Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 8, 1933, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sbfrsmea yw of pubucation lb gawcaiown herald wednesday evcnlnc noveaftw 8k 1933 91jso ptl amnm ta ajfranca 9x00 to vjlk tl gaoasatown harau jr acaaooatc is mtkft in t t crr tim tail lhlalj tiai a bl ion u l wri ri tb m t0 lu klud vjo idjd fctd lu pjtf u tun btmtfil mnimijf iu itm cm pu u bjfl ut uil ism tun iu pa um na tuly ant fciuhw 44 omlv buiikliw uv uou kjumum btivnign tott directory r bum u muul mi onwtmim u1ubl cujubuk h wioodia oau u galea at taois tiw mmahrtok owl kjdqorral t luk1boh oustu aua a wtmcavb aicmanioh 1 1 hi iii 1h mn twuto 4 humc w btohibiwoh g4 uwaj 4 fxaa ttbcluia mi hfcmimn iu fir 11 buz wa uaaorfon r b wliutbbl aux eaa hsiimt 4 ayttal bti a m nielsen uti iui u lluuii chiropractor xray diugbu tberapltf laav ti osm wf tvmlnlnn star ojo ham tj j0 pju gluaaeai uiui lusportarit iewi htiduva inability to pay aa ex- pitted vulli oapaomeb4ra for family oi frlenilu your tele- pborje take rare of it a simple ioexpeaalve cull puu you la immediate perauna touelt re gardleaa if duuue fee m 100 mile utloocdujuioa tiut j pjb twuiiul rate la too j dlttawuxy advertise it pays to 14v uoyttxst uy k ludwlg ryani meyer flludent of law nvuburgt ur horn lwc 0 ism iclued uay s 1915 at hochajew krolowa wala rtvbruary 191 nat c who fuht attack and win or die ilar the moj tragic wound u uus our futu foe u full many an hour 1 gay umj blaltt ikit fiom llu- uuiu- comr u blurt cry i pur tf our 1u u iujj 4aly aiul i uo- cuauvui umjit ttuitu u and w utl caj i ii la ui uwlwr who iiaj tdt to i twrauiuiff ami think lit lwuy of our fkitr fuay khe turn bay irotn culnty laiv to um dry unl u a drlfviouj uilitj wtmn nil lw i nil li fj iu fur u ainajt ivrtuii my oi u hutmry ovyr- uyiurt ui my vp utweii mil utur loarlkt lli p4lr tjjtfn huu pikun hyr 4tljuc lirj c j ibrftli irv wry covering of tkrr twd in cannot wt lor iiiinjuoa cj hu piuht wo do i at ftrtsl llir mi of tr aiwl urlfr wr do not luyj tlu- pdmnj jvll uirlll urram kth ti ht th twun thrm s1 utli in a drcum and ihlnil rath onr tuu robbd lurr ion of jiff rolftly btjl tarax our prrnt 111 r pair it if on g tnd vound will relfvly lfir thlr inbcr fuw till u1 bear uw trow of thai td hour in sorrow ailry ukiyn on hrr toft hair i think that if iom dny ur tntvt bffaln upon my kxuv i mtut fall humbly down and kiu tho-rf- llvivd trand tint from hrr cion o u other iw hr fruit of all your pain lrt mr hu your fbar whil lujid and jiy oh my ifrt liothrr drarrat of mj heart in all thla combat yoti lut bom a itarl you arr th crrauit hroln of ihu day 1 frank petch usttt avctiohsxm i wrta omwuwb ii inat ontm muinnhiiw monuments pollock a ingham biawim is oaur at worth gak oat taiplil auf crtt la owan oawman the new way to buy coal blue coal and welsh anthracite oa omm rnlium r i or hm no exlra delivery charges lo nokvju mwumowu oxkh wuxiuu rromi aoaoob dfamkat hitj vur oatk u mat oaaw ajtut i il md mcdonald mow u cwoiialriawm j jiii i i i or the family table cuniiiu old cheese tw lie fartlitt raakaoa sliced bacon a sic cw0irmli djlr wratfto mead tl 7c affjuiaj w 0chau uano jam 39c oarits podk aw beans peas tfum bt sir 4 ckab qoxur f 8 23c nijhif fall cbale rati pihaj cherries 10 no 9 squat tin diblam haaj corn starch 9 cwiuta fruli mhmi rolled oats 5n85c iuiw au bran b 19c vku flnljmi corn meal 5 u ssc amohaci sou campbells 2 u 19e pea soup 4 ssc far kt b ovaltine 43c calay tfca ftoa of ik bmuui ttt 3 17c aylmar fancy quality whlta crosby corn no 2 tall tint 2 for 19 sunlliil soap 3 17c comfort soap 5 i 17c cibc4ic soap 5s5c ivorv rakes pu 10c bulb sop clilpl s 15c cuiolli clcinur lb sc old dutch 3 u c bulk starch 3 u- ssc oval oak aoorwaxiikiis5c hucs caitila soap m 4ous3c rxlltlul liptons tea i 23c fresh coffee 43e uium jelly powders 4 h s3e aylmar brand chelca quality tomatoes big no iv tv 2 for 19 wwallalclllhigjji ruinituie hawai uuonou w ssc grapes main street 10e lb oranges per dot lemons per do 23c phone ss7 26c and 35c georgetown oppp ap poignant reminder of thote tpuaua dayi of fllory and snevinff poppy day one more recura to prompt tlv citueng of i tin country in iha dutufti they fuve inherited fr6cn the pmiat uiner ii04i to canadian youth tn trim ycr of gr the dcp red petali of trw poppy may not carry the tame tigni fiance they bore to the youth of fifteen years taljo tlie ymbohtm of tcrtfice with which the poppy hat become charged l somethinb which the present generation succeed only through the wutful memortei of the ageing men