Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 4, 1935, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 4th 1935 fsas itthpoucih thestoref you have less than three weeks time to shop for christmas and u heretofore our store ar headejuuter for sensible as well as pleasis- chrlilm gifts brine out your lut of names and check with the items below you will be agreeably surprised to find bow suitably many nanus could lie ticked off witb just lb thing better still eons in and tee for yourself wkst genuine value we have to offer cw rw a arrmoow turrtim atar p aa umtnlum- w haw thsm for uta wofiwn tlul chlldrvn you will find ft nlfc ihoelnjr at prtoes marked plainly lur wryuujig rlas in the store cinumcvu bmowsrrm uial are ea and good to look at fbveral styus prtff- 198 u 495 olsovijl ate aluy arcepialw and we hav theoi in good variety wool laulr alo lind and unluwj leather glotee uit cm duplay ladles olor in nil iurj urn olowfs in all tuol soc u2s0 7sc 100 cmldrrns fhfsc arid wits at various prlws- aoloiulco have poei try popular as christmas gifts wr utter kaufman ijfbuoy brand as uu but the taajluc titlrn hoilz iur popular gin at all urnf our splendid turn over lurniiii us o otfrr a wry cholcr tartrty in quality color and ittv range ladikh ikvie in all aool ault and boo pur tlik full- fast lunrd ciutfan or isravy service fl f jh aright alio cirpe ikwt uinh half hofli tn turt patterns jh- fa children a rtckktnai err priced omordjig to quality a ftroiit jacrey till dellaht tlw recipient we t aw a fine morli ol suede all ool plaid and le jllier hpnrt jackets und coat ltany iimeliy itylee ladieh hfhlst oajuflenti are marked at 9auati9 and up uenft and hoam jjtcketll and coat priced at stduto lzt7sl hot rtnb srisys and ryjauah forsyth brill and other wel known makes are on display w hav uena ftne uhlrta at 59c to300 wtwb pyjamas wall tailored com tn worm flannrlelle and up- to- the mlnte atyua in qua ty broadcloth 100 350 prim hens 8cakra for eneral or dreu wrar are r 50c 200 ladiejt fine unoe81e in isollday boiaa pantua vrat and luooaur scla tillpm ic 9q price actfc and up uaxdrcauaxruflna utvo i rapdlfftahlri far dvtn and vosirn alio plain tlnan and plain and fancy fine cotton hanarchuu alngljr and boxad 5c ladixm kcaktu axe ffood in all atjrlaa in drttuind a dm acccjcwrsca iflou trtanaua are 25cu150 we alio hat ocarfa with iuu to uauh neck weak uljaf a bull product miralni poaltlon to give you ncrpuonally good valua you wtu ba plaaaad vlth the wide choir and amart paunu o our mna r 2sc 150 uenh kcabfh for gnral or drau aear are marked at socu 200 mens other suggestions hats caps pciuaa itvfwa uhdenweait pyjauah oowk3 ladres auohas not whrn rius nice patmulna u wutd for that opnuu out v wtll do tuat tar you free of charg with jrour ova wrapping matcrtsl d brill co ooi r mill main sts gift headquarters georgetown psehii pork shoulders fresh stewing veal 2 25c kpperlaep in nllephaiie yau hwalscd fillets 17db beliiive walls or oldaa corn syrup 5 lb pail 39c pickaninny molasses 2 for 10c eagle bband blueberries lie olvmpia currants 2 lb 25c ecliphk 11 lb bag bread flour 73c vfedlfhlu raisins 2 lb 23c tokay grapes grapefruit large seedless celery hearts sb 2 f 25c 5 1 23c 10c laltar for haavla cuita have tha chlllren take their latter to oanta to lluih llndiajii radio chop thar wllf ba a fin prlw for the beat utter and oanta wul raid all tha name over oipq evty qaturclay du la um dmtri 8e and haar uajor carter dou- at of the uritlih ocret uervica in hi uirtillntf ctur ntrtalnmnt olo raahowiny of tha aim jlappy oeorsatown apotuorcd by tha and clearseuywn troop of boy bcouu- the two attraction will be held thursday t to- morrow eventmi dc ath at 9 pm- tn tha town hall ad- minion jflc it knaa chareh baiaar tha annual batmar will ba held neat saturday dm 1th from 4 to t there will be fancy work home made baking and candy booths alio a fuh pond for the stlddlee a good aupper of roait dratsed ham and acalloped poutoea homemade bu culta cake and eooklee adults lie children