Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 20, 1937, p. 2

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pbe 2 tte georgetown herald wednttwhiy i venting january 20th 1937 to the citizens of 4 georielxwn t1i1s xn uws voll mr ratiravlc at lltr kjulur lmhiiilvii lor 10ti council i rrlilod to be nombiated itout n tnulilrtjml opoownli were totnlnaler tui lalled u qualify leav ing uir vacancy in ward oor of monday thi week ul 70 litn uominalloies rtr ujiened and law tnlnutri ulitr onenjng i qualified ihhttitif lo uivr the municipality on- tmrowr eoc i of an election never uhijj ihl ecm unavoidable 11 jrrved on ul year council u lltr brt of my ahllliy and am in uu- field unlii ueadhu your uport fo another uim of rnee u will be lm lw able u ljl each luune and we h jrh voter individually so am asking lor your vote uimj influence sincerely wullam tliomiot obituary uljn mtiulk t oil iiunday january 10th helen unrlld iwloved daughter of uie lae ur uiwl u jarne imrule iuvd away in lvo memorial hospital lit u r k3rj jtr deceased war ixwn 1 codund lid mine ua canada with lnr iwrrrllu ulleh tt child hud uv ing in whlthv and york uuu before vimlng to nnrvul about yean ago where ijw ha been ah esteemed re- uleilt rvft alii she b iujrvived by one brother rdwnnl ajvd juler mr j i uumy loth of morval lo relwiial tn tt chti tadelphtklv uiwl lite llnirrnl ervlce on tuesday jan 12th from iwr ikmtm ol a euii ii r uurdng ua conducted by w a wrlr of lmitu tji p- libra re ri uirc nil iiil dibor harry ajvl joseph hunbr walter rvldler herbert snow wm oruluim and albert jiuniec h-odi- iifllhbnr uivd friends lm liuinlmr from ttirtjilo ututulnd uut riiiiru to the ei of ward one mr lurold cw who u cndl ikle for councillor in wanl tine hj brit aunilnd to his bed or lb pui week with bl unrtm cold and under bis doctor orders will not bo able lo imvn his ltoa until thurtuy lie lt alhked 1kb lleimld to incorm hla frlrnds iw electors uutt he ui ap- tfclae their twiptaort for councillor in lite lction next monday january 5iui and lr tkxalble will visit ihrai all before that date mks ojrkmj hayk4 muusidustt luoil council oumljrtlnif u active years work leoncetown local council bl women itrkl itj- aimal taeun on friday jan isth electing the followuvr f- licecr lur the ooralnr yea itealdent urn clajrencp llayef vice ijrebidenufrura w wluue and mrv l w lwnn oorreapondlnc becretary mlv rleiue ijawort i ttecurdtruf tiecreury uta a if ler twmfcurrrmfa w smith conyenorv of oonunlttcev itecrea- tlon and bwlmmuux poo urn w k hotiwetl healui and chad welfare un- a ix tnur vocation xlajraea mrs c v wllllatns leaputw mauonx um- h u- hull clmena wl urinted biattei mri w whludcw ula mairy lawaon mental hyglene mlu oeortlna youn tsducauon misa muriel thorftpuon cltlaeiuhlp and lwji secretary mra j 41- m hetkorta of affiliated societies were ulven by mrs tf francis mrs a vaiinatteri mrs luye mb mary iaum ajvl urx c v vuuatts retorts of convenors were liven by mr- modwell mrs 1axr mrs lluu aiul by mrs teller correauondlnx lecrelajry and mui muriel tttooapaoo ueiurer r your vote and influence alt bsifcxijtiy soucrrai mm harold cleave for councillor in ward one m tlic town of georgetown for the year 1937 election uondav janoaky slul bjt your vote and influence auk kkslktvtlixy boucttcu tolt wm c cudningham for councillor for wnrd one for the town of georgetown for the year 1937 euection uomdav janually kul u1 your vote an