the georgetown herald sewvatyfiftb year of publication wednesday fcfcttitty 3d 1943 georgetown tax rate is reduced by two mills 1943 levy set at 38 mills cilw gltl bfmcwuluii sissy l asnmm mswa f ra hull ninrninaaai f hlmimnu tun in taction on monday rvrnlns lot their regulsr meeting ororurloan council aprot tomr umi discuaiing u riropoaed buoirl lor ll and striking thr uikc clrrk l u harmon pmrntnl an numiln bud get for the currrnl sear lumpiled u compartaon 1ul ui irsra luturr and aftr ww nuuj ajjiauiiiiu it wss accepted a uaua fur mrlkul the laxrat couicluor joseph lull was not in accord ullli the niunmr in wtilcn ths rstr as iiruk nivsrslum that in finance committee sliould first go over the retimjtrs u a separ ate commit l4e and brina- in rrcummrn- dauoru to council major gibbons ssld he waa in favor o dolrui it an- way the council saw tit but that uir lime was short would npcnaaitsir a sjucu ramung and that in the final analysis the oounctl at a whole mould aavw to uvtalst council agreed to proceed in the matter two mills were taken off laat ear ru of 0 mills making the 194j ui- rata ol jj mills the loses in many teara if not in thr town a hlalur oouncll felt if las arrears and tulnnl taxes came in aa they are now thiojuh the year m atm fulhtr decrease could be expected neat rar of the iota taxes only upproalmaleiy u 000 00 re malned unpaid a recorded vxrte an- taken at the request of mr hall hi- being the only dissenting vote coun cillor shaw waa not present ut the meeting pit chief donald laatlmrr aaa preaent and addressed the council firing hla report or the year i0s2 thirteen fire calla m town and one from nerval aere received by the bit- fade last year up until november th oeoiwatown had a very low fire loss approximately iso 00 on nov tuber tin uie picker house at the woolled ullla waa destroyed by fire and on december 3rd the woollen 14111 itaelf waa totally deatroyed the cause of tnese flrea waa blamed on the truck loads or cotton brought to the mill one load or which au on flrr when it arrived the estimated lou ni 1500000 chief latimer said the brigade had done everything possible to eliminate fire hazards tn town but to uie hla own worda whati uie uie of keeping flrea out of loan when they bring it tn on trucks a bylaw waa paiaed allowing cer tain exemptions to farm lands ol 10 acrea or more within the municipality the rate being set at 34 mllla the question came up at this point as to the bee method of taxcollect ing councillor hall was very much displeased with the words i demand on the taxnotice and doubted if h could legally be placed there mayor olbbons said he believed it was placed there by statute that all oher towns had it on their tax forms and it mr hall could get any further informa tion council would be pleased to take it up at the next meeting council were agreed to collect taxes four times during the year as the method adopted last year had proved satisfactory councillor ilradlcy said it gave the worklmrman a better chance to keep up with their luxe- they did however allow a 3 iter oent discount if taxes for the year were paid in full on the first instalment tlai- penalties remain unchanged a bylau was pissed and an nun ment signed mill the vllluitr of arcm and toan n mllnn rniitnit the ser vices of a public health n irse lor ti three municipalities iltr duties wtl commence us rnli as hie in fssar a ronements ran be made the antiquated bylaw hiring the chief or prllce and assessor mis re scinded and u ntw bylaw drawn up chief w o marshall a town ultluul who had not come u linu lor u salary hnom at he prcvioui msslon when hal- arles were adjusted to meet the times was rimed a salary nf tioftoori pr tnnum in sanctioning the motion fur the salory increase mayor dlbhons spoke regarding the valuable services rendorcd to the town by the chief as it akachsor prior to ud inurnment council gave aome thought to proposed municipal omcob and connill chamlmt in the for mer bank of montreal