Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 8, 1933, p. 4

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ptotj4 tb georgetown heraldl wednesday evening november 8th 1933 what to do u your ulln uid and blue and you dotal know what to do do riotala if your iwtuui not right and your waistbands freltin tight atop iu0ia if your plan ere all awry and you fl you wat to cry oo ttshln 1 you know you talk too much and your rtflahbor ivelln touch btop talxln if your wnti or til askew there u on good thing to do oo wilkin if your running into dbt and cant pay for whit you ta wop buyln if youd tik to truh the top and art jut about to uop kp tryln omwiu kwler mother of 13 without a wrinkle paul in macedonia uurmflr uedfm it ay wrk cuakactuc bsjildomj yukoucu gr held at walerlea ioa iowa ovc aoajw avyuhh it lbu bat ywfdy said itov lu h ewrun 4j1 uo lwtyloog th dusk wtfeci trn iuuw and a star and lhn ui row buddd then com brgan to taal ttvwi wlkw pbli wanwd to last a pihi brujunuig atau now sudwruy notice th fstlhig of a uai and but tonight uqru nclaiau tlir evening liov brtfl ghitel hcwili fuller what a rarity i woman with a luc family and an unllnd fo umj this teller she has written x im a wkdco of so haw a fami ly of 13 ciiudr and ho not a wrinkle on my foe bom hew ego i pmted through a wry iwm u and waived u try knufhd baru and am a nv wonian tint uk uim i ha taken fcruchn twelv tooritn not a small dow but half alpoonful every uomlntf tn a cup of lot water i think crucha glw you a filing of buoymney and youth that nothing u do- lira t uany wtow lur dvpruioa and worry which are th chief ceu of wrtnklraiw frquuy do to lb dtamu in the iyiw of pobona bd wy th wuu product ol tljrlwi- tn ipolan h th mot eu j rfkruttlmual lrwhh kid owu and uw ixulnt vhkij task popl cd bm their tiorf h 1 the unfailing- tfct of krurfi halts to ipl these pouoiu and kp lb blood4lrjn pur and a rich sup ply of pur vtjoroua blood is th w- ixt of youthful vttalhy aluiaru of fon and voitwo haw alrdy prowd that uyomibrrf vtci rui kibiiuj tlihrf b a ryur rjd for caution od lh urt of tsotorula u avoid ac- ctdmu amon th array of youna folk air lccjw of tou going to wiocl for th ni uaw aiany of rioa ar not owl nough to undiland hat trafic rulatlona uand for or bo cmjulot b cffpbtd to ttnu tb haiardj of lit uivh tn thu sotor af that uwy will dart out from ui curb in th abandon of thalr chllduh play 1 ctrtaln to prwwu thrtr doing ao ouu br u unki th akvvalka wr baird wlih guard ralla ttiua it u a duty and rwporuiwuiy of esotoruu to drtv their cars par- ucularry in school aonaa tn audi a aannar a to iduoa to a mlnlguaii th danra which aria from th tbouihuiniti of chlldrn in play childhood u th tianplut tua of 1u and to ipct cruidwn nwr to think of anything u but hatarda of tralflc u to deny thud aoidhhlng of their birthright uotorlsta haw rtgbu know but no uotorut ha th right to ndant human lib and too oftn has tdotoruu takra rfu in th alibi ii darud right out id front of m hm a ma i mad and atlll foru 1u oo th pavatocnt tn kotorut ho u rtaaonably cautloua haa hli car alwaya under ooatrol har school tone and other orntraa ber children ar numrroua h drtv with th npmutlon that torn child tll dart out in front of hla car but hi tptid u aloe and ofun h la abl to th number of children alaln tn th utmu by motor vehicle la ao appal- ling as to sicken th public mind uotorula have a duty and a reapon- slbuity in this matter which matt of intra tfrlv to appreclal ttioa dw ar too ulftab to do ao should be sternly checked- jaywalkers are on thing but innocent children ar an other muffin ttm again by iwliy uarclay u s buiuln tkd again ccl cnoui to u j the ovi oocl nooih to w rouw an appeuu- jut the wua to itw u ftkiiiiy trj yit su a uurnn and het ar tao help for uufinj that in smtin 0kia wsu 1 cup fcifw ttpur 9 easpoons coaibtaatlon bakinf ponder a te hlai f f 1 cupa graham nour 1 egg well beaten 1 lihiirnnn melted butter or othr ahorunlng bin bout once b add salt baking poder and sugar and slit again add ofahaa flour ooiftbini egg and eulfc and add to ftour gradu auy add shortetuntf btlaf -u- lisv in grasd tauma pna la mod- tril cwn in wt vt u to niflutas uakm la auimna riu i cwt mibi 1 cup lifted flour 1 cup com satu 3 taajnaona coablnallhn podr 1 uaspoon aah i cup ulk cup 1 a7ff sail haa ten i tabugnoon bselud butler or other ahortsolng flut flour onne euasuf add corn m baking powder and salt and tin