Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 7, 1968, p. 4

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georgetown herald phbwmd by horn hnnptpun umhd 22 miln straat soulh gaorgelown ontario w c ubm pummwr page 4 thursday march 7th 1968 editorial a new concept f proposed introduction of french lan guage high school education in ontario r- carfved an editorial boost from th globe tal tnis week f jth globa writer reasoned that be cause statistics to jsapuskeslng show- a much smaller proportion of french speak ing pupils cjomploting grade 13 the prob len would be righted by allowing hseie students to finish their secondary schooling in french failure to do so the editorial damns condemns thodsands of individuals to a substandard life nd robs ourselves of relents that wo a id have been productive one cannofr argue that sorde of iheie young people would benefit by this new system to some degree but the writer tot es saght of the fact thai in a predominant y english speaking province one who has rjt mastered the english language has a very limited held of operations would it not be more correct to eval uate a pomary school system in this light and rake a second look at tho wisdom of continuing to teach youngsters in a lang uage which js j2l unc wim mos f our province supposing one finishes high school in french in kapuskaslng where does he go from there if to university it must be to quebec if to the business world certainly no to toronto london hamilton kitchener of any otour major ontario ot es his comment choice must be to stay in kapuskaslng al beit with a better ob to andmer parf of the province where there is- a preponder once of french spoken 9 to quebec a boy br girl completely educated in french in this province is as handicapped as a reside fit of quebec city who persists in bis n tongue- aside from any other arguments it is pure common sense to acquire the lan guage of the majority if one wants to get alraad r premier robahs plan fof ontario can only succeed if it the intention to create a complexly bilingual province- where ev ery resident has masteredtbotrtlarfguages if this came about there would be defin mite cultural and economic advantages but can our already astronomic education bud got stand this enormous expenditure generations of european immigrants have proved that it is possible to take edu cation in english in ontario while still re to ning their mother tongue as a valuable asset so have generations of canadian french particularly in the windsor area we attended school with many such people who spoke french at home but had no thought that their education primary or secondary should be in anything but eng hsh could it be titat creahon of french speaking elementary schools has created a problem which is working to the detriment of a number of our people sugar and spice by bill smiley to love is to hate winter carnival time in ottawa t compounding the error werhopeorfft ro4mt nt stofd uca- ion wont be having future nightmares following his endorsement of the revolu tionery actions of ontario college of art students in winning their demands for re insratment of a couple of popular teachers t the college for this unprecedented action could have sad repercussions if carried to its lo gical conclusion if one accepts the theory that because students demand the return of a teacher they like the department of education says he must return the same reasoning ooud have students decide that because they do not like a teacher he must go esquesing should pay georgetown counc i s request to es cjuestrvg township last week to share in the oos of operating the town library is a logical one which should be followed by other plans to have a cost shanng arrange tnent for other services which this munici paltty provides for the outof town popu latton whether the 5 000 demanded is the proper figure is not for us to udge there ere ways in which this can be equitably computed uit as this two municipalities have agreed on a cost shanng for fire ser vice thtr was a day when esquesing mostly rural did not overload our i brary and as nne resident puts it a lot of georgetown high school teachers would have had their local careers caught shortjhich ielus and annual profits if students had been the udges a rombimtion super jrxenhnusi popularity poll was the proper anu uablc iwcm int a si m un twolypa rtd that takes iwmcv mwiut if i cnterton the system would work fine un i fortunately this is not the standard for iud for 2dooo0 be for h prototype plant celerv i sine his methods in a com j merctal operation lie claim can