vfio fought their country batttea who tuftered privalioni endured long agoruea and finally triumphed amul urroundtnga cdrpeted with po pua to wear thia humble emblem on poppy day u to proclaim that amid all the jangling con fusion through witch tbia country ta atriving valiantly to penetrate the heart and mind are nevertheleu attuned to a aenae of homage due thote men whose love of peace inspired 600000 canadian a to offer themselves for service between 1914 and i9ih of that number more than 60000 found graves in france and belgium and it is over those graves that the poppy blows in perennial bloom the numbered dead were not strangers they were young canadians filled even aa the youth of today is filled with the joy of living so also were the 1 70000 men who in 1 933 bear upon their bodies the marks and scars of war the dis abled en service men who suffered disablement on behalf of canada to manifest that proud recognition of their place in this country to mark that tribute which is their due poppy day has been set aside in order that all may join in recalling the great sorrow the blood red emblems distributed thro ughout canada by the canadian legiona vast volunteer organisation are the product of disabled veterans men striving to maintain themselves in the vetcraft shops administered by the dominion government to purchase a poppy is a small thing for every citizen to do so is a big thing let us all wear a vetcraft poppy on poppy day nov 1 ith county council all mrmbrra were prcacnt and the warden in lh chair si lha halton coun y council meeting at uutoo on prlday lut in regard to letter raottved written on bthalf oi prank fichaar and lira c rrycroft atatlna uu county would be held rcuponilhir for property um- air and penonal lnluru auauliud by the above mentioned parson from an accident which occurred on lh ouelph lln road on a culvert dear lowvillr lha rood roada oommltuwt re- ferrvd to trta letter from lha a- k w j lien company alatlng that an in viatija cn ha been mad in mgaftl to the accident and it would appear it at neither the fault of th road or bridge therefore cumaffaa ahould be iaid b the tniurance companlej in which the truck and automobile were tniurrd the council decided to not conilder i lie if liable for thu ac cldent it uaa retohed to brant so to the canadian institute for the blind it ua movrd by j l luwion usc- onded by w it uorden that t a oibwin br appointed to nil the ploee of the late william duiby m county rrprcaenloun on the oakvule board of ecucotton carried a byla wai paued to authorua tlw trimiurer to borrow from th bank of nova fiiotu nn amount not at any time to evorod ho 000 in addition to the mm of 1020 000 already borrowed nuklnff a total of ittoooo until auch time aa the law levied thai i be ool leoted and applied to repay auch ad- anoe the fujultna or the byiaw wu tn arcordancw with the ruling of th on tarto uunlctpal board ordering that the county of halton be allowed to borrow to meet current experuea an amount eciual to 100 per cent tn blend of 70 per cent aa formerly of the total ttmatd revenue for th current year a requett from the dame and juh erle protective auoclatlon aiklng the council to prohibit the uie tn hal ton county of anarea or ferret was left over champion tcbuliu cahh- ten dollars and under cash over that amount twelve month credit onapproved joint notes vor fifty yean these line ap peared at the bottom of advertise ments ate they are not seen any more in heir place are th two words terms cash rarely now t credit asked for at aole uor rarely t it alven to persona buying stock or implement a auction in other days a year credit induced persons to buy more than they could hone to pay for in the time liven wot came duo famwrs needed the money and pressed payment th maker and too endorser wbm required to secure an tvtenslon of time at the bank or elsewhere additional cost were in curred and too often men became in volved to an extent they had not con templated and carrying a toad under whloh they had eventually to give up credit wisely used la often a blatstng to the induitrlouj and thrifty em- ployedtholujhtlesiiy has placed many a mair on the roadside if out or present condition men and women learn to rerrsin from buying that which they cannot nay for at the time good will follow evil in every depart ment of life terms cash are words that should appear at the bottom of aala of all kind of merchandise si well a at those of farm stock and implements what a happy place would canada be today had we all learned to pay a wa go when times