often rr s rialc ttt i from i be montreal herald ma gray to lull f 13 fieri facias iitued out of kfs m jrs court of king bench r the flit of lane- pokstis late of the tovn i kmeveomao sgarafi the lands y tic f caf a place and une ren of john maj1tnof the town- xn wng paper will much oblige tl rmo town yenrtnn to me mrcft- m c m may he happy if he will it h o d t have ivied arid taken in execution as beloi cring to thafai i fohn madden lot no j2 in the fxrh conersiou of le trwrfhip f erneft town containing by admeafure- r rttwo hurdred arricfti be the lame more or 1 fs tagtfher wh a hote and ham there on erected as well a larjre improvement n the fame do hereby give notice that the abovementiontd lot of land with the uftdtugs arl ipurewariccj thergtmfo bc- neinrr wl b r and adjiidged to the ijhelt bidder at the goal door in the town of kjrwftor on mondav the iixth cl of nov rrvr next at fne hour of tefi of the clock h the forenoon at which time and place the condition 9 of iale vrili be made butpreious thereto the n p rr drai of ej appeared to be extelv kre d has been held tily put on one of his fh rapor3 or known charges stuart sheriff ard every perfon or- perfirns jrointr claims on the avweefcribrd ldt of hmd and trem- v w pam a recaurie was now can to the catheter lies by mortgage orotoer right or wcum- t ii 3rj witch givc great rcier and detected the ex- a friexd to mfb tt afr wulmm delhle aged twenty ve years who harl beln labouring tinder ronfi- tut tonal inittton for fortie time and become cmaeioted and wcaiw co tiplairincr of aj af ti 7 ypoie of fa ml of foe bkdde i c be 1 neglect j he y- fwa jktiy bad vv litclothe gg gravel for thefe cvwen vears p and formw i un wt ik ikfotw udt tred a fueh by fcytrauedlcal di n ake aoircbtmlefi j yo fl affl te fli rets vv f of nfiordnp tempotary rehrf or removjg yg inrlamatory affection of the bladder on the 6ih or 7ih of july taft lie vas again menaced with a return of his old com plaint which foon iicreafvl to fucii a de gree that a favorable terminaticn appeared doubtful however as ilvica an aniiphcis- tic conrle as the reduced ftace of his fyiren vould permit was had recoutc to and be imperfedtiy recovered in about twenty days ct a 4 r alleviation was of ftiort duracion the are repecled if pjor nobody knows ic call to void water were frequent and fneffo- are you married oar life u cheerful un- tual only a few drops coming with threat married r you are without care children r i- i 1 ciuiaren wtii maiceanxiu5- cfjtioicis vom life is lonely yontii is foobfh and grey liairij feeble upon the ivhcle the wife man would choofe not to have existed oi to have dd the moment of his bin of kinqfton nrtyiovls to tite fale thereof sheriff ojpc i th scpl 1 1 1 c i af 1 brance are hereby advtrliied lo inve notice r l r c s t ar u 2 t ncc of a calculus un1v momentary le- to the fatd saeritr at ins oibce i the tnwn r i r t fwa furoiaoii by the catheter a d to alleviate his great ftiffcruig it was neccfiary to take from fix to eight grains of oinm a me conrfe of the day but without procuring j v the lalttieep from the a irony he fuffcred seffions of the veaee uv this dvi wiirbe the conrituiional debi it v iiicreaen and the homn at the court houfc in f town of little relief experienced by medical k the kingtton on tucldaythe tcth day of oc- propriety of th- operation of thj lythoto- tober at the hour o un of the clock in the my so longer remained a doubt altho fur- f jt ft tx r vivin the effea wa nnccvtaii yr it aff f- cei only means relief vccoib on s j r id a y t h 1 i n t n t m r obcrnwtsgn choose any path of life in the forum are profits and wife debates rt home relaxation in the country the bounties o nativre the feafaring life is painfil in a foreign land ff wealthy you o ij i c i r t t i a tmrriira f v afford oetight j chidefs you have no for- row youth is vigorous and old atfe vene- among the nrets were feven r ate cambric mfcribed h the furmounted by a flat crown u few the prefe ma of j by um in the thpaierfe b lr kri other had k ailo tre f fnrmorrntedbyacrownbnthheri rabie the wise man therefore would not choofe but to have exfled foreign intelligence f 9 forenoon thtreforr ail jufhces of the peace coroners cmltable and all other peace ofiieen t well asthpie that have any bufinefiio fjanfact at taid couri are hereby reijoifed mtkc notice and give thch acieci- daqce accordingly charles stu sheriff sheriffs 0c t ktk f i8i 5 15 a f ll neni hir r dewrdi a7- a aiaft thee9zte ff the late deceafrd gwge udf of fred ikfruivh arc recpieo to jrh h thm tor fettement and ill perfor3 litdd ted are rrnelbd t make payment on or before the brit day of dtcctfiifer fttrxt alexctarrk r totujcmp f executors i o dollars pv e w a r d stolkv from tlv swrisers pnflure on i nrgbt f the ih mft a geld- inrr horsk zrit fa yen- 1h dak che rjtt colour with rue vhit hind foot and feme whir ipof on in- baee occasioned by rlie saddle said horfc u anft 