v wl georgetown herald aesday eveg october so aaa a i 1987 page i ii e aaiei rage where buyer ami seller meet for sale 1- if turkeys fill the bill for economical eating c g bishop glen williams triangle 72057 we deliver turkeys available at all times propane gas we sellapd service all types of propane gas installations all sizes of tanks in stock call us for information and estimates h alton coop supplies georgetown tr 72271 tf clappison aluminum awnings combination doors windows attractive railings for free estimates fjpsy terms call tr 72794 17 byron street 1956hillman for sale real estate 1953chevbotj5t culabe baky carriage tr 7 boys good 1951 monaltcb condition til s8mk buue winter coat in ta weajdttkm sixe i4j- 15 tr girls fk3tjkb skat8x boots sim x tjr- t3bb 4 door sedan oidy 6300 miles like new apply mrs hl alfp stewart 24 durham st george town tr- 73662 1 firestone tires all sizes selling at cost prce to reduce v stock harley motors john street trjt251 top values 19 lengths gathnated 4t store r flipe 2 ft copper n ltd uft wile plate 2s m oiwsc delrex in used cars 1953 hudson sedan 1953 ford sedan 1953 pontiac sedan 1992 pontiac sedan 1951 ford 2door 1952 plymouth 2 door 1949 dodge sedan 1952 g5ic truck these cars may be seen at our downtown location we have many more a- 1 used cars and any reasonable offer will fa given consideration hewson motors limited 6 mill st tr 72422 milton motor sales ltd this weeks will specials good these bargains have been reconditioned by expert mechanics we stand back of every em our good wilt warranty in writing 19s7 volkswagon window van blue in colour one owner driven less than 6000 miles looks like new 1956 pontiac pathfinder 4 door sedan fully equipped excellent con dition 1955 chevrolet 4 door sedan light blue colour this car has been completely reconditioned and looks like new 1s55 studejbaker 2- door sedan automatic transmission 2tone a i clean one owner car a number of other lower priced goodwill used cars to choose from ladys sire 8 ropki airswsr only joa twdw for sale large with mat- itmbs ii good condition tr 7 f3bl am tank 200 gallon w bssb tap and fittings phone mitttolwi 134 w2 winchester brand new deer season jwuuaatian pup for sale six eld s40 phone p c sut victoria 51014 oakviue wmtot electric range ige ktae crosley refrigerator easy i e machine tr 74022 1v42 gas sngacjqkl machines electric aiastssts aij 13 bp h- ol v3mhb tr 73350 new ramp and light sussex jvfts for sale 5v4 months old sax xs- afleec heater tr 74023 ray asfty ghent 734390l atgaoh tabus top gas range 4 ijftsoniet ttrolejand storage corn- jmrtbmcnt like new will sacrifice srs8sjo0 etarjharbsons hardware main street tr 73501 apples for sate sometwl spjs e acid greenings bbt stamm norval lot mx cm m tbl c- 2168 1ihs tubs ad 100 acre farm gc4ng concern 75 level workable acres 7 rooms 1 storey house 3 piece bath hot and cold hard and soft water tinder pressuresbank ham wa ter bowls large shed driving shed double garage small workshop 12 acres fall wheat 15 acres plowed price includes super w4 new inter national tractor new international baler 2 furrow plow sawing mach ine binder new 7 foot power mower wagon and tack 16 plate double disc cultivator light harrows sprayer trailer threshing machine hu- ber tractor close to georgetown paved road price m 5000 down close to georgetown 100 acres 60 workable 6 room house barn on paved road close to school price hydro basement bank 13000 bungalow ewingt street car for sale cms cltawwtoft mixed slvb woodl tn 4a stove lengths deuxejtetl 2393 jrat tfibtawgette like new set of k tmitl4n cupboards top and bot- ttunn writs with arboritc top and grapes any cpianritx 3 0b 8ar thuufcn sink and taps 56 long 200 mcintosh sttmamfi sfty an- titr 72409 v pies notre dame dfc bsattmsunn w farm tr 72s tf jf winter coaj blue wool apples mactotuaav e5owmmcs ia 12 red corduroy jumper site and delicious doagjhk rfmmmfl 3 cirls black patent shoes size norval