hvcrejm- celery output ii 2 course at oce how to be popular with timcs that or conventional jmu students while at the same time providing iru methods to produce 1tb tons dailv nn a ij acre an a i with three of hij food factor us opentini ht say- he could match the total production of ging a teacher s performance and often works in inverse ratio unless we chalk the art college fiasco up to a temporary lapse we expect mr davis will immediately introduce a new experienced teachers with an in service training plan to bring them upto date w th today s world indoor farming is brainchild of georgetowns dennis scallen denis f scallen is a 15 liuilmu nutrient mix and a suit fljthon flash off li anting sy year old oor town electron iblo rooting suhatanee in tin torn he arnvtd at a pattern of ics enthusiast who believe that a peat 5 seconds on to 4 5 tccondt the treat outdoors m probably pollination is provided bv a of to produce ail increased ride th wort pheo ti practice hue of be of growth while reducing lihl scientific firmini but proving air praiur ki tosu bis point ii difficult 0ne innovation u an air power cinstructnn h icduc he waits to develop an in distribution system built cd hv 1w per cent u mi this- roctnr th tray bh whuh rmsdtiiy iilitinu pattern oi commercial scale to prulwe comhims the function of air uhich uould mun a aint o corditionir atmosphere en over m 1 j 000 annuallv in li i lit ri her insecticide spraver in ci ts r i nnurej o n ov jiul air pnsurc nozlt t till ml income from s2h71u mamtjin an optimum wouth ti btttir than s35oo0o ht said anile of the pjunt le i reniamder of la frmkl h uiin air pr uro to hoi 1 factor opmition would coiimi tlil leaf ana it- at 70 ile n es of automitid hanetnr ort from the htd horizontal four m paikanik ind storjll trow n ii irjj stalks per square font ar possible compared to one stalk to iery two square fctt outdoors r scallen auo adds carlmn dioxide to mirich the atmo phere which in sas spj f ds up th veri tables jrouth rate uramatirallj with a 50da nrowth ccle men do you hate your wife docs she talk all the time about her relatives doci ahe kajf about nothing is mi a miserly spendthrift ls sho too hard on thi kid or too easy en the kids v she al ways wanting to tajk thine out ios iho ignore your jtcrltnil qualit ci ami pick eonstantly tin vour eitht or ten tattle wtaknesse ladie51 do you hate your husband7 loi hoi talk all the trnrw alnmt of and curlma iocff hr jrumhkj about trivialities is he jfjs j crly prnrtthrift v too easy on the kids or loo hard on them loes he always want 1o talking ihitiks out does ho lanoro yoiir charm intellikcncr and warmth and pick on ipcwnacflucntials like that watermelon that has re placed ynir liltkj flat tummv of former dayj7 syrry lut this in t an ad vertisehirnt if it wert thrr u be a coupon to sj nd in and wed jot tvirbody squared ar ound in no time it mere t questionnaire but if the nsiwr to the fir t iu ition in ach ease is sometime- and lh answer o ull tin ollur is an unqiijli fied ruilin yt you re 1 1 hor st nun or woman ami a perfectly normal one with a ood averj i niamaic loiiil for jou if your answer is no there no point in reading far ther heciusc you rt- a liar or you should te in heavn and no reading this trip at all i know that i hate m wift tomttimtii dipl and bitterls and i know- that slit hatl mc some times with iht ioml ad verbs but c est la juerrt anj ifvu don t think marnai i is a guerre cither nu arn t nnr netl or ou aren i bihuuil on the other huid there s a rhouldtr toshouldcr solidant in tin hverile niamim 1h t remarks if us the real thing i hey will chirrsh each other in sirkncsb as wxll a in health jn poverty as well a in wealth f don t know what brought all thth- on excopt that it a snowing and the wind is hawl- nit nboui thr ltousc and i know my old 1ady is lonely in the city and 1 in lonely at home iran i nobody there to teli lilr tlwt there acrn i any whists hit be kids will prob ably turn out k dtpitc all ovufrnct and that tu a holl of a lootl looking irl when she ts fli tl up and hurt j n bod m i trjl mi th i i m eiver devuti to be exact is needed can build a tmjll ceervfor the whol province of wcludinj layover time just ontario in lfto that is 4j5 5b5 ovtr sevcn rops can be trov n cra j- in a ear he damns i hefinnini with a plant rowth chaap lighting chamber in his iwsement latwra scallen s tlurtl 4nnovation is arena and jwimmi happy to welcome gesture rap d urban zation lias changed th s p cturo and the time is here when because one s house happens to be in another n un icipal ty one should expect georgetown to foot