Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 20, 1937, p. 4

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i p84 the georgetown homlcl wedntndiiy rvrnuir jniiuury 20lh i7 s boyers i litis choice n you wxti yji rais hast in tbw knorrunfl talia- inui all tuy cbneaa ixsjntoo c ot every buy ban in aonf a lssolly ik wtfc keeps tkethmaxm sxul guards the li nances and teun irns u rue in to uay rwn ikft uj chossn is ilasscocosje- a yooun w shrewd koucn o mil u value loc her moacv fcissneo cots cua down ike fuel txlki ilho4w sscniicin- one ml otiqualuy wib a minimum of trouble x ptovidee a sjesjy ke wbuh warms very cosrier oi llie kiwisc on aero day thousands tiavs proved thai xjf- avfl bent you borne at a lo- cost tban otbec hart bid itaksitcsj ayaocuci cost vosri umno kamciou cama yu won twjdwia w soot tw to carry but anjf light- loox on th hovel vvhooii tltitot ccila hamco more than 88 x of coke is heat producing carbon colo r not a ww product it was manufacture i m hina some 2 000 ears ajjo and 11 now a favored fuel in almtvt every civilized count r in iw world coke is fiaal fuel l natural notanarti ft ivtavle frbm coil u simp hratin the cyxal lo uch a decree that the ronte- jwwjucin elmsnt i driven off in the form of and tar oils thi i known a the volatile matter whitfe form vv of the- content of coal but xarcrlj exi ts in coke only oz of bitununoui coal is fixed carbon while cole ha more lhan htf that iwh there b lev waste in coke uhv it produce- such an intent heat o quirlh ami maintain it oo well voir not a uvlitule for o called hard f u 1 but i a iiwwlern fuel lo lie judged on ii- oho irwnts thou and preh r it to am other fuel irrespec tive of co 1 hamco coke told in georgetown by w h centner a son x b mkclonie son ritckie a arm acton get your job printing done here quality printing prompt service qsnapshot cuili memory pictures of home hams interiors uu phatoerapksd tkaw uacta btfawa acsclaua ih alur yarm tttay ar wuy to alia if tua mpirt u mid rattk la ibo renian at niltldla ak who ratal nn a emwj biewory- lmaa nt thnlnum ur lumit in wbleb lm llv il u i a i iihj ami who tlooa not wluli litt could how tin extorter of ilo uousa lookod in not lo ulfiirult to recall hut onriifuniiliar 1 lalu of living room i how ho fumllunt was ar- ranjend wbat ulclunm w ra ua ike wbiiu tint npp arann of thu bra- placo bow iiih utalrway umkfhl bow th windows wim rurtatnid grow vajeun with th ou tlnr jtara ua laiui photosrapli i of tin m rouoiii tabfd at thn tlm an avallablo to rfribh tlio uu niory cbanciui an in th cunt of moat grown upu of iniddli ar and oldnr do audi nlrtun u mr takt n itut la tbnaa da ulirn tin n in a rami ra in almutit iiv ry iiouh hold what a ijty najly lo lit mmrui rn khw up and it a inum without any pic- tura i vi r im inr tuvt u of ihn llvlujc rooms anil ludwmm in whlrh tlwy apattt io man or tin ir rilldbtmml bourn it lu prohahly bimailait wucb plctuntu can h madu at ttlmhbit any uuia that v aro apt to postpone uklng ttw m filnrn th y can now ba idailo fahlly with any cam ra by artificial light at night an wwll aa by daylight hy with all this tlnm avallahltt hhould v any longer n- lt to take thtm llen a fw blau ou taking vlewh of lutectoru lnf uo movnimit of ttw ubict ntxda to ihi lonuldflrswl tliott pi loaurw ar im hi wbftlbr by uy light or artlflrtwl light tbd tlw d ending ojf cimrw oh th hlai