toother enrw tla coabtn milk mouiis g tod shortening add gradually and tbaat bake tn hot greased nufim pans in hot oven iod uumaxfc unvcxtuit drgrea y jo minutea muhiu uakm 13 out in the northwest they haw a novel way of capturing th ctulev fox along th railway rightofway ny do it at night and run them down with a railway locomotive recently rngnoer jo lachartt and nrtman prank danycr on th hudson day 1u11wb7 tin ran down threw faxes in thle unique manner th animal daaed by th headlights will stand on th railway track stating at th oncoming train until it masts um doom jo lathaht lays that at night th foxes aometlme run along th track tn front of th train as far as on and two mile th strong lights of th cngln hold an attrac tion for them wkst rwmj wl ill topay aald th mlstiwaa to the maid iust look at his daak why i can writ my nam in th dust it must b voaderfui commented th maid ah wuba ah was du- catad m cajel u ft wrfh buckleys mtvftire ha tt w mutut 1 lwitij 4 1 mini ivw fok mu hw w tccuvtt uunruaw tti imw u u uu w u isu ru r am t a w ri m twl u 4ms vmi lie hsfcnufm vtu lauw einti if ytta mj llwfcir fw ttmitr aw utjb mu 4 w twm tt fekutw bitter ortag hargalig luaka g glauea 1 arapafrult 3 oranjw 1 lemon u cup benon htlo fiile unpseled fruit very thin add thiwe tima as much water as fruit- uoll 30 minute lieasur bring to boiling olnt add cup sugar for each cup of fruit bali 35 minute or until it give th jelly test just befor r- moving from tti add cup umorj juloe pour into sterilised glutei wwr with paramn when cold lamb cfcsg wttb oraaga iservas it 6 iamb wal or pork chops ucltsd butter bilom oranges bait pepper paprika trim fat from thick chopj and dip in melted butter oil broiler well and broil chop minutea turn and place a thick slice of ptkd orana on ch chop broil or 10 minutes tongdr sprtnki generously with th seasonings serve hot ut b jj ty4mp oblgar pbuug i ubut for junket 1 nut milk 1 ublscpoon cold water 3 tabwjcwionj sugar h teaspoon lemon flavortn l cup whipping cream otnger cookie dreak a imall itoiwr oookl tor bftovcr cak into aach dawn dish dtsaolw tablet for junket tn i tabl- poon cold water add sugar to milk also lemon flavoring warm to luke warm 119 degrees 9 1 not hot and remove from stove add dissolved tab lh for junk stir a few aeconda and pour at onoo over fingr cookie otull in refrigerator tierv with whipped cream and a bit of rated praserved ringer mmmmmmmmm fall milliiiery in all the new individual hats in style and material fur coats oder your fur coats now frora misses claridge herald block ugttulf gewtawa hoviuultut ulk ooldew ttxt ikuev oo iw lord jwus and thou shall b savd act 1 31 lkaafiom pabaaok acta 16 915 j6 ii if i could gel straight away wool ui cblr of my owu wilng and knoil down i might tndnd percel ood liinuotf bat th lull shuttle of thouglit ys to fast so fast i am djwnd by their whir ktnungud in my own b and cnokd by uie plktiera of self jane suer wkwy twf 9 bailie fields form ih lwjmiound of thl lean paul luid com to tro uud by llomor as the rtnguu puln of wuidy troy ther oir forces of lurcpe and u had uet and by virtue of ui pro- of thr orks curop bad wo pwul dj not vuu tru liowwwr as a tourt bupecting a bttrwhd h was tu tn rrand of p vet he was a campaigner laying urge puiu ard smking conqjesu lor ciirut at ttooi he had a vision of a man of ua donia plaading with hla to cross tin- asan sa and iwlp til pope of uidoola- u my u that luke wi th man wtwi rntwsly uuplfd th vuion pwuls plans ww not bd iw had corufend sacral ivlda of k but without cuar tonvulion th ir- vtlatuv u usowlonla appeared to u a cmj of guidance but uii guldwir was in uhe wtu puuti steady mis ssoeury purpwe tl spcinc wad ln came to a man who knew drftnlt ly wnat he wanted iq do wuiwryry ln- a fuimm cuay lau paul lo no ume obeying hu ua with all tpd h uli4 to kipolu and made hi way to wukatpi itoman colony again h was wo hl- toru ground for at pnillppl lb fat- of uom liad been deckud tn a ballli of lirutu and cauiu against siari antony and augustus it may be thai pui marched ulo phlilppl undvr th triumphal arch leesnants of wliicii atlll rvenaln but se near no echoes of th triumph of roman arms imui was heading a small eipeoxion of cjirutlsn misuonariee ttitwr aopct was to have mor far rfcaciung influ- sac than ttu hainan cagle it u her tn the story of th arts of the apostle that the passages- be gin verse ten than- from the third person