Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 8, 1933, p. 3

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tbo georgetown hefdu wednesday evening november 8th 1933 feet must be kept dry tks diutgeaue weather whatever eue might be neglected get your ulpply of rubbe rs now before that naaly cou uu in we are prepared with a full range of mens womens and childrens rubber fbolwear including rubbers overshoes arid heavy rubber boots of all kinds our gooda were nil purchased iwfore tlu advance ih price d brill co georgetown cottier mill and main su ft- 167 m ttf i porterhouse roast 15 cut of young steer beef tupolicd from neigb boring forme here is proef ikxt fm a fi wtik iiily wli- cs plug lugl pfta 14db prime rib 15 bowoufia ahd h4t t f p rump roast 10c plate and brisket 6c lb round steak ob roast 12 2clb shoulder amd thick rib 9 clb n 18c lb i fy 29c doz br the he biulw and rmeald freak firols evcbv too oood one fresh pork loins r fresh hams lulf er whale iselb 13c lb we sell for cash phone f of tfltr we 28 w w j duiv deliver satzaksiakit kl lnkimhr ibtl attack catches you unprepared we will give it a winter greasing change your oil to winter grade fill your radiator with beit grade antifreeze and give you a special low price on a winter tune up jn oneill son phone 14 georgetown i a gorgeou tulip bed j i i 135 to200 per loo for little money close of season offer tulip boise may be plant until frsvp rather than plant our aurplu tuup bulb are disposing of uutn at actual coat prior the tuweh vakv phom and i only at uu dtui varieties qaallty strictly ai l please bear in mind these are not bargain counter kind but the product of uu beat dutch orowers our surplus stock is um1ted we urge you to act now a j al vjpa beamtlnea ih whole rtwl and eatta utile numuy dominion seed house okoroetown ootabio n a robinson livestock dealer and buleher norval uve stock trucking all load fully matured phone georgetown 10113 local news uuy a poppy heiurdsy till vu court day in town lletimmbrance day tturday cluulma out kj from monday there are a lot of town tax j unpaid give a til lie uoh for your poppy this yar tugboat annl at the oigcry tluaira tonight uuiguwn tiomuisllon nov luh tuaion uc u hot ciuciun supper at kaon ctmrth on prtday dec tih iuowtalij anc- liy j taiiiuiei alunc on jatumay at 11 ajn pound iky a coat- osner flay tiiii- tinu- by cuuma ai herald otao canjdian legion uk lai tomorrow nuht ah ciiuoage puyr oom early iuaulu mculg of lilkixloj iuamjuy council lujcday now uui ai iju urn jbuwauiuu4 day a luluiday iil riucoi w ottrwoj sj a puulc iojduy ui luiifivwwo- tut uoh cfvoifiou ol urtlfcvu ll rntj 41 tall to itoger ttod lllujlq tuiuiiur uid acortaftd xwgtoftn aurctiauu ai gftulcj itddy to tuiijy your turil tar ciirlii hiaj wtilcu u jttrald lax uiio to- huiuwtljillu itic loyl ttmiwraix legion vuj kiij 4al oj liuatacaudd tajonj aim liifccy vu4tt in u litwujy oo blur- ory mu tgui 31 uay jytiuy lvc a oiu fur oii- tfvi cfucjuu uulhmt a kwu krayuruai chiucn jh uiplkx will wivd by uu klo ot uu- diokji tuo juitlud uhilm uald of uu uiuutd cnurch wui hou a ua and itxaji 011 lutufdiy nov uui at i o clock- tt iu lidu aid at otao wuiulm uoid caurch ul hold a hot an- ttjtuury mytwr ca kov utb from 0 u 9 pmo foliod by a good pru- unuii ahmluloo lie and ut it a oiilium dionaj vlll ba arfvd at kcrva liuhyuruo church oa tbuxa- day tiljik nov tttn from i to i bciota iouord by a yood pmfrosi admiu4mi adulu iic c lit quite a oumbar j our utixruir havr ciprriifd thlr appracutloo ol uu- tiuiiojy tirtiooi itux tulna puh- uoud cicji ca in tha lurald w umna uwm far lurir und ord both written and tpcxta w uiall b paud to ccntlnue ujbv a low a m- know thry arv tporaclatfd