uij tb stnouat l latbt anj lb atop inning in tht it ua a saull atop maat ttaually ba oad la order to obtain abarp laga of objcmrta at varioua lutaaca trou ik catowrs ut4ve all lb furaltara la its uaoal place as far as poalbla aad taka picturtsa frow aarml viawpoluta ilo aot crowj a lot of fwrauur la a anuiu icmr isit to akow it of it will sol ba iba ijuri artmagft that you wast to rests at lsava claar floor apses ta tb fornroaa4 this auy requlro tka rbsoval of a nearby plco of funallura for uoa vlnwa watch out for dutrmxttsx ra- flfclkuu froai mlmurs or pictaixa ilave tba cantrrs on a tripod or other rigu aypport aj plactvd low uougb ao tbat uor of tba hoar than lbs ct i hag eta b tves la tbo fiadr if thawbuo area of tba pic turn is act r la tba hader becauaa of dark toaaa aad walla have sosoaa bold a llgbt mbsr tbs wall watll yoa have fixed ike vluw pxartly vnr tatwriam takes by daylight routing froai only oavs wladow a r bctiir of wklls clotk or papr tko hijw of a wladow abad will ta rraaa tba ulastlaatloa of tbc cor ners of tba rook floodlight bulba rnay auo buuwj larmttarluia wltb dsyllgbt lo roiidrabl advaulag lalfriora at sigkt way ba lakoo at tlatit with tks llluulaatloa of tkrut or tour onllsary electric llgkt thilba hut tba laxpttjuvv ioodllgbt bulba uow uvalubu fur latliwur pirtura uk ittg will wrv tba purptyui bhtr tsru akoum bl taka wttb jtktr klnd tkkt aa asbadvj kub la hot bcntdl la iba plctsr or tug wlu result v 114 joiiv vam oljiijlml erin ur wilon hurt fell on til lee u fw days ajto ami uttered a fractur tyl no- we are jueud to report he is rfromtnna nlrel mr aul urv ceorue miller of to ronto wrre sekiul tutor- mltli mr siul urz c ju uee jjir miller mnsiod for a feu daj mis- jn rlvlniton or the con solidated selwol teaclilnu tutt cuclph ml- horencc mcdowell l toronto were eek end lllor fcitli uiii waterman ilrt j a kvans ir utlno vliui hi ton mr lome laii at ouelpli while mrs uru u lio uff e rsl a rrsxturod unii is talna lti her in john trunol and mr trimble ai drlfountsin mrs e wllkinon ulio re kle- uuh ler daufihter mrs geo aire at uel fountain uttered a painful and dt tretfing accident ul1 tliurjfti room uig- when ijie xxepjifd out of tlw door of uwlr liooie and fell oh tlie ice fracturtna iter jioukler bone at uie opening uncluiu of the nev ly elected village council on monday evening uie four rejdent mlnulers kre nnrent and each took art in askliu for du ine frov idence over tlie work of uu council for the ear rev menirr read the cnjiture le on and rev grant rev luclmrtlui aiul caiioru weaver each led in iirn er advocate acvou word lia- been receh ed hi f rienu- here uiat mrs i g king ol uuji ontario luid the mi fortune on new yeari eve to fall aiul break her riihl wou tlie injurj ha been quite painful at uie annual meeting of acton pure brigade r m mcdonald uu rbvted chief of uie ilrltuoe ajid j m mcdonald ajtam fire chie for 1957 ouier ottlcifn ctiojn uere jred creu on captain of the ore truck aiul rwu utth j lamhrirt virzi uulenanu w chlsluilm cond ueutenanu and gordon tonlui truck driver gordon koillli ua- the unanlhwia clioice of uie meelliui for uecretarj treaurer ucceedlna c w wilon utio reuuned from the itri bade i mrs j d mcdowell of dundalk is visiting iui her roouier mrs w hank and iter j- ter mi itarhara i-unk- mr ami mrs howard talar und ur and mr- w wulon of grand valley uted