Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 13, 1937, p. 4

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v5 t rr- page 4 trw georgetown herald wed neaday evening october 13th 1937 canadas favourite tea salad your eyes mmfecfcao tbw p pwttaa air mims af ky btrmut uhi a lir ky rilll is yars tluwl r flfann r qujuutv that b iwat fw clum u a i in krira cwlh o t walker ro osronorrtusr jnrcsiotrr stcciaust araiu uk i koaare buoo stokm oeokcktown in kmhj wi f awry wtdhi or ym my i ii o t waste at kla ante l tbataalaa i ke kingfe lugkuxxu direct economical safe uuvx ckosuunrown lbn standard tw to toronto to kitchwkh to owkn sound a vjm aja 4js pja s5 ajn e u3 pja xfaru njn c35 mm ul bja uo pjaa- um am a 1a5 pja tul30 tun aa5 pja 0js pja x 155 pjn x us pja- eluo a4m wl50 pan lo fjuwkin a dally except sundays and holidays and hol only c sat only d dally except sau bun and hol a fiat sun and ilol only coach eonnkctkwr at tokonto rob natili may ottawa alaatnal and taurml alit aauila w tickets and irif oraallon at hlong phone 89 y i expert watch repairs 4ot j h jordan agent for singer sewing machines repair to all make georgetown phone 11 lane block l aiaisit a tragedy 1 they had twen married only a mon- h and he had left tor a few min is while she prepared a salad in fa kitchen suddenly a piercing scream rann nt and he rushed to the kitchen pr ared lo face ha knew not what arfctlvr l the matter darting b pentad its a a caterpillar i she said will an effort oh herbert what if i had been in the house alone i the seare policeman what the trouble sonny sonny mease have you seen a lady without a uttle boy who looks like me thk otdd4h aw an old dog brought into a hokpitml to btt put lo sleet wrary iw could not stand ttm men wlwo carried him set him down in uwncr in silence tin btrt ran the bell a whit o ted wttmmbuit cam r and took hm old doc in 11 arms he kmke and tld do yod want his colur sir tlie mail look off like collar and cttlly laid his hand for an irulall on the old dtgx head timt dim tyr looked qui lit into his maiierh a and 1 wkx carrud ott wuuout com- nlalnt a rfooddott is moc tls man aikiiuy um man iid the t and wapecd lliirouah ukdoor ikul i could ttu all itw mravirus of his dogs met thai came noodinu bvr him- t through tlie tmmur fcr of 4rly tnriik atrotj umj bmlcn und hy the loud oceans roar amid uwud lrvs ol autumn in the silent snow of winlcr tho younv dot ran in trtciy lotrrow uiat the man had known in trtry joy that luul nikd hu heutt tlirouch all the yars oju doitit life- he had ml tlie pts of liat noble iiead against his kne ah w11 acliaivter clonl ullentty he tnurcd his turartsely lonely car no wonder everyone lovwi u do he doeant care bocaue he m utub- bed at- tlmea he even takca his beat- itigj will tood krace and licks the liand of live one who tbiue him m tlioukh to say ho yott mlsundfr stand met i liold no illwill avauut you but i wish you wouldnt- hurt tor or scold me the doj learns a great deal from his humanbeing mailer but oh how much that master- and evtryone of u can learn- from that dog be sktkrh agaay ia wei weather rxwinbsjtiani attacked urnu ttid body he hd ben tiolhered with ho- maum lor yrurs ttti pain in w wjthrr lo ne hi own ufwwslon wtu -lrmlcrihue- but fell that w one now thanks to kruchn uead thin letter i kultrrrd with rheumaliun h ytwrm i dreaded wet weather fnt durina kuch period the pain wai conllnuous and indeacrtbabw to be gin wllhlt was canllnad ifo my uian a llrnlaa but in time i bcan to uinvr asauuch atony ui my body aa i did b 0r whei i becanlo takw ktuiivialu i found u did wm taor oodlxuri all the other medl rlne 1 liad lakrn nut toecuber iv- day i hwrt and freedom jrorj akin vn during wat wealrwr anl ran hewrtily icoinmend krumltnil balta to anyone who auffrrs froa rlumalum- nil itheumatlc oondlliofts are often uw- reull of an rwiti of mhc acid ihr body two of the uicrvdients ui kntwlven salts have 4h jlower dluolvirw uric acid crystals other litrrrhnl- in theie balu amui na