singular to the first per son plural which indicates that luk th writer was now a member of th team lie was a physician whose horn was in phiiippt and though hs was wry proud of til city named af ter th great philip of uaoedon n knew that th purpow of th visitors was to preach th gospel to th uace- ovoaae aaj la 1111 there was no aynagogu la pliiilppi so on th ant ssnoalh truvy vat there paul apd luke tills and timo thy went out of the city to th nvei- ald where prayer was wont to be made th jewish popi kept up their warship even without a bulla lag specially consecrated paul and hi helper spci to th devout wo men and lydla a sailer of purp from thyatlra hram a bell in christ and was baptised together with her household uh invited that christian missionaries to her house and persuaded them to go this in cident show thst tru religion 1 not wholly dependent upon set place of worship lacking a synagogue build ing lydla and her companions held a prayer- meeting on a river bank ard when ah was won to the christian faith she at once showed hospitality to the apostles- organised religion will always have nsed of churchr and cathedral but therr will also always be opportunities to u the great outofdoors and private homes for s udy and fellowship htagtjig la prison m 21 again the t ry has a military sri ting paul had healed a sooth say ing slave girl to the financial lose of her masters they created an out cry against paul and bilas and lhr magistrate ordcrvd them to be beat en itoman soldier did the flogging and paul and oltas were thrust into an tnnrr prison and their fort fasened in the stocks ho pitiably weak were th to christian mission arte in the clutches of the strong itoman power what could they do7 they could not retaliate using force so thty prayed and aang they were two men agatml an empire but ud deal a power greater even than the roman army changed th outlaok an earthquake opened th doors and loosed th chain what a contrast betwwen the military guard panic stricken ready to commit suicide and paul keeping hi head and controlling the situation ullltary disci pine hat certain values but pauls spiritual dis cipline by sheer force of character gave him selfcontrol and influence over others gav vy faltb tt11 the book of acta records many casual conversions apparently by chance some incident occurred or some work was spoken which won a convert ilsd paul and his fellow- worker held a council of war as to whom they should try to win in phluppi nrebably lydla and the jail er would have been about th last persons to select vet this woman from out of town and frightened jailer were not too humble for paul to weldome a followers of christ when the jailer asked what he must do to be saved the answer was soon given believe on the lord jesus chlrst and thou shalt be saved and thy house tasted by the experience of nineteen centurte the answer holds as true a ever living faith in christ 1 salvation this belief la not a mere intellectual assent it is a ufa of dally fellowship with christ nor is salvation a mere listing of a name it i the transformation of a charac ter a salvation from fear supersti tion and sin a salvation into low truth and joy qasatusu fee dueaaslea 1 should we expect dramatic visions 3 llow far u worship dependent upon temples mode with hand 3 why la prison reform ao frequently nroeasry 4 what doe it mean to believe m christ ft what did armlbtlce day ibis do for the cause of peace tn your community by prlncuml ciena hobiuoa iher are tiicrf who say that the school should stick to lb thr kta tliat character training tunnsra and uoarls and mental hallii are hot the function of tbw public a we who ar eounaotad with educa tion orrtalaly buw tha lb wm it should be sttwd but aloci willi thu and equally important y more ustportant should stand th leaching of phyiicii mental and mor al lieelth lb taouldltft of character uany chudm cotxi front hot whei tittle aiuntlon i glvo to the finer thing of use ny new see the tnsd of a church or bunday school only a eoniparulwly tr can be boy tlcouu or olrt seoul so it fall upon the school to do wrui u can to make life rich and full for tn child to five hlsa pru well a theory in weu doing humane education te one of uti bran of acvwrtpiuhlng this enfl- it df tt through buct teaching through sjsvtloft uit4ii ttj through oov hort rnl upon rrpt tin upon line jm a little and there a i ttw the lit burt jay tic on tie superintendent