aiui mr and mr- ttvos watson mrs arthur church of sundridge vlited iui her mouirr mr- win hank and other acton relalkf and friend- on iimwlay lat mr it n ilrown llir superintendent of knox unday scltool wlio lis- lield the paiuon far sevirul yian but reagnrd at ur ciat of 1q3c u- irentrd uilh an ea v clialr and magazlive rack xi r r opedvogrl read uie jddrt- ivcc ive- milton mrs r s llfv left on tuexlay or last week for hirt laudlidule klor ida where lie aill neiul uie u inter itobert mccurdy of hornby l- a iwllcnt in uu- geiuru tliyiiital gall wlierv he will remain for uiree ueek- mr ami mru klgiu cartwriicht of clon towtljilp und mr clarinet r rinier of mlluui irlt on tualav for morula uherc uie a hi und uui winter councillor w ii mordm of trafal gar townliip l in the itivutc lut tenia iavtiuui liruni i general ho iillal with a j-riou- lit art condition hie uiaiiy frieiul uf mr monlen will wlji him a iwvd recoit r uluuiuuh it l iirobahh he will huvt to n mum in tlve lioi iiltal for onu time in j nar nrljm ijivuviic of no 11 itufuluur iuliijilir ha never mljd uie uniiuul iiieetlng of hit clioo action uml on wtmm du inonilnv lie ar rxl u ctiakruuiii lor uie ajth coniecutlvt jvar otht r inemhei of tht hoard ure iwulit li javage u uialn uiu w a lb nut v bdmuil lcurro uied id ol llronle uu ailmllted u lluiiitlttai g ite nil tituulul on jun mh m 1ji fractunvi of uie u it leu uiul riu ankle and jwwk tcunou uccmiln i to reuul wu- ureeklim a luirn on hi faiiki wlien the rtml colupjj piiin bur lilm in uu- vmckuu urv cliarle nuyu luul u nul calling uiiv on lauulay la i at hi r itomc on mill trcet among li vljtora vere tuo jul tua daulhttr even gramlchlblieii uiui out un ul grand child ur norrl l iiuu m lr vlst jrr tind tnioiuitc the ctm gvstulatltui oi her many fru ivd cliauiilon tvo miraxlcs ofmcrcy innalunal i nlfw ssmuf sksj uury z isti tihjihn ixl n- umr woikx ibjl f til lcur tticiln of tttf llu1 tit rutli r huth jot im- john 1 li uih 1 av ai r tf 4ili j j u lint ttii vt- klu wr tht u jrti ului ttlr utoolul tln liuimh tbini limrltsl arw ilri an i hi the ullor- of it time l 1 i of lf rle holitv ml prkde of iny futility 1 hi llllr uiul muf- in lii i vi uiul rur i in k rhci iiiitilvnt of it mker t at joint oxmpam ttmblng hrs i h nnrut lr if jtktl urr at uh- i for t lilng imrikvrf a tin ur ihk llu uir in tiatruuve ttwiji tlui viim- i the- hnuglnaujni txikd um imiiuiii tin lrrtu if rsiknuflliiij ihoiiht hiui iiriticiub- in ancient lilflur u pilraclt n- mxnrinu- ii tl i i lllrrsr fsym 4ot n a nwl xii tufi cmpiol u jjort tlwi im wiimi con nu rutuwi oh not fnrl hit il vl e a iicturr veti llu huimi miraelrt w jmis thlch ui- tru nirulrtiu liave moral vulur ami wiul nunn uoit far trtov im- imirl nit umi tin mlmrle uiake manv iunii tme when tliry nrvt rrsd tht tk ikrl aio urrsuy intervatpd in i lu ikimbfk but arc rattier rcpeiletl h uie- mlrucbvi lalrr in lite tlie tilturr uiul uity can ini alnwtt u much from uir mlrclt ax from uu luiruhlts uome peoile in the ii nne uf xleiic liave attcmptxl to tli li it tlie miraculous rrom uie oo u 1 l1lu liroctmj iravf tlie uoswl torlr duonmurf jeus vu u jicron about whom mjraculouji ilorlea lu urvd dewli of power were aj- oclaiod with him aivd hu mlraclrs nuuliyl hu love und purpou in u ua cotiiilemeiiuiry to hil ic4chlntr sri mum u darivatlon a miracle lr some uiing to be wondered at uuncuilng