Chronicle & Gazette (Kingston, ON1835), April 21, 1841, p. 3

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ii in i 114 l a till 1111 il itu i rii i 1 jtatari nvmrsj iji fa wh log ihsl p lltl- tit itll f if ltrf- ami iiw rl lr uj im him ft ill lu fw j iff j nrk ii tpf mf fli44fiiiioiir har- vrrnl jtw mm bcftl free utmlf lo wf vurnl amu irv nml ihe jflervnl rvamcm have taken up their respective ntttfsj oh the hike ami rivet the fit teorge m this piwt nn sunday evening and un comroo uvk ionic mondav evening both for toronto fltf llwliillu i m well proceeded to im kcvivuimi landing tysnessfaav inorntnf t4e romvtih yryimvrs tlie con- tnrl fitr ranyiiif the mil lit water from jjiekennn landing t tormti omimcn red ycdvrday the nml bnais during the 3wo will leave kniou even evening at ytak fur toronto and arrive here frotn thence at oclock am monday excepted cabin pasag 30 the mail ricamrrs for duvnon land ing wiltl leave khkgfltofl every morning at nine oclock and arrive hcv frn ttcncc every evening at oclock mondays ex- t cabin asagc 25 the roy of quiflfe the kington captain h in j- tnion cap- lain dronmond will uave lh place every alternate dry for lite various prt on tbe bay of qmnie sunday execpteo ai hin uelo k a m and return evert eve ning at i oclock the rideau company will hive a sica ti er arrive and depart at anj from this port every day during the acaton performing i he distance from montreal to kmtoa in 5 day mcvr hooker e henderson ami h 6 s jones will aro have a daily lire on tho same route as well a mrstes sander son it murray om of whoe boats will be piopeled on the jricon principle the a will ply during the veason between prescoll and quecmton tourhing at the various port performing ihc trip in a week and aftufdmg a pleasant inoje uf travelling in perrons not in a hurry the hon john hamilton h about pla citt- a daily boat between kingston and qflkgft by which route the traveller irlll be emlm to rrarh n vork fnmn thb place in j hour i nn cpc040il m xlvnltlrk hh imhihivsr auction 8alk 7w or arw ffl ivivf otfwi i rt v mm o cuimns it haines c7n frijoy 7a 3lt 1841 ao oaw rnr yrttisdy ut 1 1 ivora 1 rura rjou 4 fo contmuc nfjf ac wloeofarrr pntotr siotku tfitppitilof collins ft haines tato fa the information of thoo who ore not cr- opninted with tho fact thai ilteir reason for thus dting offal auction their mock with out reserve is that they ore leaving their present hntmest for another as tec advcr- iiertem in another column it would f a1not impombto and alto gether unneceesary for them to enumerate nil iho articles comprise their very large and valuable ttrxk in tiaik tiicy deem it sufficient lo ay that it pre- seals a great variety ami with tho addition of several conignmentsi altoecther presenui an aisortmeni well wort by tho attenuon of mcrchanu nnj tlsc public generally hi following articles arc merely enumerated as a sort of guide lo intending purchaser any person desirous of aceing them previa cm to lb alc are invited to do ao igo lbs cotton dalln 00 lbs linen threads 1 50 do 200 yds best spol cotton 200 muiin and cambric dr w we tirri inrf tt t norltcorj lij s jfp- mn it kf mooticj ff kinttiod aui ia ami of auy soacofifcc lor cimdanrcn rccfld racn tffaei ihil un lufrlknry dxl not imol u mtkc kmg iwb frrmifitnt kusvaccihit t it eoturirt ilia lordltp m1d rvlr n lo mwtresj iwtlimutjon lu pnaypgs l w g of p4riurttit iv air hippy to tc h m r t utf ihjl ihcre b no truth nkitcrcr i thit ns bmb conine oiit ruji p t csnii j ihc sau of niw york il be oprwj on ssatrto ri u hli lu4 tv hai cn will not uopn fu oic pr- v4ci t n4tj4 uali itait lut ritj of iht frjt vore burning oa tat fantitr on saturday night bi the 10th ina the floihiectfttjcelnn opposite clifton home hotel at the rails of xiarara was burned bv an incendiary- the hou