Voice of the Fugitive (Sandwich and Windsor, ON1851), August 13, 1851, p. 3

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a hw m i llawiiji t bovs the eldes not out t w-re- tu l4l of- arffst tl ueiitated sflics yoh cannot detected iutruanting from on- of ourtcity augil tl- aiiiiisary ofthitt hot rshioolsz having kept it uji by various pre- j i tin- lritih wi ipdia is- ico crv texts without iking discoiivl for nearly isiiittblv cd iu tliistown l tiini ui kxi stvp when i venture the texts witnout oeing discov rel kr nearly ismiatiy ccaicj iu tips- town ty in- j rriori tlxat liis addresses fratri in the- thrvo weeks theyvcriuljads fiom uieofoar reading hur and uiauytft heir addition iapors will- coiiipro favorably j west of families reidm in a gxd section of race and friends from abroad sellmade wilh the lest speeches made iu tho senate the- city and s gen chanicter esh- freemen from the house of american ln- chainbar at wasliingtoii pc pfrisjovenr tjagc their srnktrtjtrjughnrrr highly notwithstinding bis superior talents and j thejrwcfo traced to diticrotm parts f the city pdislnsras scholars spoke vcnutittcrstatiil his surpassing power of language he is a j and at length to a railroad station where u w 4mjljidiaed tjekgts fo 3 distant ptrt of a th oi kktokt v voutet hi v dressed in the i costum vvii7ii v it i- twi as indcpcrijivinv vas miu at an cvciiiiii uty as it tiiiic since whiiv she attrictcd j theattctitjea vf thegeiitlciuen and th- putttr of sonic ijf the ladies ine extremely sti- sitivo lady wh no doubt envied ihe pretty apjiearaliee i f tin ifoyvfcosluine riiuarked to v i t il i i i -t- i rio- nt1ji ol jttlcr- n aicli- ij vs l vi ingly of their rights as men and of thir wrongs as slave and their thankftrhtrssintt liavijd for his beard standi or rather hangs j neigh btijiigslate search was instituted totloyalty for the protvtion andsifcty they arc eniigli to ever your stoufdenstt won in tin wav of ids usefulness unlike samp- j discover whence they had obtained money son his- weakness is in his hair and he could j and it wijnade evident that two of them better slav the philistines and sliakothe j hslpurloineirtriiii their irotheis purses t r sons up tirriivnci conn iionaky saloon the wearer thit it was a very immodest tinss and unbaoini g a lady the witty fair one tcj d i i ifill2ij pn your dntw up f n pillars of the teuipb if lie would permit piite largisums having ptovijed themselves somtrvutrj crop otf his locks tbe tirst j with a brace of pistols each shawls and j frmq t jialoojtedjjkc a bla pro and clothin togeth closing with a joyous dance in tio evening permitte to enjy bnrin canada were ex pressed in a manner honorable alike to their jeajsand their hart thenhmber in atten dance was large and their festivitis were conducteti with all decencv and in order then be shorter than mine the ndit ladv wluise drcvi seemed in danger of falling iui njaj1ix 1 v7 olll imraitliuiiiiauitaiiu ofdelroit jlijilvuiud ctuiteotionary snlonn ii jotlerson avenue ono dtinr above css st win re h will bo imppy to see his frieiuld li w larg su v from her jrson iiiimealwtctv limited audi wdlkccptm fcnda isrgtrsttmdyoi fell into tle arm- of a lemonade waibt j v v l a otilcctfonary also i i caks re r icc- m jl s rl y i ionic natlmaniutbrokhouof beilam hut he i with booksofilviloclavhuiog viuianstewi 1 1 i- 1 1 i l i ri crcaii soda water of ijo tirsipmlilx all of which will mr burleigh ish utltthiir man withdi h led them t such p wi eves that glow ami sparkle when lie speaks milie of vur livsfc and their purpose t they readily font