tho ent re bill for such things the lown must use common sense in its demands and guard against any exor bitant fee ust because we provide the fantastic scallen sums up his idea and his di sim is fantistie in con cept but not in roilitj it s basicihj an attempt to bnnl ij ncultun into the real itus ofjlhe 20th centurv tech noioi inracural application f the princiile af environmen ta controls to plant growth lit said mr scjllen mas firmed a eonpany laiudian kmiron ment i sjiteina ltd and it mm rlly to proceed with his maki j up for practicallv cverv thmi a nun and wounn wlwi fij lit continth vi rlnll and iun pb icill will turn lil aipur of robras and hiss t id ptt at s in ijiiie wh criti ires citner of hum tin vi ill f h iv e t ch ot in r for tin most monslrou- in ids the nioit cutlinf and vici m- to ue mv stupl lily in some areas thel i m i o4xl hnshaml and fathci de pil my lakes and h a m roluntn is re labk if id only jtavt rut the vullarl tu s r st o loiieh m thr cily th i sht c in i caret ly una to jrt homi on wetkends o up can fiht a normnl lift and i m so lontlv a hoint thit i can hard 1 w41i to ht ir th chei rful ha blik tin nnmalb drives ma up tin curtains slit mis e mv cnnl m res sni ththtv mj refiual to panic i d i ni j hi r p ivion inr irri tinnalilv her dttennihat- i n to piuic hc mi t mv casual atti- tu it tow nd monev and bills and i mi s h r furious insist ence that tht budget should be va pt in odrr nd i ms that s what thu column is all about you chaps wl n answered yes to ill the qut turn- in the quiz that be an t mi ht take another look it nld mvrtlt and count our bit s ns tvrh if the are inj a to iple of hum trv a without th old girl for four t r f mint lis fo- m irnw 1 ir t ilifite nfavc sho t1 tl fnnt ind hack side- v ill j et hreikfiit and put ut tin firln i before i can stiri th d v s work in the tu 1 id divs id kave all tint t 1 urn id hi oilier im i settir strk hit e fn en chicken p business directory nq pool the town waj ln v iam hl ha4 convulltd conwrnfd uitli rcducinu costv prootpc installation them l nmnhborly ic j0 c n the lijhtn8 i ir j 250000 short of i lhm i n nlv lm1jnlsli txjtenmemme that loal cattd previous expert m nt and added new touches of his own cornet i tiv tlie result has ihcii a des 1 that is practical economicall feasihlo ind commercially com petaive it will provide a nu th od of trouinji certain vegetable crops that would reduce imports- and earn export dollars fo- canada as welt ht said news echoes hom tk hrald of 10 nd 30 yaan ago chirowadsr donalda tav dc appointmenurtasda call tr 73401 m mill st cralowrl barragers cuanrvshlrt lauodrr 18 main s lgfl guelph all work donai on prma to j in his starch for capitil service the township must use discretion scjhn hm ulkw ulth the too and realize that it derives a certain benefit from our library arena and swirn nung pool and should be willing to devote h share of tax money to iheif upkeep hrley to halt0n fe1 that parliimt nt will soon gtwrrnmrnt dunnj this time reces and hotmeit ajaln un ah there is iso time limit on i ul after the liberal convention thu debate it is possible f or heoppositorrtodef4 urn govcrnmerit mnoly by contlnu inii ta talk but in the prent nt ufitlo this sirrai unlikely wkly ouarvatuna by tr hrrv haruy mp for haltort te crisis n parlumrnt hi i surrounding the defeat of the government en third head in ot an income tax itlll haj bow p3iet h became fairly obvious bv tbe end of last wrek that tbe government would sur 4 vbr atnd win a vote o oonfld oee deopite the apparently r raging attihidra of aom of tfc bbanbera of the opoomltlbti lpahle tbe atmoapheve hr the hoajw buch however that x 1hf govetlwlent has mv cd ento leifinlation and will tiirst be debatini some chane in the unemployment insurance act which i have alreadv elis cused in a previous column it would appear that the u xt item of business of the house i word or yhk wkck will b some tin nil umendmuit department of intiustrv canada lnterpmc and developnien corp the ontario developnmit corp and othir inter sts thryv all txpresed inter est but they seem to lit wait ing for someone else to make the first move lit said ihe idea of an enclosed fowl factory is not new it probably ttrtpmnatevtittmlw despair of a loiu foriotten far mer who watched ruin lull wud drouuht dieaa or in eet pt sts periodicallv lestro his crops indoor anuillurc iwj an to move from tin re al n of f jntasv in huio with the birth in er 1958 the f rst concert of the subscription ser es under the canad an cbncort asocntion of georgetown was g ven by leo bark n p an st and kenneth perk ns violinist