Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 22, 1935, p. 3

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tfce georgetown henu wejjmejday evening may 22nd 1935 announcing a very complete range of mens ladies and childrens summer footwear all white kid all white calf and combination effects in dress shoes sport shoes kaufmans lifebouy high quality running shoes and sport shoes for all occasions d brill co com of mill kbj main su phone 167 georgetown rib roastlpot roast i lsf istlb 12elh itelb pure lard our own rendering 2 lb for 28c pork sausage in mail cueing 18c lb new cheese 18c lb nippy old cheese 28elb new cabbage pineapples green onions yellow wax beans 8c lb 18c each 3 bunchet or 10c 2 lb for 28e oold medal coffee lb 22c sou baking powder 18c luby- uu m ua spaghetti 0c bxotzlargt tattle tomato cauua 2 for 38e olaal 14 aa pakaf dates 2 pity for 38c quick ajuow soabcttifu 2 pit 28c we sell for cash phone f of yef we 28w v tf dlr viav deliver fjjnammrnm ar rani ibbmbbbbababbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbababbbbbbaaaaj 2 speights garage s this weeks special 5 24 ft garden hose f 71 cimsliu with omuat v 5 i omuat h jest ths thlag far washing care sr mm est saaall osresiis uwm g b phone 27w georgetown g local news 00 uu mtflk ion uribiuy jaw srl aoratoa ip bud trkid dy july ut vlotaru dv bat rmdevy l a tublie holiday tillko berfcc and beauty ptore will b opal all ttulnuy tunaa and earning u jsufal saving wiu ttommf id mrsatown ft t from best bun uy june fckl jfcjd jutt asth fyrrt for the fcat- dvtt pairy at hum ouxrux mnifi- twn jrtkiilvrt uur 0i your dutch ma end mulli- plur oak at u- h tbaniaci co cucwftob btl 1uu of 6ivtng vlullnry all duo4 to fell fros um to woc uurt curidg uid hide thi tjeuon arwy uj held tug day oa auuxuy net wuy 3bth utcun a ug and beip toad to- the womfli tfaijttnn of una church bkl very tuee lul is ud tgp 0 t h uaat kail tutuy cotulsbu cwihiiiafl utwud aruakta diur la owo wliuvm on hfrfmfy night im looit ft t t9 hlhft ju- oood utd omtio mmtf lttd fajtd wftcil br 1 lach rliflj ukd um lev fajv j m ohtul ua hkk it 0etvin u ju 6imun tid uu uuuy nlbt korvaj aod uakka t7tmrtaj oiiuichm tttwidid a trntartat ttlj to hv kotmui ufullua ol ttorciuo ajj bo sho hav toiiiumiiui and un to coaulou pmtic nui th junior tuhd u tsrtott at lb town hall bu my tllflg at 1 oelu 0wujd fin bricd will bold a aoaiur gajdasi party la th writ oo uaaay jtio knl wauil cob poun and furthr puueuur la tb lutuld rwst 1 duu ptmnc hi ueosa ai- uut unbuiuj tn cus pteiioj el lb ton and dtwu an wirtity aeaiunj lfa anpiicattoa of tw ciiiortd p prlday uy ilu ooo for lh tv ooanany lora ulnw uiaa- luh danc in lb nw aruoru at 0orsmon uiiiawd ttaor d- tauu in nsa kurald th rcular bnoihly ttf e lh oanadian ifi 0iit6wa wttl b bald la ll ciub boodu ea iuuh day liay urd at pii all buia bw f4utud to b rtalal abtlt j tftit m lih uhi oa uala fit feud a tthlfatt oc of th pfvo- d n atrw4 tuiiuii tundafda u bilnj quiu avorauy h ea by all sto hav ofaivd u zwunlua drtsrt of aulofiubuaa ar bacoalnf am imu undar prauat uquot uo- tyium any pihoa aiuuptinft to ditw er stuo undr lh lnnuhu of uquof bawbtm unsx to th pubuo and abwild i hrly daalt ilh two young lada ridlna at twrm ootta war arrawd oo tuaaday by inovtncul oomtahu rrmn od ohkr uanhaii of oorton diarf d with ataalittf bteyctw la oto wu- uamji on saturday nubt yfay tockad up la uutoa to avau trul th ohblall 4imavlitlab im bald ing bof and t la th r room of th pubua library ea bat- unlay afurbooa jim lu tot v to a claan wartn aaeond hand cloth iny iintil goodi kjvital aitrplua boots mot mataafn aw awpubu ooeu and brtsc ft frteod it th flneuii wr eauad out about lljd ajn oa sunday to a m at ui il kiiwr caru at th raar of hi ttor oo usln bl th lui had tainad ootuidarahl baadway baa nouoad but wu tlnnurad with th fhtffbr tgtns oonatdanlhli daai tf waa doo to th fan very aatxaned aays orau oorn or wji fialna art worth mora thay do th wetk at uao- oorback and bobba dru fitofm personals wrt utharla ynt b yuulsaf with frimds la wftri ur kwry toiwt of toronto tcmit tbt bmk faditkvjj tbasspaoov hy johd imd ur wjdi telud l icum babd ukd otimt friend hi twa durtaf lb k t v