Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 8, 1936, p. 3

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the ceornctown ticrald wednesday evening july 8th 1936 p 3 queen of roses flour 24 lb bag soup flakes for 19c birookfielrj salad dressing to faney 1 aa glaa 19c pot roasts frrum mf owl dvrfd beef fcraaa bal became tey are all al jftump roasts j6 lb itumiuj uf vajat rod shoulder roasts j4 lb corned briskets 1 rtr fresh irk hocks jj lb j- resh spareribs 25c 5 sweet picklei sbouulen 17- lb p c ib y m stewinglamb loins of lamb freah stewing veal 2 25c 25c 2 25c 3 tall ins lor 25c small tins 3 lor 14c palmolive soap ouvcou bkautv soa 3 for 14c valencia oranges 19c 32c 43c dot golden ripe bananas 3 lb lor 21c we sell for cash phone g f eci-nfitf- 28w tt we deliver pure food store 10 bars p g while haplha soap 35t 24 02 pottle peerless tomato catsup i5c 1 7 oz jiir heinz sandwich spread 39c 14 02 jar york brand sweet gherkins 24c guest brand boneless chicken per tin 29c homes orange grape or liinne punch 26c homes double cream custard powder small plcg 5c clarks sandwich meat spread tin 9c 3 pkgsulell and pink glass sherbert 25c iarrftjrniciite brand fancy rceta salmon 10c wrstorvs cruvlud wheat sodas per pkg 14c gilchrists kiuit calte 2 lb each 25c junket ice cream mix assorted flavors pics 9c sweet pickle cottaiifcroll in piece ib 20c choice breakfast bacon in piece lb 22c twoin one bug killer and positive blight preventive 12 bg40c 25 lb u 75c choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnellt phone 75 we deuver local news i tain b needed vny badly to this duu tft rjnic holiday u our lvel public hiclilojtd gunea at georgetown duixlay july 2sut nir lrmimtatnre u 1 hade today and lx relief jjghl- a plour and peed mula will rliaur uai thurmlay afternoon during july aivd august aluulwr iatuvkling of calclp ihlrkuf mi uta- mjvtu would help ruur live tluit uui of our ihruauv jvijih- lurf loaiiaahlp council ail hurl lii llu- muivcu civambrr suew artloau tmxi monday tung july mil mve fclorioua 13lli will be cele- uk lilts iwr mi lijduday the llui ntfkwo 0ag- itde4 will co urarnittod rne hath kclvool tinlanct reoull hm imblk lirlkoul kotnouu uu ue hum clkoul loaer behool rcagalu and liver olii wolbim ihtv 3c ltuamtkn frlhrril in uii iwar- oocapauty- timuml liirotilo bnouikv uval lc ivirmif tif ftrumptori ttu won itoetss ilu lui w urf pbaia your p4 mmi vini coilea ootulutted tov rudk ului ckoc ibnulao i ilr wiii ucowurklct ixple ave hid iirv ututok for dinner on july sui wtikh 1m- aa plantbd on ily iui exjtuktw0 rnunihsi to uwr dy tttr 1mluujv wvrr k cuod use nd wr brtiawellux l uhly ajood kreord a ttonu tivw ylor to nervous tumiowii kroolc lor bat klca ttnulakclkc tvnd tcterl maknto dr tuumondt ktrmin and ere ttlbl oc box tlitw wb trutunent- ttetpnen- tnrkwl by asocorftvck larutt jtnvovauon wtk kt st ipauilt uiuuxl cliurcb uuuwi will begin aj tuvev it was decided at m peda tncttlne of ln olpcial bomnrl wnew tlw tloo eonumct for the work wax let ut uccuxlaud and co toronto acoardina to umt weekly crog he- kwu for lulton county uuied by the ontario drparuarnt of acriculture iljrtwlid pjrocneu has befl tnadfl with tlur luaycrot during the paat wek- full wlirwt wiaie not promklnar a hlilli ylldls touch iuperlor to the 1us crop sprbia trains arw looktnat very well but additional rainfall fc iwwd in ukuvt arcuonj of the county a fcenera tauiir of