the georgetown herald wcdxttfcky feruary 3rd 1943 it was annotkccd from kitchen- er uu prlday that th orand riv er conservation commute had decftted upon a permanent name for the big dam on th orand river which had rertnuy been erected a few miles upctream from the village of fergus th dam u to be known aa the orand valley dam and th lake ahlch wul be formed by thi dam la to be known as the belwood lake the name orand vaiiey dam u no doubt used to denote that th dam u located tn th fslley of the orand filter rather than any association wltn tne uhm of orand vauey which u located tn tne count of duflyrtn iomr ehjhun mile from the dam the name brlauod chown for the lake l railed ufur the polite vuugr of ilruuod out u located alongside live dam near it uorr rnd at onr tune the rr t mm i of the 11 lage of ilrlaood srrr quit ttoiiite to the tchrmr it mi ant that thilr v 11 lagr would be junj flooded and many of thrlr huuuk und othtr building had to be mnrd to hlrfhrr vtuund ik 1 wood hud a real chance at that tlmr to mnkr iiw of u town planliu uhnnr lfoarvrr they failed to takt udtun- tsgt of thrlr opportuniut s mid tn i result lorm of tin if plen hat iik v ed lo other placet although tjirrr nr a fr huums rnmtd to hihir pruun 1 the vuhue luelf la luu1 to beliilit by he lake ahhh u lie al iitf it tide door in fact ihlauod could vr eotlly become qui a tummrr n on and jl coujd be a uintt r ri tort oj at 11 it will all depend upon thi um that i takrn of 1u advantage mvllh thi depth of mio lhat ue haw thla winter thrre fcbo id be no difficul ty at all of getting brand in uk fulrd to the rim this comln spring the idru of the dam oa ou do doubt know u to hold bock tin flow of water during the fprlnx frjhi and whnh in lunmr i ir- li id dun cohildtrabu dajnat jun t it mi m i then to reliant llils uatt r i ulualh during kit sujimitr nm ith tin u lng a ti idj ho ol uattr ftom tit dam doaii ftrt mi fur putr i ir ana uls this mi id ho umm jt the onb and tlths mn in uti m u sgi djmk it ik r tin d mi bull tin or md him r it n ixt n i i m ri u tri kli oi moult u i r u d gntn scum u is i omuudii m on i aurfuce iui tuitinii tihl tind ek u thl mi il miim ui it i at the diim hloihl ua th a that and ulv ktrp j i uli mmli holf alon u t cr md in i m n mort anltar condi ion ouooo last vvxlk ai ij iitt in tvtitlil ttk in rtuuxd lo unnoiinct nu n s you will reall th luki txin n- leiu4d about tht tutnuu intt ting ol prtilcknt ltooet it und ol irinu sllnuter mnmon cliurthill u ciiwi- blanai in north africa thtn tin an nouncement nottd ubovi rttfaxtunk the permanent nwni lor uit otc dum on the orand iurr ai uiquh that waint enoutth for one meek laat sat urday the announcement wu made that the bl power project that had been kept auch a ccrct up until that time waa located in northern quebec and some details of ita atxe waa given it u not aa large a project oa uil boulder dam in the usa but it 1a quite a project at that and it la ra ther wonderful that tu location and ice was kept aa aecrctly oa it has been uoat of us are familiar lth the chip- pawa powtr project which waa com pie ted ahortly after the laat war und which was thought to be quite a torse project at that time thla new power project tn northern quebec a ill be around twice the alzc of the chtppawa plant we had the pleasure of golnc throuah the power plant of the chtp pawa project which aa you know la lo cated near the vlllajie of queeniton and tt was the largest plant of lta kind that we had ever vulted of course it would be impossible to be allowed to so through that plant now however when happy daya are hen again with the war a thing of the past perhaps you too might tike to go through that huge plant and it might fve you an idea of the amount of work that is required to have that electric energy on tap at the other side of your switch waltlruj your pleasure ooooo you may recall an article tn the dally papers a few weeks ago re garding a man named armstrong and a youth who after an absence of three and a half yeros had been lo cated in the u8a the youth was a tbronto boy and the man armstrong was raised by his grandfather mr carter tn harris ton ontario by the way the grandfather mr carter la dow ninety seven years of age we knew armstrong and he would be a man of perhaps twenty two at that time he and the youth were last seen in rrverdole park tn toronto and then from time to time were reported at different points in western canada however nothing definitely was known of them until this recent announce ment that they were finally located tn