u- watimt w fa toronto oo uoaday and tuiwuy tlupdlrt lh ckaurio dutu oanvnuon tu jaha and ura waldi and bmb of wii out vttlud durtntf lb wwb with mr and u ktburt waldi ur wtd txadnrtu u far d6rr6urt ttircll0 and urt xxatk toorth wr w and visltora with u and u- w oramd- u and ibi wu t rar of vountstowa ohio bw k nd vuitnra uh lira r ddu tfr and ua v j uaauu un otm of ifoatfvu and un d and daucbur of fc oatb- rte invot 6undy wttfc ux d rrjw aad iav aw trmr lv jowfih ulandrv taiany frwtfda la lown and vtaclty u pkm d to t hla u to b abooi to hb car atain ajur hi rejt avr lu naa air ouncaa mrfcwim and ur so- urt oluoa of cufaoa itul lukw ar ipodinj a 1w daw la twa thy an aiuadln th fuawj t0hly of lb ut john banniild who pa cd ay at oirtwm itul ut hattuday ur and ura palaur uenry bb 10 uirurua lh tfliit of ttutr ld4t dauahur ulnuu ouina to ur stanwy uorrubd oajy too of ur and ura d o uorruoa auon th karruj to tak pi th tut of jun uu uarart arnold of alton daujhur of ur and ur hoy arn old foraarty of ootorti ha bs ehotbd to r4v th lodat afd u th hut all round lh itudt ta rvd tunwr iu rraa a th out- iftpatng bojt sllifwat ur john a uitwitild vho ooanlttd hi tiii r ta at faaanubl oolu ttaraeto oa thursday for uftrtfahh m oe tarta ur ucxwald baa ba fcp- pointsd itudael fetimloaary to eo th tuid ra iuf4uu juntuaa u ooehras ura- j b uirttrirt ura w wblt m ura a il mw uu iwtu tawaon ura a h- wxt and uurial tbaspaoo hotond ta oatbartnc oo wuuy uu ta sttand th aaouannual aaaunff of th vro- tnaal council of wornta ur uao- a krakwit of th oorg town local oouatu prfaiatid a vry tnttribttfaf rvpon whiih was warmly pralaad by ura bhulua of tanuitfdd th ovtnaal praldal ura mod- wall waa apcolniad to lb ku4u6a ooumiua of th omiuntty wvlfam oouncu of toronto fa3 mcbean co storewtde rousing sale is on the grand climax ol 41 years ol honorable bbslness aealiags its goarulee ol com- plele satlsladlofj oo every poreluse yon make 3 big days ts ev laua ctbtcbi auakiiiry th oth annlhraary of tjnloa vt- byuruo church will fc bald oa boa- day usy mtb rav koruaa u6uu- un of toronto will preach at ii aja and tjopa on th touowtnj um- day awning a juhlu suppar will b hatd tn th ohurth and a cooeari will b itwn by tbomhlu ortbaatra ad- buatioo ue and he it taaasbaa have voar eyes exatolned tluyar lena unlik oftuniry rulvu mlihf t ar la btyu laniia are aecurau to th wry adn wheoaver you look up or down in or out tulyar laoaw aw reduabd la prtoa awl an told at the iiau price all over canada bo get them from ua aa we tell tluyer leaiea or the came price u ay ooe in toronto or ouelph o t walker ro orouenubf uvea i our bfccialut bvawtoam waa to al kobbvs dbuo btobe oea la itu walttaoay af wttf baeauii or yh way eftttwoi o walker at hie alsee b bfaatataa 7 if ij custom hatching la iffvbm kg aeekeye euetru iwwtalar spue for baurtcc of seuon ze an egg irtctibator set eadb friday motriliig baby chicks hraatoy b c whju teebmna and marrej ateaa jte lei aaj amf lafjtar te tteekti beekj be aaeei f adolph sandusky aj ti ue w ifajmtlwmfclll rktwwvu uaaaae t ftlltal ftarfiai on sunday anernooa uay mtb credit iade ajr t am mm attead dlvin auvle a horvai united church the brethren will liimtit in th buta rooa at lis tranapor- utloo wlu be provided for thoae wttb- out care visitor cordially inviled- bervloe at the church at lw eundard nw u 8 lmvfauj kagaged at a special taeetlng of the high bctool board oa saturday af ureoon jamae u patoo ujl of tfiwlltw wa en gaged eg principal of george town high ffehool to auoeeed ur ralph kote who realgned last month ur tfeioaa salary win b guotf and bu dutlee oowtwawe with the mlu ura bept let aa kavyau ralirtehiaiial there was a good attendance at the town ball oa uavlay evening when st alban mayers of aetoo preaeat- ed the eousdy laava it ta xaander under the aueplote of the wa of bt oeorgea chunb the cast was com posed of ann holm uay water houw harry war kddle nouu uulan perry iaon waller barbara taylor john pet harry hogera ouve rookaa kither taylor oura luuer all took their parts remark ably well and th puy throughout waa much enjoyed number between aou were given by ussier joe wilcox gold medal oomet aololtt and helen luacltbum instrummtal