p4 the geogeowiijfcld wednesday evening june 17th 1936 am tune u tea ttm sa1ada tea i -m- mu w- hoeoaa payment ol 19s6 taxes the firai inxlalaoent of txe aure due and payable a the municwaioffice i georgetown v wednesday thursday and friday june 24th 25th and 26th 3 discount will he allowed on the second instalment if paid with the fint on dles due w g marshall collector the cost of glasses lfiai lafcgly mb ike tjmauty af ufek ajtd tr yv an w aaiiuhm la a uragb ky kxaaalaab is yr xrlec w is36 aww uw ftee mi knu ttuty kbun b wt as ifwjwu aa o t waucer ro omoumust fcykklcut bmlciakjv kiralai 1 wu u at atfumfa imilo stoatc carr4w tb nl whuaday j i evry a i or ym ay eauu o t walker at u ome u guamta j a clearing sale of sprin and summer hats all sizes for ladies and children from 59c and up come in and tecurc tome of the bargains we are offering misses claridge herald block georgetown come to the big celebration at georgetown jluly 1st qsnapshot cuili i be uie family news photographer plctuea of kmm hw tmhli ilk that are of imperiahabu uueafcl alloahinq exnloiduu the crwil ingot fctaaaaud falling dnhrbt and the city a moat di duilroua bra hi hiuutha breaks out clanging bells aud the wall df slrena announce the approach of the are eppafatua hmoks and uahlq about ukyward cruwdu gather into lb la prrct wttluk for a thrilling picture nti tti ilia nnws photographer makwi lilu exptuiunue rutthes back to tbe darkroom anil turua tbtttotltilm over to lh city edt tor coplom of tho ui xt fdilluu xtnu h tbo atroet with tho picture ttprtvud kut on tho front pag tki y ant t nalrhtj up avidly litre ant ple- turua of th hli br hluyrn urut aud tiveryhndy want to ia4 thorn la a way juut bh inu noting tit your family chrhi you run lui tin lutiiiii 114 w i ph logrui li v u ui t i t uwd to be an pjmit ft yi ur pic lurw ur hun i tiv rjmio will want to mi tlto in lulu iihil hn tb i in iri thfi luti ruat hi tin in uill i t in i lluiu iii till eall if tin l vhpu ulrltinn itu t f i lur inttmat aud poraoaal aiuatour falllutca will bo forgiven in ilia wtxeriimifl to bo imw jobtiuy limit id wbt u bu wm tb rara at tbo sunday flrbonl plcntc or liow ycattrdayh cloud burnt turund unrlo hunrya xardeu into a laka u in n sutpr ami trlumpbh at tba upfllllhk iwo dim t delay lu gplllng a hcbiro o lur imldliik lb trophy l that tin pou a auapuhot of evry liuiuirluiit family aud uolkhlwkrbiwkl bapiunliiie blrtmay parti plc- iilru the lahy mi tbo day bo tafcwi hla hmt hltp liuliwtr ulioia at night if family tculbt rliitt and of rounw you could not dure jurtt t uuch an lip4irtuut t vt ut u m wihuiiiii iui on tho alt rt for thtwi huinn m wh vi iiui lluvti tb caiiu ra aluayi hmilml and handy tn mh not to uitfc- um tptjf lid hupp iiiuk i vou 11 uujo iiollik it an indrli u dont tba m1 lutwit photographer aud your iiinullor puhllc will ho ftv ry bit u- i utliuiiui ur uud apprvlntlva aa hi uri r one tm will bau lha aalhi fartlitn tiui of liuliik mudt vi ill- ii illy u pliodmruhlr hlutory of llin family uft jonv vvn nuunkh i ita tue vi1xagi hcuooulaklu urc4u yun urutkllns fener thai fiklru um wajr with bloaocaed fruc uniiroloabty my tltrrr in hi iwly mimjan uliiuxi to rule vllui muter laushl his ittllfl hcttool a enan cvnro lui wa mtul lcro to vie i knew him wrll atl nvrry lrunl knrw wll tuhd uk- boding uwnblrrt lni- cl to traoo lie- tiny dtilcr in hi- morul faca yut l llicy uluflwj wllix ruunter- felled blw at al hu iokn for many a juke had j aill wrll uirr buy wttl prr circling round onkivyei ttx tllana tidings wlum lie ituwiwhi vet lui u kind or if fcrvrtu in tight 11k- love he borr to umrnlng wax in fault th vtu4g all leaarndjnow morl tie kiwv twu orrialtt hr roubl wrtu and cipher too ijuuu ike could tnraaur lrrm jvs i tkli iimiage prnoo m 1tt v3 jojm aqi tuud f0 gauge id arguing to tbe 1tmhi owned liu a ill hot fvt uwiogi vajvqulitnyl hr coud argue atlltf while worus of learurl uinifth and uiuiitwrintf xitul arhakrd thr gaalbg ruttirf roiujed aruitid xiwl illll uwy gaaed and kllti uu won dr irrw that one knwll head oouti rrry alt hv knew but put li all hu tome nw very aikot where mahy a time he triumphed u forgot i the dterled village ooviamlut a ritkacllkrs luu lot a preaclutr has a hard time if hbi imlr u wldta lu u too old if he u a young man he hauit had any experience if he haa ten children he has loo many if iuj haa none 1m fchould liave aivd unt ahowanc a good euunple if his wife alng in uu clwoh tjie k presumhui if ahe