the tjaa the mother of the youth had never trven up hope of her hoyw return and it looks as though she may agon realise her hopes mittfaky vine kjlttt hugh s4vkay resident erf acton for nearly forty years llutb uckay died on wednes day january 30th as a result of in juries tuatalned in a car accident a couple of days previous lis uckay was born tn oeorgetovn ton of the late waiter uckay 11 was aeventy- elaht years of as thirty nine years ago ur uckay cumr o acton and tn partnership with xlr c woodhail carried on the crneral tracery and bakery hitnfn of woodhail and uckay while tn this dullness hu utfht ttsrted to fall and gradually became wone and for aev- eral tars he has been totally blind fur the pat ear or to he ha madr lilt home with ur and tin john harm only one fcuter remains uai anne ucku of vancouver ijc itt oeorve unfile alton 1 u nlrcr in tpitr of lit bllndntu iw m about thi ituiim ini pritt atll und was al wak chterfuj ur will be mlwd b 11m funrral wut hrld on lijtuida iluriioon with urvltr al tlu- john mi in a ituftili uiurul home run- djdrd b itrv rortm nwjmioii in it nm tit u made in clrtt nwood cintiir ttrorfct tout tle ijllb ar- tr wtrt mtvn tttrvr und wulhirn itlju ml musttfs ilirvi ualtro tlkiniiii and john hairit attnu pin rcrgular meeting of branch 120 canadian ugsen besl 0ub8crxbs mow fob wai rcmnomromm utx iloudl ftpiiuh bt kit l tuom m h iioml tit di ih ohurud m iijiukkjh on siiii j in i th tf corki hjilris in his 7uui nr mr iapln u i- i i nm t rtnldtnt ol tn ri aii l jt l i lilt ll u ii ld d ttilll hl ij i it ti tt r mr- iv atkinson in 11 nullum f ft uimi iinlc if dltluid und nm to cji ul i mi i iri ako and uaa a n 1 tit lilt ch irl uul mirv spirts mr spirts liul ixt ll hi irnlnh ullir li utli f r nit in i j- m i tor th im l tt n d i h id ix n in h t il 111 ui ltidi i- li il ai all t fja fnit tl i 1 i i i i i 11 in oi ni lit i in mrnli 1i au i ii ind h ill lit id in v ii l j lit 1 i 4 1 hiitl al ii i 1 d i i mr- in a kin m in ii mi n i jriliih hi ml il i i tin i lv i d um so is h ji d tl n of cimut loull d c i 1 s 1 at tt ii lfc in i t n n li inn aril it lid ao s stt i il- l in on in ij 1 ii d tl t fur i il u i- in d on i i s it moon with i tniii at tic h m il st i ln d in tittirk on con- it jtttl u iu 1 a hr k 1 rt ahmiis tliurdi at tin iitunuit a is in idi in cri iiuihj um i t loiuilu mil f os malou 1- vi lu uil tdiiiuna br pioinlntnl iiidiuiu lit und suddenly ut ihuimiu inorn- uitf ut tili lioint on court bi milton bim utl iiniiui who uua humg a mr btn home wiu uuaktnid u tin siiuli ul uuosl he uil uilo mr bcri room und found ua btxj u u lnasi of llamti calling to mli mai ion butt and mivj liuiaint wiuur niwi kurtd wattr onto uit bunuiib ixo and called uie milton 1irc un- gaoe mx fciyer waa found lmmui uie bed iht fuc was oonlincd to the bedroom and damage uould amount to tiuo nrt chjcl cmnttr iarl mut ed ur c k tjtctruon aiu culled and attributed death to u hiart attack mr bycr hud not been in good health for borne time he sold x be lieve he got out of bed und dropped dead in falling he muit have caught ome of the bod clothes hlch fell on an tluctnc htuttr mrs a aidcron only aurvlvlnji sis ter a as vudtlxitf her brother at the lime ur bycr took tai active inter tit tn community affairs being mayor und council for a number of years jfe wai a presbyterian and an active member of the looj funeral mrvtcts ucre held on fri day evening with interment in wyom ing ocnutcry the loeaj branch of the canscusn utfvoc deal no uo held their monthly meeting on thursday janu ary 3sth ui the ledoo nail du to meetlati night falling on chrutmss eve no december meeting was hfld- the meeting opened with comrade president fred uccartney in the chair and after paying tilent tribute to de parted comrade the minutes of the last meetlnjr as well a executive meetins were read and adopted the financial tattnent u read by the treasurer comrade william jtoney and ihosed eonuderahir tain ovrr the priku monu hu ttate ment a adopted a read itrfwru of rummlffrs rre also read and adofited all rommltteet ft portn mert- rifrhtd 1tii applause ut thry all uioatd juofrrtj cumrudt tit rrtar herb hallow proreedrd ith die rorrriiondejirt huh as l iputc hid in qultk ordrr kevt ral u tt in frt m our ctirdr ovtrsa nkinmlmliiu i lit- of pir r li nallid from le l t hinrd thtr rjiirt n thinks fur kami t lithtren lira mrniu n har in- i r tted thr ranks of tin- lev ion and to nia nmmtftrih attending tht- rntt ln sre intrndurtd and rwlltd uini to ui a ft ttofdh mr loturrnre alruindrr irarmontti