saturday in knox hdll tho program included music by handel mozart chopin w cniawsk brahms and kreisler chiropractor grd w cotutt dc opri dally by appowitmanf house calls arranged 77a431 11a matt st north wallace thompson 3rd division court clark a commttaloiw tr7 3mj aiu n some una i amendment ii i i o the n vdt 4 1- up is x which will increase the mort outfit as a soldier atfe allowed on the first sji imv of the mortjwe from 00 w to 0 and this will have tlu effect of lowerlnu the down aecrvctltm paynu nt necessary to purchase a nt w hottik i perkonatl be lieve that in addition to this thp governim nt nhoultl remove tla 10 000 ceilmk on nhaf niuilkules as this is a most un i nictical xestrlctlon neither ol tin st two matteri should take up a kreit deal of ume in the iioum of i ommons nor bt con trvtrsial wmiiin k vmiy bort iwr iod of time the government will have to ask the hoiue of com hkon yor interim supply which is tho granting of money to my tht hills of govrrnimtit for the month of march uml ptivsl fely the month of a41hi as well rhla in m widcosfeit debate with 10 time limit and it is expected that ihn omktsiuou will ain mount ai heavy attack on the n georgetown herald publivhd by horn nwtpapr llmltj geortdown ontario i wltr c buhn publisher garllld mcghvray lroduclion superintendent ferry llarley alleeu uradley ncwn kditor accountant aim irene nlvcn ahno currle iteporler 1nnk mullin advertising manager italia clark dave hastintts allies gltsen john ucclements george ybung lrowmr plant in juiiuil imnerul iilulions greenhouse lutanv unless plant growth nutrient develop inputs and artificial liuitinj and ih4u11k all added to the cienen october 1im3 iaw the first lunetcah ust ox artificial ltjli tniii for ralsinu v i c tubh s in four fibrillar irt nlieuses in soldatna ala ka hut this method was eeonom irallv feasiblt ami tompi titivc m this nstanct only because of the hikh price of importing rrt sh vcieublen to alasku 1 v0 for a head of 1 ilia 70 cei is a pound for tomalive cot factor pan scallen now in 111 us he hai tht c st factor licked ilu capital jiiid hixutuith operaliu eewts of a cmiimcrdal reurv oirtlhmi wl a titreel kreiwth arra of a is acres t si uu2t annual tut prorit ot tf plant would be 282 74 after tafet he xttlainetl t tm i vtriltlal f st jllni s ty ate ul ate convtntimial artificial snow white and tho seven dwarfs m ide a colourful theme for saturday s ice carnival pre ented by george town figure skating club gale livingstone starred as snow wntlo and lnerbbcmsohelhcetheshavv- was directed by dub pro ross smith i georgetown lions club ranks jwoljcd to fifty tuesday when four new members wcro introduced by president dick riddall they are jim young henry helfant dave brubacher and diclf vandenberg barlwra ktnrade 14 oitrander boulevard is one of 161 girl guides from canada chosen to attend an interna tional camp th s summer in belgium 194 walked curkie optometrists 12 main st s brampton tlione 4514474 hours d am to j p m tuesday to saturday friday 0am to 0 p m eveiilniia by apjwlnlment georgetowm animal clinic 106 gelpb street dr fe gkin clinle open h 8 pn mons wed frl slurday 11 ilmc although the district his iirsuffered the extreme flood damage that has hit bnmpton tho usual spr nn floocl occurred last saturdiy in gkn williams and norval but were more intln 0 thin normail at tho glen tho lower road to beaumont s mill was under witer bo jtween hie two br dges and forced the mill to bo do sed st albans sunday church service was cancelled because of huge ice cakes which formed a road block at norval the feed mill suffered some damago when the dam overflowed and pumps wore going m many cellars as ihey filled with water some of the roads here too were under witer william balusnlc 15 of port robinson an employee of the scott jackson construction company which is in stalling the sowago system in georgetown wis inmnl ly killed last thursday afternoon in a cavu in near the iivlt rstction of king and queen siret l bilusiak was working in a trench ton foot deep j w h car proutilonal englnr corttultltig englnr ontario land survyor olfic 77 32lr 87300 home robert r hamilton optomalritt 1 13 mountamview hoailhouut carrutal ulilc per appolnfmanl 77391 monuments pollock a campbkll dksigns on itkquest inspect our work tn greenwood cemetery f honi ill hw hi watlr mroet north g a lt optometrist roller construction l m brown 0 d 3b mill bt ll now irtilalllno aluminum 5id1no windows 1 doors for abpolntrrianla prion all work guaranteed j3a7i fro estimates call 177 9102 m

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