vc cainvot explain tliere was a time uheu miracles were used b proof but for same pople in u tcnuflc age uiey are an inullectusj ditilcuit in regard to uie mlraelrt uf jkil ue must rwmamber uiat one uho did uie will of god as perfect a he ould naturally ivave grtater powers tlian uvose of us who have weakened our personalities by com- proitil- and rnleism an eskimo brought down from uie artie circuj to nr york returned home telling of trcel cant running wlutout horus and bulklingi forty storied high he ul mtt believed tltcoe facts uiat lere conltnonplace in now york were held to be impoihle among uie ks klmor uirough ignorance of uiern a ule uj or uie new testament mir acles in lo ee uie siilrit anlmaung jl uf in performhib uiem he would not do mlraclea for his own profit that temptation was felt in uie wll- demctf and was definitely rejected hl m track uere to lielp sufferers niej were an expression or oclal vmiath and unfailing love chrit restricted liis miracles to uie mini mum becaue uiey muled ui crowd into uiinklnu uiat he was a magician and uvnulcr worker whereas his pur- ivxj war to tell them of god and to lead uiem to a uecllon to make jieulll of god uie rule of uielr ihe miracle- need to be studied in the light of uu total purivkc of clirll i up nava jjot forgetunji all uiat lias been done in uie conquest of disease healui remain- an unsolved problem i here arc o many peopb llvbg in uctive tiies because of inflrmltiei like the lmjiount folk at uie pool of uethela infanule parmlyts tuber culal cancer arc impairing uie live of million- of ieoue ffi uie nat even years the problem of hunger hn become acute a- many as uilrtv live million people at one time liavc been dependent uiion relief in the wctern world pew liave died of uirvatlon but many luve had to live very near the low level of ub ltuici vet neluicr uie lucase prob lem nor uie hunger problem l un ojublc if uie potters of cience are ujd in uie plrit of clirisu tlie medical urole jon is beginning to iia much more attenuoti uk iireven live medicine dy sanitation uie leaching of healui laws and an en lightened public reunion regarding jckness and dleasc can reduce uie ale and suffering of lllnes scien tific agriculture if only human greed coil be remov ed can provide plenty for every one of uie two billion peo ple livuiif upon uio earuw what we need l to feel our rtfiponublllty for other in uttering uie wuy jetu- felt lie dcuire to help uie ick folk at uie leuieda pool on uie hllude uaserui albraxles tlie unclents iuted uie even won der of ilie world but in modem ume- one wonder lia followed an ouit r ji ruiidly uiat we are lhyt loant our caiuclly to be unuised in uie llfcumc of many of uie read er of tht uwr teleidione- motor car aeroplanes radio a mis uie ua of radium motion pictures and tilcvtnuii have been introduced these upl but a fc of uie modeni mir- jclc which ae accept at uie normal equipment of luciillcui century civil tzatiou what opiiortunlues uiese mimlcni marveb of lence jive to men if good will to erve suffering hmiiiuihi 1 roda the problem i- uoi one of material resourcei or en nliilc knowledge tlie reel dim cult l the luck of octal iuinv und chrl tlan brotlierlvood to reallie uu unlimited ia-slbllltlo- wiuiln nucli the miracle- of jeus mav teuch u the enlightened and pro inlvc xiclal atutudes which v ill iii u to ue uie scletnlflc controu