rmpioid by thr mimlru iu co in the arrttr revtoii u iruz utlnned ui copper mine north ttrl trrrttnrim byrr on a wt uftrr an ab enr e of thrr jt ir rkpr l his ltms tin ltpglon msuers and alihouh his oc cupation krp him away from oeox- eiown he rrtrtferfad his daslre to belong to the local brunch he com- pumented the lteeon on their good work and stated whenever in town souid alwsya attend the meetings at prevent ur lrarmonth is vuiung nu mother ur ros houcton ixarmomh and hi tliter uus nrtta lrarmonth he ripects to return to the arctic the latter part cf pvruary the next member tntrodaccd was ur j bo ley formerly of the fisska- trhewsn dranxh he coecpilmeoted the local lreton on the good work they are doing for the return men in thu dutrtft und espisinr uiat in fiaska- trhrwsn condltton are not to good as uiat part of canada depencu eritlrly on thr whrat crop arl during tliev last ftw mn wltrvevatd wwral revn- pirle crop failure tills iviat edr ur ibary rciklalnrd m as or r of tie bril t rt ys in thr hstory of the wr3 bjl out utr conditlr iw utur ti irlajr rlr rr ulted in llir crop in many fcec- tlons of ftafcktcheun rvot brlrux har- tl hi t tplatlnvd he a prtvllrx- td to brloiik to tlir ilrunrh in hlh pa plr idrnt of the dumlnloi command r jdtd tn tltr irrvjn of muor clrr rimi alt a fuv throorh thr t ftoru of orneral ftoj tle twikaiclit aan flranch purthafard a hau and with thr hrlp of lrtfton rnrmbera ettabuh- a wrmanint home for thr leplon llotfi prakrr arrr tu rrcurd by thr mrrtlng from thr nund f ap- pisua which foqowed each n wkiri remarks ln the loureii of the son ith al mslien were brought hefor the mestiag one of which was the as nual convrntion the meetins sosced their approval to do away tth this convexitloo due to gas and rubber lhortages and mode d trsvj rutrict- ed by oovernmeni order authortaa- uoo was given to ool o b- oous- ens zoos luprcienutrte to notify the dominion trj of the with of the local breach the legion pauecl a motion grant ing the use of the rooms to the ited cross on pridsy february jth for blood donations and the hours are from fi to it noon it hss been decided to held thr ela tion of corrrs for 1wj at a spmisj meeting to be held on tiuniy uarch 2sth at 700 pxa the reerular uaich merting will beheld as utuai on the fourth thunday tn uarch to comply with retfuistioru of the lire usnhsi all doors now in the t- irton hall hsve been allered to open oji and thr prtsldrht alio announced that nrt door would be trutallfd at uke front entrance to te trollding ilrfure ekktina the meting comrade ftrlden ucoartnry had thr honor of prrsrnllntt tao tlfu to mrmher of the lafulon for wrvlces rendrrrd mr ibab mulr who ha been tn fharpr of en- trrtalrmrnt waj presented with an hoiaorum from the tvvjri fur hit val uable fcntcfo thr otl rr prention a a- rnadt to mn tom orirvr pull rrpjrt of tds aljl be found tlahrre in ihu litur the meclimr thtn adyumrd 1th the alnktng cf ood ftavr live king atarvhtttuawrit k w to bd 4n rw asj u-w- u aa fcaartws uo waj ga nm fm am eatiiy au ua jt kri9bftrr4sm ursmsigigli pie cuude dulon spent th week rnd at hit home in town pte duloa ho wai an employee of the prortn- rul imper ulll eniutd tn the rxx auc about thrre month ago end hah at completed his basic training toune at no 3cailitc mmooa lie utt neit week for advanced train ln pfobably at camp borden swfet caporal ih ui i0im in which ioiq cam ii iuoii0 native of lsqulninu oeorce haiindtkn iahmjs oconic edward huundirs u lifeluiiu rlsldtnt ol halion county dlid in llu- mllton hosplti1 ulur a titiurt mms on monday januury 2ut in hla u3rd yior lie wus born in enquculiik township und jutir moved to lyufulknr whuru ho conducted u cnrrluie bulldlnu and blaclumlth bujlnevi wlillc in ihut bumneui he became inunstcd in bue when autfia took uie pluco of hone und bumilta he truirtcrrcil lila lnter- catu into rounding one or the laruem uplurleii in ontario which he carried on for many years lie waa a mem ber of st stephens anglican church hornby and of the iooj left to mourn aro two rons oarl saundors at hornby pirl saundom at hamilton and two daughters mrs a j robertson of hornby and mrs a k purdy at toronto alto surviv ing an two tlitan un robert hoop er and mrs harry vox of toretfto puneral ssrvleas wen held from out flaunders borne in trafalw on wednesday afternoon with iitar- imu t wntynm ommmt ibton uuton wianiplflsi i iii i y a ur i v p a v im s5awsfssr5s aid eop2scy o vflc r t f s i s w t- stir jl 0mi and ajwiu annual medina a c the hydro electric power commission of ontario