it georgetown hwala tdatty fewury 10th 1943 coonty road expeiidittii 6823730 in 1942 all biotm mh buet u the 4jowt of fl oousty council held at uutoc ui tueuuy february t- usjor frank puuco of otkvulr ud j b- satldion puld secretary of thr hsvy league of canada mad a tun ing appeal to the council on whalf oi th navy league major puiro ncx from personal rapsatmcr ahan he uad council of the inum auflrrtng of u sua of lb carrxtunt marinr afcilr carrying on uulr w in bluer lrr txvg wealhar tnr councu grenlad swo to this srthy caul kin county uxsd that u louo tng resolution br endorwd- that tfcl county council petition da wartime prior and trsdr uujrd to u rail thr brtc of brrl cattlr uul producrn may be aaiurrd of a price equal to in net pile otxalnablr in thr lj martjt ox uft uir embargo on lli ripuruuon of brrf calur to uh mrtru a similar rruluuon wa ircrlird floai waulntflon eout and buh rrr rn- darird by llalion council thr folloavlni trwiluuon from car- utoo county council waa alao rndot- ed- ur it luolvid that mm ct mul- tmry agr working on larm br giirn nrjrrrd eirmpuon trom military hfvkc a long a thry or on farm end to drclilon a to ahrthrr thry era raciulrad on urm or decided by a local baud who would hatr tnr po- er to allocate mm u thr renploymmi is match thry u1 br mail utrlul lo the country alguagaarya council tnlrrrd an ap peal to har tnr county roads mor edrquauly protected by landing hal- ton council endonrd thli u aril u tnr requmt that lw ugnau b in cuucd t campbiurtur ctoulna nd at thr croulnj rl of cunporumllr bfrr tkrnl lul ortdrnl occurr ed qnnu tr mmlr to tnr onurlo oonimuon and hrfotrttlon a- daucm fulxumi army cunadlan na tional iiuulutr for utr djlnd cana dian aid to iluiila pund the oror- tom urralda wndrr for county printing a accrptrd pamrnl of uosunu to tt r1ouv high bchool boardl tomllrd weosobi patirnt o heapltal accounu in ii and county iniudljb accounu 4fl87- vlctor iu11 appotnlrd crrurr t tnr rrgutry oflvr building at ulary of 1 per anrjim u a to that which h alr4y rceafna w cajrular of tht oourt uauu it s diocud to order imoo tnw from tnr onurto rvmlrj branch oz a motion by uay and lutkt tu i robrruon u anpotnted to 101 th unaitik irrm ol ulr ibmi tor 1m3 on the oounty floada gonxutuv it iu bkmcd by brusn and llravv uiat dr f a wauoo tr apuxntrd to ihr ororgrtoari luih hchucl fc 1mj 8outh and bnjn menrd that thr lload ooaunlltrr and rnctnrrr br cljlr to thr ontario oood iloads contrnuun and ut thrlr riprcar br aid unrd by oubrtt and llobrruon that thr 1 of lhgha or ad urd that during 1w3 thr turn of to 7j1j0 had brrn riprndrd on thr roomy ijhaj uon and nnjurm thr uatulory icranl on that amount i immtovto uhifokm ihttbhatlowal sunday chool lesson wts ultlttt hh0iu4ejlu sa- a ur4 im aaca ksf djiy rtrn tt j- aa4 itfv akiaia ta aai r t- hi a aatd baa aa s aai li ml aa jal try ttoav y mn s rnrr f nam bai t t jaa lea fer fecsrutury 14 pajihtokt to vktttd ktatui not hqitateo ttb tdav rwiou an announcrtntnt ni madr by thr urdlrd otalra but a concrmmj v nr bordrrcroulng rtvuutlora lnol- ing a relaxation tn thr unltrd bum irulallan rrqulrlng orrj uuf to carry a paauavt aithocoth no dtiail ol tnr nr ar- ransammt haw brrn mralrd omctal- ly it u rrportrd that prcnliloru i3 br madr wbrrrby a canadian mtrrtnf thr dnttrd sutr or a sday prrtod or iraa may do in on a bordrrcroulng nrrmrt card artlhout a paainorv tratl aifbcultua and thr mtrtr- uofu on ur of torrlgn