docent kiic dbjlkeat her hubandu work if a preacher reads his notes he is a bore if he apeuka tem poraneouily lie tin t deep enough if lie laya at luime to uudy he dount mix with the people if lie u keen around on uve atreeta ought to be al home gettlny up a tood iertaon if h calls t the home of the poor he u piaybig to uie grand- idand if he calu al the home of the rich he la an aristocrat whatever he does someone could have told him how to do it better next to being an editor or a school teacher it an aw ful life uc klab teh sons afaxhrakd todtaw hli ten eons did o in ttui following way uy tiro was a politician thu second wil a halfwit alio my third was a civil servant and tlve fourth did no work either my fifth i actor and ui lxth u always broke too my iventh waa a company pro- moor and the eighth is in tlie tame prlon my ulnut u an inteueotuaj and uie tetiui is peculiar u wh hsjoxd itotdcatii jlmmfi tnocaj3 addressed to uve undendgned and uulared tender for jhiulc uululntf uurllngton ool will be received until iz wyuek w dbvyugat aavbag triiy jum m imt for uwt construction of a public building- at burlington out ihans and tnecilvcauon can be seen and forms of under obtained at the offlcm of tlui chief architect depart ment of puhllc works ottawa tfie oupcrulung architect m adelaide gtreel tclu toronto ont the care- ukrr ivitpr- uulldlng itanulton ont arursft ke pou oince uurlhyr- tnn ont tenders will not be considered un- ls made on uwe forms supplied by the department and in accordant with th oondltlona t foktb thrln- kach tender must be accompanied by a ocrtloed cheque on a chartered bank hi canada payabfce to the order of the horwurabuuulnl3teraflub- uo works mjual to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender oruearcr bonds of tlie dominion of canada or of the canadian national railway company and its c compan ies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and intcret by the domin ion of canada or the aforementioned bonds anda certified cheque if re quired to mage up ufodd amount motfi the department through uie chief archlteofa oince will supply blue prints and specification of the work on deposit of a unit of 11000 hi the form of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of the mnltter of public works the depolt will be released on return of uie blue prints and spedncauon within a month from live date of reception of tenders not returned within that period the deposit will be rorefeued by order j u goukuvt1jjc secretary department of pubic works ottawa ilune 6 1636 it mmmtomm sherfs proof 5 bray pullets lay at 5 mos m f ii wlnqbr iul 1 rwge- way got 1m bray new m jlamphlre baby chicks on january f he raued 1u uy uie hut week of uay when tliey wre atlll under 5 monllui old his pultetn ranged froin h m to 6u pounds and tlwy wre g layina i tliey liad vitality only 1 died i out of over 14 tticy grew failg4 i and developed fully before lay- irur amd they were laying at 5 i nuutuis i llatclim in late june or early i july and properly luuulled i bbji of umt kuid uie uray i kind alwuld be laying in no vember or early december wltli iiloilty of uae and ttanlna i to bland heavy winter produc- l lion j at our jiwhu end of mason iiriceu you can get bito uils i money making tock wltli a i very low investment coma in pliotio or write slrcjw bray umkk4 h chick hatchery lboksorm mfmt ml oatui m this am that ir sport iihmu timk mavans txttn- sik kikatrr hasijiaix at toronto ftidenl cllnord oakley and cku- iui ataiiugrr aruiur 11 lmwi liave lrulhl ut coiuie all weekday txn- lrl to night babll garnet umxs ling llw demahd of all ontario ball tan iiaturdmy ajkl hull nay kumu will be jayed an day gmn and alu uie odd cuntct uur lug uw wnrkdayr will be played in um duvtlnw wiirti it b neoaury fur both uwm to catch early kuiiui lur clirdulrd gamn cl licre i lie ilrl of um big kiighl bcball uiniim r prtigram al llm uaple luml tudlum uu rlcct bueel ituronui geu uiul ray mi rtridav evening june la with um pupular uonlnml i6iyabi otklhjtie4 lur uie lat a vnglu gumo will be plajrd llatuniay alter liotmi juiwp so vrlui ttui anic club miould llw rviday night game uhmd out it is poujble mul two gainri 1u le irtagrd on uie iour uuy dtemofi 4lun cwhs the big highly being hugxl uy like luxkart ypiub altd tli nalive iumi- of caiakdk in rionor ot tun dajyi wm u compleung ail vaira of faitlilut lmicti a trainer ol uw iiwiito uawebair ci mb itm daly u known whetevr baurball