of oeorge- town their aeuotlons were also very puailng rv woo thompson waa chairman of the even ing at the close of the program the players were entertained to refresh- menu la the school room of bt oeorgea church glen williams ur and ura hernia utm allan ptfaeton and ur wiulip young were visitors with ur joseph deaumont over the week and ur oeorge beaumont of toronto was a visitor in lbs oleo oa sunday ur and ura dajby of oualph spent sunday with ur and ura id nor ton ur and ura otjonovan spent bun- day si ura llalnes a mlaftallansous shower was held at the horns of ura w il preetoo on wednesday evening for our young bride ura prank bmltb n mayl allen there was quite a number of young folk neighbor and well wlahere present and the bride received many very useful gifts on thursday evening tn the town hall the yjjt efcataaua dub of campbells cross presented their cotnle play called oacu bootle the was given under the fnriw of yjb of the tutted church there was a crowded house and the play wu very well pfeeented especi ally the fellow who played the pari of uncle boot we are very sorry to report ao many of our eitlfens are ta ouelph hasp ul and alnoerely hone that they will soon be able to return home and very much unproved in health ur and ura ttlpu spent the week end with their naughter tn irerd crew el ballrargu a record crowd attended th opan- dance at uuttonvtu park last riday evening and a great deal of axctteaunt was caused by the dlalcul- ty ta locating th mysterious uue iluttonvtu bh was eventually found try ur jim kvans of georgetown who won a smuons pass for hu skill at hunting th elusive lady th man agement u ottering an eatrm attrac tion for the holiday daaee th old- royd duo of toronto master of the art of dancing will demons rau its latest dance erase of the continent laouc-uscha- also th continental and other uti dance creations bee announcemenu la thta week issue bus gu hm wksu flanelttte per yd lie prints 36 1 y wklt vvsaa sheetings per yd towuuyr yd 1 3c i lir iwtttl sheets each 98c towels each 18c towels each to- c dul bfaaddotb yd 1 8c 17e u1u fwj ttlhini sjfc hoo pr sillfgiovd 28c panties 10c paatiaa blooourt 29c socks cotton per yd nett3 per yd a9e aka umrt on shirts w cii i rut shirts silk socks 19c 2se 21e abali aw u vkaty dress socks hail wl wi socks big b shirts 18c 18c 9c concoleum rugs v 48 6 v 8 veltorugs ft a ft sct28 ladies shoes axmtnster rugs 4 7w 1878 6 x v 1888 fbrf enujuy wlvfaw sbadu 89e atid 69c i house frocks 1j frocks bsc aw uj ow ah wool swalah bv 114 obw uu school hose isc rj uu a golf hose imiu cliu thi suits 28c 100 imu otmii ku reefers u auk otu overalls specials in groceries tomato catsup 10 km granulated sugar 40 ox bramble jelly sweet mixed pickles lux uaall lire 10c ssc 2sc 17c 6c kirks castile soap green gage plums or ilia ovaltine urge tlai laundry soap gold medal coffee 140 sec 6fe28e 10c setc 7 for 28c 42c mj rf ufasaluw jslfttle duuhur el w cutdott hobimod ol iuikbunr u nwmrinc uloftly fiuu hut netat wriaui uuam ur r attm a dttwit pent uu tntk aad with ur nd mm wiuum terracotta ur vincent bottom u tearing down and remodel lug hie bam oo the ut- att modem plan arktrisoa brte of the 6th un have the contract all our local quarrlee ae quiu busy at present and every arausble man la worttlng it begins to look as if the deprestton u moving out we are very sorry to team that ur william liunur br of th mb line u quits eahouily 111 at present hu many friends hope toon to baas of hu oomput recovery ur davadge of toronto spent the week end at bu summer home here uusee bottom of toronto spent the week end with terra cotta friends ur il euwood u erecting an addi tion to hu resldenos at cedar valley uue dorothy kllwood u spending a few days with friends la toronto at present ashgrove tlu wmm haul a istnc bmuik uunp th dwouonal ptrt and buil nus lt4iiu tnan quiltinf mikta nadjr tor th tiala a ul of imd and plant for our avprai fund brought in a nice amount a dainty lunch ai urvtd by two of our udw th annual maatlnf of th woeuna inatltut a hald on tuaiday uay kth at th horn of un n 3 gra ham vlth th larfaat atundanoa of th ymr ura llmtnr bird pnildad and dalt with bualnaa ilanu flrat