Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 10, 1938, p. 6

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pago 6 the georgetown herald wednesday auguat i oth 1938 does your system make excess acid acm mtestta cu hmmns wm attacks often stmt this way tv on wp i tfumtuy wl katm tteindb fan jaocpof add but lost hke sfdsaavy atasaach tanbk bat they cant be pat ngpt by onf imedial bxaat add meson why yaw wske bat theres one thing that acfcc can lace that the nartafitiag power of vtafft sato the aeeaae ranedy with the awl 1 1 apoaafol in your system just fihe u spring water far away where vange salts cane from add is neatiahted quickly p tow blood it purified of poisons yoor mr stomach watts are soothed and that am of hard lying gamps mobs ton fott modern girl than it waa par bar older slater a daaea tears ag shorts and flay satts are new in otoer camping mutt be a lot more fun for girls now than it once was for most camps seem to hve discarded those er outfits onepleoe play suits aborts and shirts or the flannel slacks for cool flays and the evenings a one- piece flay suit of bright blue cotton that buttons all oown the middle of the blouse and across the waistband and down the side of the shorts seems sensible if one must have- bloomers they are home made of fine light weight french serge cut with a mod crate flare and held in above the knees with elastics these come in green brown or navy for little girls there are cottoh suits with vnecks front and back and short blo panties colors are green bright blue white deep sun tan or navy a wellmade leather moccasin with narrow heel and broad toe is a timeproven standby at one camp shop it has a rubber sole and a very low heel and a leather insulation fox coolness this is worn by girls who need more support than they get from oat of your body rasa do you fed aaodl it awrvcbeui bat the moat aatrvdtoos thing b that vange sana tsansl at your draa- t if youre wise oa year chuml i feace that can how constantly today do hearts troubled and perplexed by fear long lor saute dfift assurance that peace can be established and main tained on eartnl many never having learned that god is lore and that love when re flected g every right activity in human experience in continuous peace and prosperity have turned only to materia methods hoping thereby to find a suoaessful antidote fin- war yet we read in the following psalm that god destroys the weapons of war psalms 469 he maketh wars tq cease unto the end of the earth he hreaketh the bow and cut- teth the spear in sunder he burnetii the chariot in the lire it is the application of the spiritual understanding of the true nature of god and man which maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth it is the conscious teflectloo of love manifested in unseued desire wisely to aid our fellow man combined with the understanding of mans true splr ltual being that casts out the evil temptations to indulge in distrust and subtle methods of revenge these are the truths which must be understood and utilised in order to establish per manent peace throughout the world speaking of the importance of rea lizlng that the only power is spiritual never material or physical mary bak er eddy writes the first church of christ scientist and miscellany the principle of all power is god and god is love whatever brings into human thought or action an el ement opposed to love is never re qulslte never a necessity and is not sanctioned by the law or god the law of love how many times have burdened hearts turned to those tender words of the master john 14 27 peace i leave with you my peace i give unto you not as the world giveth give i unto you let not your hearts be troubled neither let it be afraid on 3y through spiritual understanding of god omnipresent love and omnipo tent life as revealed through the teachings of pure christianity can that peace wherein is no room for fear or doubt be attained in each in dividual consciousness such peace is not a personal gift the life and healing ministry of jesus fully proved that peace and power are attained through the recognition of mans un ity with god a unity which knows no limitations no sickress no lack of fear but only abundance of good for all it is therefore the gift of god of impersonal good to each of his be loved from the christian science monitor bach week housewives get rid of newspapers and periodicals that have in o seven days to make a pile of rubbish perhaps you use newspapers to cover shelves and newly washed floors but the domestic use does not finish there a pile of newspapers and two or three old cushions make a really sturdy humpty start with layers of newspaper cut to the shape of your humpty making a three inch founda tion a cushion comes next followed by a solid mass of newspaper screwed into small bundles make this bundle