building and the clerk was instructed to forward an otter to the bank for the purchase of the some the following accounts wore passod w h kentnor bon wolf are mm jb maekonzlo son eoal town hall welfare t tttan co offlee supplies lome scots attend dedication overseas mm of thr lome hrou nttrnditl dedication rrrrmonir in a wilier fhurcn in qtitain when a plaque was umrlled a- a mar of appreciation to the men uho hate worthtpprd in thr church dunna the prrsent war ttie nlaiqur prrwnl b 11c it nm oil iii liuls keenr fij heara tlr fol- iuinnr inscription nrrftrd as a mark of apjurclatlon by lieut col tils kerne to offlct r and men of the lornr scot of canada a ho wornhlp- 1 in this cjiarch durlnir uie hrcond world war mm of the famous can adian unit mjnh into the anclntt i-di- lice pir iliotoi tmtlore th crr- moit in uie inker phoui it llr hand ps lunts imllur to mn of tlr unit a i r ittinti ulong on heir a lo uie dedcalrn harton m p probes the high land prices two ind iendenl aluatora uiould be appoint when uiere it oldence that propritjr owners are uanfflnit up to demand high pricca for land bainc bojglu by thr government a ifoutvr of common aubcommlttct aald in lus report tabled tn the mounr today the ftubtiroiip ol uie hquj war expenditure committee ui aaked to obtain thr vle of valuators on pur chase of airport land at aimll man arrr uie quentlnn v raised by the winnipeg tribune the roqucat to the i ftubcommlitee headed by hutthes cleaver ub ilaltom went from act um traaspuri minuter mtchaud lnt pall fprruirtj no oplntan the committee report ald fuh phillips solicitor for tne tribune had indicated that in the opinion of la principal a public inquiry should be held to determine the value of land acquired by the government at olmll the aubcommite held that ita duty wa not to supplant the responsibility of either the public account- com mittee or the civil court in maltlna a public inquiry and it did not express any opinion as to the need for further inquiry on thr olmll purchaser the repwt aald in viru o the c tin rue which have been made that the purchase price paid or imd at olmll a as in rxres of its nctial value the lubcommlurr ha tiln rrvlrwrd thr system nw in operation with respect to thr ar- qutsitlon of land for airport sites and iitf the loiltjwliik rrommcndutlon n nn additional sifrkuitrtt in thr pub lic interest a- that hrnrr ihii is mi idtce rf he owners ol prop it nn flnk up to ilriniuul prires or thdr lund in i xrrss of thr market i it if is or when for m reasun mi li- drihtrnt niuaton is required then tun inrlf pcrimrnl itinitnrs should ix- h if firt of the present prutlre ol aipjhiintln t slmplv one indrpendint i i or iintl thai whrnrvrr povslblc mi li tpp inlmrnis should br on rc- rnnneuclutlrin il the lorul real rstulc l o h iteihmt i ilvninu the report of thr m o ii on communicable dlsrascs for jim- imrv i niiiktiipojc 3 srurlet fever ft measles ft cjrrmnn mrnslea 0j mumps 1 1 inruntllr pnralvslh tnplhiirl fever 0 whoopnu cnunh 1 ccrcbnirplmil menlnltlh 0 h bert tbrlow rv cable of fathtrs tmth mr herbert llaxlo uecrrtan of uie local branch of uie canadian levllon received a ruble from flirlnnd last eelt informlrut him of the deah of hls fauier over iras tlie late mr karloa aas bo eura o atte und lued in ftttland all hli life thr cable was sent b hrrberi llarloa jr stationed with the rcaaic over seas informmir his father of uie death which ixcurred on january 17th left to mourn his ioaa are three futni und two daiiithtrrs joseph harlow of brampton prrd and charles in eng land and nelllr and maruia also in england in a letter received from his sun iferbie mr harlow was informed nf the ulnm- of his other son leslie at tached tn the elaln armoured rel- mrnt who has been mnflnrd to hos pital since deeember 12th last j herbert and hay the latter with thr lome scots hive bcrn fortunate to meet in england und ixith visited their tck biouier in hospital tliie mhis serving tn his majestys lorces is the record