had been leaied the day previous f a term of fivt year tbe rnam iitj nm m xwl in- mi i iwt umt it wio 4jcupiii ln a iinih pfeviaurly tbe whole was tbe nroperty of captain cnrighton now nretdent m tor- onio who having been unable to effect any insurance thereon ihlh suffers a iot of bc- ueecn c and 700 thi gentlemans darns stables and outhouse on the amo property were also tiumed by an incendiary ii september is3 iaulot we are glad i lie awc tit announce thai ettcient prcparauon have been made for romplelng the erie and ontario railroad from chippaua to ticion ami ibai the work will be immediaiely ecwnmencei and vigorously proocculed tho lumber irsiii red has been contracted for and the greater poruon of it delivered and intelligence has been received from england of the ship ment of the iron which is by this lime half way acrora ihc atlantic niagara chroni cle we rcjnel to announce ihc dralh al cal- cntu of col hthicr io tvrll known snj tial- tcnstly iiji- iv in ihil prorincc while civil sccrrujy and aid4ruimp to lieut cover nor sir peregrine 3lsilant cnlonrl jlillier was inlht6jnd ftejl but at the time of bit deceau on ihc sljffof tno comtdlftdcr of lb forces in india com herald ciufoai in afftfiinistan it i usual fee men to tell their wives but they consider ha dnsifu disgrace to ncfl tbcif dogs with us it is just ihe reverse custom in the lane of wise men and tho dea of foow- ibcighlo herald m did you holler 1 i thought i hearn yell says miss manineau but she never mieam two hu mired ihousanj whigs til veiling fat office at one time such hoi lenn never was hcarn before hart ford times a ourebti wmkmlwjrifam puitin crack eonr bme which should be unuacked into the waicr saiurale the ivaier with muriate of loda common sail thu wt m0 a whiieccaah that wdl not rub off nor net it very lasting the following toast w lately given at t lebratonin mdwaokie wikwo ten lory the banks of wuconsin the motbtar lanh tne more they are broken ifif better dividends they pay u births fit hmiiff in joia in mr kwaasr of a in iht tn moljmjaa hnkfra- mlo bmtuiktftiiet died m ihii 1 ix aoratp lodr tciflj rrqvth4 u lurrf 50 50 lw 100 30 50 100 30 50 1 00 1000 15 70 1ch0 tso a 100 100 20 wo 200 r esses ps 44 line irish linens bleached cottons factory cottons moekinvk duflaln cfotlis w zebra striped and check 44 satin faresliiped nfoeshins apron chceki and gingtiams shirting slripeso- chainbray i auorted calicoes thibel silk filled vented shis silk gauze u cotton hanjkercbicfs p fine black bombazine plain and figured grotdc xap3es vds plain and 6gured persians black silk serge p red yellow white and green flannel large lot of ribbons ends broad cloth t st cassiroeres rich voting dox pairs prunella booia ft sbnos iba coiion yarn doz wadding 4k straw bonnets 20 lbs candlemck 500 lb bailing 15 brown anj green paratolff also ymbcellaa sewing silk twt buttons cotion silk and woollen hosiery stlk cotton and kid gtovea stocks moccasins counterpane quills and large variety too numerous to mention g ajm ai ion mu qft f net jirjriiv rf jks rvat- knshfs qobkc6lj april i8h otic k cuiiiralmn of public unrka nod other peroii in wuni ut artificers or lalturcr are rvouonlvd i irnirnl lo thin oaift a nultmrm of thi number quired the mtnt of svsunns lu u paid prolioblo xthj wanted with pneea r provirjon and iihii1 lerrm of uoardng and lodging mi live vicinity also pvrsm kv ng land or farms f snle are tufofin d that tliey may transmit to this utr foril free intmi and mfucmalion of kmiranta arriviuc from hie umicd kiitpbni tlwparii- colsm of aiieh lnnds or farm it i- rciiies- ted the description may be as artcu1ar as possible and if in prim lie mure desirable with name ftftho post olkce and place if landitif a c bcchanan silol clmf agnl koffck public meeting of the kio- atoiv total aotrimcxtk