layer six inches deep before you add the second layers of newspaper cor responding to the foundation cover with calico and then gay chintz tip for mothers who grow weary sewing name tapes cleansing tissues can take t place of a handkerchief supply tissues are specified equip ment at some camps teaching pupils how to chat practical to the point of teac pupils how to hold an informal con- yenatlon is the new course of study for grade 8 in ontario public and sep arate schools the outline for grades 7 and 8 h just been issued it is the course in english that in cludes the lessons on how to chat in telllgenuy and interestingly and the lessons are described as follows picnic cushions and a play mattress for baby are made on much the same lines here the newspapers form a lining to the cushion or mattress cov er and should be about six sheets in thickness ml the centre of your cushion or matterss with tightly screwed balls of newspaper when storing furs or heavy clothing remember that host insects do loathe the smell of newsprint put moth balls in the clothes then roll in sheets of newspaper and you can be certain that no harm will come to them dur ing the summer the housewife should have newspapers handy at the sink to rub greasy plates before they go into the dish pan deferring to the opinions of others practising the art of listening obser ring the amenities there are les sons based on the use of the tele phone dramatised conversations or placing an order or m an ap pointment all this is in the section on crea tive expression which touches on story telling writing ima logs diaries or letters working on the school magazine debating interview tng relating an anecdote taking part in a meeting the pupil is expected to learn how to make plays out of prose stories and narrative poems to dramatize hlstor leal events to make original plays which includes planning the action arranging the stage setting writing the dialogue rehearsing and revising the purpose is not to produce shakespeare or carlyles but merely to permit ordinary boys and girls to express their ideas in correct and pleasing language says the program readin of at least six books under supervision is part or the course plus free reading of at least six more memorization of verse or prose pas sages is required to a minimum of 200 lines there is a stress on speech training accurate pronunciation pitch volume inflection and quality in grade 7 there is provision for teaching the pupils to avoid slovenly speech and treatment for stammering advertising results the renfrew mercury published an item on june 28th to the effect that a citizen had ripe tomatoes in his garden on the following morning ripe and green tomatoes had disap peared the mercury commented it pays to advertise but to every rule there is ue proverbial exception to which might be added that newspap ers are read alike by the just and the unjust slightly mixed bobby had just returned from school and was asked by his father what be had been studying gram mar said bobby and hat ha e you learned asked nis father well daddy said bobby ive learned that cats and dogs arc common ho inds but you and me are the proper hounds are von sore your eyes see correctly msy have you seen the new rimless mounting less breakage af ming yaw wtanry same as ottt fattqsw ot walker ro injoy 12 hours of fascinating muskoka lakes scenery daily 7 roumusoxa mbskoka uh mavtcatioh a hotel co limited iox i cavllllilt ohtaiio some new uses for old papers periodicals and newspapers can be made to form untax of cushions lepers in world total three oar bandied af whamare in the united stale srfenoe haa poand no nearer care than in cancer perry burgess of new york presl dent of the leonard wood memorial foundation for research in leprosy back from the world congress on lep rosy in cairo egypt said last week that medical science had not progres sed further toward a cure for leprosy than toward one for 4rapy he suggested one immediate treat ment of lepers segregation of all lepers in selfsupporting colonies and a world organization for trade among them he said there were three mil lion affected by leprosy in the world mr burgess enumerated some of the more important facts now known about the disease there are not more than four hund red lepers in the united states fifty per cent of lepers are able bodied leprosy is not necessarily fatal a large percentage of lepers die of old age or tuberculosis the disease takes about twenty years to incubate and is contagious only in certain restricted areas the germ has been isolated but has not been grown nobody knows how to kill it by treatment experimentation with the disease is difficult because it cannot be trans mitted to animals to ask for provincial park at the elora river gorge over 44 000 tourists visit rocks during year efforts to have pie grand