iiuu uiuiln our imivef tlie deeb of 1 waling done by our lord rmlangerrd ht leaching mini trj ionie iieojue larued by uie nnvtll of hi- cure wishes to make him a ling aiul he had lo etcapc irani llu corwd in order u carry on lib etlucalloiuil and spirt lual pro lect- many peojilc who are lending much une about tlie miraculous lu llu niw testament would do ell lo on id rr for a few minuter uie mlrm ch ui humiui peraialllie uccomp il lied bj je u ij e bu lie traria lormed it ter and jolm nicodemus uccliucu- the women of uamaru und tin ilyroihoenlclan woman l lo ure uninur mure wondrrful than ittttliii the five ihouuid or tilling the auvt fur uie mlracbv of re u in ruupn may be accoiujilllied utl b uu lollouer of chrl t kir a bod ptrui lo u made giod l a demon trutlon of divine owwr chrit of- firs ihl new life to all who will ur n mlcr uu lr ulll to cod quiaut fr laam tovun i whui havt vou learned fnim mlr aclt 7 j wii tiui chrl l limit miracle- j would you call modeni ritiurt miracle r 4 j uu area of uir uiiematural de rnaing j an uu n be oclal and moral mlr uclt wlwu a mall dotui t ran uhit he ay no out i lrf dot aubr he ichaully when i was a small bov i iviiuinbtr t always wwnled ui be m clown wluui j giw up idie ii muitl be nice to ixalbtr oui ambition r 1i1 lb i ipr i i fti hl iii hibl if i ii i llirm rl hlrtllt i r ll t mil i ir l- lu li ii i r rtlr i ft htr luil llui in iiw li ijtr m fun l ii lw pll i rr w lil thut n ii wbji luy in u kin i if sfc tarill wf imi ifrpod hit l iimi- lw f r lit r inlrr r pn rn i iff vt ii it h hi wr iwis k rll u etoll t l it bt biil ku i i of 11- h- ken ttlliev i rr mieo u iuuu- 1 r ii rrbiitla fruii ui r li ilul ints i fnuii mlraligra mlif had srot lu iu- tn ims t ls pit- th- uitu r 1 r oun krd ahl w atlil lu f r i r r in r lo ignoit ih apwal nf tlut aijir tin uf vjlrk jiui jnr ui w u rr bud iheii worllug hi m uui ill i vni utocl rtiuipulty on s p rctulut i isu tit tlly wllltoul the nrct tian m pmi bud had to borrow to i t imcu to st w ork itut this ir llu uilruel hml bapimord tlie llltl ctm l hi whhb uhf hail ihn ifrtd bud lusiuw m hit ntvr nlgbl mint tin hid imci iiw a whir mb wan i he l tht t eliimlhij u i inly hut right bote the ft ll uimiiii an glubuiroun as a ihhi jmru bit rhtrs hifnltd willi hiuiicmru 1rl wl im hwut down br furi- un i lu cttlffisl profuarly luto bfr 1wt iiiut itaii ilt r- ehltf it was her hlrtlulav ii ill do t blatter tbst lata of pib hud rvmem imretl jeff had furxotlon leavlbg the ta ut tin finl 6f tbs rlrat set kite round lb leading bun irry travr at lu r mil hows jrrr h- sliti inr all rjgbl i iuma uluf lutltl ii hsan t written tor for m ct upw at ihys t1mcw was s hlnr nf uu brtaiullng is lb lift of orr tmv rw mhonltlent w know h h it la when you re out f s job lis hard to urite let t -r- hot jff wht ta stdtlhgton uut wrl ilea rvhtarslni with that new company- hi waa you maa they rs clos ing dldn t you know iloslngr osl rtarwl t hadnt luard m unexpectedly money ran out i gin fca ob lals had tbit sinking filing again ki7 gerry lnew niore about jerf than she did up might have old me ahe murmiirttl half to heraelf half aloud iiu know jeff trry rvplled lis liruliultly didnt want t orr jou ale nodded mecbinlcally hut back in hi r dmlug nnuu ulu f it more hit ii rlr hurt than eer gerry ahouui lnou how much jiff ihlndhl ulrlnj lur prouiptty for iiioiuj et it was