fvge 4 the cmrgdown herald wed nrsdny i vning july hth 1936 to bridge the gap between weekends jlri tlornpaoft hvr lets idneluse get him down with rtm family away- for the aurnkner lie lntle tlie ml lwen week end by llote twice a wml at aet hour lie lia a reaaaunnjf nl th chat witli wife and yourigatera trera holliing tike loaur ftnatance to take tha elge off aeparalso it a apeedy el uetwnuables and invaluable in esnerfceocy fro lot awywav aj 1snw lcw rju lw nigkt kt acady affr 7 all iay sunday r new advertisements now qosspoola dllchea and drain to dig old oaaavoobt dum ate cleaned en ahori bouos alao white washing and any other wort dnaw bathroom outfits ofaianlgtw tnrt 1 lowest price jamas willi box ll oeorsatovn if tf wk wuui wu1 appcoclalo an opportunity to do any kjod of houae impairing and decorating alao garden work of all kind apply lb t j feuou arltua ut oeorcio- tf concrete work i am prepared to da ooncreto tearfe of all kind rmlmal kiraxi of charge if yoa require artytblntf tn this una pbooe 311 or writ ibm sj4 it walker ooorm 81 oeow- wwn t u wood for sale choloa hardxxid uapl and buoh mlksd aofl toood uul ronabl taiom- apply jack 1w phorx mlw wood for sale choloa acapl llardwood arid cedar iu11 at rilht prtoa order left at a hiuati or at ray hoata mwfe l promptly all to a uvincitoni wood for sale choice hardwood ivmoh and aula at 300 per cord- arhted wood xm pr oord ju1u kuo par cord j aukdroul ta v mil uaraet for blue to all kdnrl uke dvuil4e ojke ftumkner price roil tlie tine uiat never luld lo right for tun and sky and air and light tliat stood out in the open plain and always tot its uimr of rain never became a forest king bui uvd and died a scrubby thtnar thar mail who never had to toll to heaven trom the co soil who never had to win his sharp of un and kky and light and mr never became a manly man but lived attul died as he began oocd umber does not grow in tw ttte uwuigr wind the tougher timee trie lartlkcr tlty uie greater lengtti ttie more of ttorm uie more of trtngth ij tun and cold by rain and snows in tree or man good limber grow wlvere thickest uwl uie foret grow tit we nnd ue natrlarciis of boui and they ivold converse wltli uie tara wluiae hrolten brancliefi liow the ran of many v hub and much of ilrlfi thtslar llwr otmmon uw of life john ncdonald estate ptkokad 12w gsohgeown cuiaulilki bank of cocctawrcie antiounces loji scnric in order to nrovkle borrowing fad- utle loir all cuxlmi of employed peo jile the cbnadlan bank of commerce announces the eitabluliment of tcronal loan jervlc at lis branches a ieclal department lias been open td for the purpoi of making loans to u ageearners and uilarled aiul pro- lekunal men uul xuoen tlie luah l in brief that any rtl dent who t steadily emnloywl and l a goad credit risk may apply the only jtxrurtty required is 1 tliat uie borroacr muit be- of good cliaracler 2 ttiat he be mdlly employed 3 that 1 obtain the dgiiaturw pi two otlver retponilble por cxois to beoome guarantors wlio are of good cluoracur and liave tatlsiaotory earnlna power the loaru range from 0 up i multiples of 2 and run tor a pertoa of a ir to aisui uie borrower in aocumulatlng the total of the loan from hu monthly income he arrant to make twelve equal monthly tie- polt in a savings account o than uie balance of the savings aooount at llvt eiul of uie period will be kaim- cicnt to pay off the loan on this iiavlngs account lnteret at the cur rent rate is allowed life injuiranoe placed by the bank on behalf of the borrower protects tlve tetate of the latter and uie guarantors in the wnt oi his death the cost of this insurance is ioe per 100 and a pid trom the accrued interui on uie tlav- aigs balanotd tle loans are discounted at th tenneufe clhnc scott w kyam w ai nartalilt a ithlam- hmthw alitlnc bk id rr jtplr llalrttaj lo lb lout irra vutaiclaa llimritl ryalrallv a rnlaraiml tiiwa w and boo- llirw twikqu4ra nim kr athlfllr ttvfv ihr wltwrbrnnad far- b- itlh h iilgb td takaaa of nvr4lr