i do uen crdlauy invited coma and brltin the family muluaairtj nljbl at arena the entertainment put on by the lloni club st the arua lait thun- day and rtday nlffhts was howllag aucceas as f ar ai the patrons hsvtng a bond time was concerned but owing to the cold weather the crowd was not aa large as it otherwise would have been jt certainly earned many a thrill being s millionaire for a nicht the publlo will look forward to another millionaires night the weather is warmer which covers the fiscal year to octo ber 3ut and appears elsewhere is issued in an easily understandable form evidently in order that the gen eral publlo may more fully appreciate the security that la afforded both de positors and armreholdcre the state ment shows that at the close of the fiscal year the total assets of the bank were ito 773873 as compared with 70 101 17s a year rfro an in crease of over i33ooo000 read the statement on pase 4 of this issue lien wanted diesel wo want to interview re liable men mechanically inclined to start immediate training in this vici nity to install service operate diesel engine tools furnished writs to day bchoeclc diesel training box b herald office h local news plrrmsm bail the bi nt of live war at the arena mw yfjar v om tiptootmilora diplay of modl lulla uid ovtrcoau at d brill ju co- an vridmy text dc ath wautloo school tin line lu ifr christmas concert vnriday dmc 13th good prc4fausl lunch provid ed norval ihiulc bcikooj u holding a roncrt in the ptuish hail krlday dsr ui at o clock adults 30c children fiw the wlruvhr of the cold ifih atmarulirt u tulwt no 1u trie tkjdr will kindly prtt the tuit at liawsconttsuk a drujf fitore rra whlbro- bt tdide tsu everything in botvslsrlgh im pairing j h omful bao kvone oorrtom it thanks tru lions club thank all tlkou alio patroniivl and othrwt- bal4d in any way at utr ulkw aires nlhu a the arena last roik- note the cliongs of date of 0 o 3 16 fkhool concert from dvniiur loili to tuesday dec 17th stone uhoul on ilh line huhsayi it tlu spot dance prlxe at the odd ffllo danr in tlie arna nest flsu- utduy night wul be a 4o0 pemian- ent wave by andrewa lulrdrtsating lulon dr flu the r und wtll be in his of- ttir ut osxsrtietosrii on wednesday and llaturdjy affrnouns fiom 130 to 130 during thr winter months bffttnnlng wtdnewliiy uc 4th it fllrfturttown chrutmas enurtatn- mrnt vail be luld in the utewarttown hall on tuesday dec 17lh good program admtslon he dsincj fol io wing program jcverybody slcoiae gtove and furnace pipes and 1- bo- stove and furnace rtpalra of al kinds and or any make for sale by y u ucsouvray john bl wiona 373w new idea rurtjix i n us lud to your 4ilui-xuon- it notlcethsr will be a croklnole tutry on trlday die tth touorad by a cance at the bome of ur and us thomu appuyard ka 1 highway st uilvercrck kvrbody loom ladle provide oenta jc lip important we would appreciate if our nwrchanle will kindly ut ul have their sulvtrtlmeou by lulur- day or istonday g for the dftgt couple of weeks aa the chrutmsa rutii u on and we dure to give you good scrvtce thank you herald the latdie auxiliary to cana dian lrgtoo will hold a euchre la the new legion rooms dec ath si 8 o clack admission 35c inflmir tav ilrfreshmcnta oome and bring jour friends and enjoy an evening in our new quarters it itead the advertluments in the herald and do your chrutmij shop ping early there u no better help in sscuring your chrutmai gtlu than a careful perusal of what our mt- hcanu are otfenng you it will pay you to do your chrlstmu tjiopping in uctirgetown a crowded theatre enjoyed the aa ccuent program provided by the ixrne nines ocoulsh band tn tha greg ory theatre last sunday evening the nond woe ably misted in their program by uluee ptliiiwo dus and lucltey of toronto with piano aoco dlona sir jack tnomnon chairman of the evening see our ida ad in the daily otar on dec 4th and tha pventng telegram on dec ftlh for a full list of drug specials dont forgat our itja cash contest special use our ad on page 3 for a few xmas tuggea- tlons