rifhangr for trawl in other rountrlr rrndrr thr pronmrd nr rrgulatloru iraa ugnll- cant than in pracrtlmr ahrn bordrr traffic ania ratrrmrly hrat thr unlurd butra tmpord thr paa- nort rmutrrtnrnia in junr iwo bjt canada h nrvrr rrcjulrrd tnccmlng tjnttrd main clltarna to carry pa- norta ii it l pritmno that you irunr ir air aril prrnarrd lo irn you vlnrrt rcjulpmrnt and latrrt tl facircrlrnt aorkmanhlp ttwmts b hoghw dies in ttmwto ja tv1 jtuiuato i- nwm itujthfrt ubtr4 ui tjiuiiu in 11- tttb fvar imjrrj wnvrr irr lull ficrn ttir iroiirtfttr cl lt 1111 firt31or vuturu m jirun on llctada bruar m itrv w u o tlnocbprtfo ccrwj inrtrd tar wnkr tur utr ur hujtir torn in yoflumft enjujtl tlv ton uf ur ut- ur and ur oromr ltutr in lttj lir crunr to oalnul ajd weird en rfcjto nrr suulnafd nrarly fort- flf rt tro w marrtrd tnr lomwi uobrj kiriuvrr uf luiunald ho pn lmajgr3 hrr huomnd hort tlmr a fl uir ihry moni to ciroritt njwn hrrr ur lllmht a emptrv1 u tnprrtnaairr far for r turrvwl lo hl own iradr of inurvf wid fitrrtur drroratlitg it w u rormbrr ur lou no 346 mnd alto uar hrourt of oirtn fttrnd ludi which tut lnft dljrwnurd ur utv rrvrrmbrr cf uir churrh of huttuntl harvttnk rr l childrtn mr hr brrt huiihr otomrtown and mr c k bmlth ttoronto pllbruf m irrr mrxafis tkiiri brundrurd i lurti j mrntlr mj trtc iiilloc lulwanl lfwii utid all nuwork intrrmrnt m mud it orrntn crmrtrr 0rilomn ifsfc this newspaper i vear and three great magazines sfsatiowtftfaoincbadmintl fob thfsi f 3 cor both ntwipatxr trtd maaailnaa oroup a gwct olt i bamr homat oardana i vr 1 trua flqry maoarlna i vr photoplay wovia mirror i vr i womina hama qwnp i vr iporta allald vr i j magulna otaaat hta llpaat oaiaat iv nasifim m ivr tifafn ilium hopa rami tar iv utha woman 5 ivr flsclanca a olacavary ivr 1 libarty wai i vr utllvar scraan ivr 1 craanlnd ivr u plowar orowar i vr tlamarican olrl i vr oroup b talaet two maclaana 124 lituta i vr canadn horn journal ivr ichitalama vt national horn monthly ivi 1 family herald waaklv stir ivr ijnaw world illluitratadl ivr clfarmar maoatlna ivra i j canadian horticultura homt i vr click ipictura mthlyl ivr i canadian poultry rav i vr rod ft oun in canada i v liamancan fruit orowar ivr smmohey wbo aalacr 8m and qo onlr tfareaols ftto nawa- prgpar eas too gm tuft blrj raadmcj bargalna ptek tow iavartlm and ma0 ceapobtotam today this newspaper i year and your choir three popular magazines 125 i haclaina m uauaa ivr ii canadian mama journal ivr 1 1 chitalalna ivr 1 1 national homa monthly i vr ii family harald a waakly star ivr iinaw worm illluitratadl ivr lfarmara maoarlna jvra 1 1 cjmdun horticultura horn i vr 1 1 click i picture monthly i vr u amancan frull orowar i vr 1 1 canadian poultry rav i vr ii rod i oun in canada i vr llamarlun olrl imoa parmrva magulna taut aaa to farm addraawa id cajtata canada this newspaper i vkafu and any magazines usted av all utauuir ara 0 i vtar umaclaana m itiuaa mj 1 1 canadian homa jaumat uk uchalalalna u 1 1 national horn manlmy mo 1 1 family harald waakly tar n0 inaw world llluitratadl 100 farmara maoarlna it yaart i i click picture monthly 100 fl canadian horticulture l homa ijs tlcindun poultry ravlaw 100 i rod oun in canada 3n0 f i trua story mrjtlna im 1 1 womana homa corns j isporta allald iilibartv waakly j0 imagailna dlaail mo hsitvar scraan f 1 screanund 1 look u amarlcan homa tt ii paranfa mmuln m mchrlillan harald m0 uopan road lor boya