wcn sjcrrajwitwhlirt aioho the bi den of uuz with the approach of winter the federal and provincial oovtmment tn cooperation with the munlclpau- ue will be called upon to make large addition to the already heavy total expended for relief purpose in on tario alone sinew january iu0 there ha been paid out th staggering sum of st 060 660 while the animated total for all canada is wttmaud to be in th neighborhood of tttooooooo all this come out of the taxpayers in view of these fact ittino won der that many feel impatience even resentment at the attitude of single unemployed men in relief camp who grouch because the government doe not pay them at the standard rat of wage for their several trade by providing these men with food and shelter and a small dally allowance tr cash the authori ties are doing the beat possible for hem considering the thousand who rwjulr assistance and th increasing burden which the taxpayer have to carry in making demand for full pay these men are going far beyond what was intended or 1 possible the main troubl 1 that the men tn the camp have missed lha real in tent and purpose of these govern ment camp they wra never in tended to give men employment at their regular trad at standard scale of wage such a scheme would have been o cosily to the government as to be beyond the realm of poaiihuity all that was intended wu that these single unemployed men mostly tran- sieru tramping the highways would be given a comfortable home good food and in addition to that the government wu prepared to give them a certain allowance for spending money that wu all that wu intended and hundred of men have accepted these condition tn th spirit in which they were offered that of keeping them off the highway and making them com fortable and selfrespecting cltlaens barrier examiner i i i i it iii i i i i i ii m i i i i ii the man turns by howe kvans retmtile kecire gives uap- kfnthb pom whole year take twelve fine full grown mon th see that these are thoroughly free from all old memortee of bitterness rancor hate and jealousy cleanse them completely from every clinging spite pick off all speck of pettiness and littleness tn short see that these month are freed from all the post have them u fresh and clean a when they came from the great storehouse of time out these month into thirty or thirtyone equal part thl batch will keep for just one year do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time so many person spoil the entire lot in thl way but prepare one day at a time u follow into each day put twelve port of faith eleven of patience ten of cour age nine of work fsome people omit thl ingredient and so spoil the flavor of the rest elgh of hope seven of n dellty six of liberality five of kind nesa foar of rest leaving this out li like leaving the oil out of the salad dont do it throe of prayer two of meditation and one wellselected re olution if you have no consclentlout scruple put in a teaspoonfu of good spirit a dash of fun a pinch of folly a sprinkling of play and a heaping cupful of good humor our into the whole love adllbltum and mix with a vim cook uiroughly in a feverent heat garnish with sweet smiles and a few sprig or joy then serve with quietness unseinshnets and cheerfulness and a happy new year i a certatatytfamnrhirtla fltnll lr mt la tl tekrt im- li potty liuu sludge uurica uk4im1 utuul ltr rbuuiw ituuiatuute til i m mui udtititl ulajfullj lr prvmruiii i m fur juiiiurn luewb i ouyi i m kw uuv uod faasb tuy dlii tul w umj anltp ukao jmrflt fcluv wuj itvu uii luy tliua t lfctv uu autt iuiikj if 1 hiliftti toy i hju u lltlu by dvtailmng it r umh4 1 tu gulu to make yj a lip t tafir bvfire juu ga ttuoka 1 uo u t fi awfully tlabj i i wu rouutlag ul ws suatx 1a ll fwur imrv jim oikj i have ba tuartld tv luui llj as djai vm 6i gull iiji hyr vftn iwrajle yttuoa liv tuubdva tlv tw had tvuoaf uf uscweyutllag uftcaa3 jt vuv li frh ttirsi le usui ci ti u vgu saw k4 uw sate jjs an tti tla aa4 sa- pmhmi jua la uva ma ludge ju4 uf blow la ua4jwfqlly tur kafiw vr vwa hi fcw bae i or idle v7 ue aaj ba be la b out t work b aa n r1bltg oivund th bouae eoejtsd ssd ruiud and wu i l bjte bw4 tha i twr did but a y aay n bs tpclung hlm hla bouw did that afoee fm r oa44 bits ea ifuud ko k- tw oa tba ma mb hiatal aa word uadge asild wearily yo kha raat blasae alts b i corb aa 84-j- able lasab wbo he aa bl oa way abeol eytklni ysa ad a lutboro mala tja anybody trle to bus htm 1ertautely ltuf s to rvaiia uaau bar b 1 now and 1 ble bis baad ii inu heller satttdud tfcaa ha hu r been bf re