klranch 1m canadian lmion will be hftld to the legion rooms oo thursday tomor row nisht diacunion tc aafesimariml at vimy hideo and cetmfal htmrtrww all metnorrs rrqucotcd to be prcoent fcafaat cwacrt wjray uy permlijiwi of the ouoer cotn- tnandin lite lome ulnvs lejcottiah uand will fciv m ootaoert in the xa on sunday rvnlnj next ai s0 iwn th band- will play their teat piece wldch win be played at waterloo oil july lath kverybody wclcocnc a very uiioyvhl strawberry tea was held lau rriday nlcht july snl um ikoue of ux and ura uaxold cleave under the aunavtw of ver dun kcbcfcah lod there waa larfre attendance and plenty of traw- bcrrie and creabi kuchr and bridaw were playwl after tea and the winners wrw eudire htm rjau xjincaton bridce urs j w kennedy julu ml maexeatau bka jolin u uackenkkf fonmtr knayor and for several years tneaabtr of mil ton uwn oouacll died in hi sath yoar at the- ufataauukn kanliotlum tuesday nlshf june soth after a tonic illnis after sjpendinat several yeajn in uve united luates he returned to toronto and graduated front the on tario coucce of jtiarmaey with hich laonors conunc to uiuon to ims where he had practiwd pharmacy unce lie was elected knayor in 131 in 1s3 ike was appointed ritlrar of uw iurrale court tn the county of lulton and held uuu podtion until varly last year kaili far vtaay iroviacial onnauhu- and afra geinte cook man of uiltoa will ka uontreal oj july 10 on the duchead of riclunond to attend unvculnjf or ui vimy ridcer uctaorial to cana dian wildics- conuahle cooaoaaan w badly wounded to vnoce durtoa the war and was recently diwharged frool ciuiule iitreet hnaplul ton- to wltere liewac treaoedyor war to- jurici- urs coolonan was a nurs duitujt uie war becinnina her dulled on aug 4ui 114 and continuing as war nure until after u ntgnlrvif fuw wnniuice they wul abo visu llwlr childluod ikonud to knfcland and scotland 10oo value for p 0 w ac true to our promise here is our big special two days only friday and saturday july 10u and lltl tv iatroduc the pine quality of cauille tviitelries the manufactuimrsi llav arranged with robbs drug store georgetown svw the distribution of a uatited number of 1000 sts of ciu toictri vnr oaly j9 each set cowpku with all tkat is nniary vr mibuya wrlvrtivu to obtain this outnuuditii value ivf th certificate iww no cbtttirical k no skt j1000 value jxjr s2jj9 this ckiitiiicatk ijtfskntki at vamjk 771 robbs drug store in worth j771 to you to ibtrojurt chwiiu tuim lruaratuttii to tkr luuic ihiu cvriifkhu will b nrj at fn vmlrt with a tvuymrttl bf 1339 fur oar owultr 1000 wrt of cauillr ttllhriim- namk addltlss c1tv city iltov 1u lw vauj tki4rtiftat wiu1 l 111 r no s will b suiiiuih witluut tvia trllficalr at mukt ttlan onk skt t uicii 1kuson 1000 vaice f0m i29 tkrlttar swa fw j cavillk cutfauatlons ar aa thwa alnunj tixo vvod garvwaia aatria chmlt anj up uaa iarjnia l-ac- llr ardenia ierfuu ivory llaaj lfttioa hair shampoo hair lustr hair turii lio 1jss iso 100 sa 16 cd ut a ltirular valaa 11080 fascial value of ortificau 771 swval iwv oaly uuriajr intrculartory ib all 10 artkka litaaj lov wi- mtilul a r il ajui are iacluuamj ia out slmil aw of oaly tu ntkia uui u hay 11k hvuk to skl ihkilay in ouu winimw robes drug store hlone76 4 rexu siw georgetown pearsonals aaio wtnnifivd hyde prnt uie itoli- day ai her tkome here- mr hughe cleaver uc was a vixuor in town on sunday afu adeni hiwi of