l 4ued ikol ouly for hl excellent ier- vkx- to btlfbull but hu keeai it apd bblllly lu create u cltuckle lu uuittei how teiui uie utuatlon tliu oocm ion will be a rilght tooteia wiiii tu chnoer ited wlngb one of uie learns tlgum to rccl illayoffx and it liould b a gmla eyeulng lor butti players fatu aiwl ttm daly all- otlier night game wlui feocbter l- uluduled for fueulay juiie 22 and the niud game of uie ilocheuer crhst trt wednemlay june 31 tny be night contct tlo llocvcr uura a poclbilily of uil particular game being played hi a day game to uie benefit of ontario friends of uie toronto barbell club uie fol lowing uu of gurnet wlui ieclal no tation of uie niglu content for uie mldiummcr liooic stay tollokj frridity june 19 game wlui mon treal saturday june 10 day game wlui montreal uoiulay june 23 might game wlui roc better rim duly night tuesday june 23 nlgtu game with itocl icjter wednesday june ii game with wlui iloclieter tliuriday june 25 might game ului buffalo tykluy june 3cijjjlghl game wtm buffalo saturday june 57 two day games wiui buoalo 3 and 4 l wednesday july 1 dominion day two garner j and 4 p-m- buffalo monday july b might game wiui newark bcan tueuluy july 7 might gome with newark bears wednesday july 8 night game wiui newark beam thunohi july 0 game will urk lioam friday july 10 night game baltimore saturday july 11 day game wlui baltimore 3 and 4 pan uoiulay july 13 game wlui balu- more tuesday juiy 14 might game with albany t wejnoiday july 15 two games wlui albany thurulay july ic dame wlu al bany friday july 17 might game wlui lairocuse uiturdai july is two day gomes with yracue j and 4 pjn thcc uiclr recent ijump uie to ronto baeball club iuls made several cluuigcs and right now uie club is 111 l ting lis true stride they llioukl be right up near uie top- battling wlui uie other contending teams for a loayoh position during uie tnid- ununer luune lcrie george mc- oulnn one of uie tnht popular ilaycrs to ierform in jroranw is back on flru bae and again uie leifii arc well fortfled at uwt posi tion tie return of lee hundley wumcr of uu popular idajers award lost jcaion for second base duty was welcomed news on all tides ilandlcy gives uie leafs uiat needed balance around second hoi and maked up one of th youngest and tnot effecuve keystone tack combin ations wlui fcddle miller at uie idiort- top position miller and llandley have been buddies since uiey broke into professional baseball and uiey are like twin brouiers around uie second base the return of uandley at second bae gave manager boone ids long desired oluuice to yaoa johnny burnett on uilrd hae his regular position burnett held down second hae during uie early games of uitf uason but ho is really ax liome vround uie hot corner having performed at unit position wlui a great uol of ucces wlui uie cleve land club of uie american league the ouiaekl remains the tame with boons bock in action swinging that old bat of his after a spring tussle wiui ol flu uiat kept him on the sidelines tom oliver is still tops i ltnlre field wlille itaxlin pool train ed down a few fences with his hard drlvos after breaking uie jinx ol hiring slump lincoln blakely is still very much on hand for uie outfield utility role making cnaaunruu latches when called upon not to mention uie line drives uiat bring in runs at uie payoff wicket uie home luate manager boone lias done consider able reorgonuuutun work in uie pltcn- ing department lught now uie leafs have one of uie bct big pour hur ling stall hi uie international lea- gue three hurlers of major league experience leroy llemnan ia jonn- on and knamett nelson give u10 leafs tliat necessary iiltchlng canfklenoe new- wlui correspondence mb kkahmont comtiniias ov- his toiie of knuinu tliejahavripiuie lurutford i avon uifltirrtl mul liom oxnud yivtnilay morakutf trtving uinmigh uie ox ird uadril wu u ut tin vivid color of the nun in uu itt-r- tttu ulki yrlui lllwt 1 111 tnoiiilng i u kill a lnull the luiinr of u tne jiil ouldr hlr hour hut u illlrhi wiui brlgiit ml bloom 11 1 lookthlwjuuniiy at tin i dun t i m tmtt a gardeiwr mo 7 umtrljini- mr knoai o ah that i urrhnd hi time or luncheon uim thru ttie millilrf much ado about nothing ilui wt mortal ilieaun wild log u irrrihu- molmxly l willing to talk uboul u it look u litlrrly out of llluce whert fvery- ttllllg l m lmuulilul and lu krrplllu 1 urn tryng to trltv my lui lay iviir 111 lon i wo llrfii uirrr y llt1 aim 1ml only lor