unuhoui antonla a tanw-har- okl lloutn rvur brd and cnr4 by a o li liruyn umtlunifct oct- u crvdjtfd with having produced in hrr lut lacutloa period of day unovr ut to tha toi 10u lb muti thosftng an awrua tut of 1v ut nu htlra tooid u maoc uo ticaday milking tau bfji fr imvs u you would uia to hv a oorgou tulip bed nxl tprtn0 w nav brand opportunity riht now to c cur u tha domuuoo hvd llou oeorewtovti arv ocmina thix uirpiui uoca of lha flnaat famtiaa of buibo at actual coat prtoea tft bulo are inr product ol tha ut dutch grovra ue adva tn ihu luua iuv w o o thomptun iuuir ttoiy uond jun- day aiur truuty lloy qon u 9 ajn ouiiday uchool 10 ajn cmnjma- uon 11 am evto- riga jaub si kv taut a mutlcal trrat oi tht tughut type u to ttor for all tboaa aiundln the oonorn to ba pwnantad by the caro lina jubum aungtra to ih auduorlum of lh unhad onurch ooretom oo ucnday nov 30th at hi dent mu lavtoa th ilx tauntad and vrutil artlau tvtt now on uk admluloti 3sf st wctw tha kovembtr maotlrig of lh w- ctu vlll ba htld to tha banunt oi uw uantut chujth en tha cvtnlng of wed iftlh at i oclock tin will taks the form of a uothrra uuunr and u1 ba to chartfr of hra poulton ajprrtntrnovnt of iforul education and uothcra uaetlnga a apaclal in vitation u etodd to mothart and all tnurratad to tha work it the oaonrctown ox3jp olub will hold nular maatlnf to tha llon room on the wcond and fourth tuea- day of fvtiy month tha mmtlna on tueaday nov hb u1 b buatoras and ducuuion maaunct whan one or two of the propoaala of tha ooy to meat the praaent unoui eoonomle ituatton will be dueuatad your pre tence men and omen u tovltad and doe not commit you to any way except aa betno toteraatad in finding the proper aolutloa to our trouble otbbrauj ifaj biruijat the home of hi and link- bert oolman wai the torn of a happy event tait friday evening when lir- oolmani mother ura b oolman celeorated her 73nd birthday a numbrr of friend wen preunt and lira oolman waa tha recipient of numerout pmenta and hearty rood wuhei refreahnunta ware urvad from the table on which atond the blrhdny cake with t3 candlea the herald join in extending congratula lloru to lira oolman oaaj happae aaj pragraai there wu a larsa attendance at the fowl eupper at union church but thursday evening the ladles of the church ricelled themwtvu in the plendld aupper provided the pro gram following the aupper wai alto good and waa provided by the fol lowing talent lira pred oalcea alo- cutlonut rockwood ulu irene jaml- ton reciter oooksvul uuton uale quartette uaxchmant brothen itawnllan mutlc otenwtluama rav k ucdonald waa chairman of the evening canraaa far ftandi foe bauaf the oeorgetown central hellef committee are planning to conduct a canvaai at every houtahold in george town to aaoure contrlbutlona for the carrying on of relief work in oaoroe- town for tha aeaaon of 10s3s4 the canvaurra will be calling on you on lfonday tueaday or vvedneaday even ing nov 13th to ibth inclutlve wui you pleota ba reidy tn receive them ireneroualy and help the oommluea finance the wort lucoeaafully oener- out contrlbutlona are aaked for ai tha need it great every dollar you give meant three dollars avaliab for relief tha committee would ilka to have every home tn georgetown have leaat a amall part tn the work meal for tra baton ta the central flellet oomuutea of atforgetown have planned a little change to the handling of the tran- ilenta for the next four or ave week any householder or atoreluwper ap pealed to for a meal by a traruient should refer them to speights oarage on ouelph bl whew meal ucioeu may be aeourad it has been decided to uk every able bodied tranalnt to cut a amall amount of wood for which he will woa1v a meal ticket tha