aod b4 beea p4aoilwd aftore tutifj oext we hlpplag be cotf uadi en gaslaj wlltt datdy uiufariloo at tbe llttw bbgal neit door huddly ass laaaed forward a quirk taap la bw vale oh dar i cka too aooa i tbtevn as rtalni aow sod i ran tell by tk way b watt that bv mad aad baa st aactbee job vara fouewd btr to th doee calratbg oa silm ana aad rtttiof u firnry ttoal bhim aow i 1 yetj da tf yea go bark to work yea are loat yaoll aevat- have th aarve u take mh atausi again doot erry usdg urge psafiy t glowad ta anre ra delag th baaas tblag w wttb 6 hi stl fct aatr j lb wa aangtbg tip hie ati aa ass afttared the crocc dw way uadge darting as yeej ticket yj uafc wbh and aah af tjaaa ilaad gtaaajira bar stwitltea bt startsd at fcr aaxiooaaty tfc tandaraaa la bt eie lha eaav ears la hi oany uogbtag ayaa aere tfcan uadge eoatd mand wrha a aob afc jerked away fraaa blss aas nnning into lb dining room beats bar bsad ta th oort pillowa jlai rottowad and sitting dowa slud bar into hi arm whsfs bppndt are yea atekt tmall i pfcooe for the dartort i aa saw joo like thl befnrer reealtlag i era advlre uadaa thoked barb her aoha abe moat be raltn previa her bred bgalb ale abnulder the mumiorvd shakily too don t neaxl to ult m i kaow yoo have snlt again just wha wit- thlng seeroed to h going atoag aa tae and i bed planned bh fall aim stiffen at the unetictd repreaca bat she harried on 1 m flnlsa barer you aay an thing j ira i dldat tsll you i waa g leg to resign my poalttnn today i nnnt tn aurpris yes oh jim 1 m jnal tlrml at leartag my tittle boos und u leg oat to work every day i want tu stay home ilka my friend do a rvally good job of boosj keeping and 1 hoped i mold wtth thing gnlnti so fine for you jim tntrroitil in no stern a voice taat the set up to look at him you mean you atv tired of th of acet i thouint ou wer ao sold en tb whole butvrh doan lhr that yntj wouldnt give up your joh that yood gtr me up tlrec rhe stralghtenetl hrarlng herself xpertlng oru f hi hearltke hnga instead he whlatled gate her on long r aerlouri look glanced at bl watch and joropwl to his fet newllderad sihich uatched htm for a aeend iben aprung op eatchlag at bis eras to aorry jim 1 dldnt think yood mind where nrc mi cnlng jlrat tueb lo the nitw n tried to loosen her frsnllt imld but how ran you if youve qultr kemebow he seemed hlager older aba was ilmnst sfrald of thl new mood na and i an lb only one wtut know thai i jnt uulked not when the chief kiurttnl ui kins n some r derm but if i in iahh that next train i run unlk link and tell htm 111 ahool them ihn ugh in fine atyle and double ihf om my profile ill arm timunil ik r lie gare her a ilulrk hiird bl- f runt imtlh quit ult alnce yoa liit iiu- to m- hi biiillnl hi y m fiuilnu hi mot mulin 1 1 stud hi be i nine at l in iinu tl 1 1 mi for dinner u uuni lnvi io ruali un gelling thing rctul miwn onl feel like a inn t ic afltn inla another ui- hti h left lfadgt llngllng iiml ttni una out of thehnuae running fr lil trnln passed inspector hold on young lady what tiave you to declare i bweot thing oh hi inspeoior i declare you re handsomer than any man i saw during my two month btay in europe inspector blushing t br ah hurry up madam move along and give someone else a chance evetttldas etse motorist laden with flowers and other spoils from countryside can we take this rood back to the eityf parmer well you might as wall wjulft you 1 tfc ttr th aatybtic bobldcbulawd just tast tha limit of our worfcwuy tn is a myrtle bofdrund that ua world and it u paopud with the irwnda we mt and iovmj a yj a month a or 4y and parted from with aching harts e kna that througri tha dutanoe htlut lot the hold of hand with hand and only clasp the uuvad of fakiuory bit still aq tkam we ual thl und ho sue we 1m uat thaw sine hamrl hv trij that bhatd in vaklqaj daj tint come a call that wu the lhrd of xwmory aglow we know that just by stretching out the hand in wrttun void of low or book or ko-iet- the waiting hand will clasp our om oc tbo aero the dliunc to the taa eld way by wllfful u4ui ouawa wombr tth dwiao- ment of tntcft to awry canatdail ase taking place th tl down at the uctf board or buii yt th wpartbum of custocd ha bs abs to dictate to the importers of oa hat dutlr they shall pay and what classification their good come under a dissatisfied boporter apnea ltd from the ruling of the ovparuatnt h found htmwlf in front of the custom board largely smpoid of the same jhjia ho had made the ortflfiaj dscuton nawdusa to say not many appeal sere allowed now th tann board is haagirtnlng to tak a