Voice of the Fugitive (Sandwich and Windsor, ON1851), August 13, 1851, p. 2

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ax v v v awl jdjl dwve ddombcnltonndhteeimgdiotifes i themselves to supportthe object with th lnrgo enough to contain tc people in at- 1 siyns set oppopito their respective names tendance fltbc paid in when called for to make pay there are many fuitlrful ministers of the tnent on the laiid gospel in this state avhj arc active in labor- rw rjarvis of goinnifnjs ohio 100 ing for the emancipation of the slave calkin- of south wilbraham mass 50 v4e0wffl sandwich canada west wrdrifsitayrlnsos i j 1w another gloriom anniversary the true friends of liberty met in sand- wiehrcanmlaa o t first d any i to celebrate the birth day of liberty to the ilrcy tfiousshd profi wrn gmlen of jtfcgrawvillc tfot n pow of fcrmin m t fugitives fram justice but from the ja l power do cruel injustice that the sun ever caw e p bnham do 10 z7inzittelujf5certiant ofjifxicalofl british soil hundreds of selfemancipated slavey with thousands of disenthralled freemen and free women united with us on that glad day in rejoi and rivin thank to god that the british government had abolished chattel si a very f all her dom a mad o h r territory an asylum for the hunted refugee from the united states l jo 4nost cruel injustice that the sun ever caw is p bnham do 10 a wt w fimu4abfifiner of wwtik f k-drr- ho three mifiionirand a half ohts inhabitants j alh do n- ramsdell do the tanctron of marriage by luw and the i sttijiheii shayv do privilege ofdicnnrtought to road rhrriioly j ii dursee do -7- scriptures for religious instruction a system m- ii- dursee do which has made all of the nomin free j do- tenothihgwthalrtin refugees from such bondage that it has j give lotf air oorrartho phm is ar- glavcs in canada the vat barrtcss erected duidflp thclart war at windsor canada west and whiii are rapidly falling to decay are scid to be rt ltvytsiroin the states nuiong whom tliere is much suffering fcrid poverty aatiotial ar tjuvweguppo tlio oofclr3ffpsic it -a-tortif- 10 10 10 i 5 free a sain j some fire or x years jigo mr johua zimmerman of boone county kv hruucht his favorite servant a boy named bill witil his famil j seven in number to obi hero heeettled them on a farm which he pur chased cirprepdy for their benefit a fey days bgommngdicphdidafs ttrrmhsftiir stirvimii j iirmrmbcr and among them some of the remainder of billys family epondent of that sheet who had viited the barraok says that the frf ities in cnnnda j vi0xidjiricavtftjlui4a4ji have not bettered theirjeondition in running j oestnikcli of the family which wiisgramd awav from tlaverv but the fact if he jjas tho furnlsfiing them with a pass to misrepre their condition at the jlar- racks there maybe some persons there who are sick and are f tirtcrinjtfrom disease j t 4butkawofiione who liavetlieirr health ow of protection to tho diltpriv of j4ames scott davis union theological m ernjnarv n y paid tan slave until tho canadian line n -r- 1 j blair mdwaukie itow blsoiiuta tixed teiiorthe ranged least shad an american is drawn between him and his pursuer at the present time there must be from thirty to thirlyfiv e t hounand refuses in canada whoso number is rapidly increasing and wilt continue to incrlase while slavery tinsts in the u s j and fitrengt h who do not earn from uoto 75 1 centb per day at common labor true their fhomes are not well furnished nor their tables tdsrftoiatlnvttjotn gi vc tbo entire proceedings of this interesting meeting tho meeting was graced by many of our litantivamongwhoiiitwas nditkhmwinrriv- w msun balston spa n y pjljtn conant of geneva illinois paid sefih w dopaid ijev a ii conant do paid eunice morse of trov michigan m c ilolscy do louis llariens lo gi o bountifully spread with variety yet we con 5 aider freedom sweeter with a crust of bread than slavery with all the food and elothin that the south can afford cross and tho farm horses