of uir harlow li- mllv and all his friends in fleortre- toun wish lrslle a siredy recovery hell telopheno co 17 05 p d harrison roulstra- tlnn blrthh mnrrlaffrfi nnd doathii 1335 ailvora dopt store ww 35fl p o whltmee ata 4778 w o mamhall trucks and poataffo 600 welfare ooounta m79 mrs george b sayers passed away mrs ctroritr b huwrs died at her ik me in flrorurtoan on wrdnrsday j mini 27th in her ruhtvfourth rnr born at hrlfniinliitn in ibm she was himh ann long dnimhtrr of william und mary lnntr with her fumllv slu moved to col hiik wood township und sixty nhe rars a no she man led the late tleni ft huvres ttirv icsldid on thr 11th line irln and latei nioverl to cieorrtoan it i h vim sllur thc came heir tin lal mrs hiins was a wntntn ol fin dii mian ihurtklri pilel and 1 1 1 lit mtrnltm in liei initnnei hi lined and respected hv all wlut kneu htl she ua a miiiilier ol lu unled chnreli sinvlvliii are two lirothrrh jiimr and john ljtuc of mralord and one i on fled of klnculd bask nnd foul laiiithvrs mks murv ut hiiiue mrn it iliwlns aiinty creek mrs oliver marsliall central niiltc snsk mis walter bmwnrlrtk flcontrtown thrrr are also two ftrundduimhurh two israiulsons and ono itrcnt urancl- non the fiuioml wns held from her rcbl- denco on george street on saturday january 30th to the united church where rev r o todd conducted the acrvee pallbearers were messrs h stookford 1 m bennett fred sin clair comfort rossel arthur epelsht and cecil barth interment was made in oreenwood cemetery leroy dale kc heads red cress for fourth term the uiiintail merting of thr oeoxre- lown ked crov held in uie public library auditorium on tueaday vrn- iruj jan 56ui at ettfht ociorji with the prcaldmt ifr dude in uir chair a fair utundanre hrard lnterrsun rrpuru of the various acuvltlrsfur uie ear ithi a total or wjoooo had been reallzixl durtnif the rar from hubacnptlons rnrmbershlp fees dona tions and apecla fundmum prtecu which was very ipratlfyintt and spoke arl for uir patriotic krnrrosltv of the liroplr of oronreuwt and vlclnlt the president commended and uutnk- td uie various ofboers and chairmen for their work durlnu the vear mr dale was asked to keep the chair lor the election of officer which resulted as follows hon pnrsldrnt mr jos beaumont hon vicepresidents mr l k fleck rev woo thomprson mrs a nli- on mjsa a ran president mr le i roy dale kc 1st vicepresident i mrs anne lauson 2nd vlcepres mr ralph rosa 3rd vlceprra mrs john i hepburn 8r olen williams treasur er mr o w mcllntocjc secreur miss v adams purchasina committee mrs w v a rant mrs w r watson and mn sid maokenrlr srwlruz con vener mrs wm bell knlttlnjr dla- trlbutor mrs p cleuve ilecelvcr mrs d w baxter hospital convener mrs john campbell rn special projects miss jean mackenzie mlss marjory oault and mrs fdna dun can publicity mrs w v grant and mrs sid muckciuir advrrtlslntt mr ralph rov nnd mr w carprntrr the 104 j executive was rrelrctrd with hr followlrik names added mr e cole mr d brill and dr c v williams also u rrpresentallvr ap pointed by them from thr various ladles orkatlii tlons 111 town vitt of thanks were trnderrd mrs olblions mr c parker mr wm isoiik and mr e cole prrhldeiit dale spoke hrlellv of the busv vrar ahead nf the red cross and asked for the lonpri ill n and sjipjutrl of the eitl- iiis of the town and vlrlnltv pretty wedding in united church on liili uhrlit jiinuiin jth iiiitminlml llllllell chlllill vls the scene of it pretl ivimldliu when liil lr millar duinlilrr nf mr nnd mr roy mlllir norviil hecimie llle hrl li of cpl clinrlcs eiilon allen wm mr und mrs chnrles allen arlin tlio bilcle was iittlred in msesllk jersey street lernith dress with brown necohsorles nnd n corsotie of roses iter one attendant woh hor alater until mlllnr who wore turquoise with blnck aeossorlcs and rose ooraaiie mrmor- ley allen brother of tho groorrj was nobt man after a short woddlnc trip the groom will return to his sjbatlon on tho est coast business men say