ls 1 yout m niin vu al j to render satisthcon v 11 who 4ur e1 thatthev liadrgoneod fortjaiotbcrend ii 7 t i i i j toua lu lunrjivith thci- it invited jinn rt stain from lli appea of r il lie permits the hair on his head to grow krttfrartouniiwwi u t it is diifriujifyx m rnssrp1atniy aiirgtv3iahundalirprottt cantjt nut m thv- whhs and live upon your ro j 0 i where otjen nt w together- wed rove i rrrr atruiage but iclrvy l ycs wi- oftensrciit hours in that shady re- ja thardainc fashion sbm or mvr rieni what- they- eould obtam bydihoholy ami j stimamo vnhij t n- t i- lushiswalmeuesftjewh to quakcrismalthmgh his cred docs ntf t iiuimtnn hy nilng lives ot cdebnte j- f tl al v if fe 1 rt- wmhi aupcardl tfac-brimfl- itwuva -in- sjlar j wihihertet n k w i n ivinihrtfiiv- jir- fron tlmkersttiirg to ih ir- i 7 i iinrtirtttitttfrns joy niai n was savoa of his font- hischanicier is irreproachable dialoncair rds t diabolical acts till thev i i 7i i v i 11 r r irom uopuii oi sjiatne in giving a dcculeil j i love it 1 bne it lliat obi cypress tree hejjalmulijtmgly j the we tar nume the wih to coric u when he viv of lk lee is wcfe of humaiivtv sincetutaiid theodoreayeld j iik and a- band ot kjndrea terel andltfgan tlieir cucr by stealing and from lane seminary may he long iiveto falseh at home this is asolitary -a- preach the gospel of lihertyt- actual occurrence- an piagure beek ht -t-hurr- hyanl i s n iitrm lirrwajrinr iilied it i t ii on hctietidcd and you will be poriuath i i iriend and coinanioii i laid miti yield md you mry be lst watch xvit whm in toy- childhood i j- j with diligence and gind tar to show what h y 111 and elot eulogium n 1 charms ififfnut iton hy t1i i u ana j if us ohmo xvouli lr j 1 sfiv a jn lumtttho 5aviuk i denied treasu wouvm thiii ciiculajejlciiiovahuig iuattr b corrupt the ftwou f- t a j- containeitii the following extract from i ids of tic ii a may fa ill in the tiik oluiist man in vkrmont the the seeirs of mvchildhcod i neer can for- home tt ml w n j a tcnib eyi is u jr f t v wiiitnfrtk rv ii von avenue j- in n played 1 love tlcm i love then tbo-e- dear bygone cioiislitei the times physical crime ffii if there has ever been a more touching j to us as notbingin comparison to th taiihimflicrininic talas they lloivr m h livi lostk will start a new if no of sfivi- on ti nhnve roiitr tttmii mrmaricslttvvr amdhthnvr ntntiabvk ojuai xt i from mr becmiinviiofel nt wifiitsofiil u oclock pm- on vbe iamc uuys rvrii s rftrirrn vvris aroftiinu as lr rontprhas pivpared the iao- a cellenl teams and very coiiiertddo covered coriveyanecs hehopclto ovtam a tur sham f piddle pairoifugjiihe pre mlit scasn tti th nstii tfer it bin not in j our mtttempt tor want 6f patronag but we have ujdst man nturiiel in tboeeiinos hivt stages will coiiuiunce their trips on tho lh hit h 7 mini goxl fottmie to meet it comiuoncimbfhe budget exprcvnly b fin nih j sl he woodstrk vtvivun is a ida k man our iiomv what is their corner stone inctliingdttcr thitjniy 0ltiitr popular hjjrn inmiirtiiicvwi now ri b- in loiiii birt-thf- virtue of woiiiaii aiid on iuayorairrioffittettl imt f fret he wasnaurncd as of jj f go d w mill st 0tjjucuok- fmibbv gc ib j ha jiuloauul-up- v nnrris- oiii u w- kk neatly u cuuieeuouarv room on the euriicr r bhs soetatwelwk rt but h tuv liohir mut we no trace all other blessings uf ei- jizij life- to the iiikt of our priyattidwrh ings are not our heartlistotie guarded by tile- liolyjluuils ofctiiyugalti rental lift iiiciiits a nhvvcom kchonkki ii lnky lawl inck of detroit would respectfully inform iiiuritaids aujl jh