uetroil lia1 brti ikolmlaytiatf at iter home here aflr ard fcjfv arol ncill of to- ronto spent ine holiday in town uiu laura uilier and afto id har- brr are itolidaytna at wawca deach mr and urx vri ituddy nd uur don of lumdon kprnt july ut in town ttr aid ura victor tedder of to- loiilo werr vuitorwin town lal wed- laraaday ar jutnw cave of iluncoc ijenl ue ituliday will hu xirtnlx ur altd urjt it t cave ut aiml uis jolut laitc of luroll to wrrtf vbjtori lu town on tvmlnioat tjay aua marioc t treauor ur arnold kuwuod and ur kil ur maurice uluiick kpent sunday iri uuftak ny mrs annie- adanv of uuflalo xfd mm cliarlcs junkln uf krtkgra are violin atlhe tone of mr and mr j w kennedy mfctt uoru tteaey wlai is tl pupil of mr wat capp acam of uramv tun wax mncobxf ul to pajcunal her puor vocal nxarnirialk imxx week mr aikd uxv tnoi wlbon nd baby wuy ofturonlo apent ute holi day will- mrs w11umv parents uk and mr j lilalr mrv w a fuier mrs hhrridali uu kocma mular itanillton ami art ii hutne of burlington were vndton with muai taanajan ml wed- neaday but j mr and mrs- a o m brum who have- been living to acton for tome time- have returned u oearftownl w welcome uveta back to j old town mra violet cook and dauchtcm misaeai rtoell and helen of mount dennis apent the holiday at the home her parent mr and mm john uhepherd hev and mrs d d davidson and tr and urs wod thompson arc rnolorinr to winnipeg to visit mr davklonv father wlio- bj berioudy w- uix ltev- d o davidson and mlu doris hcaey motored to toron- an uaxurday to attend uve weddlntf of the jlev mr davidson couto at kivxc chapel ura davldion phxyed uias weddlnif march ur and uitl w j uxkechnle ur and uw oeort uuliere mr and ura j hex tracy of toledo and mba nellie uwackluuner of detroit e vbjlonc at mr swackharnera limehouse hut week ir edward k maytwe principal areain ralls oontinjuauon school who b viitlnf his ahter mr c w uoreton at 4orval u kpendtoal hlx lebuuw uave marking paper at the university uulldlng to toronto durtoat july- ur and urs- w a wuacao uto charlotte uocullouglt and mils oar- ridge returned home last night alter a pleasant motor trip to vancouver they went by way of the htorthecn otau and manitoba returning ukrough the fioullaenv tttates oeore4owia woo from prmmptoa tkuraay night aut uive wav to muutofk on lattbukav aptcatnoon llfamplon intermediate bafieball team took anodier bealing at the hands of tike rwper boys on thursday night iau at the parhi here wtn a 5 houre wheeler and rtfn pttdied xctilciit ball but support on boui team waa hot up to the bhark a good game of ballj howrvr was marr ed by arw- argument between liramp- lon player and the umpire the urn- aire eventually liaving allan and tltompaon eacorted from uie park by chief maanduul umpire ucddon uaed excellent judgment in quelling the ulrgtimrnt aikd thereby atiowtng uaat uie umpire must have tult cliarge of a giune we lop kaich a acme will lwt riocur on i1m oeorgetown aaikd lot again and that joayerv will fhow grvatler reprclto the ofpcutl of uie came tlvr box bacore ksaii fullows hoarr cf wouda ai ward e kueauroonc 3b f p l futchle 5b awt rf henham lb luydwi if uftamltoef molaughljn cf thompson 1 b bmith if tnant an morgan 3b holiway rf ii allen if sicaki if alliaon a hokirawser lx sprouiej ji wheeler p ab jt h i a 1 o- l- s 31 35 0 sioim ah it h k0 ae 3 0 x t 1 cartaaamahau ktmaaiaw tike caltonuatlau families de scendants of