Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 25, 1968, p. 1

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bert arnotd linda dumper tony mcauley bob sheppakd johanna cordon mary henderson margaret neutel roseanne parry eiht zrade 13 students from gcorsctown ditnpt hijh school attaitacd over qo in thajr wmr and becanx on tarto ccholars fach of thorn r verity his fat bfrt aknoi d inlrnn u 1 normi arnold li guelph si and mr herbert arnold 45 1 churchill re will go to newi collrfir university of toronto i m the social and physiological course bert averaged 80 1 t im dumpfr daurhtrr rj mr and mrs ron dumper h9 sargent road also goes on to university o toronto untvcrs ity college to ttudy modern languages she attained 81 1 a g tony mcauley jn of mr and mrs kevin mcauicy 0 maple avenue west is aholh er headed or univeisity of to ronfo st michaels ollcae he will rnajjr in political science tony avenged 84 6 robert fchf ppabj son of mr and mrs ben sheppard ul 1 jjhohousc ii anqlher of the ontario scholars t jo lo umv erttty of toronto he rntrr ing ihr pre med ctwinr 1li wv rjago of 86 4- was the highlit achieved at georgetown johanlna gordon dauui ter of mr and mrs w clordon 24 iucilvray res it off to univrrsily of western onion t therapy her avenge wan r3 3 mary hfndfjtsoim datnh ter of mr and mrs j henderson 17 jfcwson cr is ajv accept ed at western she will tako tbn four vcai lcirr course n huvsln she ntlainid ft2 london to kpecialiu in phyio maiuauf i nf ij klwdaujh university of cuefph majonqs in modern languages roscann ttamed t ter of mr and mrs albert leu tel len wiuiatns wiu study rnodrrn languages at carteton university oxtawa her aver ago was bo 3 the ontario scholarship for- rohfanmr pabby dauuit j mpr wth ca valuc of s40 cr of mr and ls torn 1 arry wai reduced to sl50 this vcar t7 matn st m plans to attend by the government ads thdt pay you can place an ad in tb harstd classified paos by phoning 87 7201 buying or sallma th harald is whr you will find th results you want georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing th georgetown herald has served gjroroetown od district printers and publishers lor over a eerrturv offering th ber in fine printing and twwa coverage authorized as second cuu mail pot offtca dept ottawa nd for paymant of pottage in cath georgetown ontario thursday july 25th 1968 5 oo por yoar single copy price yen centsj set extra charges for new sewer water line an georgetown build in of buildings that impose or may ith more than luo dwelling impose a heavy load on the mu units u ill be subject to an ad i niripal sewer or water system ditmnal charge to cover extra by uourf au fcpplj to any hm id in other than a bus still situation snafu residential one with an muck than srvfr nd water mvstem chart if bvu kjci hw rad rcmmnl nmondjv llh recces the mr arej o mt mon third reading r tueek it mil r appk only to buildfnks erected or enlarged after the pacing of this bv law tor this vear onl the char es utiuld be 50 of the am outits set out below the charce uouu be colecte at the timr thr h ru ii stt up tn mi po c a spcial chaiue on cl cs of is uiiil the buildinj jierinit type tt dwelling charge knu duelling multiple fauuh drhins and double dmlcxis pr unit s40 three ort ur 6eiroom unifitln apirlnuiil per un i lxl50 tuo bwinhm inils in apartments per unit 280 one bedroom and bichilor lmts in apartment per unit s22j rooms capable of suepinj not more tlun two persoils in boarding house residences or clubs jwr bedrmmi 70 the nmm ralsd this wiy uill 10 it to a reserve fund qms cutback may stall maple avenue- widening moti n to stek dept o hihujys approval for tht re conbtriution of maple e was pas si d on monday with cr ral lentine arid lmmcrson opposed r scanicr lunierson pcintrd on thjt the 01b had muiahq altomiicc for it in their sin bed capital uoru for cast in tu fiml jnalv ls it tluir npproil which in to lw cm no nntici wh it tht drpt of huhu is sns in sjki 1 he 0mb tohl us we were trin to do iod much and c ha 1 o cut back and we havt there is no ipprowl for mapk acniir he sa d i he letui from omb slum in wlal the approld ihoucd a llduction in tm cnpitil uorks fortca t from j 2 million to 2 1 mi linn dullnrs houtve he reduction ns more than tht lires shi fd int the mini en il nrj l aid tbd spun pro jmm ha i already iw en apn- ed but include 1 in this liml lion figure worli jpproved bj the omb are municipal taraje 100 000 sewer program 240 000 hydro 125 000 public school si 350 000 high s s nftonftil confusion reiiri acain in thr bus battle it uas reiakil at the end of monday nikhl s i council meeting i the mayor claimed he ha i j been informed the parking su thority does not want the bus on main street while reeve hunter claimed th grav coach company wouldn t viv w hat they prefer i thinl th usinesimen hae i realized the ihiscs take up too much parkin