m it i hlr air ou- toaainaat wild thru hu tat4ila drlrtvd xtum atvamtrtra vikuv tuubra of bpw wbo mmild vr rr htarrlimj fruota if lby hml tboniaxi wr to b aomltavlr b netnbwrft it alrpt lu illmmrl r 1y ab malitot r i- all whfch tba w a blnatary uv w flral roaaja o a rycloow rajchui mi lab loo- a looa rfemca tn wmltnc mt- the fbaiak warap wld i duak taara w a wimneot 6 at tlll a tba wbla aalil4 afcfly v b- had 1lrnl n pla rftail tb aoiar thrubhlb idly ta irath waa ab- bad uro ta trubllw rrlgbt vaa ah tb waa bad iluj ttiiaa tbltia bleb p4 at ta banuario thuataatjcally apfoaodwd a ogurv bad utt ia abd al tbi far tod of tb awall taadlnc but mb bad watehd lr atuatble fait laa mh tuulbc oa slw aoanad ta i wo tie wttb a atullraablla aaaj and ilim award it t h aaw a yna wa wlta oaalnc kd balr tbar gutaa4 la iba laat um of a ktmy day ha waa wavlag all arm tbrruliy awaapbag tt lo a waif drew to ladle un aba abottld ran tb plak- hb l ini bow aaaall b bad lookrd tiatuac by tba big tea tain htaall yt a btwadlag fore itk a tarrwr hsbtlag tba pkabttm f tb atacaa aaruaa rmlm ekaartal hall b- ktd waa ak el rb hrnrtua yod locfcy gny hop 1 taw abod tbw eotfm tni alaae tb rrat daa tak itr aa aaktd bttluba bar balott aad tondng out a eaarje of gold hair ii amrdat bar u woa b fxelalaad tady dattt yoai tblak aaytblag of yoar bckt tbia ta a hytag wlb fur a mm- bald dryly tb planew radio repairs t hugh lindsay debts debts if you hftvotvt fdraady your list of account or not to kelly a aiken tai oj utfmaauaw at oktanaicvujtx fbalaru it would be wue to do aa how llflrn oamhlurt n ale of c per crtiu a service chaxga lh laugbd a grlnad tbr wma of a minimum of 50c and mum of is is made depending on the amount of the loan an eitamiple or uie cofit of the service to uie borrower is a- follows loan tojuf lass 7 dlcuunl at c ugo uorvloe cliarge io fuaiii tax a3 413 proceed s w1 tested dairy cows hlgm taucxu aw4 okdudgtb brwd for typw and ihrodiituoa hlaty luar awj u yna dellvwry on truck load compenaaiiau oerudcmlaa a- oapiad aa oouataral- cuy vu4 gi murco farms t uh k y oa4rl tlve nank cmpliaslau uiat it hi no way delro to encourage pednn auurnf univcejjury or burdenakiaa debts but it doea fori that if an4 wlien uie need to borrow arunt through unforiecn emergencies par ticularly in uie cm of slcknes den tal bills pulling in uie winters sup ply of coat making necessary repairs to tlie improvements in the home and ouier similar needs it can be of real usst tanoe by tending- at low rates and on u reasonable budget plan of re payment there u an addltkmal ad vantage to uil plan in uiat after i joihtclint um lias been accumulated in uie livings account to repay the buyance uie borrower will liave acdulr ed uie liablt of making regular de posits uius building up a rurtd la lake care of sjieclai ruls in future the plan lias thclud favourable comuvent from targe emjiloyers or labour ttie genera feeling l uiat in live extension of banking credit facl lltwa on a budget repayment plan to aage tstmera and otlicra in receipt of jnall incomer uie bank is affocdmg a valuable tervkv already st isrgv 1mivloyora of labour have ob- tkliwd detailed particulars of uw plan with a vutw to brlnguig u husclally to the attenuan of their e4nplqyeca aa tliut uie ultrr may know uiat there is a banking irvlce now available u ider which tliy may borrow in caite of rud lice advrttement euewhere in thu isjue ioet but i beg you ive put my wliolf mind into uils auditor and i toj you w are not buying buuk vers llome pralnlng if your children bocottie upmanageable tiukkly awttch tlleir atbrillkul uouier their whal- anted or aaybody ola ab leta got to that rofre all rbjbi- ii rhaaad tbata wbat you tblak tou may oayl it la lb axt eoakty by iwwrnlag r la for a blow sb aodd aad agnab vu wwary from tb dlasettlt 0m wlib tb winds aad woakamrd by rr ah obryo4 alt haaxwlloa tb abad bld tb abadewy forra at aa ild plaa awd a light guwod fvom a aid rnfiai oattr waa atoaialaje w a aaaall ato aad gralvlally