the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 13th 193d page 3 good summer wood di stove wood lengths w h kentner son phones ofifcce 12 re 211 georgetown dry rotted shmgwi catch fin hk kmdlmgl but with couttctt standard titelap roofing you neednt worry about flying embers or sparks it is good for a hfetune and is sold with a 25 year guarantee tub guarantee ia haded by a reliable firm with a background of years of service to agncnttare ask your a m banker titelp roofing cornea inlarge sheets v r that are easily handled fireproof weather proof does not crack bulge shrink or curl they may be pot on right over yoor old roof send ridge and rafter measurements for free cost estimate win scrawsuafc lprodwts expert watch repairs by j h jordan georgetown phone 11 lane block eastkr vacation dishes by betty barclay although the faster holidays may not call for the elaborate meals of thanksgiving and christmas they do demand that women be prepared for an emergency children are home from school or college friends pay easter visit novel breakfast luncheon and dinner dishes are eager ly sought by the perfect hostess here are a few suggestions brssu nt aprtoot bread for easter breakfast u cup dried apricots 1 egg 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons melted butter 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder h teaspoon soda v- cup orange juice cupvater 1 cup chopped brazil nuts x teaspoon salt soak apricots one half hour drain and grind beat egg until light stir in sugar and mix well stir in but ter 81ft flour with baking powder soda and salt and add alternately with orange juice and water add brazil nuts and apricots and mix well pour batter into well greased loaf pan and bake in a moderate oven 350 d fj one and onequarter hours lamb chops with orange serves 6 6 lamb veal or pork chops melted butter sliced navel oranges salt pepper and paprika trim fat from thick chops and dip in melted butter oil broiler well and broil chops 8 minutes turn and place a thick slj of peeled orange on each chop broil 8 or 10 minutes longer sprinkle generously with he seasonings serve hot peach shortcake 1 package lemon rennet powder 1 pint milk 4 pieces sponge cake leftover cake may be used a few thin slices fresh canned peaches place the pieces of cake in the bot torn gl the dessert alshes put two or three slices of the canned or fresh peaches oer the top of each piece or cake dissohe rennet powder in luxe wann milk pour over pieces of cake and peaches and let set until firm about 10 minutes chill in refriger ator apricot ice cream automatic refrigerator method 2 3 cup sweetened condensed milk 2 cups water 4 pound dried apricots teaspoon lemon extract 1 cup whipping cream cook apricots in 1 cup water until tender blend together sweetened condensed milk mixture chill whip cream to custard like consistency and fold into chilled mixture pour mix ture into freezing pan place in freezing unit after mixture is about half frozen remove from refrigerator scrape mixture from sides and bot torn of pan beat until melted smooth out and replace in freezing unit until frozen for serving serves 6 canned chopped food for toddlers the food chopper is no longer a symbol of drudgery for mothers of the toddler set uniform chopped foods which doctors usually prescribe for children between one and four are now available in cans just as strained baby foods in cans now featured for toddlers diets are carrots spinach beets green beans apple sauce and prunes a vegetable soup with a wheat embryo content as well as chopped vegetables and a liver soup are also featured longevity of it steadily increasing life expectation in the dominion b shown by latest flgwres ta be higher than in either the united states or great britain investigations into longevity tend to reinforce the bioical dictum that the span of life is three score and 10 the dominion bureau of statistics an nounced this month as official life tables for the general population of canada were issued for the first time it seems that today in canada particularly there are far more peo ple attaining the allotted span than ever before in history but there are not appreciably more centenarians than there were 100 years ago the bureau said the decreasing mortal ity at younger ages is a token of the vastly smaller amount of illness among young people today many more years in prospect based on the 1831 census which was the first to compare deaths with living population in order that prob abilities of dying could be reckoned the survey showed that the canadian boy of five can look forward to 6230 years of life an english boy has only 60 00 years and the american boy 59 j8 years as a person grows older the expec tatlon of life steadily decreases when a canadian youth reaches his major ity he has in prospect 48 years to live on the average when he gets to 40 he may anticipate living 32 years more when he retired at about 65 he may expect to have a comfortable 13 years of retirement and die at 78 if he reaches 80 he should live six years more and