ipac- comment ed thi mayor tho uhnle thin is a iiipss he added it twills down to thti re marked deputv reee speight the resident will no have to complain to tht parkin uth rlj bridge collapses truck in creek the wooden bridge rnnneel ink the old disposal plant and the batk of the crdarvale pro perly collapsed 1vidav after noon tthrn a b ford dump truck driven by clarence bell of klcinbertf was on it mr rell was working on o 4 well the truck rolled over into the creek su tiering j5fl damage the rd narrow bridge hai no railin while waitmj to turn into mac s milk store on the hith i wav the 10i7 falcon drnen bv harry kiruin 82 moore park crent wa struck from 1 tractor accident fatal to sheridan employee credit specialists with norval auto body robbery john vh iilnnll mrrr of nnrvnl 1 i v miop braniird tlihhrwjin vlvlw i hlttiia e- erl sundm n orn n iul 21 a specials in the fu i onk erjinpmen nrce mrv to the c p4 n km of a body sh p was tjki n iti ns siirh t tlie comprtvor uelln ni it h m s sander i r ap food chain planning georgetown highway store mot i m approving the buil jikm nf iti-av- p m njjr sinchir and hihwt 7 un wihdran mnnd iy niht until council an sie a pljn of tht site shnuinj evils and tnlniue i uov iul ntme hittnir t i wis pirl of the lot sold to sun oil o nnd uie ias tition w mid iw it the fn nt on the hi hwn uith the a p store at the n ir of the proptrt fi i ntil he ild r phr ik equipmen t ir t i s later mr sih v n handi could do noringnmrhir work nt nil the kwk10 f mt build n h norm ill id ivn man pirkin for rrt t i in it own fdicphcrd dv iro in the bnld lot nnd further parlnni for 1 in hut he ttmk tht n u that cirs on the sun oil lot ic4ord nirht ikecau 1ie wealur was inj to i billentire itlitr so hot i from buildinj m peclor waltir pichnl k in i stnterl uiere wu p irk in i pjee for 110 cirs reeve hunter silted it wis a c- mi zoned for soros md wo ild vield sukstantial taei i r j in ounsr su rstrrl the ton shot hi necntntt for i v er in tin whnlt nrca with the sul di nlfi ml co mi il membei fivotir ed thf id 1 f in u ttore ii tin art i but di cide i to with i nl 1 lpprovil until the rosts of sericin wire nsrirtiined next public holiday will hi n ivjc hi luhv mond i august mb l lfrv ywt jv t v-i- total the hih school amount drop ped when lsquesins s 20 share was taken out ut out by the omb wis sim 000 for roads w 000 for wa ter and 70 000 for swer lift station despite the lack of approval council fell they miht ai well se k doh approval of uie la pie avenue project tn hasti n the matter when it was possible tu do it cr tmn tron pointed that any project approved in any one vc r has to be carried out with m that year or approval be re sought rear by a 1015 ford driven b 2 615 000 william bauer 10 duncan dr the july 17 accident saw sl7i damage to the bauer car and l damage to the kirwm car council briefs the uae dispute between the town and loenl 7 i of canad ian union of public service lm ploycea will now have to jo to conciliation aid cr jour hole monday wpht i he union members all outside town em plovcts rejected the hte t of fer robert hall w as hired as i dr if tsman for the engineering oflice a sheridan urseriei employ ee rov buck twxard wat kil led early tliursday afternoon in a tractor accidi nt mr iizzard bad been operat inn a tractor and mower on sheridan property near the e nrjetown golf country club when he did not cotni in from w ovkanheijwvri emploees became alarmed and went out to search for htm the overturned trjclor wis discovered by ijtrne thompson mr 1i7ard jud iveen pinned underneath it is sumturd uia tin heaw huchine mav lne hit a lroundho hole and he was tripped in the fall v native or h umber bnv where he was born il jian to he wis the son of the lite mr and mrs john tizard he j was first emploved wilh the to ronto waterworks later jnininv hi brother in the market ar l0dds evens will be basis for using water dening business on the queens way 1 iftcen ears ao he moved to glen williams when hi far med on tht tlth line until j venr ad he hid since been employ ed uilji the sheridan firm and lived it if iwcedle st in ihn u n hl ik lo ed to the mooo tiod e pred cc ued bv his wife fj davis in i mm he lenves si childnn thelma of gm will lams mrs ivuehan join of bed ih mrs j nnetle loan of brnmptf n itov nd john of toronto and mjs teirv harley marlenct of g eons tun a sn ter mr ada hnmson w toronto ind brothers chnrbs of isincton and p re of wei land and 12 frandchildrcn nev rt chard bustle or st albans anglican church ennd ucled the funeril rrvice on vonda mornin nl the ihrold c mklure nimril hone nnd interment was in glen uillinmi ctmeterv palllieirers vere lor ne rhnmp on lome girvi v asa e3 how about trap midnight lawn sprinklers cant hide from graphs dt pitt publ it co ucinii j e nstrvatnii of wjt r n ifir j ifatovvn r idents partuula lv in tin ntwir paits of t vn ar not