and irvine gorges at elora taken as a provincial park are likely to be made in the near future for many years the residents of that village have been taxed for im provements to the park and the grand gorge until the burden has become too heavy for taxpayers of one munlcl pallty it is felt there that since elora wilt derive little or no benefit from the proposed grand river conservation scheme as it is outlined at the pres ent time yet is being asked to sup port the plan financially the same as municipalities with sewage systems and those likely to be affected some consideration should be given a parks project during the past year according to authentic information hundreds of dollars have been spent in the erec tlon of a foot bridge in the irvine gorge last year a considerable amount of money was provided for the construction of bathing pools which were washed away by high water each year between 40000 and 80000 tourists visit the rocks at elora with many coming from the united states one part at the gorge is operated by a private individual while the oth er is owned by the municipality if these were taken over by the provin clal government and improvements added many feel that elora would be came one ot the outstanding tourist attractions in ontario some vears ago a movement was on foot to have the province assume the entire district surrounding both rivers and establish a provincial park but no definite action was taken it is expected that a committee com posed of council representatives mer chants and citizens will be organized shortly to go into the matter fully agricultural societies fairs and exhibitions 1938 belleville august 30 sept 2 orillia august 2627 ottawa central canada aug 22 27 petcrboro august 16 20 sutton lwest august 4 6 toronto cn e aug 26sept 10 woodstock august 25 20 27 coldwater sept 6 7 cornwall aug 31 sept 1 3 durham sept 0 10 elmira sept 2 5 fergus sept 9 10 lanark sept 7 nananec sept 8 10 tavlbtock sept 9 10 chesley sept 13 14 hanoer sept 15 16 hunlsville sept 13 14 kincardine sept 15 16 lindsay sept 14 17 london cwestcrn falrl sept 12 17 midland sept 15 17 miherton sept 15 10 new hamburg sept 10 17 orangcville sept 16 17 oshawa sept 12 14 i renfrew sept 13 16 wiarton sept 15 16 acton sept 20 21 alliston sept 22 23 barrle sept 19 22 3raccbridge sept 22 23 caledon sept 23 24 cooksville sept 20 21 forest sept 20 21 gait sept 22 24 ooderich sept 20 21 llstowel sept 21 22 meaford sept 22 23 milton sept 23 24 mount forest sept 22 23 schomberg sept 23 24 shelbourne sept 22 23 btratford sept 19 21 beamsviue sept 30 oct 1 brampton sept 29 30 oct 1 colllngwood sept 29 30 oct 1 drayton sept 27 28 dundalk sept 27 28 fomvale sept 26 28 georgetown sept 28 29 grand valley sept 30 oct 1 harrtston sept 20 30 ingersoll sept 29 30 markdale sept 30 oct 1 mart ham sept 29 30 oct 1 mitchell sept 27 2b paisley sept 27 28 palmerston sept 27 28 port elgin sept 29 30 powassan sept 27 28 aberfoyle oct 4 arthur oct 8 7 beeton oct 4 5 cookstown oct 6 7 erin oct 8 10 owen sound oct 14 stances- norfonrcounty oct 3- streetsvine oct 7 8 tara oct s 8 woodbridgs oct 710 international plowing majch and at wests dry corners are moistening up saskatchewan expects in conse quence a crop of 200 000 000 bnaheht this year a cropless droughtland for nearly ten years alberta a dry corner the south eastern up of the province centring on medicine hat is coming back prospects are t best since 1928 tor a good grain crop fields which for years were baked under the blistering mins and ravish ing winds give promise of yields ran glng from 15 30 to 40 bushels an acr a rosy picture as compared with a year ago when no crop wn harvested had given up they had given up around here said tom jacooson a wheat grower of the walsh district for ten years we got no crop at all and you couldnt give the iamnvaway but its a dir fcrent story now arervine 14 miles from the saskat chewan border where little grajn has been shl ped in recent year it is ex pected v 0 000 to 500 000 bushels of wheat w ii uo through the delators at harvest lime ixpet food crop with molaturl conditions ideal and growth be t in ncurlj ten years the saskatchewan farmers have a wheat crop of between 200 000 000 and 230 000 000 bushels in prospect it l two weeks to cutting time and imprve pro pectji nre reported in most parts of the promcc although litre is talk or r isi in the southeast ern districts where the winds hae carried spores from the american dls irlct trliaring for nfxt poultry congress indications nre that canada will be well reprehuited a the forthcoming heenlh w rid po iltr congress with i i mber of orovlnrtnl or sectional exhibit md commercial and live bird exhibits the congress will meet at cleveland ohio from julj 27 to aug ust 7 1939 the members of cana dlan executive of the congress in the r meetings at the