pioneers of ue western sde of toronto township and the eauera portion of trafalgar town ship held their annual reunion at ifl mxk streeuviue july ut tiie following ofneers ware named presi dent frd hicks jhne orov vice- president arthur ueroct oalt r c u toronto secretary treasurer kd ucwhirter georgetown aiaistant tecanctary jolui carton uutoo w ytlp u cadeagt the uixiual judging cotapbcluon of the ivd junior jrmcra association was held on tuesday last and was attended by its usual suocefts art uckane ciieluynham won the high- sl award uve trip to cldcagfe with al expenses paid folio win uve eompetiuoiis a banquet was tield to st- laul irymnuliitn hramplon and was largely atueided lion duivcan uarshall minisur of agriculture was lh guet ijaeaker and his appoprhuc addrws to uve young farmers was fol lowed clatrcly yuw rrlmerudg fwtm1 a new partnershto has been formed ul ui plumbing and uusmilhing buuncu to town ur p h uoqll- vray luu taken mr a h parr into turtnenjupatvd uve new firm will be known as mccuvray jb isur uout genuemcn are well and ravorabty known to the people of cleorgetown ahd vicinity and are capable mec hanics to their lined mr wrr has been wiui k if thompson ac co for uve past 30 years and mr uoouvray has had over 3d years experietue the last eleven of which he has conducted his ht wiriest on john fit persons re- qulriiyc anythtog in their line are as- uured of prompt service and flrtclass workmanship a quiet wedding was held in uve vetry of beuefalr united church to ronto on saturday when miss bea ut lieunie eldeat daughter of lmr aty mrs prank ucnnle hlunnr ij rtied to ur h n weir toronto r a u beach ouciaud ttve bride given to marriage by tver fuuter wure a powder blue ciurfon gown wiui large matcliing lial and carried a fniil bouquet of rosed and lily of uve valley qlve was at tended by ulss kosle kclliott wlvo wore a frock of yellow chlffoii with yelloif hat and bouquet of talisman roses ur william weir was beat man the raeptlon was held at uve alexandra palace and later uve bride and groom left for a motor trip to quebec and bostoti they will uvw to torouus kvetly cmgtirw weuiag a very pretty wedding took place to georgetown on uaturday aitemoon last july iui when mtsg margaret dalsiel ucdougall daughter of urs ucdougall and uve late james uc dougall of georgetown was taarrled to ur george aiexander praser son of urs praser and uve late david praser of oenraietfiwii at iver motlvers home by lie d d davvdxki of knox presbylertan ctiurch th ivoiave waa decorated wiui rou feriis bldcj del- phlnlum and pink earn lions for uve rsion uhs helen mcdonald of georgetown played uve wedding march and during the signing- of uve register ur john ulalr ot toronto sang oh ivomlse uu tlve bride was lovely to a nowlng prtnoess gowu white sauti wiui cowl neck and short train iter veil was of embroid ered silk net caught wiui a halo cor onet of oraivg mwui and iver bou quet wbj of butterfly roaea and lily of uve valley uhe waa attended by tver sister uu janet mcdougall wlvo wore blue triple sheer creje wiui ivhvk picture hat andtmk aupiiers and carried a bouquet of btarcllrfe r- mr john vawmfai of oeorgetowp was groo at the wedcluvg recep tion mrs uodougall preaided to krey lace and navy hat with corsagv or urtarcuffe rosebuds- uut was askiat- vd by utnt vaser who wora black crepe wiui maichlng ivat and coraage of taliman rosatbuds tur and urs praset left