ab drahk a efal bafor b ajtala appt-akd- uif boad at ber crtlleaj tha wotat aboat laylag a dlaaor tlrlag tua- tloaw all tb while kb did aoi tell bias who ab was and b did wot aak ii gav ber ary eoartvay abd ta tr ralloqaulwd tb rra i wr h trdog to a frubda b bald jovially ilak ymiraoir at ha i hop tb roof diat blow ejr sb bbjaettd but bat atrrauoualy it waa a dlnteult tdtoalloa ii woot aat lata tb wlad iww tvariag aad bowibag about lb building tbtora ca teoav tb ahl tberktm ot board talagud wtlh lb raltllag oua4 rat uatll xbaualtoa ehutood bar awd bh lpt aouttdly sb awik early a a waa bar habit awd bar grat ibmigbt waa of tb pub tb rdhil una already up ua tb eowuag ilerlli tb fltial rata ttttrrla froo tb paulag mnrbi roy be ralud eatbualas4leally tbla bt a wajrmttl i goes arry guy baa aa amblllab to bop alf la aa w ab uugbd it a atoady aid boat it aura at a mp wll ut alabt lv ebeckrd tb oagtaa- tbaaka ill tak it out at yawr way he looked bla aurorta too aiucb wlad twc be wartam batur wait awbll aad tbra aaaa- tblag altj lv takti it vui la wora tkau tbla ab aald uuihlag and aa ab lawlattst be rluetauilr hlpd bar lat tb csicbpll walt a adaute a aald aarnaauy etlhnbod aa tb wing aad laakad lag at br far ha auabrd uadr ik gaa tvi ur yoitr aaia b bald jaw oa ii grluiareal wryly yaaa if bav4 a lot or th iw rad tkata alt jttw red aad goad loek a roar af the naatcir if abort rwa aad ab fait a gual of wtad taaa ll like a balkwaa mb rlrelml lb geld aaw tb llay flgur wxlug tba k wog wrt beblad owwbr la liuowah ar tb4 inaumaatar broke tata bar tbaugbi an be wait bin ara aad aa- aauaced ulaa adrians rarloa hive r- bfir i he laaaoraaia af wkllv faca aad tltuatwr- of etapplag bauda utimiuarllv ah at nod lkht trying to gvt ber ltirtaaa for ib bad weoa flying hart uat ibni tb rulllag bllu of ultaoivurt baoaih ur tb atror forwddablv paaku tf twii mr lu ta dlatabr bar ysi tutasl tar a dey- tag alrpairt and a iut of saadag rl bain tl ecaiaul twaebar mt u lb- mu atriblag aluratlua when watr bkaiaa lrt raall tb aoorai u4 rl la ortr witncaung undfir prejaecuuoo loijikn 11kx1 we oucht lo ubcy otti tilliff lluaii tnril art llflicih iawlaok act- 4 13 cortmhaiu 1 1 3i b- tv lult uutkigll kmtl ultd rtvrrt tu uat vyu ale li l icrl a woriikng until luu ailkni dm- day bieokja aiu ttiaw ulkfrllrr aiul tliut th ibj w141l- iutiliani at iour irl in luiv a mkiui ui xi ulil lo uf u ilril aliiiihig vllh vtlttl ught liiali nit- true liluuot- tnu it u wlvul ar lltr youth ol ull tlw mtd uriiil to lla llfchll uy u olrl lo-jfv- our rlrtjvuanmeat 1 for munv in 4omvi chiulbuu du viplndttp u it fcif uil cooieikllimial rxtwrmiire 11 lnvolrr being itxapcct- uulr goliie to churrh on 5undy wub ur ibiitg a lew cenu or dollara li ml- hiunary or beiievolenx work nd liav- uu a mhiisler preftrixt at haptum- weddlng- and funcal admittedly uwrr n great good lf forrnml vivd cnvtmjtkkutl irugiok lu influence u lmi tlie jahlc of right buci chrutlan il liowevrr dde iwtt aplel iq lieruie youui in um- unw wi a- wr plorauon und outer oraam of dven ture in un- history of chrtalanu dtrvotioil u uie talui haj tilld io high herouro qul to uie courage de manded by patriotbun or taking ruiu by land iae or air tbe bpoolet in the rirl wnlury were surrtutdl by pagan world hi which the power of the tloraan trnplre wm toiprem chrulianlty wa hot uale reuglon but a faith ftred and antagonuwd by that jdate in jaruaalem the apoal lea liad to lace tlie opiruutkm of ttw jean as well as uie ilomalua alodern cluruuanik might apnrocialauiajur faith much more l thy had to en dure ruks for it a coragaw wuneoa 11 let us not forget uiat uils u rvur speaking uie dbiple wlio liad derdew his master and kliown ooarardice hi sudden icntplauon now he is facing uie rulers of israel and aikeaklng uie tmui boldly he explains uie healing of uie invalid man by attributing u to uie power of christ wruiout try ing to soften ids wltnes he lapokw of josus christ of naaareth whom y crucified wliom ood ralsad from um dead even