ct plratn n avs mlv ll l rih ir spt i ht mir n ii of th t iwi s w it r cm nutter an i hi in st ih t i i la k this up 1 nt wi lk mr icht il w vd tin htrald j daily cha of ii v is in tht told k u i watu tower ft tull 4if fiot in i intt soootmi lullon rtsmi supply to suvt th towns nti i mio ph in nlini peak n nods u h n pumps at tin tluee rp i it in wells raiim i supplv altrfj en mijii fur tht demand during that ay th n r tnwer staved full unlil i im whilt pumpliik vm do u n ivo- or three weln tit man 1 ir gulrcd a normal drop in the rervoir supply as working wamtn do thtlr t lot bos washing hjthi ui thildn n te the evenini ihtal l doo pin tin chdrt khould indicate a tjn linl rise until the lower is full u i for tht nulit but what happen d down down down ent mic chait until at nitdnah the chart ret rded a loss o almost fnurreetrnbetmvpi this is fine and dandy nr ihniilly but what would havt happened had th- c ben a serious fire that nilht and an underground rservoir a second safity supply was l ot able to be replenished at all tlu toun is inath to impost the ixspaky a s300 fine for thos contravenniif hft emer kenev by law ve if this con tlnuti some such action could well result alter six says the the water department depilv ekpects and at 2 00 am tht watei line had dropped another ten fc t in the period when the re verve supply should b- buildinii up i mr speights only roicln uon is that resident are water iti their lawn until two in 1 1 he morning parilcularly in i newly iodded section i from 2 00 o clock on the water level continually rosa in the tower jind by 30 a m it waa lull again fwpuld1e titipttn nate atto gxtfic ilutinti i r7ts7 kit evvning hours mi wh n th phone calli atarted io teftr romplaltitu to the lawn sprlnlt lers only hruht spat is that thr new o 4 w ii l slat mi to ht gin pumping any day now and the water restrit jnns can ht removed alt anwhile he ploada for mon ct optralinn from those who niv t mpled to water lawns j despite the txpected operation of n 4 well next wevk all wa tt i nstnctions will not be lift id sad deputv neve rt spe ght at count il mnndav muit he said ihe town would re vert to the tuernate days for odd and even number houses bv hu whirh wis in force until the tot il ban was impost d n one will be suffering three hours time eierv othei nirht for tin i r lawn unti i in is t nou f i- invlwuly ht opined i the di cu sum nro i when a t mot fan nsktd hvdrolov consul taitts ltd to invite n hid from butted t uhi ltd ti proceed jwith vell on i nncfsv i nne drive this would onlv ir i tht undt r it u nil work not th finished well the tli put reevo feels ther is no tinii to dillv tlallv sinn i no 1 and no 2 ut 11 n ed s iiiu rt habilit it on it s bavi but it dc uil the cnnint in o wt can sie how much vv iter wte nt in no 5 woll lit isked t the reqm t of fin mi i t h nrman ste mu r i innii rsnu the motion wis withdnwn for a ut k in consider tosts 1 tnmimct7trstat wo urn v ard bradford del dnvidson oakville nd ceort dm lo rnn to discuss brumac proposal with financial advisers giincil will mel as n conv mitlee o the whole uith mr jam it of jnrrett nnd clenden inc limncuil ailvisers on tlm brum ic ipplicntion for dt velop ment ncross the river in the south cist end of town the rej ort consists n thre sem nt pinning hv municip il consult nts en by ore md son ml fmanci il bv inrrett nna cu ndonning so fir tin rt port hi cost th the town 17110 municipal ton ultants en t i s2 imm ind don ml si l ini die mavoi iwiintetl nut hi hid iski tl tht i ills ih sent q llcklv so ht i nilii knp i i pifti ib tounl n of tin c i r hob it it im i pic dieted thi t v 1 j m nt toul in t be twe i n 2 nil 10 null on mil wis ii it i m ilti r t iw tun i ii d 19 local union members involved in postal strike i ill rails follounj tn his fa fehfimmu4wm bob o lons an on strikt in town 12 frm j tflrl- irri fv iinqn njiilili iwitm r hi hind fiillwr jlav council of postal union i nion nf po lwitnt r hi hind fiillwr jlav council of postal unions suns livu r jilt di nl if im il l of which hu pitkt urs i irrv tin hlltr mu i mu ui in front nf hi mpu v pot nilnrsi i ma ml lit voti ill ami anada tit kim at 5 a m on ihurstl t july 1 ht f ith i in i sm it mi i nn llllh till nt km- evt n fill tin l diiiuiius ind hen sou bob u t ime mad main 1 kji aaiw j ki s tilt picket h u hay ollivier olo 6 pot e 4 membrtrs of the council of postal unions who tiko turn patrolling iron of gootqalown poil ohlci i a father and to i comblnahon right is local president of iho loiter carriers union and ion bob ii it iiverin their o n local mall and stune are evoa driving it out of town and la return bri xn tuck mail in knutcpn rmmbefs of two un tended lot thchl mm ht toik over the loult lnslrm ar father hail vvalksd sintsi postal deliviry bejim in ttwn while bis filhtr movnl to aiiotht r l

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