for a knotur rvoueyenoun through the katsuwrt atatea uw bride traveulng to blue nguted allk wiui white hat and acceaaarw on their rwuitl they will make their lvonm bf is 6 1 u 4 4 score by toning hhe brarnpton 10 3 0 0 6 35 t georgetown 3 0 4 0 0 0 it a 5 3 ummaryr3 base lilts morgan allison ward stolen baxes morgan thompson ward sacririoe idts 41c- laughlui alcott base on balbt off ucuann s oh wheeler a struck out by mruanil s by wlveeler earned runs georgetown 3 brampton 3 umpire beddon of hew toronto on saturday july 4th georgetown ball team went to milton where they met defeat under a 5 3 score the game was very close up until the ath inntnp when georgetow iih to break under the- strain and milton scored three runs while oeorgeiowai were satisfied with one aloott pitched a rare gain all the way and look like a corner to bis meld london was uve opposing hurler had a utile to- side baseball on uve- part of manager slcou been used it might haw won a ball game glen williams fftomotfos examinations kritimnce cla3 4n alphabetical or der k dt-unorr- lleaumont ina iun ivetl halpli juudd fteorge blyui jaick crawlord norman davidson henry laorriman geiald moody myrtle warren names ppatr in wtlrv of tneriu hoivour staiulitltf is uventyflve kr cent of over impiu pajjjtl ili trial ivave hot made uui iroulnxl tnark for promotion but will be given a trial hi tlve next rlav ru i-otiw- c- uve utlelmlivnct luv bull vrry irregu lar jr iv to lie iv honi dorothy clark itm june giuliani gmyn- luui williams harold triunk luvw- reiict beaumont ulv lutrruy jtuk allen kmdy hudlvy vimum kiihy on trial cutriicv llrauinout ijoe aicmenfrtiv wiling wilwt jr iv tworgtr jvusoii ur 11 u jr iv ho4u miulml eson uarfb iiclunk vvvieiiii- ouyol astrid citrbrneu pavj- chalrtiyne duvidiou hod 1u11 ltay- moivd addy on uialjotui wag- atane dororir duuui kaihlrvii lllkk ltpbert dawitlson br irt faorraiivr tubby jr ui to mtr ui i- uankwri wsgutile hitbcrt kluncfkk xjoy mcmurxv gordon pricker herbert lreston mary wu1u- oji trial twidy licaoi ctidurd duvhot jr hi ptork hjbby kdtiti ncu lriiulpali juniok itoou ii fela to jr ill itovr guyot ivons marion hepburn fair curke charla prawford violet louth mel- viu beaumont cluytoiv duvicbon david barclay on trial- not pruniot- rd gerty omiii douy buck- i to 11 class billy oalriuuler i recommended iass butrr norton kugene logan hobby llcutou ullbun upeuce donald hancock patsy odoiuivoll roeanor hyd gilbert preslon jlmmle pmtnii utanley die- kenson jack inglls on lruil not pro- i moled helen wluett i rmer a to 1u cus lloiuu jimmy norton jiary appleyurd liob- by hepburn karl vivlun goorge laouui bobby prwlon uamucrile 1 ucmeivemy liis inggy wlllelt barbara dickenson cwuterine hulive ruui norton norma davidsan on trial mary ollara mary drtvldsoi norma ucuurdd itarold davison not promoted hoy norton betty dickenson doris ollaru la-uk- dic kenson kenneth norton u lesjie teaclur week end specials friday and saturday skirts ljuiiril crrai1v skirlh luiirh crcnlli sfrrtr skirt ijidirm oralu french mallllr slcirtm 138 198 349 249 198 170 si uuvwh wlvitr silk crrrw skirls jiii crriiru ctcric skirts i miisrii nnvy blur- rijiiiivrl plrhtrd skirla simplicily paitlrrns j 15c 30c 25c aikntri ijt 7jnlijvxcijwllw anu xvfkmb v mcbfecin go wi tinjvu koavorrown wrilokp c4 i save with safety at your recall store geoftaktown aid jl u po a k lloaiv cf 1 13 0 0 woooi ui 5 0 0 110 