j v items j a degree of thsregard forp1itilv opjui- ii i is alstdutelv necessary for ons individual vcnn fntriaiiie is iter nasna and j nwns 1 ou was in woubivk village a week r two f a l retrsmdilo ago irf k hpniisn r5tfj tlv u cuuieeuouary renin i s uixoii- 0 ill j heauhieii and port street lor tho acfoin- odittioii ifla and trentlciimn where ho tho corner stones ktilial ami h- inrss t church and 11 ll moreijileasing 1liiii7lll thai suu snori kicieduiaufcitlnauure ihe- issiiry tfiau botli let our temples crumble i parieujoit roses are tfi tears that pity and our academics divavlct every public j gatiicrs upon tlrt- cheek of uliuly elitiec our bails of justice and our capitols r i catholicism axd laveiy7ilie atho- t mate be leveled with the dust but siaic i j i i i ic i a e t solute oiirtiijiucsv- man did not invent and tie cuii otlit-i- paimr ot that denomination which not improve or- abrogate iliem a irivatj r i r siielter to eover in two hearts dearer ovacli 1 n i i i l u u various pritcstant sects not a a- other tlutn all the world high walls tost i i i i c i i i tliolic bishop or pnikt trom the shores elude the pii italic eyes ot avry human be- this is geo miuiierio 1 of s ii smith nancy jiiiiis a ihiloriil rdiit of icrieho w cbitpinan 1 11 i snow k llclhms ihedotrrhc 1 ttliuit at tliat place at tht age of 1 08 ori 10 t cfrlors kxpekixiext- tllcre- is a pleas- jra rarjies- 1 oulrgallip juujanie thornton 1 oo 1 ockthorntoii lffi h 1 will keep the bef ice fn ani fimiii water iihiri cftkes 5 c niid by pro atteu- i ih timi hopes tii rrech ii even tilt- iiuititt ti- ri i ursitll ntunjltto children nkrli v slvilipl owiii a mllgle one that mother in a peculiar name ties is i ii hotji iug and profitable exriiiiut which i have often made in my youth jt is this if ymi place your lieajiiijli ol a room or orrn high bnrkwlehmrrtid -v- and allow another person to put a candle trpttttatahtm if vo eandliwith oiji eye hut ymi will tltnl tin mckiiland you annot do it in all jiuman probability vm you villjulniiicliiiiis out of ten yfflftk7v k ifibbius will hfrns7s lui- isbell ym cabmiiu o wnsliiiigtoii t 11 h iliijllis wiii ciiijant o imiirf in gueek l 07 1 hev4rtvfsrris i 00 i iel stevelln- 0 so i h a copeloiid julvtf 131 liberal udroiiie mtt ltiviifibasjk ttor uroof u 1 1 1 d iatrsm neu- r raltjia k iaiv in tim l1mhs 0 i let thoowliiiiiufler try it mid it jvill provo i 4ii4wjhhh4vlhmiuj44iuvafcw li-lmfmnrml-ulieii- 1 claiub abraham 1 00i nuitixin of lng slunding 0 v ii thomas i on if there is u icro ii this iiy now suf- 1 rtmnsiyn vtjuti bring with liiroiimittiio niirri incrvou o ilik racy i oo j tie i loloreuv who iims tried till other medi- ool ictcr kvins i 00 iint ndverrir and i- not rt w iwvitfr- l and here is tiic birthplace uf every sieiie d thought heiv the church andtlie j stab miint come for their origin and tlnir wipport oil spare our homes the love we experience there gives us our faith in an infinite goodness the purity and di-inti-res- td tetlihnios of hoille is our foretafi and j our eafiient of a better world in the rela- tions tltre estahlinhed and fosteriil do we j limlthrough life be chief solace and j of aistence what friends deserve the name the loflowing is tetcgrajih copies the methodists own ulooort pns old and new schvtr ttjmk baptists i2u0 iinldehitei lu0im other denominations 0ho00 g00- i hrsrvnrritiv bnivirr fmnt vi n t ho f lra jirlord i i0 you pcajl ojxwi im at afitsirdlutiaiiiex ntillers t or toodiatanf j t ufkiiuj 5c i w iw br i 00 shopmir the kej tbo table which the j you cannot form inrr estimate