akk utaticcmjuly influence crnu vol z wm thompson for councillor m tor ward one in the town of georgetown for i the year 1937 j election uohday jawahy smh 1 news from the nyal drug store carols candy the new chocolate senauon made from pure crem ami tlnt ctcabufy llutur uadk moiui sold faesh 60c the found 2 lb box 100 ailk por a hauhj chetwood stationery it mfnt wlthirtlalnty check for your rereouu oajynjprjndnc foldover pad with envelopes 35c princess pat toiletries at reduced price pipe smokers attention bieuj yaar wki fvle t ktali yw ixkl nonjhouc miantiais jslflohal uvctosv a little bit of old kjvbuiki abroad per chon 4 marjicnu 170 maccormacks drug store hlonl ih we lair guokulhctown 9 m f 9 9 9 n m 9 9 m m 9 9 9 special meetings i niton agricultural societies and junior tarmer associations are sponsoring the following series of meetings tuesday jan 26th 2 pm georgetown library hall 8 piuhomhy orange hail wedne jan 27th 2 pm acton council chamber thuraday jan 28th 2 p ra trafalgar townthip hall 8 pu lowvule school friday jan 29th 2 pra neuon townmhip halt 8 pw brookviue townahip hall saturday jan 30th 2 pm mjton farmer bldg uoiuixriw tall problems oommicul rhuuvrs uuteral rmlcl- fiicy wuur ami iuwuj flnlti fumrtait aiakkitii w j rtrn5 ontario atfrlcululrml oollcj quli alul j tv whlllock aurlculturid lleurtawriuuvc ulluul aijl arc wclcomc amit ll1itrtfrirt i i memorial tablet unveiled in knox presbyleruui churrji in mkmoiy o uv k r 4 am ek4n and ills ul1jivk1 yvi makaiut anii1rson hktt 11 n suuion bv wv ross k am ajum ujlauiltass ll fuof t iinninmam 1i suiwlay im t vm1 a 1 unlit u i krnmmuril bj llw tiirmuif utul id hetelll of kwc 11vuurutli cltlln ll oeorceuiwn alwn u rrvlrr vmnitiriii7 oralinc lite uitvrllliiif uiui lrtlt ullih of ute camrrou ufiiwirlnl iulili uift leld hie audltuclmm of uir ixuutlful church ndillce u ih1hj u uiiuuy aikj the lervlrr thhjuiflumt iai u iii tln tribute to uir jute luv it 1- cameron a tlrvnted aialllli u r of klui iteajturiaj hurvli ftr our twtnly years aivd lib bclmrd vifr lu lth him liad uoikluctod ihw wk ut u mazier vith ldoni tuuruyf ilm- palhy alkl ilevotiorl ithlcii ttklmni uir l tall rev jto caineiojp ma ta uir of kocers jlejyteruili churchy ftuwilo im of ue laic llev ulad mn cuint r on lk1 very wecktno vbllor u uif old ikome church uhd twil ijhtichtsl uir umui on till gcruoji d v mr cameron bofurt uhiwttmrtii lil text extbkx bii lilcri urullhnj tn like churctl for the uedlciuliju ajler readim uw ilr i chutur r tbe ibevelatum of u john th dulllt lie cnoe iu bb text ukr ltll utul lulli veriea of tlie jiine cluiler bt and 1 turned to jv i he voice thul lajtt with me and beuitf tanked 1 ttw lwven teldetl caitdle- tk-jt- uikl ll tiu midit of tlie cvoi cuiullt- tick uu like unto uie ui of nutii in un uu quent tuul liujjini uddn tfti aiwaket umed w ureal iiec4jty of tike lueeiic or jclu christ 111 the church today john uu- baiil lied ik cauie lie dared to wiltit far j il chriu- he taw a wauuii uorui uivd was concerned about tlic uclluru of the beveil dlurclie in aslu uiui he wrote lo lmlre uie people xoduy looking- back on tne pot il l urll lo oonkler tlie true reuon of the kxl tetoce of the churcli ttie true rtaan of uwe existence of uie cliurch uuluy is becaue uie uoa of mun llvelh u itti lott power because men do liol trealiao tlie true ideal of uie church we trfuai liave tlie fuitli or the upollt of jeus clirlit if tlie church in u prosper