ward o 5 0 1 8 1 0 lleaunvmt lb 10 10 3 1 toat ml 4 0 0 10 1 aliotl p 5 13 0 3 0 chanim 11 ilkloll rl 3 0 13 0 0 4 0 0 10 1 lutchk a 3 0 10 3 0 m 3 34 8 3 ututoh ab it ii ro a e bllnoo rf 3 0 0 10 0 13 curoutiu rf 10 0 0 0 0 ft llrusli c 4 1 0 s 1 0 tolllta 4 1114 0 a clttaent jb 3 13 3 13 j unuh lb 4 1 1 10 0 0 naylor u 4 114 0 0 cronin u 3 0 0 3 1 oubert cf 4 0 3 3 0 0 loiulon p 4 0 0 0 3 0 s4 5 t w 11 3 score by tonlngs rilk georgetown 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 a 3 uilton 00300003 x 1 3 summary 3 base hits j brush nay lor 3 base hits chkpun beau mont stolen basef ward chaplin r uruh base on balls off alcou 3 off loivdon 4 struck out by alcou 6 by london 5i earned runs oevrgetown 1 uulon 3 umpueaksoi of hamilton this and that in sport we failed to take to uve last couple of baseball gam uiiiiklug lcrtiaiu we were a alnx to uve local club and would give them m break but as usual uicy luul a lots on their luuvtls so wliafs tlve use gues we niiiiht as well see uvetn ail however alcott is iluwlnj up well on uve mound and maybe by playoff tune he wiu be pitching cluunplon- shlp ball along wiui ucuann hoare looks like uve pick of uve out fielders to uve league uiis year andy ultclue will not be to uve gatne for sometime owing to lu bul ly sprained ankse players report to uveir legs luuclice would l ruimber of uve ivavlng cluulabyhorcs maybe a little mure take out uve kinks ve caftibc iolns in saytug cotigratu- latvaiii to clarence 41 nliaiu clever outfielder of uve local nine wlvo join ed uve ranks of uve benedicts uv4 week tlve local club go to acton tonight and heres hoping tlvey give us auve- uilng to writ ivome about itext week page uve acton pree prc x31ul you enjoy reading our column jh tlve complaint is contagious m rvo- lice on saturday georgetown will play ilraniplon at uve big calebartvom uvcre it is a league game liowever live juvenile leant does not seem to ivave much beuer tuck uitl year tlvan uve intemieduu tliey urn- defeated by actoii last nlhl 11 lii 7 iwkutka a wwaauug woodbridge united cliurch clvoir aiwl uvelr friends were entertained a uve tvonw of ulsses uarorvf jessie and marion watson to a lawn social priday july 3rd gamxs were ivlayed then a lvnsentauoh was ruade of two beautiful silver dujvea to two llvelr loembers wlvo were recent brides mrs luvss uuler uvee kstnri ilwseyi and urs gordon uilier nee iuraueal adatossea were read by ur wilfrid scott after winch re freshments were served a ivearty vote of uianks was moved by ur lindsay ward to uve ivosleiises onlrerv ueeiw onicers of uve ieel county junior pumwrt association and rvj ovunty junior insutute were appointed as follows after uve annual judging cotnpeuuons last week junior evr- mer prealdeiit pred uclbide ual- ton vicivreakient arthur uckaive cfveltettharn secretary treasurer mark williamson alio junior in- uitule preaddent marion uoftuawact graliamavuv vlcepiekleiu lrla downey bolton kdeaivor trvauuvr hieeuvllle faecfetarybeaxurer duro- thy hhaw tulfamote aiasubsbt adeu uchxlde ualtoil wit osck but once i pasi uiis way and uverv rvo more but one and uien the iiunt door swings on its hhigea and no- more pass thlc way bo while i rnay with all my might i will essay comlart and delliiht to all i meet upon uie pilgrim way pur no man travels twice ttvo great highway that climbs uirough darknwo up to light tlvrough night to day mtokjc tiauv rowout 1 m u