work of carina of traaalenti wul be greatly facultalad in oww town if instead of feeding or giving money to trajuoenu overy houaehol der or atorekeeper will refer thm to spfilghta dare until further notice four or five wetki henoe ipersonals mr and ura hugh ulack and utd o a hrnderion spent the work end with frlendt in uldtlgan lfrs wu wbyt and jirs augui duncan taotoiod to wurton hut week toad vlxlud with ura mmile aod ui curdtogley ur iv icy ilud of fugtoa auk called on frltnde to town on uaturtuy 1u wu on hit ay horn from a trip to the wu lnuic ubu dawe of ouelpa ha lmq ap pointed to fill the vacajky oo uu itast of uie lubuc ucluesl cauud by the riunatton on account of lujjih uf uu udln vu enuik lana proprktur of ookkn tit cat left lau tliudjy lor vancouwr on tut way to china 1u expectk to u ahunt about a jror uincc coming to town rvank lia nvul many frund ho wkli lum a pk-ui- ont holiday as knjuvahix evpjivti on uoodiy 4wuirg wli tutui ikitju hkimjtd u ue liaf jur paruii a helo to the biieuuiil 4 llay croit ciurcji tiur tatd pu- uig ccmnwoced atnirur otuxk ano after rlfuwn round rrjirriiu nit wrvrd during tha uuur twrt ot uu prugraai the lucky numur drjt ef uade for uu hope chei by jjatcr t hill of olwi wuhama uh young l plr pretcnt th auiiuug tutt luuiounuvl by the iuv i ur lie- uiuu waa no w ound by ur it llxllrid cf hamilton chit uw- kkond prue a hand-mad- crvailii marb brougtv rem italy by viilxr ucurtde ujibr tn lit lujoaujj lour m on by ur tu ddvn oi tt- prlife tot tlw txhit jo uun lidw and iiutunun wen- ut tuui a okuaj fual 2nd prtar a baurt ol annad goodi and 3rd prli a uu tuatirfr the uuvn for uu ladu wrrr la ur- o jinv 2nd iu- hvvlti 3rd un a colluii ttw wtonera tor tlir men rrr in ur a airard 2nd ur hrrlngtoii jid ur llonry the ongivattlon v holy crau church suhr to thank thoie who atlcndrd and ture thtm tht ilirlr patroruiae la gwaily pprecutd church news furilarv tnl ns ku ida iks b aue u k j tra tiuui asd u a- wt yaw ftalumb wfaee ike a m ue tury wuk etreelag fcy u iw ly wu gca katwr b ury aaj ajttjy a aaj aawee utb kw aad uu beltuis wejdy leder calgary oct 36ul ttut mumlng i did the bank no not iuc uuy you mean but on a alght- living oui i wai advlmd to te the uank ui iionucil uujd but no mux- uui oi uwj tcaiuiu tight which waa to giivt my eye u i uppcd uulde its per will ooji und men more gold ifuitu of it on cvry tide on uia oell- ay axiu wall the vtry puhira u ol ultra were covered wltn 23 carat jol xikiu i not anatlwr uucrlor jj wurui america and potuuly the whole world lust like it- all the to- uyinj oji waili uiul etiuru i done to uuid kaj 33 carut und uu puur ahvj cotrod wlui guld leaf cuoept 1 ft l hit uau- viuirh u black italian marble 11 b u btftuujul lilii and one not cotily forgotten 1 mini tunc loulud oiplciou bi i avtu m utcauw 1 hadn t beta to juit- two inuiutca uaxinj up ax uw- cuu probably wiui my muuui open otkiv a polic cluoir of tne bona ijjua over to me quuc a golden litct you hav iwrv i tald tul jui iijul line uut lw incxt ui iut iutny boy uuit ivj gout and to h wk- llvuok ma all thiouglt nu iew barlt built to la0 froca uw ul cud vaulu to ui baumtnt to tw roof uartun the kucluu a new dittf rcnatuui room uu balcony 1 uu n all but uw baiut lurlf uu vf r day bank w lu re h uiuhxd or uoplv h umix bonlujui wvtryday thlj ih oju- ui u- uliu of cauary uw huic touruir u doiic in imuu hluf irmltflikf ilfri- fltuii cliandijknt ju uw ai u4tfj and iub ar to tuavy toojuw hilo hwh op oil iru- wall nur uu- cuiog thrna u wbiu- and viul ixlkl uuk it tooii 30u0 lmk of irxd ifaf for lhe okltojt uvrouiii he turner vally on uid wiui ur j ii uoodwio ana mr tuinbull urldni and wcriarj uf the liirilui uomimon ou oq ajur it duu run