoon the proof as to the idem tity of theprisonc wi p rcinoved without any trouble scare e any excitement sikavii during any part of the examination mobt kidnmping ix pexxsylv vni the west chester papers give an acuunt of a leceiit slave case in that place a colored woinau named elizabeth williams who had been confined in gaol for larceny for some month vvas discharged at four oclock m the morning of saturday the 27th ult she vvas seuedtiefore leav ing the prioii bv a united states deputy marshal taken before a commissioner chargeel with being a fugi tive slave and while the citizens were yet generally in m without witnesses with out counsed without tho presence of a soh- tary friend after a trialrncupying teen minutes was dehverexl to her claimant placed in a cloe waggon and driven rapidly from the state her time of imprisonment in the gaol expired at twelve oclock but to facilitate the purjtoses of the kidnapper she was illegally detained until four eylock next nioruuigj the authorities of the pri son who had also in violation of the prison regulations prev loiisly admittedherclaimant in order to identify iter was received into that church bv monignor talbot how to entrci yeoetvnies avast increisc ofloodmay be obtained by inanag- nddtewtingjtttricitiisly amlsy stematically carry ing there was nut for a time the principles of increase take for instance a jea plant it in v cry rich ground allow it to hear the first year sav a halfdocii ikxis oulv remove all otiicis slve the largest single pea t thec wo can make no comments fotthougti daily expecting such occurrences know ing the law contemplated and provided expressly for them yet when they come ujxm us we are astoundeei and overwhelmed with their enorniityand he who can remain un- jnmd by the simpirfe facts is quite beyond the reach of anything we can utter we wish only to remind all that it is not south carolina tluit does tins but tho xorth it is the keystone state of the union that furnishes the bastile the midnight mquisi- the judge and liisexecutioners portland enquirer wrcwrres brtte the longexpected reprint of the english version ot the-scrip- tures made in tho 14th century from the sow it t n ye an r jkhis only sow the largest the follow ing y ear and ret mi one pod again select the largest and tb next year the sort will by this time have trebled its size and weight ever af- terwards ww the largest and by these means you will get jkas or any thing else of a bulk of which we at present have no con ception an irishman called on a lady and gen tleman in whose employ he was for tho purpose of getting some ten and tobacco 4 1 had a dranie last night your honor said he to the gentleman what wasit pat 4 whv i drained that yer honor made me a present of a phrgof tnbuccy and her lady ship there heaven bless her gave mo some tax for the gooel wife ah pat dreams go by contraries you know v faith and they may tie that said pat without the least hestatton ladv ship is to give the tobaccy and yer honor the toy t the knickerbocker ha tho following i see you arc in black said a friend of oms the other ilavj 44 yon in mourning for a frienel thomas no i am in mourn ing for my sins u bean that you had lost am war the instant and keen re- ply dr reid a traveller through the highlands of peru found lately in the deert of atacama tho dried remains of an assemblage of hu man beings fiveror thuni in rmmber british museum and sir frederic madden keeper of the manuscripts in the same instil tution journal of sacred literature the annwaj allowance of the east india company to sustain idol worship has ceased and juggernaut is left to his own follow ers men women and e hildren seated in a semi circle as when alive and staring into tho burning waste before them they had not detore die theybull sat immovable in the dreary desert dried like mummies by the etlect ot tho hot air they till keep their position ittiijg up as in solemn council while over the dread areopagus silencedrools evvr- hsfiniv aeuccur-itja-ii- t

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