by him doth uils man stand here before you whole sunn n statement wai a virtual invitation to put lo deaul wter had become uie reaolute witness sometistww tn an obituary notice neighbors axe aur- iirised to tine that a friend had been a believer tn christ years of tramd- shln had not made uie fact noticeable silent christians may hav deep faith hut vocal christians whose ihes back up uielr words win others taw crwerstaaw 11 suty jrars or o ago a lecturer in uie tjnlttd slater vent from city to city denouncing christianity ud denly lie hajj til attack when hiked why lie replied uiat he liad been tincere in tit cnlklms hut uiat wlierever lie went lie found uie lowest lyiies of people wlio came to lurar him and applaud liim became convinced uiere was uung wrongwiui ht message when lie tilled hl audience wlu peuple who were negathe elf indulgent and cynical wlialever may be uie faults of christians worshippers it is usual ly true uiu a clurlsttan congregauon l mode up of paople wlio are seek ing to ihe good lwa and lo improve social condition the bond between worshipers l a common falui in clirlst riiose wlio are having fel loajup with him are on uie way u htglier uilngi the credit for chris tian character does not go to indivi dual chrluans it is due to christ lor his inspiration of individual uv ills truth and example form uie cor- iur tone of eiery coiluregatlon k otbr naaae 12 in ilehreil uiought uie name loud fur uie character ttie name of uie lord w- mar uian a mere name it jgnhed hl essential being ed loaers of chrtl gave to uieir lord thl central place the kariy church yas hunted aiwj harassed by cruel persecutions liavlng to hold her ier- vlces in secret but uiote wlio follow ed liad to be sincere in anile of all dangers uie tarly church a pas oonalely evangeltok some of uie christian even rejoiced in persecu tion and martyrdom looked down upon by imperial home wiuiln uiree centuriftc chrt tunlly luul permeated uie empire and became uie ajty falur mis as done not by any strategy but by uie healing influence of christians in tlieir contact with the pagan acrid individuals individuals it- falui spread because of the depuu of conviction of the early clin hans uuu uiere was no transvaal goul fruulbs onc avaalku atllatnrkik of clirit tke crwu xi is chrtlt on uw croi with hl arms drawn apart embraced uie hole tld lifted up ujion uie crocs he u dralng all men unto him tlie cross is uil tlie jgn by which to conquer tn uie hilt of a word uie mo l of sliipr on uie ftaa- un der which ae daell and uie jewdlry wiui which we are adomed over our truve and above our churclkes uie cross is ever an honored memorial during peace and uar tlie ministry of mercv is ymholuied in uie dgn uie red crca form being a uilng of pain as repuute to uie jeas as uie galloas are to u tlie cross na- become a symbol of uie ldglist iurl lual value it land for u- today a ymonymou wiui crince ai t uie measure of uie love of chrt t wlio poured out his life unto deaui it w the injuratlon of uie spirit of ser vice and faith in the rhn christ uiat is uie tieiu of redemption aftr nearly two tttouand yvn view the cene upon calvary t liletely dlffcrenuy iroai tlie tiardened liecutors to whom tt meant only tlie triumph oier one wlio opposed uieu the power of christian faith and th source of chrtjun salvation lue hi uie deaui of christ upon uie croi true it u a mi tery but it is a mjw- iry of light not or darkiutss tlie vu of uie era l uie aay of vie lory far m-i- 1 can ae completely avoid contro versy 2 how had ivlrr lanii boldiir 3 wliat t alvallont wliy study lilaory and lalukwuhslu f i how often do ou think t cliruls eras life forecasting at host vaould seem lo be a rauier precarious busltioss tvn years ago uw iirsiileit of uie cliam her of uines joliannesburg louui africa on uie occasion of uie for ueth anniversary of the proclamation vicar o you like countn of uie famous gold ftfcbu of uie your liens good kcnr tvaiuvaal lilnled uiat when use ubel fresh rrom