of school tn lus chuictls tlmt th following obk tu of humane mlucatlon 1 pfwettcaj knowud about the care of pt doswauc anibials and urd aid ttrfir vaiiw to man x tlw ptvwnllun of sunvrtng of anutial- 1 trauun ui lhouahtfuine si to patliy sxd tdrcy foe the prevention of ail cruelty tow id either mtu or bsaa the child warn aixxel anlaul a ihe fcelprra of man olttn hi uui iruuj lrwl fcud cijiu ru irant that uwy luw a rthl to live and to be prouitd from ail unrwou sary suifrriag through cajv of pet or feeding urd in winur he soon ax- uujw a wnse of wjioniimihy foe thrtr vwllarv through ewhantng rtprrwnce vllh his rmaparilnn or listening during th band of uercy meetings h has right attitude and high ulala of kindness brought to his attention again and again and be fore long th habit of hindnata be come a an of his behaviour pattern humane education arouu in th child an tnlerrst in th grat out-of- d rv and the creature that live there no child with a consuming de sire to study the birds cover and utile wood creature or to collect aoualic tile for his tquartub will spend much time with th comer gang lie wtu be too busy with aom- thlng worth wtuie aside from thu wholesome effect on th child a char acter it contact with the out-of- tion 1 conducive to th physic well bttng of th child humane education give practice a ell a theory in doing kind daeds th children vie with each other in presenting ideas for animal comfort to th class th performance of kindly ord th protection of th weak and helpka affect the child like a stimulant and he is moved to do other dwde of kindness i have been urprbed to see chll- dem whose chief delight before they bcknged to the band of uercy was to throw rocks at squirrel and bird and to tease dogs and cats now com with sugsistion for th care and pro tect l4i of the creatures- what ha been taking place within th heart of thee children a child who i taught klndn to animals and who acquire the hsbtt of kindness will be kind to humans a well floarone whew name i do not know say human education inspire the child to feed bird in winter to put tin can and broken bias in their proper receptacle and to do a hundred and one little deed which make 4or kindness and dnc pride the child learn that he can help and rejoice in hi participation prom all those fart from hi understand ing und hi interest in the creation he lll gain a barkfftound tnvaluablp in butfrailon and rich tn feeling and hntlmrnl hlrh will enable htm to tru j appreciate nature art and titer uiu waa first individual touob of uk ontario usm higji in judg- ln llolsulns luxm bwls and ayr- ihlra and soeood in oucrnatya as a team they were hxst in the judginj of holsleins and ournsya team waa composed of j w archi bald if j hunter a- b ucosughar- ty and d a- doulsl- the boy wr coaclml by prof j k- halthby uc- cauglierty was high man in llllstelns archibald ivlgh in brown b1is and second in ouemseya and hunur first in ayrshlr tti umta and their coach aw to be congratulated upon thetr escellent standing in competition with the best jud from it agricultural colvgp across the tine wontien buy 80 per cent of all merchandise i sold by retailers to chicago by bus excursion fare 1465 return tickets good for 60 days lufornutloo audticiub it wlongs georgetown central ontario bus lines untiled bay and bloor sts- toronto therefore the fundamental thing tn humane education u the reaction upon hie character of the child the child trained to apply the golden rule in hi dealing lth nets er other birds and animals i ttkely to b novtrnrd by the lame ideal in hi re lations to hi fellowmen por out of the heart anr the issues of life our dumb animal umefilck winneb oatnerlne u onldor of 53d park st wins the prlza for the best lost line in friday unnnlahed limerick her limerick there waa a young lady from ayr who rode through the town on a mare while riding one day her mount ran away theyre wheeling her now in a chair rlrategy uotivft aald little hobble if a poor hungry little boy came to the door and asked for something to eat would you give him that piece of ek that waa left from dinner why jf course x would h rluwered the mother ox just wait till i so around to the back door n store a lady as proud as old lucifer u tired of tur husband abuslfer she aay she will km if she ever gee free jf love doesnt again nuke a gticjfer new and fofonkutioa for 1kb buay farm- uyat preaaaeu oaej advance informauon from the