even when he arrives at the century mark his expectation of lire is two years study of mortality in 15 countries show that only two have a lower male mortality from ages 25 to 45 than canada these being denmark and holland chance of an italian boy of ave dying is 39 per cent great cr than that for a canadian of a japanese boy 169 per cent and an east indian 637 per cent healthy and vigorous elements in addition to our healthy dim ate advanced facilities in medicine and public health and our standard of thing all of which undoubtedly con tribute to our remarkably superior longevity there is the factor of selec tion through immigration the re port continued i when large movements of papula tion take place there ls a tendenc for the more healthy and energetic ele ments to move while the less healthy vtaj at home hence it is that west trn canadn has the lightest morialitj i as the three provinces have recthed much of their population erj re centlj she we wore at the art gallers uiis afurnoon and fred explained a modernistic picture to me he did you le fro his explanation she yes i realized that things are not as bad as they are sometimes painted a play entitled it breach of promise suit a comedy of two acts and four scenes under the auspices of the girls lookout club will be presented by the young people of limehouse presbyterian church t in the church on friday evening april 22nd 1938 at eightthirty sharp admission -r- 25c and 10c orchestra ik attendance s- come and laugh your bhies away ra hkatm or the canadian mcoical association and mrs ttsurancs companies in camaoa what to eat to be healthy vitamin a is essential for the health of the mucous membranes of the eyes nose throat sinuses bron chlal tubes oesophagus stomach in testlnal tract and the genitourinary the lack of vitamin a in the diet causes eye trouble and tendency to infections the following foods give you vita mm a pasteurised milk cream and butter colored vegetables such as spinach carrots leaf lettuce eggs uver and kidney the distribution of vitamin a x very wide and it ts also very abun dant if your diet contains a pint of pasteurised milk a day butter and two vegetables besides potato as well as an egg a day you will certainly be receiving an adequate supply of vita min a vitamin bl and b2 are necessary for the nerves skin and the normal burning up of sugars and starches in the body the lack oafvk bl and b2 re suits in neurrwr a lack of these vita t nuns also results in constipation the following foods give you vita nuns bl and b2 most vegetables and fruits particularly peas beans and lentils whole grain cereals egg yolk liver and kidney vitamin bl is widely but not abun dantly distributed we must watch carefully to see that we get an ade quate supply of it this vitamin ts abundant in wheat germ and yeast unfortunately vitamin bl is water salable ifan exc amount of water is used in cooking as high as 90 of this vitamin may be thrown away in the cooking water in the next article in this series of what to kat to be healthy we will discuss vitamins o and d watch this series for complete and 7 authentkt mlbrmatlcm on what to eat and when to find it qobmqds concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical aa- miatton 164 oodege street itera te wm be answered personally by we have made special arrangements for the servicing ol general motors automobiles we are also in a position to sell new chevrolet ponliac and oldsmobile motor cars we have a number of good used cars for sale at reasonable prices your patronage will be appreciated j n oneill son phone office 14 res 168 georgetow excuse me sir but you really m p t the sab bath but i was only playing hymns mrs smith ay but the neighbors dont know the difference martha said her mistress i want you to polish that table until i can see my face in it but martha had already given not ice if i was you ma am she re plied i wouldn t look sfelials celery slae stalks c spinach 2 pounds 1 o crisp and green oc tomatoes 2 n finn and ripe delicious flavor 19 onion sets 3 s 19c oranges 19 sweet large slse special mz potatoes good mealy cookers 1ww peck vwrp cabbage radishes cucumbers carrots etc at special prices carrolls cheese hib pd 16c old colony mpu syrup bi 27 criip gbtf snaps 3 pound 25 wastuk t ckarry jam p i- 25c glauco a onnfa marmalade c 20c fotsiud shrimps ii 17c party blaa bad rd salmon 2 hhb tin 25c fklskt tcmmio juice 2 ti 15 ouhtiat bltculb ritz 2 29c gram pi apples 2 no tin 23c carroll dadaa tea v p9 41c modal aaroplana fraa wla kallon all- wheat 2 21c upton- m utkt tea hlbpv 31c free mugwk ovaltine 16oa tin 98c evlfctf siortootan or domestic 2 kl 25c saktti podr magic ucto k 28c onoll slor star py flour b 57 broltnn shtllod walnuts 29c a flaw fancy a tips tin 15c lachina cat golcwn wa beans 3 n tin 25c campbtll i pork and beans 3 t 25c hankfofd peas 3 to t 25 goldan ribbon witt corn 3 t7 t 25 babbitt cleanser 3 t i ganda soap flak lux 10c 23c 3 13 59c pattilss soap johnaom part floor wax laings peppermint break 0mornvqrfee pound pound 2j5 fcee jhehvery ss