toulhut of calgary be emu toxo uw rmrth tnd of ui u y tlwr u nouuiig uaiuuui or iinduaw about an oil field to fact u ugly and it not very inbrivtllng uuul ou become ftnullar wlui uie procta of drlung 4j looting and rcfto uig thrrv are about 30 comparuct r rating oon uurr the larerjt be- ml the imprrlal ou co and it tuh- kultaru- thfw paople liaw ahtorpuon plnt u latral drtop- uunt in ahuracting gatoline from gat apor tin- held u hat u known a napitia nld not crude oil then- is a urmrndout flow of wet gat and out of thl ga oomra uw ntptna ttiuh the farmer and trucker ute to ut crude ttate try flowing will ha a flair which bum up ih watte at calgary uir about onetentn of uie ga to lu hpmee and lhe re maining 3t0oo00o0 cu ft per day goc up in unoka a uiey are not allowed to thlp 11 out of uw provtooe no c4u wmj to know why but to tpue of uw fact that this gaaoltoe i pipaa to lu rvtlucrlc right to the outtkut of calgary grnr u uu tame price a to ocontetown or toronto in tplle of the fact that grsai uralih turruund u on all tux- iwr valley village u a drab looking place but x taw a fine looking dew cordial tovuauon it ghrn to uj to come to be oeorget on the ooca tion of the flnt omclal vltlt to the paruh of hi lardthlp ulthop uroug- hall ht- ajfcaaa chank ou wuluat twenty wcond bunday after trinity bunday tchool 3 pro confirmation s pm tulratlaa armj bunday rwit crrwton comer 11 am- bunday ochool 3 pjn ualvauon ueetlng 7 pan km fvwayurtaa cfcanh lunuur rev dr a l howard uunday nov i3ui at 10 ajn bunday uchool and bible chute at ii am and 7 pm regular trrvlcea conducted by the patter omanltt and cholr- durctor ur f u imuett everybody welcome bastia ckarrti rrv a n knth pattor urtf h paul organut bunday tchool at 10 ajn public wanrup and preaching iervtoe at 11 am ana 7 pm the ftdth annlverury ol the church will held on bunday nov ipih rev ii duncan ujt dd of ucuaaui unlvwrmlty will be the preacher 11144 cliarefa rev a w itumiey uuuttar 10 ajn bunday tchool and uibi elaataa tl am uorulng worship the day of iteinembranoe harmon and hymn for junior congregation 7 pan even ing service uuilc by uw choir ttve pattor to charge of the service all arc welcome ur norman laird choir leader news briefs a figurehead reprrtentlng a chinese dragon standing on a pedestal in btanlcy park vancouver is all that 1 left of the 6000 ton canadian pacjlc liner empto of japan junked to 1033 after 31 yean of tcrvloe the new emnrvat of japan of m000 ton 1 the holder of all speed records on uw pacific between brltlth columbia porta and tha orient civilisation is steadily pushing the fronuer back tn the fur trade but the trapper still supplies 70 per orvt of uw furs handled to the fur mart of canada accoruing to a recent cana dian pacific hallway bulk tin- john patrick ambrote investigator fntlgetf claims dparunent canadian pacific ofnoea uontreal won 170000 to the iruh pree utate rwcipbtaksa when this ticket drew denbigh which was placed second to uw cambridge shire ur ambrose has no special plana for the future am will continue to work to the ojmt ofacat a ratification and relief it lh gen eral reaction throughout canada a eipreated editorially to the pre over uu settlement of the wage dispute between the railway cnuowes and both canadian railways the com promise deduction of five per cent ar rived at is to be eliminated to a year unlea its retention u mutually agreed on immigration u much hi uw air those days and lujor w j baxter well known toronto expert addressing the advertising olub of uontreal re cently urged uiat once the time is op portune canadians must get on with the job or closer settlement he gave it a hi view that the beu way of achieving this end waa by means of advertising