a day mine iur ago toeanpc wo wlui uv we rw luiiling up a thrry mouth iumuh jn uc mrullcniall uikl ml uu roil- tinjnl ol ttddfh i hyve vurtd nw-mor- un1 u uop off tat funchal xlu drnw wtirr n dralik uie wiim of the country uiih tltouiiarid fru ubifvn a hjvrl of gibrallur of um- wrntli tilvlrmt of njiple ulkd luxne ifrf mll- t ii ntlrr pun 11u1i nlny muy iirl ithulk win i j lu hi iigtr um ut hr luuj ikh lb y imd ikhii iuuhi hi fnini 11 lok wll un u rua wl t ii j h iim rvrrrrli niht all tin ilk ui till lhal wi 1 ill 1 yil imlr oil u ihu ui ilinlu liiuihtlnu 111 d lo pli lu min z tea cakes i ha i si ay treblji liy luitv itinliiy i in iii uiki uiul u 11 lm i ui ulth tutu hut hit 1 iuioiiii ilwlfi iiflin in hut in hluki i liuil iw um tiny diy out jinh t it 11 oon iff r hiktim hi ii xi ilui lin 1 nit j un llki ly ihut into buim ilk ol in v hoi mki it hi llilv ui rnltiid luiu i i11u mi iilol id r iiwuil tl hliuilin t ah loiu huvo lniu nw il khuriiu in iiruiu kind of iikf j mifju hnir liu trill rrull limv t liu piiliil ihh u nlea of f yen i 0tma1x sciiuul june 18 bulldogs v pirates pan thers vu aceu june 33 ace vs bulldogs piratee v lanuiers june jg aces v pirate van- uira bulldogs june u ihrntoa v bulldogs ace vx 1anuiers july 3ilulldags accu laiuieni va ihrates julv c ihrates vs aces bulldogs w lanuurv first aiul econd teams in iiluyoffs licut two out of uirre umuev imayolf july 13 and 17 and if tmce- mhli vhl u lor uu llji inp tailors trophy donated by d brill ju co justfcks ol- kjica kut on v uah1h becauje it caused injustice in sonwr juis uie ontario goventmelit liaji ubolulied uie woo annual fee paid some justice of the peace in 1u stead j i a will be allowed a small fee at the discretion of uie magis trate when uiey appear in court under uie growui of our system many j v were being added who were hot being laid we found uiat it wuit euullable lion aruiur itoe- buek stated borne wete doing con siderable work and wetting nouilng idle olhenf got money and did very 11u1 wltcn a ji tavea a cm to court uie magbttrwle tuiiytwered to allow iilra u tee tiui full seliedule of feet h not cocdlueted but for uie moat part it will bw about 76 cent wormed ind venl in switvrland und of un glyrh tfty n 1uru or tli oxlord ald cttmbrldgr- bit race of glamorou dal lit london but all 1l what has atwuli tuood out miwt wvkhy hi hiy mrinory luu brwi uie walk through ui ileltt fronv vjfulford to ann llalhaway s ctmiagr at blijttery one lilorlouj june liurhoon and i haxr walked it again today but alone and i have gathered blue btlk in ann tlauiawayli garden and some of lium ure on my table ai i wnu and uve eiuloduili wlm show- d um ground lu ltkt7 idiowed rne around today and u able to mahitulu all appearuncc of liitnrrt1 alter re- iieullng uie same hlory for jie wili me twrnty- throe year and fkir unies a dal site walks uiat mile and a lialf into btratrord tlie knglln are like that and uie stand where we liad lea is still uier the two ladlrs wen sorry uiey had not what we uked for but uiey luul uiinr ruther nice bread and hulter luul uutt and it was i liaxti r long at hliak pear grave hi front of uie alur in the clunvcel of the churcli of tlw holy trinity and wondered wliat change rad occur 1 rd to make the xundal new york when churcli burial w ai refused to a man because he was ut uctor today i read in the times or uie burial or sir phillip ben creel whtr l nertuiv be t remembered in on tario for lit outdoor productions u- bliaktieur in toronto uiilri liy ground al hbi funeral uie arch blliop of canterbury was rejirrvnlfcd by uu itev a llewelyn jonec lite onlchiluig cleruy included the blslioji of king ton canon f l donaldson revs t p stevens it s- fvtts henry llo- prebendary uie lion james addcrly represeilted uie bl- i1011 of london the bisliop of kings ton writes to the times sir phillip ben greet was a devout and loyal churchman the iiuliop knew hlra from 1010 when ben greet cmw to live at lambeth where te continued to reside unul i1l1 death unless hi ncj or ahinee from home prevented him he never failed in his attendance nt uie a ajn celebrations of holy communion at lambcui church he quite simply and naturally joined in tlie fellowship of uie parish after siieaklng of interest taken in uie uos of ardiblsliop temple school uie bisliop speaks of anouier loyalty luecedlng uutt of lambeui cliurch for oier sixty years ben greet liad been a regular worshipper at st albans churcn ilolbom and a close