socit- rr will be held m icear street chapl on friday evening next tho c3d instant when several adretaoe will be delivered the chair to be taken at halfpast icen o clock preciselr alexr macalister seey pru tem kindlon 20th april m to let 1or on of imnv vears a jt s two torr stone house in the village ill waterloo iviih stable and other ouhnue containing an can be given and an excellent garden acre ofgroundp possession on 1st afay apply to albert mcmichael waterloo 20lh april isil 84 the steam boat kingston capt harrison will commence her regular tripi on thursday next the 2m inst between kingston and the head of ibe bay of juinlc as follows v i ftft fc leaves kingnon on tucsdaya thursday flod satucdajf at 9 oclock a m downwards leaves the river trent on mondays wednesday and friday j touching at am bers island and tbe intermediate placet on her way up and down kingston slst april 1841 8g published bv ordkr of the m vy- ob and common council of the town op kingston the treasurer of the town of kings ton in account carnal vrith the common roimfil for the ha year rntjin 5th hirefe uru sep g ism dr to balafc from last hafyrirt ace omit t m bunc in full of last ycaii tsxes t t an account of this veajs oat imij amount of note no c cash received on account of ivtubdorinelasl hstfycsr fjocecos of market toxtf caih received far carters li cences cash received foi tbrstrlcsl licences ch rtccired for fines u cash received for sale of llos itfipsundec caw received from mrs cas- sady for makins drain ch received from matthew fuurk for making jiain cask received iron j hakes jot fcouuc on drain union union union union is an cxprtjwe word and convey to the coinj happy wocialiont foituor is aref- sed of bcin hckle wc deny the asumitioft n ihejoodold dime has altvats been coituitem in one teiuect and that her fi vers have always been wiibbeld vrbeft union exists n0t sylvcsur ftho continues to follow it the triin of be kind old lady who has adopted bins htr fvote son fcai had su5tcd to him thai it is due lo the public who have so well pa- itomisd him to afford tbctn sn opportunity to relricv ill the lots they kave sutlslnvd and to remedy all tie inconveniencts thr sip kill iofceel to arisin- fiom tbe inspeoiion south and wrmj and uie contequeal eijnjiej stats of tbe curreicj eke to cairy out these entarpd views thcrcfive s j sylvester has resolved to o on wilb the union lottery already so erlcbritrd for mf- -di- lapftw win tiiiu rtaann all idi j may advrntare in them be t ihrit lore knotvu tbsl in ibc month or may will be drawn i union lottery class no 3- capital tkutth ic air union loiiery class no i ttirct prises erf 525000 each being s50ux ic a so virsjiijia welubtir lottery ci its efive i ii pnfs of 10000 each mill to 50 004 fee tc mrginia mononeaiia lotlety clas h csoitsl huooi ic c vircma lersburr lottery cuss c capi- lalattnljm-is- all of wkfek are cfmladf suhiaiued to the edie with advice to correspondenu hut thv nolifnt in forwarding ibcir orders lo i3 broadway vfhirh they may pal umifsl will be fiihfijy ami promptly attended to hy the old established and iodrfmiable s j sylvester no 130 broadway 4i wsll st k y miit id m third 1 vallaiilk liih rok salgi isrfh bon j lot no m in tho m m ifcn towias me tytiiniis t in v r n iinvi irene- ndly lsro wsi aa hlfkihis9nil aiill containing iw aeersr joof which om undrr rotlivritu iwlm m miersccied by ttn snlrnim jivvr hiihi rtinws into uie boy f jutfitr m mliamiiivili distant 0 muct and hii4 ural rata vtasur privileges the xtwltft lai bem m active ojhfaiion fur the lm l0 yvarn ua unfivlunntety cniriij isvatf l iji yaxv aood the dam is comparatively new aiid in vhi condtixm nnd frurt a pond cajmtr of romltistlm 4000 saw ls there it abundance of water t supply do oacf vrut mtlhat mil at cfiitnsr uminf moras