ura j a wuion lllu jan hahar and uua loul huddau vara an pointed to rapraunt our w l at th confaranoa in ullton on uay lain ura ow miliar oontrlbutad a uu atory of quean vitorla which waa moat approprlau on aooount of tha naarnaaa of kmpir day ura 3 o wuaon aang for ua that beautiful aolo h of hannlnaaa the mlnutaa of th uat annual meatlng war read and anoourailnt raporta from th danartmenu raoelvad th elaotlon of ordoere raa aa follova pmaldentura a j suddaa lit vloepraaldbit ura oao hun ind vlcdkaldent ura oa ma her fiacre tarytvaaaurar ura j o wuaon aaautant bae traaj ura 3 ball noddy dbtrut dlnctor ura a j ruddall duwtora ura r huddau ura j o wilson ura w ruddall ura oao wlncneld program ura j bamea ura oacu wuaon ura waiter urownrlda ura uuton bird xower ulaa bu bird ura oao nuraa ura n o wrinlawomh audlunuva w bud ura ii bird oumnt birenta uua loul baad ulaa u oihan hanlatuiaa laabal wrmiaawdrih aaautant nanlatura j o wuaon vnaaura k wuaon olrla ooumlttaa ulaa jean naher uua uargarax outaa juat baior th eloaa of th meeting a pwaantatlon wu tnada to urata k huddau and ura b il wright whs w marat to bauav are hav ing ahoruy for their baw homo m oaorgatown km j sauboddy read tha addhu and un ruddall un aautad tha table lamp oo bahalf of itiw i w wlah tbam continued health and happlneaa thaw gtoeunir repllea wera tnada lunch wu umt uua rulh olden and uua blala haul attandad the two omoari ooa- faranoa u out saturday utatnoon ladies smart dresses 295 lo 695 mcbean co follow ihe tiirllfy boy saw and save money cawatat tlaam valtlaml tins of oual ty paclafln of frcihneis n feet a uliole marlct baibci of good nwa for particular ptkhaicri oifcu this hit for real lloiuy savers aylmer toeuto and vrgetsbl clarks wlib potk dulk baady cut 3lb tin d soups d beans d peanut butter d macaroni d crisco d orange d comfort a cheese d pears d richmello uitlajuum es biscuits westons miohtcake soap tasty new bayside i igltl syrup coffee 322 325 22 229 725 17 2si25 35 11s tla tomatoes 2 lb lor 25c pineapples 19c grapee ruit s lor 25c lemons perdoz 19e llillmatma mayonnaise bv or jar 2s fancy 1sck shrimps vtt tin 10 picnic pickles 25 h p sauce mall 10t frys cocoa ij lb hn 23 manyftowara soap cake st dominion stores notice to creditors la the csuu af john wiofjd1 kottck u hereby iven that ail persons having claims against the ttste of john wiggins uu of the village of nerval tn the county of ilalton oentuman deceased who died on or about th seventh day of march ims are required to deliver full particulars thereof to the under signed solicitor for the eucutors of the said eeuu on or before th twelfth day of june 10j5 amd women u further tin that after the said teat mentioned data tha said kxecutors will proceed to dis tribute tha asseu of the said esiau among the parttre entitled thereto having regard only to tha claim of which they ahall then have received notice and will not be liable for the said asieu or any part thereof to any person of whose culm notice has not been received at lh time of du- trlbutlon dated at brampton thu twenty- second dsy of uay 10w ctaahqvce il wioolkb brampton ontario boucltor for the exeoutors town ol georgetown prmlamalion daylight saving ciianoe to bimifzat ttus june ind c berrembeb ut uis wharaaa th oouncu of tha oornor atlon of oeorgatown haa authoruad m owing u th fact that daylight bavlng waa carried by the ratepyara to uuue a proclamation requesting tha eltlrena to observe a period oidajr- llght saving or the current year oominenclng at one o clock ajn on sunday june ind and continuing un til one oclock am bundey baptem- in order to efficiently carry out thu reoueat of tha ratepayera of aaorge- town it wui be neceaaary that all clocka and walchea be advanced one hour at one o clock ajn on bundey june 2nd the town oouncu moat reanectrul- ty f la wwral5nol ejl citizen in making a auooeae of thu movement for the publlo beneflt proclaimed purauant to the inatruc tlona of the town oouncu thla imd day of uay uu j08etu ouuwn8 auyar ooo bave tim kino sciatica i bliuaoavb cuunbe your ayatam of uric acid relieving uheumatuu and eclatloa h kobava bauo btoaut rumacaps 5

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