the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 30th 1939 page 7 s nnffcc of firs ng ol voters list usts ims manldpaluy ef georgetown comity of halton notice is hereby given that i have lued with section 8 of the voters l act and that i have posted up my offlee at georgetown on the llrtleth day of august 1939 the 11st all persons entitled to vote in the lid municipality at municipal elec- and that such ust remains there ctton and i hereby call up- i an voters to take immediate pro ngs to have any errors or orqis- corrected according to law the day for appeal being the 20th of september 1939 daied august 30th 193 p b harrison clerk town of georgetown eleven prime minister have led canadians sir john amaedenald with tears laurier 15 years s kin 13 i notice to creditors i tfaematter of the estate of mas- tin luther near late of the j town of georgetown in the coanty of halton gentleman deceased notice is hereby given that persons having any claims or de- mds against the late martin luther r who died on or about the fifth of june 1939 at the town of jetown in the county of halton i province of ontario are required send by post prepaid or to deliver the undersigned solicitors herein tfftfwi uargaret near and ro- t shortul the executors of the last 1 and testament of martin luther gentleman deceased their and addresses and full partl- i in writing of then- claims and atements of their accounts and the rem from june 16 and take notice that after the fourth day of september 1939 hsaid isabella margaret near and vt shortin will proceed to dlstrl the assets of the said deceased the persons entitled thereto isiing regard only to the claims of they shall then have had no- and that the said isabella mar- near and robert shortin will t be liable for the said assets or any thereof to any person or whose they shall not then have re- bjve no i dated at georgetown ontario this ntythlrd day of august ad 1939 dale bennett ors for the said isabella mar garet near and robert shortul kotice to creditors i the matter of the estate of wel- i uah cooke late of the tswn of i georgetown in the coanty at hal- tan gentleman deceased is hereby given that 1 persons having any claims or de- nds against the late william cooke i died on or about the eighth day may 1939 at the city of guelph the county of wellington and ivlnce of ontario are required to by post prepaid or to deliver to undersigned solicitors herein for cooke the executrix of t last will and testament of wll- cooke gentleman deceased names and addresses and full in writing of their claims statements of their accounts and nature of the securities if any i by them and take notice that after the intyfourth day of september 1939 amid frances e cooke will pro- to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons en- thereto having regard only to 1 flilms of which she shall then ave had notice and that the satd i e cooke will not be llabl- for i sajd assets or any part thereof to person of whose claim claim hc i not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario twentythird day of august ad dale bennett i solicitors for the said prances e cooke the celebration or prime minister mackenzie kings 20th annirersarv as leader of the federal liberals has caused w l- clarke a feature writer on the windsor star to review the facts about canada s party leaders and those who have become bead of the government he recalls that only four men have been official lenders of the dominion liberals since confed eratlon they have been hon alex ander mackenzie edward blake sir wilfred lautier and mr king mr king would have to win two more elections to equal the record of sir john a- macdonajd who served 19 1 ears as prime mlnlstre of canada mr king has been prime minister during 13 years while sir john a holds the record for total service as prime miniser sir wilfred lauriers 15 years in office constitute the record for continuous service since 1867 there have been 11 prime ministers heading 16 administrations here is where mr king holds a ecord as he is the only man ever to be prime minister three different times sir john a macdonajd sir robert borden and rt hon arthur meighen were all prime ministers twice although sir robert s service was continuous he having transferred enroute from lead ing a conservative government o a union government the 16 administrations with the prune ministers follow rt hon sir john macdonaldd conservative from july i 186jz to november 6 1873 hon alexander mackenzie liber- from november 7 1b73 to october 16 1878 3 rt hon sir john a maodonald conservative from october 17 1878 to june 6 1891 4 hon sir j j abbott conservative 1891 to december 1892 5 hon sir john thompson conser i alive from december 5 1892 to dei ember 12 1894 6 hon sir mackenzie bowei con servative from december 21 1894 to april 27 1896 7 hon sir charles tupper conser vative from may 1 1896 to july 8 1896 8 rt hon sir wilfred laurir lib eral from jul 11 1896 to october 6 1911 9 rt hon sir robert l borden conservative from october 19 1911 te october 12 1917 10 rt hon sir robert l borden unionist from october 12 1917 to july 10 1920 11 rt hon arthur meighen con servaive from julj 10 1920 j dec fcmber 29 1921 p 12 rt hon w l mackenzie king liberni from december 29 1921 to june 28 1926 hon arthur melghn con attitude towabd animals guide to character show me a boy who brings home hungry homeless undernourished dogs and cats to be cared tor and kindly treated and x will show you a boy of the right kind a lad who has a fine start in life show me a boy or girl or man or woman for that matter who mistreats an nni or ignores one in distress and i will show you a person i am sure i would not care to know intimately such people classify them selves for the right type of person likes birds and animals and treats them well 8 the first thing that my young ne phew aged 14 does when