lib jeff not to i icplalu 4le wan funny ulmut aiouey matters at the hns i urtuln a couple of hour later she wallil ilnulv to lu r drthjilng room she uji tlu lam m lo 1ire the siage slie bad tuli n a lam call alone sou nbe ft ll kud tlenlv 1 1 red and lout lj with her hand on the dr ing room door ibt heltalrd aueil b an aufiit atllliu liack ul in tht ii i he pu lutl 1m ii tht door lo uiul tlu t nilre com lianv as mbled in b r nmm happi urththy to ymi happy birth day to you ah the inllmenta old hdiotil s ng ft 11 on in r tara her nbrinp pn lot k in the scene im lullful nu- ryulu re ihrv lari boiupit i i- itut wluu slit irletl to thatil the 1nuiu for tbeiu they juki alared tbej re not from ua head uu- card ihey told her so ahe did tlie dowers w rt from jeff tagged ha y binhdsy lid ant ihlu i law the niehrsge said liw trry vrhlalled all from jeff hi mil t bwvt ulre1 era ill bet there s un do i lap worth there isle dldn t even try to libit tti tearu- hhe just b hi led tluiu bu l 111 bvt there la- aba uald ou dtvt itaiavui prluclial city or jsra rouudetl in ihhi on the biul if ih ulver tjmiwotil near tht u u h n fir luerly extended to the a uth ul n uu lianks of tbe rhtr and t nly tlurhie b latltr years of tht uilhe i th ctn1iir did r uropfuns m uie ut uu p i ultltli now lo lnoun as wlnvn ho lilt itulails ua ll gt m rally in c libit ind iuttu v t llevrtsb o b m ir un 1 id built in old dolih utyle inltntletl ti canals and nurn w stret la cscs iblbws ssarly tthhi f tt i u t ws lv i in plaet n oc luland tbul misiri u dt i hi the i uclllt ik mi usi min 4 f m llu short or 1 iuts ituii luul inuin dint ih u by an uiuiul lulrh u itj lit iii of luirmu ruilinti uu i vjill i tblb rout lot uilh tht lu t ilul ii u roitred with hull ir and bn in n which exit ml aim n it tlu uuiirn is in niakew ll virt un l tllllu uu tt illstuict ou4ngi ofrvlftus hjcttl 11r annual mielim ol hornby il trirt io i lu iirld in tlttirlelowu with oni of tlu largtt alluiduuctj in rur uhlrh tio llu inter l taken in the order riie ul trirt ohiotn wen elected and in lulled a- folloua ijjj wot ilni ivuctirk mlllmi w u ltm cetirit llllrk glen vi1 lunu i m llro it a llnivinruh t horn h luiilatn w llro j i narrow acuui itttordiii uml iluuiiriul ecn lury w llro c k uikiuiu acton rrtutirrr w ilni juiliilon itewurttowtii murlul w ihn j 11 fhaluur aclon fir l irfttunr w ilm nortoiu ghn whiuinp sernul fjturer lint mclhuiahl flu uecthiu ua- ctindnctmtl in w llro wtwau couhly ma lee ami in jjiluitltiil wrt mujii bv the iu t county w llro lualty atblrev vtere livtil bv uu ri ur lug otruvt ami a irj ili aaim iviii vug wa- pent in bed for weeks with backache quick relief with kruache it u dtlili liom her mouer that itxl uilv wnanl luke kluliril lis lor her owrkurlm- siut ixtoir b iumi hnljied the lut luetic jie hi inline lmler iliu 1 lu- ul t r die wnlr- almlll uli lillie lu i ror i hutl pi ttl fr thir eck4 i rouhl infiiiii ri- ill ini i irwxi rul vitll kllomii rrmetlit hut ui lw svuil i in n i wmlt o mv motlur telhn lur of inv tit ill ntw wiotr- lo un its i urn ol p t ufking nif to tr krujh ii uill i immethsttly uuuht ixitlb mil i run truuilully tv lhrej hul takrii ue tilth k i cihihl i up i kps t tuking ihem ullj in lr thall two uk f vxu uimuii uitril i sm iwier slth nil jcrurlwti u w ml a g ullw file kwlnev fwiiction iifuper ly hirtaiiy irul tti tc in it wd nf iw- in