farewell to bank of montreal staff lions club hear boy scout official a um- turt ui oi uir uur club uvl nuht at u- ujlumjn itoul llun pnodtut uav juu1 lntnduci ur k ut i mr a intddon field rtrttry icon llc hcout ii q toion- to in an uiurrfiuii addrtb he told fu thr uir mr hbrrt uionlrll hlt tjiut up in mjfoklng worked out a tlrm lu krrp uu- wo rnfavrd in nrlthf ul pjnjits after hli return to knitund lu- mduptcd uiu kyitrm turn rnldrvrd it to fom a worldwide or- h for boi tn ivm lu4d upon uie two foundation ttonet oj thr lcout piuinur and the houat law and uie isuut uutlu iir prrptrd turuutiiut ha done much lo lutntce hatrinful tcmcs into well organlxed roup which liave helped build u uie community where they formed in fiiuland boy bcouu the knlghu of the short panu have nndeed in valuajble ervtc aa a jt p asmitanu he i jut in canteens meurnjkrra and muii other it a in poland and rtiup in me ouier occuplod coun- trhi hixiut have sujterrd aa maxtri rathtr than tllve up their ticout ideals as oj tan mr by forrnlntf bcout truups ju can leduce thr prrnt prrsaltnce of juvenile delinquency to a minimum mr paddon then called upon mr orrur mawti of acton boy ticout commismoner for i lai ton to give the club some helpful idcaa about the ac tual formation onnmlcation and rarrvlru out of a bcout troop lion j d kell former scout oom- murvlonrr for hal ton moved uie vote of thanks to both apeakerm he via ae- eonded by lion w long the follow ing ware then appointed to act as a committee to further the formation of a hcout troop in georgetown d lieut j i kelly w long ed mc- whlrler lion a c we ik introduced his auest mr d e mckay of the bank of montreal on the motion of uon j d kelly seconded bv lion bill long r rom and with the wholehearted approval of the members of uie club rrftrela at his leavlnu oronrriown were rx- prrssrd to uon a c welk lr s replv uon ab stitcd ttiat he ha jord his short stay in otonrttown and thanked the lions for their ex pressions of friendship nnd llonlsm hie ntxt mretina la to be a booster merlins when bruce malcolm hecre- larv dltrct a ontario and quebec is tn briiui special truest and entertaln- nent so let nil oeoriretown lion romr out the weather lly ii l hutt well here la candrimas day when the furmer who has to ration his live stork fodder aaya have half your oats and half your hay the day when the beat und ftruundhoit is supposed to come nut of his winter lair and have a look at thr weather he will have no trouble aeelnrr hla shadow today for the sun ls shlnlnit like an april mom inur but there is nearly two feet of shou uu the level and there haa been vcrv little or no trust in the ground all winter with hull the winter over we can look back and sec how january has been keeping up the record for a win ter month the usual january thaw was omitted nllorether and we tot no nun almiouuh ar usually ret 123 in hut this luck was- nulde up by double lie mitiitil mitlwliill the dally mean j tcmmriitiirf was 12 or 32 deitreen be- lou normal fnllimlnit nre the locnl records for the put ueek nile ii mil i bmm- temp lull tn illi li 27 10 weil jim 27 21 5 linns jan 211 23 li ll i inn 20 21 ii sat iiti in n in r kim iin tl n 11 mii 1 eli 1 t 24 3 a number of buuilra men trathrred at ttw otnk of uontreal at cloains uni ufct turtday jao 30 to say ian aril lo lie manaurr and staff tile hank olllclaljy ciuard lu doora lo fur- uier txujtuv uajuacuonj ut that time in lu it it i all uunktim oaoneas omie in oror wn ui be lakrn care ol by e cajuadlan ilank ol com- iin jlu mrflfc waa a aartlm mraauie adiocaud by the uuvrmmrnt for the convrvatlon ol ounpoarr sir w r ilnadley uilroduccd maor juiji illitina who on brhalf ol the cltlirn and bualntaa men ol tlie town oltrd a ntling tribute lo the uilcra rendelca by tiic hank durtnf lu j7 yis ol operation in otxirurloau mr j li slukrnzlr briefly outlined the hutor ol uie qtktvi lure in u thumb nail sirtch ana itev c c oouirane tpofcr for the cfiurchea sir a c welk who