he comes in the house is to pick up one or the oth er or our two cats and pet him i either cat is in the house when mj nephew arrives the creature abounds toward the sound of his voice climbs into his lap and proceeds to go to sleep animals know their true friends when they see or hear them and quickly re spond to marks of affection whenever i hear a person say i don t care for animals they re all a big nuisance to me i instinctively shrink from him something impor tant was lefvout of his makeup of that i am sure not long ago a salesman called at our house he had a splendid line of merchandise to offer and i would pro bably have bought some of it except for his attitude toward the larger of our two oats dtay as we call the feline had parked himself at the edge of the screen door outside waiting for someone to open the door and let him inside hearing footsteps on the porch i peeked through the window at the salesman s approach saw him place his foot under dizzy and transport him a bit roughly several feet away he did not hurt the cat but how much better it would have been had he pick ed the animal up with his hands and gently deposited him out of the way but evidently such thoughtrulness and consideration was too much trouble that incident gave me an insight in to the mans character indicating a dislike for animals or at least a dis interest inthem i did not care to patronize such an individual and thus he lost a sale that might otherwise have been his henry h graham in our dumb animals labour day editorial states church can not stand idly by the church cannot stand idly by if some of its members are suffering because of a system for which they are not responsible but which grinds them to distraction declares a la bour day editorial in the current issue or the united church observer the editorial states the primary care of the church is human person ality the church s interest is in people whether they be black or white yellow or red whether they be long to one class or another class to one nation or another nation since this is the chief concern of the church it follows that it dare not stand silently by in the face of con ditions which would harm human be ings on any rung of the economic or social ladder or of anygrade of na tional status i time and again the church through its various courtfihas made pronouncements on labour this it capitalists but because it seems some of those for whom it is responsible suffering from conditions which un corrected are bound to despoil it not completely wreck human personality what must be done however is to see to it that the workers are given reasonable hours at their exacting work and an adequate share in the profits of the business we are in the midst of a changing order of society what the future may hold we do not know but so long as the present system of capital and labour reveals some reasonable approach to this prob lem of hours and conditions of work is esbentlal then there is the sense of inse curity under modern conditions workmen have little or no economic security the vagaries of fashion may cause a layoff a war scare may create a temporary boom in the steel and allied trades but there is a corres ponding lack of employment in others to say nothing of what happens notice to creditors i the matter of the estate of john medesmid late of the town at igeergetewn in the coanty of hal- servatlve from june 28 1926 o sept ember 25 1926 14 rt hon w l mackenzie king liberal from september 23 126 to august 7 1930 la rt hon r b bennett canser vative trom august 7 1930 to october 23 1935 16 rt hon w l mackenzie king liberal from october 23 193a to date of the 11 canadian prime ministers three have been liberals mr mac kenzie sir wilfred laurier ani mr king the other eight have been con servatives of the 11 prime ministers three died wnile in office sir john a mac- donald sir john abbott and sir john j thompson sir john thompson drop ped dead in windsor castle in eng- and just after an interview with queen victoria it will be noted that the three who died in office held the position in sequence of the 11 prime ministers three are still living mr meighen mr bennett and mr king of the four leaders of the dominion liberals three have become prime ministers mr mackenzie sir wilfred laurier and mr king edward blake was the only liberal leader not to head a dominion government but he was 1 premier of ontario from december 20 1 1871 to october 25 1872 of the 11 prime ministers four have not been knighted mr mackenzie mr meighen mr king and mr ben nett mr mackenzie was offered a title but did not accept it of the ii prime ministers rive have not been members or the imperial privy council mr mackenz e sir john abbott sir john thompson sir mackenzle bowell and sir charles tupper they had the prerix hon orable while the other six were right honorables through their member ship in the imperial privy council chinas bask notes great britain now printing 1000000 000 two british printers of bank notes are now carrying out contracts given to them by the government central bank of china for printing 1 000000 000 notes neither the exact total nor the value of the notes can be divulg ed four hundred extra hands have been ngaged to cope with one of the contracts which will take a further lear to complete the other has al ready been completed the original plates are to be kept tn great britain and the notes them selves will go to china bv various routes there are only but few bank no e irinters other than government fac lories in the world and other ordtrs for bank notes are now being earn ed thiough in england for costa rta salvador greece turkey egypt per ala slam and switzerland the steel workers themselves when the threat of war is removed every lay off is a human tragedy behind the bare announcement that a hundred men are to be unemp oyed is the pic ture of a hundred