friend of its clergy during all uiosc years unk absent from england he never mused a fesuval at st albans it il uien fitting uiat uie nrcnt vicar of uint church sliould have admlnltered to him uie last ritea or uie church on uie morning of his death and that hbi funeral sliould lurce taken place from uiat church yeterduy i wrote in a previous letter df uie uirift of uie swedish people it is strongly in evidence liere more lt uie country ulan in london wlien we peak of income taxes we think it l uie wealuiy peojje who make uie budget balance ttuxt is not true tlie poor and uie moderately well off do uielr full shire every individual who works out his own economic sal vation and does not became a ward of uie bovcmment helps it by reliev ing it and where uutt is done r find a iiersonal satisfaction happi ness and contentment wliere it is tried to work out this economic sal vation in uie mass by sumptuary laws uiey mostly fail and i find dis content and nilery i prove uie for mer by my dally experience and the hitter cries out in the poor temper in parliament of uie iocialut members i am umaxed at uie amount of work done by women in uils country everywhere they ore in evidence cheerful pains taking and efuclent ttut manager of uie ultra hotel in oxford is a woman the reception clerks and bookkeepers are women and it li uie some here at uie shakes peare if i speak of uie girls in the ahopu i shall be told it is uie same in canada i con only say mere does not seem to me uie some inten sity in uie work of uie average cana dian girl tlie english woman is more erious in fact life in splto of all uie recrealions there are eenu more serious and intensive here men ore certainly more considered and the liquor lawi receive a ouiulderouon uiat eems orange to a canadian in canada we never um to uiink liquor except hi terms of rctrtcuon here parliament peiul hours tulg ing of uie bet way of dltribuung it and u ually hi u good temper not of course uie ueent opposition thty appear to be aiwaj more or lix in a rage and invariably disagreeable all arts of small eating placcwniuuy run by women udcrtle tjnuuha as fully licenced and uie larger hoteli advertle exlcnjon night tills mean jou can nurcliae liquor up to jam today u1l1 hotel hu a notice up uiat it l privileged to sell liquor during the usually prohibited hours because it l market day in cuiuula we woidd make uil un excuse tor closing uiem tighter uuui ever i liave jilt come in from uie me morial library and art gulho riif hooka naturally deal largely wlui um tuge and the painting arc of acton and scenes from slialttv uur plats i have always particularly admired ulr john gllbuts portrayal of uie nieeung of woley and uucklngliam tlirre ore line portraits of ijr henry irving jolinson porbe itoberton and many of uie older groat artlau of u byuone stage age wiio have we now to take uielr place do you know one ii lm actor or aetros who fills any real place in u11 octal life of our time arltji is of llu logiu- mate ktage ttiere t not one of uie purely oenema actors who t unyuilng ele but a cenetna actor strulford- on avon luu doubled iti ixipiilatlon in uu last teti years luirgely lie cause of the building of tin mi mortal rtualrr und tlie effort of the sludte i till 1 it hit siiearejlkrustei acwlproof c elaboratnui the if of uie kngllli low of laboratititf the olivlotl i gh e un folkiwlng coilixl from a tooihone lu ilochuler cauiedr here lien uie bqly of oiniral hljh wlio marrledtlye widow of i1l1 iwmmti friend ituxiias kimxlon to wmwm children two soils and uirv daughteri hu cotkluot wus affectionate and bountiful hi u10 i tried it mywrlf ut m i of niy fuv 1 rih inili brnui unit cikt rrnpliu tiih iui nro j not only did uji dila hipulii ih uiiiny di j ion 1 r but hi trult wm brluhl rjnhl r hud u inon iihiu tlliiic npm utiihii all i did tin twit uu fruit with ijlyn rlnr lit klu it to mind for lifilf un limit 11n 11 i initde uu ruki 11 imtiiil jil i a tiiurur uh iiooilful of ulyc rim uui in uuh lor u tiuidiud mtiull fjimlly ktclm i in whoh jini liquid u u llkr luiuh ill kiliilrg fl tlunul fr h 1 kuou ou will wiim to try till jmiljir sii l u i frilil tt is hr iui ncljh vturlmuiu mj i in j un m will t 11 lll i i i 1l i v1l iloiiry irult tea brriid 1 rup honty cup broun luitur j tatitf immin j hortciiliir 1 l 1 khu1 ult 1 tup pltud date llrul 1 cup drul aprlr l rlium d ti u ntfm ubc rim 1 cup milk 1 tubli pion hmnn julco 1 m 2 nii flour tin poon jxla 4 ii