came here aa manager lo 1 830 from the slltthrll branch nitiruhy replied and vulcrd hla deep suprrcjitlon on behalf of the atafr of thla fine neature on the pan of the local buaincas men tlierr are thrrc branchaa of the hank ol sfuntieol cloud out this month namely in laortvj the one on parlia ment ut in toronto and of rourst our oan ofonjrlown branch to equ- alllra- tiila therr will be three hank of corruni rte bmnchea absorbed into th hunk ol slontrral in other town the bank gave the stall the oppor- tumt ol axrptlng other positions m r stanley otton uccounantias been uanmerred to heeler mr howard tovanarnd who aua teller- for a short time enllitrd in the it c a as a run- nrr and la at nreanl stationed in to ronto sllaa daus brulaby did not accent a poalttun in the bank ol com merce and atlas nellie kennedy la rv- tlrlrui uias jean siartln la now em ployed at the bank ol commeror thr lustily reapected and popular rranaser for the post 3 years sir a o welk will manage the bank ol afont- real branch in penrlon falls and leaves lo luume his dutlra there at the end of una month mr welk has made a brest man frlenda in town and au sill be sorry lo see auch a lint public aplnted dtuen leave the community he started his banking career at esamllk in 1911 and since has man- aired the banks at mlldmay lucan and mitchell before coming to oeorgt- town a lellow of the canadlsn bank ers association alnce 1020 he has aon hlifh swards on two occasfens in their esaay contests on banking sir welk la a man or wide interests and is a member of many lodges including the roysl city ledge of perfection ouelph the nose croix chapter ouelph a a sz 8 b and the moore consistory of the ancient and accept ed order of scottish rights hamilton in mitchell he belonged to the tudor ledf a f a m in georgetown he was third principal in the juiton chanter of royal arch uasons mr and mrs welk are members of knox presbyterian church both took a part in church affaire mrs welk was a member of the wmb and cir cle she took an active interest in the work of the red cross and has de voted much of her time to it prior to coming to georgetown she was a mem ber of the ioxe for many years mr welk waa interested in the work ol the uons dub and served as secre tary treasurer of that organisation for several vcara he was on the execu tive of the red cross society and gave much of his time and energy to this cause he was treasurer of the newly formed navy league in town and has long been interested in navy work he has been a member of the bowling club since first coming here nnd vlille thew wns golf he also oninyed unit spnrt at cedar crest wc ulsh him nnd his wife every happlnev in their new home in fenc- lon fulls lltml tilanoiw iianiis tilt hollywood hotel nt norviil liuimiil hands n month ago when mrs i ward nt senforlh bniirht ii irimi mr ritibln carter owner anil proprietor for the imitt eight years mr carter tins bought the mc- klnney property in norvnl where ho and mrs curler will make their home they have also purchased the chopping mill and 25 acres belonging to the brown estate and in bprlng will begin operating same prior to oomlnaf to norvaq mrs ward sold a sorooffl hotel oalud til queens hotel which aha operated in beaiorut norvai pretmvtfnlan rilhrcii kxtknilh tali to rev u hclf at u conitrckntlnnnl meeting of nor viil mil union presbyterlnn churches un wednesday jim 27th in norvnl k presbyterian church it was dcrldtsr- to extend ii cull tn rev j l self b a of miisquodlbolt harbour n 8 thp eongreitntlotis have not had a resident minister since the departure of rev a lcgrrett some months ago rev j u self is a recent graduate of knox collecce toronto and or the university of western ontario his home u in toronto the call was presented to uie pres bytery of toronto at their meeting on tuesday february and and if sustain ed will be forwarded to ut belt rev o c okmhrane of knox presby terian ohureh georgetown interim moderator mi chairman of meeting i