town outlier tlrtleth annlkecjiry arrived uiere uiey liaven l uu1 a bad egg ei would be little wft to celchrau to- 1 y day with uie premium on gold and tiew mining mtlwds ii u fell the do you knoa ah our morles are emliaustloai point for ore mservcib lias not a micckt bcu placed into uie future it is now only a matter of more academic hi terost uln owiwrs are woikhig uie lowwr grade ore willi uie high price of gold iwlds up thus retaining uie higher grade oios hi iwserve tti ivansvaal gold tulda produced 10 u4jmu fine hi iftxs about uw utile as 1m from 4u4gd tons 4if or milled but due to higher vmlued ui yield in valu of gold shows an incroos of j per tieot aooordlng to th industrial department of uw canadian nation uauwmy ore tallkad aliowa att htcomaa tti id 4 per cent over th bnftiou waar 1 cant imagine yfi thaf the almle twuible do you uihik you ctin make a good liofuau of my wifet 1 ly friend i can make it o life like uiat ou11 jump every time you re tt cuvtumer having mugh sliavel i jay barber liave you trot anouier r barber vr custonier i fcelf why want to defahbd my- limeuouse itiwivrl loo tat uw lait week rtmmal icmiltj alttj bagc- tiye gone in to llr targ nimrta iu tau motitli tid im- ulnur h teoflwii ki lu uixt mrlirr utiui t h kliu juike iul tlve ltv m mi wo ujal to at n 1 u bi l tlelil la 1mii tike i hlulren it nl iuiih uiki tuiliu ll htllk um- lalli i luta1 ml flmlell htlrf tl i yanr a imrltrr kl hji ii v nd att 11 rwlirr tin k rv i tin bl imi whla ti llll m hi i- l aui ml n bi in i h j irf i iti lliill jjv i niuutr i ttuttd ol i i i ithtl ul tlw i i l i if lkvlaux ih ml mi i r nd ii a lkl i w i l tl ii t nf h i i in v w til lur u ti u hiitt hi tli i mt i rmdell wu j t vi 1 jlb iiuji tvelv nwl uvrltll lll vla j ttltf 4lm hult i la11 ll vlluh l i 111 ly th hvny i iwu u hj artilureit miv lii in ill our mtli i wr mid klna u lark i- lwuitn wbrd at th nme of lbv uiui m 1 btikhiioil last iek alraaid tin tbt 1lolmi4i uiwl fmll and uui uui nf torruit ilsite ut und uri a hill uu k ufr wm mewumi and kmn th mplleuwjt prilt lip uteg nd ill l lbuli lrd hlti h- uarsliall u vmuiu trtoiwk 1 ht kuu i urnt wm ajkl ltolili uur ill ltul ml bdariui ol loituili pul ui aek tnd aith btr it ktjr luiil mr and alr- wm ithe ui u few days last week altli hu uler a finch hegl of uie sunday sciwmj cluua dsateei of rva itlbchle limlg with jlwir temclier bllu norma htrfdieivtan vw led fa at auelpli oenerul ho pltal yesterday ttley brought bjrk to load nca tliat ka will hf iwirtie uil week and is tiromeishlng very fuior ably mr und urk w iateron of laurel ur and mrs v island or orangewur mrs j mcolll mr k wheeler mr it wlieelrr mui bella wlieeler ulul miss lukel marxliall of oeonteuiwn and messrs karl and oordon mur jiall of acton visited ut mr b mal- ijiall oil bunday aiuilversary lervlces vrn lielt in uie freb erian church on buiuiay dune iatli conducted by itev m mc imu tif weuili tao very stirring adoieajjc wre enjoyed by hirve con gregauons in uie afternoon mr mchniei look lor hi text neliemluh 63 and i xeiit mcisetigers them saying i am doing a great work sn uiat i cannot come down alter explaining uie clrcumstalkma leading up lo words of uie txt aiwj uie great work nehemiah had to do uie speaker drew a vivid word pic lure of uie great work we as chrls tlaiu hi a great christian land liad lo d and pleaded wltrt his liearerg to take liold and each in their place to stand to uielr task of living uie righteou life and helping others in uie evening uie text was prepare to meet thy ood o lrael amos 1j ttie conditions hi uie prvent age are akin to uiose hi uie day- of jeraboom wlien twofile weiv forget ling uielr ood and socking the evils and pleasures cl uit life forgetting uiat uiey must meet their god winch lieeded preparation he lueaded alui t personal loans f to employed wageearners and salaried and professional people borrowers protected by life insurance jla to v yu ay tka fttllawlnfl ch in cal mantkly if you iitiw piiftawnt tsj at chlaa