and waion avhen they arrived at the enitof their jourmv theyv rote to their master tliat theatmophero ofuhro was more congenial to their tastes thanithoc k jlhjwdtild jjcndjarlliis avm it would be forthcoming b they res returning to his sorriee j returning to his service the bereaved jnother of one of the alxve j is now in a land of partial freedomand slie is anxious to tind her son whom she tuypl 10 10 bible for the refugees in canada several months ago we made an applica- 1 itlmmffli t irv eleven years old ifa fri of humanity the northern states the boy goes by the jjiame ufandrew jacksxjii and is now about to tho high sheriff of thtnronntv who opened the meeting by reading tho iidt and rceog- thoir arriva 1ero the find tjiemse in a htffingtu legalitiv se ktrtngtrhuidr lined ucatcd h uddressed the ineeting among whom w 1- ahnrrtelitound gom- p and josqili mason f ohio denis washinton j ntinghlioher and em- -f-slehikanotd-rotrmr-fhnith-nflllmnh- mul iu 5 id howrvr nr tn tfa- plmwf tomblv atplemlid jirous thevjinijaholibj sup t rr loitxlrwllo ingheret thej are emptmteally jcrv o w michigan i for our institute brethren in canada who and heathen from a christian land- r hdlard of clwater michigan w have not the wnns of supplvin- themselves jo by th laiiz of the united states see iiiil ix1 rl them fleeing frohi th hlavelmntor wh follows them to friw verge of lanua on e billiard of cj4water michigan ester moore of philudclphia pal io with the word of life r rrr zzt j jsomntiuie alter tvrriiiivedvisit frum all for ih convention v r calvin durfoc of bbstonafe who tho fohuwing nas should havc berii brough wit him a no of rec they would conft a great favor upon an anxious mother by conimunicatiflthtr suuo to tjie voice of the fugitiveat saudwicli canadatweitr r 7 mr jraelcmel auajjieiltaihecall -un-tlio-first-pegt- butr wis tappan k of new york the were accidentally omitted j object of his visit was to inform u3 ihzt dinner was served uj at liulfastono oclock having no mean to work withy or lamhtob ksnow k kirldand john j curv john llutiaiiks to whie thfneetin- adjourned for teffh- j work upoiv tliey must suffer for the neees- luents the exercises were cntinurd durinffj 0li wlicj u il u tl w toronto c w joliji t kimier isaac rroady xolchester nrrnrh we have much pleasure in announcing that my israel cammei has rtturnci from juest hadbwii gmntedby the american tll0 statos he has been cjieetinr jbiblc societynnd that thnbibh would i speedi hmtnvard oryd jo juojicyjnlallitthelia2ij traismit to ns a quantity of sabbath scikmj of aluhw uidthal he due muttieburg si loncs michigan tlus banks 5t catlicrines order a verv long procession was- formel lho frow of prejudice f an uncharitable reytjiinini wilson andnuttkcd through the streets withap- j w against mir nlirornee we ask not propriatc banners cra ddightiuijirass t tllt p f iduigtdin jdle- lndtotjie steamboat alliance which wflji c umt tlioy khould 1h- ciothedr f ttwahyeihwitelwhimstgwfr to aiidj thl ih suflturiutf until tlicv can cot emnlovmeuu ar juw i d whtrtritfcdthctrplejiratioir auihorstbnr- olsoutwhed out well jiun- j bt vi nbov0 1 a i c ilii funii t inan w fricinuulummanity in behalf at oiir wrlrw1imnhrrod jacket uniform wh i urtlitutl fl fftr hv ct reinc and tnrmtrntfirrit uainiltoii -th- mar lollloif a demct 1 w brooki v kooto t rrp beiihnih illinois injfly sucmssfvil in his liimjis having col- llecteit about 6o siacin t lie state of in about stio worth of ciiioiinganti several months liafc capsf we have grain from g i ass lake and livoiii-i-xiihigi- books with temperanee tracts e i j gave hiiiiadrst of what wgn led witli our j 5i nddress but this has been the hut of itp hot seoh or beard anything moce of jtlje also 108 p7eand a larg ikjv of elothin bibleirtvhftdi were promised us from solon western kicrvi ohio shall yc 7i lirive tlwn ix 1rir- r a 4nm4mili ymedy in in th hands l tltc wliittr tnrynmsievlsiisbind wtolia vo as john bull himself j made the iawsrwtncfi