central expert mental farm ottawa have been bus arranging preoongrewi touri for furopean delegates canadian tours to the congress and matters pertaining to the exhibits and other details canada has been represented at all the previous world poultry congresses except the first one which was held at the hagae holland in 1921 the second congress assembled at bare jona spain in 1924 the third in ottawa 1927 tht fourth in london england in 1930 the fifth in rome italy 1d33 and the sixth at leipzig qtrman 1936 coe county october 11 12 13 and 14 ittt bayal winter fab toronto novem ber isas oastpb winter pan- november 20- hatc1ierv approval chicks prctlminarj reports of 1938 hatchery operations under the hatchery ap proval polcy and hatchery regula tions indicate that there is an increase in the number of chicks being reared in alberta manitoba ontario que bec nova scotia and prince edward island compared with 1937 get up properly in the morning u yoawewfdvstartuie daybigt it improves year looks to do a bit of stretching getting up in the morning some times seems to be tne hardest task ol the day but half an hour spent on your health and looks in the mom ing is worth two hours spent at night when the body is tired and ready for sleep so shake off the sluggishness of sleep and follow this simple routine the first day you may find it a fear ful effort but by the end of the week youll wonder how you ever got along without this early morning ritual jt is planned to tone up the muscles and to give you a fadlanoe that will last the whole day first wake yourself up you cant do anything with your eyes half closed splash tepid water over your face and bathe your eyes while youre waiting for your bath to fill sip a glass of water hot or cold whichever you prefer then fling open the window wide and do some deepjrealhing exercises not the old toetouching efforts that sent all the blood into the head but stretching stretch your arms above your head and push push right into your finger tips push all the sleep out of your body then relax quietly repeat this for about five times ontario leads in bund people the annual report of the canadian national institute for the blind which has recently been published is an encyclopaedia of information concerning the blind people of can ada and what is being done to them in some parts of canada it is a rare thing to see a blind person on the street but this report discloses that there are now in the dominion 450 men women and children who must get along without the use of their eyes there are 734 in british columbia 443 in alberta 583 in saskatchewan 581 in mtifrfra 3 057 in ontario 2 748 in quebec 105 in prince edward island 438 in new brunswick and 748 in nova scotia dunning may quit finance post illness of two cabinet ministers has revived rumors in ottawa that prime minister mackenzie kings cabinet may be due for a shakeup soon al though there has been no official lnti motion that this would take place in the near future finance minister dunning stricken with circulatory all ment just before parliament pro rogued has been ordered to the sea board lor a long rest and there is a possibility that when he has fully re coered he will be advised against returning to so strenuous a task as the treasury department presents post master general elliott 111 lor months has been making a slow re covery and his return to department work has been considered in ot tana circles as unlikely r dentists rocomnund wrlgfws bu as an aid to strondtaaitiir taeth el sanies them ot food jpar- ticlaa matte to thejjimajudsdl- testiest ruevastunfellaftaf tar msata help imp you hasfrftyf take some home for tba children too thsy wul lovo ltl cm aaaaaaaaaaa special 5 25 2 smts r 2 tight coat 2drewes i mntg h eaton1s cleaners dyers r radio repairing we specialize on this work j sanford son phone georgetown 34w ay exclaimed sandy mctavlsh to his english friend scotland s the finest place on earth then what made you leave it since you like it so much said the friend sandy smiled ah weel he chuckled it was like this in scotland everybody was as clever as roasel and i couldna mak muckle progress but here here rm getting on verra weel both a bit astray explaining that sculp in sculptor meant to carve the teacher asked fot an example one boy said the indian will take the sculp right off the top of your head cost of road building was met by private subscription by loyalist set tlers before the end of the 18th cen tury and many routes were under- pscobac we have made special arrangements for the serveiag of general motors automobiles we are alio in apposition to sell new chevrolet pontiac and oldsmobile motor cars we have a number of good used cabs for sale your patronage will be appreciated j n oneill son phooet oft 14 res 16s

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