canadian railways earned a grots revenue of 33730041 to august which wo an increase over the august 1033 revenues of w30110 or 37 per cent this was the second month this year to show an increase over the corre sponding month last year corrected our mailing list has been corrected to date kindly look at the label on rir paper and if your bubicrlpuon past due please forward us the amount wing- u is tjotlttvely neces sary that all account owing on our list be paid before uie end of the present year your kind attention to this matter will be appreciated we thank all those who have already re sponded to our effort to get money that u due u td drop of oil to a dish of kc cream the whole nroort of drilling and thoottog u dimcult for a novice to ex plain uut after uw drilling xi reached a depth of shout uoo to woo ft too qu of nltro glycerine 1 put down and the vru that it v about 110000 to bring to wvu but a hen you consider that uw income from a too barrel a day weu would bo about 115000 a day u dount look so bod until this new absorption pro- neat wo discovered thry only got one uiird of the gasoline content out of uie go now thry get almost all eighteen mile down uw fkld we visit ed the anaconda ii which wu cipoct- td to come to at any minute to it full flow of go the manager wot uneasy all the tunc we were there a it 1 considered a dangerous lime to be around tiomctlmoj they ttxlla a pocket of ga of tremendous volume which lilt uw mile length of heavy pipe right out of uw wou and wreck about everything above ground the aholo plant wo full of the aickenlng aacct odor of gat and uw striking of a match meant uw finish of every thing alive around there aa dusk be gins to fall we pot through the vil lage of block diamond on our way home the hundreds of flaree light up uw lowering cloud like the light from a large city we soon leave these behind and arrive back to cal vary about 7j0 he and of a perfect day there i two inches of snow on uw urwu a i pass through thcra at 3 ajn on my way to uw onji station and an hour later we roll along on our may to edmonton bmf and ploughed acid prairie anjpbuah is covcrrd with uw ant white blanket and one which may stay on uu uie ant soft chlnook cornea ttreamlng down from uw mountain slope to bathe the land tn a warm flood of life giving air half way to edmon ton and the anow ha dltappearrd there u muty sky but prairies are bright and dear and uw air tnud and this la edmonton capital city of alberta at night exaauy twenty years ego i was in here for a few days and the night i left in a hurry to get somewhere else i have not for gotten i wa rooming about a mile from the iviatlon and why i allowed such little time to get uw train is a myttery with about on minute and a half to make it i rushed to a taxi stand how much to catch uw cj it for saskatoon x asked we have about oxxr minute to catch it 100 he replied oood said i fltep on it he did and howl i had a suitcase and it and i mixed things up consid erable before we flnlthed round cor ner on one wheel then round an other on uw opposite side and aa a flnlthlng touch the earth seemed to drop away we shot down into a ravine like a roller coaster gone w41d and while my post life flashed before me in a swift panorama of evil- deeds we flew up the opposite incline uy head hit the back or the seat with a bang and while i lay there to a daae uw car came to a stop where are we aid t weakly at the tetum and there is your train he answered brisk ly i put out my hsnd to open the door but their waxnt any where i the door i asked him qh we inst it on the way down and after wards i remembered a udrtn jolt and a bang as wv passed a line of can uolng in uw opposite duvotlon and clnte that