have driven us to this we cannotelosti otir remarks onuiis subl i jcct mjtlioutjcferringt a piecn wcb whs j hnjtrovc the moral mental socintand spoju by a htthi girlaloiit seven fefs tf ipll ondit ion ofji jiovertystrieken and age diuighfer of kirk jackson sbyas graded people like ours they limst lie sji- brought on the stand with other schliilhii- f jablo eiiijdoyineiit they- droivfio spoko several puc p7eij s to ipittniiniikwiivr tiiiv losimr ajidbu- c of the cclehration b rs ol tn0 soil on which was tastefully got ujvaiid highly ajjttjjliatv j fys tbis may- be cljected to the occasion and the spirit niidfoiwra with which itwas entered into by tpobttj eloquent licart who deliyerwl it woudj done honor to tho most polished- oratonlhftt ever graduatetl at college mi the meeting adjourned after adoptiij the ftdlowing resolution which was inovi ii ribb anilsveonded bv i modire 1 lleiolvvd tlint tho tliatiks of this iiitfttid be iuid arehereby tendered to the inhahbauts of sandwich fprhlie grifnrrrptrt whir4thy dletrrygarrit rtanforil john ai supper chathiiii jj wagner wisconsin r llrollins george syiii5t iowa ask in vain br the hnfyribtyas does the veiierty wider oi tfiaiiks to thosir persojw jviu have cotitributed so hor slave on tlvcl southern plantations will n r liberally towards tho improvement oi our iome one irom tho amernjan missionary 1 association in new york gtagain to tin race aj leriifiaiih asyluhi to conduct such persons ticonitho jtjiuoonf soil where the causeof efliicawnij jindusttjy and morality iiiay be foinited tpo frieiuls of hunianity in micbi- nii llnvejrganizetf a state society for the juirrmwe of ninkingj nn ertort at home and aiiroa to urciafi neres of canada i nd iin eoiincctimi with a previous organ ia- tioiffijt tnii snnfcqohject in sandwich five acres ijdwhch tlwty prttostttolt nsfllt rev mr neadham jaitus e grttnt grifliit m nfadham hi jay dawn institute george cnry peter smith tiioiikis heiisoll win a dave pehltsvlvania wmstili rcvargreen drm r delaney new york jiw-sairihu- amcrhiiii ribhvsxajoiy4nourmml4vrthe wo- al beg to state that mn iral l jmiiy us f perhaps is tu cd j tlipy iiavu forgyltva us cct money for the abiwe irititnthhu iiluii4abhv4diritiiiiee to t4tamij thomas green ruxton john ubank eider jacobs ahrahaui rroady wiudsor cidemair freeman jacob jonos peter iavnter sandwich gere williams wcden jidiuson lleiirv brent ii ribb auihorsthurg levi foster janics mntett lewis clark stephen myers george weire jun johnlylo connecticut ijev a g reman s aiafrieanus massaehusetts lewis ilavdcn srward milton clark new llainphire edward bracket win allen vermont j t halle v j ii taylor r maine t rlewts klrrt ljuirjflcjratn j shall we not be well represented in the rgrparnorthatiieruiii cotivention iirrol7r- ed people at toronto c w on th llth rikohge wjlijams alfuko kiuv trustees of jjidustiiaj lustituti n sandwi 11 aug 1 sol i2th arid 13th of september next it will j cukistiax asnkvky gowkstiov j doubtless betne of the largest ami most im w- call the jttcution of our radeis to th imrtanrconventiotis of colored inen thateverj r fl royn wlrich mavla ionyeueihuii tliu american continent and our people should be well representil from all parts of the united states- and canada ioii iii- i- i ii i v- a mjlsteriv reiortand wdl worthy ot tho meetings full be unindiatelv calledand dclecates appointed to attend it dont be 1mshi wlj0 l afraid of appointing too many but be sure to send us men of pood cojmjicinsensejt is not nccessrvthit thev should iielail-ora- scni ir another page in relation to th coiincuiou of th church- witli ijlavcrv call von tin national coxventiox tt toitoxro c w it will lieseeiithntttii have elianged flu- time of holding the con- havo shown us and ttio cause wiitclts trmmijscltlcj aiurto-fra- broight us togithcr and that we highlf av racfeirhrehwyfm y-dvivery-j- rrh44ivr luivrfreeman hevvihiokbkiss ipso i x preciate the blessings of liberty which freely enjoy here