specials fdf usis week liki baltimoiu statlonehv 3so la molaw twih vacuum b0ttlks 35 mu0klcll oil taktr kcvy 43c attd a4 ovrsv cltkam iuh sa mum uihmtobamt at llurtmoy tirriai km isc s f 35 tanya saa 3aa crau havtk akt1ium 3o ha stock 3im gl savk vouit kjtammniks mouth labxum 4so an to0rtmatl 43 at vaa emu alwy ab uahwaua at vou1c luull hur robbs drug store hlosie 7fi we beuves- tttk atjurjalkvstoktar gkobctown a ear heat modem slxroomtid semj detached housai wiui garage on church btreet all conveniences apiily j- h llllico phone 278 georgetowit kor sale jersey cour rising sax years govern ment letted apply thofi allen ijpermlll ltd georgetown 3tp car far sale lolfl hucbon sedan pric reasonahla tor quick sale apply to j d murray nerval ihione 74 r 13 georgetown itp i rr kale desirable building lot 50 x 1m on john ojwnham- guelpli sl near- high gcliool apivly jol ballantlne plvone ft5 r is gcorfletown it new aovlttsejvmeirs tenders wanted por arnold big house containing nine roorns address 25 wusttvolme ave toronto it cih wattled young glrj wanted as mouiera help ujtemouns and occasional evenings hvone 117 georgetown up t iteni house to rent on u unlock streot occupancy july llui apply to jajl uailantine georgetown tf in goorgetoun june- 32nd male wire haired terrier brown head grey ish back brown and white body all leg5 wliite left front one slightly crooked answers to name of ltllcy ihwurd tlo00 mrs w- j hvan georuetown it t steal occupancy july sui live room house willi haui remodelled and newly decora led very attractive cor ner of ualn and kennedy bis ap ply jos nallantine evenings phone os r 15 or coll ulss k- barber ualn st- n uj hay far sale a quanuty of good clover and tim othy liay standing for aale apply arclua kcdes glen william h k- i i at cd prieea paid good priceis paid for hnraea in jured eatucr or anything suitable for fox meat with injured fcinplf ptvone vkhv intouitlv and ww will pay uve phone charged as meat must be secured iuukdiatelv to be of us- horses poaluvely never re sold under any condition vannauer pox parm phone 65 r 31 george town itp bakgains in kabv chickh and stafttcd chicks poat onk weuc only cattunrnelng- jaly wb avad laialug jaly iso all chicks subject to prior sale pullets 00i aocuracy guaranteed day old chicks leglvoma fc barred racks 0c white itocka and new hamjvshlre reds 10a leghorn pullets isctheavy breed pullets lie lefelvoni cockerebt 3wc ilitavy breed eockerel 0c stautkd chickbadd to day old prlcos one week 3c 10 day old 4c 2 week old c 3 week old c tweddlk clhckc haix iltwy umftco rergwa oasiatiat dominion- for fresh foods d atie h ataaaawal shortening 4lb ik- afe 1 ltt pa- oiasa a sanbokns coffee lifebuot soap kosedale catsup 19 3tanoakd quauty peas 3 25 1uud hose tea as- xo artibcul extracts dovniao baking powder hornevi assorted punch drinks s or bot 19c iib m ise 3oz bot 10c 14 ib jcjk 2 1 whit slo polish new low ikca certo richmello coffee i bran flakes 2 visit demonstration of davis sparkling gelatine this week free 25c coot bunk with each pltg j g ilrul vaul i m1m y1u oranges u walked wltb jwir while uwy las 2 doz lor 35c ihul vlnu htciv fur ally jit 10th and 11u dominion lt ha qioice red pitted cherries x brunswick sardines cm oil tomato and uustakd saw aw t 5 clarks pork beans clarks soups toiuato vegetable scotch broth 4jx5 clarks tomato juice t 10i ti

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