us i amarlcan olrl m t j rad book m0 u amarlcan maaailna m0 ncolllara waakly mo 1 1 child l m hcwuim aviatia mo ii flowar orawar m0 i i lw w add 75c to above price flll iii and hail to ruts mmn caaak augaaaua daurai aal aaalaaa am eaaaaa oantiaimm i ancktaa i rtagw mm m ffar thatkad whk a w tubatrlpuoai i yaur mr- coupon nami pot okvroi itbitt oh hjt mov icsca beau a man umu4 bund lzxaon tcxrjfaa lam oum tcjct 0a hum i tnj4a lu ttomm es i aaa t fca- tha lovr oi chrirt la aab is tu full beauty against th hackfround of muna katrrd and un utt laat kiihtii u him coming awir trom thr aloora silh shlch hla mrmlra tought to kill him a ha patard by ll- had thr tlma and ua compaa- aon to atop and hrlp a man who hud brrn bom blind hla diaciclra afllrttd in aomr drgrrf lth tha ap4culatl trrwlanclra of thrlr tlmr aim tn thta blightrd ufa only an 11- luitratlon of a theological throry about tin but jrtui by a lovlef and giacioua act atirrrd in thr krart at thr man thai faith which cautrd him lo obry to go to wath and to mr v 7 tha rnrmlra of cnriat rrr net willing lo brllrvr even what thry now aaar to br trur thrir j atutborn unbrlirf ahut thr door to blriung tor thrm but tha blind man rrcrlvrd thrra thlnga by faith i tualtag tv izsi tha argumrnt with tha mana par- anta hlngrd on anr potnth had brrn hralrd of hla bttndnaaa th parrnta warr unwilling to riak aa- communication by dlacuulng tha matlrr but ihry did know thai ha had bran blind and now could ar that waa clrar an aaprrlinca ilka lhat la impoa- aiblr to drny tha haallng of thr aoul of man tn raganarallon it atao t a atubborn fad which dmlrra of coda word and cod a fracr ar unabl to mrt and ovarcomt thr en who waa bund and now could aaa had no qurattona about tha drlty of chrlat and hit aavlng powr ta mora he was not afraid to unify hr could apak for hlm- air v ii kotr thr dlffrrrncr brtwrrn thr i thrrr claaara hrrr dllnd and atub bom unbrlirf v id failh too frur- ful to apruk v 22 and thr aaurrd faith of thr onr hralrd that la our nrxt point il aaisranc w 2tjl thr appeal of thr jrwa in vrrttr 24 bamd on thrlr atutenrunt wi- i know that thla man la o alnnrr rrmlnda un that there la no knowl rduo wf ubholutr nnd lo abolutrly l wrong ui that of iknornnce backed by mlfconceit thry auld thry knrw but did not i the man hud complrtr oaurnnr- by fiilth ond by eaperlrnce lit- dnl not urgue v 24 he almpty refctatrd his healing i wns blmdnou- i are when they evnded that reply for they dared not meet it he thrum deep with the convicting fnct thnt god dora not perform hla miro cles in reaponae to the prayera of a wicked man that woa too much for them and they cait him out even aa the atupldity and atub born willful unbelief of our lorda enemies grew atrp by itrp ao otao did the hralrd mana oaiurance grow aa he tratlflrd first he called the lord a man called jesus v 11 then a prophet v 17 and then ot lat the son of cod w 3j38 standing true to christ and speak ing for him means growth in failh in knowledge and in grace ii may mean persecution and even exclu- aion but remember that when the man was cost out by the haters of christ he met christ his excom munication was a promotion he went from the synagogue to the saviour scroggle and lhat i our third point iii fellowship w 3538 he did not know jesus he had heard his voice but he was blind then and had not seen him he probably did not know where to find illm then too he was now an outcast under the