of thewtnal -robert- distance lint ifyoll hjkl tlic ujlicrcyi ttfe ac lhi tttrb loftori it hi aisence vi nat irie 11 s deserve ine nan c i raliimre latrmt publishes the following onrirnred witli those whom a bi give jvi r- ivcipcfar tuew vhsucysnigcouipiaiiitsriirjn irmttiohirrrsvorhrathti i -i- rr oik sister doarcr and truer than twenty irttimate companions we who have play strongly rceiiiimen s a trial ot it on pint of clean riats to be browned charm is broken oc i without ijiingjjiej m ivtlltrinct teller eyeyiniov7y head siinibly you y cv are cnalderbtjiidgeof the ijimaiice 1 wish j7 p mf wot for iirypronciit puise to jeak of the effect of the iltio ot i be beaj but tuhli lletroit 3ihmvthtn v3tnitetnrsfvwn-b- 00 lwjijrtiiekcr ou l- n it ci o 50 chkap uoston store f ii ttie i flint 1 k huron 0 10 i hoots ami siioms ifrs j rioptr a iriits qfto siibcrililr bi mi b at nil tlitinn a ttr i ftil and ceinjiletc a- eruicii of rwiih hi vllgkiianii k j haggphty f dr- efirifmf i iieri vilitv windsok c w aint hiinl axtruunmrr four attention to the circumstance that whvii iiii ps jrniss trtnks with- a vhiiii ill be mid nt ex ilic ijehd i rfvtly still you will i unil jnfl ih v srvjoviiir npnarvltw at trmy l lor with a single eye to judge with accurav of tbnvtpriv repliiringf harness iwj ll ill l j- itnrtiirrccl-iiiri- id the caiidleyvowifilaullodoiie todnbt nog ronntry rrc rrirny imirrrrt vail iii and cxtiiiui i llllmllli- ill tf tr al salks cloi tic same hearth under the light of f in lmdo smiles who dnhrdrtck- uribum- stn ofj i t vcsldyth t piartsf innocence and 1 in whoso veins runs the j w s l i r do we not find tliat years only k osi newsmjt in eiiglind u th- lino hr- wx and lauklns arnros mq wvfi published in ii thnldt kl aju epur- io inn t juiited- of mt owi niiitiulaenire fmoleliiiiri tlm hct- umil ive-tnnt- iipply itue blood- lto iiicipiart when cool decant it otf for a grown person a common full make more irr and iimhrtant the tithatl i ul binis usf coldmss may spring updistanv j sjveotned witn foaf sugar but no may separate ditlercit sphere may divide ikoronani ijinvtum biers full almost i ill itm 11 mr l tlvl lllldllliil il hill tltn4llt t 1 lliitcllll tilo lllil i ct liec ortlll cist w i f iliiiuniicii in liiij llinttot ki omiiino mriniiimn on the i ci r i hid i v t t i- ii i i afloid i bif i iiiiiii nt lijh in ciistatit ov lr- j yte i vt j yw t v ulu nil ttrt7thct jxtuicnccd fore to hipriiaend nt d ktlnihir emihu inranta ivn1 i fpocfnland mrit ntteiition will be given ir wj luivimliielure j tin olbvt in indiiud is tin liclfnxt x i t alsfolritl kpiielry ids orocerifs j will b- wiirauiuii miii al nbout the ndio but tlios who can love anything wurrroti- will afford rel letter yi 17 7 km cation iv yiucim v id tinuetoloveatall must find that the frijnds the cuban sympathixxs liad quite agk- whoin iod himself gave are wholly unlike ns time of itycerlav in this citv after any we can choose for ourselves and that j th rrtrw and other papers rami iotit con- tjie yearning for these the strong sp k j t f lh n tlw t if tiil y in did nt cv1 aiourexpinngailection outbreaks iu that island some hundreds nh ms pimc many of them cubans but tlmgreatest pnv j tl whorlid imt hoov togit portion of them uiys precede1 by an elevtl gant baiid of music marched in prmession title suggests anil niiini of consequence so with tauniccs and tlagsr from tlie uiiper part often passed over without yielding to it that of the city and having obtained a large new i furiiitilre and jtbor coles iuuiiy part f price that cnmem vorit tluicitif i also nlwnvs mi