there nre no other tuli w- within 8 mileo the property m mtuated in the heart of a thickly eltlvd and flwunsbinj ountry and altoals npioruuity tn any nerni whin to com mence a country bun in s in a favourable lor ably in the imniihate eeighborhocul of ihe mdl site there i plmndance of choice building titnc uim hie prcmres there is a frame dellin hme conslinf of four roum rn i a kilrhen with a ood cellar a new frame barn 30 by m fret store houe work shop and a blakmitlt shop dis- tant from bellcviue j unles from shanon- villc dmdes fom nafjnec ii and from kington 3 miles for further panirotars apply lo thomas ramav bj- naponrv or to the suwri- lcr on he premise don murchison tyendenaga aped x imi- 3ii agricultural soolettj al d thetvenceal anrval meeting ofihe arricultueat sniety of the midland district foe the ejecue of officers to serve during the cuiog year and for thclransac- tionof general hwneas will beheld at the court house kinesiononihe first day of the april sessioos i m twesday the 27th inrt a noon t a corbetl rce secretory kingston april 20th iml di notice willbesold at tuhlic auction on the loih day w june next at 13 oclock noofl if not previously sold by pri vate sale lots nc3l and 316 on crave slfeei known as the kinjrfon ganaw foi term apply to john kingston 12th april rtforsith imi 83 lottery f alcxaadns va fmiy 1mi75 101 1 34 3 7 ioj s63 500 s 0 v 143 10 181 19 9 1 56 0 0 n id 0 4 0 9 25 s 7 40 c 0 60 0 0 8 5 0 virginia vvell6bukg for 1811 to he drawn al on saturday the hi day numbtjs 11 drawn saltots splendid scheme i of 10000 t ef ol 1 of awmiftg0o i of ftol0i 1 1 of si0o0oj 4 of 5ooj 0 2150 1 25 of 1000 1 n 5uu eehf jo of 300 40 of iv 50 of sdbl 7of iso itwof joofcic 7ia lucwtarr a etrtificateofalatkaii of i5 tickets will ke sent foe jljoshsres in proportion virginia monongalia lotterv cu k for 1611 to he drawn st alx- andiia vs on saiuiday the dtli day of may i41 75 numbctt s drawn ballots grnd schemki i3m0oi 15000 10000 5000 4000 l ooof 2m 200 50 of l 2 of o50200of 100 tc w tumttt onfy 10 a cetliftcste of a fackatct of 25 ttcfceta will be scot foi 9130skues in proportion t he steward of v socuty of kir4 iliat the list tifsiibseriln laleytf on the 23rd lie st gcorceh n give notice for the dinner at for signature with mrjenkm- messrs tiekei of the dmm be procured only from m mucuerttfi snt jenfjemen ob- iain their tiekeu before thursday noon- satunlay aphl i7lh wanttw- person of resjibditv a adua- in a flouring crisi mill as overseer or head miller application lo be disj w chron ot cave tie osco kinettonjapeil 7lklhi s3ii by a tmn ibb9 cr by cuh vaid for flagging and mscaiamizins the streets of tike town doting tbe uat half year a9 13 1 cash paid lo retire note no 100 0 0 cashpsiiifbrinsjsdlnsutmrct on bond to commercial bsnk 100 0 0 cash paid for interest on do 6 0 0 caahpiidfordiscoonlonnots 7 7 ii cash paid to retite a promts- spry note drawn by trotters of market reserve payable te hon john macaulaj and s- ii mi y ibe corporation 136 0 0 cash paid for balance of iats real on do 1 16 0 caah paid foe lit instalment of porchsse money of lot lef- tsr i in tbe market place 47 0 0 n cb paid on accountof sala ris for 1840 229 17 6 caskpatdfor tapenscsof fitt company 30 19 21 cath paid for printinj 25 i t casbpaidfornc hayacales 35 0 0 cah paid to w kiibora lor sarvcylns so 17 7 cttfcpaid to j rolmmoa ac count of premiums aod vt- re for loipoondin bon 65 10 cash paid for balsoce of rcnl of common council osace 19 11 ctfip for prviaiisms for vraftt a tim 22 4 cash paid fbr sundries as per ststement snaexed 19 17 4 pereotanatspereent on 166010 6 waif amount of receipts daring put year 49 16 7 h huh 00 hajitf ibli jay tith march 40 10 11 union lottery class 3 for 1sii to be positively drawn ia the city of alex andra dc on salurday