u 1 km in bailni powder 1 3 cup wheat brun hour hub mil with lyclrini nnd allow la tiuul ut lit one hulf hour mix in m y uifur j hortuilna alt irult and inllk lb at rlowly unly until mar li dl olvul and horilnlnit un ltud cool to room u nn rutiirc au1 li man juln und lwatt 11 1 gk ulft h jur wkih und huklng imwdr to liuwr mix in whi ut hrun hour add dn inunlli 11 ti to fruit mixture und jir well do not iwai uukt in u uwud lojf pun iiiumi with wax miimj- in u niodcrutt oven for one hour jesus exalted litku iui wlierrfore kxl 1- hth hluhly til 1 him and glvul him a nun width l above 1 ly iiitiin i illliiiuil j t lln iaiuiaot i uki 34 wjta i hury 1 hrt t ii11 uorld 1 i lu w 1 uinh lot l nouuti for id- il winding tht 1 nil into ih hi u lo un riilliuil r nlaiu him lb li irrh wlilrli oiu iiiimi wlui hb iflish bov movii stait hill holiday in canada tlie picture qui little toun of hope bc nulled down bttviein moun- taln wollrvul ilif tntrancl to lyiuer cunjon wtlt 01 hat thl ummtr to the tmtllli boj uctor ited bartholo mew wra1 uncli li night operator tor the canadian nutlonal ilallwayo here when un jouthful uar of duvld copjurtlcld arrive jimitlnic thl mouth lie will find an indian pony and a beaded buckskin jacket auult- ini him but the l uiiiib- hi daunt know thi arc to be lit acatio iirprlc a present from tin uiicil af ter uliom hi l named lil1 sep tember uncle rred vlitid jountf i rca in hollywood when lu t lit saw him n the lltlli vlllugi of wannlnstcr hi wilthire uie boy uuj uiree now nc l 1j yean bf uue and around hull lu built a kindly but urtuiclul wall that preserve- lil lngll h accent nnd magnificent tafil cruft in a few marc vfcek hi uncle will riuch over tlu wall and iycddlc will llnd new freedom in u carefrle holiday in drl- tlh col um hi 1 wlui him will be his aunt ml- mllllcent bartholomew why rald him to stardom and hl ttruiidiiarenu the futher and mother of the cnjt operator lun the liaclllc ecu t the roc klu and jumper purl will ull be attructlaiu but uncle fred t looking forward more to don ning tin boxing tfloxc hero oj they did in hollywood and riding with xmng ritil a uiej did in veseniue tremendously proud of his nephew ur bartholomew who jul been an operator with the canadian national rallwui- for more uian jo yeun la unxloiu that ivoddll liould ccap for a while la a mw utmailierl in hollywood in boulit him a ten al- lon luil 1 in prue at u1l1 und will be a jwinj and uie btukkin jackal when ull uircu ure touetiicr wane tlmo uil month the will udd up to one hupp- boy once more hluuelf in die boom of hl family dai it products abk highlst srvci 1030 the olue of the dairy production of uie dominion in 10j5 is e tlmuted to be the hlglu t ncurded since 10aa creumlrj butler fiiolory clue e farm- made cliee a and ml celluneoil dairy product oiich u conci ntruted milk and it by products nnd ice cream oil regl urtd nne inenu in produc tlon lu cuuuclu lu 1035 uceordlng to the provl lupul f mlmuu dairy hut t r lumed u decreu c nu pnuhiction or en umi ry butti r lu 103 j l preliminarily e timnud at j3fllu1000 1 jo unit a compared with jj4lisj0fr imimult lu 10j1 an in irxie of luolujt imiimd or 17 per ctnl dulry buuer deeteieid from looullloou piuiut in 1uj5 u differ tiu of 2 0oj000 ikiuiul however the total production of butter llllre is iti from du 7i09tu tmund in 1j1 to jijucuux imuiiet in i0j5 an advance of i uilou pound iicrur dice e 1 t tlmated at 100 juj00 jmiuiul in iojj e omiuinyl ului uu final t ttmiili oy- ftijk1017 imiind lu 10j4 ulilch rt pn j 11l un liurtie of 1 01 j til j miml lann mall dm t l 1 alm itixl ut i 011 jim pound in 10j only 7 000 liotind hli lu r tluiii tin i n lorded in 1uj4 oaveoimmtel whoh milk pixwiml an urollmnlly 1 iinmud at 77 1171000 iw uiul ur iuj in ooilip irltn with ui n kio pound 111 if 14 in ud vunce af 15 0 p r ot ill concent rated mlk hy pnxlurt an t tlmutod m j atli wm pouiul an liu n ie t of fl 1 pi r rent our 10 h hi en 1111 mud lu dairy fat lorlt iuh uni d from 4 lulciflfnim 4 10 1111 iiilhiu in 1uu to 4 iujju 1 alloie in llm n pn nt ing an liunaj of 0 0 pi r n nt nu toj total mihn or laliy pro ductlun in t unudu in iuj 1 1 pi mnl at d1 htirry in inrn u of 4 j pi r rent on hi 14 and 1 the hlglu t r conhd inn 10 10 n privtiitlnir un in emu ol jj4j1wj0 or jo 4 in r cuu ovi r tin uhiiorimilly low vului re liortid in 10jj and t h niiiuii itrhuked ii r 1 tin uiry i one rnlnif 11 i uim at 1ii11111 r hud ukp n 41 io a talkatiii yoiiuic