phone ttttuniuillr msb os skates size 5 tr 7- tf 435 new 1 year old 6 room bungalowjjining room living room kitch- d taps like en 3 bedrooms tiled bathroom full size basement laundry tubs oil mew kitchen table and chairs heated lot 70 x 10o first mortgage 10200 at 5 per cent possession itair wumerous small articles one month reasonable down payment ttbl 606 if you ara thinking of sailing your property houssa farm or small holdings call tr 74441 office opon daily 9 anv to 9 pjn salesmen ed tyars tr 7328 jim mann brampton glandala 11329 clifford cook tr 731 54 lloyd crichton chuttonvilla 122 w 3 l winter coat and hat set ijt zjtbrlr sale size 8 also pair white fi- coaoh good ntukrt j size 4 and white tube binson tr t30toi w v l risststtos si2e 1 tr 74304 heaven real estate 200 down one nija mort gage no qualifications required aluminum storms and screens all stained woodwork one only at 12jbqp- 12ls0 full priced nha re sale in sunbeam all modern facilities decorated throughout vendor will accept down pay ment under 2000 offers please 1399 down brand new bunga low on scenic valley edge won derful view treed location in town limits- one mortgage for balance beady for occupancy in spring- attached garage on a ranch- style briek bungalow living room dining kitchen breakfast nook 3 bedrooms tiled bath- aluminum stprmsjuad screens biggest bargain yet at 13300- fall is upon us we need good homes with occupancy 3060 days if you wish to sell please call us tr74407 tr 7941 s wanted septic tank wetl or ttujmtnn afi- concrete tile and targs- swrfc iiif ufl- 5hfatty e3ectric washer re vert tue eria tu wjthfciv wteja odrtinnfd with suaranteo 4900 street erin phone mr2t lhl6tiraor eu3ctric washer rood onenrirtion s3900 hearing aid bartecuis asuuiliaik- at ernies radio hail st qsl 2701 tf k9cnarosons hardware main strret tr 7 3501 roasting cbooeecs gwsnvriw nwhwoom suite walnut mat- boiling fowl please oodtor wmtr- l and springs buffet and two day for saturday dwiwhiy 30 janjilrbinc chairs eureka vacuum a n stark trt trwbk tf clwnct chrome kitchen suit nwrco rcfrirerator washing mach- alx state amt msaranst how j davenpnrt ironing board el- rates 9 months b dojl ajra wflyj iron rad 2 electric fans h scott guelp phon onltoft j 7536 leaving town res ta 4i38x bnnihwa tdl 2334 til dsxaval sales suaajav wafer pumps freeses goodl brampton milling vama glendale 1oxxs w f hunter realtor 122 guelph street tr 74441 first for real estate- ladys figure skates sixe 8 wanted most be in good condition reasonable tr 72806 wanted walnut trees for logs 7 ft and up in length free of limbs 16 and up in diameter 16 from ground good prices paid e s thompson ht brydges ont phone 21 1113 harold s hare realtor member ontario and canadian real estate boards charter member brampton real estat board with okices in georgetown orangevilu and brampton hmiowew ghost proof eggs poultry wanted if your poultry is not for sale let us pick and clean it for you haltoc poultry products govt approved plant milton phone tr 81401 dead stock removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dispos- i al 200 service charge for each call phone collect toronto em- i 33636 gordon young ltd 1226 i live poultry hignest prices at 11 times for all kinds of poultry alive custom work done s har nett son brampton 330 j 4 tf bungaiows guaranteed in these smart uptotheminute brick homes designed with a flair for living some have aluminum storms and screens some are beautifully decorated some have delightful gar dens and some have those big big bright modern kitchens every young i family needs all have one thing in common they all represent real value because our salesmen refuse to list overpriced homes these are who knows houses arid values see biggest attraction in 50 years pontiac coming november 9th showroom open 800 jti to 900 pji daily excagtt saturday milton motor sales ltd pontiac buick omc trucks phoiw toahnta 83355 i main street milton jpr 58 ford