the i5tb day of may by aalbomy of law for internal improve ment ia axandria 0 c stale treasury debfraro college and common schools in iks slat of drsivateufnl mamifaclutei in the stau ofsolh carolina tumfli and iulyk monument in the city of savannah and slale of georgia and public fasiiteiioni in lbs stale of louiiho and kaolueky tsnumwrs 13 drawn upja crand scheme 0000 20000 100001 2of5j00 24t7 50 of 1000 50 of 300 50 of 250 65 of 2001 65 of 150 1 65 of 100 kc hcmf toeuitrs a eertinte of a pat bse of 06 tickets will be wot for 130 shares in proportion virginia leesburg lottery data c for 1s1l to be drawn at alexandria va u 75numorril2 on ssturdsmiys drawn ballots grand capitals 535295 1 10000 5000 4000 f 3500 1 3 035 300 40 of 1j00 50 of 2o01 60 of63ofl30 3o00 ice 7dcets 10 jotan a ceriifieat of a packss of 25 tickcu will be seat lor 130 share in proportion provincial ro walk at kingston- fially to infiieiti wefebantsotvnerl ier of vessel- ibat afier tsc fir- hi ensuing lie will be prepared to e 3nv onler with tvfiieh he may he favot th stork will cofit of the iet of rowfois and the rnpc walk havnleen nfithened heivdlbe eitablcl to manufarif ripes and cordage nf all descriptions ai f an required lenptb and dimmsinn john murrlts ktartonj i6th april 181 sw new wnolestile conimclon c axo auctionxc rjng cstabli 5ment ollixs ha1ncs hereby act- nounce io their friends and ho public generally that ifctj have com mended in the above line ami are prepared u receive cotisinmrm and 0ci as apiot their store houaci nmv ia cours- im will be ijree commodious ani op un j r lottery claas 4 for 1s41 to ba drawn st alexandria d c on saturday mai 14k by aalhortly of law to 76 ninnbrrs 12 drawn uallou grand capitals 3 of 25000 3000 20ft 100 of ia 10 of 500 20of300 5 of 1001 eke jldatt ony s 10 shares in proportion a cerli6cala of a packxee of 25 wholes in thii graad scheme will be sent for 130 liaises and quarter ia proportion james j fcopteo 5ib march iwi xi889 3 2 iukbowes jveorurrr sr wanted a young man a situation oa clerk in a dry goods store or as book kceper in a counting house reft reflect i to cbaracier and capacity given apply to h l at ibis office chron gaz otileo kinpuwt jan 30 iml j 5suw f erec accure it is situated water street ophjte lo messrs vm dickenson cos hontcrd ing ei4tuaent and a few donn south of mr jno- jvea ship caanettcn store from their well known characters and bu siness habits together with ibcirloig stand ing in the tovn coluxs fc harsm hope to obtain a continuance of that fwoc and supporl which thev have hithcrlo enjoyed as ana m he dry goods lusinesa they also embrace rhia opportunity of ex eressine ihetr gratitude to thoac friends who ave up lo tbe present time so hbcajiy sun- ported them f t i i- i am allowed to give the namea of ibe following gentlemen as referee whose well known respectability will they have no doubt prove bfhly sa tisfactory john counter esq douglas prvnlisa e richard scobcileq william wiuon ek edward h hardy esq messrs joh mowat it co vance boswell esq cobourg thos d harris esq toronto otsian phelp r l cstharinea abcham tmax roehecf js isaac oswego edwin clark n ogdenbwj george samlemon esq brockvdtc messes rool armouc co montreal mesar rosier k co monica y scoit tyre b co n b c 6 h beg to remind iheir friends that although their own sinrf not quite finished they are now rewy r ceive consignment act aa agenui other wise fulfil the duties of thai r new ctlline having in tho meantime peocorct store room in other premises kingston april 12th t4k c kidgtiont salk uk motskkolu fchniturf rwiu uk sold by auction at the re- x rfjewsi of ibe isie mr joseph wilson em roiittilsym j2nrf fiwfw the wholoofbi- household furni ture rasmitfqr 1 drawing room voire to we olsck wsiith i dlnrk walnulra 12 do do chairs hair