ta daawaru a- repay uart at ftaaaurlty s 60 360 s 50 s 03 it 55 87 s 6 84 s04 50 03 7843 7 108 648 50 06 10096 9 168 1008 50 06 15736 14 216 1296 75 06 202 23 pie 276 165g 100 06 25838 23 324 1944 125 06 30325 27 384 2304 150 0c 35940 32 proportionately lou rales on larger loans regular savings interest allowed on monthly deposit ajy at my branch of ihu bunk in onfoyio the canadialnt bank of commerce and a good crop l in profpeel fo late and oilier real cropr ore all reded ond condition are favourable to growth tlie apple et in the an napall valley t fair to good except where orcliartt luive been damaged by frttt a good crop of mall fruits l twpeelfd pisturibaxain4ixcucnt condition luirrum columdia grain crops irtalce potatoei und other lege uie peoiile lo turn from uielr irail uhlefi are doing ifaell tlie first cut groisions to examine uiemsehes for un g aunlfa t of poor quality oa uie ineiitahle must be faced and are mv to tht hey rain early traw we ready we cannot put ll aside lorries wen damaged by rain and until tomorrow we must live lmlyi or uie crop l ultahlr for iam lirepare to m our ccd not in only ouier berry crop ul1 he light yea laje such soul surring mesagos tl j drcp at applw and ouier been delivered in uils oommunlty tree fruit t heaj aiul the yield of hie sen lew of song werejnou en- apples and near ulll he blou ar kable and apiireclated tlie clioir a as as 1 jed by uie merjuial quar ts lie of toronto in uie aflenioon miss dort uese of oeorgetowm solo and in uie evening miss will price boui numbers a ere jt ion i- plentiful creauy unireclail mauxr jihimle klrkpatrlck is lioll- cltymg with hu gruiuliarcnt nd mrs james ctanduji ace apricot are a failure and pcachf a light crop cherrle hae tpll t o in j to rain and the crop l islimuiml at 00 of average pas tumue l l oil and uater for irrlgu crop report mr give a lattle city boy or gurl a holicuy the ni ighborhood workers asicla lion 1 wdlesle st toronto are ucrrtcd already uiev have over 00 from iroutjlihl purents vlio desire uielr children to get a brief liolhiay hi the counn but so far onl m0 imitations ha e been re celnxl iroiii hoslbsses ulio are willing to accommodate one or iierhuiut tuo utile one m ihlr hamm for tao keeks kncli ja more apiilicatuilis pmir n last lear nearly duo kiddies un tak en care of hut even then there er itto left over ulio had no holiday at all aftir anxious uceks of uultulff it l expected uiat oier 1 000 appllra tkm mill c me in this year and the ileloo kill be found a brief synop- u of ulegraiililc reiiorts recehed at aunllcatluns uie head omce of uie llank of mon treat from llr hranclie under date of june 29th ghnutal fouoklng general rains crops in uie ptglrte proilnces on uie wltole arc dohig well and pasture are impruvuur motaure rlerves are low hoeter in jum district- of uie ex treme southern areas of manitoba and ajuilclievim and alo in north western atlokatclievaan and s areas in luistem alberta wheat is tooling veu in districts wliere mot lure l adequate in quebec crops generally art doing well and have armal campalin lo locate hostesses oiercome uie set back due u adwrel ln condluons in uie early prlng in thf wdle of all ages rang ontario her fall wheat u lieadod u ttnm u llirt j to out tonllnued cool weauier 1ul help- ore lm d to bt a ed u retain uve simnly of motture i nltmiv of a real rarm iierliaps for cul to to l uf but wmrwtraiiu artiiov quired in the nm tlme tn uelr hundred l1 most ections in uie maritime pro- o ckn arc being nt lo the feces condiuons gcnermuy are favor- t wokn h ar able in ilrttui columbia cool c at p weauier and iieavy rairu liaie been j generat bul aarm weather now nw- ue valu and growing condition are at tjactory alubitta early own wlieat is of gowd ivelghl and is tool lug veil coarv grains are process ing satisfactorily ttiere luu ome jlght damage from gra hopper and cutworm- in ouuiem and r central areas but uie uiuauon under control ikoulhem jyatures are jiort and need rain the uigar beet