ture to exne the dluolred erytuli tluouih the natural channela skilled hen for tomotutow it has been suancsled that in thd broader anpllcauon of the apprenlw- slilp plan tliere ilea an opportunity for canadian industry to provide the country with a larger supply of skill ed mechanic there is much unemployment tut there u also a shortase of trained men every youth taken out of school or out or tlie unemciloymeni ranks for training is a future clthwn saved from the deatructive influence of re lief and assured of an honorable place in the community assured of a chance to work and advance in his address athls annual meet ing wallace jl campbell president of the ford motor company of can ada gave some quite remarkable facts concerning the extent of that com panys very creditable work in train ing future employees he said a revision and extension of the companys apprenticeship plan has recently been made at the present time there are m apprentices employ ed under indenture the greater num ber of whom are learning the trade of tool and die making department- ai training is supplemented by clasa- room lectures on subjects relating lo the trade days between the ages of it and 30 years with certain edu cation qualifications are enrolled for this training the duration of the course is four years and the hourly rate of pay is eroded upward eaui year provision is made that in the fourth year of service the apprentice will be paid the minimum houriy wage rate prevailing at that time it u anticipated that the majority of the young men completing this course will remain in he companys service this is an example to other indus- triea that have not yet used appren tkeahlp to the mil in training their future skilled workmen soma of the labor unions place onerous restric tions upon the employment of ap- preritlrea no doubt with the inten tion of protecting their own member from competition of new workers this u rather shortsighted because the country as a whole is bound to benefit from training its workmen to larger tasks and larger incomea recently oeneral motors new presi dent william a knudsen was xtked what he would advise a young man in this age he replied 1 would advise him to learn to do something with his hands financial post hon dr ampaon of herri whof defeated the conser vative leader hoer karl rowe m blmcoe- centre in the provincial elec tions last week l u castuuoos imurr and veojctauxs suircd westward more than 350 carloads of fruit and vegetables have already been shipped from the favoured areas of canada to the droughtatrickea districts of saskatchewan it lias arinounced to day by ttev w w judd djx ctulr man of the joint committee of the churches for western relief confi dence that the objective of sao car loads would be ahiaped- was xpres- ed by dr judd manitoba holds the honour of hav ing shipped the largest number of cars more than loo carloads have been shipped from that province for the relief of saskatchewan tamlll a uacnamara deputy minister of public works who is also in charge of relief gave strong lejuierthlp in the formation of a provincial com mittee of interfiled public bodied with the churches cooperating more than 100 carloads of fruit and vegetables have gone forward from the eastern provinces coaauiueea headed by catholic and pvouatant clergy have worked untiringly in the rounding up of relief food in some towns and cities the mayors have call ed a mass meeting and puhlie-anlnt- ed leaden in the community have undertaken the cirgarilsing work as sisted by the clergy british columbia has sent its share of assistance under the chalruanslalp of rev gerald d switser and seer taryslup of mrs p p pettervm both of vancouver rev dr r d cochrane vice- chairman and rev dr d n mc- lachlan secretary of the joint com mittee of the churches for western relief have just had advice from leaders in picton ontario ditttlci that they have shipped a carload of fruit and vegetable to falrwount saskatchewan the car contained nearly loo cans of