page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 21st 1938 the georgetown herald pbonb no x m hooks ukw ud fwhhhiw a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests of the town of oem and surrounding cou nrfilnt the tillages of chen mmams nerval uoaehouae stewartbnro baulnafad and terra cotta issued every wednesday evening at the office on main st georgetown sobschiptiew ratessuso per year tn advance united i fioo adrtltfrmaj single copies 3c both old and new addresses should he given when change of address is requested advyttfiibxna rates legal notices 12c per line for first in sertion 7c per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each insertion if in black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments society church or organisation meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 26c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorlan notices 50c and 10b per line extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c small advertisements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution win be taken to avoid error the herald t advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not he for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless it proof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement the herald dobs job printing op all kinds- gods great love ibnternatioftal uniform sunday school lesson december 15 1938 golden text god so loved the world that he gave his only be gotten son that whosoever bellneth on nun should not perish but have everlasting life john 3 16 lesson passage matthew 2 112 true love is born and exists in a realm beyond this world in god himself in god and in god alone when our souls are silent before him the wise men 1 t many people come to christ through the avenue of their own in terest the wise men were astroni mers and a star led them to jesiu the disciples were fishermen and christ told them that he would moke them fishers of men the woman at at- to the- w to draw- water and she learned from jesus about the water of life certain greeks came to jesus out of curiosity which jesus speedily satisfied our daily work or dominant thoughts may open doors through which we may come to christ the wise men -ep- resented scholars but humble work tngmen found in christ all that they desired the wise men demonstated the truth of christ s teaching that those who seek will find they tra velled a long distance but their journey was not made in vain a troubled king 36 roman governors must have been constantly perplexed at the convic tions of the people of jerusalem and surrounding district the rellg i us customs of the jews were far differ ent from those in rome the obser vance of the sabbath day the devo tion to the law and the scriptures the sacrifices of the priests and the hope of a great deliverer were far beyond the thinking of such a n as herod he hardly knew whether to take this jewish religion seriously or not but he could not fall to see that the jaws took their religion seriously he sought to find out where their longexpected king wa to be bom his interest was in poli tical administration not in religious experience it was his task as gover nor to put down all revolution and be was afraid that thesplrttual hope of the hebrews would lead to r vo lution actually a greater change took place than ever herod feared the search rewarded 11 the christmas story should be zcad imaginatively trying to visualise the village of bethlehem seeing the shepherds sing their songs the wise men present their gifts it is possible for us to enter into the joy of jie men who followed the star to bethje- h when they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding great oy tbey felt that their leading had ben vindicated little did they know the extent to which the destiny of hu man beings was to be bound up with the life of the babe of bethlehem several of the objective results are the hew testament the chrlsan church the sacraments the symbol of the cross but even greater has bn the effect of new attitudes in human hearts the babe of bethlehem is known as the prince of peace the great physician the master ind teacher of men looking back over nineteen centuries of christian his tory we are better able to estimate the importance of that birth in a tillage stable pint christmas gifts ii we have to read between the dues to understand why the wise men bow- ad in worship before the baby jesus aj1 their thoughts are not recorded in the narrative a great expedtaixm had been awakened in their minds with patience they bad followed the tar and at last their search had been rewarded they had come pre pared to give royal gifts they pre sented gold frankincense and myrrh aynfcollxmg substance influence and service it is impassable to calculate the value of the gifts that have been given in the name of christ perhaps christ values the money gifts than love to himself and service then in his name even the poorest of as may give to christ if we are wuung to jive ourselves that is the gflft be desires above all others the tree surrender of ourselves to him in order that be may lead us closer god warned to a dream 12 herod had teh bis plot but it was was in danger eventually he v s crucified upon a cross todaj i ie cause of christ is in danger in tnanv countries of the world his church is oppressed his teachings are forbidden his name is vilified yet he contluues to use the methods of his min truth service and love in the erd he will win and by peaceful educn tlonal methods dictators ma com mand armies navies and air forces but chirst is still the lover of human hearts this christmas let us tj to understand what it would mean to persecuted people of many nation if the love of jesus christ ruled in all human hearts let us earnestly prvv that the war spirit may recede and that the nations which have suffered so cruellj through war maj not r- turn evil for eul but may exal the standard of goodwill taught and led by the prince of peace questions for discussion j why does the fact the jesus wm a jew fall to prevent persecution of the jews how does scholarship pay homaw to christ f why has christianity failed solve the problems between jews i and arabs in palestine what would be your attitute christmas if you