man agement of the royal winter pair i to the effect thai prospect ant bright er for the coming fair than any tn its 13year history it i expected that there will be a particularly heavy entry of all classes of live stock and farm product- par eight days no vember 23 to jo there uj be on dis play some of the best products of the land the small breeder or imal landowner will be found tn competi tion with the products from urge holding the boy will have an op portunity to show their beef calve in a wide open competition formerly it was necessary to be a member of a calf club in order to show but ihu year any boy between i and 30 years of age who hat a calf aired by a pure bred bull bom on or after september i 1033 which he has fed cored for and nurd two months prior to fair dates may enter in competition rrtlufc aiarkst overteadad with caaadun ajhri writing from the ontario govern ment orac in london andrew pul ton report that excessive ahlpmentj of canadian cooking apples to the british markets are seriously depress ing prices for all kinds of apples in cluding english in many case price lumped from ida to 10a a barrel with in two week oond nova scotia no 1 blenheim arc selling at lis a barrel ontario blenheim 13a to a barrel eng luh blenheims 3 fld a bushel and wasty and indifferent fruit as low as 3 fid a barrel but mostly ta fld the same tune good quality ontario red deasert apple are holding their own ai bright scarlet pippins are fetching from 33 to 33 jonathan 3is to 30 and arm uclntosh free from brubv 33s to 34a sir pulton consider that it 1 mistake for ontario shipper to export their apple immediately they aw packed without considering the large crop in nova brotla and england the heavy supplies of nova scotia oravcnstelni blenheims rlbstoru and other fall varieties that an com ing forward to all british porta in un precedented quantities at this time of the jvjar are setting the price for thi clau of fruit thu situation fj also having a depressing effect upon the english grown apples and engfish grower are beginning- to cry out for something further to be done to pro tect their interest this time it is not the foregn fruit thai u euilnr the trouble but apple from canada and a severe overlapping ofnew zealand boxes present indloatlin are that ontario apple ihlpoergvwho have nut thetr apples into cold iloraoe will find market mow utlifabtory after christ mai ojls3 ymw keeawj the ontario agricultural college dairy cattle judging ttun atood sec ond with ii teams competing bt the international intercollegiate juvbrinqr competition tt the dairy cattle con- ourt rn rsr por very deftule irasons stated j a carroll supwinendent f horti cultural bocletl i am convlnofd that the near future will once again lt the pall pair a an instttutlaa j rrmj ukjpvrtajica in the farwmg life of ovtlarux ur crtoli tn hv otecul capacity ha julfd mjw 2 comuanruij with th canadian matlonal exblbl- tlon lie pulnis out that gte rcelpti are incrcaslnv gtnnllly and in sume cose this incwaae i at much at thirty oe forty pre cent er lait yar crotm in fcnrat bvtng earlier thu ycr y sal rua ruiited in glvmg mow famwr ttafc to alleud tlw fairs ttun again economic cotiditioni hav had much lo do- with iiund atteo- dance wlre in cw pu fsnuei would turn to ttw dty for tvlssailon a lh espenjv mwrulwwnt u now the crdr of ui dv pull fair an iter this rwd li are attractive prlie and the nro- triati of junior work wtv ujmxj a two additional ronm for tlie tncrvas- ed in u re it in tlk fall fair junior work luu twn carrvd on for o twrniv year now and uu prugrara is beslnnlng to br fruit uuuaucb as an entirely new generwtlut u add ed to the blierulanc at the annua function for these raons he concluded i cannot take anything but an op- tun j tic attitude toward th future of the fall fair in ontario atiyfiial oauru u tke atsyar team rvpeeenting boys cattle bwine oratn and potato club in on tario held their annual interclub competition at oac on friday oc- tobtr 3tth tram were each rom- pcwd of two club member between th age of if and 30 year tnclu in all 3111 club member ar enrolled in th 103 clubs organised in th four project tn ontario during th pau year fifty five of these club sent their representative to the coll t compete in one of the four interclub competition conducted under the direction of ii ii duncan director of he agricultural ileprwmtalvr for ontario in the cattle club competltln 31 