canned goods iso bags of potatoes as well as applet fruit etc another car will go for- wqiusshortly from wellington to pilnee edward county our carload was so full we couldnt put in anotlir cabbage repotted lorne mcmuuciiu- chairman relief committee at aulston ontario it tlie carload they sent westward were potato 419 bags carrots s3 btgj tipples is bags rolled oats bajx llour 39 mlb bags jars of fruit jfic 135io nails honey turnips 0 bags iplu pea 3 bags chriumas pudding j only corn yrup fm 5lb cans oearti 6 bags crabapplea a boxes onions s bags cabbage 300 heeds canned peas u cans cllmnx to canned tomaloes iso cans squash and immpklni iso only beets and carrots 43 bags beets 16 bag- pears box work of uie committee will pro ceed until at least aoo carloads liae uicii dispatched lo sajcatchewan at- itciuls declared today they stated that the response of the churches and public bodies lo uili yer sp inal wys much greater than that uf last yfar the committee recognised that al- i though uie federal government was turcluuonu a number of cars of fruit uud vegetables for the driedout area the need was so great that the uliu of church and state were both urgently needed in such a way vol untary gills would supplement greatly uu sumilles made available from pub lie bochra hon duncan uarsiiall minluer of agriculture who was de feated at the polls in peel county in the provincial elections you teqaviu 1m snhajlad itb hamootkacolrwhrlr- uwaaaitkarrifihmnrrt olouttxt tjktniif hot est wnlslznuka oosjl eatly to raqtilow lloistaw to htindu lonoea losfuistf and lamva far leawi oats jivtatitarsrmyof kopjpy kousiaholdwvig who ktrvw fitst hamoo youa sold by w k kektwer a son x txwlacken21e j son good pricetj paid pqjg suofttuorn cattle cattle breeders from all over the country and froaa many points in the united stales put fan bids for cana das choicest scotch shorthorn caiue at the third annual auction sal of the noted hards maintained by ja douglas a sons cladonia and dun can campbell a son mortal held at the home of orent rjpiyrll on mod- day oct 4th the bidding was high in most ca with an average of per head lleuer calves i hurt bringing in ol5 for if and mjuo for 13 bred heifera the lob bid of the day was lo wade by 0cer nelson fs louiaburg wau virginia for a senior halfar calf the btg buyers tor the day were irgwhart rearms oaoaboro kan- lucky rt halaa oualph anoka paras waukauahaw wka and xdel- lyn parao wilsoo hi pirat lawye oheatl second lawyer gaud liar i judge rvralrtaag i dont see ctiarlie half as i as i ud to you should have married when you hsd the cliance i did early kyms4aa pond mother what do you think oaby will be when lie gtow upf exavc rated patiier i dont know town crier mott likely notice to creditors v lui ta aaatler af la exsato at nkfjllc wilson hit f tsve vttlage j ktewaruawa ta uu caaauy af u tea wuawv daeeaiaj notice is ilerkby oivkn that all persons having any daises or de mands against the latel nellie wlln who died on or about the ihlrtynrt day of august ittt at the vulage of stawaruown in the county of hal- ton and province of ontario are re quired lo send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undenogned solicitors herein for samuel tennant the exe cutor of the last will and testament of nellie wilson widow deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their etalau and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the twentyaacond day of october 1637 lite said samuel tennant will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled uiereto having regard only to the claims of which b srau then have bad nolle and that lb said samuel taonarit will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any of whoa clam he shall not than have received notice dated at oeftrttatown onurte this iweotynrat day of dale a fssomartt soucuora for the m a jx 1t tested recipes grape delicacies itt view of the ammtv of grapes this season the following recipes prepared and tested hy the fruit aranch dominion