ttie presence of christ muit be found in tlie churcli ttie power of uie church cannot be re trained by anything spectacular uv- iiur perwuuulty malccr for hnkjund the cliurcli tousi have the penoiualily of christ in ull lier deedr ttie put pose of the cliurcli b tot 11 n u llaw- shlp of ood and mall we need communion prayer ervcc und uie redemptive energy uf the crou- lut the picture of chrtt on uie cro in uie centre of your life for uicre lie redeemed us from tuir in kollowlntf uie lomn for all uie saints wtio from uiclr laboun m i uie preentatlon acceptance and dc dlcatlan of uie memorial took place uus mariorie hunter unveils uie memoriitl wltli uie folltiulnu uorxi in kratelul tuuj loving memory of reverend and un- cameron uc hand over uus memorial to lour cliariji- and keeping ilev ur davidson minister or uie church replied we accept uit jicr ed tnso and sluul guard ll in honor of uie- faluiful and devoted live lo wliote memory it la iet up the memorial was uien dedicated by prof j d cunningham djj in uie following word and prayer 111 uie name of uie father and of the on and of uie holy olio i i dedicate uus memorial to uie glory of ood and oa a tribute to jtir nuble and devoted live to u lidlieriicniory it ls ut up almlchty cod our heavenly i-aui- er without whom no uord or uork of ours avallcth but who art willing to accept the work of our liand for uie beautifying of thy hooc we beseecii thee lo grant u tij grace and blowing a- we do now et uuirt uil memorial to uie ilory of riiy name and in honour of thy cranu who lived and died in riiy ervtce and wtiom thou lio- 1 called livo rest we bleis tljy name tor all that was true teadlal and det ottd h uie lives oi uloie whom ue now re member for uie noble example uiey have left u of folui and luipe and duty and we pray thalrthi memory of uielr falui and devolion may cum ulate all wlio beliold uiu uork to a like feeal and fearlenc in uie uar fare of dally life almighty ood uie fuuier of our spirits we remember at uil ume wui uianksgtvlng all true and right eous aouu epecisjiy uiom knoun and dear to our hearts who in uielr day and generation wltneed a good cn- fttsion wlvoe memorial tlvou lio i ul on high and whae names tluiu hast made lo shine ox uie tan for ever we would keep our lovo for uiem unwanted and uicliongedi uu we meet uiem again in a fairer world comfort us wiui great uur ance as we uilnk of them in uil quiet hour and may ue who re main draw nearer to each oun r in all helpful ympuiy and urvlce while for us uie light sliines and uil darkns luigen uirough je u chrlt our lard amen the beauuful bronxc tablet placed in uie interior of the church biur uie following inscription llcction for councillor moncuy january 25th i ujvr i uinilnxham and thmprf id u leld for unrlllor fur ward 4ne at lh noiulnutloii inciting in id mi vi ii li tmhil ui 111 tht vuiuncy i 6oum uloi hi wuid oiu tluu hi uint uin inmilnuud whj 1am illomliij by a j hutkbmii uiui a jr wnght haholji cljvt by mi niur uud ll wulkj wmc gunnincjiam by juiih kliuilj jrrwl tl wulk 1 all uin 1 umllduti huv jiiullll4l uiui mi now hi uu ihul uilktltlng uir uu ot tin ltutiiuyii of wuiil out uu ilullon will tuki plui on moill l in xi juil jlh win 11 u 1m1ii utll ij op in d ut uu lowii hull fm uu ii nultig ut whi inll ot oiuunl r i to lx lut vd tn uia glory or ood and in grateful and affectionate tnimao of tlie reverend ilobert hcmm ing cameron who departed uil life 30ui august 