we could haw nibbed ilomt p p r tihower and dance on saturday evening nov lh a very interesting event to the form of a rhowcr took place at the home of mr und ur honey aldwell oth uno ewjuealng when friends and neigh bor of ur jamea bums gathered to honor lus only daughter mva who waa recently nuurled to ur george hoipln the early part of uw even ing was spent in an old fashioned m i u uato f wnici all plled by mr ale mckay and ulu jean sinclair mr and uy- rasnln vwro presented with many beautiful and useful gift for which uiey thank ed their friends ur wed btochtlr waa chairman or the evening and called on ueaara fred hayem sum- ley bin clalr and bait mouenemy who made abort and appropriate speechea a delicious luncheon waa served after which the kinging of they are jouy good fellow brought the pleasant waning to s oloa public school report krtallowtog 1 the nport of iowa public school far oclob br iv uona h grant j mfll v kvikr h ttai it lianwn u williamson poos uoolure and clrk u tans v cole u nnhhatr u hold j young w cummin u tfepewbt c pan ton u hale ax alcou and p jcbjin j woiurg u ktog o long u zlmnurman o bpstr hill h uooulamn and k leut u ificken h lfxmauy u bonfletd u oummer jr iv hon j bandvrton o mo- donald a uulllvant j harlow j louth and o hill c hoam u ritchie d canton d uralsby hot u ucuntmy and phyul le ila lot w uurphy m oroham u kean k 8pnof a hay k hid doll u- janw u armstrong p carter r brootnhead e harding il omey p kingr o tarmwu meha- oecker l voung iiihoo vrm uocltotock ewlyi honey hln wliium jokn ucciuw aoual uary oumstna uogla jaaaxbt uargarpt cook itjuy bnfrovr nruu uimia doro- uiy olnud hugh wllan jnnl vur mrr audrvy ptuurtoo k horn by lat jan uartln jama ruddell dorothy aicott doru uooartnfy nuuna ooiden and wa uoyle aqual ltlk- ltns oordon vjtur noroi ttiompoui and dofothy ounmlo jul j on uooks hou early ley dukui ilemard dtggln and joo- yln ucartiuy and lunw ekdmanon qual uruoe lurley and jamaa ool- ur ousl euuiuth wylu jam king euul wood bam ho mmt- gut hoar jaui huu lblrn black burn kltl bullock jam feunmerson troiuird llayntr eddie btplton jr nihon ilju doyie umtrtot nnil jon wood kate humly and chaiue oamey ifiitoi uhjr- lutlr clark equal dorothy wbur vawtto hrbrt krone clven joan hale llavi or horn itoy ivk toddy buggr orsc poroer pat itabej dobon ualcotoi branuard uary paul jan luair oeoige oumer larry ucitenxle and agnr ucciurw qiiaj elaine rinntm tthel lone oeorge irvrry eusobauj coffin orvoj iaurtoo robert wylw and halph whitmee equal uruor oumnvr jack urui and walker cleave wjual dougla cole oudys ilrnny jotrph wuoox laxxia liaxe prank oonnelly br ila hon ella hill thoma itaynrr and uarley varty equal jim rule yout loeorge walkrr awl uurtel kean tiusl pau claud dukm jim scelly pred tost ruth ulller audrey uukr ruth ooldham jlmmle oofell and jean held equal donald sanderson uary smith uartan olrardl dom- tnlck doruito tuoyd kelr and hhoda whuney equal uuta lutchle and john kelr equal jack uorrow rom- nury oonnely ur im hon wolur cook irene comber oeorg rrry pa ftay harlow alva crlpp lullle kelly jr ha hon annu wylle and betty paul equal alan voung teresa oulevet oeorge urandford uulle long kauiwen boyle uartha rum ley oordon jam peggy hornby ronald latimer uary young pate victor ucnlwn dort arm strong and wilfred clark equal doug la thompson bobby oonnely james boyle uruce uccartner kenneth davidson donald early and helen shepherd equal jean harley and oertrte huu equal jr iib amelia lorrtman doru ulllor john oouler betty zimmer man reggie blair wheldon emmer- ton tommy hal david wood br i hon norah cleave and ber- nlc hughe equal uary uoclure euiel oantnn arthur ucaultler jean col ruty anderson dcrothy craw ford