b od u iiljjnd j bore arc now j li all its branches will of ii feiilcnioim in the state vunc looqn whit aduln who be brmipty abnb d u ftf llw bildakjj can iiitbr read nor write supposing one i i bkkrl to jdesrrlptimis oltvtiflru innub tnrc nnj of ballof these to be limb- there must be l k mhtevtiolds holy abbot mm quality hh cfa le pun d in the oiiethird of the voters uf yirginia who can neither read nop write the voting jmjiula- o jm hyde jiimes stewarl joljn lttdtie ii it androwk r s i i i all the nbovo work wns k lute iitiriv muigan clntkal irailroah i the nl trade u itf l iiierli luarkit whici will in iji elnvipcr thnirbt nriy othcfrtibbnht infliienrc of- hook there is no more trite subjvt chan this iv ajihikmkt on gud atcravbksday april xm and until furffirr noic passenger trains t ii- i i ii 1 lot and nl uiit at valiinguii ur tin- preparation i will run ns follows mtiidityuiiv work ptirfluifil ut jui lab- hniiiiieiit proving dillereiii iiohi thlt rerc sented inny he returned no i tile nmn vwil and flax cotton fabrics at aliout the same- w this train will -u- li nt all regular staiin- on tb- hiii aiid at nil nil tal- sfatfoii i1 of mnriial but w antislavljiy hooks crsstinobeaidlleadypiairsandhchcer kuy yml that is they should nner lr miio at all j we arc at i liks to kimw unlsw jt was it alxut pia iiality wth olcii alksscm kfiiosha rocin- shelwygaii and municoo- i j avenue gf the miiiiitiide of luniks it cannot l tlu fuhnvs of their e the procts- ilnied that vast iiunihers fallwithiii tlic lastj sion rnedr bv the baud titarobed up j cj k- afior sun class spiviirily is this true of imikns broadway the flag catriedas a iovering fori the srv- am ii vmr arfdrf v iv r had in detroit at krarrii rook quantities of trash snt out for the last few j the deader being elevated by starts at each rirmingbam exhitl a nmnlier ltiln l a bal u i stwjsile av yearsto beskwd like leaves froifta dead- cnriir and at the sids ttld not return j of sientitie gntleiuii in jjvvjil liis orjyin timin pstw lh iv rgytrf t spfndmorab on i j nfr ai gu by fi o yj mbj rpfe0 yritmtava doatti everywhere such is th- clmraiterof j rome nwictdf r a large portion of r tixconsltiltionauty p i bv iynaiiiler s sucli isthmjkiraeterbfjnome swkt tloni- was jlayl by the j froinlio tojjoo bullets may is dihfrgcd i enpted at a m toiichinir atnli regular klavkity illuntraieif with kugravmgu th jipjsent tnost jwpular j band tli- assemblage dispryil ii rapid suecewion witleiu iiit- auimuiiianjf signai siiiiiiviis oiitheldnenhd coiincjrt- newspntpr litorthure tbata ndjonrnaf of j shouts for f cuba and lilyrtrfor quit- tjfon ihiiii snail rcvpuir of air by i mgav hetroit with tin- route for cleveland l hkk agrmtof the tnif wnlwiii book uperioftore aiid f inte1tetrial ntenfjhustj mant tr topetirkuvilrj tie 0vrrtti7rr ittaiiid bv a gut tapn dui jtut ports oil viuth ib- f lake kric li nofn sprwc nt nw york or to vithr languish or die for want of readers j a guero were repvitclly heard thev itul to th- muck of the guri ibc whole kvkning train postwar i i win harned ni hi john tt ut the following this work w ill iwsiit to orl r bvnpjiiyiug ibeyoing we have recently become ac- cd in landirig mn and munitioa of war liwell naleiilaul pially in rural dtrktmall station bik1 signal wt of univkrsalhimorsyof tho coloucb gaiatd with 3tvalarmingimple in pointr- thr xv-yr-k-pp- c thinlvppfvl tfim mrbau j and lnia hiu r by r r liiwif 0 37p l 0 50 botind l 1- 00 band on ihirit jll bn taken ijtrjrer7rrit3rc aibsrij iuivi rna x xnat3esi k

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