atlon l ul ha u r u 5 rop u iirogreinv lavaurabsr w cvnka at ft taamcatchkwangrowth in utu j jn ioil is alufactory but laclc unl lornitl wlieai u tooling well li dutrlcts alicrt mollure is adwjuate furllwr rains in ioutliem western and nortlieni area- would be benefl cia inject damage so far ul been slight cacs uhere camp t pot por fox ln4ance all b ta 11 year old- milt be occam pan led b uielr niouier und in many in lances mother t unable to go b nu of other strxnuou tic at home hot te jf vlw have nttrtatnrd lj i children in jia t jear urltc in again i and again offering lo take othr chlldren or in man coex ujclng lr uie uime children can he relumed to hum of caurr- uierv u no rcmum r tlu lia be n hi ing cooiied rroudid bun urroundlngn in oni of 11 ic pour action of toronto trunjruitauun u upiilled by the nelghlu rluuil wirker a relation all chllilren arc recomniended by an intereaed aifeiicj and ach ca is manrroila rvatv are klwl tmrt u tl are ex uannxiuacrvii are makhbg wnnpfl taqw k lhc city by uie deiiariinnu or ihiblli health with th kleu of gulng children alio need it an i hair no- other mean of getting a aratton in a normal country home a l llu eamet untie of uie neluilmirlmod wirker- a jici uliun tlut mum goiml irtemt vul send a letter ntfi ring u he hufti j to out or tito children lor to weeks willi tlie llivitalimi iiould he eiv tic rd u lellrr in m the local mini li r or june mher v ii knovii citlatii bf uie dlorlct f n maplerord oen eral screlur f the n uhboriuiod worker a or latum xi wtlh lr st turonlo l dlncuv in cliarge ul thl 1ikaltii ulrmlltt good iinigreiss under favourable groa lug conditions hacent rains liave been beiiollclal and gotierally iiresent mot lure reserves are adequate tlie k ileal iilanl slios good root deveiop- nient and is u 10 inche tn lielght ooarj- graui- are advancing aiuia lorily qukltfx lower eu lawrence and lake ta john feedng is only now being comiileted ln uie nortluni ian of uie dfc trtcl orolng oondltrujj are lulourahle and ull croji luac ull a very good crop or liay is antlctpar rd a good crop of small fruit is rikcled allliuugh ouac damage from frost a reported in uie eastern toaulilk and uie ottaaa voltny late seeding lia uen favoured by fine aarm weauier l uie pal uo week tlurv lias been utucieni rain to 1 11 mulate groaui and all rondilions are favourable ttie tut crop proml to be uie beet ui year ttie first iran berries arv ori uie maikut at a rcajuiable uicv trail planting of i tobacco is well advanced onhallio an avruge yuul of fall alieat l hullcated aluiough uie traw u sluirt louring grain are now lieadlng and growth ts jatljactory i thiol- and cuuuiut craji are in liealuiy condition corn wa juanled miuer favourabl condltloiv aiul v a good land cut ing of alfalfa t gen era througtiout uve pvovmre while of good duality uie yield t enpecud lw ladiiuu an aridity aad all to be below average- pa lurage ii c 1mirb 1vkl tab ulluex eh tvllelt ihululir ffoiu a hid and drought iiececjduled rotasiiwable lephuitlug of tobacrn ihii good land lias devloiird maju nuns all rwel cropf have udiaiwvd twiully durhig uie wst two tereks hay ulos bu excellent idandoai aala at acaecw ktrwg bir acton pa tntater and mr j c mathews mul ml- helen oclruuder left on aturda on motor trip to denver colorado mr o mlener of hamilton is manauer at the acton rruicli of uie uatik ox montreal duriiu mr pnur abence mr and mm o 11 lanbrirniwiunoe the engagement of tlieir daughter is alrl chrutlne reg n lo mr ray a cordon toronto uxn of mr and mrs howard gordon maxwell ttie wed- dni to take jdace earl in august fight apiillcalion for the pnlllon of caretaker of uie government bub luu in acton look the civil erlcfcx amlnatlon required for uie iiositlon at tlie high school en saturday prin- clia d a macrae presided and mr jones of ttie civil service 5 here 1jleen ureen a pupil of acton con tinuation school lias won the scho lar hti given by the gregg college toronto and the aaard is a yearn tuition at hits