under the protection f tajis government x it wns them moved by hodge an njonded by rev air camel that the ceilings of this meeting bo published i voice of the fugitive with n rentes all p friendly to our cause neroui at cost and that onethird of nllinouey paid in iiirvaid jiul by settlers should bo uppro- iriaxil foilhe support of schools for their etliiltjrpn atid that the balance should be kejif it inticst in the bank for uip pnreliasr of more lariti for the auie object from time to tilna while slavery eists in the united stiitc j to copy it aid when the meeting adjnirji it adjourn to meet in maiden on tho ll diy of august 185 aaitlhlnvcry in illinois we havo just returned from wisconsin and illinois where we havo spent several vfocks in laboring for tho ndvancomont of our ejkuiie tiiul whcraavo should havircjnaind lnnertinvhad ib been consistent wil tors or pi nakerf everydelegutc j w ffil time ot liommg the con- shoiildjbirfiishedwittint least fifty cents i vetition it will take place two lays earlier by hiittomtpueiiti over anl above his ex- titan was specitird ino contribution r the itcfajee tho ltidres of whitestown new york j now and tnre honld bo no time lost in iorwardml twobarrftlsofel4ungt whic rallyiiigbrtteppwchmvcrrrvemion l w0 spoke in the voiieofjune jd rrrdrr llitrt jbiotrrwnrds rxpenses it may not coniht with a another important dttvsrlberliwasamtex w of tho sacrifices fothri own advancement it is manv iuille of k- wliieli we hij prtisesvto otttiiitleoiii the health of our family mrs7 ribbw i fis3 mugitopvrdnioiitlii7ny teneliiiig a school for the refugees ehiliin ijpsttodwich canada west kindly uijiur if w0 are asked wheto this land can be loiigl4 when the nionoy is raised who are the spervisers treasurers e we reply tho canada company oiler 700000 acres i x l ot hind in blocks containing tvoin j000 to 1000 ncre each- situated in the westffn district aijd scattered ots containing from 100 t 200 acres each gftutitcd in almost livery lowiiliiniuegaiwdawost x tliq iahovotand is located in the most we have just recivod them apparently mtahitranjccirirnl railroad line in good order but we have not yet had time jimipen tlieirt but shall soon do so and dis- 4wbttfethetthi icr thof to and fromeni sork and boston to -hi- vauljie for comfort speeil t i rei certainly no lino in- the received uho- hi iv approve of the calling of sucli a convntioii from the cayuga chief c c hi klfigh by w bfnuay charles c rnrleigh- tln ectentric and j r took thosrfporvision of oiir biisiiress in i- j oithor ido iitv lastirijr n navigable waters iicction with hex school during our abmf jthe elimnthis as uuluaudwugouhujo thit which was more than she could aecompuih and was doubtless one cause of her illness she was for several days after our arrival confined to her bed with scorching feyor which is broken thank heaven and she is now convalescent this must bo our njkuogy to oir raein frieifds fvr our not teihgvitif llfem on tlie o aug to tnkeiitfin their celebnr- tion and also for the apparent inattention which tehfrra nn hnsioes lintn iteeiveilfrini t 1i fnnadn iiiaiah hns oe dawn the physiciil and intellectual development of the african race ns a part of alissiuri ohio miihijfnn wisconsin or new york thefollowihg are the otlicers and btard oft fust ia michigan n- stone of letroit president ij power of fannington aiee-presi- dentt 1fc titjetufttnrotparrrimgm leoilce i lallnrk of detroit treasurer ac was si 75- dravaic 25c entrance if i i o h j i h i i i i cnarjes i luineig i- tin eccentric and ii tuc nrijajjt cniraiiu jc i united statt which has ever been able to ami ririiirti diiun iiisindwich ic liinr 1 jo 7 elooueiit atiotitiontst is- briilher to william ana i ariage nown tortanuwicn o leaving jjj guc gtftral iatistaetion to the publn a balanee of 50c out of the 13 anvthiiur this iiuiirfuii directed as this lot was wilt be likely to come safe i at pfoseiit there is no necessity for con iribiitions of clothing ah who