eeatu i drawing room carpet imperial 3 do do chinlx cnrtsins 1 set of war walnut dining tables with ends 1 small do table 12 rush bottom ch sirs 1 side board i lining r- carpet imperial 1 stove and pipes 1 largo i i glnsa liquor siaml cut wmo decontens quarts and pinl cut tumbters nd wise glaaoes a blue dining service ofo rooms i blark walnut betulcod with moreen curtains complete 2 ueddtvods i feaiher n- r j a complete arsortment of bed linen svc and brd room carpets j black walnut wnahstand with utensils 1 do do 1 bldck walnut cheat of drawers toilet table and looking gla 1 black wanui nighi stool comnleto- plated candieaucks snuuera and tray fruit basket cruet stand and bottle aliues 3cc and china ornaments mcmtwi conking stove with boiler and utensils pols kettles pns ruaster tuss c set of dish covers knives and forks table with drawers with a variety of oilier useful furrurc vfso about 60 gallons each of good port and sherry wine sale to commence at 11 oclock jlinton atficll kindlon april uth ib4l kccflojrsxcfs or spring uooils t the nev wsrehousu of wdlbm wilson in brockstreet on tuesday tlie 4th day may next ami following days 10 coses of gosamer and beaver hots christys make 5 assorted straw bonnet newest sie 2 printed mushns and huslm thtm cotton hoac and half boas white and colored berfin gloves white and cejortd white and colored silk 1 cotton i j i kd habiuasiortcd awortetl ftatris muhins i f jaceo- noli cheek book fit swift crfet shoes men wo- tv i and childrens brown hollands 34 44 pieaclicd linen sheeting t04 wide braces snj pins fegatla and while cotton shirts song stripe gotten shirta 11 ased linen thread wtto bruhn black and dmb white cot ions while and colored rollm jacconctu plain and twilled schvias black and colored velvets and velvcuccfis summer cambtetteens ditto voting trunk of muthn collars nnd caps needle work and tambord laces quillings blonds i t 1 i i l i i i s l 3 1 i ii j it a l and colored spool 1 m rllfou aborted 1 iron auortc danunnaa nd india gauie and for summce 10 10 13 5 i it ss it clvtln silk sil 1 i ladies silk handkerchiefs 5 fncy goods wear f colored and while lonjon made stays 8 bate of auoited moleskins and bafragans fney summer drills while and brown linen printed and plain jeans and jeanela auw summer prints ffld ry cottons from co to 40 inch 54 cotton sheeting steam and power loorr cotions- otton bed tick 34 fr m wide- superfine broad a hi ried colon cawlmerci and tweeds ruvoeted col an 44 brown linen sheeting 54 brown twitled raging bleach canvas assorted nun- bees improved canvas for tai lors red bunting hir bleached duekt no 4 datnatf and table li new hdckabicks and diapers aberdeen socks 1 case of triah linen superior make wilri a great variety of small wares also 7 hhds cognac brandy 10 hollands gin 5 quarter casks poet wine 2hbdf of sherry and a few casks of coiftrnoei wines doz in- i fainted teaa- blue printed teaa with handles printed and painted bowlt aasoe ted size printed ard pairted jogs assorted assorted pistes edged and blue large aortment of dishes teapot wanted at gd each 20000s f- eodpfrnm tliesulenjer ature nt whlemo pnivst and ihe luglieat cash prices for sll other fur skins r m- l kinfjul april fitb 1841 greene rfja- ou con 4 4 id v u 8 6 7 b 9 10 ii 13 13 u land tax 9av ivednnday n thirteenth i nr it y of oeto- iii wilt h told si lh couft llonar in tho tovrn of kinffrton purau- asttothr mtmf whcieojxe ivnj th witltani iv the following uu of land in ar- rrais foe tsses vis etoi- am towanrir or kikcaron et illfi4 31 eaatllalfef and lol 41 30 32 sad 33 1370 towmiurs o pittssvocri notlh wert k 5hhh et p4t rf 17 wt italfof 1 and esihalfofjll 11 t6l7is25s3t writ half ami 0its cut ejfiailer nf 2 16 10 and 35 14 5 35 3nnl37 w1 half of c 23 3f and w 13 11127 36 ewlhatfoflj and prt nf 