department of agriculture may be found useful sale crane jetty wash slightly underripe grapes re move the stems put grapes in preserving kettle allowing cup vtneaar 1 leaipoon whole cloves and s slick ci to 4 cups grape cook together i minutes strain through double cheesecloth or flannel jelly bag measure juice allow 1 eup sugar- to eaehepefjmee doil- until a uttle of the juice jellies when poured on a cold saucer 1s30 min utest pour into hot sterilised glasses cool and seal snteed graaea weigh out f pounds of grapes and slip the pulps from the ikins put the pulp over tne fire and let simmer until softened then press through a ijeve fine enough toretain the ureuv add this sifted pulp to the skins wliii 4 itounds of ugar 1 pint vinegar nutmeg grated 1 ubiespoonstuls of itround cinnamon and a scant tabic- oonful of ground clove let live whole simmer gently tor 3 noun put in uertlised jars and seal sntced crane ratter wash grapes remove stems ixr- atr tlie pulp from the skins and tv uind oenught- heat pulp to bou- uig point and press through fruit piru or toevc add the skins to the iiulp and to each jo cups of fruit add v i cupi browtt sugar and a tablesiiooi of cloveb and 1 of c4nnamon boll the mixture one ihjut add i eui cider vtnrgaj- and continue boulng unut thick stir constantly lo prevent buiiung pack into dean hot jars and ical immediately crane and aaala bauer 3 cups grape pulp 3 cups apple ihilp 3 cups sugar prepare the fruit pulp in the usual way by cooking the fruit and press ing it through fruit press or uee combine the ingredients and tuuk mixture until it u lluc about m minuletst seal in hotjek gma oraae csauiaey 4 cults green grapes cup seeded raisins 3 cups chopped apples 1 cup ciionped celery l green aepper t 1 tea dry mustard 1 ublepoon salt w tea ground cinnamon x cups vinegar sa teaspoon paprika 3 cups brown sugar slip skins from grapes press pulp through a sieve to remove seeds add lo aklns and mix with other ingwdi- ants cover and lei stand overnithl simmer slowly 3 hours seal while hot in lurilhed eonlalnerg ttrajn lea ceaaaa wash anj crush 3 cunt asanas firing slowly io boil and press through a coarse sieve add 1 cup ausjajr and boil 3 aaloiiua- oaol pold into 3 cupa whtppad cream turn mto re- liigeralor tray and frtsaa the totraaoiac recipe for aaaune krap daucaeiea togathar with saver al othara have bean prepared for dse- trtbutiaa in mawehttaphiil ions and may be nbtamed an smmeahfm froaa the pspucy and swestaemv branch ikiaarnlort depaitaaeat of agxirssitwre ottawa tstletimine talks in till a i hon family this is jnst lifee fjeing home bill watson neeaatonsjysala fej rap g tlial outoftowq jou- work a onnreay ilia pate are juh meaja are aaelat tit eaitlootc kesuraoy u rmllotsa fcutdtolt faahioned hoaaeeirvaeas tfltala what u really la ankl bui ka a aovareifia r onew ke has iliafoatl h eaaaf ion tlloanee nail hi a a and it coet so lilllo too ibal he haa tlneitlad rora tall auacka by a refular amv- ft weeltly oalia but 1 1 m mr nail im imw mla sia veal af tie jaatify t aabaaa v eaaa a mwntiitt lejfy au aeai v wu lw mm ttatbf twajiti fs vi reeaiae lew fct ij caa uw raiam ruamfceaia avary lag aix av suwaavl treasurers sale ol land or taxes wuntcipaxrxv or oaottoktowm dotnmr r auuoh to wit by lrtua j a warrant hih hy ih uanr at th tha tawa a qaof j ti tt- 2 of laadaaauaua lo day of alkraat 1t ui dy 01 baalaassaan tan af oatakai la dabuot at naywaot of baa anal taabj a aaaa ii i flit si or batan wadnasday ilmimaii imh ian nil jaiair5jgj wsfiss ia of a warrant aaaad by tht ukyar af tk ftarssaaauaai a oaoitaammt baarat data of luhawvjsajsv in bat lauatateaold l liwi5ill iyt n tt aasj a afosaaltas i than at th aald usaa and at tha ha aald usaa and at tha miaslilial issgght t nraeaad to mil hy nuhuo aadajtv lha amaaisaa u ahall ha mi aiy ta nay ck umw tzaasx avsh ttona tbatraaf a hwt tf tha at land haajrli 4 tarn of n a to tmrhjiii afawmhl miilaa 8siy i tha v v

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