disfavor of the authorities ond even his friends would fenr to be seen with htm i dut jesus sought htm ah thats the glorious difference between our lord and those who look nl the out ward appearance of things he went tn find the man who now needed fellowship instruction nnd encour agement 4 he had sought the man out to heal him now he sought htm again to help him spiritually we need to learn of our lord that we are not to watt until the sin and suffering of men force themselves upon our ottention and force us to do some thing wc are to go out into the highways nnd the hedges and urge sinners to come to christ we have failed in this we have built churches and expected the people to come instead of going where the people are and bringing them the gospel the war is teaching us gome lessons in that connection but we are none too quick to learn and to act there is a beautiful touch tn versa 87 dr mncuren points out that when speaking to the woman of samaria jesus said i that speak unto thee am he but to the man who had just begun to see he said thou hast both seen mm and it is he thnt speaketh to thee tha christ who gave tight now gives himself to be seen carrolls special stamps lit in 7 eoil kbatf vvu ggajassssassa wasasas twsj ffaaast a ajvk wauuimra mam t viy jbi br lb war i tomato i jfulcs i caaaaat q 1akimo powbb1 fcha if c vdba veas fwtsia fitabsts mb- tie 27c chxetk xui me wool 1c oiqlattme at le pwvb taaucxls h awl lleslm kamtsto 9uho lfcasse oats i- sis se mrm liip stlooh taisrim pit iii oaaial sftlaagws afctste ovajissaa ate svc cotfse cake flo t ll pug soap igt 4o27e soap cut fubaa pacautt traaa hrrdlr crapefroit ralkarola nairl do oranges it brrt bead letluee 15c frau aaj taku pricaa oalu sararjay s oguvustonk wbeait crra p joe ion1jtb oat oiru it pi- 7c wheat hearts ohm c ooai cabaa lie njajaxs stra lefrfe ak fur saaiutttalj u ise a wns irirl s caliaa ise soap s k- ho f akoionla pw- sioo food pa wheat ps it rly ccmeai pat lr ise lpag ts ta rlgkl t lilt quaalitlr of all aunka i cruise ship now war cruiser kwis tiiktm hrn nncl now picture how hckiw the prince rostcrta i irw tniouftalasluicruiicbhlpol the canadian national sicimtliips aa the looted when hi peaictime oper- ation between vancouver nnd altvlui cirt s ontl nhow t lie lrince tilutt an nhe in tmhy htripocd of her hikuriiiiia fittinuu iiudctinvvrtctl into on nukilinry rruiut the ivincc rtilattl which waa one of the firtthi cruiiio hhm in pacific cait watvnt haa iwxn in war kwrvlpe nince early 1040 whtii kite waa tjiltin over by the koyal canijiin navy slic won jsrcml ditiiu tinit by the rapture of q 1 larue german tiiemiantman 1 the irince kohcrt in one of ft number ol ahlpe of the canadian national fleet which were taken or for active war duty thcte bicluttul the lady somere formerly in the west indies ervioe which wot sunlc by enemy action in the mediter ranean in julyi 1041 another ohip of the companys fleet returned to her home haie with more than a hu- hundred bomb holes or bomb ftuiv tin in her hull she had been bombed out of penang nnd singapore but at each hcleabuered port had mved iinvimisbuppliesfrom captore by the a panne after a job of temporary intching waa done on her hull she tailed for africa with yet another war cur no and eventually steamed northward to canadian waters the canadian national steamthlps also acts as agent for the doiuinloa government in the operation of ante ships seised an prlies of- war