nuin wh uid mm h to av 011 daruln uiul lit 1 oritfln or tjmtit i cunt tju imulivl tin ynuiui uiipjwr nappir v hut llunnen it iotil1 muki to nu if my kraiiilfallu r ui tin uim no nklnuuhm uip 1 h ricv man an t ih that u would hut 11 miuil luvo mudt a m ut dltft 11 111 it to your gralidiuuuier in tin tiutli thut r ihfn hl image in ii i mil whhh burn ui he talk wlui tin m by ihn wuy rivinr ivair 2c rr hi ullluini thhii lu uu urfitt of un n uitmtwf upp ttnuior ol h n l th u in a ted livry much ih 111161 t uuy ie whji opxi ttuoi hi jhil um jim 0i u jmw1 un inn iitlltiidr- uwad iui rx 1 inn und mikd in uu inhht of hb il iih uiul jittf jtaiu r until you all throlit h lili ntblc ministry in 00k uwijy thi f rs o ihhu wh did 11 it undi loand tilt world fii which up y w i llviiuf lu thli day lie con uuui t livi fwuai by driving away n hii- w rr j uk ur ol pur 1 ih vi min iaiili hit pint glv iiuuy and nuikt- our dllow men ii filriul inhad or uur f o i uuu our f ur of dralh by giving tl 1 liopi of u iwl r lift uyond liin 1 1 iih ulf re1 from iat of tin powr of nut ur hut curulhhl ii think or und u our fuuier m till 1 uy to hi 1 pioph frar not it 1 u omh ut eu to know uiat uu 11 111 ciri t ntuhiihb low of pu 11 and tint in b till bunlahlng tlwlr fun und 1 tubllhluu uie it t ontlili im llu rlin chrbit bi not 0 fir n moved from il uiat lie can nt t t iitin to hr u hluh prie t hlpd ulth tin filling of our hi ilrintle i it too much to iiofhi uiat lin c hru t who hu given eace to 1 lit my follniu r may oiu duy bring i i in to tin nullum of uu world al in int uruiod for conflict itemuvliig ihull j u ijuhl may had to faith if uie rii lit fucl ure presented to uie doubter in u convincing way jesus did not condf ma doubu r he put tin m in the way of finding falut win n john the baptist was in uie ci tit of muclioerili he became de- pn t d ind doubled uiat christ was indeed the mujah when his dis ciple came aiklng for a positive an- wr ji 111 told uiem about wliat w 1 liupjm nlntj in uie healing of the 1 ick llkiwle when tliomas doubted tin n urrtmlon he offered to let nieinu feel uie wounds in his hands uud hi ldi he gave uiese same obji ctlvt proofs to hl dlsclplex he did not eek to have them believe thinly contrurlly to fact but in ac cordance with the facts he allowed tin dlxlplcs to see for uiemselves we 11i0 find the uret foundation for our faith through ohfcrvauon of facts chanued lives ure uie best evidence of the power of tlie living christ douhlle- thomas was the belter able to convince other doubter because lie had been a doubter himself he liad not oqucted any such cquel to uie crucifixion as the resurrection teaching 41 4k much of the conversation of jesus uiu table talk how tenderly lie talk ed to hi- disciple in uie upper room in jerusalem uiroughout his farewell addre j to them after uie resurrec tion he joined hl dlciplcs at a meal oil the lake shore while he ate wlui thorn he talked as only he could do a u uul he explained the scripture houlng uiat events had liappened in accord with u10 scriptural expec tation i he croji luul beoouie a fear ful tumbling block to uie disciples and he bowed uiem the reasonable- nu and the power of it they were 10 discover uiat nn experience which they regarded as truuedy was to he- come uie ecret of good news for uie world it l very significant uiat in thli re umctlon apjiearance jesus hau id spend a large part of ins j1me in further teaching of the disciples iromue of fewer as jl il told his disciples to wait in jenujilein until uiey sliould receive imiuer their waiting was not a peri od of idlcncw they spent uie time in prayer recalling uie teaching of jetiu reviewing the facts of his life death nnd resurrection and seeking genii lending about the next step the power war to come to them as they prayed together tlie disciple euuld nil have fellowship wltli use 11 ing lord alone but uiey felt a l re iter jiower when togeuicr uiey re- dedlcuied thetruelves to his service und ouilil to find uie will of god throulh hlm tills receiving of uie jiouer of the holy spirit was not tx- clu lvely for the disciples it is open to nil who will fulfill the conditions of faith love and obedience it trans- fornij christians when they cease to be hcluml und self centred and lose themelvcs in trust and love to the eternal christ who dwells within tlum this power from on high can chim i 1 human weaknesj into divine rtrength wondtlp and jey soi3 the resurrection storlc erul