tram rnintetrd the woodbrtdge dairy calf club of vcrk county com posed cf norman baggi and wllbert jennings were winner the oraln club competition brought out team representing t clubs the winner were kenneth flmlth and oarwood bparunei of the ilenfrrw oraln club the owtne club competuioo wa keenly contested by 10 teams repre senting a many different clubs first ras awarded to the orooo boyr club of durham county com posed of wcaly vellowtee and new ton aahton the inierclub potato oomptution also brcught out contender from tem dlherent club the winner were ooruon armstrong and lloyd rawn of the orangrvul potato club dux frnn county following the keenly contested com petition the oomplluort the ctffhw and ofnetai avrr guest at a dinner tn the oac cafeteria following the announcement of the result dr accrue i chrltsie president of the o ac delivered on inspiring address which climated an interesting and en joyable day for th club member who hod gathered from a far a renfrew in the east and lambton tn the west another pleating feature at this func tion was the presentation of the parmer trophic by editor o if hodge to the teams from york and durham counties winner tn the cattle and bwtne competition re spectively the four winning trams from duf- ferln durham renfrew and york will represent ontario in the inter-pro- vlncial contett to be held at the royal winter fair tn november you can t keep gasoline down by stepping on it tj it is calculated that women buy fully s0 of all mrcrlarwjifcr told by retaiur and influence ttve pur- ciiai of thine they do uot buy proruuy ao that t key- control fully 95s of all purth matte j wonifti study their market just aa art irrvtejo in wtuntiee atudscg the fluctuations of financial rnarketa women keep in close touch with the price current as it affects ihetr buyinr they cluut thetr cchirwe before buying by teadlnff the advertisement of ttwv local merchants or of dutanl city stores if i heir local dealer is not agaresesve place your met for them where it will reach them in their home in your local newspaper i womens inuneiiee is rcllecjed in everything i luxurioua automobile uphoutery and filling wc not put there or rain i the moral 13 obvious 4 i i the georgetown herald j georgetown aimoltwtkmina i clsuelno auction hale 1 iioilua cattle huef flou ussffjuaenta etc the undersigned ha been instructed by jaaa aiedeura to sell by pubuo auction at lot is ftth line esqueslng on phi day novksitlkk lata lau at one o clock the following horses brown mare 8 yrs black mare 10 yrs brown mare 13 yr oatx1x llolstetn cow calf at foot durham cow call at foot jersey cow frash holttaln cow bred tn oct llol- auin cow bred in liar unlit tn cow bred in uay ilolsuln cow bred hi slay uolttein cow bred in liar hoi- alein cow bred in slay ayrshire cow bred in uay durham cow bved in june jersey heifer bred ta apr llbl- ateln heifer bred in june jersey heifer 1 yr durham heifer 6 man durham bull 3 yrs sheep piob fowl 13 oxford ewes oxford nun 3 ahtar 7 ptg 3 months t pig 4 months 10 whlto leghorn hem is rock hens is bags of potatoes mow of alfalfa hay stack of alfalfa hay 160 bus of oats 80 bu of barley lsxplzuentou h binder t ft u ii horse rake deerlng drill it disc ucoormlck mower b f t 4 sec tion harrows cultivator cockahutt walking plow root pulper turnip drill lumber wagon sloop sleigh cutter 3 buggy renfrew cream separator set heavy hameas set driving har ness forks shovels chains whlftlc- truea neckyoke other small artlriea no reserve aa proprietor a lea 3 hat expired terms oafill w a wilson prank petcr clerk auctioneer ta sa of lands in akuur8 fob taxes ih thk vow of aeobgetowm nottc15 l hereby given thai a sale of land in arrears foe taxes will be held at the munici pal ofnces george town on december zad at 10 o clock am an adjourned sale if neoes- aary will be held at the asm place and hour two weeks later these und are advertised id the ontario oautte tuuas of sept and uh lth and btd a list of the lamb for tale uay w asen at the municipal offlce p b ilahjuflon august 33rd 1033 treasurer wssgw coitiinercial printing all kinds of commercial printing turned out promptly and efficiently at the office of the georgetown herald your home printer and publisher is prepared to fill any of your printing require ments and is a local industry deserving your patronage georgetown herald georgetown ontario

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