we are ooextng you many suggestions at worth while prtoesv georgetown plxarmocy lt phone 331 wc deliver a man may be oi old as he feels but hell feel a dum sight younger tf he 11 get rid of his conn koaacorn does the trick sold at georgetown pharmacy ltd phone 231 personals ur u d wiitva of toronto wa a visitor ui town on uonday jltr and ur tumuel olnbrg and dsiiiahter liiide of port bidney uw vuitinsr at ur u bsm ur and mr arthur tyndall and ur and ur bwfoert pwaock of to ronto ttu sunday with ur tyn- cuu ur and ur j j oibbrtu and ur jamca bcott leave today for ltosrid wheiv lhey dll spent the wintsrt ur 8 il luub of ttihuoud hill has suco4sdwl ur hsjpfa tripp aa manager of the dotnlnloti store tn town and is now in chart ur and ura harvey k ufoansld and ur itobert ucdougoil of tv o lake krw ontario spot the v k end with ur and ura a o ue- uurchy ur jack waucn who has ui tawaner of tii dow in ton store at campulliord tus iwti protnolm to manager of the dominion utot- at undiay at the annual meeting of the wool len uanufacturers he li in toronto last vek ur joseph beaumont was re appointed a member of the ksecu uve end chitrmon of tlie heavy hosi ery auocuuon ura clarence hayes was reelected corvenor on lsruiatnn for central ontario at the annual convention of the women a iuutule held in to ronto last wek ulse appelbe was re elrcted convenor of historical re search by acclamation ur ralph tripp who has been the courteous and obliging mansger of dcmlruoe stores tn ceorgrtown for the past sewn yean has rvtigned and ittrpud a poallion with the jrucvn- tlal insurance co and will moe to acton the beginning of the yr ur and ura tylp have made many frunde tn oorjrtown during their stay he who rgrt uwir rtnuhal all join in wuhlng thcaa taspoinaae and succs in their new bocave araau itatnu a very pretty wedding took place on baturday november loth at three ociock at the home of the brides mother when uiaa uary waketm hunter only daughter of ura hunter and the late john ilucter of norvel and ur harold slsworth arnou son of ur and ura hunter anott of streetsvule were united in ittsrrtags rev n ucuillan offlcutsct the bride gowned in wins transparent velvet with silver ahoes and silver tur ban and carrying a shower bouquet of white mums entered the urtngrooea on the arm of her brother oliver to the strains of the wedding march played by ura oliver hunter i took her place before a bank of flowers ulsa uyrtle allan the bridesmaid wore ametnyst blue trans parent velvet with matching turban and carried yellow muni ur bert cook cousin of the groom acted as groomsman during the signing of the register ulsa uuth anderson sang into th dawn with you following the ceremony a reception a an held for some fifty guests the brides mother was gowned in black triple sheer crepe with a corsage of rows the groom a mother wore fuchsia transparent velvet gown with a corsage of mauve mums later mr and mrs amotr left for mon treal and other eastern points motor the bride travelling in rust crepe trimmed witn gold metallic navy cant v 1th olf collar navy felt lint and accessories in the same shnde on their return they will re side on the grooms farm near btreetavllle notice i the tax bale advertised to t place on december 10th has been ivobtpaned until further notice i b tanhon treasurer it watch our window voft weekly ice cream bpecials and contjtcrtonkby butterscotch nut sundae hot chocolate 10c 10c longs conieelioncry new abvtmtlsemems baa ill ra waavtaj ilorae comforts and fintctase ac- fommndallon near owil station apply at ikrald otoee jtp iw tub brick bouse in georgetown with all esobvffllwvciea for quick sale to clow an esuie apply to lsstoy dale ico stolid uw for euu st lag waut we aw paying cosh for togs boi lock pine fadstwood elm maple oak and ash loa ct in touch with tie at once oeorfelown lumber co phcae ho b rrf best a semidetached stucco i raoeud bouse with bath and all convenwncsi garage on church st- oeorgetown easily heated apply to phone 143 far ktst six roomed brick house