1034 mlnlur of uila oongregauan lor tvi nty years and of i1l1 beloved wlft margaret ahder01 ketclau v ho iiased away jim augu i irjju rogeuier uiey conducted hit work or uie master wlut ullom cour age sympathy and drtouon uiulii eiuleared uiem lo ull profeor cuniilnglutn in 1u ut dres ald the late mr cumerou ui a faluiful iireacher of uu uord ood a tender jieiiherd ami ioul friend beloved by hi uopl no u glory wu- due u mr cuim ton u true wife loving mouu r uwicluiu liotes and loyal frh ml a boa uu nil boo utt of nnl ntj from tlie 11 oj clu- in 1111 tnorj i lltv and un cameron udunuyl uu communion table in front of uu put pit urs mclray of mlmlro vi ui uuobu at urn ervlci uiui ami trv iwceuy i know that nij hedi 111 er hvcui a claji of jtmjiig men nmiy lh itorv cameron cliurch in inmiiu were iwrent at uie u rvlc vital ntay1stks 11 1 1lr town ok- ofcouxrrovvn the vital tatt tlr for tin hiun oi owiritelnwii for the tax 1u3i utn u fallow ulruu 11 uarrluuob 1j deauu 1h lvuuu undt r j i ur j w go i so 70 j si georgjes ve3trv uu uiijiiml v iry miemug it uiuriit churdi uu ixvltl iii tin iu 4 m ut iih monday ivlilug alt r un imjarjllwl of un wu fr hit hint im4 11 jgird tht lutiliu w hit hair uikttwi uin niit un wiu it j t iid 1111 of un klrllt uiwl will in lllllllllr- tt iu t vi tr utll it ul 0v lih v try trk mr wal ut jhiuiiikn und odopuhl 1 he aiupun uddrtti tilt vi tr dicin mi uu iur pu t mul ml n 111 iy chiirini 1 lp for the in- tun j u irt- at uu churchward 11j und of ull orguiuiuitlom of uiu churcl utn tlun prt jnlrd und jliowitl thut llnuliclul londltloii worn improving in t u ixieiiei having bn met und a rwluccion mudi in oullundinu uuhhudnec uil ibctor mmlloned each f iwrl uud uil uctivllj of tuch orgunuuiuon txpru ing hl own upiirecluuon of tlu 1 ood work of clnirchwurduu oilclal und iolktlto a vtry hearty vole of thank- won uitdircd by the vt try to mn w v ilradley for her jxrvlce- a- organ l t a rtoluuon of appreciation wu ulj tendtird uie churchwurdui ut jti 1- c tttompon and 1- d mcnally lkclloiu uire uien proceeded with ilic lltctor re appointed mr i c 1 uoxnvmii a- hu wurden and thb vtt try unanimously elected julr i d mcnully jieoules warden tuc com mittee of management wa reel mukl i he ideanen were retleclod wltli uie audltlanal of certain men who uert lo ut interviewed by the conven or a- lo wheunr uiey would act 1 ht uudllori mijt wullace i humpon and d 1 crithlou u it lected hie luuui forma motion ro4uuted hi uit bank uuuiorlxing the churcn uardul to conduct business wlui tht bank wa jiasjxl a vote of cordial appreciation of the work of uie organ lxat tons of lhc church wa carried ununjmouijy v motion rxprclng in the klnde t uuy appreciation of the services ot tht i tec tor and hl family alo lhal tin lutnty flfui anniversary or mr thompsons ordination lo lhc prle i lioot coming in june should be 111- ilnulj observed wa carried i he vestry meeting adjourned and a congrtuauonal mccunj wui declar ed optu tlic chairman said that uiere va no election of ijiy dele- gulc for st ocorgc uiis year bui called for nomination for uie oqlct or sub utute fdr lay delegate mr jt a urundford was elected tlie congrcgauouol meeting wo- ttil11 clouxl wlui prayen und tlie bcncdicuon tlu w a kindly served rcfreiih mciil ut the cto of uie meeting activities of georgetown young peoples societies lulled church y p u the regular weekly meeting of the jounir people union of uie united church