txihllwj rfjrrjalltfcid ifll ahltr llu ltltmhluraiii wrul imwliwc troulile- ai ie iiiltkiit backache rlu-iiuui- ilot uni rnr ir tailgue kru rhcii l an bxrrllnt diuretic or kut up uprru ul valuable lu u acting tlu lllllei to txrpule uekl luipuritu corresponqence 4hwt smw- tortutui january utii 1u37 lo laical auiclauon omrerk gwhip gpmmitteemeii tm lleoubrr- of ifslton county i rovlnchi headquarter take iibv uir in announcing tlie apiuaiiunelit of mr corgr iw klllott of milton u- dutrlcf cotnml loner for halton county effective ar from january 11 mr fjliott l a harrl ter uiul u for mer mayor of milltmi he luu betn clfkly ajicuud wlui scout attain of milton tu b membo- of uie group committee uiere and unce april 1um when he war apiiolnted lo till a vacauey caued by uie deaui or a formir member lie ha been a juite active member of uie provincial ke culhe committee he i- already quite well known to moa of the ueoulen of uie county and will we he iure prove to be a pundld leauvr of uiem tixlung scoot organumuon- in ilal ton liave uielr lieadquarterr in mil ton oakvllle acton georgetown and hurling ton burlington liowever li not included in the are mr elliott will jupervb ar it luu been altaclied to uie hmlllofi district loot asici aliotl for many yesri wticn ur tvulott calls bcouters and reiircntsuvca of uie narious loco committees toguier to deal wlui dl irict organhtation we rut uiat he will receive a hearty response and uie whole liearted support and co- opc ration of all concerned your sincerely prank irwin a x lant rrovincbil comml loner still lower fahls to pacific coasti fllira hi canadian nxiowat telegraphs money orbers express dkcndailiyv sartirv lalil 11 u t lw lull y lnvv1 11 u i i ii l v x1 il- 1 v l4y i im i l hl it vih i mm yil i i 4 lr i riiy ik tlulilhlalii rt nuw tlll su iiiiiii1 mlw lllrl irfrll r i 1 nul ii rnjrfil luvtj ml klttrtmnlilii wmiij auj u um lwl vrtntaw tou vusthaakkmi vu sunt is isay sis lhfctx counva council peel countv council ror 1937 com prle albion o ii downey ond w a wllon y urampton r p worthy and w a rates uouon v w mcmurter chlnguacoui d w moran and norman cameron caledon sam kannain and a d mcrrlde port credit g p ekirtncr and n d ttiomjwm slreel ville 3 ii poster toronto gore cha london toronto townhip d magulre and t h graham canadian national si girge w a the anniur mtt tin of ll win wrmaiit auxiliary ku luw 1j- i uvk with uie ftev w g o tlmmpnn in tht cluilr pollowing pravec uu lit tor commended the nwmbt r for uu ir kork during uu- jear ami ioke or tlie happy relauonhlp exl tut umom t the metniier kxcellcnt n port uere given bv all afnrt r a most uccesful year wui rectirdetl ami all obligation mel tin folios in officers were elected for 1057 hon irideiu mr w g o thnm ifeon prw ldentmr- w v grant 1t vice preddent mr l u ranter 2nd vice president mr a laa on secretary mr f i- young trea urer mr- p niuckbum dorca fitcretary mm mcguliaii elueatloiial heerrlary mr tdiort junkir supt ur- w g o ttionttofi llaby i branch luit- mm s wul ker uvlng mrairr mr- p kim hi k c d mm j rrandford u t o mrs w bullivant social service mr uaynard prayer partner mm c sar ent pianl t mrs s mckrnxit clioir matrons mr laa mr knight board or management mr iu irk burn mm laanon ilecuir reprenlatne mr 1 groat new advertisements a civil right tlie hon mr rogers mlnl ter of labor lued a new year- mesage to labor