the georgetown herald georgetown ontario wednesday october 12 1955 second section bhmmbhbbbbbbbbbb8bbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbb wi havc ihstaljio a new homogcntze homogenized milk now available at no exttta cost try a quart today1 georgetown dairy quality milk product tlunou 7 2m1 main st bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi bl b m m m m h m h h h m m b m feature events at the georgetown fall fair local bridal couple will livehere mac hlurdos ladies and childrens wear reduced save 300 girls leatherette jackets 6 only ihrm in 7 en til 8 two ill 10 for guis and roys 3 piece winter coat sets snow suits pram suits bunting bags girls dresses 6 months lo 13 year childrens guidance toys beautiful selection of baby oifts ladies skirts blouses lingerie coutts greeting cards for every occasion pop in and see us at 164 guelph street beside iga store it pays to advertise in the herald thre wtrt- numbrr feature at ctorktmuwn i- air thu year and one u tint exhibit in ihe exhibit bajl quite a numbir of new txhibitors n rr welcomed along with the older exhibitor and ihiur rfforu alone with thou of thr tthool children hrl pttl prtent one of tht dnrt hall div plu on rtxrord man finr commmt came to the iar of iht ilirrolun mmi out uan from mn rorgr slanjfrr whutr hiuband i uwnrr of thr four or five ridiwhicb plij the luw thl rr mr suurr oovtr many of the fain tn ontario and u extern tan a la and her opinion of the fine hall rrnkemrntj was that it i om of the bt in the builnraa another nice tribute which the dtr retort reenrd was from mrs j s uilran htrrcutillc who write ileae find enclosed my winnmii lut thinking ou and hopinx to rpme to your loely fair again next year the local nd dutrirt tchool ran atwi be cuunted on for tomr fine dipl and thu year no nxjeption tht u omen i institute- exhibit drew much interest and was represented b jeorletown twjuetng lunnockburn dublin acton umehouie aahfiroe nonal acton junior uallinafari and silvrrwood thrc are all nonromp titivf i xhibiti si kciai 1hiks in a tdition to the hit of prize win nera puhuhrd lut week mr utl lintnn u ilon earmd the grand prue f r the most point in tht hall the t katon and co silver tray for a grand array of exhibit in all claase thi sinipkon s ars siler tray for the moitt point in ladies work went to mr jim dill of milton top prue in domektic acirnce wi nt once aiain to ln norman koberuon of acton and mr v ellinitton u ilon alo copped thr moil points award in the flower section kuth wiuon won the cat r ole for the moat points in the junior lntitute section showmanship uinmjis on of the biggest attractions at the fair although somewhat leu in num did you say you cant saw br thu year was commercial btef and dairy calf club fur junior boys and girl alter snowing ihetr young cattle the junfors line up fqr the big prut- for showmanship this year tht vi nior tlaa was woo by katharine merry of oakville winner of ihe juetn guineas at the floyal winter fair luu yeaj ago tins was for the hank of jminrc wrist watch in the junior clai doreen sinrlair of hurtintton won thr harbrr olft shop v atch otht r khowmanhip prizes tn the s nior section went to ltert wheiler orton ilob coxe mlton t 11 unit r georgetown 1- leanor joyce milton hd sk worth burlington roy ihompain i nion and rorge drren in cauipbrlhille junior section hob merry oakwlle kvelyn mckay 1 rrue auxander norval don lioffat i ampbrllvtllr sandy hepburn alder khot tom lnlie don taylor llur linton ca1j- ci i it u in neils nitt4n a ayrthlr doreen sm clair lturlinitton tom irlir george town ixm 1 aj lor burlington alan ltruwnride georgetown kdwwd seg kuorth burlington jack robertson milton paul iord milton roy thompson i nion hilly kerry georgetown liar ihn tailor burlington neil moffat amplrlville bill parsons campbel ill bill robinson milton bob rud dill torfcilown iktraar rord mil ton mi r in colling aldrrsbot if uwr net oakvilli doug starrett tin william ross austin george town iir ijwnnn jalmlle jrv outrnuy r leanor joce milton jran moffat rockuood furl stull milton hrnrst alexan dt r norwl eurt- grei nlees amp inllwll bill kobinon ulton david iffi n rorktown commtrfiil bf rolert coxe millun hi rt w ht icr orton don iloflit campullvillr j b mccoll aldirshot bob mrrry kathtrine merry oakvilli rwln mckay hill pattirson noral i at mcka giore robinvon rockwootl harold pattir ton norval bacon hot ciass there wire 17 pens of bacon hn thown thic were old at the fair and graded on the rail by the dept of agriculture the t haton o co operated with the kocirt in offering prize money to ix exhibit or as fol lour fosttr brain norval cecil mc ann omaiih allan llarrop noral james brooks irgetown virn a rher eorgelown and houard brad li v hornb tiactor blaze caus firemen georgetown fire department ansuc red an quein area fire call at 1 30 pm thanksgiving day to the check ijnr and 5th line corner where a tractor had caught fire a tractor owned by paul splucr uav towing a wagon down on the road when a fire broke out in the region of the battery the operator was able to check the blaze and there was not too much damage to the vehicle who told you you cant save course you can and a lot more and a lot easier than you young una may thmk i ever hear of canada savings bonds theres your answer put a percentage even a small percentage of your weekly ttr monthly earnings into em its easy have it done automatically for you if you like by your bank lake surprises youll be surprised how your savings pile up in short order tucked away safe from our own easy spending earning you good steady interest and any time j ou want or need money for an opportunity or an emergency your canada savings bondajucgashable right off for full face value plus earned interest dont tell me yon cant savel anyone can save easily regularly safely wth canada savings bonds canada savings bon georgetown community swimming pool donation litt izli grorrflomrn i ion club 6000 00 llo scout i allies aui 245 00 milk bottle collection mcclurr 27 55 traile 4 chapel st school grade 5 chapel st school llouanl wrikklcsworlh school lhapil street school baseball came lions s ilotar jim turnhull ilranch 120 canadian legion liona club ilafflc at meeting anon lecion iadigs atixiliar dolphin craft boat raffle donna jonaon patsy itarrarer uasiball eame lions vs i- iremen ashfrro e w 1 elwood carney anon d maeal and p stamp doug and carol mills ginny i c vman renolds john bennett 8 00 frances linton ellen biehn carroll farncll lynda ii de m yrna cook joy barber sandra llojd mr and mrs harry gorrlnff new york vera archer anon anon rev and mrs morgan mcparlano anon lius v moleiworth met tut mr and mrs dick licit roxy theatre sept show ladies afeni curling club pit syke 8 hunt 4 07 7 00 20 00 40 00 61 07 50 00 500 00 400 250 50 00 57121 100 613 74 58 25 00 10 00 t 10 00 43 100 5 40 500 1000 100 50 00 boo 2320 500 20 80000 3725 6580 100 800 c a chtnn ltramzrtim george daniel mosop son of mr and mrs dan mostop and helen florence chnphn daughter of mr and mrs perfcy chaplin were married recently in a double ring ceremony in st georqo l angli can church they are living at 40 victoria strct r-t- classes for seniors intermediates and juniors all ages georgetown figure skating club registrations on saturday october 15th in the arena rose room applications will be received by david mathewson club instructor 100pm to 4 00 p m mr mothewson is a vancouver skating club champion western canada free skating champion and last year produced ice revues in onlha alliston and parry sound final instalment town of georgetown 1955 taxes is due and payable at the municipal office georgetown on or before monday october 17th