wa held on monday even ing jan i8u1 tlie devotional- period wo1 under uie leadership of uil de totloitul convenor mlss isaiku- u derintd tlie remaining part of uie programme wu in charge or uie ml sionao committee tlie topic for the evening the motive of chrljjon mkhioili wai given by fltrnlee mt- donuld ouicr taking tiart were marjorlc fvans kauilecn jyoiij mar ion crflrundcr and cliorlotte lyon- tlie meeting cloed with uie young people s benediction kiuix y p s the young people s society vl lied with norval yjh on monday even tug january 18th tlie pre klcut ouiidd the meeting wiui u ong cr cc or our young people hyrruis lhc convenor of the jvllowshlp com rnjticc jack cunningham then took ifil choir and the program- for iro lnclfll night or whlcli uie theme l in all things christ preeminent wu given ialm of prole 53o wa- sung and uie scripture wa- taken by lltuirire lane after which qlady 1111 led in pruycr the punitive of the progrum vvui rtud by hetty keun and uil wa followed by hymn 571 a readme i he ontario yd movts on wu i utn by horace hurley and after tin four minute talk- were glvlii by iu tty iillchte why 1 want chrlt pre eminent in my life jean hill vhy i want chrl i pre eminent il m home gordon martin why 1 uont christ pre eminent in the so t lul und commercial lift of the world a vocul duct was given by j tun mucdanuld and uetty keon anu hit mltlng cloed wlui hymn oflj und uu benudlctlon being repeated by it v david ah a octal tumr of gome- and lunch v 1 imiit ut the cloe of tin meeting to w 60 of uw is draui regt t nd 13 were over 10 ymn of um and u ov r la yeats of uge ashgrove at thi xfcuuvt intetlng of x oiiiulm school und young jro1l union of tin ynlttnl church u ihurdiy night uu ofllcer for the jimduy bclioo sir u follow 1 m rluu mltnt mr c 11 dlci a i hint siipl mr i j hru rltlut rftrn tury tnaunr ml- i uiwl wriifitli worth a l lunt ierrt lur in u un r mr niulou huddill 1iurhir r mr c ii dtek mr ivimi will kii viorltk ml jtulh cuii111 ml j iu iruhuin ml ulzulit li i rli mi 1jlth wrlgglt worth a l lunt nurhi it mrt nurr mi 1 wilkin mr 1 j urownrltlitt ml i null convtnor for mil lc uui i rlll ytuinjc imipli union olllceni in ult nt ml ilu oruham hrl uutt lellownhlp conventir mr lurk uuddfll ml innury convi nor mr john ii lul cuuu11hlp cjnntnor mk until ollftn tuu iu und llltrury con vi nor ml 1 luibtl wrtggh iworth ami 1 ui nrlll m 1 n tury inu un r ml 1 ldllh wrliii worth a- i lunt tnuunr xlr jtuncli ilininiuui pluiilt mr john hint a 1 unit plan i miv joy iud dell lit ami young un ronluhy invlt v u utliiul uin suntlay seliool uu 1 young isnipli 11 union in idj ilu annual rhun h uu t uug und uliper will b hi id on ryulay 1 vi 11 inu january xlivu john irvine milton v warden of halton iiavin moian iakiim 01- ri john irvlni t f mllum teu v t ithiv iiuni wiudin of lluleon oiinty by thi uuitiilmoilt voir- of i la h ti i oiinty it n t 11 ul r it- vr j 1 lb w oil oukvllit uiu llrr vlturf hull liufuluur k un hip hud un iioiiiih tlulr vltlitlruuhl ijuvli moiul hlrvi of chnuiui iimly w illrl wunlrll of ivel lointy inr itij by iiirliiniktlori at tin hiuuuiiriil mi mm of 1i m y count ll in id tl llrumptofi 1 hit duy special prices for fte wf f 1wj g j week end at i v 3 srm lal mim caw sw4 ffwalaa h sjimkaafl anv smawrrkp pork shoulders 1s i sfcorlening 2 25 shoulder romu i5c lb areoal gijednwiixialvis ijn iinniilil initllui of the ludln oullil of ill allm i inuili a lultl in