imp in bpain discuss reannamentrand relief in the light of christmas the open hand he is dead whose hand is not open wide to help the need of a human bro ther he doubles the length of his lifelong ride who gives his fortunate place another and a thousand million lives are his i who carries the world in his sym- f pathies to give is to live james russell lowell trouble brewing it was a dark and stormy night j when the weary husband returned j home i vc been to every shop in tqwn j and they can t match that bit of rib bon for you anywhere dear he said to his wife splendid she cried i just want ed to make sure it really was unique sealed tenders the undersigned will receive seated tenders up to six pjn friday decem ber 31 1938 for the purchase of jthe georgetown flour and peed mill and equipment therein situated on ouelph street in the town of georgetown and formerly owned by the late w c tenders must be accompanied by a marked cheque for 10 of the value of tender particulars may be obtained from dale and bennett solicitors for the administratrix of the estate at georgetown the highest or any tender not necessarll accepted dale a bennett sollc tors for emily bessey administratrix of the wilfred c bessey estate muckarfs electric xmas selections electric toasters 14 electric coffeemakers 231 electric cigar lighters 95 electric sandwich toasters 33 electric tea kettles 53 health scales 39 electric royal vacuum cleaners all attachments electric westinghouse washing machines special westinghouse refrigerator 59 cubic ft 5900 6995 19900 northern electric ranges and radios enter the northern electric mirrophonic radio stars contest first prize 81000 1500 in cash prises just select your favourite radio personalities easy to enter no obligation no fuss no tricky questions come in for your entry blank at once heres your chance to win 1000 or one of so fifty 1000 prizes if you have plumbing heating or electrical troubles call us without obligation plumbing heating airconditioning electric wiring we wish to extend to all our friends our best wishes for a merry ghlrstmas and we will do everything possible to make the coming year a drosnerous one ip you do not receive our calendar please call for yours g r phone 319w muckart georgetown notira max instead at nvarunc band they retamed to ttaetr sourtrr tv another route us lad tte ufa of jan aas in danasr joasph and liarr sd to boat sahtr mac us aatattbr u bft vvi tor everyone a complete varied selection youll find so many appropriate gifts here for everyone on your gift list that it will make your christinas shopping much easier and a real pleasure this year come in today and examine our selection of fine gifts at economical prices for him- a yardley shaving set from 100 to 725 prophylactic brush sets at 225 375 550 military brush sets at 125 200 colgate and palmolive shaving sets 25c 49c 98c 149 pipes 25c 49c 100 to 350 kodaks 125 to 1025 snapshot albums 175 to 3 00 autostrop and gillette razors 100 cigarettes 50c 100 200 cigars 50c 100 240 tobaccos 50c 65c 75c to 175 cigarette lighters cigarette cases watches tobacco pouches alarm clocks etc electric razors are now in great demand we have in stock the following nationally known razors kwik shave guaran teed only 495 packard lektro shaver 850 packard roto- shaver 1350 sunbeam shave- master 1675 gillette dry shaver 2000 auto bridge 150 smiles n chuckles choclates 25c 50c 100 150 neilsons chocolates 50c 100 xmas cracker of bars 25c for tfer- yardley sets 100 to 1000 125 to 400 25c to 600 25c to 200 25c to 450 25c to 375 25c to 500 25c to 110 25c to 135 formal sets dernvs sets stationery compacts perfumes woodbury sets bath salts body powder leather papeteries 100 200 kodaks 125 to 1025 parker pens and pencils pens 350 500 750 pencils 150 250 350 eclipse pens and pencils pens 100 sets 98c 150 295 eclipse desk sets 198 295 playing cards 50c 100 playing cards in leather case with score pads special 198 books for boys and girls from 5c to 50c see our splendid selection of children books xmas cards decorations wrappings cord ribbon icicles tinsel all the accessories xmas tree ughts and extra bulbs our service is always in season for were always ready to help you when you visit us so when we say christmas we are expressing what we wish for you every day i merry phone 327 maecormacks drug store we deliver georgetown cnjt tlme table umg bast tm mm 10jttua am i us i n i going wert passenger and mail passenger passenger and man passenger sunday 1119 pjn saturday only leaving toronto at 1130 pm arriving at georgetown 1338 ajn first trip november mb going north mall and passenger 84s am going south mail and passenger sa pjk gray coach lines time table effective sunday september 15th leave georgetown to toronto a 708 ajn 938 am ii 48 ajn c 223 pjn 4j8 pjn 6 48 pjn 9 03 pjn westbound to london 935 ajn ill 20 ajn 200 pjn cx255 pjn ay445 pjn 700 pjn moo pjn 0x1105 pin erll50 pjn a except sun and hot b sun and hoi c sat only d except sat sun and hoi e sat sun and hoi x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h xotto directory leboy dale kc m sybil bennett 1va banisters and souctton georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bldg mill sa kenneth m langdon banister solicitor notary pabua first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 georgetown baney graydon lawrence cook barristers etc 465 bay su toronto brampton out e fraser raney ko h edward cook gordon graydon 333 main st north brampton telephone 709 harold r lawrence loblaw building brampton telephone 843 p r watson djs mds georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j r jackson dentist xkay office hours daily 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 phone zz4w georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer for the counties of feel and iuhoj prompt service telephones cheltenham 36 r 33 georgetown flirt post office cheltenham walter t evans co general insurance ocean steamship service real estate mala st north georgetown phone 183 a chinamen was worried by a vici ous looking dog which barked at him in an angry maoner dont be afraidt of him said the owner yon know vbe old proverb a barking dog ne wtes -yee- aaod the rtyi- you know ploveib and we know ptoverb but does dog know ptoerbt