5r hands htvh rmi n v iirfi tail a frail main moufe colour tire tnje of bfa er a hmor neck miner roman nofol wlctj he left th had fhoes on hs fore feer muyi alfo a black gelpifg hokse about 13 or 14 hands hih vth a fnort pud f- mate dock has yvj oartrcww mari awchitjifm that l caq rco8rit faid horfe is about fix yaw old taft fpring whoever will t up fauf bor fs and fecure fair thieves m any goal ti ca- naa where they can be broutlu to faic f4 have the above rcvvand and for the horfcs ocy handiomely rewardd b w 1 forest v xh tew jf it t c vv7 the coparnermip of dowlan cam- eror isdiffolvcd by mutual confent ah perfons indebted to tht laid copartner- flup are retiefted t make payment and thflfeto whom the faid copartnerlhiare in debted are requeled to prefent ibeiraccounts to mr j bowlan who h fn mv ifed to receive payment and fettle tue accounts ot uid copai ttwi uvp john dowlaic icugal cameron kineftoa fd 8ept j8fc t wj for sale at this onlce a ducourfi delivered at brock v tile eli- zabethtown april 27 irrr being a day appointed for a general thankivirr in ud- of 1 his city performed the operation and ektraed a calculu weighing four ounces 8c h penny weight vertical axis 1 j inch traniverfe 1 i10 inch longitudinal 2 io inches since the operation he has enjoyed the greateft eaft the treogth as well ff p- petitc iucreafe and the certainiuy of a pe- rccl recovery uniefs a outward rjccuruci 1 beyond adouv the irtentitic txrmw ji which he operation was performed woidd have teikdd credit ni th- molt emimt and experienced surgeon and has of cnurfg af forded ah eah and ttrong poof of iie tal ents ot a yoii y tukn who haufl out ced his pioreition an 1 no doubt wiiji urovc an itroditionto the reward whh ahvays awaiw merit st helena thti maid is fituated in the comihern at- lantjc- about 1250 liritifh miles we4 of cape negro on the coab of afrira and 2030 miles ear of cape st aagtuitinc on the eoaii of bra lpng sj weii ha r fctttb it va discovered by rhd pbnujfe in 1503 but ft it taken pofles- fion of by the knih fa t6oo the dutch took it from thm in itijz thtey however m k the nx year jt has remained in the hand of thcbntith ever firrewi gener ally co tidered it is rocky and flaarran yet its hivhcl nountin fs covered with wood to the trp great inconveniences frequent- iyariie from want of rain it is about 8 leagues to circumference and ia totally b- recembe except in two pw firtt at james fown vhtrre there is a ftnall and in- rfjfitrent anchorage and fecone at fanb 15 y oij the wrndward or foutb de of he iciazid where in fine weather communica- ti mi may be h td witu the we and efcape tendered oraaiable bv well t co ooera- tion there the beach is beauti and to tally cle ir of rocks to a coniiderble extent the path which leads to it frorfn the hvu t 1 o the de situation of jluiparie fixed plymouth aug 5 on monday the future de hi nation of bonaparte vras ofrciaily com municated to him and his general officers by lord vfieount iveifhand sr tierjiy dan bury under secretary of state for the war de partment which the depot heard with grief of the moil acute deicription exclaim ing inarticulately thn his wifhriad been and was 7 clomicjate in england under any fiitettfnoe its gpvernnjcnrti taigbtthink pro per but he never wuid be carried to st he- jena alive and publicly declaring thit rather than bw removed iro vr the beherophon he would have fiioisvt h t through the head by h marihals isld- iimous he i if u fond of dying why did he not meet death in the held of rvarttle tue propered held for the exit of a foldtcr bert rand cucd bitterly on learning his oato fact and tht of hi mailer madame itamii occafjfejb aiiecied iw ihe attemp- td to drown hehfli but was prevented when in the acl of 1c ipiiig overboard ail the officers f- thejr would not be fepara- ted bom their precious mailr but toe valid ity of a french oath we all know by expe- nvnce and io ftrongly did thofe ordered to he removed obey i dicldtes that they went with the geateft tranquility on board the lilfey whence they proceeded on tuesday lat ivitb equal calmncfi on board the eu- lotas the demeanour of bonaparte ever fnce the above communication iras been ferocious fnllen and dntitisfied and he declined grat- ifyinrr his viikors an ino with a fibt of his form rxeept for about three- minutes on the fame dj whm the boat were kept at a great drftauee on tuefday orders ante down for re- itraiftluif all boats to 3 cable and a half dl tance from tue belerophon whenttiecaptive co mp 1 airiing that he was iiidf pofed ciofely confined himfel to his cabin from which in- difcribable disappointment vere occasioned lo th te who had frorfe out to fee rum the other and imperial poffibk uj parte whe kin of h been he owner of the ankle jgft with tie low red crown p f rrri liverpool aul cah which bonaparte is faid to poovss k 2 00000 ftcrlmg w th3t sfr huj j011 lowe declines he appointmentof being his keeper and we do not