hand in th controwrsy it inherited th power of in old cus- lon sloaxd and now canadian mer chant can appeal to an oulslde body u they think they are getting a raw deal from th department ur bedgewtck tartri board chair man made an important decision last k when he ruled that arbitrary value could not be applied to lute imported from the oniud fctlrisdow the slgiuflanc of thl case use la the fact that it u a tt cue and if arbitral- value cannot be applud ta jut neither ran they to any other items under th asajovcanadiaa treaoy dan tsassv rsii i sums likely hat th ranaiati uamifacturer asaoclatloa or th department or both will apoial to the cabinet against ur sedajewlcks decision but h basd u on auch a simpl principle of law iy justice that it tem unliuly that u can be upset what ui badgevkk said wu that uus arbitrary valuas for import sere applied on the power granted by lectlod tl of tn custom act ist fall th old section o wu can celled and mr sadgewack ruisd thai when it died all the arbitrary value built up on it died at th same time the department of custom hadnt taken that visa in fact they were going ahead collecting dump duty from importers just u though th arbitrary value had not been affected these arbitrary value sound for midable but they are easily under stood normally percentage dull are collected on th invoice value of the good imported but if tha de partment 1 advised that the good are entering canada at a low price and the domestic business of canadian manufacturer is threatened it can t an artificial or arbitrary value on the good thus increasing th duty materially moreover it can tn soma aura collect the difference between the invoice prtoe and thalr arbitrary value u dump duty the net effect or all thl is to max the custom de krtment tremendously powerful tn rrtng goods out of canada tndaed the minister could without raferrme to parliament at all pas an order-m- council making the importation of al most any article prohibitive taka away insofar u items mentioned tn lha anglocanadian treaty of last august are concerned this prohlhlur power is apparently removed on article of the agreement promised that duties would not be increased against bri tain but until the other day there were a number of these arbitrary values stui on th books ahlch were being used to restrict the import of british goods lo canada another important hearing cornea up in a weeks time although the only tin- plate factory in canada that at ojlbway has been clotrd down sine may 31st the customs department hu been collecting dump duty u though it wu suit being made here can nons bros sardine canner of the marltlmes are complaining that the have had to pay u much u 60 on their plate which they regard u quite indefensible an a product used only to make contalrer and not manufactured in canada so that no question of protection to home in dustry enters just to be fair to the department of customs perhaps i should add that their anxiety to collect every cent of revenue they can la inspired partly try the fact that the federal treasury 1 hard up just now and need all tha cash it can get canadian consumers and busmaaa- men however will be disposed to bruihten up with the thought that chairman bedgewtck is beginning to take an active part in thl tariff gams and appear to be determined that fair play is to be maintain id between tha canadian consumer and the cana dian manufacturer in future euatlho have poob heaon bishop turquetll whose dioceui in cludes the vast expanse of the arctic travelled on the ocean limited train or the canadian national railways en route from sydney nova scotia wbcra he arrived from newfoundland direct from the arctic to quebec city and from there proceeded to churchill which lie make his headquarter when not making the round of his diocese by canoe and boat in summer and dog team in winter boealdng with regard to the eskimo in the noithund the bishop stated the last two year luue not been very good on account or tow prtoe for skln anorileit stkniction in bio uupvalo iiksw another reduction in the buffalo herd in the buffalo national park has been found necessary tn order to prevent the herd from uureasuuf be yond the capacity of the perk to sustain tham tha federal oowm- ment has uierefore ordered the slaughter of from 1060 to 3660 select ed animal the meat will be sold by tender for the retail trade the beat head will be sold to people who want them for wall decoration and the hides will bo converted tnto robes i hals and wga

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