and joan ualn equal jimmy harding auerda baveratock uary dobson and josle lojusso equal richard crtchton and isaac oulurant equal past aueen jordan and bobby hoar equal oordon king jane early charlie hiu nobble bum edward doyt and oeorge latimer equal photo hunter doris shepherd eleanor cummin and jimmy ora- hm equal shirley uarchment and uargaret tripp equal edith wylle annabel uackle tommy harlow betty henney jimmy hilts equal primary buly collier oeorge bailey lot nielsen phyllis orace uargaret ilraduy john parmer jamie carney louy moclure velma lane and nell ciunmlnga equal dougla iferrtngton billy oivwn and ulchael lorusao peter honaeld mar vel oummlngs and jetsle murphy alan parton ross hiu audrey mit chell ethel jam olllw itufrman louis brandford bruce oolltna fkuw coleman murray hu1- i bigger and better bargains gents furnishings men doealtin shirt b5c men militmry flannel shirt a real value 7ft men honehule pullover mitu 65c pr men brown jersey glove 18c pr men police braces strong eliutic webbing 2 mns all wool son 2 pr for 3se ment 11 wool sox lse pr boy pullover sweater 1 00 to 1 25 your choice 89c boy broadcloth shirta only 60c boy print shirti no collar 39c child wool mitt and clove mall tile 10c pr wheeling yarn 3 ply wheeling ym beu make 7se fc scotch fingering 110 b fancy wools monarch dove fairy down tweed pk zephyr merino 2 and 4 ply andalutian light thadea baldwin mita canadii variegated velvo yam 10c lo 2kc ot special trurdy uul friday st lawrence and red path granulated sugar per bag 710 mcbean co phone s4 georgttowh i a b si ft n n aiisfcstf vetchanh attention 1 all returned solalcrs of georgetown and vicinity arc requested to meet at the public library on sunday nov lih at 115 pan to march to the memorial tcrvloe drea uufu and medals all organizations or lodges taking part to the parade are aoked to notify dr o v williams a soon a possible a space will bo reserved at lhe sir mortal service for uw relauvea of fallen toldlera and those r wreath on the memorial will the relative and wreath bearers kindly advue dr c v williams aomettme previous to the service so that uw necessary arrangement may be made reentry backseat driver this u a wretch edly poor road you have taken john husband it ha one compensation my dear were not getting more than ten billboards to uw mile new advertisements all sjsull rtrfifiliiiiiali saww iawi kaagjbmg sitieuy gattri witst a weed wamted wanted to rurfriswi rjtientuy of standing umber suitable for wood apply hoit w lurald offloe stp week wanted cordwood cut into stove wood by uie cord at reasonable prlot roy shepherd oeorgetown a tttrolp far sale a quantity of good turnips for feed ing or table use w o betsey phone 105 or 370 georgetown it to kent s room furnished house all vcnlenoo immediate possession ply uok h herald omoe llmuekeeper waaled ulddleaged housekeeper for elderly ontlcman and ladv annlv itax i apply box vwr rate qua ran teed seatty electrle washer copper tub 3 accessories for small balance of payments richardsons hardware itp par bale a tew choice stackers forteale- apply geo o drown norval ont phone georgetown m3 r 31 it wild wood ivaltry parm new laid pullet eg s5e ner doaen uilkfed roasting fowl lie per lb order taken and delivered daily satisfaction guaranteed b b vounir main hl phone im it your childs eyes wlwee tiu ym cum raak ta ui y eismtimfltgl 7 ltk ikju ui smmiu butf if ua le bee vlalom b nl pimd ovi uwul prtee aa all bthnl cktunaa oti o t walker doac eyeiisjrj stuculiat avrnxxupcca sbe alcl ke u suurw drwg fefam ciirjitia ike wisl wihi liy u wtfy mwiil or yea aay crfl o t- waijucs ai ue me u wiamrfoh all uuw4 tm nmj u imr will your car start easy with colder weather coming on