hncwwliat otbtr oiscer has been feleaed for rvepu brugrii jily zt since the there have at rived here fic- ceoivejy from 10 to 12000 nrlifli tropj they proceed by way of ghenf tojam the army of the dvk of wellington londom july 28 gerieraj eertra id who has attached hiaijl felifo ciofely to the fortunes of bonapartr is the fame ofucer who condruaed the bridal over the danube from the lile dc lobin wuch fared the french army after the bat tle of aspernr- madame bertrand was born in martinique of lrim parents arid her maiden name was dillon shew extrem ly pleafant rind artable and greatly attached to napoleon vinrerefl 3 we rjcefed this movninn forre america faperstot 25th uit thr are eitrflie- ly oolciie to this couasry the rtttta bonaparte to france is contemplated with extravagant joy and one papers 4 na- folcoi the great is popular throughout a-n- erica g ice hh return from elba and re- f imption of the throne and he oircht to b fo tae f f freeh ght b w s nun culir poor amerian r lfi ing il the great u in the ut thblittlelfland ud i 011 of s to be as fplaididavsor the ma ma ice it f r united srjm new-yore- i-i- i ducr arrived a pki 11 ondon date are reeled lfct thn by tk britllh packet bos l to tbe wto bad froae fee biro tl sk cut fuch wa the fre 17tt prceauton adtrd whb elect m the boats bertrande an larm ffe wjv a i bin f ww itpro teoirow the exemperor that hie aajalk bring detected rrcverinc round the lluoi attempted to precipftate herfcif fiou the ca- with fetters addreited to doiiaparse and with- h a out a joaffpoit who coubl give no account w a ofhimfelf he is in cuiody and is through a rouged valhy ve pre- bonaparfes property esceptiiig what nit cipitous and of goo length i ts uipobed rjebfointely nceflary far his ufe has been fealed irp and isto be kept in kuvrland 10 t two nun prevent him fiom rommiuinrr bribery but clred thoufand pounds fierling- nearly a mil he will be at kb rty to hecpieatti it to any jollarj perfon he may like at iris death at lenutiiafijracacerof lucalcnt pre what can tk matter he f he fl tenfioffson one hand and of fbame and un- king of spain jofeph bonaparte and fuite governable cunouty on the other ie depar ture of the diflurber of the world has taken wtn corn by the eaft india cortnpany vea- tefci its produce confids of yayffi poatoes bartnar- kidney beans gapej fome indian corn and great abundance of ga veget ables there ii alfo enough of horr black cattle poultry c to attord a omalt rcfivk- ment fo hips crews on l vay to and trom europe the capital iv jjames town whih is well defended bi forts- a batte- 50 do o the 5ellerorhod ed cly b beng f by tbefct2 fee partly out of the jfcfa poor iajy f rfiajp found en bonanar h ftt t i 1 rte5 the whole population of the ifiand i about 3000 fouls half of wfiicffc are black the garrifon generally eonhts cflf 3 to 400 men appointed for a general smumg anndd by william smart mnifter of the qofoal also p rff church catechism strayet i pomthecwdiifiwtf j jaciuoh fourriles n tne rear of kin o- twh bay horse abonti banda bigh wih a v bite fpot in hn forebearf anj on his hack had or three lines when he went of ww will bnw him to becwrwn mleanofthis place or h ftec dl be handfme y rewarded amgfton isthstpt iiy y plce an express anvd on tbtfrfday mhr direding he ericoplion to meet rhe ncnhumberudd in the channel which frrp failed yeilerday accompanied by the ton- nantand eurota the ulegrapb w3 au p j r r work 8 t port dates that it ftanf philoher than of the farmed i and the i-l- rtmw which i hourly effea of tnjf prefent warm furor- on our melons claims the attention of fefftb a mr ilaac browmn of new jersey prodneeni the second treet market abont ten days afro a hundred and twenty wate melons a mrmber of which being weighed v s fairly mfened that twelve of them odd have webbed full u hundred pond the argeft wefahed fifty fix pouridand he has vjieid ir if r lfl1 l imee produded at the fame market about un jjm 7 ea8wa ftf tqual number among which it fa f wicwcd that nff 1 l wortbwflberland tentyjiviof tffan would have hverared more w fry found cah and t nutmeg 1 expected 7 zmab i 3 government ff hav ecued accounts this mominthat the peace is figned between the alhvs and france e wiephon gun havi bod lonaare uccomaie by i tf gate and peruvian brf- of war m t 1 iimiuu itia jpjf pea bm courfe to liiladelphia po hafre where tie arrived yeitcrjay morning bujfjot au 2 by late aim at this place from detroit wc learn that mcifrs hnrifon manhvr and graham the connniiuoncra appointed to treat with the indians had arrived ac tfet place and would probably foon proceed to browntown as the council is propofrj rx be neld thete on theoth mil riredjaoo which it wa originally intended to be hew was the srothr but on aecount of the fnf3l number of indians who had come in it otha tfcp forthe city and intelligence iaforras u taat w that regiment arrived at detroit were piobabfy mr- ihjn coo iniaas in tvft