wives two hundred children disappointed discouraged and in despair too old at forty is already a stark reality for many with no securitv for the ruture there nothing to look forward to but a life of idleness and the inevitable waiting for the old age pension at seventy the average man wants to work to earn enough for his frugal needs tc oirfcr into tmm okoonoj leave georgetown leave exhibition 9 j0 8landanl time w h long georgetown phone 89 gray coach lines optical needs vary there can never be a set rule for fitting or leouonmodtag glasses the human qfb ha so many variations that svsry case is a ihnr one it re quires training and skill to ss- we specialise in eye examination and good o t walker rs optometrist eyesight spkosaust braaestea who b at rosss drug store georgetown the homi wednesday of every month or yon may consult t walker at bis efllee in braaasts bring lp his family in decency to many that privilege that sense of independence that security is denied because of a system which is insuffici ently flexible to adjust itseir quickly to new stresses and new great stratrti once a year we observe labour day once a year the churches have the opportunity through concerted effort to call attention to the men and women who labour on the farms down the mines and in the factories and in the name of him who is the head of the church to declare the unalterable opposition to conditions which are blighting the ii rights of its members it is a matter of court record which came to light during the search of an american newspaper for items 109 years back that a certain individual had been sentenced for preaching the end of the world among the georgia negroes and selling them receipts good for angels wings at ten dollars a pair o ur b usiness youth that g rl you picked up at the dance last night was from ireland wasn t she chum no from iceland berebx given that i having any claims or de- kagainst me late john mcixr who died on or about the second may 1b39 at the town of town in the county or halton t province of ontario are required by post prepaid or to dellve undersigned solicitors herein jeanetta isabel medermid and t cole the executors or the last and testament of john accder- postmaster deceased their names l addresses and full particulars in j of their chums and statement j their accounts and the nature of meartues if any held by them and take notice that after the ayfourtbrday of september 1935 amid jeanetta isabel accdermid t cole wutproceed to dls- assets of the aaid deceased the person entitled thereto regard only to the claims of tbey shall then have bad no- ind that the said jeanetta isabel and everett cole will not ioafale for the said asset or any thereof to any person of whose they shall not then have re- atjcd at georgetown ontario this yttuxd day of august aa 1s39 daujk suvheir i for the said jeanetta isabel 4 dust control in industry the termlnalogy or housewives is adapted in an ajjpeslfor dust con trol in industry by thelridustrtal ac cident prevention associations dust control is an essential of efficient housekeeping it is pointed out and industrial dust cannot be swept un der the carpet with any degree ol safety dirt and dust in any plant interfere with production depreciate machinery and equipment and create both health and accident hazards recommendation is made that all dust be removed at its source be cause the cleaning job will be easier health of employees will be protect ed and tn certain c the danger or dust explosion wul be removed auto matic dust couectlrjujsyatems are rs- conunended no part ofan industrial plantaheukl be excluded from a clean liness program inactive equipment and miscellan eous materials should be properly stored away from general operations the scrap pue is the beat place for junk whitewash and white paint are r to discourage the accummolauon of dirt- and dust all parts of industrial plants the tendency o use corners as refuse bins will wovercom if every corner m a bunding is whitewashed or painted white agricultural societies fairs and exhibitions 1939 ainat toronto canadian national exhibition aug 25sept 9 september 19 durham sept 7 8 elmlra sept 1 2 4 fergus sept 8 9 september 11 16 ancaster sept is ib bracebridge sept 14 is caledon sept 12 13 london western pal- sept 11 16 midland sept 1416 ml verton sept 14 is oranoeville sept 1416 oshawa sept 1113 wlarton sept 14 15 september 1sz3 acton sept 19 20 aulston sept 21 22 barrie sept 1821 beamsvllle sept 22 23 cooksvule sept 22 23 gait sept 2123 huntsvllle sept 20 21 kincardine sept 21 22 ustowel sept 20 21 meaford sept 21 22 mount forest sept 21 22 september 2530 athur sept 27 28 chesley sept 2s 26 colllngwood sept 28 30 dundalk sept 26 27 georgetown sept 27 28 prand valley milton mitchell owen sound paisley palmerston sept 28 30 sept 29 30 sept 26 27 sept 30 oct 2 3 sept 26 27 sept 26 27 october 27 beeton oct 3 4 cookstown oct 5 6 drayton oct 3 4 erin oct 7 9 markham v oct 57 streetsvffle oct 3 4 tare oo s t17 oct 10 11 oc 10 11 nrxeknatlotfaii ptatwiho matoh and farm machinery danwnstntlan ontario hoaptr tai farm brockvma ontario united coanum of leeds and orsbvokv oot 10oi 11 u ottawa wnrrab task mot mit rotal wintsb iv toronto rot ujb ocelph wlrttsv mxr dsefr is printing letter heads sale bills catalogues booklets office forms prompt work broadsides show cards blotters stationery business card low prices when you want printing you naturally want good printing promptly done at fair cost that isthe kind of printing we are qualified to render we have modern type faces a wide selection of paper stocks and layout suggestions which will enable you to attain real quality character for your business or en terprise be the job large or small we can serve you if you will phone our representative will call and if you wish assist you in planning the work to be done phone no 8 the georgetown herald