tlu jltlh hull on iluirum ufur aoon niu nctor uu iu v w it i homiihon ipnt dul i ho uun i mn vsimiii pn j nld hi r u nort wltih ihowxl u ut irdllillr- ui inr urtir iiuihiipl inn tl h to th churchvviirtlil olild r 1 1 c td for ilu en iirtui y r n hnorury 1 id in mr w i o i hiking u pri idrnt mr citiil vit- pre idriit mn win i tnenuiry jul if arthur id uimoiit in ijiir mr crttuhrd l convuior mr llmllj mlik codiitiltlr mr hiuilv mr hirlurl prt ton a delli inu rhlikin iwttlr nipper win tirvnl ul uit tlo- uf uu inml iuk hit vt try iftitlni of t alhaii rtiihtrryalion vni held w tupdjv ivciiliig hi tin piirlili hjll ill rc tor the lit v woo f1itmikjmi pre idid iii jwirl mn pr a ntrd fnun churrhuurd n h mr aruiur ileaumont the uuu cluiltl by mr t iliii a y p a by idu mimruemy fluiwlliy school by mr lllndd and junior aypa by mr william all n korl hawed u cndltubh lutluurc lift r oblli utloil imlnk mi t flie ilrclor r i it rttyj mr montuuue rr- ryduy ac hl wuvtlui tuul mr arthur lh uumoill wu r cltctwl people wardlii 1 he liourd of munugeiiirul uiui iditniu wir i n rv lcttd wlui the rr appolntment of mr jot lleaumnni a luy delegule it l worthy or note that mr beaumont has held uil appotntmtiit for 40 y un beaumont hi thanking tin- coiilreu lion for hir re election mentioned uie many major appointnunl that lime nrl tn out of hi- 40 jearr in uie synod mr oeorue benumnfil of toronto wu a recnt vl liar here mr uud mr cprdon itoblnn niul childnn of 1 rln wen vlltonc nt mr uud mn win hid pin on imnday mr lhornberry and mrr nwiend und margnnl of hamilton were uie guc h of mr john heiumm lust ihunday mr allan prt ton and duushlers janet nnd ann of london are uie gin l or mr joseph beaumont i wbt blhoaaa- pork shoulders 16c lb 4 r boiling beefi2 j butter sparer1bs 2 iu 29c r j ribsjof beef 23c bx j s bfcr ol i tr1 r hml pork chops 23c lb i ia cit hujdjkh wax sjrtikhwl imix m mlbk lrrr vr beans 2- 19r tmuio juice 2v 19c salada tea extra 15 cup padpet fe with cadi half pound brown lahd i3c yellow labd 28c aw c 0 k soap wr- sm- i 2j oranges i isnnligktsoap ballinafad ml- mnry colt of oiulph l- pend iuk n ftw duy ur her home lien mr und mr arvhle kentner vll ted sunday with mr and ur kllnn mcliun of lo tvillc mr and mr hoy mcenery vllted with frund in poronto la t week itil unniial mectlni of the united church hut held monday afternoon orutifylni reporl were given from ull departments or the cliurch and uie treusurcr rtjwjrt ihoued a ub umual balance mli lydla siww l ull confined to her home recovering from a se vere utluck of mcnjr our local hockey team cired an ouier victory when uiey played eden mlll la l wednt luy night the core being 3 0 i he january meeting of uie mis sion circle a a- held at uie man on tuejluj tvtnln jan uth uie lireildent phylll capjl in uie clialr hun wa a line attendance in suuv of uie heuvy downpour of rain hie dtvollnu viere led by pauline ulnam and njta alkn alur varlouj items of buliit vvere dlii ed albertu he wick i uve uie watch tower und the iilw tudy book men and womtn or iur horiaoil wa- taken up by minium sinclair norine mc kechlue jnd murit cresanan at the cioj of uil meeting refreili- njliil wltc trved and a ocial time mjoyed uie jiuiuury meeung or the w a- wu- held liilduy aflemoon at uie home oi mi i ierriman tlu iireu dent mn a slanrit in uie cluilr hie opining devotional exercises were taken by ml miortill and mrs smrrit after the buslnes- part of uil imetini u