and industry and warned again t a tide of indulrial disputes interfering wlui business recovery he tated wiu cmphals uiat die free a- ociation of emiuoyeea lr a civil right lone etablloied hy law and u- age we think uiat this is freelj granted by emplover nut what uiey do not grant l uiat trtkers liave a right to interfere aiui cmiuoyees wlio do not clioose to belong to uie a ociation or accept il rulings 1 ywa sx a kind i guide thl ur l tle lemln tower or pua tourl plj let mr ihml so that doeji t jiund ule the rontnc tor name who built mj un bit it look- like his ork lifes albuu our ihef an alhonv aritteii hrn with pood or ulwttu falo or uu and a tlie blei aiileli turn tlie page of the yenr god rrnnt the- nad tlu t oatf with an lie and blot llu 111 with inr only hlmulf a colored bnj ua-jadin- uu in cripllon- on the toipb lone st l dead but jeepim scratching hl head the tui u n marked he ho aln t tool it i notwuk but hueir kincardine pent nliruit tjigun in i tuning it i old bo- reunion llu tovenimenl collected sooj in nmiumcnt tax kjiuoj rrruwf slcpssrisa miii- and iidb- uuiu and gw ciia- ckoned pxizfad repsired snd i itiud ut iikk1 reaj iliupmau- ckaiiing a ml inr wlile cleaners xhons 3t i u ui i ol gergelown and clothbuf ui 1 be called for prevent fure ll t iii mtjr duc ujot remover lx tru- all out from stove and i imact piu diimneys nwa ul- bul cr lubs etc does not u iijl piitez in any way directions 111 lury box iiue per box sscu i illy tcted und upproved write or i ill 1 j ka4111 arietta atreet ijr eluuil po out prompt at- wood for sale clioice hsrdsood uanls and beach mixed soft wood ssast rsssssaaass unre- apply jack tost pboos mlw c on itoan at trucking cartage all kinds of liauung dons ty and reasonably ir g phone 341 u wood for sale cluilce ilcech uid uupb kt hw jnsle conl uliud tuu zm put oord ulimi wood tlfcs pr cnnl j tulandkokn run ks uj jusfmrub ft moxacom tbatstmtafsr kwtov muck ss sxl al uuduadv ant corns kumvasira castor oil- t cwiji in rluiaiy roibfmja kfcj luly t j v itrw 1 uij nluj kuktn kino tbj 14jb h unibli iiu uu twiui itrm r rail v i 1jb ihikt ruur aa rnua t an i h1 b bkjullr tf wi- ferr i t 1 ii uumk j liy 0 i tt a in ljlirr w uail- uvn ukju tiu y iii i nliiiu uuiy if kuun llsd lull lu uiutc say tuft ur rliuc robbs drag slore the georgetown heralds tncneqdaidiif offeu for readers of this paper fbbtnds i w mrm cotnliiniwg our nwifkkpr with hmuui wo grat msmm jhtt so tfcot you can taex a rmjrltam cahu ins a yar noxlinjj ettlr offer rnuti a clw ol tof- hotda whuniwi witfc our pafmur and rjdrill2 of your xckctton you wsh lay s a barooin vou get this newspaper ror 1 full veam choose dthek offcs special offer n2 sf i rstafjav iswanlr ahssoss aaakwl teats bains mnrffcitwttubikh0 3ml qssmf svd- t j cmnwtksws4hm 1 v yous newspahs anossig magazines no chances from one list to another permitted sv wansi t attune rtoa eov 1 i ugte rroarckoor a giout -a- vom 21 bars 1 v n mm has uaajy 1 w a cstssmatktbm 1 r- n 1 n ksiurnvw i w- n shtctsotat 1 w cm ntttaaibrt m um bnusa 1 w oiows n uholy tht- u ksmj 1 a ut 1 v- n pxtab mnwto 1 v- a timstny i a scrabm 1 v- 2- your hewspatcr and img magazssts cthiuaulh imctost t htajt sou u dmhailuil ddohftkho i auchhae- imo wt uacaiincs dislkid wth a vtahj suuciui llom to you tahm maltt st o itftt lowh amd movihct

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