is your car in shape for easy starting let ua change thnt heavy summer oil to a lighter grnde nnd check over the ifjnition system and carburetor youll be agreeably surprised how much di terence it makes to your car we have a special low caah price for this tuneup work thnt even includes charging the battery enquire now speights garage phone 27ftw georffwtcrwa far beat house on oeorge blrect seven room electric light and water rea sonable rent for uw winter month to reliable tenant immediate pote- alon key at il oatrandcr john bt write owner ura e ostrander orangevuie ont st roe kant thai very dealrahie apartment re- oenuy occupied by mrs p w brook purnaottt range euotrto flxturea and bitode inejuded small apartment over mr langdons ofdee fy for rent moderate rent to careful ten- onta apply to k u rhgn tf wood for sale dry hardwood cut any length price reasonable phone 23 george- notice any penon ound dtartng the publus bohdol bulliii cur utuxil tuhin without flrat idvulof th can- taker or anfon entcrliw throuflh window will b nrautcutm cworstown lubllc school hoard now ouipoolj dllebw and dmliu to dl old mmp tuunu la clunad oa abort nolle olio whlt wuhlof and any othar work cvmo jobo wuilaba boa 1u ruorattown a k oolman gevssai wkiuha uawlcs cuaaral trucklnt at all tlmaa and rartmw wnohd wmklr at lowat town ol georgeloivo honos ov oocb of wcvuion otr venus- uv notloi u hereby siven that a oourt will bt held punuant to the voter lut act tay 111 itoaar the judo or the county court of the county of lulton at the ilunlctpal offloe on wednesday kovember aind laxs at 11 lbl for baartnt all camnulnta made agauut the tint and tecand pane ol the voters liu ot the uunl- clpallty of oeoreetovn for 1u dotad thu till day of kowuter 1013 p r iiajuuaoh jt actlnx cutt towashlp ol esqncslag niowi m otxhusbtowm wood for sale oholc llapla llanxwood and oalar una at kaht nrlou onlu left at a uumea or at my bocae eftta uw nromntly ottudad to a ltvihcuitohs wood for sale oholot hardwood baeeh and uanlt at mj nor oord uuovl ood wm ner cord kaui um per eor4 i uluroromb ttf a ui wood no i uardwood baica and aalal uno llardwood iluhj tad tahmd wood uls nolle has oar uiabobv m biacka at haidwood for quobw hmtar ujks print aw tor wood delivered ttdj wood u atwoya tw u it lt kept under oovar x at uawm hum 01 r 11 h c bauey electric wiring and repairs pbotie 232 gkmrtcwq notice of coimt op stkvislon op votftuu lut notlco i hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to the voter lut act by ills honor the judge of uw county oourt of the county of halton at the township hall on tuitday uw 31st day of november 1033 at 10 aun for hearing all com plaint made against the flrat and ucond ports of uw voters lbt of the municipality of exoueslng for 1011 dated bth day of november bus i u dennett 3t clerk of township f cup this coupon 1 free 50vu i to victim ol i indigestion i aauilm a taututv a4 it tulm huttburo uwiy uuul uk mdaittk l iuehomlerubl lullnua er tlwutw fwklii u1nutes ibtult tl the ujutu aiidoue la stoualka in j mtmitu uuif muiu vtlu auav si uua uj hy uw i ihuiutl preifuloa far iuiimiii tj k tiifiiy tad irat l uu vptr its i uaqumutati i itousaltta i buti aa iimi itwuat eaj iadtwtim ptiaa ta hm ibti oikf naih lam vila instawylv thaa u i bulu uas mftjumk mtw oialml i iiffits mum ka wad ktt aaw hurt ya- ula gtliuj a kraad aaw matawb i uei irriuai tiaik aauiufaitiiriiiia ia iwt trrweai wia allow ut to ahr bi sltt fttaliv tlw i toutalka todav let oaly iu caaaaa wtikoui auaa wttk ikti i fill uu caupaa todav a4 umi i u aaia otnbuia tiaautk uaukl i jtdixmilta dtiia i i only i to a ctvutomer j l brinathlftcouon j st w stobb

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