35 fciiff its and3ll i7m 33 sad 41 smth halfof13ri north hlfnf msjlklll 14 i 1 1830 32 m 35 37 l 13 is k n idinro 47 9 hi 1 2571011 13 14 15 17 is 2 n and 5 134 9 19j23 24c9 3 wru tut nf i kail part of 14 and k lalf of c 1 4 5 7 10 aod north part m 26 13500 towsujpor loecnaoaoioif ia and l 2 snd wrsthtfof t 19 21 n partofls ifilansism 2 11 13 21 5 2fi and e half 20 135ic13 i7l5sri5 5315 towfiinrr poaicaao 15 4 14 e half of 2 w half or 3 e kail ft 13 14 15 23ssi0ewflwk isswai w half of fl and f half of 10 3 8 si 0 11 15 17 and h halfolc 5 9 10 12 14 18 2122 e half of 1 5 and w hslfof 10 i 3 5c 10 14 15 3 and 25 479 1215 16 05 vy half of 10 w half of 14 mskmj6 and 7 4 57 10 13 15 1821 2 2728 2 14501 townsmif or bcnroito 4 and nait of 1 the irarokst fc ciieapi w ifiburr cr rfa f i f a t 1 iknicts aw lufaiffro ft pwie fjsssasrljsa in rue comprising tusvtv dtnidi duvi t various fairy msnufjcture tho lateal alytes in euibrouerod india nd bnrdereil thiut thasvu sc nhaul ifqntllif m0utl e i lvtat i jtf ctt cussorrc otrlflrts umj wattrpkoo deaver hats white and black do for general uir n tptces mens nd lioea chilli cap fihiart and naval do jie 4 11 12 14 13 1 part of 1 eait half of 20 521 and e half of 13 2 and 5 broken lota is and 2c tcnsntslfu or htncifiasooii u 1 1638 2w 11 1 ft 5 towminipor kktcacc 26 and w half is 7 and 15 9 14 16 sad ivhafftf s to and 12 10 1 10 tovrnik if o o un li 2 6 i s 1 1 i a ii 100 h 75 50 100 a creamers and sugar basins a few dinner seta also breakfast and evening china bete ttftmt under jc25 cash miojc50 tun months 50 va 100 four monti over jcloo one half in three and half in six months r mcn oat at iloclocx a if jllntorvabtic m kingkn i6ih jlpr1 hl i h 3 5 6 7 i 3 4 5 6 7 h 10 ii 4 5 6 7 9 10 7k9 i 14 16 29 and weal half 17 4 6 towramr or oloe 10 7 and 8 13 an i west half 6 4 9 12 and west half 17 id 90 i twmiitr f t uhhalfof6 t5 is and uvuhilfof 1 21 22 and 29 30 25 and weal half tf 4 tffrtkn van of 3 vvesl pari of c towshiror paxmaatroa 29 5 and eait part 19 19 10 and 21 13 d l ituaolaslso 2000 orv nerw rjpsj biarv ed out and reods fur sate at hit fa 4 co spacious new wholeaale ij retail u cqrmia or kim a sroac ssncct binostotf tyterm cusaonfy nitrf no jvjce apol 1841 l ok sale oil to lkt a ihe first nf slav nl awiifllf sale rtorb nude f u pf furmrrly the restotoee of time fsrkn u eiq one of ihe best ctt siatds trail town for particulars npplj at this oltie chronics caaeite office j kingston merch 3j itrtl i h 4t w kowsell stationcrcev dooksellc or tonofttq eg to inform tbe inlabitants pfjhfog ion lhal they baw taken the pren- sea in broekstrect laiely occupied ly m s mrcoivan grocer where ss itmuj t ihe navigation opens they will rmivt large and sveaoioncdiuek of accoln books and writing paper nf ever description plain and fancy sta tionery 1 a great variety of bkglisi workson tho aml the tttfuei vessel from enanlanj during iltesessor they will be in recejp of fresh ecpplies cn from the sdvantaee they possets from thei ecnnexionviib the old clablhed ffa samuel rowacll sonsutiooerand ar count book manuraciureft 31 cferaptik london eujland from whom they imp-w- uieir coodsjlhey believe that ts refanjs nw ty quality and cheapnessr their stock wtl t found equal loaoy in causd n b orders received foe books or a other articles connected wiih their buines 0 aasaiilriirsiit mipso lrietr ormal hero during the present ye- order rhoutd he urn csrlv in juoe bookbinding in a hi tranches usfth 25 1841 tc t ship blocks amd pumps he subeeribcr legs im to infbfiv tlte puuic that be has rnmencrte u- i- ii the abore line at nl r carta right l wharf where he will supply i who toay favor him with their cuftnco with any qujri uty and aiao of ship biofki deoo yrr ffoopi h hontsptk ev eke acsnfc pump for well and ves sels all wnrranied