conveni ences with garden and garage ai oomer of ouelph and ualn streets opposite monument possession later part of january apply ura beward wilson r r 3 georgetown or phone is r 4 uuton tf in georgetown on saturday nov 30th large block and tan police dog answers to name scotty under please notify robert cochrane cor ner edith and factory bls ororaa- town or leave word at herald omu reward tip gol ptus feu far good bafsae p1iome pftouptly we will pay the phone call 04 ring st george town good prices paid for hnrws injured cattle etc or anything suit able for fox meat but animals must be secured zuukdiately to be of use and meat in perfect conditlocl vannaltar ifox larm 4i i reduction sale now in pull swing ottering yog the besl al the lowest prices we do not ask 1so00 for a 2960 rug oordou advertise cotton underwear as 71 wool blankets woolcot bunket jjg and 39 underwear tumbuus naturul wool underwear shut and drawers shirts double back ond front drawer double bock each 139 tumbuus combination underwear at 139 dress shirts forsyth dress shirts values up to 2 00 on sale 39 forsyths best dress shirt 250 on sale at 1j95 foryth finest quality broadcloth pyjamas ou saleu i gloves ns finest quahty lined cape glove gq and qfi rubbers men red rolled ede rubbers gg boys red rolled edge rubber at jjjjg dresses martha washington dresses 00 sale la29 159 fullfashioned hose ladies fullfashioned pure silk hose at gj and 7qr holeproof hose full fashioned silk and wool best quality 89c silk cotton and wool hose at 29 1 bnd 59c flannelette blankets i24 ibex flannelette blankets per pr 60 it 90 flannelette blankets ot rugs congoleum rugs 9 at 9 at congoleum rugs ivi n 9 at rugs axmiruster rugs 6 9 x 9 very special silk underwear our great showing of ladies rayon and silk under wear u worth looking over 29fi 89e s 69c 79e 89c linens dont forget to see our large assortment of linen towellings etc linen towelling from isc 32c simplicity patterns isc agents for lamgleys cun and dy mcbean co phone 64 we deliver georgetown aaaababbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbaabbbbabaaaaaabba l29 198 625 59 15j5 phone 28w we sell for cash c jbuck we deuver r t r sr stsim i asaai when desuly chw of rsllos ooorse ouuirl for st yssrs i number of the toronto pouce do portment on bundsy took over the duties of the deputy chief conetable of toronto auooeedbui john posue who has retired mr guthrie was formerly chief uupeetor of tha police department ue holds the poeluon of secretarytreasurer of the ohtef oon- stables association of canada oeorce la an old georgetown boy of whom we are all proud and jobl in hearty congratulations on his well earned promotion bank of atautrail btalssieat buron- in sll departments the sn- nual statement of the hank of mon treal just ueued contains nuuiyuii terestlng features the ststsuent abbbbbbbbbhabflbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbabbbbi save with safety at your rexall store vabdlkv hew far ladles ue to itus boiah bazou mbminb bktk far men sse t ius xmab oaitns 1 far u 8c ue hpeelala for wednesday tkaisdsy friday and 8aturday we will tlve iso votes uds week end on the fouowlosi milk of maonehia tooth iahtk reg 500 tor sie malt extract and cod liveb oil sse he kiff8 iiedb tablets tie ideal lustive ue jasmine 8iiavino obeam ue double votes on all tteiall frt paratleui all the lime von can alwsye ahep to sdvsfllsge st the uexa1x store yard lev beth for mea lies to vm xmas htationebv ue to sua jasmine bets for ladles ue to i1jm xmas robbs drug store puon sws ilellmr las itaull btew okolulatown domino jc baking powder rolled oats bulk porteaiiy is secure wm rogtri a14- ousllty silver ware old dutch cleanser c 9 rice fancy blub hose ginger snaps lo drown label salada tea 3 oxydol 19 xii itllan lllautv shrimps 3r free tare doth with ssch pttrcksss el 4 cskei ol many flowers 4 18 sass pgsoap 519 calay soap 4 fruit oranges 23c doe grapefruit good aire 6c craruserrle 27e u dominion stores

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