n thuksd in the meantime visit our carnival of deals on al used cars 1956 dodge royal sedan push button automatic radio tritoatst finish wtiho wall tires driven by on prominent georgetown citixtn childs desk with voaar mew condition kiddy com tjritetrmmsdt childs rocker- cntldrs teg- wakma- bairow crokinole- booodt amour- cars for sale dion with case tent 5 8ft t7 ift iltk3 ford sedan thermos jug stm nmk s wh otevroi jet sedan tables breast ifrtlfc 2 amutk buw 3 ford coach of tentest set casfrtoooi namke uofp www meteor coach as i or beaver saw qstoancq ihbr j 1147 dodge sedan radio and lumber 2 taumuix tatok mie icsso ford half ton pickup iet me show you the new fall 3ttd winter north american fas- aimtn frocks many styles sizes j carefully selected by a salesman ani oolours to choose from am- wnioas best values in smart ap- gmrel for the entire family i jtj lie glad to call at your home orod show them to you mrs bar- have maybe stopped in these two old homjbecause there have hurra bonham phone tr 79164 charlie tonite phone tr 73245 goblins and witches deck chair haurwy ekrwdhart 3s guelph street tbi trsk nrvtat- ings turkeys availabaje at akjl tr wi1litts turkey farm surge muktls sales aai s 1956 dodge sedan spoftone j 2tone finish whitwall tir- es 19000 miles by oqe georgetown owner 1899 1955 ford fairlane sedan 5 i radio whitcwalls 2tone a gl 8 one owner car 1799 1955 plymouth 2 door 2- 5 tone white walls a real z buy at 1499 4954 ford sedan an immac- ulate georgetown car with ri sonljr 87000 mile 1299 194 plymouth 2idoor 2- tone chrome wheel discs 31000 miles by one geor getown owner si 299 s 1953 mercury 2door an immaculate one owner car a only 38000 miles 1299 1951 ford sedan radio sun aj visor whitcwalls another wt georgetown car no pay m igq pontiac sedan it away for just mo 599 drive 1 1 199 m ie sales ltd 1iimtyicje djsaler i74k1 i rlofacf tonmnson 9 mclanghkn r gjletuhsjljr m35ds tf servacw b affi naas rental marh mr wmfce ojr wmhh aaaasjaawifag all machines an in good condition and r priced toms auto body 35 king st tr 72466 gars for sale and wanted wbs chev convertible 19000 original miles 89ss ford custamlinc 2 door dean s5s pontiac deluxe 4 door automatic like new r k5 dodge mayfair 4 door automatic 15000 miles t9s3 ford customline 2 door fully equipped 1ms2 cadnjjvc fleetwood fully equipped and automatic five new whitcwall tires spotless 1850 dodge custom fully equipped original car 25 cars wanted ttop prices paid for good sound theun cars 1949 1955 models also hair ton pick up 1950 53 young motors been so many happy days spent by happy families who love to play goblins arid witches on halloween but no witches or goblins can upset or ignore the lovely treed lots the large spacious rooms and the many many extras only an older home can provide one house is pri ced at s15000 with 3000 down and includes 4 bedrooms the other is a big executive home with 9 rooms on a lot 132 x 125 see these and other homes tonite kor value for integrity for service phone trianglc 73245 200 each for dead ot disabled cows horses old horses 4c a lb george gibson call collect bel- wood 23 r 11 fergus 231 w 12 guelph taylor 42878 tf tenders wanted tenders will be received for a new oil heating unit for the ballin- afad united church tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by 6 pm saturday november 9th lowest tender not necessarily ac cepted 116 john n black bahinafad help wanted experienced waitress granted apply tr 72571 two experienced carpenters wanted call tr 73969 v these lishngs are all exclusive and if you think y are inteeested in one of them phone or see us and i am sure we can serve you see charles dykstra phone tr 73245 at 137 main st n a hare deal is a square deal help wanted young man for service station experience prefer- j red tr 72251 lady or girl wanted to mind children while mother works live in or out- 54 prince charles dr wm j sahsf0rd realtor 248 queen st east bkampton