havo their iiie sj lumthb at this sewon of the year can get protif steambjitsi flower itlantic and abmg-if- theyivillwttrkand there-is- work j ocmji on l e lirie are the tited stafwi iiuqughloiedaue ii ihd geo rnrleigh the celebrated 4oets rav convryed passenycrs so l j a n m mt comeouter ii non- cheaply vrtlut f hitting them on boa ofj t0 nidicai a splendid wliolar ob bmkeniwii halfrotten lats on which airotthand orator lie is nut so genial as is selhiig iroin l2 to jier acre t the land is rich aiidjjouerallv wul stocked with valuable tiiiiber it is surnoinded on who are sick need medical aidumd nourish- nients on- no person eafee safe in an ordiiiary storm j jarrli buthas nioiv force not so bitter eirl the sploiid fastfimniug and storm- as pillshuryrbut his severity lias a ksnr elge and cuts dever- less eioquent than phillips ihit more lsocaftlmn he not so h4inei4 lin h is a l thrtifigrnfeh smickrcmr at a lieattana conic uhiie paitavingelwt7r won is of fire there is thunder and light ning in his logic and the concussion- as wo wnildv respectfully recommend our i friends and all who travel by public convey i ance from the cast ambwest who count life 4l w- 1 wi t ooiiclumim is rrriswible gh tiik potato kot mr nathan wiaowj time or property dea to risk it n this ife iririunent ar0 n betinsilled with gauze or writes in tho portland advertiser that he wwspcrtardt speedy line in prefcreiu to j si 1 it is pure gold that glitters eonviikv1 froin fairful observation that the any other oajhwroufe ij bis sh you lookin vain for the potntokot is produced by swarms of insects iji f j dou nifined of iions anil afftflv us from various sections of the country the friends of liberty in illinois are re organizing and making a vigoronscflfbrtrto advance the causo of freedom by holding conventions mass meetings and sending forth lecturers through all parts of the state we have just returned from a 8erie8lfanti sidentj george williams of sandvvich vice pre- sidrrit feeding upon the vines and thaftheus ofj wcf eani from nearly all parts of this j t with whj litniry dandies pcrnuno inie will be an rtlvtual rcinodr- as is con- county that tljerops were never better j tm p there is a smell of gun- ended by mr klaiuleis who claims to have han they arjae present season as the powder in the atmosphere and a migbtv nade thro discovery and who is an applicant harvest- js notvjhalf over there is little fear rlirtteriir offline when he lnls his gun tor the prciiuum otlcrei by tho 1gblatiiro 0 rirtuabtv dei-robsin- of ihis states sakm server 7t 7 rt a crowd 11is arguments are forcible- j his appeals patheti his lang c l liave ctretuliy rwrtlietopitiicins i i3t r iirvn of pittsburgh pa whn he follows an opjwithuit in debate h trrni the best agriculturist tlmmgh our o- ilir quiiin and kov 1 caiiiplwl of nt tn nntiigr and follows his tngrn rravrrrr i i -is- t i i i ins gossamer is swept bv the wind ho t and wo believe that they all igrce that ki wvk ia e bad the plunrlienmt t rm at t door of henry bibb of saudwich secretary henry -brenfftfeasitwr- the jauso is gloriously going on whof ngnctdturnl friends to commence sprink- j t j may i- een selling wherever lime or stnmig ashes have kvn te lattcrgcntlomaii preach iusantlwich lar jie biiildiigwhjro tho convciitiii i uciik sprinklediivffht vines it has prevyntejvli- his suljcvt was to show the ex- j one minute and the next minute he may the potato nm t wo would advise istence of a glhis nierov a kin se oil tic jhitfonh addnsing an luravictdtunl friends to commence sprink- towards his creatures and of their obligation l nnnvt wtlio eafr in th- fffl- i r p i- i- i iorvor the sribmag of-ti- rcjiortrs nt else will take stock in this bank ot charity jl on tl slacked lima copiously where j to worship ayd serve him the subject was je jeaksright on as tiiangh lsverymprmprwrpoxrivcr wrrcw wcl tteifoltowing rpo5trtxve tekpient4vvinti hf fltl im ttamt

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