will note of triumph it l difficult to form uny jul ractory mental picture of the asceiulun all uiat we really know l that uie vl iblc jilu became invlible the faith of uie disciples wil trong ivtn though uuy may not lime bten able to explain events my man than we can all uutt uiey ciud about wiei the fact uiat cluist luul uon u victory over deaui uiat lu wies ullve and uhvc for eermore lluy weir hlpird hlm and returned tu jeril uiem wlui great joy natur- illy they went to the temple praising und bit lug gotl can we liave uils numkl of t xhhunillon and triumph uu uhoh ymr round our prayers and an tin in at luer time rewound wlui thl uutt of trlumjui but can we ap- piiliiti it ii cliaructcrtsuc of our chi lu 111 llvluu day by day and year tl mur ct rtululy paul luul uils un- f hint j becuiue of uie pres tu t of uu living ohrut it 1 a mood that me muy ehiir the n inn tlon of christ and our liope of n urreetlon present a dauble il lrfiii or wonhtp und thanksgiving citill hu tain iculttd not alone by tin h nor uild to htm by his 1 i ut 1 lint htiaili tu mcru such an inllut 11 10 d i 11 unuttr inllluenc tli in iwr 1m on 111 l a llama vv libit 1 uhovi eury name lurhlloiui fur dlscvuita 1 ii iw dm chrl t live ili peaeef ii w iliniild ur dial with doubt t j c 111 hrl i pn uch as elf ecuvely to diy a whin hi wo upon eartlit i what i your thought of tlie 1mwi r from on hluh ui wi h ivi loetir t very elay hi tin hurt oaucin 0 tmt tomato ilwi uanalu like the f p- l a iialivp j um wcoum tienuptete an nlllmmigli tomatoes are aaenucamed in nokui amettcan reoords a rtj ai 17si it was uit unlil wetl 00 ln u ntrulniiui miiury lhae the trait came into pupdar ivur tail uve morui american coiuienl peru b -g- 10 luiir been il uclginal tiabttax um the natives of uxlci n- bun u liave grtwn lumatur- since very rmrly llmi- tlwy railed uieca r ij or aitotmalns irotn wlilch ue pra nt word luu probably been tfesiwd u wu mt uixu nearly ioo yraxs ullrr uie ilimvrry o aitortrtrm lhat lull iwttli- bxtolmr- amuatntrl wixh the lioiulu and uuil for many yrmv 11 wa hnof ly vuxl lur uiunmuj piiijxk- um- itxl value of the iraos u log llltle uaprrlel new advertisements waaued new rrjsvlmws tiluh and xraan to dbf old ccu pool cisterns tjwitiwd or ahurl utuoe ab waslilng and any other wort ilauiroom outflu cuopmeiv at loweajt pfiot jam fkix iu geugeumio- tl t wfc aft will apiirryriaee an opportunity to do any kind of komae repasnoc a4 drrorauiui alao faxdrn ok ot b kiiuu appiyld t j kksun arlauav lit georgrluwr- u concrete work i am prepared tu d oooort -f- j ull klutu lumatps glvea f of rhavge u vou rtrjtfte anjrthtoc w uiu uim- pjwor 331 or write bear t h walker c0c ut cltonxa ujwu 1 ix wood for sa1x ciujoe hardwood manju and kawcta mlke1 soft woud moat prios apijy jack tort fxtirgelowrt wood for sale choke maple hardwood luul cxdax i uiu at right price order laft hjl a hume k or at my home pfaone u promptly attended to a uviwcjrort wood for sale choice hardwood beech fend atanle at 13 00 per cord mixed wood etu per cord balls cx50 per bonl j hslavdroato mmm jus ar kau cmlnii radio repairs hugh lindsay debts debts if you havent already aeni j our list of accounts or notes to kelly a aiken tw fillrillil okakoivujlk it vould be fi to do u ttutf estlublhl llta tested dairy cows tuatetaaucbs aaj ciatiwrft bred ror type and prwfaakm bhtiy bttri asal vp pree delivery on txwdt aawb- compeiuatioa frfrtifveuii ac cepted as eollaleral c0y veuat gaarwlrj murco farms uniksay owk ivliplin lisx iii ly camaata 111 hilst tijtllakli ii fir t tilniruiih wire strung in ueunlnlun of canada was put up uu 1 onuito hum tit on niagara l st cuimrhiu tulegraph com- ny in talf it wui a impv unlnsu- iil win in uu tame year a line 1 unit nil montreal uiul quebec in huh nova ktotiii and new ilrun- whl wn uiiplleel wlu their tlrat tihjraph ommuiilralioii ilu find t ti 1h1 ti h urupli omce was opened in thi lilt johi nh hi ihii the nrst imnithfl receipts being lad i baby chicks vymm bnpjlly u k sc wttue ldaoms 7c ech jmue nek jjy 41v jjy uu rockft 7c eza leglkartu cc eaadi olttu cac caadi i tiluo baitil tltt lord itemember now thy creator in uie days of ui youth while uie eu days come oat nor th years draw nlgtt wheu tliou slualt say i have no iileaiure ln them ec u i adolpfa sandusky brampton reroof repair before it is too late mw u uv imw w iw fc fc tnlil i a rrf litari i hi fidi cijullv4 v towawll uj ta11 is- far 1 fwwa4i kn wi iiiaim t ynb j b