phone gl 11874 2500 down brick bungalow large living room modern kitchen 3 bedrooms tile bathroom oil heating and many extras we have others to choose from also farms for terms and particulars see or phone thelma armstrong 1o0 prince charles drive g tr 743b9 ss2 main st n phone gl 10275 brampton open 930 10 bulk milt goofing lbl made in prestni ifcj ciinritlann tar canadians csa abofweea real estate moving to states gtmsoneble down payment 3 bedroom brick bungalow de corated largo recreation room wain bar aluminum storms and screens landscaped patio and sonced lot 60 ft x 115 ft 5 ua carries for 56 plus taxes many extras tr 74539 rnl estate uad tararance vtre automobile life gatat aaffj afm wsril call voui wmcromar the garden farm of halton county 28500 100 acres located less than 4 miles from georgetown on a paved road just north of no 7 highway this particular farm has with out a doubt a soil that is comparable with anything that people in the iakeshore area have been forced to dispose of for one reason in other words we arc suggesting this property from the standpoint of market gardening is just as productive as anything that may be sold under pres- urc the 9room home is in reasonably good condition also the 75x40 bank barn is equipped with litter carrier stall stanchions etc you also have a concrete silo garage and other outbuildings all buildings are hydro equipped with water on pressure this we suggest is one of the better type properties that is still within a reasonable- commuting dis tance of the metropolitan area for further information and appoint ment contact our new office in georgetown triangle 72224 4000 this property is located quite close to georgetown on a paved road just off no 7 highway the house requires finishing off but for a car penter or handyman we feel that this is a golden opportunity why not give us a call for further details wanted someone who will give me private lessons in english apply box no 66 herald vvanted truck driver and warehouse man for new furniture centre i apply woolhead and cook funuture centre 9 am 5 pm housekeeper wanted respon sible lady for suburban home adults a mile from georgetown live in reply by letter only please to herald box 65 christmas selling sea- soon be bete prepare ladies son will now for large profits selling beau tiful avon cosmetics write miss ziegler norfolk apts guelph giving phone accommodation wanted brick bungalow cloverdale subdivision 2400 down 1200 full prjce this bungaixw is only 2 years old and is well located close to down town has three bedrooms large living room kitchen and dining area l 7 v w rem on main floor full basement equipped with forced airol heating unit bowse of apartment for couple laundry tubs etc driveway has just recently been paved house is newly decorated throughout a real buy tin a good district houses farms wanted we have waiting clients for houses and farms in the georgetown area if you have property to sell we invite you to call us or better still drop in and our salesmen will be glad to assist you in any way possible regarding the promotion and sale of your property gordon a hutchison rraltor tg queen street bast brampton georttetowtldivtcb meu stistbert georgetown the t 7314 ahnrjhmohvh lsni t1l- are you interested in a full or spare time sales plan by which you can earn 10 to 20 a day take orders from beautiful dis play book featuring over 150 household products write raw- leighs depl j214rr 4005 riche lieu montreal que best seasons here for cloth ing sales represent british knit make money full or part time selling quality clothing for wo men children men free sales kit start you high cash commis sions repeat sales party plan available everyone a prospecl british knit simcoe ont 1030 wanted urgently to renl with three well behaved children tr 7ssos i transportation availablb transportation avaiuablet georgetown to tbromttai arrive mb am fleet and bathwjst sti leave m transptqsrtal driv 2