talk on new years reolmion uu given by mrs a- ivinniun and instrumental numbers by mr- b vunuatler tlic meeting vlotil with mnglng and proyxr lunch wu- erved and a oclal ume lit joyeu by ull pour new- members werl enrolled church news scriplure text but wr bee jeiuii who waa made a little uwr than the an gels for the uihvriuf dalb crowned with k and kuw hut he by lite eraee f jj uliould qutr dratli far every liiatt hru z 9 eurge s cbureli hev woo ilkmiipijui itector sepluugi jmu sun oiy holy com muiilon bam sun tlay school 10 am mutltls uud cjlkliy 11 a in i miumu pin st aluaim hurvji iltn vwuuttu stptiiuni imu suiuiuy imidav st hot 1 j p m i luiinf 3 p m ilaptul ciiurcb htv 1 ci uaxltr mlnlur 1030 ii in sunday sclutol put worhlp irvitt a pn iciur ui ulutloit a wtluoim to all i nlled hurcb kv c ouniiu ha muiller 10 u m hundiiy smiool utul mil- hlbll ciil ll aiil nn church- lit r work i he pyu nd hl i ji l it r to 1 1 fleah and gagej fish k al times red salmon 1 s la wawhale lish 12b choke thick smoknl fibrtm ur il a fa fn wktefih 17c lb 15c pr 19c lb fresh haddock fillets tc bk ln slc k freak sea herring 3 fes- 3c b icwjucm snoolcod clcoes telephone 27 4 wm king prompt delivery sfcw hurarj owl wldle hunt in but friday ale tlie banks of the credit near noral charlie hoare xhot a homed owl that rneasured four feet three inches fron wing tip- mr hoare had found eventl iilieasantx with their heads torn off wlilcti lie believed lo be the work of uie owl new adveriisemekis soticl ro tin mibu ttie lurtivershlp carried on tor some ume between l uoouvray and a o parr hi uie plunobinc and uniiluiblg bushveisl ima beexl uaaohf- ed by mutual consent the butnet wul be continued by he ucouvray wlu will appreciate your patronace all cujuimers are assured prompt and courteous service hi uie future aa in uie past notice to creditors of tw fiule i ataktv lunam au tw tmaaala jt ffiawnfac at iu ciy ualu aavk w- all pkiux3k3 luivbig claims against uve elate of the aboe uatta- ed mary lunan who died ou or about uie elghteenul day of deceuber 10jv at uve city of sarala la the county of laublon are required la send lo uve undersigned xolicitor e or befoae uve tvadh day of itob-u- ury 1iu7 full particulars tk their claini- arid any securiues they may liold therefore aki taio notc that after the lotli day of rvbxuary ifttf the ad ministrators will proceed lo thiinbule the said w having hecanl eauy to the claims of which uiey then ahall have tvuee and uiat they will not be liable to any person of whose claim uvey will not then have rea-ew- txl notice for uve assets so distribut ed qated at geaorelown this uth day of january ibm kennkt1i u lanodoh oeoraetown oat solicitor far waller clarence innan and william lawler admuiktrators 31 g p corv the a tffe faoak w 22 walking on air hwhiiiiii miwwh jtwwhac one- uaynumid and aten wk cuimeiiji shcik to siieik t jruimtelh jvm ounce of invention caebqqu yic mrit ifiuilt lh it way fox news saimajko iwnuwy 23 ong and dance man fchiw ii jtmth taff mume ud 1bhw ir4uu v4anmif fair yrevar auj lfaa wrlly cuijucs kwisa tlie bride cmtvhttn 1sfultiiclier of bronx cjlmfjir i taili gordon aibee al 3 tuiilhji tefaa hvnodvy juunuiury 26 and 27 iibled isady a vum w tmuiu iwadlltw- ku4 myrwa lay jean llartew wuiliarrii liw4 11 uud stmusw trary xbttdfliijw glifijf sundjiy sporla in mexico etiuuil ttuwcal rrinons vqimtlmi to- ulunr lu surrine iulert yy notice to credttors of ike eciale