goodwand wdl ba sold oi moderate price oxlera ttinkfuly received and punctu ally attended to alex- skinner kinpton 2wi match 181 7fe piano fokteb tuned repatbeo lex smith piaraofortemak er of toronto he to acouai of kingston 226 19an4 29hroken 3 tovwhir o cmtnty 45 4 e half ix yf- half 4 e half 36 w half 3se half 33 26 and rear part of 7 sefrandlj 7 4 7 e half 3 and r kak 00 33s cqiistire iftwidu 18 1114 16 n 39 40 41 and e half 17 33u43l3and46 it 16 47 4 and h 39 40 43 45 and 4 8060 towmhtror skcrnclo 1 7 fast half 12 w half 16 rear half 20 13 900 towysm or ftchmoxn fast half 4 28 5 1 and 17 10 16 e half 16 s half 14 150 towmhtr or fatroeaicii cacti e quartet 21 28 1 1 and 13 an gore shcriits omce ri i april we5taairi7 ij90 a- mcdonell sheriff m d kinrlon 1841 f 83i to let f mhe extensive brick wotsac nd stora m covered wilh tin situated corner of front and bridge street in the flourish ing town of belleville that well known stand oi present occupied by billa flint jr esq oiithouscs sublet etc built of stone with ill other coniencef foiled for wholesale and retail merchants posses sion 1st juno neil application to john a matdonald esq barrister tic kings ton or to the proprietor in montreal william bradbuby montreal 6th april 1841 81i5i tho tsssmh patriot and delleiilu inutrjtc4 ai nqueud to cops ikt akoit tilt r lm i aendis thcr aceouou to join a macdonsld esq kintlos ntlhe ihat he has cocn- tnibeoboecbne and hope lo acqia he ha a inhabitants menced bust fir trfi4 infieny ovx rjijti iluo mi pkmcfwtin l flwi thai patronage be ba been so liberally voured mill foe tire last six i toron- t- mr smiths amiies a tuiier can be known by enquiring of mj w- been wliereall orders left will aiiendcd m mcialic plate put inlo pn- fofies ibdu will not keep in tune kit- april 3 1811 lt t the annual meeiing nf the stnk holders of tbe kingston marine rail- tvay heldol their ofljce tins day the fnl lowing gentlemen were cfecloj directors for tbe ensuing vear viz itenry gitjtnttte john s coriurigai dtuffhs prenltuj john covflttr nnd c ff jtnliim a statement of the palyeara buirvs having been submitted to the sioelhoijer it was found very satisfactory and showed a steady and profitable i of hurrn from the eommeneement id it appearing ev idenl that the amount of capital liilhcfto deemed suhcient vtas rtolorgee adequate w carry out tbe views of the foeajupy on u extended a scale ts the present i vrinhiis inditiortof rc works would tvarsasrt it tva unammousjv reol lhal in order to give greater facility to their operaiioni and to enable tbecn lo place tbe establish me ai in a hate m meet every tatwsrsjts e tal stock of the company bo imm m the full amount limited by tho tmttn and that toek book be amaal i after the sixth day of may pi ft ba purpose of ubscribnf the uinta of tboso miahing to beeewno puresers where every information van beobtained ata ireejbag ofthi iswwp h mnove dialely after the luove firstry giwersfrrvt eto wss resjlcrlcd president and mr c w jcnkine elected secrclry ft trvaiorer cw jenkins sec tresrsurer k m r w kingston may 5th xshu 80ui for salealibechrooicleotgaielte ofiea choke isserfaaeiit of pocket bi bles wheat manufactured fvhe suboeriber mtfn lomsnu- jl ttu 10 lo wheat if delivered at the miua by tbe 1st may or erer if the navipuoo will odtnitof it fottermi apply h james harvey- yonp mills 1st apri l8il 79 british saddlery warehouse lexander dixon rsstprcttullii inform tho military nd ototry of kingston that bs k snsknf the moat cxpodiiius trvanfccmnu to open a sad lery warehouse fa kingttm in connex with hm estabkijout in tosjon- to whicb will be unpherj with every anu c of soddkry and bwm bit can eoa- tiluie a first raso english emuithneni- toronto wllinrion buildirujs aprd 6th 1841 j h

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