xhao tlie competi tion ua open lo oil uie cliool in uil tlu tru t mirnmndliilt toronto and 1- lie en ecurcd tin hnheft landing in the exijrn inatlons it l aho interest ing to recall uiat lier sister shlela uan the schalarsliip offered by the hliua college in torojito free presa wokkmln courtnanov syatcmtnt tliere are si34 accidents rported lo uw workmen s compensation uonrd during june an increase of tot over uie month of may and 1 609 more tlian tlie number retiorted dur ilgl june a er ago tlie bene tits awarded during june amounted to ut5 4tyre2 ot milch u63c39 4s was tor compensation and ul ttg 14 for medical aid tills brings use totat benefits aaarded during uve half yealendlng june so to wrajllm as compared with 12t34a7s11 during tlie- corros- pondlng period of 1s5 tlie accidents reported during the llrt ix months numbered 7tt u comiiored wiui 57 429 during uie same k riod last year tlie fatal accidents for tl e sht unlit period were lm 153 1635 130 qusnapshot cuil i take your camera on i vacation trips pictorial baauty and tcn of human intsraat may b cap- turad alivioat anyvubar by th vacationist vwho kaapa bla cum ru raady aa tkown in thas plcturaa ukin om an autome- bll tour tha plcturwtakar wtppod u car last aad of whining by i ttie ut vilii hiunlcihle ilju tleonetnwil 11 y june 1m olplitht rta kclirh fevir chicken pox ma h- nuan m u it muiiiii infantile inru i rypltoid hwr wliooiiing cotilh cnlro puul miiungttl n port til cum tin mu1i 1 f iltalth for castronox stomach owdeii s 1- i- itylwiliv knows oua of tha important pleasure of a vara ti n trip lu lalklne aliout it after- uartla it is a rare penum who baa no deaire in tell bla rrlendn what a l rand time he liad of the plae4 hi vuurd tint iwautlful aceiiery tb lutt noting pet pit ho met and varl ous entertaining i xiwrlt nrii if bi la a cood rarnutwur villi tho ability to lliakt u n pirlurva his rrlenda or likdy to hull n for qultna wblu but im lltti ullwr baud if hod unt know h w to till bin blory hitm atlnitly iju may bavo to gli in a lird teah or a count i r all art froirt hlil rwbn tbi chanrearbaa iki ii mi n vatalum trip hlmtlf aud uaiitn to tell hi atory hiaivir murvelouu aad lhtptvt ini a trip i und imwi vt r w 11 oiin t ahh t dewrlw ii 111 tha coura nf lime tlikj imoiory or it becomaa dim loo vacun to 1m hmtilrlpg any lom r vi u to oik h how much art you in w able to u 11 alwwt ariifia pe pi and plae oh your and auto touv aay fllti4 u yhara axot 1berei4niilyonbur way tokft tbetht mi horl a from fading and tbal 1 1 to tat a raiiifra v mb you on your trip and tuku ulrturw wltb a cam ra at lui i a half do n rolla of flltn and a d i rttllualu to labn advaii tag of all plelavwtaklug opptirtaul tla you ran rival a pletur atory of your trip that wo wtwdn writtou or spokod can 111 ao vividly aad if will hiv you always will aujoy look ing at tha pleturwt and aa to ull ing iba atory to your fruad b sure lby will always b rady to vouk whi n tbv wont llatau ttui often tt bapiuvab that wban starting on a vacation trip ha who ha a a camera ueglacla to lako it along or tfbadma too oha falla lo take advantage of picture oppor- tunllltn vor enamplo it in auy wlua oaa ta rolling along tbo ruad hi an aulomobllo to hit an inti n al lug or hiaulirul acuuo go by with out alopplug ilia car mhlra up you mind b for you mart on a varull m tour whither by auto- tnoltll or olberwlaa that you ar ru ing to bring back a picture rwsird of th principal aud most lttrottug tblnga you im aad till any trawl lug cimipauloku without a camera that vhfu you a a good plctur thoy muut glv you tb cbauc to gt it ltemlnd tbola that thu la a pla aura trip and wmclally if you go by auto that tbla bualaaaa of wblialug by the aceuery juti to get to tha he it par lu tba uulrkaot tlm ta altly impimwgt utum ihaui that atopplag to rirord au limarootlug plctura will ba worth ititnimpa ably mora in pr- tiiauotal valu than tb aw tatlaaia galuad at tba aad of a day ouruy ut tb bicturoa aa you mi it joun van mmiut