af wiujtaltf davlto jounstox ute w ik twa t cart4wm b tk city f kaml- tah f araur tfeea4 all peslqoks ivavln claims utalnst uve estate of uve above nam ed william david jolinsloo wlio died on or about the twentytecond day of december lam at uve town of ceorgetown are reoubned to send to uve undersigned solicitor on or be fore uve tenth day of efehruary lrt full particulars of uielr claims and uii jecuriue they may ivold uvere- fore and take notice uiat afbar uve vidh day of pwbruary 1s7 uve executors will prooeed to distribute uie said estate having regard only lo uie chdais of which uvey uien shall liave notice and uiat uiey will not be liable to any person of whota claim uiey will not uven liave receiv ed notice for uve assets so distribut ed dattso at georgetown uiis 11th day of january iftit kennkth m ijujodon oorgetown ontario mllcltor for wilfred ttiotupton cora adeline snyxler nd wed uluvdiell 31 executors irvatch our window m mimmm awcuuls ajd cohrumonur oanbk- lumft ube 13c2fw2sc imst ctiieclioneryssr vigor for nerous rundown people mmiai mltlls or raltm mfflinfs rolt 1ialtow hultou agrliulturul faocii lie and junior hinnir awlitlmi un co- opt ruling hi the ponorlng of a imilul rlt i of imitliiie our uve toiinty un lutti r purt of tin month n j niiinius or uu ontario agricul tural colli ur omlph uiui j e whltelthk ilultun ai rirullurul h4 im- ntallvi will 1m tin jwciul sptukipa ti lh to in dl in ahi wilt include soil ihirblt ni comint rctul h rulbir- mj111 rul ullrleney wut r uiui iwd irnlii imrluut 1 1 j win n in this 1 will ih round uiht rtlment giving furthir d lull n da tie and imilnl ut wlpth u iiuwuugk will ht id agrlt ulturul luwuly uud jqnltir niruu r njih lul un lo b run gniiuluttsl on uil forwurd nun and 11 1 to tn hojmxl tin meiitngj will ue laigtly ulluidtd hjuwuk iva si collections a client wrote us on january jnd 1037 as folloms many uianks it u n ally wojuietful tlu- way you ht ttulls ii ls wore uiali i ivrr expected are you liavhig trouble wiui your uiiivald aooountst it so seiul ua ymr list at once and await nults kelly aiken ciulusrlkhi llitliilmji rutanavilk4 ontauu uu ifem sjcre iqod store i ilk e4 wtjliatfjtafl pure lard 15c 5ji ff jut jlulujfeti jli1 maliclr oranrc lemon aiid kwqnwlt 25c zz ojt uur v1r iujic1 cnipe jam 27c z txc m ijoall tiyiid ianc slultcd olivci 29c 6j- o jjit hwll tvjind ismtr stuffed olivei 19c llor hut hoftll ihv4lul swl gherlins 25c z 3t iiv1 q tellih itlcjuanu brand grnp frtllt juice 25c 2 lb fcuji itiiwiii llmiul ifurc cocon 29c s lb knf muii- ttttidlliind tlaurd whole wheal 27c 1 lb har w1wu- row hallh bran 15c 2 itina qil itivuiii tthoir quality spinach 25c 2 tfuifl tuiili ilmunil htlinlf liti choice quality 25c pkohuhjihii bliul ibannn in pn c lb 27c chuuitf- ffiiximuill kon in pce lb 21c swtft bhalljle- iculmukc jol in pi c ih 18c fltlt bhluijlhi un ifiiece lb 12ic p ipwumuii sri rhiueq 27c cjjuh puiwjimv tmlet snap 23c chobcc fmcsh fruit and vegetables a el farnell ittoncs we deuver j pntsmt elwmbhptti mm weta1rs fxicctbac wthmg i uajtef aaiiaihhr hirtimtlrh lllrif4 hoarder wauwd liiitltnuu txiunli r wanted at once i ir t t iu room upd board with all nit tin mi washing and ironuut 1 lel prlrt vi ry iasoiuible phone 1 j for furtlier iiartlcuvars it radio repairs m4 mj ria taa ai i i m c ak wmm laauta aa hi itvv uu4 u ni ulw la ta is us fuonc 1 hugh lindsay the lm ttfaek

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